Placebo - Beautiful James (live from "Never Let Me Go tour 2022")

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 185

  • @Oluabayo
    @Oluabayo Год назад +134

    Brian's voice is still as fresh as day 1, so happy.

    • @guitarrizer
      @guitarrizer Год назад +7

      It's much better isn't i? Always a great singer and performer but he has widely top hiself and doesn't seem that he's stopping there anytime son :)

    • @ninacarbone935
      @ninacarbone935 4 месяца назад


    • @Lila-lc7wd
      @Lila-lc7wd 3 месяца назад +2

      its not tho. but still amazing to listen to

  • @austriantruther4648
    @austriantruther4648 Год назад +99

    One of the best bands of all time!!

  • @SemJokerKass
    @SemJokerKass Год назад +9

    Это как Человек из Кемерово, но, только Великолепный Джеймс )

  • @remiabrahams8623
    @remiabrahams8623 Месяц назад +1

    2024 was made worthwhile by Placebo

  • @mohamadadeyn2837
    @mohamadadeyn2837 Год назад +24

    Placebo knows how to keep their music style until now. Perfect!

  • @julesrednozrednoz8179
    @julesrednozrednoz8179 9 месяцев назад +2

    Depuis que j'ai 12 13 ans , j'ecoute Placebo et mon dieu , c'est toujours aussi bon , là c'est du à ancienne vraiment, j'adore !! Leur musique et la voix de Brian me collera toujours la chair de poule , ils ont le don de faire ressortir les emotions les plus pures et les plus belles, ...
    Pour toujours Placebo restera un de mes groupes adorés ,et pourtant j en ai plein ms ils sont ds mon top 10 c'est claaair !!

  • @cristinabassini3824
    @cristinabassini3824 Год назад +10

    Album pazzesco forse uno dei piu belli in assoluto suono potente riff di chitarra fantastico ,il suono distorto in forever chemicals straordinario e prodigal capolavoro con archi e violini che dire ...chapeau grandi Placebo e genio assoluto Brian ❤

  • @shilothorp8691
    @shilothorp8691 Год назад +38

    Had to get picked up in an ambulance two nights ago at the Seattle date. Delivered my twins 30 minutes later via C Section with this song playing. Best night of my life.

    • @thiagaomesquita865
      @thiagaomesquita865 6 месяцев назад

      It's amazing!! God bless you!! Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷

    • @sonicjimmer
      @sonicjimmer 2 месяца назад

      What did you name your twins? 😊😊

  • @vgls88
    @vgls88 Год назад +15

    Can't wait! Toronto apr 27, 2023. And what an incredible new album. The voice, themes, melodies, sound production. Placebo are back to resurrect a time in music that's almost lost these days. The emotions on April 27 are going to be a walk down a 20+ year memory lane.

  • @xavieralbareda
    @xavieralbareda 11 месяцев назад +3

    I consider myself as a big fan of Placebo and I'm so happy to see how they are releasing songs like 'Beautiful James' that really recover the orginal style of the band 🥰

  • @EwaPetrusova-rh6xl
    @EwaPetrusova-rh6xl 10 месяцев назад +1

    Brian je Génius.❤ S jeho muzikou je svět krásnější,veselejší.Miluju to.

  • @colleencostin2972
    @colleencostin2972 Год назад +13

    This is perfect! Placebo continues to blow me away...bravo!

  • @dedelpoulin9538
    @dedelpoulin9538 Год назад +20

    Love this song, love Brian's so spécial voice ❤

  • @shell150675
    @shell150675 2 месяца назад +1

    Such an amazing, yet greatly underrated song!

  • @peterbrown8880
    @peterbrown8880 2 месяца назад +1

    An amazing band!!!!

  • @pie68
    @pie68 2 месяца назад +2

    Concertone da brividi...

  • @juliajonesmakeupartist6252
    @juliajonesmakeupartist6252 4 месяца назад +2

    I really like this new song Beautiful band ❤🎉

  • @DavisB777
    @DavisB777 3 месяца назад +2

    what a song

  • @NeilFromRoseDale
    @NeilFromRoseDale Год назад +13

    Great video!!! Wow the song is MUCH heavier live! Didn't expect that!

    • @placebo_girl
      @placebo_girl Год назад +4

      Hey..I was always saying..this band is one of the bands..RESPECT

  • @mehdimoghadasi4818
    @mehdimoghadasi4818 Год назад +9

    Great artist

  • @jessievasquez2407
    @jessievasquez2407 Год назад +4

    Merci brian ❤
    Il n y a que toi qui me fait ressentir ttes mes émotions….!!
    Je revis je réfléchis je le laisse porter par cette voix et ce son !!!
    J adore placébo 🎉!!!…..

