Yo this hit. Fam this is me (crush lied and said I manipulated her to kiss me….after….she told me it was fine and moved forward to kiss me btw 🙄) and the stupid part of me still wants her back 😓
"I just need a quiet place to scream about how much I love you" hits a spot in my heart that I can really relate to. I met someone who really helped me through a year and a half with my mental health, and in return I'd help her with hers. I ended up telling her about how much I loved her and turns out she did aswell. It was around my birthday, so I still remember it well. We started going out and I loved everyday of it, but I overthinked about everything. About every interaction with a boy she had and I ended up telling her about it and it'd end in us having an argument fairly often because I was jealous about something. In the end she broke up with me after just months of dating.its been 3 months ish and I'm still nto over her, not one bit. I still see her most days of the week because she's in my friend group. She's still so nice to me and other people and she's just my comfort person, yet I can't text her or talk to her like i used to because it just feels awkward and she acts like i don't know anything about her and it hurts.
"I just need a quiet place where I can scream how I love you." I love this lyric, so much. This is my first time listening to this song, so I have no knowledge of what the song means -- but the thought of loving someone so much or knowing someone so well that sometimes you just have to be away from them, and to fill every empty space with your love for them, howling into any open air with the tidings of passion and emotion and anger and misery and hope; it is a familiar thought.
"you're coming back, and its the end of the world" coming back every time my world is falling apart. the comments and mitski's music are comforting me...
Day 1 : I got a really low grade in Math. I used to be so good at it. I also forgot to check if my mom's phone is charging. She got mad, I feel stupid.
tw // mention of death Day 2: didn't exepct that day 2 would be today. i was hoping it would be next week or atleast next few days. broke down multiplie times today. i feel tired, i want to rest but i can't. i want to sleep. hug me, give me warmth. k1II me, give me peace. i want to feel alive but i want to d13 too.
Day 3 : Life's so hard. From top student, to failing scores. I can't do my schoolworks properly, I can't do my chores, my other responsibilities. K177 me, please.
Don't die please. Who will add more comment down here ? It's okay to have low grades. As long as you tried that's enough. Ps : sorry my english may be bad, I'm french and learning english. Hope u still understand me. Have a nice day so u won't have to comment here.
Mitsubishi always puts the right emotions in her song that make you feel sad but comforted at the same time and I just love that about her and her voice is so magical and smooth💕🙏🏻
god, that part of the chorus - "you're coming back, and it's the end of the world; we're starting over, and i love you, darling, and i am done, dear" - hits so hard for me. i was friends with this group of people online during the pandemic and i was faced with emotional abuse to the point of suicidal urges, though eventually i did cut them off. but they reached out to me again, and i gave them another chance, because i never stopped thinking about them for that year we were apart. until now the only season we'd not known each other was spring, but now they've taken that from me as well. simultaneously i want to leave (and i know that i will) but i want to be with them too. because no matter how they hurt me, ignore me, panic me, make me feel like shit - i want them. it will always be them in the quietest place of my heart, and that is something i cannot change. thank you for reading if you did, hope it resonates. if it does, i believe in you. you will be happy one day. nothing painful lasts forever.
"i found you, i found the door / but when i stepped through, there was no floor" another line that goes HARD and relates to my situation. mitski never misses does she
you deserve so much better, i'd rather be alone than having friends that put me down and makes me feel bad. Unfriend them and look up for a healthier relationship with somebody else and please don't limit urself by saying u cannot change, that's not realistic, everybody can change their life for a better one, u just need some courage to do so. i believe in u, u are amazing
@@amako6837 tysm! that's very kind ^^ not too long after posting this i decided i would put my foot down and cut them off, so !! i already feel much happier, even if i'm still going through a process of healing and understanding. i held onto the one friend who was genuinely nice and we still talk, and it's a great help to have someone who was there for it all with me. anyway thank you for the kind words of encouragement, it's rare to see that on the internet lol. feels validating to have someone other than myself saying this stuff (even if i phrase it weirdly poetically). have a lovely,,, forever, i suppose :DD
@@honeycomb937 is it weird to say to say I'm proud of you ? I was almost in the same situation and had to unfriend a lot of people. Honestly, sometimes i still feel sad abt it but i know it was for the better. And I'm proud that you also take the courage to do it ! Have a nice forever sounds good lmao so i hope you will have it. Sorry I'm french and my english may be not understandable.
