@@Callsign_Blujay hover boards in c5 s1, canons in c5 s3, and the rest in og last year except for the mechs, and they'll all be returning starting next season
@damann7778 still no atk or shopping cart. Og last year didnt have cars, so they still replaced each other. You also forgot about quad crashers and ballers in chapter 3 or something, but cars and a few vehicles are mutually exclusive
@@Callsign_Blujay doesn't matter, they still came back, and idk why yall want those slow vehicles that are completely useless against good players, even the current normal cars are a guaranteed death because of how slow they are
I disagree with the wildlife take Having animals like chickens makes this game so much more fun, idc if its distracting You were talking about it in a competitive aspect but for us casuals we couldn’t care less
Im casual most of the time and 13 times ive been killed or screwed over by those animals killed twice cause of a chicken attacking me in storm?? Like why??
Old and new vehicles can (in theory) co-exist... HOWEVER, epic cant sell vehicle skins unless they only have the customizable vehicles. So blame greed for not having these
I actually liked Coral Castle, maybe just because I liked slower gameplay. Location is on the map's corner = less people, live for longer, can loot more chests. You do need to keep an eye on the zone, true, but I never had a problem with that. You could not gather wood here, but instead you could gather a full stack of bricks here.
The SBMM and bot lobbies really killed my enjoyment for the game in my opinion. I’m an average casual player, yet my account level is so high, that I’m just put into “high ranked pub matches” that are just not enjoyable for myself; and at the same time eliminating an entire squad of bots doesn’t help fulfill my interest or improve my performance.
People act like C2 S6 is a traumatic season, I don't see why, I like Season 6, it's a hot take I know, attack me, maul me to death, idc, it's my opinion
"don't match the style of Fortnite" Sorry, you don't like them but cars, animals and NPC are what make Fortnite different from other shooters and BR, Fortnite is a world to explore not only shooter PVP and that's what look to me your problem, you just one something like Reload.
With henchmen, all they need to do is give them their own footsteps icon. Maybe even give that to players disguised as one? Also with crafting, what if that replaced moddable weapons? You could just mod weapons in your inventory with the old crafting system
Crafting was actually handled pretty well in chapter 2 season seven and eight actually, gave you more options since it only required nuts and bolts and could make your gun act fundamentally different - it also opened up a lot of pro players to have different strategies with their guns , season six crafting was actual trash tho
as a trickshoter i don't mind the bots. even tho they kinda patched bot lobbies by taking out the bosses and reducing the amount of mobility for some reason... but they should at least have a game mode or something to do your challenges and chill.
the cars didnt replace the old vehicles, all of the old vehicles have come back to the game within the past year (except for the mechs for obvious reasons), and the complaint about cars being basic is funny considering that it was the community that was crying about car mods and making vehicles wacky and the whole bots thing is stupid, yall can keep on complaining about it. I'm not going through 10 minute queues because there's ppl playing different modes
People are complaining about bots because they have gotten out of hand. I've had a 30 second queue and only 12 players were real. I would rather wait a bit longer for 75% real players then 30 seconds for majority bots. Having a lobby full of pure bots means you can go auto pilot and not try. Then when you get a real player, your brain has to wake up. The only purpose bots have are for refreshes or free loot. Long queue times would be solved, if they stuck with a few modes instead of turning it into Roblox 2.0. Nice to know the community were the ones who wanted chonkers removed. Those wheels were pretty fun.
@@Raddish-Is-Radd all of those were in the game a year ago and my point is that y'all want wacky items but the community is the one bitching about wacky items
counter to bots is probably landing in a mythic contested poi because bots never land there and last season the bots couldn’t land at the raft and they would always be outside the raft so i wouldn’t bother killing them if i wasn’t completing a quest
The problem with generalization: I love crafting, chapter 2 season 6 is one of my fav season, and I am not alone, is the greatness of Fortnite appealing too different publics
SBMM and bots are not a good addition whatsoever, it makes the game feel worse and less rewarding to play. And fun fact, these two features were actually added into Fortnite during the second half of Season X
The bots ruined the game for me I played all of chapter one but quit and haven’t looked back since. No clue why I’m watching this video tbh. Will play oh Fortnite when it returns tho
Omg, I always make fun of people complaining about matchmaking… but that’s literally number 1. Oh my god… When will people stop crying about not having noobs to farm? So you can’t tell the difference but bots are boring?
