Awesome and amazing, not only give me fresh feelings, also cheer me up both mindset and spiritual, and the music arrangement is great, the most important is can fit the Bible scripture as lyrics into the song perfectly 👍👍👍
耶和華要受尊崇,奉主耶穌基督的名禱告。 聖靈要興起,以基督的心為心。 我神的名是耶和華,耶穌基督是主。 The Lord be exalted, pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will rise up with the mind of Christ. My God’s name is YHWH Yahweh Jesus Christ is Lord.
願神祝福保守你們的事工,在 神的引導裡祝福這地💪
Awesome and amazing, not only give me fresh feelings, also cheer me up both mindset and spiritual, and the music arrangement is great, the most important is can fit the Bible scripture as lyrics into the song perfectly 👍👍👍
I voted it😄
The Lord be exalted, pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit will rise up with the mind of Christ.
My God’s name is YHWH Yahweh Jesus Christ is Lord.
求主耶穌寶血再次潔凈遮蓋,醫治你受傷的心...使你經歷祂的信實...人會失信...上帝是信實的.. 聖經的話語是可信的、是真實的!