I can't help but get emotional at Nico Nico Covers. All I can picture is a group of people with amazing voices coming together and simply harmonizing their feelings. With this song in specific, I just love it.
I know your comment is super old but I TOTALLY agree! The same thing happens to me when I hear utaites amazing voices, sometimes I even get the chills (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I would love to help. But so far, the only voice I am familiar with is Mafumafu (boy in the middle of the lower row) but if you want you can check the utaite wikia for more information on them :)
@@Lundy.Fastnet.Irish_Sea If you are still interested..... Top row (left to right): Nigaihito (Boy) Yorukichi (Boy) Kogeinu (Boy) Dasoku (Boy) Taiyakaya (Boy) Bottom Row (left to right): Himeringo (Girl) Mirin (Girl) MafuMafu (Boy) Sana (Girl) Owan (Girl)
Monochrome Mannequin Himeringo is great. Other than Lost One's Weeping, I really recommend her covers of Yonjuunana (ヨンジュウナナ), Idora no Circus (イドラのサーカス) and Leave it to Yotsuya-san, or however people translate it (四ツ谷さんによろしく). She has other good ones but those are some of my favourites so far.
I love how when people make their own chorus songs, they add such intensity in the end, especially for a song that shows desperation and a need for help like this. I remember finding the English lyrics from Jubyphonic, and every time I hear this song, I can understand the message of what this song puts out. Heh, I doubt anyone else is really out there reading this and putting out a "serious thought" into the song like I am...now I feel like I'm over-thinking it all
I imagine this with all my classmates. Everyone singing about theirs own problems. Everyone noticing the worst part of themselves. And then try to fight them. I want to animate this.
Guys top (From left to right): Nigaihito, Yorukichi, Kogeinu,Dasoku, Taiyakiya Girls bottom: Himeringo, Mirin, Mafumafu(boy), Sana Owan I really did this for myself ^.^"
ロストワンの号哭 Lostone的號哭 作詞:Neru 作曲:Neru 編曲:Neru 唄:鏡音リン 翻譯:ekoloid 刃渡(はわた)り 数(すう)センチ(せんち)の不信(ふしん) 感(かん)が 刀長數公分的不信任感 hawata ri suu senchi no fu shin kan ga 挙(あ)げ句(く)の果(は)て 静脈(じょうみゃく)を刺(さ)しちゃって 最終的最終刺向靜脈 agekuno hate jyou myaku wo sa shi chatte 病弱(びょうじゃく)な愛(あい)が 飛(と)び 出(だ)すもんで 虛弱的愛飛奔而出 byoujaku na ai ga to bi dasu mon de レスポール(れすぽーる)さえも 凶器(きょうき)に 変(か)えてしまいました 就連Lespaul也變成了凶器 resupo-ru sae mo kyoki ni kaete shi maimashita ノーフィクション(のーふぃくしょん) Nofiction no - fiku shon 数学(すうがく)と理科(りか)は好(す)きですが 雖然喜歡數學與理科 suu gakuto rika wa siki desuga 国語(こくご)がどうもダメで 嫌(きら)いでした 國文卻實在不行而感到討厭 kokugoga dou mo dame de kirai deshita 正(ただ)しいのがどれか 悩(なや)んでいりゃ 煩惱著何謂正確答案 tadashiino gadoreka nayan deirya どれも不正解(ふせいかい) というオチ(おち)でした 最後卻沒有所謂正解 doremo fusei kai to iu ochi de shita 本日(ほんじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 無個性(むこせい)な僕(ぼく)のこと 今天的作業是 毫無個性的我 hon jitsuno shuku dai wa mukosei na boku no koto 過不足(かふそく) 無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著 kafusokunai fujiyuu nai 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きていて 最近生活著 saikin ni iki teite でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)は 時々(ときどき)に いや 毎日(まいにち) 但是為什麼 我們 有時卻 demodoushite bokutachi wa tokitoki ni iyamainichi 悲(かな)しいって 言(い)うんだ 淋(さび)しいって 言(い)うんだ 整天說著好哀傷 整天說著好寂寞 kanashiitte iunda sabishii tte iunda 黒板(こくばん)のこの漢字(かんじ)が読(よ)めますか 會讀黑板上的這個漢字嗎 kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka あの子(こ)の心象(しんしょう)は読(よ)めますか 能解讀那個孩子心情嗎 anokono shishou wa yome masuka その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く染(そ)めたのは 