Bob, I didn’t realize you also made this. I have watched and rewatched this video for years. Great footage..Babas words are so penetrating to the heart. Another great film. 🙏🏽 Jai Baba.
My favorite is "You have a right to tell others only what you have won in letter and spirit for yourself. Show outwardly only what you have won inwardly."
"Sweeping Away the Dust Most people of the world are Gods incarnated in human form Coming for the Fa one group after another Reincarnating time and again, forgetting the vows they made Buried in delusion amid fame, gain, and qing [sentiments] Modern notions and conduct lead to an overhanging cliff Atheism and evolutionary theory keep you on a demonic path The Creator has come to save Heaven, Earth, and humanity The eons of waiting were not in vain If you understand this then seek the truth ’Tis the Creator who asks me to sweep away the dust that has befuddled you March 31, 2019, in Seattle *** The Direction to Salvation Saving people at the end times, I sing the truth The red tide reigns, treating faith in the divine as disobedience I am thus persecuted, homeless and wandering about in the world Not concerned about losing status or riches I cannot forget saving people-that is my mission The Creator has descended to the world, offering the divine Fa Most people are Gods incarnate, coming here to seek the last hope Atheism and evolutionary theory are demons’ tricks Modern notions and conduct are born when rationality is lost Holding onto tradition and kindness, your character will be noble That is the direction to salvation The truth I sing shall reverberate in your heart Amid the sound of the red tide crashing down, my singing reaches a new crescendo April 29, 2019, in the airplane from London to Los Angeles" Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)
The ultimate teaching of any master is not the words they speak but the life they live. Actions speak louder than words, and the master's life lived is a glorious example of the way to know and love God. Meher Baba came to lead others to God by his own example, not to bring a new religion or philosophy as some esoteric World Teacher or charismatic preacher. Baba came not to teach minds but to reach hearts and plant the seed of his divine love in each soul. I think this was his mission.
A beau, sobbering discourse. i like that Baba has no hesitation in keeping his follower's focussed on the real task at hand, to remain humble enough to expect nothing of him, to become conscious of real loving (active-verb). If love is conditional upon receiving blessings and favours etc, it certainly is NOT love. It's bartering. It's *i mean mine* looking for fulfillment of desires. If you take those words 100% to heart, it would be the most meaningful act of trust in your life.
MEHERBABA IS GOD to anyone who is seeing this or just heard of Avatar Meherbaba.. oh what a joy it is to love Him and Recieve his love and guidance. Give BABA a chance in your life. Surrender your heart to him.. and i Promise. HE will show you why HE IS GOD! avatar meherbaba ki jai!
@comanchio1976 . Meher Baba was perfectly human.. His definition of a enightened one is someone who is perfectly human.One would go far by reading his chapter entitled Avatar in his Discourses( online). As a follower of Meher Baba.I appreciate atheists more then I appreciate the religious person who has never questioned their faith. And I appreciate all those who view this video and consider what this great Man who lived a short while ago had to say.
When Baba said that he had not come to teach, but to awaken, I suggest he was shifting focus from "belief", which is based on human knowledge through words and ideas, doctrines and dogmas, systems and structures, to direct and personal Realisation of Truth itself, which is utterly beyond all words and ideas. In so much as "teaching" can help a person attain such Realisation, it is useful; but in so much as it can't, it is useless or even a hindrance.
All he is saying is to feel the love that he so transparently is, and then to live from that yourself. Don't go around praising him unless you know what he knows.
"He is born in vain who, having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realise God in this very life." - Ramakrishna Blessed is me. May Meher BABA who is almighty God bless you when the time is right. "he who seeks MY Pleasure, finds the divine treasure." - God/Baba
“If you are really keen about the Truth, try to meditate with love on the divine form of your choice, or remember the name of God wholeheartedly.” Meher Baba ❤️ ❤️
I believe he is definitely the avatar. The only other thing he could possibly be is the devil, but I claim that for myself, so he must be God. We have put aside our differences. I look forward to restoration of Eden now. I am not worried though. It is all in God's hands, and it will all be okay. Don't worry, be happy.
Thank you, Baba. That is so inspiring. I feel my heart opening up. Hello friends, my name is Dharia and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) is a cultivation system in the Buddha School based on the principles of the Universe: Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. It helped millions of people to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfillment. Since 1999 this peaceful practice is being brutally persecuted by the CCP in Mainland China.
He reminds me of Rumi. It seems like very few people truly love God. But I guess that's one of the reasons we are on this learn how to do that.
i know, that it is difficult to understand him as an AVATAR OF THE AGE or GOD . same i have thought so, like other people...but when he came to me then............i realized ....he is the father of the haven .the whole will know when time comes... . u don't have to go to him. he him self will come to u or he will call u b'coz he is GOD, he lives with u, he is ur partner always.....with every creature...
