Such a nice and very objective video. My grandmother's family was from Kars. Very nice to see that the Armenian heritage is well preserved and also is not being hidden. Armenians used to live here for thousands of years. I will visit Kars for sure once the border is open between our countries. Tesekkurler video-nun icin :)
Just want to say so much respect to Bery and Isa, to give us content not in your native languages but so clearly and perfectly is amazing and we are all thankful to see the sides of Turkey we have not seen before. Without these efforts, many peoples knowledge of Turkey would not go further than Istanbul. Thank you for your work!
Thank you so much! We do not speak perfect English but indeed we do our best effort 🙏 we appreciate your words! Very soon we’ll keep showing more of 🇹🇷
Öncellikle hoş geldiniz. Kars'ın yabancı gezginlere tanıtılması adına çok teşekkür ederim. Harika bir gezi ve harika bir video olmuş. Kar'ın en güzel zamanına tanık olmayışınız üzücü olmuş.
I love the fact that you travelled away from Istanbul for a change and this time around explored the eastern part of Turkey that is often overlooked. Turkey is indeed much more than Istanbul. In fact, there are many Turkish cities in the east that are renowned for their rich history and culinary specialties and definitely worth a visit. Thanks a lot for sharing useful information and your wonderful journey with us. For upcoming videos, how about covering cities on the Black Sea coast?
Yeah! We also wanted a bit of change in cities, we want to show you all other interesting cities that are not that explored by foreign tourists. We’re still deciding what region should we choose next, we are between Black Sea Region and SE 🇹🇷, I’ve been to the Black Sea region since I was living there already so had the chance to visit many cities there, maybe that’s why we might choose SE🇹🇷 because it might be something new for me too 😅
Ani is truly impressive, I’ve visited many archeological sites in this country including the most touristy ones, but Ani was so special. After visiting Kars I became even more curious in Armenia heritage, culture and history, now I want to travel there soon ❤️
Very beatiful your video. My grandmother was born there in a village near KARS but she left during 1918. She said me that winder started there from October till almost April, she loved everything there
I had some idea about Kars but I never knew that this place has so much to offer to its tourists. The whole video was excellent but the ANI Armenian Site was something out of this world with stunningly beautiful landscape. Loved those historical buildings, I wish they were preserved in their original form. Hats off to Team Berry Istanbul Tips for bringing this beautiful video to the world👏👏👏
Ani was incredible, is a place that deserves more promotion. Actually I will make a video dedicated just to Ani, the place has so much history that I couldn’t cover it as a wanted to in this video. Soon Ani video is coming 🙏 If you ever come to Turkey, I encourage you to explore that region of Turkiye, as you said, it has so much to offer. Thank you so much for watching us! 🎉
@@BeryIstanbulTips Although you tried your best to provide first hand information about this hidden archaeological treasure still I am eager to watch that dedicated video of ANI. My bag is packed and this time I will surely explore the region under review, just waiting for my visas and I will be there. I really appreciate your serious efforts in promoting tourism based activities. 🙏🙏🙏
@@Asad4034 it’s rather sad. It used to be an Armenian capital that strived off Armenian culture before the genocide. Now many buildings need to be restorated and many residents don’t even know the meaning of the architecture. Most of the churches down there are used as breeding stable
@@zohrabp2142 Indeed, it's sad to know about the destruction this iconic city recieved over a period of time. Good to know that It has now been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Let's hope for conservation as well as restoration of this valuable heritage by the concerned authorities. Really impressed by the Armenian architecture and their rich history.
@@zohrabp2142 This place was inhabited for a very long time. Ani never recovered from a devastating 1319 earthquake and, more significantly, from the shifting of regional trade routes, and was abandoned by the 17th century. It is not related with the relocation orders of WW1 and war between Armenia and Turkey afterwards. The history of science and archeology are rather new. Most of the people in the region probably had no idea regarding cultural significance of the location and use the stones and rocks for other purposes whether it is armenian /turkish/kurdish/persian...etc If a building is not in use, they took the raw material for other purposes. We can see similar approach in basicila cistern of Istanbul, upside-down medusa. The Christian romans put that stone in their water tank :)))
When we visited Kars, we really loved it. Kars has lots of things to offer. The view from the castle was breathtaking, when I close my eyes, I can still visualize it. Love & respect from Bangladesh
Thank you for presenting Kars in such a detailed and informative way. This really helped! Looking forward to visiting it. All your videos are so informative. Keep up the great work!!
Romantic, stunning multicultural, yet slightly chilling city where the age-old superpower rivals Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire came to a showdown. Ani is a treasure of humankind. Wonderful one-and-only remote-yet-cosmopolitan border town Kars!
Came across your video while researching for my trip. I am planning to visit Turkey for the 1st time. Your video helps alot. I will be sure putting Kars in the travel list.
Currently reading "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk which is set in Kars. I really wanted to get an insight into what the city looks like, even though the descriptions of it in the book are so hauntingly beautiful. I would want to visit absolutely every part of Turkey one day ❤️
This is very interesting. The soups in the beginning are Armenian in origin. We make Bulgur Pilaf and Chash (soup). Also the other lighter colored soups car a variant of Sepas soup. Made with curled milk.