將那顆心染黑的 sonokokoro wo kuroku some tanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ 到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊 oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo そろばんでこの式(しき)が解(と)けますか 能夠解開算盤上的式子嗎 sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka あの子(こ)の首(くび)の輪(わ)も解(と)けますか 也能解開那個孩子頸上的項圈嗎 anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka 僕達(ぼくたち)このまんまでいいんですか 我們就維持原狀可以嗎 bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや 該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊 oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya いつまで 経(た)ったって 僕達(ぼくたち)は 經過了多久的我們 itsumadeta tta tte boku tachi wa ぞんざいな催眠(さいみん)に酔(よ)っていて 沉醉於粗劣的催眠 zon zaina sai min ni yo tte ite どうしようもないくらいの驕傲(きょうごう)を 處於毫無辦法的這份驕傲 dou shiyou mo nai kurai no kyou gou wo ずっと 匿(かく)っていたんだ 會一直 隱藏著 zutto kaku tte itanda 昨日(さくじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 相変(あいか)わらず解(と)けないや 昨天的作業 一如既往 解不開啊 sakujitsuno shu ku dai wa ai kawarazu tokenaiya 過不足(かふそく)無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きてい て 沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著 kafusokunai fujiyuu nai sai kin ni iki teite でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)の胸元(むなもと)の塊(かたまり)は 但是為什麼 我們胸口內心的部分 demodou shite boku tachi no muna moto no katamariwa 消(き)えたいって言(い)うんだ 死(し)にたいって言(い)うんだ 說著好想消失 說著好想去死 kietai tte iun da shinitai tte iunda 黒板(こくばん)のこの漢字(かんじ)が読(よ)めますか 會讀黑板上的這個漢字嗎 kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka あの子(こ)の心象(しんしょう)は読(よ)めますか 能解讀那個孩子心情嗎 anokono shishou wa yome masuka その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く 染(そ)めたのは 將那顆心染黑的 sono kokoro wo kuroku some tanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ 到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊 oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo そろばんでこの式(しき)が解(と)けますか 能夠解開算盤上的式子嗎 sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka あの子(こ)の首(くび)の輪(わ)も解(と)けますか 也能解開那個孩子頸上的項圈嗎 anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka 僕達(ぼくたち) このまんまでいいんですか 我們就維持原狀可以嗎 bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka おいどうすんだよ おいどうすんだよ 該怎麼辦啊 該怎麼辦啊 oi dousundayo oi dousun dayo 面積(めんせき) 比(ひ)の公式(こうしき) 言(い)えますか 說的出面積比的公式嗎 menseki hi no koushiki ie masuka 子供(こども)の時(とき)の夢(ゆめ)は言(い)えますか 說的出小時候的夢想嗎 kodomono toki no yume wa iemasuka その夢(ゆめ)すら 溝(どぶ)に 捨(す)てたのは 連夢想都丟棄在水溝的 sonoyume sura dobuni sutetanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ もう 知(し)ってんだろ 到底是誰啊 早就知道了吧 oidare nandayo mou shi tten daro いつになりゃ 大人(おとな)になれますか 何時才可以成為大人 itsuninarya otona ni nare masuka そもそも 大人(おとな)とは 一体全体(いったいぜんたい) 何(なん)ですか 首先大人到底是什麼樣呢 somosomootona towa ittai zentai nan desuka どなたに 伺(うかが)えばいいんですか 該怎麼開口詢問才好 donanani ukaga eba iin desuka おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや 該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊 oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
Literally what was going through my head was like exams week and then the first guy gets up and starts singing, and then the next. Then the others. There's a pause and the girls join in. And then they're all singing and the teacher's just standing at the front of the class like "Well shit."
Totally not over we're about to get our first every Vocaloid movie in Jan 2025! When people ask 'What anime is Miku from?' We will finally have an answer! If you still love Vocaloid you should probably play Project SEKAI Colorful Stage. It's a wonderful story 10/10 and it keeps me loving and entertained with Vocaloid even after all these years.
