BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THEIR VOCALS?!?! RENJUN OMFG WHAT IS THIS??? how can he be so confident, dance so well and sing this beautifully??? All of them are shining ❤😭 and those fanchants YASSS!
Is this a Chenle focus cam or is it that my eyes keep following him unconsciously 🤔 Seriously this was so good. Their live vocals were good. The outfits were so beautiful and the stage setting too. Dream you're so amazing! Love you all my kids 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
NCT Dream are amazing. And OT7 are back! The backtrack is always so loud on these music shows though which is annoying. Haechan really shines in Dream and I’ve said this before but I’m so happy that these units allow members to shine. He is the undeniable center in a lot of their performances!! Haechan is borderline flawless and so is RenJun. I’ve always felt his vocals were underrated but I’m glad that with this great song more people are acknowledging it. This is perfect for his range and also he black hair looks great on him! ChenLe belting out there. We all know he’s a child genius if you’ve seen his predebut videos but in NCT Dream his voice type can be underutilized. He was brilliant here though and his parts suited him. The chant chorus was hard to get used to at first but it makes sense for this song. It’s just so much FUN! And it helps since it means they don’t have to “sing” a chorus and can execute this amazing choreography perfectly. Actually now that I think about it the song is composed in such a genius way. The phrases are short which not only makes it catchy but also the perfect song to perform live. I love the way the instrumental cuts their vocal parts in very obvious ways and segments it out so each member gets to shine. I like that Jaemin/Jisung get that line in the chorus. Dream really do have great line distribution. It’s wonderful that they all contribute to the song. People always go on about line distribution but ultimately it comes down to what makes a song GOOD and luckily these members are the perfect combination of voices and skills. Producers always want the song sounding the best it can sound and we have to remember that. I’m not really well versed in rap so I usually just focus on the vocalists but Jaemin is really powerful as a performer. So glad he is back. He is absolutely killing it with his facial expressions! And proving himself to be a formidable all rounder. Dream are so well rounded. Jisung is a fireball on stage and I love his distinctive dancing style. He also has a pretty cool vocal timbre that is distinguishable. Jeno and his dance skills are often overlooked too and I’m glad he was center for a lot of this choreo. And I think this might be one of my favorite Mark raps along his Cherry Bomb verse. Anywhere and everywhere he is, but luckily he no longer has school to think about. I hope he takes it easy but I know right now is his peak health age I just want them all to be happy and have fun when performing. I hope fans will support the members in a positive way! NCT Dream have worked very hard and look so happy and most of all comfortable with this new concept. NCT members are such great performers. We will be getting more and more content from Dream even after this promotion so I’m glad they were able to head to LA and have fun filming. It shows the amount of faith SM have in these members, to fund overseas shoots. They are to be a force of NCT now and in the future. NCT 127 are coming back with Touch next week with a revitalized image so hopefully fans will support them too! Excited for the showcase and to see all the units and members show us what they’ve got.
honestly, since last year, nct dream is always the unit with the most stable vocals while doing live. (the other units improved now tho :) ) but since last year til' now, nct dream are really stable and are constantly improving! plus, it's only their first week of promotions
Jeno dance so strong and powerfull as expected from one of lead dancer. He own this kind of choreography but he so underrated. Compared to other members he got few comment in this comeback stages.
Triplet Kembar OMG! I'm hoping for the same things too! It's like once in a lifetime NCT gets to appear in Weekly Idol as 18 members with Doni Coni as the MCs! 💖 I'm so excited for that iconic episode! 😍😍😍
Just listen to it. This is live singing. It's not a lipsinc to live-ar. They're singing live. NCT dream even talked about this in vlive. They sang live and the performance was taped so that it can air few hours later; it wasn't real time airing but THAT doesn't mean they're using live-ar to lipsync. It's just means it's 'pre-recorded stage(사전녹화)'. We shouldn't confuse that with 'pre-recorded live vocal(사전녹음)'; they're two totally different things. As I said, their live performances were being filmed to air later, that's all. Music shows cannot do real time stage back to back constantly, especially when there're using different stage details for different artists. They need time to clear up and redecorate. Due to limited number of stages, staffs and time, they film some performances earlier that day. And the rest are done real time (maybe with 5 minutes delay to prevent accidents from airing if it happens to be one). The only difference comes in here. Artists who do stage earlier ('pre-recorded stage') can get more than one shot since they have few hours to spare until being aired. Typically, they would sing 2 or 3 times and chose best one out of them to air. (They said that the 3rd one got aired in vlive and I think this might be their 1st or the 2nd one. They had wondered whether MBC would use the 3rd one but it appeared to be so. They supposed having confetti in the 3rd affected the choice.) Artists who do stage in 'real time', however, will more be tense since it would not be as easy to get second chance. They may try redo in 5minute-delay if there was a fatal mistake. Still, it's not as easy; only 5 minutes to spare.
