Let’s talk about GERMAN BREAD (American in Germany)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 202

  • @neevabee_
    @neevabee_  3 года назад +20

    Correction: Abendbrot is often not a snack but rather a full meal, and Brötchen are normally not eaten as Abendbrot! My mistake - I was misinformed :) also I said 300 types of bread - I really meant 3000 😂 sorry for the mistakes!! My first video back was a bit difficult 😝 thanks for understanding

  • @thatsmealso8480
    @thatsmealso8480 3 года назад +31

    BTW: "Brotzeit" is a word from Bavaria / southern Germany. And "Abendbrot" is not just a snack. With German bread (which has taste by itself, texture and nutritional value), cold cuts, cheese, ... this is a full meal.

    • @GoleoGohlix
      @GoleoGohlix 3 года назад +6

      The Abendbrot Tradition comes from the fact that in the industrial revolution the workers got a warm meal at work. So it wasn’t necessary to cook another one for dinner. So the normal dinner in Germany is cold. Warm meals are for lunch.

  • @bigernie9433
    @bigernie9433 3 года назад +16

    The current usage of the word "Toast" in German is of course confusing for native English speakers. I believe the etymology is rather simple, however, "Toast" being an abbreviation of "Toastbrot" which means bread intended for being toasted which, in turn, makes perfect sense.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes it does make sense! :)

  • @larsschmitt3826
    @larsschmitt3826 3 года назад +28

    If I buy Toastbrot then of course only to toast it. This soft, fluffy stuff (Toastbrot) needs to be toasted. Real bread needs to have a crust and a stable form. Not this squeezy stuff some non Germans call bread. ;-)

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      😆 okay okay that makes sense!!

  • @henner7371
    @henner7371 3 года назад +4

    I can't believe that here in Germany a town with such a low supply exists. I live in a greater village ( not even a town ) with a population of 6000 and we do have 5 gas stations and 5 bakeries. There are 2 fast food chains in our village ( Burger King and Subway ) and 4 grocery stores ( Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Edeka ).
    And yes, we have " Frühstück " with Brötchen and Bread and when we had a full meal for lunch ( Mittagessen ) we usually eat bread for dinner "Abendbrot".
    "Brotzeit" is a term I know, but it isn't used in northern Germany where I live.

  • @elessartelcontar8208
    @elessartelcontar8208 3 года назад +15

    Toast bread in Germany is named after its purpose. Only bread that’s specifically meant to be toasted is called toast bread. They are usually square and fit just fine into a toaster. Only those types of packaged bread is called toast bread. There are many types of packaged bread which is not toast bread.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +2

      This is true! You’re totally right!

    • @an-an
      @an-an 3 года назад +6

      @@neevabee_ Wenn man "Toastbrot" ungetoastet essen muß dann ist das so lecker wie auf Schaumstoff rumzukauen. ;) Ich verstehe warum Amerikaner sich nicht viel aus Brot machen - es schmeckt einfach schei*e... :P

    • @tasminoben686
      @tasminoben686 3 года назад

      @@an-an Das einzige dunkle Brot das ich in Kanada bekommen habe war Pumpernickel . Aber in Schweden ist das Brot ähnlich Mist!

    • @an-an
      @an-an 3 года назад

      @@tasminoben686 Pumpernickel ist schon wirklich sehr spezielles Brot. Ich vermute das mehr exportiert wird als in Deutschlang gegessen wird. Ich würde es vormutlich nie kaufen.
      Es ist schon über 30 Jahre her das ich in Schweden war - daher kann ich mich kaum noch dran erinnern - ausser das alles sau teuer war und die Menschen damals sehr freundlich waren.

  • @gerhardadler3418
    @gerhardadler3418 3 года назад +13

    Neither Brozeit nor Abendbrot is considered a snack. Bread is meant as a full meal. Therefore Brotzeit is a meal that you eat mostly at work, where you may don't have other possibilities to eat except the stuff you brought from home. And Abendbrot simply is supper.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay thanks for the information :)

  • @frozenmadness
    @frozenmadness 3 года назад +5

    I wouldn't eat bread from a plastic bag bought in a supermarket at all, unless all bakeries were closed and I did't get anything else ;) (OK maybe for toasts, but I don't remember when I made one) I generally prefer heavy, dark sorts, with seeds, grobes Vollkornbrot, sometimes Roggenbrot or Kürbiskernbrot.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      I also really love Roggenbrot :))) that makes sense to me!!

  • @JakobFischer60
    @JakobFischer60 3 года назад +6

    When I worked as a scientist in Munich, we had a four weekly event with talks from special guests. It was called "Beer and Brezen" and, you guess it, there were always beer and fresh brezen for free.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      😆 that’s so fun!

  • @GoleoGohlix
    @GoleoGohlix 3 года назад +6

    „Bernd das Brot“ was part of some shows. But the KiKa (short form for Kinderkanal, which means children channel) only broadcasts until 9pm after that Bernd das Brot is on the channel to say that there is no show on air. And the whole night he lives through depressiv things like getting an Facebook account that he don’t want to have and than he gets a shit storm and funny stuff like that.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      😆 okay good to know

  • @Tom-hz1kz
    @Tom-hz1kz 3 года назад +7

    I eat untoasted Toastbrot and know many Germans who do the same, although I do prefer it toasted. Why we do not call it bread should be obvious after living in Germany and tasting real bread? It is called Toastbrot even if it is untoasted because you also call it baked beans when they are sold unbaked.