Armenian history and heritage is so rich, after visiting Kars and learning just a bit of it, now I became even more curious about Armenian culture and I’d love to travel there very soon ❤️
Tarihi Kars’ın bilinen ilk sâkinleri Hurrilerdir. Daha sonra Hititlerin hâkimiyetine girmişlerdir. Hurriler bölgeye “yüksek ülke” veya “yukarı eller” demişlerdir. Bölge, daha sonra Urartuların işgâline uğradı. M.Ö. 8. asırda Kimmerler buradan geçtiler. Asurlar ve Babiller buraya hâkim olamadılar. İskitler M.Ö. 7. asırda bu bölgeye hâkim oldular. M.Ö. 6. asırda Perslerin istilâsına uğradı. Dârâ, Kafkasya Seferini buradan geçerek yaptı. M.Ö. 4. asırda Makedonya Kralıİskender, Persleri yenerek burasını ele geçirdi. Partlar ve bunlara bağlı Ermeni derebeylikleri zaman zaman bölgeye hâkim oldular. M.Ö. 1. asırda Pontos Krallığını yıkan Romalılar bu bölgeye yaklaştı. M.S. 2. asırda Romalıların eline geçti. Daha sonra Partlar ve onların yerine geçen Sâsânîler ile Romalılar arasında el değiştirdi. M.S. 395’te Roma ikiye bölününce bu bölge, bütün Anadolu gibi Doğu Roma (Bizans)nın payına düştü. Bu bölge, Bizans ile Sâsânîler arasında sık sık el değiştirdi ve buradaki derebeyleri bâzan İran bâzan da Bizans’a tâbi oldular. M.S. 7. asırda İslâm orduları bu bölgeyi fethedince Ermeni derebeyleri, Abbâsî halifelerine tâbi oldular. Bölge ahâlisi, kütleler hâlinde İslâmiyetle şereflenerek, İslâmiyet, Kars ve civarında hızla yayıldı. Türk Sâcoğulları ve onların yerine geçen Şeddâdiler bu bölgeye hâkim oldular ve Ermenilerle mücâdele ettiler. Onuncu asrın ortasında Kars’a 50 km mesâfede Ani şehrini başşehir yapan Ermeni derebeyleri 1044’te Bizanslılar tarafından bölgeden kovuldular. Yirmi senelik Bizans hâkimiyetinden sonra büyük Türk Hakanı Selçuklu Sultanı Alparslan 1064’te Ani’yi fethederek Bizanslıları buradan attı. Kars, Anadolu’nun Türkler tarafından fethedilen ilk parçası oldu. Bu fetih 1071 Malazgirt Zaferinden yedi sene önce olmuştur. Türkiye Selçukluları Devletini kuran Kutalmışoğlu Süleyman Şahın babası Kutalmış Bey, 1049 ve 1053 Anadolu akınlarına giderken Kars’tan geçti. 1058 akınında Selçuklu şehzâdelerinden Yakuti Kars’ın dış mahallelerini fethetti. Sultan Alparslan, 1068’de Ardahan’ı fethetti. Alp Arslan’ın oğlu SultanMelikşah, Kars’ı geri almak isteyen Bizanslıları 1080’de yenerek bu bölgeyi Erzurum’u merkez yapan Saltukoğullarına verdi. 1124’te Gürcüler, Ani ve Kars’ı ele geçirince, Saltukoğulları 1153’te Kars’ı geri aldı. 1226’da Celâleddin Harezmşah, Ani’yi kuşatmış fakat alamamıştır. Tiflis’i fethetmiştir. 1239’da Moğollar Kars ve Ani’yi alarak, Gürcüleri buradan uzaklaştırmışlardır. Sırasıyla İlhanlılar, Celâyirliler, Tîmûrlular, Karakoyunlular ve Akkoyunlular bölgeye hâkim oldular. Tîmûr Han, 1394, 1400 ve 1403’te Kars’tan geçti. Safevîler, Akkoyunlu İmparatorluğunu yıkınca, mîrasına konarak Kars’a hâkim oldular. Bu sırada Osmanlı Devletinin sınırları da Kars’a dayanmıştı. Yavuz Sultan Selim Han, Çaldıran Seferinden dönerken Kars Kalesi yakınında konakladı. Kars ve çevresi, 1534’te Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman Hanın ilk yıllarında Safevîlerden Osmanlılara geçti. Osmanlı Devleti ile Safevî Devleti arasındaki stratejik çarpışmalar, Kars bölgesinde cereyan etti. 1548’de Sultan Süleyman Han, Kars Kalesini tahkim ettirdi. Safevîler, zaman zaman Kars’a saldırdılar. Sultan ÜçüncüMurâd Han, 1579’da birkaç hafta içinde Kars şehrini yeni baştan inşâ ettirip, kale, sur, câmi ve her türlü tesisleri yeniden yaptırdı, böylece 16. asırda Türk ordusunun istihkâm sınıfı burada parlak bir imtihan verdi. Kars, Osmanlıların askerî bir üssü ve serhat şehri oldu. 1604’te Safevîler, âni bir hücumla Kars’ı işgal ettilerse de tekrar çıkarıldılar. 1616’da Kars Kalesi yeniden geniş ölçüde tahkim edildi. Sultan Dördüncü Murâd Han, Revan Seferinde buradan geçti ve Kars’ı yeniden îmâr etti. On yedinci asırda Kars ve Çıldır, iki ayrı beylerbeyliğin merkezleri oldular. 29 Mayıs 1664’te başlayan ve bir hafta devam eden zelzele büyük zarar verdi. 1734’te Nâdir Şah Avşar, Kars’ı iki defa, 1744’te üçüncü defa kuşattı ise de alamadı. 1807’de Ruslar, Kars’a kadar yaklaştı fakat Osmanlı ordusu, Rusları yenerek, Tiflis’e geri çekilmek mecburiyetinde bıraktı. 1821-1823 arasında İranlılar, Kars topraklarına akınlar yaparak Osmanlıları yıprattılar. Sonra da Ruslar, saldırarak 15 Temmuz 1828’de Kars’ı işgal ettiler. 8 ay sonra Edirne Muâhedesi ile Kars’ı terk ettilerse de Kars’ın üçte ikisini ve târihi bütün eserlerini, câmi ve türbeleri imhâ ettiler. 1853-1856 Kırım Harbinde bu bölgede büyük savaşlar oldu. Rusların 29 Eylül 1855 taarruzu Kars halkının (genç, yaşlı, erkek, kadın ve hatta çocukların) desteği ile Müşir Mehmed Vâsıf Paşa emrindeki Türk ordusu tarafından geri püskürtüldü. Bu zaferin hatırası olarak altın, gümüş ve bronz“Kars 1272” madalyaları bastırıldı ve Kars şehrine “Gâzi” ünvanı verildi. Halk üç sene vergi ve askerlikten muaf tutuldu. Ruslar, 1856’da Paris Antlaşması ile bu bölgede 5 ay kaldıktan sonra geri çekildiler. Kars çevresinin ikinci Rus işgali böylece sona erdi. Doksanüç Harbi denen 1877-1878 Türk-Rus Harbinde Kars çevresinde dünyâ çapında önem taşıyan muhârebeler olmuştur. Bu târihte Kars 20 bin nüfuslu ve 25 câmili bi
Armenian Highlands Armenian Kingdom was Eastern Turkey. Ottoman Turkey was established in 1453. Turkiye (new spelling) celebrated its 569th Anniversary in May 2022. Western Turkey was Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire.
Please tell us about the Degu Express. Do you have information on when the BTK (Baku, Teblisi, Kars) passenger service may begin. I want to go from Istanbul to Tbilisi on the train.
there is a cargo train but its not possible for passengers yet. recently i talked with local people, they told me it will open for passengers incoming summer. but i am not sure actually.
Lavash and its name are of Assyrian or Aramean origin. (ܠܵܘܵܫܵܐ lawasha "a flap of thin bread"). It's one of the most widespread types of bread in Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, eastern & southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq. Duduk is also an important part of the music tradition of Azerbaijan where it's called balaban. The word duduk comes from Turkish düdük which is cognates with Turkmen tüýdük. The Turkmen🇹🇲 musical instrument tüýdük is like a longer version of duduk. Look at its photos.
