Apart from you dont actually get alot of the stuff which makes it truly thematic at retail, like the actual dinosaurs! Short sighted business model. So many people will avoid this game at retail because of this.
Thanks for the review, Tom. I was in Orlando with my family and watched your video. Went right away to coolstuff in South Orlando and bought the last copy there :)
I am now beyond excited to finally get my KS Deluxe copy. It looked good and I hoped it would be good, but it can be hard to tell on a KS. I just knew I loved the theme and I really enjoyed the art direction. Now to find out that the game play is actually solid. Over the moon!
I missed the kickstarter, but am now very interested. Would love to get with different meeples for the dinosaurs though. Great themes deserve great components, and i couldn't get over having triceratops for all the dinosaurs. Hopefully those can be made available sold seperately? Or meeplesource or something? That might be the catalyst for me to buy. Otherwise looks like a fun themed workerplacement game. Love that the board has slots to hold your cubes from moving around (terraforming mars I'm looking at you)
$300 on ebay will be the only way to get the deluxe version. It has extra exclusive gameplay cards as well, which means this game is a hard pass for me.
I liked this review, but the old style + the colors and how to upgrade your park...can't do it. This is one of the main reasons I think Dinogenics is better and Tom need to do a review of it too.
Expansion idea: Specialist (or something of the sort) that mitigates death penalties... like you can actually have a few attendees get eaten by escaped dinos and not lose points. Lawyer or PR expert or something... be that park where the fact your security is jank and there's some risk is part of the attraction, you appeal to daredevils and stuff.
My favorite attractions are Clever Grill and Jurassic Pork. This game is so blatantly Jurassic Park it even has the Dino DNA cartoon dude on the box. Oh and IDK if every copy comes with them, but the Xtreme Edition came with a slap bracelet for the First Player Indicator and a sheet of Pogs...FREAKING POGS. This game hits all the right marks, especially with my 10 year old son.
So the different kind of dinosaur meeples I played with are some kind of kickstarter bonus? Definitely wouldn't want to buy the retail version without those. I usually think that for me the game mechanics are everything. But when a game is this thematic, it really hits the immersion when you are trying to fill out the park with different kinds of dinosaurs that all look like "triceptrfures"...
I personally like the look of DinoGenics a lot more, and the wooden components, but I guess the shiny plastic this has does match the rest of its aesthetic.
Me too Jessee. Looks like a great game but hate the color scheme hated it in the 80's and 90's and still do. Resembles the clothes of United Colors of Benneton. Love the name clever grill.
There is a guy on Shapeway selling 3-d printed dino meeples. I don't know how many the game needs, but it looks kind of expensive. www.shapeways.com/shops/jeffmcdowalldesign?section=Dinosaurs&s=0
I have been waiting for your review of this all week long!!!!! And you definitely did not disappoint . Getting The deluxe copy in the mail very soon! Metal coin's, different Dino meeples, so excited, and I'm very glad that you liked it Tom because that gives me hope that I'm going to love it. That's cool that you also consider one of your favorite games of the year, considering how many you play, that's really high praise. Time to break out the Jurassic park soundtrack when we play baby!!!!!
Yeah I totally agree. They will lose huge profit from major board gamers who always want the deluxe copies or ultimate editions. I really want the deluxe version but there isn't enough in the deluxe version that would deter me from getting the standard version. If I only held out for the best version of a game, Small Worlds would have never graced my presence. Small Worlds Deluxe version is INSANELY huge and over the top.
Strange. Based on art style and theme, I'd guess family game, but seems overly complex for that. Still seems pretty fun, but probably needed to target an audience better.
My gosh, I was actually nervous watching this one, hoping it was good! Dinosaurs is by far my favourite theme, so great to have another awesome dinosaur themed game.
I loved the theme on this one, but all my plays have unfortunately been the “short” game since we haven’t managed to get our own copy. In the short game I felt like there was a bit more luck than I’d like and punishment for turn order. Is this something you think is alleviated in the medium/long game?
We have this game and it's exciting but it's one game that I don't think it's clear how to win....as in I get beat by my kids 😂 I normally win about 90 percent of the games played in our house. So I am a bit put off by that. You want the dinos in your park but it's hard to keep up with security level to actually get VPs and people don't die
Looks neat. Heavy, but neat. Just can't get past the garish colors, though. For a better immersion into the theme, I wish it were a little more realistic looking. I know they were going for a 90s neon thing, but I don't remember ANY actual board games from the 90s looking anything like this... Not even the actual Jurassic Park games from the time period they are attempting to emulate.