  • @robertthrossell4321
    @robertthrossell4321 Год назад +7

    What a tune 👏👏

  • @charliesideshow8400
    @charliesideshow8400 Год назад +19

    Divine! What a compilation! Thank You so much for sharing, Matteo!

  • @steveram8041
    @steveram8041 Год назад +15

    He looks so different but he have the same unique voice

    • @graffitiwomen
      @graffitiwomen Год назад +4

      I don't know, he looks like Brian with a mustache! He looks great though as does Stefan!

  • @zoebo18
    @zoebo18 Год назад +2

    Omg... There is that passion again x

  • @willinieves5159
    @willinieves5159 9 месяцев назад

    What a BAND !!! Man …What a BAND!!!!!!!

  • @vyxera13
    @vyxera13 Год назад +2

    I'm seeing them in May and I couldn't be more excited. 😭

  • @graffitiwomen
    @graffitiwomen Год назад +2

    Saw them last night in Washington DC! Great time! ❤

    • @L.A-Inferno
      @L.A-Inferno Год назад

      Saw them last night in phx az....I was and still so emotional...

  • @inomkcurob7819
    @inomkcurob7819 Год назад +4 voice ever....❤

  • @idahocobra
    @idahocobra 29 дней назад

    Such a well done video, expertly edited.

  • @sennakoll5902
    @sennakoll5902 Год назад +9

    Merci Matteo pour tous ces délicieux moments avec Placebo !

    • @sennakoll5902
      @sennakoll5902 Год назад +1

      Je suis clouée, c'est super, merci !

  • @jayderocker9668
    @jayderocker9668 Год назад +1

    Massive dm fan but also love the mighty placebo xxxxxx.

  • @nelsonwilbur8782
    @nelsonwilbur8782 Год назад +2

    This song is so's not surprising it came from a place of exhaustion and quasi delerium.... I relate

  • @rossb2006
    @rossb2006 2 месяца назад

    What a tune!!!

  • @douglaswarr2174
    @douglaswarr2174 4 месяца назад

    Thank you to everyone involved

  • @cmk9495
    @cmk9495 Год назад +4

    Seeing them in May. Cannot wait!! I hope they do some songs from their older albums…

    • @colleencostin2972
      @colleencostin2972 Год назад

      I'm going to see them for the first time in May, too! I can't believe they are actually coming to the States!

    • @simoncollier8769
      @simoncollier8769 Год назад

      @@colleencostin2972 how was it? I see them in June?

    • @simoncollier8769
      @simoncollier8769 Год назад

      Did they do much older stuff?

    • @cmk9495
      @cmk9495 Год назад +1

      @@simoncollier8769 they did play some older songs. They have their playlists for their shows online. Bummed they didn’t play meds or every me and every you.

    • @simoncollier8769
      @simoncollier8769 Год назад

      @@cmk9495 thnx

  • @joannalecocq4617
    @joannalecocq4617 Год назад +5

    Ah it’s such a shame. I see James’ Mum around town and she’s really struggling on without her son. I can’t possibly get her to believe this, now, can I? But thank you, if this song is for the James I knew. He was a beautiful soul.

  • @mariaavendanoestevez5574
    @mariaavendanoestevez5574 Год назад +6

    Alucinante 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Una muy buena forma de comenzar el domingo. Muchas gracias.

  • @djukadjuka1070
    @djukadjuka1070 Год назад +2

    Love this Tour more than everything! 💜🖤💫✌️😍
    Greetings from Zagreb!💌...hope see them again, soon ... 💘

  • @mytv340
    @mytv340 Год назад +3

    Great song, great video.

  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +11

    Interpretação belissima. Música linda. 💙

  • @SofiaCastro-hx1ed
    @SofiaCastro-hx1ed Год назад +4

    😭 buuuuu..... It was a long long time ago..... and his voice is still the same and makes me dream. 😌
    I love you Brian 😘
    I will see you on next April 😃

  • @thiagaomesquita865
    @thiagaomesquita865 6 месяцев назад

    Placebo its awesome!! Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷

  • @darkpandaLisa
    @darkpandaLisa 4 месяца назад

    Three times I have been front row , MK , Dreamland and Bristol ... can we do it again !!! ❤

    • @douglaswarr2174
      @douglaswarr2174 4 месяца назад

      Is it possible to get enough - Brighton, Margate, Southampton, Bristol. Where next - I hope...