  • @S_Black
    @S_Black 3 года назад +1

    Toast bread isn't bad. When toasted. That's what it's meant for. There are all kinds of uses for it. Some people eat for for breakfast with honey or jam. It's good for certain kinds of salads, like a shrimp salad. And of course for oven toasts where you grill it with cheese on top and certain other ingredients (like ham).
    It just doesn't taste and feel good when untoasted. It's too squishy and only toasting gives it a proper taste. I think a huge difference is that in Germany (and many other countries) bread is actually supposed to taste like something. It's an integral part of the experience. Specifically with American sandwiches the bread is just there to hold the ingredients together and the whole taste comes from what you put between the bread slabs.
    Also there are actually pre-packaged supermarket breads that are edible. I've had half decent sliced rye bread from there. Not nearly as good as even the industrial bread you get in supermarket baking shops, but not necessarily horrible. And those breads aren't toast because they aren't only meant for toasting.

  • @larsschmitt3826
    @larsschmitt3826 3 года назад +10

    One of my favorite breads is "Pumpernickel" with liverwurst and pickles.

    • @frozenmadness
      @frozenmadness 3 года назад +1

      Yeah that's dark, heavy, and healthy.

    • @leaaa8522
      @leaaa8522 3 года назад

      no you have to eat pempernickel with bresso or philadelphia and then put a pickle or cucumber on it!

  • @zeideerskine3462
    @zeideerskine3462 3 года назад +1

    I recommend you ask for the specialty of the bakery. Every bakery has at least one. Asking for sourdough bread however will draw a blank because all German Brote are sourdough leavened unless they are for toasting or being smothered with jam or nutella. Sourdough bread makes as much sense as a concept to Germans as hopped beer. While there are other kinds those are labeled as being particularly "other". As a German who has lived in California for twenty four years I can assure you that California bread is not really edible to most Germans.

  • @potator9327
    @potator9327 3 года назад +1

    Hello, nice to have you back.
    I'm actually always surprised that in other countries bread is so boring and seems relatively unimportant. After all, not only in Germany for ...almost always, bread was the main food of most people.
    I suspect in all this it resonates that Germany has not always been a rich country. People starved (that's one reason why the ancestors of about a third of all US Americans were German) and having a piece of bread meant life.
    As you noted from other comments, "Abendbrot" is not just a snack, but the late main meal, also called that when you eat something completely different.
    But also "Frühstück" = breakfast is derived from bread in German. It can be translated as early piece (of bread).
    When I eat a fresh slice of dark bread or even "Schwarzbrot" (which is not only particularly dark, but is prepared in a very special way and baked for several hours), with a piece of ham or cheese or even just butter, it gives me a primal satisfaction that I have never felt with any elaborate meal, no matter how special.
    One of my most vivid memories is lying on a hill in the Romanian Moldavia, the large edge of a coarse dark bread with a slice of ham half an inch thick and a sprig of thyme on it from the meadow on which I lie. With it a cup of too warm red country wine from the barrel of a nearby monastery. If I had died then it would have been all right (however, it is also good that I chewed properly, so I could make the acquaintance of my children :)
    Differently than in other countries probably the appreciation for white flour did not come through in the same way. White bread is considered somehow nobler even in Germany, but it's also not considered a wholesome food. We Germans prefer to make cakes from white flour. It may be a little unhealthier than Toast(brot), but if I'm going to eat unhealthy, I'd rather have cake than toast(brot). The fact that there are so many bakers (that can bake cakes as well) have then also ensured that German cakes and pies also play internationally in the premier league (imho).
    By the way, not all prepackaged sliced bread in the supermarket is called Toast(brot). Only the light fluffy more or less square, that tastes untoasted just like cardboard. But even the industrial gray bread or whole grain bread that you get in the supermarket is second-rate compared to bread from the bakery. Probably that's why you may not know it because it has never been offered to you, but only toast(brot) from the grocerystore, which bakers of honor do not produce at all.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay very interesting and good to know! Thanks for the information:)

  • @JW-nh5or
    @JW-nh5or 3 года назад +9

    Fun fact : There are actually over 3200 types of bread in Germany according to the bread register of the German Institute for Bread. German bread culture is also Unesco heritage listed since 2015. May be American white sandwich "bread" will be listed too in a few hundred years. But thanks God I won't life that long. LOL

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Oh wow! Thanks for the information :)

  • @juergenschoepf2885
    @juergenschoepf2885 3 года назад +1

    Try a Toastbrot from a bakery which is sold as a loaf the same way as the other bread types. That has taste and texture and you can also eat it untoasted (but toasted it's much better). Has nothing in common with the sliced sponge American style you buy in supermarkets.
    We lived 18 years in the US and bread from a Polish or German bakery was the only thing we bought instead of US food as the sliced sponges where not eatable. Oh, and they had excellent pretzel rolls too!

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      That makes sense to me!! I will look into the Toastbrot from the bakery :)

  • @charms2
    @charms2 3 года назад

    As a sunday breakfast, I occasionally make "Arme Ritter" with untoasted toastbrot. (you scramble eggs, maybe add a little milk, dip the bread in, and fry it in a pan. It is quite tasty if you happen to like sweet breakfast.)
    I also should mention that there are lots of variety in nomenclature, which makes it quite difficult. Bavarians (and Austrians) call the "Brötchen" "Semmel", and chances are that a local bakery in, let's say, Northern Germany, will have something quite similar to "Altschwäbisches Steinofenbrot", but it will go under a different name.

