If you see this comment, Your light is very important to this universe. You are not alone in this world. You are important. I hope this comment can make you happy. I wish you lots of health, love and success on your way.✨💖🌟
I know there are a lot of positive comments so this one probably won't be seen. But if you're reading this, don't give up on your dreams. Don't give up on yourself and never let anyone bring you down! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE WORTHY! Keep trying and keep achieving and everything you have put in will be rewarded. ❤❤ I believe you can do it
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, money, a body free from illness and a day filled with God's blessings
I don't know if you can read this comment or not. But I always pray that those who watch this video will be blessed by God. Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, joyful and prosperous life
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life 💕💗💓
If you happen to read this keep going... You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself. Your journey will lead you to a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
Para todos vocês que chegaram aqui neste lugar de cura e reequilíbrio, te desejo do fundo do meu coração, que vc encontre o que busca. Tenha calma, acredite e confie. Deus não dá um fardo maior que não possa carregar. Se vc sentir que o que está passando está muito pesado, diga a si: Eu Sou um ser espiritual tendo uma experiência humana. Isso vai te trazer mais clareza e leveza. Desejo que sua vida seja abençoada, abundantemente próspera e feliz! Pois você merece tudo de melhor que há neste plano. Amor e paz ser Divino ❤️💫
I've never met you and we probably never will, but you found my comment... Take this as a sign that everything will work out, everything will be okay, and no matter what your problem is, you can fix it Bringing you here, or you are here just to relax and unwind, or to find information, remember that you are important,Those who have value, have the right to be here. You are more powerful than you think.❤❣❤
I'm not sure if anyone is reading this, but if you are, please know that your current location on this planet doesn't matter. I sincerely wish you a fantastic day and a life filled with happiness and peace, where all your dreams manifest into reality. You are truly amazing and beautiful! Always remember that I believe in you!
I realize my comment might get lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be strong! Even during tough times, believe that everything will work out. This is just a phase; hold on! We may not know each other, but I believe in you. Rest assured that God is always by your side.
If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success
If you happen to read this keep going... You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself. Your journey will lead you to a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
11.11 are such powerful numbers. When I see 11.11 I always feel connected with the universe. When I see the suffering in the world, conflict, wars , innocent lives being lost and destroyed. I just pray for a more advanced spiritually aware world, where people know how to connect with the universe and find the frequencies they need, to cure pain and suffering and to know your fellow man is to be loved, not destroyed or hurt. It’s a special place to be able to listen to frequencies that connect us with the universe. We have so much to learn if we just open our hearts and minds. Love to you all for your not alone keep connected to what matters..
Me acaban de diagnosticar un tumor maligno en la traquea y ya estoy luchando para vencer ,seria el cuarto cáncer que voy a superar sin ninguna duda,Gracias por esta melodía maravillosa que me esta ayudando mucho
Проработайте все детские(и взрослые) обиды в голове и рак вас отпустит. В медитации все обидные события перезапишите в голове на позитивные (пример Вас поругала мама, перезапишите, как будто похвалила) - ваш (наш) мозг не отличит разницы , вы пойдете на поправку. Так же в медитации старайтесь спускаться во внутрь себя и ремонтировать пораженную зону - у Вас все получится
Mi hijo se sanara y tendré mi propio negocio lleno de abundancia que mi vida y la que está esta leyendo esto se nos cumplan todos los deseos de nuestro corazón
If you're reading this, don't give up... You possess the inner strength to conquer any challenge. Embrace even the smallest victories and show yourself kindness along the way. Your path will guide you towards a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
To anyone feeling lost or overwhelmed, I pray that you find peace and strength. Life isn't always easy, but you are more than capable of overcoming whatever you're facing. Believe in yourself, because I do, and you're deserving of happiness and love.