" Because of his complete union with God , the God-man ( Avatar) eternally enjoys the 'I-am-God' state, " ~~ Avatar Meher Baba, in 'The Path of Love' by Meher Baba, p.4 ISBN 0-87728-309-5
My English is not enough to fully understand this video. Can someone help me please? I am german. These messages from Baba are so important that I want to fully understand them. Thanks to all. Brita
Look for Baba text in German. If you cannot find anything, copy the English versions that you can find and paste them into Google Translate. Suchen Sie nach Baba Text auf Deutsch. Wenn Sie nichts finden können, kopieren Sie die englischen Versionen, die Sie finden und in Google Translate einfügen können.
Thank you Roger, a little English I can speak and understand and also write. The translator at google is terrible. It is usually only a few sentences that I do not understand. A friend translates the video to me now. Thank you very much . Kind regards Brita
Meherabad, 1955 (Auszug aus „Working for Meher Baba“) Wohin ich auch gehe, scharen sich Hunderte und Tausende von Menschen um mich. Das ist nicht die Liebe, die ich will. Egal, ob die Menschen mich anbeten oder verleumden, ich bleibe dennoch, was ich bin. Egal, ob die ganze Welt an Gott glaubt oder ihn leugnet, bleibt Gott immer Gott. Ich freue mich auf die Liebe, die den einzelnen in die Lage versetzt, mir zu gehorchen, so dass er mich finden mag und schließlich ich werde. Deshalb möchte ich nicht, dass nur große Menschenmengen sich von mir angezogen fühlen. Ich möchte wirklich aufrichtige Seelen. Ich warte nicht notwendigerweise darauf, dass sie zu mir kommen. Ich gehe oft zu ihnen. Ich kann meine eigene Arbeit machen - und mache es. Ihr könnt - und solltet auch daran teilhaben. Es ist leicht, die Masse anzuziehen und Menschenmengen versammeln sich leicht. Meine Größe kann nicht in den Menschenmengen und durch die Menschenmengen bestimmt werden. Doch mit ihrer Liebe können sogar einige wenige die Massen meine Größe spüren lassen und sie in ihren Herzen fest verankern. Eine einzige Person, die mich wahrhaftig liebt, kann die ganze Welt bewegen. Es gibt keinen hier, mich eingeschlossen, der mich so zu lieben vermag. Wenn ihr alle meine wahrhaftigen Liebenden werden würdet, bräuchten wir noch einige Welten mehr für euch, um darin für mich zu arbeiten. Meine Arbeit für euch besteht nicht darin, dass ihr umherzieht und die große Werbetrommel für mich schlagt. Liebe bedarf keiner Propaganda. Ihr selbst braucht Liebe, um Liebe unter anderen zu verbreiten. Um meine Liebe unter den Menschen zu verbreiten, müsst ihr ihnen dazu verhelfen, dass sie mich so verstehen, wie ihr mich versteht. Dafür müsst ihr sie dazu bringen, mich so zu lieben, wie ihr mich liebt. Und dies bedeutet, dass ihr sie dazu bringen müsst, meine Liebe so zu empfinden, wie ihr sie empfindet. Der beste Weg ist, den anderen durch euer eigenes Beispiel zu zeigen, wie sehr ihr mich liebt. Die Welt ist zu voll von Predigern und Lehrern. Vergesst nie, dass ich nicht gekommen bin, um zu lehren und ich brauche keine Prediger. Im trauten Geist unseres Zusammenseins muss ich offen und ehrlich zu euch sein und euch das sagen, was ich empfinde. Warum anderen zurufen ‚’Baba sagt, Gott ist die einzige Wirklichkeit und alles andere ist Illusion,’ wenn ihr selbst nicht anders könnt, als mir eure eigenen Illusionen zuzuflüstern? Zweifellos gibt es viele unter euch hier, die sich aufrichtig und gewissenhaft darum bemühen, allen meine Botschaft, dass sie die Illusion ignorieren und zur Realität aufwachen sollen, zu erklären. Doch diese aufrichtigen Arbeiter zögern nicht, mich auf ihre eigenen Geschichten von illusorischen Nöten und Sorgen aufmerksam zu machen, wie ‚Baba, ich hab nicht genug Geld,’ ‚Meine Frau ist krank,’ ‚Ich stehe kurz davor, meinen Job zu verlieren,’ ‚Ich habe Schwierigkeiten im Geschäft’, usw. Wäre es ehrlich, wenn einer von diesen zu anderen sagen würde, ‚Baba sagt, macht euch über illusorische Dinge keine Sorgen. Gott weiß alles und Gott macht alles’? Warum überhaupt das predigen, was ihr selbst nicht praktizieren könnt? Wenn ihr bemerkt, dass ihr selbst nicht frei seid von Falschheit, Neid, Verleumdung, Lästerei und Hass und ihr merkt, dass bei euch selbst ein Mangel an Liebe und Rücksicht gegenüber anderen besteht, dann solltet ihr am besten still sein, anstatt anderen zu sagen, Baba sagt dies und Baba sagt jenes und euch nicht denen zeigen, die ihr für mich gewinnen wollt. Angenommen, einer meiner Anhänger spricht vor einer Versammlung und versucht Ihnen zu erzählen, dass Baba die Wirklichkeit und alles andere Illusion ist. Angenommen, dass man ihm gerade in diesem Moment ein Telegramm übergibt, in dem von einem Bus-Unfall die Rede ist, bei dem seine ganze Familie umgekommen ist. Wenn er trotz dieser Tragödie und dem Schmerz darüber seine Rede mit noch größerer Überzeugung fortsetzt, dann hat er wahre