This is actually not a reborn drama. Fl had an accident and fell into coma + suffering from major depression. The doctors with advance technology try to cure her by creating a dream/alternate life for her to stimulate her brain with the help of her husband (ml). Ml felt guilty because all this while his wife suffering while living under his households but she kept it to herself that led to her depression. His dismissive character and assuming fl can understand him without the need to explain his actions or behavior just because she loves him more (as she's the one chasing after him during high school) took its toll on their marriage. They actually love each other and all they need to do is communicate more and express themselves often. Happy ending.
Seriously 😒 i would buy stocks crypto 😂 and make myself rich then buy land to build houses for my few family members also built homeless shelters for people ect ect and avoid some mistakes I would still marry my idiot husband 😅 cuz i dont wanna lose my kids i have nos 🥹 but i would make sure things were done right
Interesting take on "rebirth". Not giving anything away but there was a nice twist at the end. Unfortunately some of the scenes are out of sequence, making it hard to follow the storyline properly.
I've seen the initial release for this drama and I agree, it has a better adaptation of the rebirth storyline. Some scenes were cut out because it's supposed to be a bit longer than this one. Also, the leads have a good portrayal of their roles, they are the few leads I've seen in these dramas that are adorable 🥰
This needs to be watched twice. 1st for the wife’s story and 2nd for the husband’s. I think I cried both times even though it was the same ending. 😂 😂😂
banyak yang salah paham dengan ceritanya. ini bukan tentang terlahir kembali, juga bukan tentang pasangan kejam atau jahat. ini sebuah cerita pasangan kekasih yang saling mencintai namun memiliki komunikasi yang buruk sehingga menimbulkan prasangka buruk dan kesalahpahaman. coba simak baik baik ceritanya, maka kalian akan paham ini adalah cerita yang bagus
Even seen that way, the ML is lousy. He ALLOWED the abuse to happen. That is his fault. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. If you love someone, you protect them. He also hung out with other women in front of her. Do you call emotional cheating love?
@WandaGale66 coba kamu simak ceritanya dengan cermat. karakter ML disini adalah lelaki dingin, dia melihat istrinya terseyum seolah olah tidak terjadi apa apa. karena itu dia berpikir bahwa istrinya baik baik saja dan tidak mengetahui sikap orang lain di sekitarnya. karena itu setelah dia mengetahui semuanya dia meminta semua orang menindasnya untuk minta maaf saat dia koma. tentang wanita lain, dia tidak berselingkuh, karena salah satu wanita mengarang cerita tentang cinta masa kecilnya sehingga membuat semua orang berprasangka buruk. lihat adegan ketika wawancara dengan wanita itu. ML melihat istrinya hadir, setelah wawancara dia langsung bergegas mencari istrinya, karena dia merasa istrinya pasti salah paham. namun sayang istrinya kecelakaan saat itu. karena ML sudah tau kesalahannya, sikap dia yang dingin, rasa pedulinya yang selalu salah dalam menyampaikan karena itu dia mencoba memperbaiki dan menjelaskan sikapnya yaitu lewat mimpi, saya tidak tau nama metodi kedoktoran. dia mencoba membangunkan istrinya dan menjelaskan smuanya lewat metodi tidur agar terhubung dengan istrinya untuk membangunkan dari koma. menurutku hubungan ini letak kesalahnnya adalah komunikasi yang buruk antar pasangan.
@rdrr833 iya, dri nton drama pendek ini jadi sadar betapa pentingnya komunikasi dalam sebuah hubungan suami istri. saya jg tipe wanita yg punya karakter wanita di drama ini. jika memiliki sesuatu atau uneg2 lebih memilih diam karna tdk tau bagaimana cara menyampaikannya. jika kita terusan diam dan seolah baik2 saja, mereka atau pasangan kita tdk akn tau apa yg terjadi, kecuali kita punya pasangan yg lbh peka, tdk masalah. masalahnya kita tdk tau pasangan atau jodoh kita itu punya karakter seperti apa. jdi komunikasi itu sgt penting.
No había visto a estos actores y me gustaron mucho. Es una versión diferente de la historia de la pareja con malentendidos. El manejo del tema de la depresión es interesante e invita a poner atención... "Una persona que sonríe también puede tener depresión". Vale la pena verla.