No one will probably find this comment but if u did heyy this is ur sign u have been asking for. Whatever ur going thru I know u can get thru it God never puts too much on us that we can’t handle . Everything happens for a reason never question Gods ways. I pray that God gives you the strength u need , I pray u don’t fall back into temptation from this world, I pray you live a life with no worries amen 🙏🏽 thank you God . I believe u can do this
Me encanta leer vuestros mensajes de buenos deseos para todo el mundo, dais mucha paz y hacéis sentir que todavía queda gente buena en el mundo cada día más loco,os deseo todo lo mejor y nunca dejéis de escribir, utilizo esta música para dormir y ayuda mucho, no os conozco de nada y probablemente nunca nos crucemos en el camino…pero quiero transmitiros desde aquí todo mi amor y fuerza para continuar nuestro viaje por este lugar llamado mundo, no cambiéis nunca, el mundo necesita seres de luz como vosotros ❤
БЛАГОДАРЮ !!! ♥♥♥Выше Силы МАТЕРИНСКОЙ ЛЮБВИ нет ничего на Свете!!! Смиряюсь перед ВЕЛИКОЙ ЦАРИЦЕЙ Мира, ВЕЛИКОЙ МАТЕРИ всего СУЩЕГО, МАТЕРИ Жизни! Прошу Благословение, Позволения и Направления по путям моей Божественной Сути!!! 🔴🟡🟠🔔🔔 🔔🙏🙏🙏
JESUS é incrível ,pois não tinha rede social nem tecnologia na sua época ,mas hoje tem bilhões de seguidores e eu sou um deles ,LOUVADO SEJA o seu NOME por TODA a ETERNIDADE,GRATIDÃO UNIVERSO
1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em sua alma nessa madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja muito feliz com migo vocês todas sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
ИИСУС ХРИСТОС Сын Бога Живого, мой Бог и спаситель, смысл моей жизни, единственный, жемчужина небес, Спасибо Господь за все! Да прославим мы имя твое живи в нас ходи в нас дыши в нас твори волю твою в нас спасибо за любовь, я буду хвалить тебя вечно ибо ты достоин Алелуйя!❤❤❤
ИИСУС ХРИСТОС мы хотим быть с тобой, помоги нам прожить жизнь, быть светом, быть милосердными, помоги пройти нам наши страдания, прошу Боже, и в согласии с Волей Твоей, закончить путь на земле, Аминь!❤❤❤
Благодарю за эту чудесную медитацию🙏 Когда слушаю эту музыку то по всей грудной клетке разливается жар, становится очень тепло в груди, комфортно и безмятежно 🙂 Видимо так прорабатывается и раскрыаается сердечная чакра❤️ Пусть всем кто слушает придёт исцеление , чудеса и любовь❤️🤗🙏
1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja gratidão❤
You are a beautiful soul! You are connected to source energy! You are protected & guided. You will have a positive experience from here on forward. Keep your faith! ❤️✨
Thank you ❤. I'm forever grateful for all the good things I received in life. I pray that every single human being will have some good things to come their way, too.
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🥰
I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
❤1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor❤
No tiene mucho que comenzé a reprogramarme, comencé con el Kybalion, super desafiante, pido a la vida poder entenderlo. El librito azul... Pfff una chulada también. De ahí comenzé el camino espiritual con una noche oscura del alma. De ahí comenzé a dudar de mi mismo y de todo lo que iba aprendiendo, sin embargo estos números me aparecen por todos lados desde entonces (11:11). Mi mente luego luego pensaba que a esa hora debía tener cuidado 😅, mitos y todo eso que trae uno... Sin embargo después me enteré qué es la señal de que estás por buen camino. Bendiciones amigos y hermanos!
Eine wunderschöne und sanfte Musik, die ich stundenlang hören kann. Sie beruhigt den Geist und nach einiger Zeit beginne ich Neues zu denken. Durch die Entspannung kommt langsam über das Unterbewusstsein plötzlich gedankliche Kreativität hoch. Einfach magisch. Aller herzlichsten Dank für die wundervolle Musik. 🙏🙏🙏🙏LG Kaffee Prinz Don Jochen
I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but these challenging times won't last forever. You're more resilient than you know, and you can overcome this. Trust in yourself and take it one step at a time. You've got this! ❤
Ayer estaba viviendo unos contrastes con respecto a mi vida sentimental y hoy estoy súper tranquila y clara de muchas cosas. Me he mantenido en paz y confiada.
"Manifesting success in my A/L exams, abundance, and happiness for myself and my loved ones. Thank you, universe, for guiding me toward my dreams and new beginnings. 11:11, a perfect moment for manifesting my future!"