  • @EricB256
    @EricB256 3 года назад +1

    It was quite a struggle years ago to get bakeries the permission to open on Sundays. Before, the only place where you could get fresh bread rolls were gas stations. It's not surprising Germans felt that was pretty weird.
    Over time, bread gets soft and mellow when it's kept in a plastic bag. So it must be toasted before eating so it will be crisp and fresh again.
    Also years ago, Bernd das Brot was rather seen as a children's TV show that was more enjoyed by parents than by children so little that they couldn't care less about what's on TV.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Okay very nice, thanks for the information:)

  • @RustyDust101
    @RustyDust101 3 года назад +2

    It's called "Toastbrot", ie "Toast bread". We call Toastbrot simply Toast because it is shorter. But many Toastbrot types resemble the wonderbread of the USA so much. But wonderbread to a German is similar to silly-putty. You can squeeze it and it slowly puffs out nearly to its original size. The taste of wonderbread is also similar to silly-putty when compared to some better German bread.
    The only thing that makes Toastbrot more appetizing is when it is toasted. Otherwise it is basically a transport medium for the toppings because it has so little own flavor.
    German bread, even those found in German supermarkets, usually is similar to most craft breads you can find in the States. But if you go to a real craft bakery in Germany and find a sourdough bread it can happen that the dough for these breads has been leavened and proofed for up to three days. The crust and the crumb of these breads is to die for.
    Abendbrot, while it does literally translate to "evening bread" is just the German word for dinner. Because in Germany the traditional meal eaten in the evening is with bread instead of a hot meal.
    If you have a hot meal in the evening it is called Abendessen, literally translating to "Evening Food". Abendbrot is a full meal, and not really a snack.
    The Brotzeit from Bavaria can be at any time of the day but is usually sometime in-between regular meal times. Dito for the Vesper, which is just another term for the same snack/meal, but from another regional dialect. Originally the vesper came from Latin and ment 'Evening time' when the evening prayers were read in a monastery.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Very interesting! Thanks for the information:)

  • @Spartan16231
    @Spartan16231 3 года назад +1

    Toastbrot: I know I know, I’ve heard it all before. “What are you doing eating that without toasting it?” Well actually is called a sandwich and very tasty. So yes, it’s just a German thing. I do love my sandwiches, but, you can’t beat German bread. I’ve never had any better anywhere in the world.
    Bernd? Yeah...
    Oh, my current favorite is Walnuss (walnut) bread. It’s soooooooooo tasty.

  • @wallykaspars9700
    @wallykaspars9700 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the interesting video. I lived in Germany for 18 years and now miss Brötchen and Roggenmischbrot.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Thanks so much! And yes - I love Roggen!!

  • @rolib2200
    @rolib2200 3 года назад

    There is actually sliced bread in plastic bag which is really bread and no toast, so not every sliced bread is called toast.
    Toast in Germany and Austria is sliced square shaped white bread.
    And toast is actually the toasted "toast" - usually also with ham and cheese in it. we call the untoasted toast "Toastbrot"
    Another thing: bread from the supermarked is no bread...
    That's not correct, bread is bread as long as it has a loaf shape (round or elliptic) - usually dark but there is also white one.
    The freshness depends on the supermarket: in the 90s & 20s there were stores (discounters like ALDI/HOFER, Penny) which did not have fresh bread (instead of Spar (in Austria) and Billa/Merkur (REWE) which have had fresh bread since i can think of). That changed a lot in the last 10 years, where every shop now has a seperate room where they bake refrigerated dough pieces to fresh bread - so nowadays you get fresh bread nearly everywhere...

  • @flashnfantasy
    @flashnfantasy 3 года назад +1

    You left out so much about our culture, and i guess many americans do not know about:
    - like fillings with poppy seeds. Mohnschnecke, a roll with poppy seeds. You can even get a mix of poppy seeds and marzipan.
    - the use of curd in the dough. Quarkbällchen, Cheesecake.
    - "pumpernickel" and "Schwarzbrot", which is not backed, but steamed for more than half a day, the bread get caramelized, something that is somewhat similar to heating up marshmellows, but for rye. The bread has a wonderful sweet taste of it's own and is very healthy.
    - the purpose of beer had been to make use of bread, that became to hard and old to eat. Hundreds of years ago they put all the old and dry bread into a tub and started a fermentation process. That's why beer is sometimes called liquid bread.