  • @Екатерина1801
    @Екатерина1801 Год назад +7

    Gorgeous ❤️ Thank you 🎧🎶🎶🎶

  • @ЕкатеринаОвсянникова-ж1ж

    Beautiful! 😍

  • @pie68
    @pie68 5 месяцев назад +1

    2024 qualcuno qui con i Placibo? Io con 🎧 e volume a palla per non dimenticare... Quota 56 li seguo da sempre... Imperiali

  • @ericportailler1815
    @ericportailler1815 6 месяцев назад +1

    ❤❤ le meilleur groupe du monde ❤❤

  • @xsoolii
    @xsoolii Год назад +3

    Es muy Placebo esta canción ❤

  • @vincenzomaniaci9871
    @vincenzomaniaci9871 Год назад

    Amazing music producer
    The Placebo.

  • @AndreaDjpuma
    @AndreaDjpuma 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @TheOrientalNightFish
    @TheOrientalNightFish Год назад +9

    If its okay for Brian to get old and still be ridiculously talented and cool... then its at least okay for me to get old! XD

    • @caroldesbruns4460
      @caroldesbruns4460 Год назад

      tout le monde vieillit .. son talent et sa musique est toujours génial ... oui moi aussi j'ai vieillis depuis leur début ... drôle de réflexion...

    • @dianavcult8806
      @dianavcult8806 Год назад +2

      @@caroldesbruns4460 Etrangement, comme Brian....on me demande ma carte d'identité parfois quand je dis mon âge (même silhouette très mince, quelque chose de juvénile qui demeure dans l'allure je suppose, la peau pas marquée), et d'autres éléments qui m'échappent c'est sûr, ces choses que les autres perçoivent et pas moi. Le temps passe oui. Après, je suis responsable,avec beaucoup de bon sens et de questionnements sur plein de sujets. J'ai la vie d'une adulte. Mais, être adulte est d'un immense ennui pour moi. J'ai un caractère fantasque, audacieux, aventureux, dans un sens très positif de ces termes. Du mal à être adulte en fait, au sens traditionnel du terme....peut-être cela joue-t-il sur la conservation de cette juvénilité...pourtant I had hard strifes all my life through. And still have.

    • @Geo_Babe
      @Geo_Babe 11 месяцев назад

      And still so hot ❤❤

  • @MariaMazzola273
    @MariaMazzola273 Год назад

    Bellissima interpretazione. Grazie mille Matteo ❤

  • @CapmPro
    @CapmPro 4 месяца назад

    Looks like a fan-made video.. very good thumbs up:)

  • @Elena_K3
    @Elena_K3 Год назад

    Merci pour la superbe vidéo ✌️ 2:42

  • @thomasbartoli8588
    @thomasbartoli8588 Год назад +2

    Miglior gruppo rock elettronico di questo secolo

  • @ilya_de
    @ilya_de 11 месяцев назад

    Beautiful James

  • @austriantruther4648
    @austriantruther4648 Год назад +2

    Amazing Video!!

  • @bebegaga4985
    @bebegaga4985 6 месяцев назад

    merci bien pour la vidéo et superbe

  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +4

    Apresentação maravilhosa como sempre.e ❤🌹

  • @SpartakissTheGreat
    @SpartakissTheGreat Год назад

    Άρχοντες 🙌🙌🙌

  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +4

    Espetáculo. ❤🌹

  • @jb6164
    @jb6164 Год назад +9

    Love your videos, a lot of work!

  • @chantalrapy3519
    @chantalrapy3519 Год назад +4


  • @VincentVanGray
    @VincentVanGray Год назад +5

    Спасибо большое за видео 🙏🖤

  • @rainio11
    @rainio11 9 месяцев назад

    Prime Placebo!

  • @jeremycrepu8993
    @jeremycrepu8993 Год назад +1

    grand cheveux et moustache na jamais poser problem a t talents continu

  • @Mark-vv1dy
    @Mark-vv1dy Год назад +52

    Does Stefan even age? It's coming up on 30 years since their first album and he does not look like it. Like, at all.

    • @maleficentred
      @maleficentred Год назад +5

      I know! I was directly in front of him in LA and

    • @Geo_Babe
      @Geo_Babe 11 месяцев назад +3

      Agreed!! And same! I was at the LA show at the Greek in May!

    • @dasmadchen6813
      @dasmadchen6813 9 месяцев назад +1

      I was in front of him yesterday, in Argentina. Even his voice is the same, couldn't believe that

    • @정여훈-m1z
      @정여훈-m1z 7 месяцев назад +1

      a vampire..

    • @fabiennechaillet9716
      @fabiennechaillet9716 3 месяца назад +1

      ​​@@정여훈-m1z..An Angel ❤..