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando amor no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja muito feliz com migo amém meu amor❤❤😂😅
Hoy me levanté a las 5 . Am. Pues me quedé en la casa de mi amigo pues lo vi ayer en la noche y nos quedamos platicando desde tarde. Pues le di una ayuda económica en lo quecolo amigos le pueda ayudar pues el no anda bien
Por favor cuenten aquí si algo bello está pasando !!!! Cuenten sus experiencias!!!! Gracias Iván ,tienes o tenías una frecuencia de los milagros,yo me había quedado sin trabajo y estaba demasiada con tantas responsabilidades y ese fin de semana me tope con tu vídeo y a la semana SIG yo tenía trabajo !!!!! Fue mágico fue como salir a flote y tomar una bocanada de aire!!!! Estaba conectada con la abundancia con dios y con tu música que nunca deje de escuchar una y otra vez.Graxias gracias gracias🙏
Thank you for such beautiful music💖💖💖thanks to the author for creating such music of the world, goodnees, health, happiness, love , success of you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Lord, cover those who read this message and their families with Your everlasting mercy, bringing them joy, harmony, health, wisdom, and all the best You offer
Agradezco infinitamente el poder de Dios del amado Universo por todas las bendiciones que me ha dado y por las que viene y que cada uno de nosotros demos ese salto cuántico para mejorar nuestras vidas y que las puertas se abran. ¡Gracias, Gracias, Gracias! 😇🙏🕯️🌌🌠
If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success
❤114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
Yo soy el yo soy dios en mi y expansión de luz en todo el mundo 🌎 dios ilumina mi camino que pueda encontrar mi camino manifiesto mi nueva vida en amor luz y esperanza dejando lo que ya no se alinea a mi vida
Buen día ❤❤❤ gracias por tanto amor y paz gracias por todo. ❤❤❤ para tantas familias de todo pueblo ciudades nación de todo continente ❤❤❤gracias gracias gracias 🙏
Yo tengo trunca en Medicina, llevo alrededor de un año estudiando neurociencia y ya no creo mucho en la medicina, llevo algo de PNL y me interesa mucho la investigación de El lic Bueno Shin
Agradesida inmensamente con Dios y el universo por todo lo bueno y bello que hay en mi vida y extiendo esta gearitud a todos los demas seres que existen en este mundo
Biết ơn vu trụ biết ơn bạn đã đăng tải vi deo biết ơn vi deo tất cả giúp gia đình con khỏe mạnh hạnh phúc và tràn đầy năng lượng tích cực làm ăn gặp nhiều may mắn thuận lợi thành công rực rỡ cát tường như ý Ba mẹ con của con là có duyên mới tuyệt vời
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está pensando ou sonhando comigo um sonho erótico e venha quente que eu estou fervendo coloque no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos vocês todas sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
❤114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando amor no sub consciente nesta hora sagrada comunhão exatidão atração preocupação satisfação sentimentos que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com❤
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja gratidão❤
Im here because of low energies and emotional difficulties, feeling so heavy hope this aids uplifting my energy levels. Will do, its dont, blessings to all
To everyone reading this, May your negative thoughts, excessive worries and doubts disappear, replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love
Con biết ơn vũ trụ đã ban cho con cuộc sống viên mãn, tình yêu tuyệt đẹp, cùng còn gắn bó xây dựng hạnh phúc, cảm ơn tất cả những bài học con đã và đang trãi qua và biết ơn vũ trụ đã cho con 1 làn da mặt khỏe mạnh, láng mịn hồng hào.
Yo Soy creada por el poder Amoroso que conecta con la Divinidad de Dios que ilumina mi camino con el más grande amor que me lleva al Creador a vivir ✨️ a disfrutar, a✨️ conectar con su Amor Divino por todo lo creado que Dios me favorece vivir en la totalidad infinita de su gran Amor. Gracias por concederme el despertar para el cuál fui creada en caminar a este maravilloso plan perfecto de Dios que nos a dado ,me permito disfrutar, vivir en completa paz y armonía con todos los míos y el mundo 🌎 entero . Tomo el poder de Dios y transmuto a mi existencia con el favor de Dios y me consagra a realizar mis dones y talentos, las realizo con gran amor ❤y efectuó su voluntad de Amar y servir como Dios me amo 💕 a mi y a toda la humanidad 💕 ♥️ 💖 ❤️ con Tu Sabiduría me guías y me conduces caminar con la abundancia de Dios de todo el bien que llega a mi ser consciente de que Dios habita en mi. Gracias, gracias, gracias ✨️ por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor Amén ✨️ 🙏 🙌 💕
Agradecida al Todopoderoso padre celestial que nos escucha incesantemente para entregarnos su luz de sanación.Amen,amén, amén infinitas. Bendiciones a todos que nunca les falte su luz infinita🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨
Подписываюсь под каждым Вашим словом, только в иной последовательности - ".. Гармонии.. " ставлю во главенстве - ведь, когда всё гармонично внутри каждого из двоих, то они легко находят "инструменты" для гармоничного взаимодействия. Отсюда и проистекают и Мир, и Любовь, а уже как их производные - Радость и ощущение Счастья! А если Гармония будет в каждом из нас, то на Земле.... Но это утопия! Поэтому обретя Гармонию в себе, так Важно - помочь обрести её ближнему! 🤝 ☀️ Всех Благ и Вам, мне думается, что вся Земля меня поддержит! 🤗☀️😘
Whoever reading this comment, I really hope you find peace and strength to live through the day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise it'll be okay. 💝
Estoy por aquí porque no estoy pasando por buen momento pero sé que podemos tener cierto encuentro espiritual y algo más nunca se rindan siempre hay una salida bendiciones ❤
If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine.
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness & a day full of God’s blessings.
114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo amém❤
Thank you so much universe that I have everything what I wished for.Thanknyou so much universe that I became a government teacher .♥️✨♥️✨♥️Har Har Mahadev 🙌🏻🙌🏻
If you see this comment, Your light is very important to this universe. You are not alone in this world. You are important. I hope this comment can make you happy. I wish you lots of health, love and success on your way.✨💖🌟
Thanks for your love!