Autorität erlangt, um über mich und meine Lehren zu sprechen. Ihr erlangt das Recht, anderen das zu sagen, was ihr zuerst buchstäblich und dem Sinne nach akzeptiert habt. Zeigt äußerlich nur das, was ihr innerlich erreicht habt. Zum Beispiel ist es unzweifelhaft, dass ich der Avatar, der Uralte bin. Aber woher wisst ihr, dass ich der bin? Es kann sein, dass ihr das hauptsächlich sagt, weil ich es sage. Ich sage es aufgrund meiner lebendigen Erfahrung, das zu sein. Aber für euch ist es nur ein Glaube, bis ihr selbst ich werdet. Angenommen euer Glaube ist falsch? Ich möchte, dass ihr euch Folgendes einprägt: verdreht nie, was ihr tief in euren Herzen fühlt. Wenn ihr fühlt, dass ich der Avatar bin, dann sagt offen ‚Baba ist der Avatar.’ Wenn ihr fühlt, ich sei ein Betrüger, dann zögert nicht zu sagen ‚Baba ist ein Betrüger.’ Ich bleibe unberührt von Lob oder Schmähung. Wenn ihr sagt, was ihr als wahr empfindet, dann habt ihr die Kraft der Wahrheit, andere dazu zu bringen, die Wahrheit zu akzeptieren. [..........] Vergesst die Vergangenheit und macht das bestmögliche aus der Gegenwart. Haltet euer eigenes Herz rein. Lernt euch zuerst selbst zu lieben, bevor ihr zu anderen über meine Liebe zu allen sprecht. Schenkt Liebe, empfangt Liebe, sammelt Liebe an. Alles andere löst sich schließlich in der Wahrheit der göttlichen Liebe auf. Lasst euer eigenes Leben der Liebe für Baba die Botschaft von Babas Liebe für jeden und alle sein. Meher Baba, November 1955, Meherabad
@godfreyih . Have you read any of Meher Baba's Discourses? And yet, teachings are just teachings...but to be Awakened, to be able to Awaken, to be the Awakener...that is on a level far beyond a teacher.
To godfreyih, When Baba says he comes "not to teach," he is referring to the fact that there is really nothing to teach, there is only knowledge or truth within all of us that needs to be awakened. "I have come not to teach but to awaken" is a famous Baba quotation. So when he says "my teachings", he really means "my awakenings." But if he went around saying "my awakenings", most people would have no idea what he meant.
Meher Baba is a killer of the false. He is Truth personified. He is God in Human Form. The Christ come again. He will only kill those lies which separate you from your real self within. ( and that's a valuable killer to have around!)
@godfreyih Don't get caught up on the words. Rather seek the deeper meaning and life behind the words. Although, Meher Baba's words and writings are very eloquent and articulate. By saying that He had come not to teach but to Awaken meant that he had not merely come to give words or principles, but rather to live the message and to make others Realise God. Experience of God, not just understanding of God. Knowing God directly, not just reading or writing about God.
love this guy. (edit) but ! , did HE said that ? or the uploader.. wait a sec.. his icon is Upasni Maharaj :D the spiciest of them all :D so yeah Merwan Sheherarji did express those messages.
God is ever fresh and never becomes old like meher baba. He never dies and beyond the modes of material nature. He is unaffected by birth , death , disease and old age. All avatar or incarnation of the Lord are mentioned in srimad bhagawatam , there is no mention of this self proclaimed god anywhere in the vedic Scriptures
I question this as well. I know several of his devout followers and they act horribly towards anyone who has legit questions about this man. They act like typical Cult people.
@godfreyih: "Suppose one of my followers is speaking.. and just then he is informed of a bus accident in which all of his family has been killed. If in spite of all the tragedy and pain he continues to speak with greater conviction, then he has achieved authority to speak (quantitatively) of me and my teachings (qualitatively)." = "We teach more by WHO we ARE (qualitatively) than by WHAT we TEACH (quantitatively)." - W. Durant = "no big drums - just real sincerity" e.g. no Televangelists!
Once I publicly announce myself as a messiah, nothing will be able to withstand my power. I shall openly work miracles in proof of my mission at the same time. Restoring sight to the blind, healing the sick, maimed and crippled, yes, even raising the dead-these things will be child’s play to me! (in Brunton, 1935). Sadly Real God broke this fake God's legs and he couldn't speak for rest of his life.
In essence, like Jesus, Meher Baba's teaching is to love God with all your heart and soul and might, and therefore also to love your neighbour as yourself, for God is in all beings and things. By loving God we eventually become God. All Baba's particular teachings, like those of Jesus, are actually attendant to this supreme teaching. But the teaching is not the goal, simply the means to realise the goal, which can be done through obedience and surrendrance to God and acceptance of his grace.
