Tesla autopilot had most accidents in the EV world, regardless of that, if ur that lazy, why not just take taxi 🤣🤣 its more stressful watching the car drive than u driving it urself 😅
Thanks for the info. May I know more about the stat? I'm also interested in whether it has the highest number of incidents or percentage per brand. If it is just the number, it is evident that Tesla has the largest market share in EVs. Besides, autopilot is the inevitable. When the elevator was invented, there was an elevator operator to control it. Even a news survey that people would rather walk stairs instead of using an elevator. Meanwhile, most aviation is auto-pilot. In the near future, I will also take a taxi, but it will be auto-pilot as well. Nonetheless, agree that if you are not familiar with or feeling stressed, suggest not to use it.
@@1000papa no, i'm not interested in using autopilot and therefore I won't even look at the stats... and I don't even know if Tesla is largest in the market, maybe it is in the US market lol and let say it is, it do have most the accidents on the news as far as I'm concern... and I'm an EV owner that never activate L2 auto pilot (or whatever the system is called) once... not even sure how to use it lol And yes, we have autopilot in aviation industry for more than 30 yrs even for taking-off and landings... have u ever wonder why we haven't get rid of the pilots on our planes? its not like we need them at all with our tech... and u absolutely thought our pilots are chilling everyday when they fly on those planes? that's because u don't know about the aviation industry lol
I'm not a pilot, but I watched some documentaries about it. Most aviation pilots are responsible for the safety checkout and clearance to lift off and landing. This is also a crucial task to safeguard the flight pleasantly. If there is any pilot reading it, please correct me if I'm wrong. However, respect that different people have different levels of acceptance. If you are feeling stressed about autopilot, don't use it. By the way, I use it almost daily and feel peaceful.
@@1000papa i congratulate u for knowing less lol that would be a great relief... I seen with my own eyes how careless ppl lock cargo pallets on planes... I myself asked the person who was responsible on that particular plane, how would u know if an oversize cargo is locked in place? his answer was ... if you're not sure, just tie one more strap, still scared? tie another one til u feel comfortable... the official answer should be calculating and measuring the angle of the strap with the weight of the cargo and blah blah blah... or else if the COG shifts in the middle of the flight, that plane isn't going anywhere else... and yes, they are using autopilot on the deck while their oversize cargo is strapped down by these ppl ... lol anyways, back to the topic, I feel more stressed coz ur not suppose to be doing anything else using autopilot, and the whole time ur watching ur car doing its thing hoping it doesn't hit anything or anyone... I personally would do that myself and not just sit there and "feel" like i m waiting for something bad to happen... lol and it is suppose to suddenly turn off and let u take over if the sensors couldn't sense the road properly or whatever?
多謝支持🙏🏼☺️,最緊要幫到大家,拍嘅時候都半偷拍咁,之後都收到 Tesla 嘅「提醒」😅
多謝☺️,希望幫到手 🙏🏼
最緊要幫到大家 🙌🏼☺️
@@1000papa HI PaPa我剛剛收車我想問下如果我停車坐係車入面等人,點樣先可以息晒部車?我意思
唔使客氣,新車落地 👏🏼,會唔會用 1 Pedal Drive 呢?
1000papa你好, 我有個問題, 最近爬文見到車底咪有塊底板要黎protect住電池cooling喉既, 石仔有機會會打穿塊板同條cooling喉, 如果touch wood打穿左tesla包唔包換電? 如果我搵車房換塊厚身的既底板做protect, 又會唔會破保? 謝謝
多謝支持 ☺️🙏🏼
Benz應該有child lock既,響度門度要手動開關,可以叫你frd睇下有冇,因為我部GLC都有,佢部GLE冇理由冇掛😅 同埋你frd話揸慣左Tesla會攪到揸番Benz會唔記得鎖車,呢個真係有可能,因為我就係成日都係咁😂
買Tesla之後發現張凳有裂紋 可以返廠免費更換張凳?
呢條工作人員正pk ...上次俾佢安排收車...十問九唔應...好快走開左...要我問其他人....今次見人有cam 就咁詳細....奉勸大家都用cam拍底交車過程!!!