Parece que sólo nosotras 2 lo vemos. Leo que es un drama romántico de amor. Dónde?? Un tipo frío y egoísta y una chica enamorada y patética. Terrible. Y el final también. No hay malentendidos, el es un Cabron indiferente.
It's not a rebirth story but an interesting story. Kudos to the script writer. He did bring out a new aspect inside the story. We neither hate nor love the ML. The character development of ML and climax was unique. FL was appropriate for the role. I loved watching this story ❤.
This is a version of "legally romance" right. But the ML here is already married to FL. The ML gets a chance to express himself better in the dream sequence and gives her an impression that he actually likes her.
It's a love story y'all 💕. A novel plot and awesome cast. You can watch this drama numerous times and learn something new. With a happy and complete ending...on to the next!!!
⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨the story was good …just that the editing was bad and so the drama is a bit confusing. The lead pair was amazing 💕💕❤️ and the ML is 😍😻. Love these kind of short dramas.
A self righteous like him that only blame others. The reason she's been bullied because they saw how he treated her. So the main culprit of her suffering is her husband others are only accomplice. Thats why i cant accept that she forgive him
Its better to divorce him after she wake up that kind of life she experience in there 3 years of marriage is enough already If he really love her he would know that she had depression but no why would you go back to him. I dont recommend this kind of emotional torture He really a self righteous person.i think he feels guilty about what happened he don't really love her. Base on his behavior cuz if you love someone your very attentive to it but no
ML’s face is so dreamy, very charming, young and good-looking. FL is just so beautiful. What a unique plot it is - full of emotions too. What are the name of the actors?
I'm 28 min in and scenes are already jumping around. I can still understand what's going on, but it's definitely ruining the enjoyment of the movie itself. 🤦♀️
I don’t get it? Why did he let Bai Yanluo hold him ( he is giving a mix signal) and fix his necktie and he knows she is tired and sad about something. Although is not easy discovering depression of your partner but he must not saying stupid stuff like his auntie makes better food. Something like that can only make relationships more difficult. I don’t like that type of a husband. When I saw the first five minutes I saw a cheater but the plot change…. CP have a great chemistry but I am not fond of that kind of MEN and he is also emotionally unstable 😅 Both of them need CP therapy 😅
This not a drama it's just a short video which contains the whole story like a short movie . This is the original there is not expanded version like dramas
Odiei, no final ele não mostrou merecer perdão dela, ele sofreu pouco comparado a ela. Na verdade ela só foi feliz no sonho... quando acordou viu que o marido realmente tinha sido um, que viveu o inferno e agora ela só tem promessas de um futuro... não tem nada concreto que ela será feliz... aaa que raiva desse cara ei queria que ela realmente tivesse renascido e que ele desse valor para ela, e ela tivesse de fato sido feliz. Nunca senti tanta raiva de um dorama quanto desse no final, se eu soubesse que terminaria assim não teria assistido. Que raiva desse homem ele não merece perdão nem as empregadas...
Concordo, tive esse sentimento. Esse marido não merecia reconciliação, esposa tinha de seguir com seu sentimento do momento que marido estava promovendo sua amante. Ocorreu acidente e criaram um sonho para esposa: " Alice país das maravilhosas" péssimo. Marido não merece esposa, é um canalha e cruel.
At first i dont understand but i keep watching it because i like the ml and fl they are good and have chemistry, and this is the first time i watch Chinese drama that i cry in last part i they have another drama please admin i want to watch 😊 thank you 🙏
Casal protagonista é muito bonito e demais atores também bons . Renascimento induzido no sonho foi bom. Marido muito frio proporcionou todo sofrimento esposa comunicação é necessário. credo dos pais esposa, queria sair caixinha que saísse, porém prejudicar filhos é horrível. Enredo que tem volta justificando cenas é na maioria ruim. Já peguei ranço marido, não aceitei explicações então não gostei do enredo.
Very unusual drama ,spoilt by scenes jumping and repeating.... It did not make sense... But a new script and interesting theme.... It not their fault the scenes were all messed up . They acted well ,new actors getting their teeth into a very complex drama about depression. Very sympathetically done.