@@ertuncdelikaya8237 The original word for the duduk is tsiranapogh and there is no debate that it is Armenian. As for lavash, it is more complicated since there are several proposed etymologies none of which are accepted. However, more scholars agree that it originated in Armenia (Classical Armenian has borrowings from Aramaic which is not surprising because they lived together for a very long time). Nevertheless, both duduk and lavash are now part of many cultures in the region because all cultures are influenced by one another; cultures never develop in isolation.
Thank you for the video. Despite the people in kars not speak english very well, but they are friendly. Very happy to visit this city even people in turkey still shock when I said I want to go to kars. 🥰🥰 find kars because of your video but only did the kars gari from kars to erzurum.
So true! English is not widely spoken there but people try to communicate with us, body language is our best friend in those cases and a big smile ❤️ We didn’t take the train from Ankara either, we did the same as you, from Erzurum to Kars. Thank you for watching us!
What an amazing tour log. Kars sure lives up to its name with all the snow :D :D :D The amount of hard work put in your videos shows. Keep it going bery. Till we meet gurush shurusz ;-)
Kars indeed is a winter wonderland ❄️ Thank you so much for you words! Indeed this video took us a lot of time and effort, actually it was one of the most difficult ones we have made so far, but we enjoyed editing it a lot! 🙏
More likely is not the same price as 2 years ago when we visited. But it was something like 1,000 or 1,500 TL, can’t remember exactly but don’t expect the price to be the same years later, inflation is at its best now.
I suggest you to take thick warm clothes winter starts around Octobrr therr and lasts up to April. I am an English teacher here. Been living and exploring around for 2 years. Be my guest.
My mom is from kars ❤️❤️❤️ she is ethnic Turkish Azerbaijani, with zaza Kurdish roots And my family argues if my grandma is from Georgia. Its lovely to see this city, since it’s often unknown❤️❤️ my two aunts were born here and went to Germany as ages of 9, where eventually my mom was born. In Germany my mom met my bosnian dad. one day I will visit and explore the city of my ancestors ❤️🩹
Bery, I am loving your videos! I will be travelling to Turkiye mid August for 25 days. Trying to plan our time now. Would Kars still be good to visit in the summer? Every time I see it mentioned, it's around winter time. I am still trying to figure out how to fit in Konya, Mt. Nemrut, now very interested to see Kars, saw your video the other day about Eskisehir- so now I want to see that. We booked a tour to see most of SW Turkiye, we will have about 5-6 days where we can do SE including the stuff I mentioned (which yes is still some SW stuff). What would you recommend? FYI near the end of the tour we booked, last stop is Cappadocia before heading back to Istanbul so I am open to detour on my own from there if it makes it easier to go to some of my aforementioned destinations.
During summers, Kars is not as hot as other cities in Southeast of Turkey or Capadoccia. do not worry. so summer is also a good time to visit. may be after Cappadocia you can go to Kayseri (1.30h from Cappadocia) take a train to Erzurum (3-4 hours are enough to see Erzurum, you can watch Bery's Erzurum video) then take a bus to Kars. or you can take a direct bus from Kayseri or Konya too. there is a direct flight to Erzurum and Kars from Ankara too. OR after capadoccia you can visit Konya, (5-6h is enough to see the main attractions of the city) then take a bus to Eskisehir (a day is enough) then from Eskisehir to Ankara take a train. then you can take bus or flight to Kars from Ankara. after Kars you can visit ishapasa palace, van, mardin, midyat, diyarbakir, mt nemrut, urfa, Antep. but 5-6 days would not be enough.
Been to Kars, end of 2021. Honestly, not the most friendly people there, had a bad experience throughout. Especially towards foreigners. My own experience.
Its so painful to see Kars in Turkey . My grandma was born and raised in Kars and in 1915 fleed to Armenia to escape genocide. Her entire family gave lots of gold to turk, who help them to escape. Since then Kars , that was Armenian, became Turkish.
Kars had been ruled by Turks since the 11th century. In 1915, Kars was under Russian rule, and the Muslims (Turkish people, Azerbaijani Karapapakh-Tarakamas and Kurds) made up the majority in Kars Oblast.
Of course, not just Kars. Mount Ararat, Erzurum and other cities are Armenian. Hopefully one day we can get our territories back, with Artsakh and Nakhichevan #ArmeniaStrong
@@Austine1452 Thank you, armenian nationalist just thinking them self, world is changed but they don't understand that even Turkey changed too Turks are not really "central Asian turk" if nationalists will go out of world, world will become more healthyer place.
@@metehanakar0 I’m Armenian living in Armenia 🇦🇲 I feel the same way we Armenians don’t need that bloody land we need peace these people who are making comments with their big mouths don’t even live in Armenia and their young boys are not fighting love and peace from Armenia♥️🇹🇷
First of all, thank you for your efforts in promoting the region. 🙏I must state about Ani that this archeological site is not an ermi city. Ani, an important settlement since the Iron Age, was a part of the lands of the Nairis and Urartians, who were natives of Anatolia. While walking around the area, I'm sure you've seen the caves too where people lived in ancient times. I mean, it would be better if you went with someone who is more competent and knows the area. 😉 Good luck🙏
This is FULLY ARMENIAN LAND that soviet russia gifted to turkey!! The same way they gifted ARMENIAN NAKHIJEVAN AND ARTSAKH to azrbejan!!! THIS IS A FACT, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE LAND YOU LIVE ON BELONGS TO ARMENIA!!!!
That's awful that even here russia participated. I'm Ukrainian and that's so sad Turkish traditional soup is called "Pushkin soup" in a name of russian poet. A cafe that you showed in the end of a video is called "raskolnikov rest." that is also a character name from a russian book by Dostoevsky. Made me feel disgusted. You can't tolerate and name YOUR culture after those who occupied you and made you suffer.
Visit Pakistan too. It is a beautiful country of the world. People are hospitable. It is second to none in the world in terms of natural beauty and tasty food. It is a very safe country.
The cross where cut out because they where haram ! Did they have to build the mosque in church! Couldn’t they leave the churches as a historical side for turkey!
And isn’t Armenia in the Caucasian region among other countries such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, and some parts of Southern Russia? 🤔🤔 I’m asking in a good way because I like learning of other countries and cultures, so if you could please enlighten us with your wide knowledge not just us but others reading the comments, that could be great. Remember that commenting is not just throwing 💩, is way better doing it in a CONSTRUCTIVE WAY, that way we can all learn something from others, just saying.