唔緊要啦,希望大家睇過呢條片,會對交車過程熟啲,順順利利,和氣生財 🙏🏼☺️
我驚下次個個收車 扮拍片。職員態度實好😂
同我既待遇一樣 佢知1000爸爸拍野先咁樣
你嘅介紹真係好有用,我都用咗你條 ling買嘢,輸入咗1000papa。thx
多謝支持 🙏🏼☺️,如果係 Tesla,個推薦碼「 chuntak23369」
@@1000papa 因爲我2月16落訂,客服話唔可以追加referral🙏
明白,要睇埋個落訂日期,多謝通知 🙏🏼
多謝你条片,我會盡量避免落斜時有Tesla 新手在我後面😬😰😛
如果知道係新手,揸咩車都要小心啲。其實大部份電動車都支持 1PD,斜路開車停車會安全啲 ☺️
第一次渣電車 後日拎車第一次係咪都係set慢行好d先?
恭喜晒 🎊,個電門控制係要啲時間去習慣,擔心嘅話可以用慢模式先,我地揸左部車都就快4年,我老婆都仲係用緊慢行,有心想學可以試下 1PD,識用好難返轉頭 😅
15:11 請問這是指Tesla還是benz
我老友嘅意見,係指 Mercedes Benz 😱
如果加埋點樣check check就更加好,師兄會唔會有啲咁嘅影片?
好耐之前有出過 Check 車片 ( 3年前 😱)
不過早期美製嘅質素好參差,要 Check 得詳細啲,換咗中國製之後,質素穩定好多,正常目測就可以
呢架係RWD定Long range黎?見佢係18吋鈴,但續航成500幾?
我聽到都唔係好信,不過佢話問過 Sales 都係咁答,我諗佢講嘅兒童鎖係只可以司機去控制而後座乘客唔能夠郁果隻。
最緊要幫到大家 🙌🏼
如果而家落訂,幾時收車到?model 3 performance
其實都可以上返官網睇到,啱啱撳過,見到話今年 Q2
多謝支持 😊
我之前果架7人車 VW Sharan 都可以喺司機位控制晒,我諗唔係好平嘅車應該都會有呢個控制,個 Friend 果部 Mercedes 出車要成球,合理期望應該要有
佢其實都係 Google Map 嚟,我習慣每次開車,就算個目的地好熟,我都會用佢 Check 下條路線先,可以避免啲突如其來嘅交通擠塞
23 年款HK 應該都冇左sensor, tesla hk web site 已改
@@13652901881 Tesla HK website , 而家新冇雷達叫Tesla 視訊系統,以前有radar 叫tesla ultrasonic system
我都想知邊度揾,我睇個 Manual,就仲有 Radar,可能未更新,所以最好打俾客服問清楚
@@1000papa @Rainix Ho 小心d 便可,因為我見網站內容及字眼更新左所以提醒一下,之前有明確寫明有雷達,現在只注明視訊系統😊
我買左車,但未比大訂,但客服話冇得加翻你個referral code😭😭
@@1000papa 仲想問問,你朋友架車出廠日期寫係2023定2022?
Check 過佢個 VIN,係 2023年
did your friend not have test drive before purchase? why did he ask questions like, does the car come with camera? does it come with charging cable?
He didn't 😅. Even not ask me before his purchase or watch any of my videos 😖. He did even not watch this video at all 😲, it's his style.
明白,多謝意見 🙏🏼,平時講嘢比較快,會留意
唔問下插 OBD 破唔破保
OBD 可以隨時插又隨時拎走,唔大問題 🤫
very good video
Glad you like it 🙏🏼😊
有趣,長知識 🙏🏼
你就好啦!片中個位tesla員工 就係當日負責接待我 佢都幾多野同你講 但同我 只係你慢慢睇 之後無同我對話過
實用,我後日出model Y
預祝你收車成功! ☺️
如果無買autopilot 佢都會送埋畀我哋??
個 Autopilot 只係最基本,有啲再高級嘅 FSD,唔平兼且香港唔係好啱用。Tesla 出車其實出名冇野送,遮都冇一把。不過近期都見有返個 Referral Code 可以用,冇左成年,起碼可以有啲超充里程換下
@@1000papa model y 都有基本 Autopilot ?
係呀,M3, MY 都有㗎
Tesla 係Level 2。
👍🏼你啱,我自己之前整左個video 介都都講錯 😅
Welcome ☺️🙏🏼
好多人係咁講 😅,起碼可以俾 Tesla 知道,咁樣嘅態度先叫合格 👍🏼
😅 仲有冇咩題目想知嘅,可以留言俾我,見到多人關心嘅都可以拍片同大家分享
叫姐姐抹車 ,慳抹車吸塵錢 好人有限! 抹車係唔係家務?