A pessoa que compactou as cenas desse short drama estava de extrema má vontade, tem vários episódios fora de ordem. Vários, não um episódio ou dois, são vários episódios fora da ordem!
Eu não voltaria depois de acordar, depois de passar perto da morte por culpa dele, porque dá uma nova chance para voltar a família que só a destruiu pouco a pouco? Só porque ele entrou no sonho dela para tentar acordar ela? Ele não fez mais do que a obrigação dele depois de causar tanto sofrimento para ela.
Did he cause her suffering though? No. Was he presumptuous in his behaviour and decisions towards her? Yes. She suffered from depression but at no time told her husband. Her friend and mother knew. The entire show is shown from her perspective. She studied medicine in her "rebirth" and was happy with her choices. Only during the last few minutes of her coma, do many things come to light.
Eu também, nossa tô no ódio desse cara ele não mereceu perdão... ela deveria acordar e fazer ele sofrer o inferno. Nossa tô com raiva de ter assistindo tudo para um final desse...
Concordo plenamente, todo mal causado foi por ele. Ele teve chance de acordar, devia também divorciar. Roteirista faz cenas depois volta desfazendo enredo enganoso igual marido deixou esposa sofrer com seu desprezo. Eca 🤮.
menurutku ini cerita yg berbeda dri cerita lain. tdk ada penindasan dll. ini jg bukn tentang terlahir kembali. sebuah hubungan suami istri yg saling mencintai namun tdk memiliki komunikasi yg baik dan berakhir dgn buruk. inilah pentingnya komunikasi dlm menjalin hubungan. karakter pria dsni menggambarkan memiliki sikap yg dingin dan tdk bs menunjukan atau meng'ekpresikan perasaannya. dia mencintai istrinya tp dia tdk bs menyampaikan perasaannya dgn baik. ketika dia ingin menyampaikan rasa kepeduliannya terhadap istrinya untk istrht dan mengucapkannya dgn salah yaitu jgn membuat menu sarapan untk nya. dia mlht istri nya tersenyum dia berpikir baik2 saja. nmun setelah mengetahui istrinya depresi, akhirnya dia tau titik permasalah dan kesalahan itu. sementra istrinya, dia memiliki karakter tertutup. ketika dia memiliki uneg2 terhadap suaminya dia memilih diam dan menunjukan dia baik2 saja. dri sini kita bs belajar bahwa komunikasi itu penting, sprti apa karakter pasangan kita maka komunikasikan dgn baik. ketika kita merasa tdk baik, katakan tdk baik, ketika memiliki uneg2 katakan dgn jujur agar kita bs saling tau. jika marah katakan marah. agar tdk terjadi salah paham. klu kita sma2 diam, mka terjadilah kesalahpahaman. yg satu menyembunyikan perasaannya, dan yg satu tdk bs menunjukan ekpresi atau rasa pedulinya yg akhirnya terjadilah kesalahpahaman. 22 nya salah, tp dua2 nya bergegas memperbaiki. jdi saya rasa ini endingnya bagus hnya saja terlalu singkat. krn rmh tangga sprti d cerita ini msih bs di pertahankan.
Imo, flnya itu lebih ke mimpi koma daripada rebirth karena kalau rebirth itu harusnya bisa mengubah masa depan nggak sih? Karena kejadian dia itu kayanya cuma dia yang ngalamin dan lainnya nggak tau...
De donde le vino la depresión a ella?? Quien hizo que ella cayera en un pozo negro?? Esta historia tiene un mal final. No es romántica. El peor maltrato es la Indiferencia. El es egoísta y eso no lo cambiará nadie. Yo he visto depresiones y ella en la vida real terminaría con su vida, el no es hombre para ella, no se puede escribir derecho, con renglones torcidos. Pero es más bonito que termine así. Todos felices y una Tonta más 😢. Lo mejor del drama es la interpretación y sus comentarios amigos, porque este guion es tan odioso como los que e tren riñones y córneas, podque el le sacó la alegría de vivir.