I know absolutely no one will see this but this song specifically this chorus version of it completely rewired my brain I'm 23 now and I'm still bumping this shit
English lyrics A dagger of distrust Finally pierces a vein, By suddenly appearing, this weak love, Even transforms a pole into a lethal weapon. It's not fiction. I do like math and science, Since I'm useless at Japanese, I hate it, But if I continue to worry about which is correct, I feel that they'll both turn out to be wrong. Today's Homework is About me Who has no personality, It's just enough, I'm satisfied, I've started to live, But why is it, we Sometimes-- no, always Say we're sad, Say we're lonely? Can you read the Kanji on the blackboard? Can you read that kid's imagination? Who was it, that dyed his heart black, Hey, who was it? Hey, who was it? Can you solve this equation on the abacus? Can you loosen the rope around that kid's neck? Is it fine, if we remain like this? Hey, what should I do? It doesn't matter anymore... No matter how much time passes, we've Been carelessly intoxicated by hypnotism, I've always hopelessly hid, Behind Arrogance from power I no longer have. As always, I can't Solve Yesterday's homework, It's just enough, I'm satisfied, I've started to live, But why is it, The devil deep inside us Says we want to disappear, Says we want to die? Can you read the Kanji on the blackboard? Can you read that kid's imagination? Who was it, that dyed his heart black? Hey, who was it? Hey, who was it? Can you solve the equation on the abacus? Can you loosen the rope around that kid's neck? Is it fine, if we remain like this? Hey, what should I do? Hey, what should I do? Can you recite the area ratio formula? Can you recite your dreams as a child? Who threw those dreams down the drain, Hey, who was it? But I already know. When will you grow up? What the heck is 'growing up' in the first place? Who should I be asking? Hey, what should I do? It doesn't matter anymore...
I loved this as a 15 year old kid because it reflected my feelings. 25 years now, it seems like nothing has changed. At least I am in therapy now I guess.
I like how the second part of lost ones weeping tend to be one octave higher, idk if anyone notices but I think it’s rly cool that this detail was fulfilled and actually almost matches the key
This song is incredible, It's amazing how so many of these songs hold such intense and sad stories within them and hot damn is the Chorus ever fantastic.
Hawatari suu SENCHI no fushinkan ga Ageku no hate joumyaku wo sashichatte Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu monde RESUPOORU sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita NOOFIKUSHON Suugaku to rika wa suki desuga Kokugo ga doumo DAME de kirai deshita Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya Doremo fuseikai to iu OCHI deshita Honjitsu no shukudai wa mukosei na boku no koto Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi Kanashii tte iunda Sabishii tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo Oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka Oi dou sunda yo Mou doudatte ii ya Itsumade tattatte bokutachi wa Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo zutto Kakumatte itanda Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto katamari wa Kietai tte iunda Shinitai tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo Oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka Oi dou sunda yo Oi dousunda yo Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa Oi dare nanda yo Mou shittendaro Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka Oi dousunda yo Mou doudatte ii ya
I like how Mafumafu is still there although in the girl's row
it's like "lemme join ffs"
Didn't you know? This is Mafu's harem.
Jkjk I'm sorry.
tae tae
army!! Mafumafu best boi👌😉
@@Siebenn Or he's part of the harem 😂
“I wanna be a girl” intensifies
I always thought it was because they have a higher vocal range (head voice) like the girls, hence why they went there.
Mafumafu in the girl’s row all like “sup ladies lemme wiggle all in here”
Profile pic checks out
love the name btw
i love this comment
Mafu's not like that.
@@xseloryzshadowwalker6480 It's a joke.
I can't help but get emotional at Nico Nico Covers. All I can picture is a group of people with amazing voices coming together and simply harmonizing their feelings. With this song in specific, I just love it.
I know your comment is super old but I TOTALLY agree! The same thing happens to me when I hear utaites amazing voices, sometimes I even get the chills (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
This nico chorus cover in particular is pure eargasm, I STILL get shivers towards the end. So powerful.
ぶたうさぎ 神✨✨
ぶたうさぎ 女子に混ざっても違和感が機能してない
ぶたうさぎ 違和感働けw
Top row (left to right):
Nigaihito (Boy)
Yorukichi (Boy)
Kogeinu (Boy)
Dasoku (Boy)
Taiyakaya (Boy)
Bottom Row (left to right):
Himeringo (Girl)
Mirin (Girl)
MafuMafu (Boy)
Sana (Girl)
Owan (Girl)
Thanks they're so cute I HAD to know their names
Yay more general knowledge for me. thanks man.