I'm confused on the game purpose of the punks. They seem to serve no purpose but to irritate and add a reason to include more specialists and things to deal with them. Like they finished designing and thought, oh it's not complex enough...Lets add these. Otherwise they are just an irritant generated randomly which can be massively unfair.
People have been disliking the game because of the art design and it’s gameplay. Sorry for all those who wanted a different type of game. Please stop giving it a bad review just because it isn’t the game you wanted.
The game seemed very unbalanced. When we played whoever got the 2x vp for an attraction always won. Might have to house rule and just take that lab upgrade out.
This game is typical Kickstarter. In a bad sense. Confusing board, ugly graphics - looks like made by 5 different artists, 3 of them colorblind - overcomplicated rules, too much resembling Manhattan project (also typical KS=bad game IMO). I played 3rd version of it, and it was awful. Though I must admit - the biggest turnoff was that weird horrible graphics. Just looking at it hurt my eyes. Game producers - next time do rather black&white version instead of this monstrosity. Yuck!
For me, the graphic is spot on. Love the colours and the 90s feel. Though it's mostly present on the box. Component wise - I don't see anything controversial in their graphic design, apart from the pink dinosour meeples (but I guess that is because all of them are females ;) )... but I 3d printed my own set of dino meeples as soon as I got the game - carnivores red, herbivores green :)
Surprise, tom likes a hyped game that everyone on bgg says is a huge disappointment. I remember the days when he was honest and you could depend on his reviews.
I watched the review, it made me buy the game. Played it a couple of times - I have no regrets, the game is a lot of fun for me. Word of advice - find a reviewer that has a similar sense of style/taste to yours, check his reviews of the games that you already own and see if he likes them. That way, you won't be disappointed in the future or surprised by false negative/positive reviews from that person. Simple and effective :)
Tom, you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could build a T-Rex, you didn't stop to think of if you should.
brilliant, mate!
Thanks for the review Tom! Glad you enjoyed this one so much! It's one of our favorites around here.
of course it would be...
Apart from you dont actually get alot of the stuff which makes it truly thematic at retail, like the actual dinosaurs! Short sighted business model. So many people will avoid this game at retail because of this.
Thanks for the review, Tom. I was in Orlando with my family and watched your video. Went right away to coolstuff in South Orlando and bought the last copy there :)
I too have been looking forward to this all week. I'm excited for the deluxe copy in the mail!
Jesse Black deluxe copies baby!
me too ,cant wait to get this to the table
It 90’s themed BTW. The KS comes with slap bracelets and pogs.
So glad I backed the deluxe of this! I’ve had a dud or two on KS recently.
David W which were duds?
I am now beyond excited to finally get my KS Deluxe copy. It looked good and I hoped it would be good, but it can be hard to tell on a KS. I just knew I loved the theme and I really enjoyed the art direction. Now to find out that the game play is actually solid. Over the moon!
"Triceopterfues" I'm dying.
I'm really happy to have backed this game. Now my fingers are crossed it arrives well in Brazil :D
"So, you can see: a brachiosaurus...a.....a....and these other ones I can't pronounce...." Hehe :) Great review Tom 3:12
"You lose 1 VP for each visitor eaten by a dinosaur" 🤣
Would love to run this park
Glad to see it's good. I didn't back it but I hope to get to play it. Congrats to the publishers.
I missed the kickstarter, but am now very interested. Would love to get with different meeples for the dinosaurs though. Great themes deserve great components, and i couldn't get over having triceratops for all the dinosaurs. Hopefully those can be made available sold seperately? Or meeplesource or something? That might be the catalyst for me to buy. Otherwise looks like a fun themed workerplacement game. Love that the board has slots to hold your cubes from moving around (terraforming mars I'm looking at you)
$300 on ebay will be the only way to get the deluxe version. It has extra exclusive gameplay cards as well, which means this game is a hard pass for me.
new kickstarter running now
Are the dice engraved or stickers?
They are engraved
Neither. They are heat-transferred (think like the SW: Destiny dice).
Yes, you are correct, didn't know the exact proces, but was sure it were no stickers, thank god for that ! :)
Been playing this all week and it's great
Can you try and get a preview copy of Dinogenics?