La mira y le sonríe a la mujer que a su vez lo sostiene del brazo , qué puede pensar ella? Viene la mañana diciéndole que prefiere la otra comida ,si ella la prepara con amor por menospreciar la? Es el esposo y no sabe que tiene depresión 🤔😢. Ni siquiera sabe del maltrato que sufre,y a eso le agregamos que no quiere que vaya a la empresa. Él es el responsable de su estado. Yo preferiría que se de un tiempo ,para ver si sigue o no con él. El argumento está bueno , Pero el personaje del esposo es lamentable, ella tímida soporta todo sola,con unos padres que aportan que ella sea así, te da bronca el esposo, todos los actores bien,al principio un poco largo , debería ser más corto y darle más tiempo a la recuperación.
😑😑😑😑como sempre pra mim, eu odiei . O Ml a trata como uma pedra, ela não muda e perdoa. Odiei pessoa sem amor próprio, vc deve se amar primeiro e não depender de outros.E aí sim, amar o outro.😐😐😐
Certíssimo, esposa teria após acordar se afastar desse marido ordinário. Pois o que mudou após seu acidente? Criaram um sonho para ela se sentir motivada acordar coma. Porém toda humilhação e desprezo do marido é há realidade. Roteirista foi muito cruel com essa esposa.
This video is very messy with the editing, and it makes it dang near impossible to enjoy or keep up with what’s going on. What I do track with is the FL is a squish that rolls over because the ML corners her and says he won’t leave. She says she doesn’t want to make the same mistakes that going with the ML caused her, but she doesn’t stand up and tell him a firm no. If you can’t find the words, just kick him in the kiwis and push him away. I’m not a fan of this storyline or its presentation. 👎🏼
This is actually not a reborn drama. Fl had an accident and fell into coma + suffering from major depression.
The doctors with advance technology try to cure her by creating a dream/alternate life for her to stimulate her brain with the help of her husband (ml). Ml felt guilty because all this while his wife suffering while living under his households but she kept it to herself that led to her depression. His dismissive character and assuming fl can understand him without the need to explain his actions or behavior just because she loves him more (as she's the one chasing after him during high school) took its toll on their marriage.
They actually love each other and all they need to do is communicate more and express themselves often. Happy ending.
If I was suddenly 18 with my 44-year-old brain and experience, I would take advantage of this world
Seriously 😒 i would buy stocks crypto 😂 and make myself rich then buy land to build houses for my few family members also built homeless shelters for people ect ect and avoid some mistakes
I would still marry my idiot husband 😅 cuz i dont wanna lose my kids i have nos 🥹 but i would make sure things were done right
And what if it’s all just a dream 😂. I would be more depressed after waking up 😅
Interesting take on "rebirth". Not giving anything away but there was a nice twist at the end. Unfortunately some of the scenes are out of sequence, making it hard to follow the storyline properly.
I've seen the initial release for this drama and I agree, it has a better adaptation of the rebirth storyline. Some scenes were cut out because it's supposed to be a bit longer than this one. Also, the leads have a good portrayal of their roles, they are the few leads I've seen in these dramas that are adorable 🥰
This seems realistic to me. So well done and unexpected
What are the name of the actors? ML and FL, I wanna watch more of them
This needs to be watched twice. 1st for the wife’s story and 2nd for the husband’s. I think I cried both times even though it was the same ending. 😂 😂😂
Так же. Причём, я обычно не смотрю дважды, то что уже посмотрела. Но это особый случай. Мне понравилось. 😊
This is a gem for short Cdramas! Well played by the actors, script/plot so good!!
banyak yang salah paham dengan ceritanya. ini bukan tentang terlahir kembali, juga bukan tentang pasangan kejam atau jahat. ini sebuah cerita pasangan kekasih yang saling mencintai namun memiliki komunikasi yang buruk sehingga menimbulkan prasangka buruk dan kesalahpahaman. coba simak baik baik ceritanya, maka kalian akan paham ini adalah cerita yang bagus
Even seen that way, the ML is lousy. He ALLOWED the abuse to happen. That is his fault. He doesn't deserve forgiveness. If you love someone, you protect them. He also hung out with other women in front of her. Do you call emotional cheating love?