Owan? All I see is other things when I search her name ;w;
Rin and len?
Mafu in the girls row gives me life and kills me at the same time
Still laughing over the fact that Mafumafu in in the girls's row.
+LaLionne Hey, do you mind telling who each of them are? I'm not familiar with them, but I realy enjoyed this.
I would love to help. But so far, the only voice I am familiar with is Mafumafu (boy in the middle of the lower row) but if you want you can check the utaite wikia for more information on them :)
LaLionne Thank you :)
@@Lundy.Fastnet.Irish_Sea If you are still interested.....
Top row (left to right):
Nigaihito (Boy)
Yorukichi (Boy)
Kogeinu (Boy)
Dasoku (Boy)
Taiyakaya (Boy)
Bottom Row (left to right):
Himeringo (Girl)
Mirin (Girl)
MafuMafu (Boy)
Sana (Girl)
Owan (Girl)
I mean made sense since he have a really high pitch xD
The only thing that went through my mind when MafuMafu and Kogeinu sang with the females
''They blend in so well''
@@miyeon175 I was wonderin what happened seeing a comment on this freaken years old comment
I am now confused XD I need an explaination ahahhahaha
2:25 Her voice is absolutely beautiful, I can never get over that part.
I believe so, but nonetheless, her voice sounds great.
Monochrome Mannequin That is HImeringo and her version's here in youtube
Monochrome Mannequin Himeringo is great. Other than Lost One's Weeping, I really recommend her covers of Yonjuunana (ヨンジュウナナ), Idora no Circus (イドラのサーカス) and Leave it to Yotsuya-san, or however people translate it (四ツ谷さんによろしく). She has other good ones but those are some of my favourites so far.
Himeringo's really awesome :3
Hime Neko (^・ω・^ ) Recently been listening to quite a lot of her and Panaman. Can never run out of good music to listen to on NND! :D
@@かのんほまれ そうかもしれないし、もしかしたら声が、、ってことじゃない?
@@かのんほまれ 少なくともまふくんはみんな知ってたと思います!!
@@かのんほまれ それか、女の子扱いされてるかですね^^;
私もコゲ犬さんとまふまふさんの事最初女性かと思ってました(⌒-⌒; )まふまふさんはこの動画を見て知りました……(; ̄◇ ̄)
1:25 love the scream! This song gets a lot of power with this short moment.
I love how when people make their own chorus songs, they add such intensity in the end, especially for a song that shows desperation and a need for help like this. I remember finding the English lyrics from Jubyphonic, and every time I hear this song, I can understand the message of what this song puts out.
Heh, I doubt anyone else is really out there reading this and putting out a "serious thought" into the song like I am...now I feel like I'm over-thinking it all
you arent
Songs like this are supposed to make you over think. Emotional songs in general are supposed to do that. So, no, you're not alone. ☺
Honestly when I found this my first thought was I wanted this sting in English in a chorus style
here in 2021, totally feel ya man
Not at all
Omg I just realized it Mafumafu was in the girl's row XDD
Hah ,
Denna Charlotte It's called Mafu's harem
I laughed my ass off when I saw mafumafu was on the girl side
I laughed,too😂😂😂
Lmaooo same
2:47 - 2:50. The fact that Len & Rin appeared.. I got chills x'D
I imagine this with all my classmates. Everyone singing about theirs own problems. Everyone noticing the worst part of themselves. And then try to fight them. I want to animate this.
did you do it-
I imaged with my classmates too...
I guess 30 times...
Only in this week...
I need to stop watching this...
But it's too much good xD
that’s such a good idea though
I wanna do this with association classroom 🧍♀️
Okay, that.. was awesome and amazing. Mafumafu still in the girl's row tho XD
+Aqua_Sophia He has the voice that can be both, he's just that awesome
+HetaMoon Harvest irk!
+Aqua_Sophia the exact opposite of yorukichi XD
+Animedragon 1323 xD irk
where can I found Mafumafu song version?