Jeno needs more appreciation. Guys, he's amazing! His rap has improved so much. What he lacks are lines. Btw, did you see him at the end? He's just so cool!😍
Diannisya #TheWarEXO #KOKOBOP I don't see comments about him when in fact, he really slayed this concept. He also had enough screentime in the MV but still, no one was talking about how cool he was when he did that bike trick.
haechan looks really down and sad at the end hopefully he’s getting his rest and eating right bc seeing idols lose weight gives me anxiety please ALWAYS love and support him he really deserves Mark too all of them deserve it!
Renjun is more confident now!
Renjun voice 😍
라이브입니다 여러분ㅜㅜ 얘두라 밥 대신 씨디 먹고 그르믄 안대ㅜㅜㅜㅜ건강 챙기고 관절 조심 하고...따흑..😭
Renjun really got every kpop vocalist quaking with fear
Did SM feed you CD 😭😭
Finally it looks complete with jaemin :’)
Edit since so many of you agree: He dances with such ease yet each move is so powerful and it fascinates me!!
to me, everyone
Omg so cool. So dreamy....😘
he is SO in his element here
oh my bad, I meant Renjun
Rae Rae Ryu oh no I know all of their names it was just autocorrect
renjun is seriously no joke
and chenle is doing amazing wowowow
Renjun's dance is so smooth! 🤩🤩🤩
이동혁 져지 위아래 착장ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 인간 아디다스 ,,❤️
BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THEIR VOCALS?!?! RENJUN OMFG WHAT IS THIS??? how can he be so confident, dance so well and sing this beautifully??? All of them are shining ❤😭 and those fanchants YASSS!
This version is much better than the official version for broadcast
Their voice is clearer to hear
renjun's voice 💚💚💚💚💚
Chenle first part are so high and it even harder it was after hard choreo but he still excel it. So talented young boiii
I really love the way renjun snapped at 3:10 😍 So cool!
해찬아 진짜 ..ㅐ박 ......
Thumbnail is center Renjun. Music Core is lovely again and they seem fell in love with RenJun too LOL =)))
2:53 또한번의 마크의 대박적 동선이동ㅠㅠ
Is this a Chenle focus cam or is it that my eyes keep following him unconsciously 🤔
Seriously this was so good. Their live vocals were good. The outfits were so beautiful and the stage setting too.
Dream you're so amazing! Love you all my kids 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
SeoSone 029 OMG!! me too! how?? i thougt iam the only one that focus on chenle 😂
NCT Dream are amazing. And OT7 are back! The backtrack is always so loud on these music shows though which is annoying. Haechan really shines in Dream and I’ve said this before but I’m so happy that these units allow members to shine. He is the undeniable center in a lot of their performances!! Haechan is borderline flawless and so is RenJun. I’ve always felt his vocals were underrated but I’m glad that with this great song more people are acknowledging it. This is perfect for his range and also he black hair looks great on him! ChenLe belting out there. We all know he’s a child genius if you’ve seen his predebut videos but in NCT Dream his voice type can be underutilized. He was brilliant here though and his parts suited him. The chant chorus was hard to get used to at first but it makes sense for this song. It’s just so much FUN! And it helps since it means they don’t have to “sing” a chorus and can execute this amazing choreography perfectly. Actually now that I think about it the song is composed in such a genius way. The phrases are short which not only makes it catchy but also the perfect song to perform live. I love the way the instrumental cuts their vocal parts in very obvious ways and segments it out so each member gets to shine. I like that Jaemin/Jisung get that line in the chorus. Dream really do have great line distribution. It’s wonderful that they all contribute to the song. People always go on about line distribution but ultimately it comes down to what makes a song GOOD and luckily these members are the perfect combination of voices and skills. Producers always want the song sounding the best it can sound and we have to remember that. I’m not really well versed in rap so I usually just focus on the vocalists but Jaemin is really powerful as a performer. So glad he is back. He is absolutely killing it with his facial expressions! And proving himself to be a formidable all rounder. Dream are so well rounded. Jisung is a fireball on stage and I love his distinctive dancing style. He also has a pretty cool vocal timbre that is distinguishable. Jeno and his dance skills are often overlooked too and I’m glad he was center for a lot of this choreo. And I think this might be one of my favorite Mark raps along his Cherry Bomb verse. Anywhere and everywhere he is, but luckily he no longer has school to think about. I hope he takes it easy but I know right now is his peak health age I just want them all to be happy and have fun when performing. I hope fans will support the members in a positive way! NCT Dream have worked very hard and look so happy and most of all comfortable with this new concept. NCT members are such great performers. We will be getting more and more content from Dream even after this promotion so I’m glad they were able to head to LA and have fun filming. It shows the amount of faith SM have in these members, to fund overseas shoots. They are to be a force of NCT now and in the future. NCT 127 are coming back with Touch next week with a revitalized image so hopefully fans will support them too! Excited for the showcase and to see all the units and members show us what they’ve got.