But really it is very unfortunate that the poor ones miserables cannot reach to such high level gurus.becoz they r so busy in earning their daily bread that that is not feasable for poor persons to hav a glimpse of such a great man.may be it is also is making a great fortune on his name and other is even bichara not able to get a teaching or picture of this incarnation
Perhaps the book of John in the Bible can give us some suggestion. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
I think his statement' I have come not to teach but to awaken.' implies the main focus of his life's work was to awaken. Not that he would never teach, he wrote volumes that surpass all other teachers, but that was not what he came for. He came to awaken, which implies a more powerful approach to shaping our consciousness.
He refers to achieving the authority to "speak of me and my teachings". His teachings. Hmm. And yet he insists that he comes "not to teach". A disturbing inconsistency?
@godfreyih Fair enough, the swearing may have been a little out of line! It's just that I get angry at the thought of countless bogus gurus and charlatans taking vast numbers of well meaning and gentle people for a ride. I'm impressed by and think it's great that you have first hand experience of this (MB), people would be likely to take on-board your point of view, rather than that of a mere disgruntled ex-Buddhist like myself!
@oklahuma I first read MB's work over 40 years ago. You are missing my point. So I'll try again "I come not to teach.. " but he refers to "my teachings". He contradicts himself.
Teaching is instruction of the mind. But God is not in the mind. God is mindless spirit. In as much as teaching prepares the mind for mindlessness, it is spiritually beneficial. But even then, teaching is not the aim but simply the means. The aim is Awakening. Full Awakening is the aimless aim. Any knowledge not attendant to that aim is of no spiritual value. And teaching alone is not enough to realise that goal. Grace is also required. Meher Baba came to dispense that Grace.
Meher Baba was silent from 1925 until his death in 1969 so therefore there is no recording of his voice. This message was originally given in English as it is in the film but he did know six other languages
What was the point of his silence? He "communicated" with made up hand gestures. How did people know what he was saying when all he did was hand gestures that did not fit any known kind of communication? And how did people so easily fall for his claims like such gullible marks?
@ Mdriver1981 - when you don't know Chinese... you cannot understand when somebody speaks in Chinese. But that is not the fault of someone who speaks Chinese. Similarly when you don't know silence... there is no point of you understanding when somebody speaks through SILENCE. Learn to understand Silence - then you'll understand why & what he was saying. Take care.
People get too caught up on words, which are just literary devices to convey ideas and experiences. Words are only one aspect of human language, which is far too limited to convey advanced spiritual truths and realities. Hence Meher Baba's focus away from words by observing silence. Notice that most other religions base themselves on "scripture", taken as "God's Word". Like Jesus, Meher Baba was the Word made flesh. No amount of human words and symbols can compare to the Word itself!
@godfreyih People have become too hung up and focused on the Word of God, to the detriment of EXPERIENCING Him. Words are the least reliable purveyor of Truth. Meher Baba maintained verbal silence. If words do not help you to awaken then all the worse for the words. God is a Reality beyond words and even beyond ideas. At the end of the day 'God' is just a word; a powerful word but just a word. At best words can help us to understand things. Experience allows us to Know.
Bob, I didn’t realize you also made this. I have watched and rewatched this video for years. Great footage..Babas words are so penetrating to the heart. Another great film. 🙏🏽 Jai Baba.
My favorite is "You have a right to tell others only what you have won in letter and spirit for yourself. Show outwardly only what you have won inwardly."
Whenever I feel doubt or fear or worry, I tune in to one of these videos of Meher Baba and feel consoled and uplifted.
mawrem7 me too!! He has never let me down.
Me as well. This is a favorite. 🙏🏽 🤲
"Sweeping Away the Dust
Most people of the world are Gods incarnated in human form
Coming for the Fa one group after another
Reincarnating time and again, forgetting the vows they made
Buried in delusion amid fame, gain, and qing [sentiments]
Modern notions and conduct lead to an overhanging cliff
Atheism and evolutionary theory keep you on a demonic path
The Creator has come to save Heaven, Earth, and humanity
The eons of waiting were not in vain
If you understand this then seek the truth
’Tis the Creator who asks me to sweep away the dust that has befuddled you
March 31, 2019, in Seattle
The Direction to Salvation
Saving people at the end times, I sing the truth
The red tide reigns, treating faith in the divine as disobedience
I am thus persecuted, homeless and wandering about in the world
Not concerned about losing status or riches
I cannot forget saving people-that is my mission
The Creator has descended to the world, offering the divine Fa
Most people are Gods incarnate, coming here to seek the last hope
Atheism and evolutionary theory are demons’ tricks
Modern notions and conduct are born when rationality is lost
Holding onto tradition and kindness, your character will be noble
That is the direction to salvation
The truth I sing shall reverberate in your heart
Amid the sound of the red tide crashing down, my singing reaches a new crescendo
April 29, 2019, in the airplane from London to Los Angeles"
Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)
Same..^ I guess I already commented it haha
Yes An incredible message. As usual from Avatar Meher Baba
awesome, Endless love 🌹💓🌹🐢🙏
Jai Baba. Thank you Baba. Thank you for the channel who has put this video for all.
