Saltiga 50 LD failure

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @brendonmachen4081
    @brendonmachen4081 Год назад

    Thanks for the heads up!
    I was thinking about buying a small Saltiga LD, but not now.
    I am actually more than happy with the Accurate reels that I have. They have not failed me yet!
    Thanks again!

  • @danielleanos9559
    @danielleanos9559 6 месяцев назад

    the old Saltiga had these problems, the newer ones 2022 and newer are about the best in industry with a 5 year warranty. Adjusting drag while in drive mode will always damage any lever drag 2 speed. This is possibly what caused this issue.

  • @terrymitchell7714
    @terrymitchell7714 5 лет назад

    Thanks Alan, I used Daiwa's many years ago and stopped using them because of the cost of replacement parts.

  • @spunkie2010
    @spunkie2010 5 лет назад +2

    Just saved me from buying one in the UK, thanks buddy for the tip off.

  • @malcolmkrawson9576
    @malcolmkrawson9576 2 года назад

    The ones I tried to service had the same problems.

  • @MichaelJones-xp8kf
    @MichaelJones-xp8kf 5 лет назад +1

    Wow that's a bummer diawa use to be a well made reel just like penn reels. Thank you for the info. For now I'll hang on to my old USA made penn. No problems there.

  • @reynaldogutierrez9323
    @reynaldogutierrez9323 7 лет назад

    Does the same go for the Sald50 ?

  • @iksanbima1781
    @iksanbima1781 5 лет назад

    Dear,how about Daiwa saltist ld 50??

  • @quaphan3334
    @quaphan3334 6 лет назад

    Got the star drag and lever drag in 35 size.... havnt used them yet but the star drag is made in korea vs thailand....the star drag looks and feels better made then the lever drag.... :/ not happy with the verdict

  • @KimPossibleYingge
    @KimPossibleYingge 4 года назад

    OMG, I just bought one sald20, then saw your video 🤦🏻‍♂️😢😩

  • @GimYee-e2n
    @GimYee-e2n Год назад

    i wished i had watch this. it cost me 100 dollars to replace the side plate and I having this problem again

  • @andrewvillanueva4222
    @andrewvillanueva4222 3 года назад

    Exactly only buy shimano products and avet products.

  • @_thereelshop_1192
    @_thereelshop_1192 8 лет назад

    Hey Alan it's Adrian here.. Haha that was funny when you said "If you've got one,.... I don't know get rid of it or something" . Really sucks to have to spend that much for a problem like that. Did the customer go thru with it or backed out?

  • @howardahn7809
    @howardahn7809 5 лет назад

    I also had problems with my Diawa reel. They are nice for a little while, but after a couple of years they just fail and frustrate! My Shimano reels are great and dependable, they won’t disappoint.

    • @ahndeux
      @ahndeux 4 года назад

      Shimano have their own problems. They are not dependable either. I can't believe they put in a $2 crappy cast aluminum clutch cam retainer inside the Tranx 400A reel (part number BNT5506). That part easily corrodes and leave enough residue to make the clutch lever freeze. Its all about driving down the cost and reusing low cost parts that should not even be on $300 salt water reel. If you have a Tranx 400, open it up and see if that part is corroded.

  • @vaughn1804
    @vaughn1804 6 лет назад

    Saved me $500!