You are right. Great observation.👍
@WandaGale66 coba kamu simak ceritanya dengan cermat. karakter ML disini adalah lelaki dingin, dia melihat istrinya terseyum seolah olah tidak terjadi apa apa. karena itu dia berpikir bahwa istrinya baik baik saja dan tidak mengetahui sikap orang lain di sekitarnya. karena itu setelah dia mengetahui semuanya dia meminta semua orang menindasnya untuk minta maaf saat dia koma. tentang wanita lain, dia tidak berselingkuh, karena salah satu wanita mengarang cerita tentang cinta masa kecilnya sehingga membuat semua orang berprasangka buruk. lihat adegan ketika wawancara dengan wanita itu. ML melihat istrinya hadir, setelah wawancara dia langsung bergegas mencari istrinya, karena dia merasa istrinya pasti salah paham. namun sayang istrinya kecelakaan saat itu. karena ML sudah tau kesalahannya, sikap dia yang dingin, rasa pedulinya yang selalu salah dalam menyampaikan karena itu dia mencoba memperbaiki dan menjelaskan sikapnya yaitu lewat mimpi, saya tidak tau nama metodi kedoktoran. dia mencoba membangunkan istrinya dan menjelaskan smuanya lewat metodi tidur agar terhubung dengan istrinya untuk membangunkan dari koma. menurutku hubungan ini letak kesalahnnya adalah komunikasi yang buruk antar pasangan.
Baper ih nonton ini
@rdrr833 iya, dri nton drama pendek ini jadi sadar betapa pentingnya komunikasi dalam sebuah hubungan suami istri. saya jg tipe wanita yg punya karakter wanita di drama ini. jika memiliki sesuatu atau uneg2 lebih memilih diam karna tdk tau bagaimana cara menyampaikannya. jika kita terusan diam dan seolah baik2 saja, mereka atau pasangan kita tdk akn tau apa yg terjadi, kecuali kita punya pasangan yg lbh peka, tdk masalah. masalahnya kita tdk tau pasangan atau jodoh kita itu punya karakter seperti apa. jdi komunikasi itu sgt penting.
No había visto a estos actores y me gustaron mucho.
Es una versión diferente de la historia de la pareja con malentendidos.
El manejo del tema de la depresión es interesante e invita a poner atención... "Una persona que sonríe también puede tener depresión".
Vale la pena verla.
Parece que sólo nosotras 2 lo vemos. Leo que es un drama romántico de amor. Dónde?? Un tipo frío y egoísta y una chica enamorada y patética. Terrible. Y el final también. No hay malentendidos, el es un Cabron indiferente.
It's not a rebirth story but an interesting story. Kudos to the script writer. He did bring out a new aspect inside the story. We neither hate nor love the ML. The character development of ML and climax was unique. FL was appropriate for the role. I loved watching this story ❤.
This is a version of "legally romance" right. But the ML here is already married to FL. The ML gets a chance to express himself better in the dream sequence and gives her an impression that he actually likes her.
He's so clingy he kept on pulling her back for a hug. He doesn't want to let her go 😭😭😆😆💓
It's a love story y'all 💕. A novel plot and awesome cast. You can watch this drama numerous times and learn something new. With a happy and complete ending...on to the next!!!
⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨the story was good …just that the editing was bad and so the drama is a bit confusing. The lead pair was amazing 💕💕❤️ and the ML is 😍😻. Love these kind of short dramas.
Name actor and actress please..nice story....
What is the drama name please 😢
It's a geat drama. Very nice plot. BUT BUT, the editing is a headache. Not good.
A self righteous like him that only blame others. The reason she's been bullied because they saw how he treated her. So the main culprit of her suffering is her husband others are only accomplice. Thats why i cant accept that she forgive him
Esse drama foi muito fofo. O casal é lindo e combinaram muito bem. Apesar de terem cenas antecipadas o drama foi muito bom. Recomendo ❤❤
Qual o nome?
What’s the name of this film
Its better to divorce him after she wake up that kind of life she experience in there 3 years of marriage is enough already
If he really love her he would know that she had depression but no why would you go back to him. I dont recommend this kind of emotional torture
He really a self righteous person.i think he feels guilty about what happened he don't really love her. Base on his behavior cuz if you love someone your very attentive to it but no
pls name of ML
ML’s face is so dreamy, very charming, young and good-looking.
FL is just so beautiful.
What a unique plot it is - full of emotions too. What are the name of the actors?