  • @arnodobler1096
    @arnodobler1096 3 года назад +2

    In Ulm Baden-Württemberg there is a Brotmuseum.
    I can eat Toast only toasted otherwise I get a stomach ache.
    Nice you are back. Respeckt for these hard long german Words. 👏

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Thank you so much!! And I can hopefully see the brotmuseum one day :)

  • @MichaEl-rh1kv
    @MichaEl-rh1kv 3 года назад

    7:05 It's Toast bread, bread only made for toasting, and so we say simply "toast". As I was a child, my parents would sometimes buy it at a supermarket. But that was a time as not many bakeries opened at Sunday, so it was toasted at Sunday morning as replacement for real bread. Nowadays I buy sometimes a wheat-based type of "Kastenbrot" (either a Weißbrot / white bread or a Ciabatta-Kasten - Kasten means box and describes the rectangular form) at the bakery and slice it myself for toasting (you can it get sliced at the bakery, but it will dry out, if you don't use it up in two days). The quality is far more better than of the supermarket brands, and it has real taste.
    10:30 I like most Holzofen-Brote, baked in a real wood-fired stove - but there are so many types of them I'll surely find one I don't like so much. I prefer "Mischbrot" which means the dough is mixed from wheat and rye (in the south mostly about two thirds wheat, one third rye - the wheat makes it light and crunchy, the rye adds more moisture). And since I live in Upper Swabia, there is often also Dinkel (spelt, but in rural Upper Swabia they say simply "Korn" - which is in Northern Germany sometimes used for rye) in the mix. Dinkel is related to wheat, but makes a softer and smoother dough (more Gliadin and less Glutenin than wheat) and gives in my opinion a more "umami" bread.

  • @maesc2001
    @maesc2001 3 года назад

    Good to see you again Neeva.

  • @ralfscherzer6720
    @ralfscherzer6720 3 года назад +1

    I have a 93 years old Patient who eats untoasted Toast, because of age she can't bite normal german bread any more, especially the crust. Her dentist can't help. You got Sandwiches with sliced bread ("Toast") in Germany, but if you look in a Bakery, you won't eat such Sandwiches any more while you can eat it with a pumpkin-seed bun.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Interesting... thanks for the information:)

  • @andrew_koala2974
    @andrew_koala2974 3 года назад

    Many people in AUSTRALIA prefer to buy their bread from a Bakery, whether it be sliced or whole loaf.
    sliced bread from the supermarket for me, particularly being half American/Italian (Dads side) prefer
    Euro-bread that is a whole loaf, that has to be sliced at home. even though it is available in sliced format
    if one prefers it sliced.
    I like German bread varieties - Italian Bread - Afghani and Persian bread - Turkish bread and Middle Eastern
    Arab style Yeast-free flatbread, and I forgot to mention French bread varieties.
    Supermarkets also sell many types of Continental bread varieties often made by local bakeries.
    Many of these local bakeries will sell to anyone.
    Some who have contracts with Supermarkets will sell at low cost when one goes to the back entrance.
    Money is money == Money talks., BS walks.

  • @sousou6251
    @sousou6251 3 года назад +1

    Yeah, that toast thing is really accurate. We have Brot from the Bäkerei und we have Toast from the Supermarkt. For me Brot is normal bread, you can eat it sweet or salty. Toast is only bought if you want to put it into a toaster. Untoasted Toastbrot just tastes bad to me.
    But so I understand correctly. You call the packaged bread from the supermarket bread and after toasting it, it's toast?

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes 😆 for us bread is just bread and if you toast it it’s toast!

  • @joergpranger
    @joergpranger 3 года назад +1

    Great that you are back from the "winter nap" haha
    Cool video! I always like to watch videos from people, who talk about cultural differences, especially because it gives me a option to evaluate my point of view of things that were always normal to me. That´s why I also study cultural sciences (B.A. Kulturwissenschaften) at the Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder. Basically you could make a entire course in university about the cultural history of the use and meaning of bread in Germany. First it may sound odd to people, but if you look closer it will be very exciting to research that topic. ^^

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Thank you :) That’s very cool! 😃

  • @MegaMrEva
    @MegaMrEva 3 года назад

    Every evening at 7pm, it's time for Abendbrot with my Family. It's a tradition here in Germany. But sometimes we have a warm meal for Abendbrot/dinner like Spaghetti or Pizza. Love your Videos. ✌️😊

  • @eckhardtburkle3178
    @eckhardtburkle3178 3 года назад

    👍 Wirklich sehr interessant. Toast ist ein Brot dann wenn es die richtige Form hat um in den Toaster zu passen.
    Ich kaufe es ausschließlich um es zu Toasten. Sonst ist es mir zu Weich.
    Meine lieblings Brot Sorten sind Roggen und Dinkel Brot. In der letzten Zeit werden bei sehr naturverbunden Menschen auch wieder Einkorn und Emmer Brot gegessen. Das sind sehr Alte Getreide Sorten. Sie waren bei uns fast völlig vergessen.

  • @JakobFischer60
    @JakobFischer60 3 года назад

    Growing up in rural swabia, we had "Vesper" around 4 pm with some slices of bread with meat or jam. Vesper is latin and the name of the monks prayer in the afternoon. That was the time when the field work was done and milking of cows started. It is still common in some villages, that there is a backing oven which is fired on saturdays and people back their bread for the week. That is normally a light and fluffy bread with a crunshy crust, a swabian stone oven bread (Alt-schwäbisches-Stein-ofen-brot).

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay very interesting! :)

  • @thomasdamke1385
    @thomasdamke1385 3 года назад +3

    I Only eat toast when i make it with my Sandwichtoaster, i fill it with salami and gouda.

  • @bagpipejack8979
    @bagpipejack8979 3 года назад +1

    Yes we are obsessed with bread. You also can Study Bakery here and even become a Master of Bakery^^ A Master of Bakery can train new Bakery Students ;-) It's a acient Handcraftsmanship and is even a protected Profession. It's a Federal crime to claim to be a Baker or Master of Bakery without official Certificate and official Credentials^^ (but this is also true for a wide range of Handcraftsmenship, like for Example Carpenter).