Благодарю ❤
You Are Supremely Loved:)
BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE ♥️ Thank you ♥️ Same to you ♥️ GLORY HALLELUJAH ❤️
I know there are a lot of positive comments so this one probably won't be seen. But if you're reading this, don't give up on your dreams. Don't give up on yourself and never let anyone bring you down! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE WORTHY! Keep trying and keep achieving and everything you have put in will be rewarded. ❤❤
I believe you can do it
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
О да!😊❤
thanks for your pure heart ...
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
Thank you so much for sharing 😊
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
i wish you too after 4 years. Because the good returns to you.
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
thank you❤ ı wish you too
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, money, a body free from illness and a day filled with God's blessings
Thank you for this. You have no idea how much I needed this today.
I pray and wish you the same!🙏
Same wish to you
И тебе дорогой человек того-же❤
I don't know if you can read this comment or not. But I always pray that those who watch this video will be blessed by God. Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, joyful and prosperous life
Thank you child of the great God
May he bless you with abundance, mindfulness & everlasting consistency💯✨😇
Amen thanks
Спасибо Вам и храни Господь Вас и Ваших близких! ☀️🙏
Thank you so much and all the best to you too 😊
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life 💕💗💓
You are an Angel. Thank you for youre being, for youre Kindness and that you are making This Planet a better Place. 🙏🏽🌞💐
Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world 💕.
If you happen to read this keep going... You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself. Your journey will lead you to a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
Hello! yes you reading this. I've been waiting for you. I am happy you are here now. You are on the right path. What you seek will come to you.
Thank you so so much
Para todos vocês que chegaram aqui neste lugar de cura e reequilíbrio, te desejo do fundo do meu coração, que vc encontre o que busca.
Tenha calma, acredite e confie. Deus não dá um fardo maior que não possa carregar.
Se vc sentir que o que está passando está muito pesado, diga a si:
Eu Sou um ser espiritual tendo uma experiência humana.
Isso vai te trazer mais clareza e leveza.
Desejo que sua vida seja abençoada, abundantemente próspera e feliz!
Pois você merece tudo de melhor que há neste plano.
Amor e paz ser Divino ❤️💫
Gratidão 🙏
I've never met you and we probably never will, but you found my comment... Take this as a sign that everything will work out, everything will be okay, and no matter what your problem is, you can fix it Bringing you here, or you are here just to relax and unwind, or to find information, remember that you are important,Those who have value, have the right to be here. You are more powerful than you think.❤❣❤
Благодарю🙏любви вам 🌹🩷
A szeretet a legjobb dolog érzés a világon 😇
Amikor azt írom hogy szeretlek akkor azt én úgy is érzem 😇
Aammeeenn thank you so much for good words, good words will come back good to you 😌
I'm not sure if anyone is reading this, but if you are, please know that your current location on this planet doesn't matter. I sincerely wish you a fantastic day and a life filled with happiness and peace, where all your dreams manifest into reality. You are truly amazing and beautiful! Always remember that I believe in you!
I realize my comment might get lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be strong! Even during tough times, believe that everything will work out. This is just a phase; hold on! We may not know each other, but I believe in you. Rest assured that God is always by your side.
If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success
If you happen to read this keep going... You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself. Your journey will lead you to a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
Thank you for such a kind and beautiful message. Sending these intentions, energies, and sentiments back your way!
Thank you so much 💚
11.11 are such powerful numbers. When I see 11.11 I always feel connected with the universe. When I see the suffering in the world, conflict, wars , innocent lives being lost and destroyed. I just pray for a more advanced spiritually aware world, where people know how to connect with the universe and find the frequencies they need, to cure pain and suffering and to know your fellow man is to be loved, not destroyed or hurt. It’s a special place to be able to listen to frequencies that connect us with the universe. We have so much to learn if we just open our hearts and minds. Love to you all for your not alone keep connected to what matters..
AMEN! Your words touched my heart. God bless us all!
Me acaban de diagnosticar un tumor maligno en la traquea y ya estoy luchando para vencer ,seria el cuarto cáncer que voy a superar sin ninguna duda,Gracias por esta melodía maravillosa que me esta ayudando mucho
Καλή τύχη.. είμαι απόλυτα σίγουρη ότι θα είστε υγιής αύριο!!!
you go win!!!
Проработайте все детские(и взрослые) обиды в голове и рак вас отпустит. В медитации все обидные события перезапишите в голове на позитивные (пример Вас поругала мама, перезапишите, как будто похвалила) - ваш (наш) мозг не отличит разницы , вы пойдете на поправку. Так же в медитации старайтесь спускаться во внутрь себя и ремонтировать пораженную зону - у Вас все получится
@@4REDSUN Que buen mensaje amigo gracias por compartirlo es muy clave lo que decís. Gracias. Saludos desde Uruguay
الى كل من يقراء كلامي اتمنا لكم السعادة والفرح والصحة وراحت البال للجميع البشر في كل العالم
I don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you!