Why forgive? He worth it??? Ignorance is also a type of humiiation she should get divorce& start anew
Eu concordo
@@ghemoraz excelente
What is the name of the main leads?? They had such a good chemistry. The storyline of this one is very good but it was so short. I wish it was longer
The main actor is Li Mingyuan
What about the FL?
Lead actress name?
Anybody knows the main actress' name, please?
I'm 28 min in and scenes are already jumping around. I can still understand what's going on, but it's definitely ruining the enjoyment of the movie itself. 🤦♀️
Omg !! The ML is super cute 🥰😻🥰. Hope the drama is good 🤞
I don’t get it? Why did he let Bai Yanluo hold him ( he is giving a mix signal) and fix his necktie and he knows she is tired and sad about something. Although is not easy discovering depression of your partner but he must not saying stupid stuff like his auntie makes better food. Something like that can only make relationships more difficult. I don’t like that type of a husband. When I saw the first five minutes I saw a cheater but the plot change…. CP have a great chemistry but I am not fond of that kind of MEN and he is also emotionally unstable 😅 Both of them need CP therapy 😅
Seria bueno pongan toda la secuencia porq recien me entero q ella volvio a renacer por operacion experimental
Can any one tell me this drama name please.. I couldn't find it in Google
This not a drama it's just a short video which contains the whole story like a short movie . This is the original there is not expanded version like dramas
English translation is really bad 😠….makes no sense at all. The drama looks good though.
😭😭 alurnya dapet banget, drama bagus banget
Por favor me fale o nome completo 😊
Love the story, the act and the characters… keep it up.
Seventeen mentioned? 🙌🏻🙌🏻
FL name pls?
我昨天看了一遍 今天有刷到又再看一遍😂😂 好看
Cual es el nombre de los actores ???
Li Ming Yuan
Puas bnget sama alur ceritanya beda dari yg lain serasa nnton film bukan minidrama😊
其实我很好奇,如果男人很爱女主。。哪,为什么亲密时要遮住女主的眼睛?分房睡是借口,“就因为怕打扰她的睡眠”? 怪怪
The importance of communication between couples, if you love them, say you love them
看到原來不是重生的片段,不由自主的掉淚了。女主因覺得男主娶她不是喜歡她而是醉酒後失控才結的婚, 又受到男主週遭的人PUA,連男主也不長嘴、與女配沒有邊界感,導致女主連問都不敢問,只能自己內耗成重度抑鬱…心疼她。
Very well logic
nesesito la traducción xfavor ahora en español latino x que no entiendo nada gracias y no la buelvan a cambiar
Parece que ficou faltando uma parte ???
Odiei, no final ele não mostrou merecer perdão dela, ele sofreu pouco comparado a ela. Na verdade ela só foi feliz no sonho... quando acordou viu que o marido realmente tinha sido um, que viveu o inferno e agora ela só tem promessas de um futuro... não tem nada concreto que ela será feliz... aaa que raiva desse cara ei queria que ela realmente tivesse renascido e que ele desse valor para ela, e ela tivesse de fato sido feliz. Nunca senti tanta raiva de um dorama quanto desse no final, se eu soubesse que terminaria assim não teria assistido. Que raiva desse homem ele não merece perdão nem as empregadas...
Concordo, tive esse sentimento. Esse marido não merecia reconciliação, esposa tinha de seguir com seu sentimento do momento que marido estava promovendo sua amante. Ocorreu acidente e criaram um sonho para esposa: " Alice país das maravilhosas" péssimo. Marido não merece esposa, é um canalha e cruel.
Mettez le nous en français svp 😭😭😭🙏🙏
At first i dont understand but i keep watching it because i like the ml and fl they are good and have chemistry, and this is the first time i watch Chinese drama that i cry in last part i they have another drama please admin i want to watch 😊 thank you 🙏
Different reborn story line
The whole issue was loss of communication between couple
I really happy for their happy ending
The story is really bad!!!!
This movie is so well done love it every detail is amazing and beautiful both main character are very very good ❤❤❤❤
ช่องนี้ก็ข้ามตอนสลับไปมาเอาฉันงงเลย ทำไมไม่โหลดฉบับสมบูรณ์มา😅
Casal protagonista é muito bonito e demais atores também bons . Renascimento induzido no sonho foi bom. Marido muito frio proporcionou todo sofrimento esposa comunicação é necessário. credo dos pais esposa, queria sair caixinha que saísse, porém prejudicar filhos é horrível. Enredo que tem volta justificando cenas é na maioria ruim. Já peguei ranço marido, não aceitei explicações então não gostei do enredo.