@@BeryIstanbulTips You are so sweet it's really touching :) :) My anger, frustration and immense painful messages are not directed to YOU or to any good hearted person, it is directed to those who are responsible for all this hate and ongoing genocide - please understand that I have no hard feelings whatsoever against you or any good person - no matter if Turkish or whatever nation or religion or race. Its not a big deal - there was one dance&sound that was Armenian among the Caucasian ones. And Armenia is in the Caucasus region but as a Culture and Ethnicity and Nation Armenian (just like Turkish/Azeri) is not a Caucasian one. Armenian belongs to the Arian / Indo-European branch. And Turkish to the Turkic branch. But this all doesn't matter - I only liked to mention it because our haters always try to portray the Armenian as something else and nothing on its own - to show that nothing belongs to Armenia(ns) - but you are obviously not someone like that
Is so good reading this! Thank you so much for providing us more information about your country, as I said before, I love learning about other cultures and to me this comment has definitely taught me something new that I didn’t know before and I’m sure many others reading the comments section will also learn from your comment. Trust me, after visiting Kars and Erzurum (we know that all of that region including Igdir, Ardahan, Van, and other provinces) were Armenian lands now I want to visit Armenia even more, I was always so curious and interested in their history and culture but after visiting Ani now I’m even more interested in going there, hopefully one day soon and also that way I can learn more about your rich culture.
@@BeryIstanbulTips you are so lovely!! "My land" is your land, we are all one big family - I hope there will be peace and love between us and we can all keep our identity, culture and history with love and respect for eachother. My culture is not better than yours, they are both beautiful and deserving of love and preservance. There should be more great people like you, you are the most valued guest that we could have, i hope you will have the best time in Armenia and only positive feelings. Im so glad you exist and I wish you all the best and succes in your life 🙏 unfortunately I dont live in Armenia, otherwise I would show you around and make sure you have the best possible trip in Armenia. Tell everyone who thinks like you that so many Armenian people are grateful that you exist and for they way you are ❤
Bu kiz bir ajan, anlayin artik. Hollanda televizyon programinda da surekli Kars ermenilerin sehri diyorlar. Orasi turklerin degil multi etknik diyorlar. Yani alistira alistira. Tekrar etmeyi devam edin. Turistlik adi altinda propagandaliga baslamissiniz... acaba hayal ettiginiz nedir? Biz biliyoruz.
Hahahahahaha yorumun en komik!! Gerçekten! 🤣🤣 Evet, hafta içi İspanyolca öğretmenim ve seyahat videoları yapıyoruz, hafta sonunda, ajanım -ajanım adı Bery Gadget- (sadece hobi gibi) ama hükümetten çok para alıyorum 😝
@@SSs-ls9up “biliyoruz” değil… BİLİYORUM 😅 herkes için KONUŞMA! Neyse ki tüm insanlar o eski kafa ideolojilerine inanmıyor 😀 O zaman hayatım çok iyi BİLİYORSAN, roman yazabilirsin. 😝 🕵🏻♀️🕵🏻♀️🕵🏻♀️🕵🏻♀️🕵🏻♀️
Hopefully you’ll enjoy this video!
INSTAGRAM: @isababur
+90 542 238 25 56
Such a nice and very objective video. My grandmother's family was from Kars. Very nice to see that the Armenian heritage is well preserved and also is not being hidden. Armenians used to live here for thousands of years. I will visit Kars for sure once the border is open between our countries. Tesekkurler video-nun icin :)
I am glad you enjoyed it. You do not need to wait for the border to open. You can travel via Georgia. Welcome anytime.
Just want to say so much respect to Bery and Isa, to give us content not in your native languages but so clearly and perfectly is amazing and we are all thankful to see the sides of Turkey we have not seen before. Without these efforts, many peoples knowledge of Turkey would not go further than Istanbul. Thank you for your work!
Thank you so much! We do not speak perfect English but indeed we do our best effort 🙏 we appreciate your words! Very soon we’ll keep showing more of 🇹🇷
This is not turkey, this is Armenian city
I travelled 3 weeks in SW Turkey and had a great time. I would love to go back and see more of the country soon. Thanks for your videos.
Welcome back to Türkiye soon! 🇹🇷🇹🇷
Öncellikle hoş geldiniz. Kars'ın yabancı gezginlere tanıtılması adına çok teşekkür ederim. Harika bir gezi ve harika bir video olmuş. Kar'ın en güzel zamanına tanık olmayışınız üzücü olmuş.
Merci ! Romanyadan
I came here after reading "snow" by orhan pamuk
I love the fact that you travelled away from Istanbul for a change and this time around explored the eastern part of Turkey that is often overlooked. Turkey is indeed much more than Istanbul. In fact, there are many Turkish cities in the east that are renowned for their rich history and culinary specialties and definitely worth a visit. Thanks a lot for sharing useful information and your wonderful journey with us. For upcoming videos, how about covering cities on the Black Sea coast?
Yeah! We also wanted a bit of change in cities, we want to show you all other interesting cities that are not that explored by foreign tourists.
We’re still deciding what region should we choose next, we are between Black Sea Region and SE 🇹🇷, I’ve been to the Black Sea region since I was living there already so had the chance to visit many cities there, maybe that’s why we might choose SE🇹🇷 because it might be something new for me too 😅
@@BeryIstanbulTips Southeastern Turkey is well worth exploring too because of its unique cultures and rich history. Keep showing more of Turkey.
Kars added to my list thanks to you. We appreciate your effort in each of your videos. Bery tips teams the best.
Thank you so much for your support! 🙏
I started watching this channel in hopes you would go to Kars and Ani one day. Glad you finally made it. It's high on my bucket list of places to see.
Ani is truly impressive, I’ve visited many archeological sites in this country including the most touristy ones, but Ani was so special. After visiting Kars I became even more curious in Armenia heritage, culture and history, now I want to travel there soon ❤️
Very beatiful your video. My grandmother was born there in a village near KARS but she left during 1918. She said me that winder started there from October till almost April, she loved everything there
She is right, I even remember it's snow in May.
I had some idea about Kars but I never knew that this place has so much to offer to its tourists. The whole video was excellent but the ANI Armenian Site was something out of this world with stunningly beautiful landscape. Loved those historical buildings, I wish they were preserved in their original form. Hats off to Team Berry Istanbul Tips for bringing this beautiful video to the world👏👏👏
Ani was incredible, is a place that deserves more promotion. Actually I will make a video dedicated just to Ani, the place has so much history that I couldn’t cover it as a wanted to in this video.
Soon Ani video is coming 🙏
If you ever come to Turkey, I encourage you to explore that region of Turkiye, as you said, it has so much to offer.
Thank you so much for watching us! 🎉
@@BeryIstanbulTips Although you tried your best to provide first hand information about this hidden archaeological treasure still I am eager to watch that dedicated video of ANI. My bag is packed and this time I will surely explore the region under review, just waiting for my visas and I will be there. I really appreciate your serious efforts in promoting tourism based activities. 🙏🙏🙏
@@Asad4034 it’s rather sad. It used to be an Armenian capital that strived off Armenian culture before the genocide. Now many buildings need to be restorated and many residents don’t even know the meaning of the architecture. Most of the churches down there are used as breeding stable
@@zohrabp2142 Indeed, it's sad to know about the destruction this iconic city recieved over a period of time. Good to know that It has now been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Let's hope for conservation as well as restoration of this valuable heritage by the concerned authorities. Really impressed by the Armenian architecture and their rich history.