Haechan's voice makes my heart
honestly, since last year, nct dream is always the unit with the most stable vocals while doing live. (the other units improved now tho :) ) but since last year til' now, nct dream are really stable and are constantly improving! plus, it's only their first week of promotions
renjun has me on the palm of his hand, he can kill me anytime
3:01 Renjun is so charming
can't take my eyes off Jaemin,
his stage presence is really strong!!!
Nico Nico I know he is but maybe the pink to jacket has something to do with it too
It's really hard to focus on other members specially when renjun stands next to that one member *uGH* my eyes goes after him all the time!!! -hELP-
Jaemin getting wild at 3:00
인준아 너무 멋있어... ㅠㅠ 다들 너무 잘해 건강 잘 챙기고 따랑해
흑흑 재민이 있는 무대가 아직도 왜인지 너무 안 믿긴다... 역시 드림이들은 완전체가 최고양... 노래도 노래인데 가사가 너무 좋아 ㅜㅜㅠ
Haechan is so hot 😍 . His voice is so good
I agree, I agree
Renjunna! Your voice is already perfect! so always sing out loud confidently baby. T^T
라이브 넘잘해ㅜㅜ
Haechan vocal 😍
이해찬...너의 고음....음색..소듕해..
드림이들 라이브 너무 잘해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Jeno's rap and dance skill is no joke
Little Bug but people rarely recognize him 😔
Jeno dance so strong and powerfull as expected from one of lead dancer. He own this kind of choreography but he so underrated. Compared to other members he got few comment in this comeback stages.
haechan is a blessing for us omg
Love that pinky boy 💖
Uri jaemin...
I can’t imagine if they have to dance x2 speed for this song even though I know they can still do it well anyway
Triplet Kembar OMG! I'm hoping for the same things too! It's like once in a lifetime NCT gets to appear in Weekly Idol as 18 members with Doni Coni as the MCs! 💖 I'm so excited for that iconic episode! 😍😍😍
러러님 이번 컨셉도 어쩜 찰떡일수가 있죠 ?
i came here to hear the live vocals better, especially for jaemin's rap, but i can't hear it because the screams for him are way too loud hahaha
it's not live, it's live ar meaning they recorded it beforehand
Just listen to it. This is live singing. It's not a lipsinc to live-ar. They're singing live. NCT dream even talked about this in vlive. They sang live and the performance was taped so that it can air few hours later; it wasn't real time airing but THAT doesn't mean they're using live-ar to lipsync. It's just means it's 'pre-recorded stage(사전녹화)'. We shouldn't confuse that with 'pre-recorded live vocal(사전녹음)'; they're two totally different things. As I said, their live performances were being filmed to air later, that's all.
Music shows cannot do real time stage back to back constantly, especially when there're using different stage details for different artists. They need time to clear up and redecorate. Due to limited number of stages, staffs and time, they film some performances earlier that day. And the rest are done real time (maybe with 5 minutes delay to prevent accidents from airing if it happens to be one). The only difference comes in here. Artists who do stage earlier ('pre-recorded stage') can get more than one shot since they have few hours to spare until being aired. Typically, they would sing 2 or 3 times and chose best one out of them to air. (They said that the 3rd one got aired in vlive and I think this might be their 1st or the 2nd one. They had wondered whether MBC would use the 3rd one but it appeared to be so. They supposed having confetti in the 3rd affected the choice.) Artists who do stage in 'real time', however, will more be tense since it would not be as easy to get second chance. They may try redo in 5minute-delay if there was a fatal mistake. Still, it's not as easy; only 5 minutes to spare.