38:31 Them walking in the same way✨
I love dorama
Nice twist!!!
I thought it was a regular reborn drama. But there was a twist at the end. Nice one
Very unusual drama ,spoilt by scenes jumping and repeating....
It did not make sense...
But a new script and interesting theme....
It not their fault the scenes were all messed up .
They acted well ,new actors getting their teeth into a very complex drama about depression.
Very sympathetically done.
A pessoa que compactou as cenas desse short drama estava de extrema má vontade, tem vários episódios fora de ordem. Vários, não um episódio ou dois, são vários episódios fora da ordem!
Wow! This one ia really different.👍👍👍
Hay para que hace tanto drama si va a volver con el
Eu não voltaria depois de acordar, depois de passar perto da morte por culpa dele, porque dá uma nova chance para voltar a família que só a destruiu pouco a pouco? Só porque ele entrou no sonho dela para tentar acordar ela? Ele não fez mais do que a obrigação dele depois de causar tanto sofrimento para ela.
Did he cause her suffering though? No. Was he presumptuous in his behaviour and decisions towards her? Yes.
She suffered from depression but at no time told her husband. Her friend and mother knew. The entire show is shown from her perspective. She studied medicine in her "rebirth" and was happy with her choices. Only during the last few minutes of her coma, do many things come to light.
Eu também, nossa tô no ódio desse cara ele não mereceu perdão... ela deveria acordar e fazer ele sofrer o inferno. Nossa tô com raiva de ter assistindo tudo para um final desse...
Concordo plenamente, todo mal causado foi por ele. Ele teve chance de acordar, devia também divorciar. Roteirista faz cenas depois volta desfazendo enredo enganoso igual marido deixou esposa sofrer com seu desprezo. Eca 🤮.
nesesito la maldita traducción xfavor ahora
Tengo debilidad por estas historias donde la mujer ama de esa forma, gentil humilde y abnegada. ❤❤❤❤
dikehidupan sebelumnya sudah dikecewakan eh eh.. dikehidupan ke 2 malah balik lagi🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ skip skip skip
menurutku ini cerita yg berbeda dri cerita lain. tdk ada penindasan dll. ini jg bukn tentang terlahir kembali. sebuah hubungan suami istri yg saling mencintai namun tdk memiliki komunikasi yg baik dan berakhir dgn buruk. inilah pentingnya komunikasi dlm menjalin hubungan. karakter pria dsni menggambarkan memiliki sikap yg dingin dan tdk bs menunjukan atau meng'ekpresikan perasaannya. dia mencintai istrinya tp dia tdk bs menyampaikan perasaannya dgn baik. ketika dia ingin menyampaikan rasa kepeduliannya terhadap istrinya untk istrht dan mengucapkannya dgn salah yaitu jgn membuat menu sarapan untk nya. dia mlht istri nya tersenyum dia berpikir baik2 saja. nmun setelah mengetahui istrinya depresi, akhirnya dia tau titik permasalah dan kesalahan itu. sementra istrinya, dia memiliki karakter tertutup. ketika dia memiliki uneg2 terhadap suaminya dia memilih diam dan menunjukan dia baik2 saja. dri sini kita bs belajar bahwa komunikasi itu penting, sprti apa karakter pasangan kita maka komunikasikan dgn baik. ketika kita merasa tdk baik, katakan tdk baik, ketika memiliki uneg2 katakan dgn jujur agar kita bs saling tau. jika marah katakan marah. agar tdk terjadi salah paham. klu kita sma2 diam, mka terjadilah kesalahpahaman. yg satu menyembunyikan perasaannya, dan yg satu tdk bs menunjukan ekpresi atau rasa pedulinya yg akhirnya terjadilah kesalahpahaman. 22 nya salah, tp dua2 nya bergegas memperbaiki. jdi saya rasa ini endingnya bagus hnya saja terlalu singkat. krn rmh tangga sprti d cerita ini msih bs di pertahankan.