Jai Baba🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
This one deserves an Oscar. Nice work! Jai Baba!
Blessed is me for having recognized and Realized HIM! AVTAR MEHER BABA ki jai!!!
😂😂😂😂😂 fool spotted
Om guru
The ultimate teaching of any master is not the words they speak but the life they live. Actions speak louder than words, and the master's life lived is a glorious example of the way to know and love God. Meher Baba came to lead others to God by his own example, not to bring a new religion or philosophy as some esoteric World Teacher or charismatic preacher. Baba came not to teach minds but to reach hearts and plant the seed of his divine love in each soul. I think this was his mission.
I appeared in this dimension in 1955. He gave this message for me. Thank you BABA.
What a great message from God Himself.
Thanks Bob...
A beau, sobbering discourse. i like that Baba has no hesitation in keeping his follower's focussed on the real task at hand, to remain humble enough to expect nothing of him, to become conscious of real loving (active-verb). If love is conditional upon receiving blessings and favours etc, it certainly is NOT love. It's bartering. It's *i mean mine* looking for fulfillment of desires. If you take those words 100% to heart, it would be the most meaningful act of trust in your life.
Beautiful. Incomparable. Jai Baba.
Silence speaks you do not have to Express by words always. Rewards of silence are divine.
I've just realized that I feel a glimpse of His absolute power.
Always thinking of you Baba
***** start thinking about u as u r god incarnated
Eternal Beloved Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai ❤
Jai baba
yes he is the" AVATAR".......i m lucky to experience his love through my u baba!!
Beloved Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai ❤🌸
So beautiful 😭
avatar meher baba ki jai
to anyone who is seeing this or just heard of Avatar Meherbaba.. oh what a joy it is to love Him and Recieve his love and guidance. Give BABA a chance in your life. Surrender your heart to him.. and i Promise. HE will show you why HE IS GOD! avatar meherbaba ki jai!
Jai Baba 🤗💖🌺🙏🏻
Poignant and heartfelt. In His Grace.
@comanchio1976 . Meher Baba was perfectly human.. His definition of a enightened one is someone who is perfectly human.One would go far by reading his chapter entitled Avatar in his Discourses( online). As a follower of Meher Baba.I appreciate atheists more then I appreciate the religious person who has never questioned their faith. And I appreciate all those who view this video and consider what this great Man who lived a short while ago had to say.
When Baba said that he had not come to teach, but to awaken, I suggest he was shifting focus from "belief", which is based on human knowledge through words and ideas, doctrines and dogmas, systems and structures, to direct and personal Realisation of Truth itself, which is utterly beyond all words and ideas. In so much as "teaching" can help a person attain such Realisation, it is useful; but in so much as it can't, it is useless or even a hindrance.
Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai
My words to Meher Baba: Thank You
Avatar meher baba ki jai🙏
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
All he is saying is to feel the love that he so transparently is, and then to live from that yourself. Don't go around praising him unless you know what he knows.
Love you baba...........
"To find me and eventually become me"--ahhhhhh!
Jai Meher Baba!!
It's interesting to know how he remained silent for 45 years...
"He is born in vain who, having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realise God in this very life." - Ramakrishna
Blessed is me. May Meher BABA who is almighty God bless you when the time is right.
"he who seeks MY Pleasure, finds the divine treasure." - God/Baba
“You had best keep quiet and not show your face, to those whom you would like to win over to me.” /.wow!
I am Sorry Baba that I got to know about you very late. I love you Baba. Jai Baba.
That does not matter, you know now 😊
Dr Goher stated it has taken 100's of 1,000's of years for the soul to know of the Avatar within His life.
Well done!
Thank you Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai ❤️❤️❤️ Love God.❤️🌟❤️🌟❤️🌟💓
I wanna know more about this great man
Beloved baba mehar baba
“If you are really keen about the Truth, try to meditate with love on the divine form of your choice, or remember the name of God wholeheartedly.”
Meher Baba ❤️ ❤️
I believe he is definitely the avatar. The only other thing he could possibly be is the devil, but I claim that for myself, so he must be God. We have put aside our differences. I look forward to restoration of Eden now. I am not worried though. It is all in God's hands, and it will all be okay. Don't worry, be happy.
JAY MEHER BABA KI JAY...!🙏💗🎁🍒🎼🎵🎶🙏💗😍😘🤩😎😀🙂🍌🍍🍅🍓
I feel like people need to know him
Beloved Baba does not need preachers ; but , the world requires.
very, very nice!
The mystery is in him
Thank you, Baba. That is so inspiring. I feel my heart opening up.
Hello friends, my name is Dharia and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) is a cultivation system in the Buddha School based on the principles of the Universe: Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. It helped millions of people to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfillment. Since 1999 this peaceful practice is being brutally persecuted by the CCP in Mainland China.
People get caught up on words but God is beyond mere words. Who even knows what Baba meant by breaking his silence by uttering the One Word.