Mi hijo se sanara y tendré mi propio negocio lleno de abundancia que mi vida y la que está esta leyendo esto se nos cumplan todos los deseos de nuestro corazón
Ainsi soit-il selon l'Ordre Divin 🙏
Amén luz para ti❤
I wish everyone who reads this all wealth, abundance, joy and love the world has to offer
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
If you're reading this, don't give up... You possess the inner strength to conquer any challenge. Embrace even the smallest victories and show yourself kindness along the way. Your path will guide you towards a brighter tomorrow! 🦋🦋🦋
Hi 🖐 I thought that was very well said 🙂 Peace to you and all of us... Every positive action we do or give will make a valuable impact 👌
To anyone feeling lost or overwhelmed, I pray that you find peace and strength. Life isn't always easy, but you are more than capable of overcoming whatever you're facing. Believe in yourself, because I do, and you're deserving of happiness and love.
This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
No one will probably find this comment but if u did heyy this is ur sign u have been asking for. Whatever ur going thru I know u can get thru it God never puts too much on us that we can’t handle . Everything happens for a reason never question Gods ways. I pray that God gives you the strength u need , I pray u don’t fall back into temptation from this world, I pray you live a life with no worries amen 🙏🏽 thank you God . I believe u can do this
Me encanta leer vuestros mensajes de buenos deseos para todo el mundo, dais mucha paz y hacéis sentir que todavía queda gente buena en el mundo cada día más loco,os deseo todo lo mejor y nunca dejéis de escribir, utilizo esta música para dormir y ayuda mucho, no os conozco de nada y probablemente nunca nos crucemos en el camino…pero quiero transmitiros desde aquí todo mi amor y fuerza para continuar nuestro viaje por este lugar llamado mundo, no cambiéis nunca, el mundo necesita seres de luz como vosotros ❤
Amen I appreciate that so much and I pray all your blessings increase
Gracias bondad para ti también
БЛАГОДАРЮ !!! ♥♥♥Выше Силы МАТЕРИНСКОЙ ЛЮБВИ нет ничего на Свете!!! Смиряюсь перед ВЕЛИКОЙ ЦАРИЦЕЙ Мира, ВЕЛИКОЙ МАТЕРИ всего СУЩЕГО, МАТЕРИ Жизни! Прошу Благословение, Позволения и Направления по путям моей Божественной Сути!!! 🔴🟡🟠🔔🔔 🔔🙏🙏🙏
i am peace
i am love
i am miracle
i am positivity
i am light
i am happiness
i am success
i am worth
JESUS é incrível ,pois não tinha rede social nem tecnologia na sua época ,mas hoje tem bilhões de seguidores e eu sou um deles ,LOUVADO SEJA o seu NOME por TODA a ETERNIDADE,GRATIDÃO UNIVERSO
1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em sua alma nessa madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja muito feliz com migo vocês todas sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
ИИСУС ХРИСТОС Сын Бога Живого, мой Бог и спаситель, смысл моей жизни, единственный, жемчужина небес, Спасибо Господь за все! Да прославим мы имя твое живи в нас ходи в нас дыши в нас твори волю твою в нас спасибо за любовь, я буду хвалить тебя вечно ибо ты достоин Алелуйя!❤❤❤
ИИСУС ХРИСТОС мы хотим быть с тобой, помоги нам прожить жизнь, быть светом, быть милосердными, помоги пройти нам наши страдания, прошу Боже, и в согласии с Волей Твоей, закончить путь на земле, Аминь!❤❤❤
Благодарю за эту чудесную медитацию🙏 Когда слушаю эту музыку то по всей грудной клетке разливается жар, становится очень тепло в груди, комфортно и безмятежно 🙂 Видимо так прорабатывается и раскрыаается сердечная чакра❤️
Пусть всем кто слушает придёт исцеление , чудеса и любовь❤️🤗🙏
Amém Amém Amém Amém ❤
1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja gratidão❤
И Вам желаю Здоровья, Мира в душе, Согласия в сердце и Любви! 🙏 🤗 ☀️😘
You are a beautiful soul! You are connected to source energy! You are protected & guided. You will have a positive experience from here on forward. Keep your faith! ❤️✨
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
Thank you ❤. I'm forever grateful for all the good things I received in life. I pray that every single human being will have some good things to come their way, too.
Thanks for that you will get blessings for into your life ❤
Para todos los que esten leyendo este mensaje ....os deseo todo lo mejor, hay que ser paciente y persistente para conseguir nuestros deseos❤
Muchas gracias ❤
I was literally angry before I turned this on.. and now the feelings have waned. There is power in vibrational healing. THANK YOU🙏
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🥰
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
I’m so grateful for this channel. The Solfeggio frequencies have made a huge difference in my life. Your videos are truly wonderful!
