First to comment ✌🏻 There are so many versions of this song, it gives me memories of when Solji became the first king of mask singer 💖 Really like seeing how each singer interprets this song differently!
as far as this song till now only her and solji get the lower part right. this one hs superb control of vocal aside of narrow powerband she had. th wsjn girl is good but too sharp high even vs solji and thinner low vocal than this unknown london bus
First to comment ✌🏻 There are so many versions of this song, it gives me memories of when Solji became the first king of mask singer 💖 Really like seeing how each singer interprets this song differently!
She Sang So Perfectly
Yeonjung really good singing this song. Imo
남자키 그대로 부르면서도 개 잘부르는거 같은데ㅋㅋㅋ
대부분 여자가 남자노래 원키로 부르면 굉장히 어색한데 이건 남자키로 부르는데도 어색하지도 산고 밋밋하지도 않고 좋은데 임한별이 더 잘부르니 막귀니 하는 놈들은 ㄹㅇ고음충에 막귀인듯;;;
난 좋기만 하구만 댓글들 왜그래?? 가수들도 다 각자 키 맞춰서 부르는게 프로인거고 ㅋㅋㅋ
as far as this song till now only her and solji get the lower part right. this one hs superb control of vocal aside of narrow powerband she had. th wsjn girl is good but too sharp high even vs solji and thinner low vocal than this unknown london bus
What is her name?
she is Navi, female korean singer
임한별이 훨 났구만 막귀들인가
노래는 잘 하는데.. 왜 주부가요열창 느낌이 날까? 이 노래는 그냥 원가수만 부르면 좋겠다...
여자가 남자 노래를 원키로 불러서 그런 듯,,,
이노래랑 별로 안어울림
백지영의 노래를 불렀으면 어땠을까 싶네요,,,