  • @malgorzataopora
    @malgorzataopora Год назад +1

    Thank you ❤️

  • @juvernareccia
    @juvernareccia Год назад +1


    • @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp
      @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp Год назад +1

      Fala a minha língua? Placebo é simplesmente fantástico, sou uma super fã há muito tempo.😊❤

    • @juvernareccia
      @juvernareccia Год назад +1

      @@AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp sim, falo português tbm! Eu vi eles tocando em 2010 aqui no Brasil e foi fantástico. Placebo sempre esteve na minha vida! ❤

    • @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp
      @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp Год назад +1

      @@juvernareccia Será que estivemos no mesmo show em 2010? Moro em São Paulo e fui aos shows em 2005, 2007 e 2010. Queria que eles viessem esse ano com a Never Let Me GO tour.

    • @juvernareccia
      @juvernareccia Год назад +1

      @@AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp olha, acredito que sim, hein! Vi eles em 2010 na tour Black for The Sun no Credicard Hall. Nossa, tbm queria mto mesmo que eles viessem nessa nova tour, as músicas tão massa demais! Eu tenho uma banda tbm e uma das nossas inspirações é o Placebo ❤

    • @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp
      @AndreaFSantAna-pc7cp Год назад

      @@juvernareccia Estivemos no mesmo maravilhoso show em 2010, inesquecível. Ter o Placebo como influência, na minha modesta opinião, é super bom gosto.

  • @Claaudinhalves
    @Claaudinhalves Год назад +1

    Perfeitaaaa 😍😍😍😍

  • @barbarabonmartini2344
    @barbarabonmartini2344 Год назад

    E torno sempre per ascoltare questa canzone 😉

  • @santiagoestebanvalenzuelac5625


  • @falecomleojulio
    @falecomleojulio Год назад +3


  • @barbarabonmartini2344
    @barbarabonmartini2344 Год назад

    Mi piace riascoltarla tutti i giorni 😊

  • @loopylou6841
    @loopylou6841 Год назад


  • @JonSnova
    @JonSnova Год назад +1

    Creepy beautiful 😍 🤩 👌

  • @vadimshlykov4709
    @vadimshlykov4709 Год назад

    Kinda sort of arts which makes me crying

  • @barbarabonmartini2344
    @barbarabonmartini2344 Год назад

    👍👍👍👍👍👍perfetto il video

  • @bebegaga4985
    @bebegaga4985 4 месяца назад

    te amoo ♥♣♠

  • @jamesrichardson3810
    @jamesrichardson3810 8 месяцев назад +1

    Not everyday a song rings to your being, hi I'm James lol

  • @LeeroyBassmx
    @LeeroyBassmx Год назад


  • @nicoletagroedahl9375
    @nicoletagroedahl9375 5 месяцев назад

    been there, seen that. helsinki

  • @Toxic2142
    @Toxic2142 23 дня назад


  • @АлексейВитковский-ъ1з

    Это просто супер

  • @valerapshenichnyj5625
    @valerapshenichnyj5625 Год назад +1

    Все как и прежде! Ничего не нужно больше!

  • @muriellemourgue
    @muriellemourgue 5 месяцев назад


  • @PlaceboGirl
    @PlaceboGirl Год назад +1

    Placebo ist stunning ❤❤❤ever

  • @robertroseman2976
    @robertroseman2976 Год назад +1

    shout out to the mad scientist who spliced all these shows together to show these studs in all the best angles

  • @Agrava45
    @Agrava45 Год назад


  • @antonio47anos
    @antonio47anos 11 месяцев назад

    Muito bom

  • @spiraliastatica
    @spiraliastatica 5 месяцев назад

  • @marie-christopheleboucher7200
    @marie-christopheleboucher7200 Год назад


  • @manuela2087
    @manuela2087 Год назад +18

    Superbe vidéo ! 😍
    Brian est fantastique comme toujours !!

  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +1

    Brian is ilumine. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

  • @jamesrodrigues6725
    @jamesrodrigues6725 Год назад


  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +4

    Este vídeo está perfeito.👍👍👍

    • @mikatu
      @mikatu Год назад +1

      Obrigado Eliana..... está perfeito mas não é a Nancy Boy, Without You I'm Nothing, English Summer Rain, Running Up that Hill, Big Mouth Strikes Again, etc.... pois é bebé.

  • @emiliec6089
    @emiliec6089 Год назад

    Placebo a changé de son un peu depuis le départ de leur batteur... C'est différent comme son. Mais n'empêche hâte de les voire en live un jour 😉

  • @joninocerino1990
    @joninocerino1990 Год назад +2

    excellent stuff! Is the audio from a console from a recital?

  • @elianam.esteves2161
    @elianam.esteves2161 Год назад +4

    Não sei porque Brian usa bigode,esconde a beleza do rosto dele.E os olhos que são lindos e expressivos.❤❤❤