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
Que a HUMANIDADE possa viver
no AMOR, com o AMOR e para o AMOR ,
na LUZ, com a LUZ e para a LUZ ,
na PAZ , com a PAZ e para a PAZ..... gratidão
Благодарю🙏🙏🙏Всем людям счастья, любви и процветания❤❤❤
Спасибо, что слушаете нашу музыку и оставляете положительные отзывы. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Спасибо! В вашу жизнь придут чудеса и хорошее❤❤❤
@@meditative.states благодарю🙏🙏🙏
❤1114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor❤
No tiene mucho que comenzé a reprogramarme, comencé con el Kybalion, super desafiante, pido a la vida poder entenderlo. El librito azul... Pfff una chulada también. De ahí comenzé el camino espiritual con una noche oscura del alma. De ahí comenzé a dudar de mi mismo y de todo lo que iba aprendiendo, sin embargo estos números me aparecen por todos lados desde entonces (11:11).
Mi mente luego luego pensaba que a esa hora debía tener cuidado 😅, mitos y todo eso que trae uno... Sin embargo después me enteré qué es la señal de que estás por buen camino. Bendiciones amigos y hermanos!
Eine wunderschöne und sanfte Musik, die ich stundenlang hören kann. Sie beruhigt den Geist und nach einiger Zeit beginne ich Neues zu denken. Durch die Entspannung kommt langsam über das Unterbewusstsein plötzlich gedankliche Kreativität hoch. Einfach magisch. Aller herzlichsten Dank für die wundervolle Musik. 🙏🙏🙏🙏LG Kaffee Prinz Don Jochen
I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but these challenging times won't last forever. You're more resilient than you know, and you can overcome this. Trust in yourself and take it one step at a time. You've got this! ❤
Благодаря, Благодаря, Благодаря ви от❤❤❤❤ Амин да бъде истина ❤❤❤❤❤
Да бъде,амин! Аз вярвам!❤❤❤
اتمني لكل من يقرأ هذا ان ينال كل بركات الكون وانا مثلكم امين امين امين ❤
Ayer estaba viviendo unos contrastes con respecto a mi vida sentimental y hoy estoy súper tranquila y clara de muchas cosas. Me he mantenido en paz y confiada.
Thank you for bringing this melody to me, it's great, I wish everyone who reads this comment will have a lot of money, luck and happiness
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
Желаю всем, удачи, успехов, счастья, здоровья, денежных средств, мира,любви, процветания, добра, прощения, всех благ!!!!!!!!!
Спасибо, что слушаете нашу музыку и оставляете положительные отзывы. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Спасибо! Желаю, чтобы с тобой всегда случалось самое лучшее!❤❤❤
"Manifesting success in my A/L exams, abundance, and happiness for myself and my loved ones. Thank you, universe, for guiding me toward my dreams and new beginnings. 11:11, a perfect moment for manifesting my future!"
Благодарю тебя , Создатель! Бог наш, дай нам всем возможность быть любимыми Тобой!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️
And this will lead to a peaceful world world!
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando amor no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja muito feliz com migo amém meu amor❤❤😂😅
Вы просите бога, дабы он возможность дал, нас любить? Вы в своем уме?
Hoy me levanté a las 5 . Am. Pues me quedé en la casa de mi amigo pues lo vi ayer en la noche y nos quedamos platicando desde tarde. Pues le di una ayuda económica en lo quecolo amigos le pueda ayudar pues el no anda bien
Por favor cuenten aquí si algo bello está pasando !!!! Cuenten sus experiencias!!!! Gracias Iván ,tienes o tenías una frecuencia de los milagros,yo me había quedado sin trabajo y estaba demasiada con tantas responsabilidades y ese fin de semana me tope con tu vídeo y a la semana SIG yo tenía trabajo !!!!! Fue mágico fue como salir a flote y tomar una bocanada de aire!!!! Estaba conectada con la abundancia con dios y con tu música que nunca deje de escuchar una y otra vez.Graxias gracias gracias🙏
Good luck to xpu ❤❤
Thank you for such beautiful music💖💖💖thanks to the author for creating such music of the world, goodnees, health, happiness, love , success of you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Lord, cover those who read this message and their families with Your everlasting mercy, bringing them joy, harmony, health, wisdom, and all the best You offer
Agradezco infinitamente el poder de Dios del amado Universo por todas las bendiciones que me ha dado y por las que viene y que cada uno de nosotros demos ese salto cuántico para mejorar nuestras vidas y que las puertas se abran. ¡Gracias, Gracias, Gracias! 😇🙏🕯️🌌🌠
Burada ki güzel dilekler için cok teşekkür ederim aglayarak okudum kalbiniz cok güzel böyle sözler duymayali cok olmustu😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
If you are reading this, your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know you are special and capable of amazing things. Wish you lots of love, health and success
感谢您聆听我们的音乐并留下积极的反馈。 🤗🌞🙏❤️😊谢谢! 我希望最好的事情永远发生在你身上!❤❤❤
❤114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
Желаю всем обретения своего Источника Божественной Силы, Мудрости, Любви и Изобилия!!! Аминь!❤
Yo soy el yo soy dios en mi y expansión de luz en todo el mundo 🌎 dios ilumina mi camino que pueda encontrar mi camino manifiesto mi nueva vida en amor luz y esperanza dejando lo que ya no se alinea a mi vida
Buen día ❤❤❤ gracias por tanto amor y paz gracias por todo. ❤❤❤ para tantas familias de todo pueblo ciudades nación de todo continente ❤❤❤gracias gracias gracias 🙏
Yo tengo trunca en Medicina, llevo alrededor de un año estudiando neurociencia y ya no creo mucho en la medicina, llevo algo de PNL y me interesa mucho la investigación de El lic Bueno Shin
Gratidão! Gratidão! Gratidão! Tudo flui em sincronia e paz. Trabalho, casa e vida nova.