Jai baba 🙏🙏
He reminds me of Rumi. It seems like very few people truly love God. But I guess that's one of the reasons we are on this learn how to do that.
i know, that it is difficult to understand him as an AVATAR OF THE AGE or GOD .
same i have thought so, like other people...but when he came to me then............i realized ....he is the father of the haven .the whole will know when time comes... .
u don't have to go to him. he him self will come to u or he will call u b'coz he is GOD, he lives with u, he is ur partner always.....with every creature...
o wow that was awesome
" Because of his complete union with God , the God-man ( Avatar) eternally enjoys the 'I-am-God' state, "
~~ Avatar Meher Baba,
in 'The Path of Love' by Meher Baba, p.4 ISBN 0-87728-309-5
'Love needs no propaganda.'
Great. Does this appear anywhere, in any part, on a DVD? Or is this the whole thing? Well done.
what's the awesome background music?
Thank God there is God
Jai Meher Baba
@soldatheero . I enjoyed this posting!
Meher warns that everyone will interpet his words differently, he is speaking our language when he says "it is a tragedy".
My English is not enough to fully understand this video. Can someone help me please? I am german. These messages from Baba are so important that I want to fully understand them. Thanks to all. Brita
Look for Baba text in German. If you cannot find anything, copy the English versions that you can find and paste them into Google Translate.
Suchen Sie nach Baba Text auf Deutsch. Wenn Sie nichts finden können, kopieren Sie die englischen Versionen, die Sie finden und in Google Translate einfügen können.
Thank you Roger, a little English I can speak and understand and also write. The translator at google is terrible. It is usually only a few sentences that I do not understand. A friend translates the video to me now. Thank you very much . Kind regards Brita
Meherabad, 1955 (Auszug aus „Working for Meher Baba“)
Wohin ich auch gehe, scharen sich Hunderte und Tausende von Menschen um
mich. Das ist nicht die Liebe, die ich will. Egal, ob die Menschen mich anbeten
oder verleumden, ich bleibe dennoch, was ich bin. Egal, ob die ganze Welt an
Gott glaubt oder ihn leugnet, bleibt Gott immer Gott. Ich freue mich auf die
Liebe, die den einzelnen in die Lage versetzt, mir zu gehorchen, so dass er
mich finden mag und schließlich ich werde. Deshalb möchte ich nicht, dass
nur große Menschenmengen sich von mir angezogen fühlen. Ich möchte
wirklich aufrichtige Seelen. Ich warte nicht notwendigerweise darauf, dass sie
zu mir kommen. Ich gehe oft zu ihnen. Ich kann meine eigene Arbeit machen
- und mache es. Ihr könnt - und solltet auch daran teilhaben.
Es ist leicht, die Masse anzuziehen und Menschenmengen versammeln sich
leicht. Meine Größe kann nicht in den Menschenmengen und durch die
Menschenmengen bestimmt werden. Doch mit ihrer Liebe können sogar
einige wenige die Massen meine Größe spüren lassen und sie in ihren Herzen
fest verankern. Eine einzige Person, die mich wahrhaftig liebt, kann die ganze
Welt bewegen.
Es gibt keinen hier, mich eingeschlossen, der mich so zu lieben vermag. Wenn
ihr alle meine wahrhaftigen Liebenden werden würdet, bräuchten wir noch
einige Welten mehr für euch, um darin für mich zu arbeiten.
Meine Arbeit für euch besteht nicht darin, dass ihr umherzieht und die große
Werbetrommel für mich schlagt. Liebe bedarf keiner Propaganda. Ihr selbst
braucht Liebe, um Liebe unter anderen zu verbreiten. Um meine Liebe unter
den Menschen zu verbreiten, müsst ihr ihnen dazu verhelfen, dass sie mich so
verstehen, wie ihr mich versteht. Dafür müsst ihr sie dazu bringen, mich so zu
lieben, wie ihr mich liebt. Und dies bedeutet, dass ihr sie dazu bringen müsst,
meine Liebe so zu empfinden, wie ihr sie empfindet. Der beste Weg ist, den
anderen durch euer eigenes Beispiel zu zeigen, wie sehr ihr mich liebt.
Die Welt ist zu voll von Predigern und Lehrern. Vergesst nie, dass ich nicht
gekommen bin, um zu lehren und ich brauche keine Prediger.
Im trauten Geist unseres Zusammenseins muss ich offen und ehrlich zu euch
sein und euch das sagen, was ich empfinde. Warum anderen zurufen ‚’Baba
sagt, Gott ist die einzige Wirklichkeit und alles andere ist Illusion,’ wenn ihr
selbst nicht anders könnt, als mir eure eigenen Illusionen zuzuflüstern?