  • @holgerlanz1431
    @holgerlanz1431 3 года назад +1

    BTW old bread is also fine when toasted. Very crunchy!

  • @markbailey286
    @markbailey286 3 года назад +2

    Welcome back! Think the bakery bread is thought of as proper bread whereas toast is more of a convenience item only suitable for toasting and not good enough to eat as it comes, given the quality of German bread they may have a point to be honest 🙂

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes! That totally makes sense :))

  • @vbvideo1669
    @vbvideo1669 3 года назад +1

    Welcome back and great video! :)
    I'm from the north of Germany and prefer fresh Heidesteinofenbrot. ^.^

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Thank you!!!! Ooooh very nice!

  • @bjoern0975
    @bjoern0975 3 года назад

    Names like "Altschwäbisches Steinofenbrot" are often particular to only a certain bakery, bakery chain, or region. Also, bakeries often get their doughs from large business retailers that provide certain names for the bread to be made from those dough-recipes. Accordingly, names will vary largely from bakery to bakery. Therefore, a better rule to go by is the main differentiation between different general types of bread: Weißbrot (white bread), Weizenbrot (wheat bread), Roggenbrot (rye bread), Vollkornbrot (whole grain bread), and Schwarzbrot (dark bread). It's best to ask the sales person to show you which kinds of Roggenbrot, for example, they have. Most common are actually mixtures of wheat and rye of different degrees. A popular white and often sweetened bread especially for breakfast on weekends is Stuten (or other names in other regions such as Platz oder Weck). Regarding traditional German bread, this variety comes closest to American sandwich bread.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay! Thanks for the information:)

  • @cadii_69
    @cadii_69 2 года назад

    Disclaimer : I'm not fluent in English.
    Well actually Bernd das Brot is kinda like a time loop which plays from 8pm till 6am all night long at a TV channel for kids,so they get bored easily and go back to sleep after they decided to watch TV without their parents permission I think.

  • @pedro89174
    @pedro89174 3 года назад

    glad you are back, happpy to see you again.

  • @philipkudrna5643
    @philipkudrna5643 3 года назад +1

    „Toast“ is short for „Toast-Brot“, literally „Brot suitable to be toasted“. For me, untoasted „Toast-Brot“ is virtually inedible, similar to a Pizza warmed up in a microwave (instead of an oven), which makes it have a structure like sponge.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      I see! Maybe some of us like warmed up pizza 😂

  • @KopernikusGKK
    @KopernikusGKK 3 года назад

    to make the confusion even bigger, "Toast" ist actually a type of bread called "Toastbrot". Meaning bread intended for toast. and, imho, only edible if toasted. i couldn´t fathom eating it "as is".

  • @alisarkamalalsbeihi8911
    @alisarkamalalsbeihi8911 3 года назад

    This is very informative and funny video , keep going .
    I love your positivity .

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much 😊

  • @tasminoben686
    @tasminoben686 3 года назад +1

    Bernd das Brot ist cool, obercool! Wir essen unheimlich gerne Dinkel Brötchen. Auch frisch vom Becker.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Ich mag auch Dinkel Brötchen!

    • @tasminoben686
      @tasminoben686 3 года назад

      @@neevabee_ Der Becker, bei dem wir die Dinkel Brötchen holen hat auch Vikinger Brötchen. Das sind dreieckige Körner Brötchen, gefüllt mit Putenfleisch und Remoulade. Lecker. Übrigens: hier im Norden heißt die Brotzeit zweites Frühstück. Liebe Grüße von der Elbe

  • @moonveillight
    @moonveillight 3 года назад +1

    I usually only eat toast when it's toasted, unless there's no toaster or I would be too sick to even use the toaster I guess?
    It just tastes a lot better

  • @bjoern0975
    @bjoern0975 3 года назад

    While Germany does have a large number of different kinds of "real" bread, I must admit the U.S. does have a large number of different kinds of what we in Germany would call "Toast". While I missed "actual" bread when I was living in the U.S. (sometimes I would buy "artisanal" bread from a little shop across town, that came close), I really enjoyed the large variety in sandwich bread types or "Toast". In U.S. supermarkets there was usually half an aisle of different kinds of those fluffy bread types. Some darker, some lighter, some with malt, some with seeds etc.. In Germany, as "Toast", we basically have only three kinds: wheat, whole grain, sunflower seeds - and sometimes rye. One may only choose between different companies and sizes. That doesn't comprise even half a supermarket shelf. But then again, why bother with all the fresh bakery goods?

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      The is is true!! In the states when I buy “Toastbrot” it is usually brown and with seeds!

  • @andrew_koala2974
    @andrew_koala2974 3 года назад

    From baguettes and pide, to pumpernickel and sourdough, there are so many types of bread out there just waiting to be explored.

  • @gigi2091
    @gigi2091 3 года назад +2

    Actually Abendbrot is not a snack but the dinner....