Υγεία,αγάπη,ευημερία,πλούτος και όλες οι ευλογίες του σύμπαντος μαζί μας!!🙏🙏
amin güzel insan🙏♥️💋
Прошу вселенную о здоровье и исполнения задуманного и счастья ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
나는 우주님의 축복을 받아 기적이 일어났습니다 경제적자유를 이뤘으며 늘 평온합니다 정말 😊🎉❤감사합니다
Gracias gracias gracias por el amor inmenso que recibo de mi esposo J. A. A. C. Gracias por todos los milagros recibidos Amén.
Agradesida inmensamente con Dios y el universo por todo lo bueno y bello que hay en mi vida y extiendo esta gearitud a todos los demas seres que existen en este mundo
El milagro está hecho, gracias gracias gracias, amén amén 🙏🏻
Lo acepto y lo recibo amén gracias q así sea dios divino amén gracias hecho esta amén gracias ❤❤❤❤
Biết ơn vu trụ biết ơn bạn đã đăng tải vi deo biết ơn vi deo tất cả giúp gia đình con khỏe mạnh hạnh phúc và tràn đầy năng lượng tích cực làm ăn gặp nhiều may mắn thuận lợi thành công rực rỡ cát tường như ý
Ba mẹ con của con là có duyên mới tuyệt vời
Cảm ơn bạn đã nghe nhạc của chúng tôi và để lại phản hồi tích cực. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Cảm ơn bạn! Mong những điều tốt đẹp nhất luôn đến với bạn!❤❤❤
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está pensando ou sonhando comigo um sonho erótico e venha quente que eu estou fervendo coloque no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos vocês todas sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja amém❤
Un pouce 👍 merci beaucoup 😘❤ Paix amour lumière ❤
Thank you 11;11 thank you universe thank you divineAngels for everything 🙏🏻❤️
Cám ơn vũ trụ ơn trên vì những phước lành đã đến với cuộc sống của con ❤❤❤❤
Cảm ơn bạn đã nghe nhạc của chúng tôi và để lại phản hồi tích cực. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Cảm ơn bạn! Mong những điều tốt đẹp nhất luôn đến với bạn!❤❤❤
❤114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando amor no sub consciente nesta hora sagrada comunhão exatidão atração preocupação satisfação sentimentos que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com❤
Ativado 1111 gratidao ❤❤❤ Senhor te amo eternamente
Obrigado por ouvir nossa música e deixar comentários positivos. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Obrigado! Milagres e coisas boas acontecerão em sua vida❤❤❤
14 MAIS 15 PONTOS e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor em espírito em verdade assim seja muito feliz com migo sinta bem apaixonada por mim assim seja gratidão❤
I have the light. 5 yrs ago I was awakened .. my life changed tremendously.❤
Спасибо за божественную музыку которая исцеляет и наполняет умиротворенностью и счастьем😊❤
Im here because of low energies and emotional difficulties, feeling so heavy hope this aids uplifting my energy levels. Will do, its dont, blessings to all
To everyone reading this, May your negative thoughts, excessive worries and doubts disappear, replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
Con biết ơn vũ trụ đã ban cho con cuộc sống viên mãn, tình yêu tuyệt đẹp, cùng còn gắn bó xây dựng hạnh phúc, cảm ơn tất cả những bài học con đã và đang trãi qua và biết ơn vũ trụ đã cho con 1 làn da mặt khỏe mạnh, láng mịn hồng hào.