AOI momyumomyu (╭☞•́⍛•̀)╭☞それな
AOI momyumomyu 草
AOI momyumomyu それな( ´-ω-)σ
葵 momyumomyu
葵 momyumomyu あwわらってしまったww
Guys top (From left to right): Nigaihito, Yorukichi, Kogeinu,Dasoku, Taiyakiya
Girls bottom: Himeringo, Mirin, Mafumafu(boy), Sana Owan
I really did this for myself ^.^"
+Faith Greenfield Nigaihito sounds Japan from Hetalia I swear
+Faith Greenfield yaaaaas thank you so much
.... Okay this time say it in English
He even looks like it..
Still can't get over Mafumafu being in the girls' row
I like how Mafumafu was in the girls' row but still had the highest voice in the chorus beside the girls XD
刃渡(はわた)り 数(すう)センチ(せんち)の不信(ふしん) 感(かん)が
hawata ri suu senchi no fu shin kan ga
挙(あ)げ句(く)の果(は)て 静脈(じょうみゃく)を刺(さ)しちゃって
agekuno hate jyou myaku wo sa shi chatte
病弱(びょうじゃく)な愛(あい)が 飛(と)び 出(だ)すもんで
byoujaku na ai ga to bi dasu mon de
レスポール(れすぽーる)さえも 凶器(きょうき)に 変(か)えてしまいました
resupo-ru sae mo kyoki ni kaete shi maimashita
no - fiku shon
suu gakuto rika wa siki desuga
国語(こくご)がどうもダメで 嫌(きら)いでした
kokugoga dou mo dame de kirai deshita
正(ただ)しいのがどれか 悩(なや)んでいりゃ
tadashiino gadoreka nayan deirya
どれも不正解(ふせいかい) というオチ(おち)でした
doremo fusei kai to iu ochi de shita
本日(ほんじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 無個性(むこせい)な僕(ぼく)のこと
今天的作業是 毫無個性的我
hon jitsuno shuku dai wa mukosei na boku no koto
過不足(かふそく) 無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い
沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著
kafusokunai fujiyuu nai
最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きていて
saikin ni iki teite
でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)は 時々(ときどき)に いや 毎日(まいにち)
但是為什麼 我們 有時卻
demodoushite bokutachi wa tokitoki ni iyamainichi
悲(かな)しいって 言(い)うんだ 淋(さび)しいって 言(い)うんだ
整天說著好哀傷 整天說著好寂寞
kanashiitte iunda sabishii tte iunda
kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka
anokono shishou wa yome masuka
sonokokoro wo kuroku some tanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ
到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊
oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo
sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka
anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka
bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや
該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊
oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
いつまで 経(た)ったって 僕達(ぼくたち)は
itsumadeta tta tte boku tachi wa
zon zaina sai min ni yo tte ite
dou shiyou mo nai kurai no kyou gou wo
ずっと 匿(かく)っていたんだ
會一直 隱藏著
zutto kaku tte itanda
昨日(さくじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 相変(あいか)わらず解(と)けないや
昨天的作業 一如既往 解不開啊
sakujitsuno shu ku dai wa ai kawarazu tokenaiya
過不足(かふそく)無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きてい
沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著
kafusokunai fujiyuu nai sai kin ni iki teite
でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)の胸元(むなもと)の塊(かたまり)は
但是為什麼 我們胸口內心的部分
demodou shite boku tachi no muna moto no katamariwa
消(き)えたいって言(い)うんだ 死(し)にたいって言(い)うんだ
說著好想消失 說著好想去死
kietai tte iun da shinitai tte iunda
kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka
anokono shishou wa yome masuka
その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く 染(そ)めたのは
sono kokoro wo kuroku some tanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ
到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊
oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo
sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka
anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka
僕達(ぼくたち) このまんまでいいんですか
bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ おいどうすんだよ
該怎麼辦啊 該怎麼辦啊
oi dousundayo oi dousun dayo
面積(めんせき) 比(ひ)の公式(こうしき) 言(い)えますか
menseki hi no koushiki ie masuka
kodomono toki no yume wa iemasuka
その夢(ゆめ)すら 溝(どぶ)に 捨(す)てたのは
sonoyume sura dobuni sutetanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ もう 知(し)ってんだろ
到底是誰啊 早就知道了吧
oidare nandayo mou shi tten daro
いつになりゃ 大人(おとな)になれますか
itsuninarya otona ni nare masuka
そもそも 大人(おとな)とは 一体全体(いったいぜんたい) 何(なん)ですか
somosomootona towa ittai zentai nan desuka
どなたに 伺(うかが)えばいいんですか
donanani ukaga eba iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや
該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊
oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
Mikasa Ackerman ミカサ・アッカーマン
Literally what was going through my head was like exams week and then the first guy gets up and starts singing, and then the next. Then the others. There's a pause and the girls join in. And then they're all singing and the teacher's just standing at the front of the class like "Well shit."