Honestly, the crafting system was better than the dumb mod benches you cna never use in ch5! If you could customize and add attachments to you guns like with that crafting feature, it wouldn't have been as bad for the weapon attachments. Only being able to mod them with a mod bench in vaults or bunkers was so so dumb. 😅 also, i really like wildlife. It added some depth to the map and the environment. I actually like coral castle in concept! It looks really cool and the location is pretty! It's just that it's in that sinkhole crater and it makes it awful to fight in. 😅😆
Og vehicles were so much more fun except for the mech fuck that thing. But bro the original bawlers made you feel like Spiderman if you used them right and traveling was so fast. The quadcrasher let you fly. Hoverboard used to trickshots. And plane could be annoying but at the same time fun asf. Now we have generic ass cars
I dont like cars too much tbh not because your able to hit people with en its just fortnites a goofy game i think it was better when atks and all the goofy vehicles
The cars (not tbe stupid cosmetics) _do_ fit the style of the game imo, but they shouldnt have entirely replaced the old vehicles
they didnt
@damann7778 i have not seen a _single_ atk since ch2s1 in br
@@Callsign_Blujay hover boards in c5 s1, canons in c5 s3, and the rest in og last year except for the mechs, and they'll all be returning starting next season
@damann7778 still no atk or shopping cart. Og last year didnt have cars, so they still replaced each other. You also forgot about quad crashers and ballers in chapter 3 or something, but cars and a few vehicles are mutually exclusive
@@Callsign_Blujay doesn't matter, they still came back, and idk why yall want those slow vehicles that are completely useless against good players, even the current normal cars are a guaranteed death because of how slow they are
I disagree with the wildlife take
Having animals like chickens makes this game so much more fun, idc if its distracting
You were talking about it in a competitive aspect but for us casuals we couldn’t care less
Me too
Im casual most of the time and 13 times ive been killed or screwed over by those animals
killed twice cause of a chicken attacking me in storm?? Like why??
nah i am very casual at the game and i always hated those animals. especially the wolves
Old and new vehicles can (in theory) co-exist... HOWEVER, epic cant sell vehicle skins unless they only have the customizable vehicles. So blame greed for not having these
I actually liked Coral Castle, maybe just because I liked slower gameplay. Location is on the map's corner = less people, live for longer, can loot more chests. You do need to keep an eye on the zone, true, but I never had a problem with that. You could not gather wood here, but instead you could gather a full stack of bricks here.
Finally someone talks about how lame and overused the cars are. I liked them at the time but I’d much rather have more fun and original vehicles
The SBMM and bot lobbies really killed my enjoyment for the game in my opinion. I’m an average casual player, yet my account level is so high, that I’m just put into “high ranked pub matches” that are just not enjoyable for myself; and at the same time eliminating an entire squad of bots doesn’t help fulfill my interest or improve my performance.
I think that the main problem is that you want a fast paced mode as Reload, not a slow paced one as a BR is supposed to be
the worst feature of chapter 2 was the entirety of season 6
And 5
@gluttonysan7841 I wouldn't say season 5 was THAT bad, it had its issues yes but I'd give lt like a 6.5/10.
3* marvel should stay as marvel, It doesent belong in Fortnite
5 was not bad. Also 6 is fine compared to Chapter 5 and some of 4 and 3.@@gluttonysan7841
People act like C2 S6 is a traumatic season, I don't see why, I like Season 6, it's a hot take I know, attack me, maul me to death, idc, it's my opinion
5:21 Bigger maps are better
Why do u think that
Season 6 is overhated.
And I, for one, found the Maurauders to be a very unique feature. I loved them and had no problem with them ever.
Same for both, we might be the only people that actually liked them
@HuntingSeason1 There have been MUCH morse seasons than Season 6.
And much worse features than the Maurauders.
@@COELACANTHofficial True
maurauders arent even that bad man people just whine too much.
"don't match the style of Fortnite" Sorry, you don't like them but cars, animals and NPC are what make Fortnite different from other shooters and BR, Fortnite is a world to explore not only shooter PVP and that's what look to me your problem, you just one something like Reload.
That is not what makes Fortnite different. Especially the cars and animals.
@@Mr.Quackerson tell me a multiplayer shooter with cars and animals...
With henchmen, all they need to do is give them their own footsteps icon. Maybe even give that to players disguised as one?
Also with crafting, what if that replaced moddable weapons? You could just mod weapons in your inventory with the old crafting system
Crafting was actually handled pretty well in chapter 2 season seven and eight actually, gave you more options since it only required nuts and bolts and could make your gun act fundamentally different - it also opened up a lot of pro players to have different strategies with their guns , season six crafting was actual trash tho
as a trickshoter i don't mind the bots. even tho they kinda patched bot lobbies by taking out the bosses and reducing the amount of mobility for some reason... but they should at least have a game mode or something to do your challenges and chill.
the cars didnt replace the old vehicles, all of the old vehicles have come back to the game within the past year (except for the mechs for obvious reasons), and the complaint about cars being basic is funny considering that it was the community that was crying about car mods and making vehicles wacky
and the whole bots thing is stupid, yall can keep on complaining about it. I'm not going through 10 minute queues because there's ppl playing different modes
People are complaining about bots because they have gotten out of hand. I've had a 30 second queue and only 12 players were real. I would rather wait a bit longer for 75% real players then 30 seconds for majority bots. Having a lobby full of pure bots means you can go auto pilot and not try. Then when you get a real player, your brain has to wake up. The only purpose bots have are for refreshes or free loot. Long queue times would be solved, if they stuck with a few modes instead of turning it into Roblox 2.0. Nice to know the community were the ones who wanted chonkers removed. Those wheels were pretty fun.