Yo Soy creada por el poder Amoroso que conecta con la Divinidad de Dios que ilumina mi camino con el más grande amor que me lleva al Creador a vivir ✨️ a disfrutar, a✨️ conectar con su Amor Divino por todo lo creado que Dios me favorece vivir en la totalidad infinita de su gran Amor. Gracias por concederme el despertar para el cuál fui creada en caminar a este maravilloso plan perfecto de Dios que nos a dado ,me permito disfrutar, vivir en completa paz y armonía con todos los míos y el mundo 🌎 entero . Tomo el poder de Dios y transmuto a mi existencia con el favor de Dios y me consagra a realizar mis dones y talentos, las realizo con gran amor ❤y efectuó su voluntad de Amar y servir como Dios me amo 💕 a mi y a toda la humanidad 💕 ♥️ 💖 ❤️ con Tu Sabiduría me guías y me conduces caminar con la abundancia de Dios de todo el bien que llega a mi ser consciente de que Dios habita en mi. Gracias, gracias, gracias ✨️ por Jesucristo Nuestro Señor Amén ✨️ 🙏 🙌 💕
Hola me encanto tu comentario me gustaría saber como descubriste tus dones solo si no puedes compartir gracias 😊
Gratitude to you universe ✨ 🙏 😊
We need this for Venezuela...Blessings to everyone. the new era of light.
Agradecida al Todopoderoso padre celestial que nos escucha incesantemente para entregarnos su luz de sanación.Amen,amén, amén infinitas. Bendiciones a todos que nunca les falte su luz infinita🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨
Espíritu santo guía mi mente y mi corazón..gracias por todas las bendiciones que has tenido 🙏 para mi..y para toda la humanidad..amén amén amén.
11.11 denk gelip elimin çarpmasıyla videonun açılması.👍👍👍
Всей Земле Мира, Любви, Гармонии, Света и Радости!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Спасибо, что слушаете нашу музыку и оставляете положительные отзывы. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Спасибо! В вашу жизнь придут чудеса и хорошее❤❤❤
Подписываюсь под каждым Вашим словом, только в иной последовательности - ".. Гармонии.. " ставлю во главенстве - ведь, когда всё гармонично внутри каждого из двоих, то они легко находят "инструменты" для гармоничного взаимодействия. Отсюда и проистекают и Мир, и Любовь, а уже как их производные - Радость и ощущение Счастья! А если Гармония будет в каждом из нас, то на Земле....
Но это утопия! Поэтому обретя Гармонию в себе, так Важно - помочь обрести её ближнему!
🤝 ☀️
Всех Благ и Вам, мне думается, что вся Земля меня поддержит! 🤗☀️😘
Amén Amen y Amén aleluya Gloria a Dios❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Einfach wunderschön 🤩
Holt mich immer runter, wenn mein Nervenkostüm verrückt spielt 🙏🏼🍀
Vielen Dank dafür ❤
Gott segne Euch 🥰
Whoever reading this comment, I really hope you find peace and strength to live through the day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise it'll be okay. 💝
Çok iyi anında etki etti. Teşekkür ederim.
Estoy por aquí porque no estoy pasando por buen momento pero sé que podemos tener cierto encuentro espiritual y algo más nunca se rindan siempre hay una salida bendiciones ❤
Quiero ser curado está noche de una enfermedad que no me deja dormir ,11:11
Amén.bendiceme con sanacion
This is a lovely piece... Peaceful, calming, reflective and epic all in one 👌💪
If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine.
Благодарю всех за добрые и искренние слова! Желаю всем счастья, здоровья, любви, изобилия во всем и процветания!!!🙏❤️🍀
Спасибо, что слушаете нашу музыку и оставляете положительные отзывы. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Спасибо! В вашу жизнь придут чудеса и хорошее❤❤❤
هذه البوابة الطاقة تُفتح الليلة عند 12:00 صباحًا 🙏
Whoever is reading this, I pray for you a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness & a day full of God’s blessings.
Thank you. May all that you intend for others be yours, now, and forever.
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
thank you very much..
Благодарю Вас . И Вам того же.
Thank you so much and all the best to you too ☺
私たちの音楽を聴いていただき、肯定的なフィードバックを残していただきありがとうございます。 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊ありがとうございます! いつもあなたに最高のことが起こることを願っています!❤❤❤
114 mais 15 pontos na loto fácil hoje e sempre coração e Celine receba está vibração que nos unir em espírito em verdade assim seja amém meu amor já está vibrando no sub consciente nesta madrugada sonhos eróticos com migo amém❤
May universe bless me with more love and happiness ❤️❤️❤️😊
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! Miracles and good things will come into your life❤❤❤
Thank you so much universe that I have everything what I wished for.Thanknyou so much universe that I became a government teacher .♥️✨♥️✨♥️Har Har Mahadev 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you for listening to our music and leaving positive feedback. 🤗🌞🙏❤️ 😊Thank you! I wish the best always happens to you!❤❤❤
Так ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