No antenna's on the HDT-20? I've a hard time believing that; you didn't even pull out the AC cord from the plastic bag, maybe it was in there; your whole presentation smelled of the slap-dash, sorry to say, I'm thinking of getting an HDT 20 & still feel dissatisfied; I'm gonna have to call the company.
From the AI on the AMZN HDT-20 webpage: "According to the product information, it comes with both FM and AM antennas. Customers recommend using an outdoor antenna for optimal performance, while the INCLUDED antennas also work well for some users." So there's that.
Watching this Unboxing with my RB-81ii’s and Rotel A12 lol
I’m watching your unboxing videos while I eat frozen pizza. What did you have for dinner?
A lot of 0s and 1s
Comments section dead with 1000 views? HELLO!? ALLEN!
Unboxing expensive audio equipment, I sleep.
Unboxing noodle stoppers, Real shit!
I’m here…
No antenna's on the HDT-20? I've a hard time believing that; you didn't even pull out the AC cord from the plastic bag, maybe it was in there; your whole presentation smelled of the slap-dash, sorry to say, I'm thinking of getting an HDT 20 & still feel dissatisfied; I'm gonna have to call the company.
From the AI on the AMZN HDT-20 webpage: "According to the product information, it comes with both FM and AM antennas. Customers recommend using an outdoor antenna for optimal performance, while the INCLUDED antennas also work well for some users." So there's that.