@@zohrabp2142 This place was inhabited for a very long time. Ani never recovered from a devastating 1319 earthquake and, more significantly, from the shifting of regional trade routes, and was abandoned by the 17th century. It is not related with the relocation orders of WW1 and war between Armenia and Turkey afterwards. The history of science and archeology are rather new. Most of the people in the region probably had no idea regarding cultural significance of the location and use the stones and rocks for other purposes whether it is armenian /turkish/kurdish/persian...etc If a building is not in use, they took the raw material for other purposes. We can see similar approach in basicila cistern of Istanbul, upside-down medusa. The Christian romans put that stone in their water tank :)))
When we visited Kars, we really loved it. Kars has lots of things to offer. The view from the castle was breathtaking, when I close my eyes, I can still visualize it. Love & respect from Bangladesh
It was a city that surprised me! So many interesting places to see ❤️
Thank you for presenting Kars in such a detailed and informative way. This really helped! Looking forward to visiting it. All your videos are so informative. Keep up the great work!!
This content is extraordinary. Thank you very much.
Thanks to (my dear)Orhan Pamuk I met Kars and now I see the city.Thanks a lot Bery.
My pleasure! Hope one day you can also visit Kars and that region, is so beautiful and is very rich in history.
Organ Pamuk is a brave and honourable Turk.
I like your videos before even watching them! Love your work
Thank you 🙏🏻
Teşekkürler bery
Romantic, stunning multicultural, yet slightly chilling city where the age-old superpower rivals Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire came to a showdown. Ani is a treasure of humankind. Wonderful one-and-only remote-yet-cosmopolitan border town Kars!
Incredible, impressive place😍😍 Muchas gracias 😊
Спасибо вам за это видео и виртуальное путешесьвие по Карсу!
i waiting from long time you are kars video it’s beautiful video God always blessed you
Ani seems to be great and very important place for Armenian society ☺️ thank you for showing it 🤩
Ani is a different city, it’s not kars
@@otaku.en3s897both are originally Armenian, so is Van, Mush, Karin (Erzerum) etc
Realmente se pasó kars, maravilla de ciudad y mucha historia, gracias 😊
Came across your video while researching for my trip. I am planning to visit Turkey for the 1st time. Your video helps alot. I will be sure putting Kars in the travel list.
It's a great privilege to watch our Bery girl. We became addicted.
I’m glad to hear that ☺️
I travel many year away kars City kars city is very beautiful
Currently reading "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk which is set in Kars. I really wanted to get an insight into what the city looks like, even though the descriptions of it in the book are so hauntingly beautiful. I would want to visit absolutely every part of Turkey one day ❤️
No doubt the best travel log on Turkey. You and Isa are the best pair to give us historic and practical information about Turkish cities. ❤️ 🇵🇰
Its Türkiye not turkey
@@nevize6660 Yes you are right TURKIYE👍
Thank you so much! We enjoyed making this video a lot ❤️❤️
my dear hometown Kars❣🇹🇷
Kars’ı çok sevdim! Gerçekten çok güzeldi ❤️
Begenmenize cok sevindim.Sevgiler,her zaman bekleriz🥰 / I'm so glad you like it❤
This is very interesting. The soups in the beginning are Armenian in origin. We make Bulgur Pilaf and Chash (soup). Also the other lighter colored soups car a variant of Sepas soup. Made with curled milk.
La novela “Nieve” de Orhan Pamuk está ambientada en Kars. Muy buen video como todos los que hacen 🙌🏽
Muchas gracias por vernos! ❤️🙏
Good to see Turkey repairing the Armenian historical buildings and recognizing its Armenian heritage. Enjoyed your presentation. Selamlar from Canada.
Armenian history and heritage is so rich, after visiting Kars and learning just a bit of it, now I became even more curious about Armenian culture and I’d love to travel there very soon ❤️
Which ani was destroyed by persia and then greek and turkiye fixing it after 700 years.
Kars’ın bilinen ilk sâkinleri Hurrilerdir. Daha sonra Hititlerin hâkimiyetine girmişlerdir. Hurriler bölgeye “yüksek ülke” veya “yukarı eller” demişlerdir. Bölge, daha sonra Urartuların işgâline uğradı. M.Ö. 8. asırda Kimmerler buradan geçtiler. Asurlar ve Babiller buraya hâkim olamadılar. İskitler M.Ö. 7. asırda bu bölgeye hâkim oldular. M.Ö. 6. asırda Perslerin istilâsına uğradı. Dârâ, Kafkasya Seferini buradan geçerek yaptı. M.Ö. 4. asırda Makedonya Kralıİskender, Persleri yenerek burasını ele geçirdi. Partlar ve bunlara bağlı Ermeni derebeylikleri zaman zaman bölgeye hâkim oldular. M.Ö. 1. asırda Pontos Krallığını yıkan Romalılar bu bölgeye yaklaştı.
M.S. 2. asırda Romalıların eline geçti. Daha sonra Partlar ve onların yerine geçen Sâsânîler ile Romalılar arasında el değiştirdi. M.S. 395’te Roma ikiye bölününce bu bölge, bütün Anadolu gibi Doğu Roma (Bizans)nın payına düştü. Bu bölge, Bizans ile Sâsânîler arasında sık sık el değiştirdi ve buradaki derebeyleri bâzan İran bâzan da Bizans’a tâbi oldular.
M.S. 7. asırda İslâm orduları bu bölgeyi fethedince Ermeni derebeyleri, Abbâsî halifelerine tâbi oldular. Bölge ahâlisi, kütleler hâlinde İslâmiyetle şereflenerek, İslâmiyet, Kars ve civarında hızla yayıldı. Türk Sâcoğulları ve onların yerine geçen Şeddâdiler bu bölgeye hâkim oldular ve Ermenilerle mücâdele ettiler. Onuncu asrın ortasında Kars’a 50 km mesâfede Ani şehrini başşehir yapan Ermeni derebeyleri 1044’te Bizanslılar tarafından bölgeden kovuldular. Yirmi senelik Bizans hâkimiyetinden sonra büyük Türk Hakanı Selçuklu Sultanı Alparslan 1064’te Ani’yi fethederek Bizanslıları buradan attı. Kars, Anadolu’nun Türkler tarafından fethedilen ilk parçası oldu. Bu fetih 1071 Malazgirt Zaferinden yedi sene önce olmuştur.