  • @ZoggFromBetelgeuse
    @ZoggFromBetelgeuse 3 года назад

    "Toast" is just like "roast".
    When you go to the butcher, you can buy a "roast" (or "roast beef"). It's called this way although it's not roasted at all, because it's the main ingredient for what will become an actual roast, and nobody in their right mind would eat it raw. Maybe a more correct expression would be "beef for making roast" - but if you just go to the butcher and ask for "roast", they will understand. The "roast" you buy is, so to speak, the preliminary form of what you will inevitably prepare and eat as "roast".
    Ok so far?
    Now, take that explanation and replace "roast" with "toast" (as well as "butcher" with "supermarket" and "beef" with "bread"). There you have it.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      That’s a great way to explain it!!! :)

  • @gigibenea3529
    @gigibenea3529 3 года назад

    Hej...Servus..😊..of course we eat bread..in the morning...''snack..."" and evening...because we are. .from Transylvania...but we are leaving in Montreal .and yess..we have bakeries..french style...and we are buying fresh baguette..or other breads....

  • @prostetnikjeltz6801
    @prostetnikjeltz6801 3 года назад

    There are different sorts of bread in plastic-bags you can buy in the supermarket. One of them is the Weißbrot (Wheatbread) you are talking about. This sort of bread is pretty squishy and us germans only buy it to eat it toasted, that's why it's called toast.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      That makes sense! In the states we eat this not toasted 😂

  • @n_other_1604
    @n_other_1604 3 года назад

    My favourite bread is actually Naan (indian bread)😅.
    But I don't eat bread as regularly anymore since I lived half a year in England, because they have only breadies/buns which I kept eating when I came back but eventually got bored of it as well. I eat now & then toasted sandwiches & Döner of course but rarely grey bread.

  • @martinbruhn5274
    @martinbruhn5274 3 года назад

    Toast is something, that can only be eaten when toasted. It is not eaten in any other way, when it enters your mouth, it's going to be toasted

  • @frozenmadness
    @frozenmadness 3 года назад

    BTW, back in the dark times, there was a public agency to promote Vollkornbrot: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsvollkornbrotausschuss

  • @lugilan23
    @lugilan23 3 года назад +1

    We use untoasted toast for sandwitches 😉👍🏻

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay good to know! :))

  • @kujasan
    @kujasan 3 года назад

    Welcome back // Willkommen zurück =)

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Thank you! // Danke!

  • @leaaa8522
    @leaaa8522 3 года назад +1

    not to forget the fact that we all have breadcutting machines at home

  • @Aechtrauchbier
    @Aechtrauchbier 3 года назад

    Wow! You are back ! That's Great !

  • @thatsmealso8480
    @thatsmealso8480 3 года назад

    Usually you don't eat Brötchen at Abendbrot since they will not be fresh anymore. Also, in the evening most people prefer something more substantial than fluffy Brötchen. Hence, they eat bread.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay thanks for the information! :)

  • @danilopapais1464
    @danilopapais1464 3 года назад

    Wow, i must really drag down that average bread consumption, i eat bread on average 2 times a week. Abendbrot is just supper, a long time ago it probably was more common to just eat bread but most people i know under the age of 50 eat no bread as Abendbrot but a normal meal, soup or an eggdish. Toast is just short for Toasbrot, so yes we see it as bread. It is often toasted but even in supermarkets they make (or order) sandwiches made from it.

  • @Rainerjgs
    @Rainerjgs 3 года назад

    "Toast" ist nur die Abkürzung von Toast-Brot, welches erst getostet werden muß, bevor es überhaupt genießbar ist, denn es schmeckt ungetostet nur wie leeres Papier!

  • @spiegelbild1799
    @spiegelbild1799 3 года назад

    Hi Neeva bee, We also say bratwurst to bratwurst although it is not fried at all, it just means that the sausage has to be fried in order to eat it.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      😆 okay good to know!

    • @larsschmitt3826
      @larsschmitt3826 3 года назад +1

      The "brat" part in Bratwurst has nothing to do with braten (frying). It is a piece of Old High German... which litterally means "fine (chopped) meat".

    • @CamaroMann
      @CamaroMann 3 года назад +1

      @@larsschmitt3826 Yep. Derives from "Brät". So literally a sausage made of Brät.

    • @larsschmitt3826
      @larsschmitt3826 3 года назад +1

      @@CamaroMann Nearly... ;-) Brat and Brät have evolved from the Old High German word "brāto". Which, as said, means fine (chopped) meat. In the word Brat(o)wurst it kept it's old form only losing the "o". Brat as single word developed with a sound shift to "Brät"... so it also lost the "o" and the "ā" became a "ä". In todays German you would pronounce "brāto" more like "Braahto". While we are discussing this... "braten" (frying) was called "prātan" in Old High German. ;-)

  • @ralfmeske8179
    @ralfmeske8179 3 года назад +1

    I really eat (toasted) toast maybe twice a year.... Untoasted it is for me inedible..... I love eating "grey" bred with at least 50% of rye... Eating too much wheat bred like toast can cause diabetes!!!