Zweifellos gibt es viele unter euch hier, die sich aufrichtig und gewissenhaft
darum bemühen, allen meine Botschaft, dass sie die Illusion ignorieren und
zur Realität aufwachen sollen, zu erklären. Doch diese aufrichtigen Arbeiter
zögern nicht, mich auf ihre eigenen Geschichten von illusorischen Nöten und
Sorgen aufmerksam zu machen, wie ‚Baba, ich hab nicht genug Geld,’ ‚Meine
Frau ist krank,’ ‚Ich stehe kurz davor, meinen Job zu verlieren,’ ‚Ich habe
Schwierigkeiten im Geschäft’, usw. Wäre es ehrlich, wenn einer von diesen zu
anderen sagen würde, ‚Baba sagt, macht euch über illusorische Dinge keine
Sorgen. Gott weiß alles und Gott macht alles’? Warum überhaupt das
predigen, was ihr selbst nicht praktizieren könnt?
Wenn ihr bemerkt, dass ihr selbst nicht frei seid von Falschheit, Neid,
Verleumdung, Lästerei und Hass und ihr merkt, dass bei euch selbst ein
Mangel an Liebe und Rücksicht gegenüber anderen besteht, dann solltet ihr
am besten still sein, anstatt anderen zu sagen, Baba sagt dies und Baba sagt
jenes und euch nicht denen zeigen, die ihr für mich gewinnen wollt.
Angenommen, einer meiner Anhänger spricht vor einer Versammlung und
versucht Ihnen zu erzählen, dass Baba die Wirklichkeit und alles andere
Illusion ist. Angenommen, dass man ihm gerade in diesem Moment ein
Telegramm übergibt, in dem von einem Bus-Unfall die Rede ist, bei dem seine
ganze Familie umgekommen ist. Wenn er trotz dieser Tragödie und dem
Schmerz darüber seine Rede mit noch größerer Überzeugung fortsetzt, dann
hat er wahre Autorität erlangt, um über mich und meine Lehren zu sprechen.
Ihr erlangt das Recht, anderen das zu sagen, was ihr zuerst buchstäblich und
dem Sinne nach akzeptiert habt. Zeigt äußerlich nur das, was ihr innerlich
erreicht habt.
Zum Beispiel ist es unzweifelhaft, dass ich der Avatar, der Uralte bin. Aber
woher wisst ihr, dass ich der bin? Es kann sein, dass ihr das hauptsächlich
sagt, weil ich es sage. Ich sage es aufgrund meiner lebendigen Erfahrung, das
zu sein. Aber für euch ist es nur ein Glaube, bis ihr selbst ich werdet.
Angenommen euer Glaube ist falsch?
Ich möchte, dass ihr euch Folgendes einprägt: verdreht nie, was ihr tief in
euren Herzen fühlt. Wenn ihr fühlt, dass ich der Avatar bin, dann sagt offen
‚Baba ist der Avatar.’ Wenn ihr fühlt, ich sei ein Betrüger, dann zögert nicht zu
sagen ‚Baba ist ein Betrüger.’ Ich bleibe unberührt von Lob oder Schmähung.
Wenn ihr sagt, was ihr als wahr empfindet, dann habt ihr die Kraft der
Wahrheit, andere dazu zu bringen, die Wahrheit zu akzeptieren.
Vergesst die Vergangenheit und macht das bestmögliche aus der Gegenwart.
Haltet euer eigenes Herz rein. Lernt euch zuerst selbst zu lieben, bevor ihr zu
anderen über meine Liebe zu allen sprecht. Schenkt Liebe, empfangt Liebe,
sammelt Liebe an. Alles andere löst sich schließlich in der Wahrheit der
göttlichen Liebe auf.
Lasst euer eigenes Leben der Liebe für Baba die Botschaft von Babas Liebe für
jeden und alle sein.
Meher Baba,
November 1955,
Herzlichen Dank Ursula und Dieter Lange. Jai Baba
@godfreyih . Have you read any of Meher Baba's Discourses? And yet, teachings are just teachings...but to be Awakened, to be able to Awaken, to be the Awakener...that is on a level far beyond a teacher.
To godfreyih,
When Baba says he comes "not to teach," he is referring to the fact that there is really nothing to teach, there is only knowledge or truth within all of us that needs to be awakened. "I have come not to teach but to awaken" is a famous Baba quotation. So when he says "my teachings", he really means "my awakenings." But if he went around saying "my awakenings", most people would have no idea what he meant.
Who's voice is narrating this video? Would love to contact this person as I have a question.
Meher Baba is a killer of the false. He is Truth personified. He is God in Human Form. The Christ come again. He will only kill those lies which separate you from your real self within.
( and that's a valuable killer to have around!)
@godfreyih Don't get caught up on the words. Rather seek the deeper meaning and life behind the words. Although, Meher Baba's words and writings are very eloquent and articulate. By saying that He had come not to teach but to Awaken meant that he had not merely come to give words or principles, but rather to live the message and to make others Realise God. Experience of God, not just understanding of God. Knowing God directly, not just reading or writing about God.
love this guy. (edit) but ! , did HE said that ? or the uploader.. wait a sec.. his icon is Upasni Maharaj :D the spiciest of them all :D so yeah Merwan Sheherarji did express those messages.
God is ever fresh and never becomes old like meher baba.
He never dies and beyond the modes of material nature.
He is unaffected by birth , death , disease and old age.