Don't forget that Kagamine Len and Rin where there, they could just bust into the classroom sing their part then jump out the window or something
They randomly shout out of nowhere works too lmao
someone should do an animation
can't unsee that
ok im pretty late but-
"ang the girls join in" sNORT MAFUMAFU AND KOGEINU POOR GALS
Top Row/Left to Right:
Nigai Hito (苦い人)
Yorukichi (よるきち)
Kogeinu (コゲ犬)
Dasoku (蛇足)
Taiyakiya (タイ焼き屋)
Bottom Row/Left to Right:
Himeringo (ひめりんご )
+*Mirin (めりん)
Mafumafu (まふまふ)
Owan (おわん)
Sana(鎖那 )
(Rin and Len are there too)
残念 めりんじゃなくてみりんなんだ
Its みりん, not めりん.
Man, the era of vocaloids may be over but it will never be forgotten
it isn't over :P
it's my favorite. i will treasure it till death
Totally not over we're about to get our first every Vocaloid movie in Jan 2025! When people ask 'What anime is Miku from?' We will finally have an answer! If you still love Vocaloid you should probably play Project SEKAI Colorful Stage. It's a wonderful story 10/10 and it keeps me loving and entertained with Vocaloid even after all these years.
@@Darkdream_Jashin bros we won...
I swear to god one of the people who sung this was the same guy who did Japans voice in the original Hetalia Axis Powers
= =
0 _ 0
Dun Dun
***** Japanception
Jon Reavley The one on the top left. Do you think it's Japan?
I know absolutely no one will see this but this song specifically this chorus version of it completely rewired my brain I'm 23 now and I'm still bumping this shit
Seen and I agree
I here you. ❤
I love that Rin and Len are both in this gorgeous mix.
From 1:15 to 1:22 is it really the 4 of them singing together? It sound so good!
English lyrics
A dagger of distrust
Finally pierces a vein,
By suddenly appearing, this weak love,
Even transforms a pole into a lethal weapon.
It's not fiction.
I do like math and science,
Since I'm useless at Japanese, I hate it,
But if I continue to worry about which is correct,
I feel that they'll both turn out to be wrong.
Homework is
About me
Who has no personality,
It's just enough,
I'm satisfied,
I've started to live,
But why is it, we
Sometimes-- no, always
Say we're sad,
Say we're lonely?
Can you read the Kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read that kid's imagination?
Who was it, that dyed his heart black,
Hey, who was it?
Hey, who was it?
Can you solve this equation on the abacus?
Can you loosen the rope around that kid's neck?
Is it fine, if we remain like this?
Hey, what should I do?
It doesn't matter anymore...
No matter how much time passes, we've
Been carelessly intoxicated by hypnotism,
I've always hopelessly hid,
Arrogance from power I no longer have.
As always,
I can't
Yesterday's homework,
It's just enough,
I'm satisfied,
I've started to live,
But why is it,
The devil deep inside us
Says we want to disappear,
Says we want to die?
Can you read the Kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read that kid's imagination?
Who was it, that dyed his heart black?
Hey, who was it?
Hey, who was it?
Can you solve the equation on the abacus?
Can you loosen the rope around that kid's neck?
Is it fine, if we remain like this?
Hey, what should I do?
Hey, what should I do?
Can you recite the area ratio formula?
Can you recite your dreams as a child?
Who threw those dreams down the drain,
Hey, who was it?
But I already know.
When will you grow up?
What the heck is 'growing up' in the first place?
Who should I be asking?
Hey, what should I do?
It doesn't matter anymore...
Rin was in there,RIN!!!!!!
And Len!!!!
+PwnsPandas only rin
+Gumi kawaii try again @ 2:47 kay
well,this is neru's song.
0:37 his voice so deep
Love the "woahhhh" in between parts, that's such a neat addition and really pretty!