  • @madrooky1398
    @madrooky1398 3 года назад

    I would eat untoasted toast bread. Infact as a kid i enjoyed untoasted toast bred with Nutella and banana slices a lot. Damn i get a watered mouth thinking about it... But today i dont eat as much sweet stuff anymore and why should i eat that low value stuff when i have bakeries everywhere. A fresh Brötchen with Nutella and banana slices is so much better, right? Also i enjoy heiße Theken (LKW, Schnitzel- oder Frikadellenweckle) und belegte Brötchen a lot. It is very convenient just to get to a butcher or a bakery and get some of those and dont have to care about ingredients and stuff. I have to throw away to much anyways so i dont know if i can safe money if i do it all my self. Definitely not if i count the time in. I think that toast debate is a bit of a Korinthenkackerei. Learn that one, its a very german trait. We are the masters in Korinthenkacken and the earlier you understand the concept the sooner you safe a lot of lifetime not getting in stupid arguments and debates. lol

  • @johnmbuthia1489
    @johnmbuthia1489 3 года назад

    wish there was accompanying pictures now i have to go search :)))

  • @Deadhessian
    @Deadhessian 3 года назад

    99% of time i eat toastbrot toasted. but on rare occassions i feel urge to eat peanutbutter-jelly-sandwich untoasted. peanutbutter-jelly on a toasted toastbrot is fine too but not as sandwich (too crunchy then).

  • @michaela114
    @michaela114 3 года назад

    😂 Toastbrot ist zum Toasten und Bratwurst ist zum Braten 😂
    Brezel sind übrigens nur typisch für den Süden - der Norden hat andere Köstlichkeiten 🤩
    Unbedingt probieren und überall zu kriegen: Roggen-Mischbrot 😋 das geht immer und mit Allem, mmmh

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      I love Roggen Sauerteig :))

  • @nadal1275
    @nadal1275 3 года назад

    Oh my... the toast thing again. Your Boyfriend is right when he says you cant eat toast untoasted, its a sin in germany! ;) You can buy bread (even sliced) in plastic bags in every supermarket, which is not toast, its not the best but very very cheap. beneath the bread from the supermarket is toast or sandwich bread, but i don´t even think about buying it. the last time i ate toast was when i lived with my parents in the 1990er years because good bread is easier and at the same pricerange of toast. About my favorite bread, its always the next bread i will try and i hope that i´m able to test most of them ^^

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      😂 okay okay I see

  • @witty2u
    @witty2u 3 года назад

    Das Deutsche Brotregister des Deutschen Brotinstituts verzeichnet derzeit über 3.000 unterschiedliche Brotspezialitäten, die täglich in Deutschland gebacken und verkauft werden. Vermutlich ist die tatsächliche Anzahl noch höher. Frühere Schätzungen, die von 300 Brotsorten in Deutschland ausgingen, gelten als überholt.

  • @Tom-hz1kz
    @Tom-hz1kz 3 года назад

    Brotzeit refers to the meal itself, not to the time when you take the meal. Example sentence: We ate Brotzeit at 5 pm.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes! Thanks for the information:)

  • @leaaa8522
    @leaaa8522 3 года назад

    we mostly eat brötchen for breakfast or as a lunch on the go and Abendbrot are normally normal bread slices haha

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      No way! So many people told me they like Brötchen in the evening! Thanks for the information :)

  • @GoleoGohlix
    @GoleoGohlix 3 года назад

    Most restaurants are open on Sunday too. Often they close on a Monday or Tuesday instead.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      That is true! I guess in smaller towns maybe it is different:)

  • @hepti5865
    @hepti5865 3 года назад

    Welcome back!

  • @lotharschepers2240
    @lotharschepers2240 3 года назад

    Older native German here: About toast, I call it Toastbrot and yes I would not eat it until it is toasted. My personal favorite is Schwarzbrot topped with cheese or the (in Germany) famous Bismarkhering.

  • @flol.1741
    @flol.1741 3 года назад

    Actually you can buy sliced bread in a plastic package at the supermarket that Germans will refer to as "Brot" and eat without putting it in a toaster first. There's "Schwarzbrot", "Graubrot" and "Pumpernickel" we only call the soft square kind without any crust "Toast" and honestly I wouldn't eat that cold either, id tastes like nothing.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      That makes sense! Thanks for the information :)

  • @furzkram
    @furzkram 3 года назад

    Wir haben auch "normales" Brot (Weizenmischbrot, Roggenbrot, Schwarzbrot und andere) abgepackt und geschnitten - das nennen wir "Schnittbrot". Das steckt üblicherweise ebenfalls in Plastiktüten.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      Yes! Thanks for this information:)

  • @erzsebetnilsson580
    @erzsebetnilsson580 3 года назад

    Please do not take my comments as critic or offense or correction bellow... it is just and addition for show that the German bread is good, and to tell we love that too.

  • @FloL89
    @FloL89 3 года назад

    nah, I won't eat toast bread unless it's toased. Actually I do not eat it usually, but as long as it is not toased it just tastes like a sponge...

  • @DaZwaehn
    @DaZwaehn 3 года назад

    Bernd das Brot is a legend! xD

  • @stefanhaler3318
    @stefanhaler3318 3 года назад

    Das "white bread" welches du meinst, nennen wir "Toastbrot". Natürlich machen wir auch Sandwiches ohne es zu toasten. Allerdings ist das deutsche Toastbrot nicht ganz so "gummiartig" wie das amerikanische white bread. Die meisten Deutschen essen allerdings das Mischbrot oder Kornbrot, welches die einfachsten Sorten sind.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay gut zu wissen :)))

  • @neophytealpha
    @neophytealpha 3 года назад

    Germans definitely have great bread and pastries. Including Brötchen, Amerkaner with lemon glaze, and more.

  • @erzsebetnilsson580
    @erzsebetnilsson580 3 года назад

    American love German bread... i would say nearly EVEYONE in EUROPE or elsewhere is love THE MOST PLACES IN EUROPE and as specially the German bread.