Türkiye Selçukluları Devletini kuran Kutalmışoğlu Süleyman Şahın babası Kutalmış Bey, 1049 ve 1053 Anadolu akınlarına giderken Kars’tan geçti. 1058 akınında Selçuklu şehzâdelerinden Yakuti Kars’ın dış mahallelerini fethetti. Sultan Alparslan, 1068’de Ardahan’ı fethetti. Alp Arslan’ın oğlu SultanMelikşah, Kars’ı geri almak isteyen Bizanslıları 1080’de yenerek bu bölgeyi Erzurum’u merkez yapan Saltukoğullarına verdi. 1124’te Gürcüler, Ani ve Kars’ı ele geçirince, Saltukoğulları 1153’te Kars’ı geri aldı.
1226’da Celâleddin Harezmşah, Ani’yi kuşatmış fakat alamamıştır. Tiflis’i fethetmiştir. 1239’da Moğollar Kars ve Ani’yi alarak, Gürcüleri buradan uzaklaştırmışlardır. Sırasıyla İlhanlılar, Celâyirliler, Tîmûrlular, Karakoyunlular ve Akkoyunlular bölgeye hâkim oldular. Tîmûr Han, 1394, 1400 ve 1403’te Kars’tan geçti. Safevîler, Akkoyunlu İmparatorluğunu yıkınca, mîrasına konarak Kars’a hâkim oldular. Bu sırada Osmanlı Devletinin sınırları da Kars’a dayanmıştı. Yavuz Sultan Selim Han, Çaldıran Seferinden dönerken Kars Kalesi yakınında konakladı. Kars ve çevresi, 1534’te Kânûnî Sultan Süleyman Hanın ilk yıllarında Safevîlerden Osmanlılara geçti.
Osmanlı Devleti ile Safevî Devleti arasındaki stratejik çarpışmalar, Kars bölgesinde cereyan etti. 1548’de Sultan Süleyman Han, Kars Kalesini tahkim ettirdi. Safevîler, zaman zaman Kars’a saldırdılar. Sultan ÜçüncüMurâd Han, 1579’da birkaç hafta içinde Kars şehrini yeni baştan inşâ ettirip, kale, sur, câmi ve her türlü tesisleri yeniden yaptırdı, böylece 16. asırda Türk ordusunun istihkâm sınıfı burada parlak bir imtihan verdi. Kars, Osmanlıların askerî bir üssü ve serhat şehri oldu. 1604’te Safevîler, âni bir hücumla Kars’ı işgal ettilerse de tekrar çıkarıldılar. 1616’da Kars Kalesi yeniden geniş ölçüde tahkim edildi. Sultan Dördüncü Murâd Han, Revan Seferinde buradan geçti ve Kars’ı yeniden îmâr etti. On yedinci asırda Kars ve Çıldır, iki ayrı beylerbeyliğin merkezleri oldular. 29 Mayıs 1664’te başlayan ve bir hafta devam eden zelzele büyük zarar verdi. 1734’te Nâdir Şah Avşar, Kars’ı iki defa, 1744’te üçüncü defa kuşattı ise de alamadı. 1807’de Ruslar, Kars’a kadar yaklaştı fakat Osmanlı ordusu, Rusları yenerek, Tiflis’e geri çekilmek mecburiyetinde bıraktı. 1821-1823 arasında İranlılar, Kars topraklarına akınlar yaparak Osmanlıları yıprattılar. Sonra da Ruslar, saldırarak 15 Temmuz 1828’de Kars’ı işgal ettiler. 8 ay sonra Edirne Muâhedesi ile Kars’ı terk ettilerse de Kars’ın üçte ikisini ve târihi bütün eserlerini, câmi ve türbeleri imhâ ettiler. 1853-1856 Kırım Harbinde bu bölgede büyük savaşlar oldu. Rusların 29 Eylül 1855 taarruzu Kars halkının (genç, yaşlı, erkek, kadın ve hatta çocukların) desteği ile Müşir Mehmed Vâsıf Paşa emrindeki Türk ordusu tarafından geri püskürtüldü. Bu zaferin hatırası olarak altın, gümüş ve bronz“Kars 1272” madalyaları bastırıldı ve Kars şehrine “Gâzi” ünvanı verildi. Halk üç sene vergi ve askerlikten muaf tutuldu. Ruslar, 1856’da Paris Antlaşması ile bu bölgede 5 ay kaldıktan sonra geri çekildiler. Kars çevresinin ikinci Rus işgali böylece sona erdi.
Doksanüç Harbi denen 1877-1878 Türk-Rus Harbinde Kars çevresinde dünyâ çapında önem taşıyan muhârebeler olmuştur. Bu târihte Kars 20 bin nüfuslu ve 25 câmili bi
what a nice and informative video. I was already tired of seeing head of vlogger. They should learn from your videos.
Thank you!
I wish visit this amazing town
Turkey yerine Türkiye demen çok hoş davranış. Teşekkürler. 🤗🤗
Evet, Kars ta Ermenilerin diyor.
@@SSs-ls9up tam olarak nerde diyor?
@@SSs-ls9up nerede diyor? İngilizce anlamıyorsan altyazı aç.
Turkland denmeliydi daha iyi olurdu.
This is fun beautiful scenery
Armenian Highlands Armenian Kingdom was Eastern Turkey. Ottoman Turkey was established in 1453. Turkiye (new spelling) celebrated its 569th Anniversary in May 2022. Western Turkey was Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire.
Wow, the cheese looked so organic! masha'Allah!
Kars çok güzel
Turkish soups and cheese 🧀 makes me hungry 😊I want to try all 😍
This video is so professional done 😍 definitely your channel about Turkey 🇹🇷is my favourite 😊 greetings Bery 🤩
Turkey 🇹🇷 is beautiful 😍 amazing country 😊
Kars is very similar to Gyumri
Of course, 100 percent
Please tell us about the Degu Express. Do you have information on when the BTK (Baku, Teblisi, Kars) passenger service may begin. I want to go from Istanbul to Tbilisi on the train.
there is a cargo train but its not possible for passengers yet. recently i talked with local people, they told me it will open for passengers incoming summer. but i am not sure actually.
nice video,keep safe.
Spectacular, awesome 🤩 and fabulous 😉
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! ❤️🙏🙌
I love you kars
At 23:45 they’re literally eating lavash with a duduk playing « ara vay » you definitely can not make more Armenian than that 😂
Lavash and its name are of Assyrian or Aramean origin. (ܠܵܘܵܫܵܐ lawasha "a flap of thin bread"). It's one of the most widespread types of bread in Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, eastern & southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq. Duduk is also an important part of the music tradition of Azerbaijan where it's called balaban. The word duduk comes from Turkish düdük which is cognates with Turkmen tüýdük. The Turkmen🇹🇲 musical instrument tüýdük is like a longer version of duduk. Look at its photos.