Imo, flnya itu lebih ke mimpi koma daripada rebirth karena kalau rebirth itu harusnya bisa mengubah masa depan nggak sih? Karena kejadian dia itu kayanya cuma dia yang ngalamin dan lainnya nggak tau...
😮 o Dorama todo foi decepcionante incluindo o final 😂
i like these kind of stories, i am creating audio story novels based on movies,
Sumpah nyesek nontonnya. Memang ya komunikasi itu penting sekali😊
De donde le vino la depresión a ella?? Quien hizo que ella cayera en un pozo negro?? Esta historia tiene un mal final. No es romántica. El peor maltrato es la Indiferencia. El es egoísta y eso no lo cambiará nadie. Yo he visto depresiones y ella en la vida real terminaría con su vida, el no es hombre para ella, no se puede escribir derecho, con renglones torcidos. Pero es más bonito que termine así. Todos felices y una Tonta más 😢.
Lo mejor del drama es la interpretación y sus comentarios amigos, porque este guion es tan odioso como los que e tren riñones y córneas, podque el le sacó la alegría de vivir.
it’s irritating to see them playing as teens when the faces don’t match teen years
also kinda weird timeline, idek what’s present what’s a flashback 😂
She's a girl with high value
Me gusta esta serie
La mira y le sonríe a la mujer que a su vez lo sostiene del brazo , qué puede pensar ella? Viene la mañana diciéndole que prefiere la otra comida ,si ella la prepara con amor por menospreciar la? Es el esposo y no sabe que tiene depresión 🤔😢. Ni siquiera sabe del maltrato que sufre,y a eso le agregamos que no quiere que vaya a la empresa. Él es el responsable de su estado. Yo preferiría que se de un tiempo ,para ver si sigue o no con él. El argumento está bueno , Pero el personaje del esposo es lamentable, ella tímida soporta todo sola,con unos padres que aportan que ella sea así, te da bronca el esposo, todos los actores bien,al principio un poco largo , debería ser más corto y darle más tiempo a la recuperación.
Depression is real.
We have to learn to help our partners out from it.
nice drama. bukan kelahiran kembali, tapi mimpi seperti terlahir kembali dan ini lebih rasional.
前面劇情挺好 但是後面爛尾了
渣男对老婆的冷漠是爱的表现,就是令人🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬但在工作上就笑脸迎人,这就证明渣男是知道怎樣和别人相處之道, 死渣男💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
She should have divorced him
Hand up who cry this movie 😭😭
Porque estás personas aceptan tan rápido y sin problemas el que renacieron o regresaron en el tiempo es 🤯🤯🤯🤯
建議,劇末若要播放連結,等所有劇情、台詞都交代完再浮現,不過就幾句話的事,有那麼 *迫 不 及 待* 嗎 😅
讓觀眾s個明白,不香嗎 😂
Wahh balik lagi ternyata kirain gak balik lagi kyk yg udah2 😁 good I like 👍
😑😑😑😑como sempre pra mim, eu odiei . O Ml a trata como uma pedra, ela não muda e perdoa. Odiei pessoa sem amor próprio, vc deve se amar primeiro e não depender de outros.E aí sim, amar o outro.😐😐😐
Certíssimo, esposa teria após acordar se afastar desse marido ordinário. Pois o que mudou após seu acidente? Criaram um sonho para ela se sentir motivada acordar coma. Porém toda humilhação e desprezo do marido é há realidade. Roteirista foi muito cruel com essa esposa.
Se queda con el 😢😢😢😢 ups,,,,
I understand she was reborn(went back few years,but do we also need to be taken back by the repeatitive rewinds😂😂
This is not a rebirth and not great but emphasises how depression can make people see things wrong
Me encantó 💕 😍
Pemeran pria nya mirip Renjun from NCT 💚💚💚💚
Film nya bagus, keren.
This video is very messy with the editing, and it makes it dang near impossible to enjoy or keep up with what’s going on. What I do track with is the FL is a squish that rolls over because the ML corners her and says he won’t leave. She says she doesn’t want to make the same mistakes that going with the ML caused her, but she doesn’t stand up and tell him a firm no. If you can’t find the words, just kick him in the kiwis and push him away. I’m not a fan of this storyline or its presentation. 👎🏼