  • @thestonegateroadrunner7305
    @thestonegateroadrunner7305 3 года назад

    The german term "Toast" is not the english term. The german term "Toast" just signifies bread for toasting. You are thinking too much like an english native speaker. Germans don't think "roasted bread" when they say or hear "Toast", they think soft, white, square, sliced bread (that only becomes edible after it's toasted).

  • @thomasschumacher5362
    @thomasschumacher5362 3 года назад

    Toastbrot is not the same as Wonderbread
    Toast brot is drier and contains more sugar so it browns better it is designed for toasting and really not that suitable for sandwiches

  • @martinstubs6203
    @martinstubs6203 3 года назад

    You might be aware of the fact that many German kinds of bread are regional and you may or may not get specific types outside of their region. For instance, I don't think I have ever come across "altschwäbisches Steinofenbrot" where I live.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes I understand this! Thanks for the information :)

  • @thatsmealso8480
    @thatsmealso8480 3 года назад +1

    No, I don't eat it. You need to toast it to get at least a little bit of taste and texture to it. Otherwise it would be like eating a napkin. Nutritional value is zero - be it toasted or not.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay that makes sense!

  • @ChrisS-cj6xh
    @ChrisS-cj6xh 3 года назад

    Toast ist nur die Kurzform von Toastbrot, also Brot das getoastet werden muss, bevor es ansatzweise genießbar ist.

  • @matthewrandom4523
    @matthewrandom4523 3 года назад

    If someone uses to watch Bernd das Brot, he or she is suffering from insomnia. Because this TV serial is broadcasted during the night time only, on the German Kinderkanal aka Kika. It is btw a so-called Pausenfüller (pause filler?), because Kika pauses broadcasting from 9 pm to 6 am. During this time it is sending this .. ehm .. kinda .. weird and strange serial. Finally - if you don't understand the concept of Bernd das Brot, don't worry. No one understands it, even us Germans don't understand it. My proper opinion: You have to smoke a lot of dope to be able to create such a weird and bizarre concept of a serial, right? Maybe this is the reason why the producers are broadcasting it during the night time only, when children are sleeping (hopefully) ;-) I hope I could help you :D

  • @humanbeing1675
    @humanbeing1675 3 года назад

    American: Bernd das Brot is weird...watches SpongeBob Squarepants. Well. 😏😅

  • @Torfmoos
    @Torfmoos 3 года назад

    It s dangeros to secretly call Toast Bread. Im pretty shure there are regions were u would be crucified for it. And jo u can eat untoasted Toast - as a dug. But even toasted it would never be bread it still remains Toast.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Okay good to know 😆

  • @tommay6590
    @tommay6590 3 года назад

    Pretzel are Bretzeln after the first bite😇 also you forgotten fluid bread aka beer😅😂

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Hahahahaha yes of course! How could I forget 😆

  • @wolfgangsperber7894
    @wolfgangsperber7894 3 года назад

    Abendbrot replacing dinner! It's bot a snack.

    • @wolfgangsperber7894
      @wolfgangsperber7894 3 года назад


    • @wolfgangsperber7894
      @wolfgangsperber7894 3 года назад

      Das labbrige Sandwichbrot ist nur getoastet genießbar. E gibt aber auch z.B. Mischbrot geschnitten in der Plastiktüte im Supermarkt....

    • @wolfgangsperber7894
      @wolfgangsperber7894 3 года назад

      Früher wurde Punkt 12 Ur Mittag gegessen und um 18 Uhr Abendbrot. Das war die letzte Mahlzeit des Tages: Brot mit Wurst und/oder Käse.

  • @31337flamer
    @31337flamer 3 года назад

    There is acutal "White Bread".. wich is NOT toast :D and its still a bit different..

  • @Mayagick
    @Mayagick 3 года назад

    Funny just 2 minutes in, comparison 40.000+ bakeries v 14.000 Gas stations. I definitly prefer the first. Mostly you can, yes, walk or cycle to one. For petrol you need no more than 15 minutes driving.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Yes! So crazy 😝

    • @Mayagick
      @Mayagick 3 года назад

      @@neevabee_ and you prounced male name: Bernd, as burn the Bread. I guess it's not a funnier character as Spongebob! Or a Green sock with cut in half table tennis balls as eyes, called Kermit the frog.

  • @thatsmealso8480
    @thatsmealso8480 3 года назад

    No, I don't eat untoasted toast. By toasting it it get at least a little bit of taste and texture. Untoasted it is rather an edible napkin.

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад

      Makes sense to me 😆

  • @andrew_koala2974
    @andrew_koala2974 3 года назад

    BERND DAS BROT can't be any worse than SPONGE BOB
    perhaps they should get together and between them they
    can absorb a lot of liquid

  • @philipkudrna5643
    @philipkudrna5643 3 года назад +1

    „Bernd das Brot“ is not a TV Show for kids same as „The Simpsons“ is not a Cartoon for Kids...

    • @jorgbecker5028
      @jorgbecker5028 3 года назад

      At least it is not for kids only. It's one of the programs kids laugh at other situations then adults do 😁

    • @neevabee_
      @neevabee_  3 года назад +1

      That’s a good comparison!!

  • @furzkram
    @furzkram 3 года назад

    Und Toast nennen wir "Toastbrot" - Brot ZUM toasten. Nicht etwa bereits getoastet.