All avatar or incarnation of the Lord are mentioned in srimad bhagawatam , there is no mention of this self proclaimed god anywhere in the vedic Scriptures
I question this as well. I know several of his devout followers and they act horribly towards anyone who has legit questions about this man. They act like typical Cult people.
@godfreyih: "Suppose one of my followers is speaking.. and just then he is informed of a bus accident in which all of his family has been killed. If in spite of all the tragedy and pain he continues to speak with greater conviction, then he has achieved authority to speak (quantitatively) of me and my teachings (qualitatively)." = "We teach more by WHO we ARE (qualitatively) than by WHAT we TEACH (quantitatively)." - W. Durant = "no big drums - just real sincerity" e.g. no Televangelists!
@godfreyih Yes, I got your point.
Once I publicly announce myself as a messiah, nothing will be able to withstand my power. I shall openly work miracles in proof of my mission at the same time. Restoring sight to the blind, healing the sick, maimed and crippled, yes, even raising the dead-these things will be child’s play to me! (in Brunton, 1935).
Sadly Real God broke this fake God's legs and he couldn't speak for rest of his life.
In essence, like Jesus, Meher Baba's teaching is to love God with all your heart and soul and might, and therefore also to love your neighbour as yourself, for God is in all beings and things. By loving God we eventually become God. All Baba's particular teachings, like those of Jesus, are actually attendant to this supreme teaching. But the teaching is not the goal, simply the means to realise the goal, which can be done through obedience and surrendrance to God and acceptance of his grace.
God Bob...Bob God !
which god avatar is he came from?
But really it is very unfortunate that the poor ones miserables cannot reach to such high level gurus.becoz they r so busy in earning their daily bread that that is not feasable for poor persons to hav a glimpse of such a great man.may be it is also is making a great fortune on his name and other is even bichara not able to get a teaching or picture of this incarnation
Perhaps the book of John in the Bible can give us some suggestion. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
I think his statement' I have come not to teach but to awaken.' implies the main focus of his life's work was to awaken. Not that he would never teach, he wrote volumes that surpass all other teachers, but that was not what he came for. He came to awaken, which implies a more powerful approach to shaping our consciousness.
He refers to achieving the authority to "speak of me and my teachings".
His teachings.
And yet he insists that he comes "not to teach".
A disturbing inconsistency?
@godfreyih Fair enough, the swearing may have been a little out of line! It's just that I get angry at the thought of countless bogus gurus and charlatans taking vast numbers of well meaning and gentle people for a ride.
I'm impressed by and think it's great that you have first hand experience of this (MB), people would be likely to take on-board your point of view, rather than that of a mere disgruntled ex-Buddhist like myself!
I recently came to know that he took birth in india
I first read MB's work over 40 years ago.
You are missing my point.
So I'll try again
"I come not to teach.. "
but he refers to "my teachings".
He contradicts himself.
mehr baba is gretest man
@soldatheero if you still operate within the illusion then I am sorry, you still have much of the journey to travel! I wish you much luck with this!
Teaching is instruction of the mind. But God is not in the mind. God is mindless spirit. In as much as teaching prepares the mind for mindlessness, it is spiritually beneficial. But even then, teaching is not the aim but simply the means. The aim is Awakening. Full Awakening is the aimless aim. Any knowledge not attendant to that aim is of no spiritual value. And teaching alone is not enough to realise that goal. Grace is also required. Meher Baba came to dispense that Grace.
Is this him speaking himself?
No. it is his words but narrated by an actor.
oklahuma Is there a recording where it is his own voice? And does he originally speak english or is it translated?
Meher Baba was silent from 1925 until his death in 1969 so therefore there is no recording of his voice. This message was originally given in English as it is in the film but he did know six other languages
or 4 other languages.
What was the point of his silence? He "communicated" with made up hand gestures. How did people know what he was saying when all he did was hand gestures that did not fit any known kind of communication? And how did people so easily fall for his claims like such gullible marks?
He did write, he just didn't speak.
@ Mdriver1981 - when you don't know Chinese... you cannot understand when somebody speaks in Chinese. But that is not the fault of someone who speaks Chinese. Similarly when you don't know silence... there is no point of you understanding when somebody speaks through SILENCE. Learn to understand Silence - then you'll understand why & what he was saying. Take care.
Can we judge or understand God and His ways ? "Love will bring you to God , not intellectual disputations "
Vishnu or parvadigar( means preserver ).
People get too caught up on words, which are just literary devices to convey ideas and experiences. Words are only one aspect of human language, which is far too limited to convey advanced spiritual truths and realities. Hence Meher Baba's focus away from words by observing silence. Notice that most other religions base themselves on "scripture", taken as "God's Word". Like Jesus, Meher Baba was the Word made flesh. No amount of human words and symbols can compare to the Word itself!
@godfreyih People have become too hung up and focused on the Word of God, to the detriment of EXPERIENCING Him. Words are the least reliable purveyor of Truth. Meher Baba maintained verbal silence. If words do not help you to awaken then all the worse for the words. God is a Reality beyond words and even beyond ideas. At the end of the day 'God' is just a word; a powerful word but just a word. At best words can help us to understand things. Experience allows us to Know.