I loved this as a 15 year old kid because it reflected my feelings. 25 years now, it seems like nothing has changed. At least I am in therapy now I guess.
I like how the second part of lost ones weeping tend to be one octave higher, idk if anyone notices but I think it’s rly cool that this detail was fulfilled and actually almost matches the key
This fits together so well its hard to believe that theyre all different covers whoa
I can barely understand what they are saying but I can feel the emotion behind it and it’s so powerful Jesus I am blown away!
this is probably the best niconico chores ive ever heard! loved it!!!
I love how Kogeinu & Mafu’s voice is too high to join others male singers lol
Sounded pretty bad ass. Props.
The guy with dark hair is 苦い人Nigaihito. The boys in the middle: コゲ犬 Kogeinu (up) and まふまふ Mafumafu (down)
i kind of like how it sound like Len is about to cry
I've literally got goosebumps and butterflies
+Dj Luna Dash SAME
I used to listen to this almost all the time
Anybody else listen to the songs in the bathroom with full bass headphones?
the hell is wrong with you
I know its late.....but thank you....
I was so worried that only I had such a messed up mind...
Cause Effect me tn
SUV Tropics WTF
I didn't expect Rin and Len to be in this and I completely fangirled
This is one of my favorite videos of all time
It's been five years and I still listen to it religiously haha
Oh gosh, I've been addicted to this song lately. (Especially Kogeinu and Dasoku's versions, lol) Thanks so much for uploading this. :D
。ましょー 1分前で草
@@食べたいすあま 一週間前で草
HAYATE 13時間前で草
my anthem during exam period
@@有栖川-j1z wwww☆*。 ♪
@@有栖川-j1z wwwww
@@パルム-h7j RUclipsのコメントは気抜いたら黒歴史になるから注意した方がいい…☆*。♪
ロストワン の号哭の合唱で一番好き
Argh my god its too perfect!! I actually love this version the most omg wow!! >u
Len Kagamine O hai thar XD
Why are all of their voices so beautiful?
It's not fair
I know they use mixing to make it sound flawless but still-
I just remembered something... SCHOOL FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!
the school took my phone just because i was using it after class
that sucks
bruh, school took my phone 9 days ago, i had a D on my test cuz of them
yo dude, the book that we have to read is in my phone. i was lucky enough to guess and get a D
I used to listen to this in middle school and now I'm in college, time really flies
This is truly a masterpiece. I commend whomever created this.
Did anyone else have a heart skip a beat when Len sang-- for that one line? xD I wasn't expecting it. This is one of my favorite nico chorus covers.
I still love mafumafu's cx
I remember this song! I used to listen to it a lot when I was younger!
Why! Why must RIN Scare me like dis!! D;
@-@ Same here
+Shirou Kanzaki Yeah :'v
I was listening and its like O waddup rin. Cool.
This song is incredible, It's amazing how so many of these songs hold such intense and sad stories within them and hot damn is the Chorus ever fantastic.
2:35 she sounds like an angel~
I love the clear, resounding sound that comes with every singer here!!!
This... man... THIS...
This is why
This is why I LOVE Nico Nico's Chorus!
One of my favorite versions of the song. I keep coming back even after all these years:'))
This Is The Best Collab Song I have Seen In My Life
I love how they included Len in this one
YES thank u for the re upload RUclips keeps taking these down ;-;
Oh wow this is actually really good why haven't listened to this in so long-
Oh yeah. Bad memories :)
Hawatari suu SENCHI no fushinkan ga
Ageku no hate joumyaku wo sashichatte
Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu monde
RESUPOORU sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita
Suugaku to rika wa suki desuga
Kokugo ga doumo DAME de kirai deshita
Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya
Doremo fuseikai to iu OCHI deshita
Honjitsu no shukudai wa mukosei na boku no koto
Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi
Kanashii tte iunda
Sabishii tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo
Oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo
Mou doudatte ii ya
Itsumade tattatte bokutachi wa
Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite
Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo zutto
Kakumatte itanda
Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya
Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto katamari wa
Kietai tte iunda
Shinitai tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo
Oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo
Oi dousunda yo
Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka
Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka
Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo
Mou shittendaro
Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka
Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka
Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka
Oi dousunda yo
Mou doudatte ii ya