有睇開嘅會知道我用屋苑停車場姨姨,每個星期抺幾次車身,家企姐姐就幾個月一次幫手吸下塵。多謝支持,睇完條片先話我唔係好人。我聽過有人見到thumbnail 我個樣,就知道我唔係好人。祝各好人身體健康 😉
@@1000papa 好人有限和吾係好人是有分別.....令你誤會是我的文法“未夠好”!像我這般壞人有關於車 包括吸塵 等等 都係交給專業人仕處理! 唔係嘅咪自己喐手!
唔緊要嘅 🙌🏼,嚟緊都想同大家講下點樣保養下部車,希望繼續支持 🙏🏼
@@1000papa 我諗依個師兄如果請個姐姐工人、應該唔洗佢煮飯、會請個廚師番黎煮埋比個姐姐食、有花園既又會請多個花王😂😂
冇咁誇張,都係靠努力白手起家嘅 💪🏼
GLE無可能無child lock😂
我都好驚奇啊,竟然冇child lock!? 不過車主係咁講😅😅
Benz每架車都有child lock
其實我真係有諗過出會員制,每月一次同會員出嚟,收車又得,傾吓計又得,送下禮物俾會員都得 🤔
最緊要和氣,同收車順利 🙏🏼
Tesla autopilot had most accidents in the EV world, regardless of that, if ur that lazy, why not just take taxi 🤣🤣 its more stressful watching the car drive than u driving it urself 😅
Thanks for the info. May I know more about the stat? I'm also interested in whether it has the highest number of incidents or percentage per brand. If it is just the number, it is evident that Tesla has the largest market share in EVs. Besides, autopilot is the inevitable. When the elevator was invented, there was an elevator operator to control it. Even a news survey that people would rather walk stairs instead of using an elevator. Meanwhile, most aviation is auto-pilot. In the near future, I will also take a taxi, but it will be auto-pilot as well. Nonetheless, agree that if you are not familiar with or feeling stressed, suggest not to use it.
@@1000papa no, i'm not interested in using autopilot and therefore I won't even look at the stats... and I don't even know if Tesla is largest in the market, maybe it is in the US market lol and let say it is, it do have most the accidents on the news as far as I'm concern... and I'm an EV owner that never activate L2 auto pilot (or whatever the system is called) once... not even sure how to use it lol
And yes, we have autopilot in aviation industry for more than 30 yrs even for taking-off and landings... have u ever wonder why we haven't get rid of the pilots on our planes? its not like we need them at all with our tech... and u absolutely thought our pilots are chilling everyday when they fly on those planes? that's because u don't know about the aviation industry lol
I'm not a pilot, but I watched some documentaries about it. Most aviation pilots are responsible for the safety checkout and clearance to lift off and landing. This is also a crucial task to safeguard the flight pleasantly. If there is any pilot reading it, please correct me if I'm wrong. However, respect that different people have different levels of acceptance. If you are feeling stressed about autopilot, don't use it. By the way, I use it almost daily and feel peaceful.
@@1000papa i congratulate u for knowing less lol that would be a great relief... I seen with my own eyes how careless ppl lock cargo pallets on planes... I myself asked the person who was responsible on that particular plane, how would u know if an oversize cargo is locked in place? his answer was ... if you're not sure, just tie one more strap, still scared? tie another one til u feel comfortable... the official answer should be calculating and measuring the angle of the strap with the weight of the cargo and blah blah blah... or else if the COG shifts in the middle of the flight, that plane isn't going anywhere else...
and yes, they are using autopilot on the deck while their oversize cargo is strapped down by these ppl ... lol
anyways, back to the topic, I feel more stressed coz ur not suppose to be doing anything else using autopilot, and the whole time ur watching ur car doing its thing hoping it doesn't hit anything or anyone... I personally would do that myself and not just sit there and "feel" like i m waiting for something bad to happen... lol and it is suppose to suddenly turn off and let u take over if the sensors couldn't sense the road properly or whatever?
telsa 手工差又貴,唔直得
每個人都有唔同喜好,咁個世界先至好玩。不過睇番汽車首次登記數字,Tesla 喺市場仍然好受歡迎,
🐢 唔講得㗎 🤫
我老友嚟㗎,不過佢上個星期都仲有問我點開個 AutoPilot 😅
只係早期 Tesla 美國制嘅品質好參差,大家都驚左,唔止係香港人,我早幾年都有收到其他國家嘅人問我攞收車Check List (英文),不過佢地呢一兩年嘅品質已經改善咗好多。另外因為佢地係直銷模式,唔似其他牌子車多數用代理同埋有 Sales 跟,有咩問題要自己返廠攪,攞車 Check 一次會穩陣啲