@AJ238 "12 players were real" literally isn't true at all, maybe 12 u killed but theres way more than that
@@damann7778 Nope. Welcome to OCE, where unless you're playing comp pretty much all your games are pure bots.
Planes haven't come back, Ballers, shopping carts, golf cart...
Also I don't get the car mods point but okay.
@@Raddish-Is-Radd all of those were in the game a year ago and my point is that y'all want wacky items but the community is the one bitching about wacky items
counter to bots is probably landing in a mythic contested poi because bots never land there and last season the bots couldn’t land at the raft and they would always be outside the raft so i wouldn’t bother killing them if i wasn’t completing a quest
The problem with generalization: I love crafting, chapter 2 season 6 is one of my fav season, and I am not alone, is the greatness of Fortnite appealing too different publics
collabs being in the battlepass having 0 mention on this list is criminal
SBMM and bots are not a good addition whatsoever, it makes the game feel worse and less rewarding to play. And fun fact, these two features were actually added into Fortnite during the second half of Season X
The bots ruined the game for me I played all of chapter one but quit and haven’t looked back since. No clue why I’m watching this video tbh. Will play oh Fortnite when it returns tho
Omg, I always make fun of people complaining about matchmaking… but that’s literally number 1.
Oh my god…
When will people stop crying about not having noobs to farm? So you can’t tell the difference but bots are boring?
1:27 they kinda reintroduced it with the chrome splash in ch 3 s 4
Honestly, the crafting system was better than the dumb mod benches you cna never use in ch5! If you could customize and add attachments to you guns like with that crafting feature, it wouldn't have been as bad for the weapon attachments. Only being able to mod them with a mod bench in vaults or bunkers was so so dumb. 😅 also, i really like wildlife. It added some depth to the map and the environment.
I actually like coral castle in concept! It looks really cool and the location is pretty! It's just that it's in that sinkhole crater and it makes it awful to fight in. 😅😆
coral castle was good poi trash take
Og vehicles were so much more fun except for the mech fuck that thing. But bro the original bawlers made you feel like Spiderman if you used them right and traveling was so fast. The quadcrasher let you fly. Hoverboard used to trickshots. And plane could be annoying but at the same time fun asf. Now we have generic ass cars
What about having lower ammount of ammo? I think it was added in ch2 season6
@@The_ReesesKing schnawg you prob started chapter 5
mystic back with trash takes
I don’t understand why here’s so much hate for Coral Castle??? If you don’t like this location, just don’t land there, but why you hate it so much?
Are top ten lists still viable these days
Never a bad mystic vid
Yes there has, 90% of his videos are NOTHING but whining
youre looking at it
@@SpencerTellin-e7lthe don’t watch
@@Johnny88272 Never did, never have, never will
He complains alot and it needs to stop
lol I don’t even know about half of these features I started C4 S OG, but very interesting
Agree with #1 WAYYY too many bots
i genuinely hated the sharks
Every game that has a player versus player should have skill based lobby fight me
That's why ranked exists. Casual matches should be random
I Started in crafting and i loved the idea and it made perfect sense
DADDDYYYYYY *me everytime i see meowscules*
If you think the wildlife in Fortnite is Annoying, then u should try Apex legends on Storm points map 😂
Ai players and the in game ai ruined the game for me
bro, tippings no different than thanking. besides the cost
I dont like cars too much tbh not because your able to hit people with en its just fortnites a goofy game i think it was better when atks and all the goofy vehicles
Is fun, for you the first and main worst feature are bots, for me are players... XD
So you want battle royale changing Into a zone wars
Worst feature Ever.. Shakedown
I love Crafting
there is no way you're complaining about cars 🤣🤣
A lot of ppl have they were broken
Do it for chapter 4😊😊
I wont accept this bruh, Primal set down the standards for so many pieces of the future of Fortnite, and yet everybody's complaining
Primal was shit, made the game unplayable
@jessicayoung456 lmfao bro doesn't know how to play the video game for teenagers
@@hondaaccord1399 bros getting defensive over a game for kids💀
I don't care that much 🤷🏿♀️ People whining is what really pisses me off.
@@hondaaccord1399 again bros upset that people are complaining about a cartoony video game. go get a job💀
Poi music is also a shit feature
Most of these takes are L man.. how about you stop catering to the majority and grow some balls and speak what you actually think.
Great vid❤