I liked this review, but the old style + the colors and how to upgrade your park...can't do it. This is one of the main reasons I think Dinogenics is better and Tom need to do a review of it too.
Read a little about this game awhile ago and it was on my radar, just picked it up today from my game store excited to give it a go.
Can't wait for my deluxe copy!
Expansion idea: Specialist (or something of the sort) that mitigates death penalties... like you can actually have a few attendees get eaten by escaped dinos and not lose points. Lawyer or PR expert or something... be that park where the fact your security is jank and there's some risk is part of the attraction, you appeal to daredevils and stuff.
Great idea! Thanks!
Update: this is actually in the expansion!
My favorite attractions are Clever Grill and Jurassic Pork.
This game is so blatantly Jurassic Park it even has the Dino DNA cartoon dude on the box. Oh and IDK if every copy comes with them, but the Xtreme Edition came with a slap bracelet for the First Player Indicator and a sheet of Pogs...FREAKING POGS.
This game hits all the right marks, especially with my 10 year old son.
So the different kind of dinosaur meeples I played with are some kind of kickstarter bonus? Definitely wouldn't want to buy the retail version without those.
I usually think that for me the game mechanics are everything. But when a game is this thematic, it really hits the immersion when you are trying to fill out the park with different kinds of dinosaurs that all look like "triceptrfures"...
Ah, with a little research I found out that the new print of Dinosaur Island contains three different dino meeples. I guess that's ok enough.
Can't wait for this to arrive in the mail!
14:53 LOL. 😂 Did not see that coming…
I wonder if I'll wind up preferring this or dinogenics?
I am wondering this too. This got a very strong review however, will be hard to beat that.
I personally like the look of DinoGenics a lot more, and the wooden components, but I guess the shiny plastic this has does match the rest of its aesthetic.
I like the dino art in Escape from 100 million BC the best. The dino art in Evolution is good too.
This might help.
I wonder if broken token will be making the meeples for this, i want those meeples but missed both kickstarters
14:15 Granite?
Me too Jessee. Looks like a great game but hate the color scheme hated it in the 80's and 90's and still do. Resembles the clothes of United Colors of Benneton. Love the name clever grill.
this is Jurassic world Evolution the board game!
great video keep up the good work!
If you find some good Dino Meeples replacements, are you gonna share the info with us?
would love to see a live play of this one from you guys!
Tom if you find dino minis that work, please let us know.
There is a guy on Shapeway selling 3-d printed dino meeples. I don't know how many the game needs, but it looks kind of expensive.
just got my deluxe copy 2 minutes ago!
On a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to learn?
I have been waiting for your review of this all week long!!!!! And you definitely did not disappoint . Getting The deluxe copy in the mail very soon!
Metal coin's, different Dino meeples, so excited, and I'm very glad that you liked it Tom because that gives me hope that I'm going to love it.
That's cool that you also consider one of your favorite games of the year, considering how many you play, that's really high praise. Time to break out the Jurassic park soundtrack when we play baby!!!!!
I wonder if DinoGenics will out shine this once it release or forgotten due to Dinosaur Island.
Salivating now awaiting my KS to ship..
NICE! I literally just thought in my head "MAN I thought Tom was gonna review this this week!", refresh the page, and there it is! lol #First
Colors remind me of Thor Ragnarok poster.
wolflarson71 The purple colored dinosaurs remind me of Barney.
Glad I backed 2 deluxe editions.
Looks good and love the theme. This is one I would love to add to my collection yet my gaming group may think it's too heavy :(
It is 🙄🙄🙄
Mostly multiplayer solitaire?
Into the collection tho?
Ozzy Of course, lol. He did not do "into my collection" since months. Watch more of his videos, sir! :)
No retail release for the Deluxe version with the dinosaur meeples means I will never own this game. Bad move by the publisher.
Yeah I totally agree. They will lose huge profit from major board gamers who always want the deluxe copies or ultimate editions. I really want the deluxe version but there isn't enough in the deluxe version that would deter me from getting the standard version. If I only held out for the best version of a game, Small Worlds would have never graced my presence. Small Worlds Deluxe version is INSANELY huge and over the top.
deluxe version available again via kickstarter - started today. expansion is on there too.
For anyone watching this and reading this comment. They have released a new kickstarter for Dinosaur Island. It ends in 30 days.
If Jurassic Park was set in 70's Miami!
I am glad there is only one type of dinosaur meeple. Different meeples would have made it much more fiddly for me personally.
