  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
    AYAHUASCA RETREATS: www.SpiritualTr...

Комментарии • 21

  • @angelirenecrim3500
    @angelirenecrim3500 6 лет назад +3

    Our Path is where ever and what ever a person's Life is ,, has been,,, and what ever it's future is

  • @jesus3373
    @jesus3373 6 лет назад +3

    Algorithms or pure consciousness brought me here. Grace 🙏

  • @palmamingozzi5736
    @palmamingozzi5736 6 лет назад +3

    It’s all around people have agendas and they’re not all good. Thanks for your wisdom.😊

  • @leraginasian
    @leraginasian 7 лет назад +4

    my biggest issue lately is the balance between the ego, and the spiritual awareness. I get blasted with spiritual cliff dives, and they often reveal my ego shadow self. how can I become confident as the spirit when the world is constantly in (appearingly) confident ego? I do my best socially, but as I get more spiritual, the external becomes revealed and I get really sensitive to input from other. I'm an infp too so that doesn't really help my peace of heart. much love good dude. you are a thousand pearls of wisdom.

  • @johnron5027
    @johnron5027 7 лет назад +15

    The reason the Jedi got killed off was because of spiritual correctness. They couldn't see the evil that was right up under them because they kept on suppressing their emotions and living in denial. The universe showed them a lesson in that balance does not always have to favor the good. It can favor the negative when the light side becomes too restrictive.
    Anakin, a man with the most force power (Condit of Cosmic Energy) had to follow BS rules such as leaving his mom behind, having no sex, showing no passion or having relationships. In the end of being a mass murderer he eventually came back to the light because that's where all beings must return and he was never dark deep down like the Emperor, he was just trying to find his way and keep his connections to others but the PC Jedi messed that up. Just my 2 cents Tobias

  • @picklep9812
    @picklep9812 6 лет назад +2

    You are awesome! Thank you

  • @ninagoldiloks
    @ninagoldiloks 6 лет назад +3 aside: yu drive good 😆
    I was a chauffeur.
    Thx for the vid♥

  • @chainsawbarbarian
    @chainsawbarbarian 7 лет назад +3

    channel 18 (666) On Dog Star radio! haha! I love it. My favorite is the 80s "alternative" channel. 33, First Wave

    • @mildreddavis1684
      @mildreddavis1684 5 лет назад

      Numbers are fun to play with.
      666 - 6 neutrons, 6 electrons and 6 protons. Man or mankind. The universal stream of life-force can be used in a "negative" or in a "positive" way
      [Isaiah 45:7] I form light and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil:
      666 - 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 or 1+8, which equals the number 9. The di-vine 9 [John 15:5] "I am the vine. You are the branches", nervous system/tree of life/life-force
      9 is a number for divinity [or potential of, as each hu-man is half spirit and half flesh] 💚

  • @jesus3373
    @jesus3373 6 лет назад +2

    I'm a Beatles nut. 🤣❤️🙏

  • @IDontExist14
    @IDontExist14 7 лет назад +1

    ur bedroom is in the north east part of the house right

  • @jamesangle817
    @jamesangle817 7 лет назад

    Walk a path, or play a roll?
    Equality? Who really wants to hold their self equally accountable to their own judgements.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 7 лет назад

      First step is to commit to drinking Ayahuasca (which is the Holy Spirit divine Mother of the Universe manifested into a plant to help us) for a minimum of 20 ceremonies. Then, don't think and believe nothing, as all thoughts from the left-brain are nothing more than labels and blame of the ego thinking mind in it's total blindness. And then, activate your divine 7-chakras (which Ayahuasca does slowly but surely, and has been scientifically proven), as every religion tells us to do including the bible in Revelation 5:1 . Your divine 7-chakras , when all seven are fully activated and aligned, is your Spirit channel of Light to meet your Soul in the 5th dimension of consciousness of God (Universe) and all that is both seen and unseen. Enjoy the following link of infinite truths- . Who is Robert? There is NO ROBERT , as the "I" is total illusion, as there is no me just as there is no such thing as You = BLISS and infinite JOY of Spirit and love billions of times beyond your comprehension! As I am the Nomad of Spirit. I am Shaman. I am the infinite healer of light. I am seven chakras of Spirit. I am infinite Truths. I am infinite within with no end. I am all things you see and cannot see. I am 5th dimension, I am 7th dimension, I am ALL dimensions.
      You can only see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and you can only hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. I have not only seen and heard the other 99+ percent that you cannot, but I have become it ALL, and fully understand jesus when jesus said- "The Kingdom of heaven is spread upon the earth and men do not see it."
      All ascended masters in every religion said the same thing. Everything is one in infinite beauty and glory and joy !!
      No ascended master in any religion built churches. Not Shiva, not Buddha, not Jesus etc, because they ALL KNEW that YOU are the Temple. As all these places in these religious books from the I-ching of Asia and on and on through ALL the religions, are all encoded Deep WITHIN YOU, far beyond the thinking blind mind.
      everything and more in there Mother Ayahuasca blasts open "Within" us !! LOL at all beliefs ! As all beliefs are lies !! Infinite Cosmic jokes and Countless Angels are constantly laughing hysterically at our thoughts and how we are afraid to go deep within. So afraid of ourselves. LOL !!!
      As all these symbols of millions of religions throughout the Universe, are ALL encoded deep within us, and each have infinite meanings of Truths that is far beyond the mind, as the ego-mind of thought is TOTALLY blind to Everything !
      Satan is nothing more than thoughts in the illusion of time. As all thoughts are lies!! LOL at the silly mind of thought always calculating and measuring things like a total blind bat , that hilarious talking snake of the ego-mind that is afraid to go deep within!! LOL !! No thoughts = infinite consciousness that is FAR beyond the mind's grasp = Infinite FREEDOM and Joy !!
      Choosing one religion or any belief over another is idiocy and is only self-judgment and a total lie, as infinite love does not make choices and is FREE!! As ALL is ONE in the infinite heavens and Universe of infinite JOY!!
      I am not the beginning and the end, as there is no such thing as a beginning and end, as I have always been and always been, far beyond beginnings and far beyond any ends !!! As time is total illusion and a beginning and end is nothing more than a concept in man's blindness of the left-brain ego mind of duality, and duality is total illusion !! Infinite consciousness is infinite and time does not exist in the infinite grace of realms of Light and infinite Joy and bliss !!!
      I have become ONE with infinite Angels of Light that connect all the stars in the infinite Universe and danced with them which makes all the stars move and dance !!
      I have become the joyous blissful balls of light of infinite love flowing through infinite strings through the infinite Universe that connects EVERYTHING that you cannot see