@@ertuncdelikaya8237 The original word for the duduk is tsiranapogh and there is no debate that it is Armenian. As for lavash, it is more complicated since there are several proposed etymologies none of which are accepted. However, more scholars agree that it originated in Armenia (Classical Armenian has borrowings from Aramaic which is not surprising because they lived together for a very long time). Nevertheless, both duduk and lavash are now part of many cultures in the region because all cultures are influenced by one another; cultures never develop in isolation.
The Kars war was the one on Kurt Sayit ve Sura series?
Lots of love ♥️ from India
You are number one♥️👍🇹🇷
Awww! Thank you so much! ❤️🇹🇷🙏
Thank you for the video. Despite the people in kars not speak english very well, but they are friendly. Very happy to visit this city even people in turkey still shock when I said I want to go to kars. 🥰🥰 find kars because of your video but only did the kars gari from kars to erzurum.
So true! English is not widely spoken there but people try to communicate with us, body language is our best friend in those cases and a big smile ❤️
We didn’t take the train from Ankara either, we did the same as you, from Erzurum to Kars. Thank you for watching us!
Is it possible to arrive in Kars via airline? I am interested to reach Mt.Ararat
Yes, of course. We returned from Kars to Istanbul by plane.
if you plan to visit Mt. Ararat, land on Igdir Airport, its much more closer to mt Ararat and has daily flights to Istanbul and Ankara.
What an amazing tour log. Kars sure lives up to its name with all the snow :D :D :D The amount of hard work put in your videos shows. Keep it going bery. Till we meet gurush shurusz ;-)
Kars indeed is a winter wonderland ❄️
Thank you so much for you words! Indeed this video took us a lot of time and effort, actually it was one of the most difficult ones we have made so far, but we enjoyed editing it a lot! 🙏
This is city of my grandparents.
Your name is turkish
21:04 Bir Türk olarak böyle bir yerin varlığından yeni haberim oluyor :/
Please do a video in Trabzon
We have it on the list, hopefully soon! I would love to go back to Trabzon 🥰
Where is sarmoung?
How much did you spend on the taxi for the whole day??
More likely is not the same price as 2 years ago when we visited. But it was something like 1,000 or 1,500 TL, can’t remember exactly but don’t expect the price to be the same years later, inflation is at its best now.
When was this filmed? I'll be there in late October of 2022.
it was the frıst half of January 2022
I suggest you to take thick warm clothes winter starts around Octobrr therr and lasts up to April. I am an English teacher here. Been living and exploring around for 2 years. Be my guest.
My mom is from kars ❤️❤️❤️ she is ethnic Turkish Azerbaijani, with zaza Kurdish roots And my family argues if my grandma is from Georgia. Its lovely to see this city, since it’s often unknown❤️❤️ my two aunts were born here and went to Germany as ages of 9, where eventually my mom was born. In Germany my mom met my bosnian dad. one day I will visit and explore the city of my ancestors ❤️🩹
What a wonderful and interesting background you have! Thank you so much for sharing it with us ❤️
This city is a GEM! 🥰
oh, interesting. I did not know there was Zaza Kurds in Kars.🍀
Beautiful Western Armenia🇦🇲🇦🇲
God Bless the Land of Armenia
and its people 🇹🇷🇮🇷🇬🇪🇦🇲🇦🇿🇷🇺
U hv nice voice as TV presenter
Thankyou for making this video. For female solo traveler, do we need to take or join some open trips to explore Kars?
Bery, I am loving your videos! I will be travelling to Turkiye mid August for 25 days. Trying to plan our time now. Would Kars still be good to visit in the summer? Every time I see it mentioned, it's around winter time. I am still trying to figure out how to fit in Konya, Mt. Nemrut, now very interested to see Kars, saw your video the other day about Eskisehir- so now I want to see that. We booked a tour to see most of SW Turkiye, we will have about 5-6 days where we can do SE including the stuff I mentioned (which yes is still some SW stuff). What would you recommend? FYI near the end of the tour we booked, last stop is Cappadocia before heading back to Istanbul so I am open to detour on my own from there if it makes it easier to go to some of my aforementioned destinations.
During summers, Kars is not as hot as other cities in Southeast of Turkey or Capadoccia. do not worry. so summer is also a good time to visit. may be after Cappadocia you can go to Kayseri (1.30h from Cappadocia) take a train to Erzurum (3-4 hours are enough to see Erzurum, you can watch Bery's Erzurum video) then take a bus to Kars. or you can take a direct bus from Kayseri or Konya too. there is a direct flight to Erzurum and Kars from Ankara too. OR after capadoccia you can visit Konya, (5-6h is enough to see the main attractions of the city) then take a bus to Eskisehir (a day is enough) then from Eskisehir to Ankara take a train. then you can take bus or flight to Kars from Ankara. after Kars you can visit ishapasa palace, van, mardin, midyat, diyarbakir, mt nemrut, urfa, Antep. but 5-6 days would not be enough.
Historic Armenia is beautiful!
Modern Turkey is great
Last 1000 years Ottoman Empire time before that romans ruled anatolia how is that possible armenia ??
You mean historic kurdistan is beautiful
Here we go
@@omedmiro9158I am myself an Iranian Kurd and a Yazidi Kurd and Kurdistan region and Turkey are originally a part of The Persian Empire!
Kars siempre fue de Armenia. Puede ser en idioma Españoi por favor?
Been to Kars, end of 2021. Honestly, not the most friendly people there, had a bad experience throughout. Especially towards foreigners. My own experience.
Sorry to hear that, we didn’t experienced anything bad, i loved it 😊
Beautiful Kurdistan
Bu kadar soğuk değildi, bu piknik havasıydı 😆❄️
Its so painful to see Kars in Turkey . My grandma was born and raised in Kars and in 1915 fleed to Armenia to escape genocide. Her entire family gave lots of gold to turk, who help them to escape. Since then Kars , that was Armenian, became Turkish.
Wrong .
1915 kars was under russian occupation.
Armenians ( tashnaks )were ki...lling Turks
Dont lie.....
Kars was Turkish since 1064
Before that romans ruled anatolia and Kars .
Yes armenians lived in Kars at past but never ruled by armenians
dont worry HDP won the local elections in kars. They are predominantly kurdish and include some different minorities.
Kars had been ruled by Turks since the 11th century. In 1915, Kars was under Russian rule, and the Muslims (Turkish people, Azerbaijani Karapapakh-Tarakamas and Kurds) made up the majority in Kars Oblast.
Cost from Ankara to kars ?
It is around 1400 TL (100 usd)
"Meksikalı kız çok karizma" Hahah
Feeling first with 20 others 💀
Love from Adeel Karachi Pakistan
Thank you so much! Much love to Pakistan! 🇵🇰
that is ancient greece
Hoping for ☮️ between 🇹🇷 and 🇦🇲
@@BeryIstanbulTips ❤️ 🤗
Never peace until no justice
@@themer1428 😂
@@themer1428 Well they already are working on normalizing their relations so I think there will be peace.