Strange. Based on art style and theme, I'd guess family game, but seems overly complex for that. Still seems pretty fun, but probably needed to target an audience better.
I'm pretty sure its targeted toward 90's kids, playing on the Jurrasic Park nostalgia and color scheme. Not too complex for that demographic.
@@waterhobit yep. It got me, and some 80s and 70s kids I hang out with too. We just like dinosaurs.
My gosh, I was actually nervous watching this one, hoping it was good!
Dinosaurs is by far my favourite theme, so great to have another awesome dinosaur themed game.
Definitely one of the best 'gavel moments'!
LOL @ the end sound clip...
Might be in the comments already, but Tom called the people that come to the park "workers." These are customers, plus the bad customers: hooligans.
I loved the theme on this one, but all my plays have unfortunately been the “short” game since we haven’t managed to get our own copy.
In the short game I felt like there was a bit more luck than I’d like and punishment for turn order. Is this something you think is alleviated in the medium/long game?
Spoilers! 14:49 So THAT'S what killed all the dinosaurs...
"You can go for the safe dinosaurs... ya wimp..."
We have this game and it's exciting but it's one game that I don't think it's clear how to win....as in I get beat by my kids 😂 I normally win about 90 percent of the games played in our house. So I am a bit put off by that. You want the dinos in your park but it's hard to keep up with security level to actually get VPs and people don't die
Looks neat. Heavy, but neat. Just can't get past the garish colors, though. For a better immersion into the theme, I wish it were a little more realistic looking. I know they were going for a 90s neon thing, but I don't remember ANY actual board games from the 90s looking anything like this... Not even the actual Jurassic Park games from the time period they are attempting to emulate.
There are plenty - google search "board games from the 90s" and look at the images.
Tricoputus lol love you Tom
ooooooffff this really makes me regret not backing this game :/
well there's another game I have to buy.
I just played it and it wasn't much fun because of how overwhelming it is.
I'm confused on the game purpose of the punks. They seem to serve no purpose but to irritate and add a reason to include more specialists and things to deal with them. Like they finished designing and thought, oh it's not complex enough...Lets add these. Otherwise they are just an irritant generated randomly which can be massively unfair.
People have been disliking the game because of the art design and it’s gameplay. Sorry for all those who wanted a different type of game. Please stop giving it a bad review just because it isn’t the game you wanted.
The game seemed very unbalanced. When we played whoever got the 2x vp for an attraction always won. Might have to house rule and just take that lab upgrade out.
"The punks" ...LOL
Seems very confusing
Kevin McDonald thought so too, but you get used to it pretty easily!!
Kevin Macdonald? The author of culture of critique?
Everyone else feels uncomfortable by the way he throws everything out of the box >
No, because it's not my copy.
Played this the other day....... boooooooring 😴😴😴😴
It's okay Tom, I won't take you for granite! @@thedicetower
This game is typical Kickstarter. In a bad sense. Confusing board, ugly graphics - looks like made by 5 different artists, 3 of them colorblind - overcomplicated rules, too much resembling Manhattan project (also typical KS=bad game IMO). I played 3rd version of it, and it was awful. Though I must admit - the biggest turnoff was that weird horrible graphics. Just looking at it hurt my eyes. Game producers - next time do rather black&white version instead of this monstrosity. Yuck!
For me, the graphic is spot on. Love the colours and the 90s feel. Though it's mostly present on the box. Component wise - I don't see anything controversial in their graphic design, apart from the pink dinosour meeples (but I guess that is because all of them are females ;) )... but I 3d printed my own set of dino meeples as soon as I got the game - carnivores red, herbivores green :)
The game looks fun but, the color scheme hurts my eyes.
If I'm playing a Jurassic park game, I don't want to be the logistics guy. The colors are also to much for me.
What self respecting gamer wraps their decks with a rubber band?
I guess I don't respect myself.
The Dice Tower I was just teasing you! Your game, do what you like.
I do. Sleeve them and rubber band them.
Surprise, tom likes a hyped game that everyone on bgg says is a huge disappointment. I remember the days when he was honest and you could depend on his reviews.
I watched the review, it made me buy the game. Played it a couple of times - I have no regrets, the game is a lot of fun for me.
Word of advice - find a reviewer that has a similar sense of style/taste to yours, check his reviews of the games that you already own and see if he likes them. That way, you won't be disappointed in the future or surprised by false negative/positive reviews from that person. Simple and effective :)