GLITCH MURDER DRONES - Episode 7: Mass Destruction

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @mintyjourney
    @mintyjourney 5 месяцев назад +9

    Cyn is the main villain. She got developed in her stage and she thanked N for helping her to extinct humans on earth which refer to eating them. Nori is Uzi's mom. Number 48 her name is yeva, doll's mom the girl who speaks in Russia. The robot with wings bringing a ship and her keys is a good guy and her named is J but she didn't know her boss, tessa, is actually Cyn. About that, Uzi's dad mentioned about a planet eating them alive, he refers to a null void or a black hole which we saw Uzi floating in space in the end. Yeah, nori's hand along with her null void fell into the pit exactly what we Uzi had fallen into.

  • @LeekSan
    @LeekSan 5 месяцев назад +9

    Tessa’s head does make a good bowling ball 😂

  • @jinxnn
    @jinxnn 5 месяцев назад +5

    I also cant understand everything because i only watched it once but once i get to watch it multiple times i can.
    However the only thing i can explain is that she cut his leg off only because the tentacle was on his leg so she had to cut it off

  • @turq99
    @turq99 5 месяцев назад +14

    So, from my understanding, we find out Cyn is the ultimate bad. Uzi's mom and a group of people attempted to exercise Cyn and keep it from taking on a new host/leading armies to destroy worlds. When Uzi's mom cut the hand off of the past host, it blew up part of the planet and Cyn was left hostless for a while however, it was still roaming around. Alot of people say that Tessa, wasn't purely human which is why Uzi's reading on her in the church was off. Tessa was possed by Cyn. I think some say Tessa was Cyn the whole time. What makes Uzi special is she's meant to be Cyns next host. She doesn't know this. And alot of people point out in the Vision N sees of robots attacking the planet, Uzi's username is shown on the robots screens nodding to the idea that Uzi/Cyn will lead the next robot army. Hope that makes some sense I may not have all the details right.

    • @shinyumbreondtp5861
      @shinyumbreondtp5861 4 месяца назад

      Ackchule there is allot of tings tat you got wrong
      Like for instense .
      It was nori (uzi's mom) who was geting exersied and yeva (doll's mom) is who cut her arm with the null off. Aswel as the fact tat the reson uzi's username is sown on N is beckos she beckame his admin after ep 5 to prevent Cyn from arasing his and V's memorys.
      Allso its pritty agred apon tat Cyn or the solver dosent wannt a army being tat she is acktivly tryng to get rid of the other solver drones ,
      Lastly ist ackchule sown twice tat tessa isent kwitge human, wenn the sentinal bites Tessa we kann see its prospective for a bit wenn it glitches aut, wenn tis happens we see it switching betwen the program sayng tessa is human and her being a drone, its why it gliched aut in the furst place .
      Allot of stuff is hiden in backgraund text and stuff on the drones screans at times.
      Just wannted to let you know wat you got wrong, tho im not 100% sure of eweryting being 100% right, its the most ackuret to wat was going on tat i know of.
      Hope tis helps,
      (Just wanne say tat im not trying to be rude or mean and its ok to get stuff a bit wrong at times , hope you haw a greate day random stranger on the Internet)

    • @turq99
      @turq99 4 месяца назад +1

      @@shinyumbreondtp5861 lol ok, fine thanks for the info I enjoy the show I do admit as much as I try to keep up, I miss stuff that’s why it’s good to brain storm with others.

    • @turq99
      @turq99 4 месяца назад +1

      @@shinyumbreondtp5861 Lol ok, thanks for explaining your points I don’t think you’re being rude, though I think just telling me I got stuff wrong was enough without highlighting it multiple times. I enjoy murder drones and I try my best but somethings get past me what can I say? That’s why it’s good to listen to others. Hope you have good day too random to me person on the web =)

  • @Enderstorm20
    @Enderstorm20 2 месяца назад

    Love how far Uzi's dad has come from the cowardly man who left his daughter to die to being ready to take on the apocalypse.

  • @eye6669
    @eye6669 5 месяцев назад +2

    I was waiting a lot!!!!

  • @onyx88dragon65
    @onyx88dragon65 5 месяцев назад +1

    9:30 this probably be the closest thing what h3ll is😨

  • @norapattangpainjaroen9189
    @norapattangpainjaroen9189 5 месяцев назад +2

    Woah I’ve never been this soon in a video before…cool B)

    • @IDK_kun
      @IDK_kun 5 месяцев назад

      Gurl same

    • @eye6669
      @eye6669 5 месяцев назад

      Gurl same

  • @samfrank910
    @samfrank910 5 месяцев назад +1

    I always suspected the girl in the suit to be a bad person

  • @Ghost_R4cc00n
    @Ghost_R4cc00n 5 месяцев назад

    I can say that it’s been 7 months since the last episode and having some continuity with this one. 🥲
    So I can also share that next episode of this series is going to be either a bitter sweet one or a sad one for Uzi doing heroic move to save the boy she love to saving the world from destruction. But I do feel like she might live for the ending if I cross my fingers on it. With that said, this might be interesting that Nori might be alive by that kick Uzi done to her to travel deep in the crater or something. While N goes over to use the keys from J to leave the planet for good but the keys was only used for the earth base or moon base. While he is out looking for Khan “Uzi’s Father” but both Kat and Thad have to fight J with rail guns to trigger J a bit of concern look on her face because she died by Uzi’s Rail gun during Ep 1. I hope next episode/final one be worth a shot and not leave cliffhanger at the end.