About 22minutes in. NCT Dream Mark, Jeno, Jaemin talk about them singing live at Music Core that day (22:17 and 23:23)
They're singing live I'm crying I'm so proud of my babies
우리 인준이 ♡
Haechan is so beautiful.
점점 더 발전해가는 모습 너무 좋아ㅠㅠ
오늘도 최고야 NCT DREAM
Jaemin in pink !!
Jisung 😍😍😍😍💟💜💛❤💙💚💓💕💟💞💝💗💖
오늘도 가볍게 리즈 갱신,,,
Jeno needs more appreciation. Guys, he's amazing! His rap has improved so much. What he lacks are lines. Btw, did you see him at the end? He's just so cool!😍
Addy Succor yeah i'm so sad that he is underrated
Diannisya #TheWarEXO #KOKOBOP I don't see comments about him when in fact, he really slayed this concept. He also had enough screentime in the MV but still, no one was talking about how cool he was when he did that bike trick.
Did you guys see that Mark moved from the right to the left in just *2 SECONDS* ? 02:52 02:54 THAT WAS REALLY QUICK.😱👏
Injunnie noona love you more than you love Moomin
Mark even singing live in the chorus part! That's my boy💙
Mark looks a little tired. His movements looks a little sluggish and it looks like he Is running of breathe through out the performance
haechan looks really down and sad at the end hopefully he’s getting his rest and eating right bc seeing idols lose weight gives me anxiety please ALWAYS love and support him he really deserves
Mark too all of them deserve it!
진짜 대박이다.....개간지 난다...멋있으...
이동역 사랑해 음색 최고다 너의 목소리를 듣지 않고서는 살 수 없어
황인준 최고
사랑해 얘들아ㅠㅠㅠㅠ드림이들 흥하자~~♡♡♡ 아ㅠㅠ칠드림 제발 고정 가즈아~~!! 너네로 평생 보고싶다구ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 너네가 없는 드림은 드림이 아니야.....ㅠ
드림 최고라구 ㅠ
이번 go 활동에선 인준이가 짱이다...표정 섹시 컨셉 찰떡같이 소화하고 화장도 섹시해..노래실력도 많이 늘고 파트도 늘리고 크으.
마크 최고ㅠㅠ
China line~~ 😭💙🔫😱
omg this video proof that ma kids really singing live😵😎🙀
haechan 👏👏👏👏💯☀
Again and again thumbnail so cool!!! Thankssssss!!!!!!!!
JAEMIN n JENO very very very GOOD LOOKING ;__;
마크 렌즈 낀거 너무 조타 .. ㅠㅠ 눈 건강에 안좋긴 하지만 ㅠㅠ 어떡해ㅜ너무 예뻐 ㅠㅠ
이동혁 날티 개사랑함 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
드림이 미래다!
The youngest Nct unit did this live vocal on point !!!!! The boys look so good !
드림 착장 오져버렸던..... 이동혁 초록 아디다스 죽어도 못 잊어
Renjun ♡
Dreamies eating their CDs for breakfast. Whats new? Omg
Aren't we going to talk about Mark at 2:53 tho? ⚡
He always got the furthest movement in the choreography TT....
That so smooth i swear
harith iskandar that was fast. Daebak
Angelic voice haechan is glowing
Mark Lee
와 해찬이 노래 춤 다 잘하네... 왜 이제야 입덕하기 시작한거지..🤧
Chenle is very stable during live 👍👍👍
라이브 미쳤네 울 칠드림 스엠 제발 정규 좀 줘라 이렇게 잘하는데 왜 컴백을 안시켜주냐고..
i don't really have a bias bcs I like them all equally but renjun is standing out..... i hate him :---(
Doriii X yes we love him. I mean from having no bias, renjun is my bias now
I was confused by your comment at first lmao =))) Renjun is also my bais, I love him so much T.T
when jaemin was inactive, renjun became my 2nd bias ☺
NANA's performance never disappoints me. 😊
What shuld i do about Renjun????
you're only 18 years old... but why his oppa aura is so freaky T.T
Riee Chan lol actually nct dream's oppa aura on stage are really amazing😂😂 i almost forget my own age😂😂
뭐야 노래보소..웅장