Kars was an Armenian city! That is why you see that there are so many old Armenian churches there!
Yerevan azerbayjan city
Of course, not just Kars. Mount Ararat, Erzurum and other cities are Armenian. Hopefully one day we can get our territories back, with Artsakh and Nakhichevan #ArmeniaStrong
@@Shant15 that's why you always get your asses kicked, put a brake on your fairy tale irridentist bullcrap.
@@Austine1452 Thank you, armenian nationalist just thinking them self, world is changed but they don't understand that even Turkey changed too Turks are not really "central Asian turk" if nationalists will go out of world, world will become more healthyer place.
@@metehanakar0 I’m Armenian living in Armenia 🇦🇲 I feel the same way we Armenians don’t need that bloody land we need peace these people who are making comments with their big mouths don’t even live in Armenia and their young boys are not fighting love and peace from Armenia♥️🇹🇷
First of all, thank you for your efforts in promoting the region. 🙏I must state about Ani that this archeological site is not an ermi city. Ani, an important settlement since the Iron Age, was a part of the lands of the Nairis and Urartians, who were natives of Anatolia. While walking around the area, I'm sure you've seen the caves too where people lived in ancient times. I mean, it would be better if you went with someone who is more competent and knows the area. 😉 Good luck🙏
Nairis and Urartians are the earliest predecessors to the Armenians, this is a common fact, and yes Azerbaijanis do have history 🇦🇲🇦🇿
This is FULLY ARMENIAN LAND that soviet russia gifted to turkey!! The same way they gifted ARMENIAN NAKHIJEVAN AND ARTSAKH to azrbejan!!! THIS IS A FACT, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE LAND YOU LIVE ON BELONGS TO ARMENIA!!!!
Fırst keep and save your country dont be burgler of neigbours land
It means you want war again
That's awful that even here russia participated. I'm Ukrainian and that's so sad Turkish traditional soup is called "Pushkin soup" in a name of russian poet. A cafe that you showed in the end of a video is called "raskolnikov rest." that is also a character name from a russian book by Dostoevsky. Made me feel disgusted. You can't tolerate and name YOUR culture after those who occupied you and made you suffer.
It’s actually sad to see this beautiful church turned into a mosque.
Historic Armenia
Modern Turkey
Visit Pakistan too. It is a beautiful country of the world. People are hospitable. It is second to none in the world in terms of natural beauty and tasty food. It is a very safe country.
Pakistan has been in my list! Hopefully one day soon 🙏🙏
The cross where cut out because they where haram ! Did they have to build the mosque in church! Couldn’t they leave the churches as a historical side for turkey!
Imagine how many Armenians was killed here and persecuted from their historical home lands
Armenian music and dance presented as caucasian
And isn’t Armenia in the Caucasian region among other countries such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, and some parts of Southern Russia? 🤔🤔
I’m asking in a good way because I like learning of other countries and cultures, so if you could please enlighten us with your wide knowledge not just us but others reading the comments, that could be great.
Remember that commenting is not just throwing 💩, is way better doing it in a CONSTRUCTIVE WAY, that way we can all learn something from others, just saying.
@@BeryIstanbulTips You are so sweet it's really touching :) :)
My anger, frustration and immense painful messages are not directed to YOU or to any good hearted person, it is directed to those who are responsible for all this hate and ongoing genocide - please understand that I have no hard feelings whatsoever against you or any good person - no matter if Turkish or whatever nation or religion or race.
Its not a big deal - there was one dance&sound that was Armenian among the Caucasian ones. And Armenia is in the Caucasus region but as a Culture and Ethnicity and Nation Armenian (just like Turkish/Azeri) is not a Caucasian one. Armenian belongs to the Arian / Indo-European branch. And Turkish to the Turkic branch. But this all doesn't matter - I only liked to mention it because our haters always try to portray the Armenian as something else and nothing on its own - to show that nothing belongs to Armenia(ns) - but you are obviously not someone like that
Is so good reading this! Thank you so much for providing us more information about your country, as I said before, I love learning about other cultures and to me this comment has definitely taught me something new that I didn’t know before and I’m sure many others reading the comments section will also learn from your comment. Trust me, after visiting Kars and Erzurum (we know that all of that region including Igdir, Ardahan, Van, and other provinces) were Armenian lands now I want to visit Armenia even more, I was always so curious and interested in their history and culture but after visiting Ani now I’m even more interested in going there, hopefully one day soon and also that way I can learn more about your rich culture.
@@BeryIstanbulTips you are so lovely!! "My land" is your land, we are all one big family - I hope there will be peace and love between us and we can all keep our identity, culture and history with love and respect for eachother. My culture is not better than yours, they are both beautiful and deserving of love and preservance. There should be more great people like you, you are the most valued guest that we could have, i hope you will have the best time in Armenia and only positive feelings. Im so glad you exist and I wish you all the best and succes in your life 🙏 unfortunately I dont live in Armenia, otherwise I would show you around and make sure you have the best possible trip in Armenia. Tell everyone who thinks like you that so many Armenian people are grateful that you exist and for they way you are ❤
all these is anatolia
huns eat raw
are not from there
Карс эрзрум все эти земли армянские земли подаренные Лениным и Сталиным туркам за признание России турцией двацатом году
By 1064 Selçuk Turks come to Kars take it from romans .
Ruled by Turks till 1878
Древний город Армении 👍🇦🇲
Почему Армения?
@@sofiahammond8838 because they dream of Kars altough Kars never ruled by armenians.
Last 1000 years Ottoman before that romans ruled anatolia
In all fairness, this is Armenia!!
Стаоинни Армянский город.Карс.
Most biased guide ever.
If you say so 😆 i bet you are the one knowing the “only one truth”….
Bu kiz bir ajan, anlayin artik. Hollanda televizyon programinda da surekli Kars ermenilerin sehri diyorlar. Orasi turklerin degil multi etknik diyorlar. Yani alistira alistira. Tekrar etmeyi devam edin. Turistlik adi altinda propagandaliga baslamissiniz... acaba hayal ettiginiz nedir? Biz biliyoruz.
Hahahahahaha yorumun en komik!! Gerçekten! 🤣🤣
Evet, hafta içi İspanyolca öğretmenim ve seyahat videoları yapıyoruz, hafta sonunda, ajanım -ajanım adı Bery Gadget- (sadece hobi gibi) ama hükümetten çok para alıyorum 😝
@@BeryIstanbulTips Senin kim oldugunu cok iyi biliyoruz.
@@SSs-ls9up “biliyoruz” değil… BİLİYORUM 😅 herkes için KONUŞMA! Neyse ki tüm insanlar o eski kafa ideolojilerine inanmıyor 😀
O zaman hayatım çok iyi BİLİYORSAN, roman yazabilirsin. 😝