Ugh I silently scream this song - it hurts like a wobbly tooth. I'm tied to this memory. I let it come back to me, its comforting. But he is stuck there in the house - I am in the car travelling further in my life, yet I'm still there in my mind- I thought I'd found an escape, something lucky to cling to but of course I found myself falling, it was a flimsy dream. Yet in moments like these I want you
i want you i hold one card that i can't use but i want you you're coming back and it's the end of the world we're starting over and i love you darlin' and i am done, dear you're in the house and i am here in the car i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you i found you i found the door but when i stepped through there was no floor you're coming back and it's the end of the world we're starting over and i love you darlin' and i am done, dear you're in the house and i am here in the car i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you i want you i want you
"You´re coming back, and it´s the end of the world" this is so deep, sometimes you love somebody so much, but you know that beside her becomes someone bad
You always hurt me but i can't cut you off because I'd rather have my heart hurt by you than someone else loving it , it's always been easy for me to cut the bad people out of my life but you i just can't decide if you're a good or bad person even if you're hurting me i can't put you with the bad people,you make me feel special i find comfort when am with you and you do these things that convince me that you love me alot but from time to time you turn into someone else and i have to sit there and get hurt and wait for that loving side of you to come back again and feel that love from you and that's what destroyed me and still does but i can't cut you off you mean alot to me , tomorrow is the last day i get to see you i don't know if you'll reach out after tomorrow or just forget about me but either way I'll get comfortable to it with time I think I'll always love you but hate you a little bit for how you make me feel sometimes but yeah this is it ig.
My god “ I can’t put you with the bad people” i feel this so much but even though I know it’s tERRIFYING to leave them. If you EVER have to wait for them to turn back into that loving person then they don’t love you! They’re using your emotions because they know youll stay. You can’t stay with someone who doesn’t value how much you’ve been there for them. Please leave…you’re killing yourself for them. And In end you’ll be alone and won’t even know who you are.
@@yoyukishuan7641 thank you for your advice💗and yes i did leave and yes it was terrifying as it's someone am used to having in my life and he's still trying to reach out and get that toxic circle going again but i can't lose myself this time . I hope it get better for the both of us and i hope we'll never relate to this comment again.love ya❤
I listened to this in the long wait sitting in the police station waiting for a better life, only to be returned to my 'family' I ran away and reported. Can't listen to this song yet, but to anyone who read this you matter
This song light just reminds me of hoe many friends I've had in the past years that have ripped me into pieces being so toxic but I always forgave them because I was dumb and blind and I loved them all. Some I still have and I'm just chilling watching so many red flags jswjaja
i want you i hold one card, that i can't use, but i want you. you're coming back, and it's the end of the world we're starting over and i love you darling and i'm done, dear you're in the house and i am here in the car i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you i found you i found the door but when i stepped through there was no floor you're coming back, and its the end of the world we're starting over and i love you darling and i am done, dear. you're in the house and i am here in the car i just need a quiet place so i can scream how i love you i want you i want you
i listen to this song because it reminds me of my lover and the issues in our relationship. even if he hurts me, i still cant hold him accountable, Hes all i have and Im all he has. i never loved anyone this much and It hurts to even think about leaving him.
i got into a car crash yesterday, i almost died and i called my boyfriend to come walk the 5 minutes to me, he left. he went downtown and never came home. i'm never gonna be loved they way that i love
Actually i'm pretty sure this more like dreamcore. It's often mistaken for weirdcore because of how similar they are. Dreamcore is more calmer while Weirdcore is more...intense? Don't know how to describe it, but there is a different.
please check out this video ♡ !!
@@oof_sofia hi
Everyone is like "OMG!they listen to Mitski,are they ok?" And never "omg is mitski ok?"
Mitski is the saddest and magical person on the earth, say that im wrong.
Mitski ask to not be called the sad girl
@@მანანამზარელუა ქართველი ხარ?
@@someone983 They are just asking if mitski is ok, not saying that she is a sad girl.
@@fena610 sure but she said that those question in general make her feel unconforteble
this song reminds me of the unhealthy pattern of loving people who only want to hurt you, but it’s the only way you find comfort
Yo this hit. Fam this is me (crush lied and said I manipulated her to kiss me….after….she told me it was fine and moved forward to kiss me btw 🙄) and the stupid part of me still wants her back 😓
so true
because they love you
childhood friend. she has been shit to me, but what about the good times?
This song genuinely makes me realize how badly I want my life to be in such a certain way that it hurts me more than usual.
You know its getting bad again when i come back here
i hope youre okay
can you explain the meaning of the song to me if you don't mind? the lyrics are a little confusing to me..
@@biological-woman The lyrics are highlighted with light grey and by pressing them, a window opens and there are analysis of them
@@sisu9103 where?
@@biological-woman the song means anything u want it to mean
"I just need a quiet place to scream about how much I love you" hits a spot in my heart that I can really relate to. I met someone who really helped me through a year and a half with my mental health, and in return I'd help her with hers. I ended up telling her about how much I loved her and turns out she did aswell. It was around my birthday, so I still remember it well. We started going out and I loved everyday of it, but I overthinked about everything. About every interaction with a boy she had and I ended up telling her about it and it'd end in us having an argument fairly often because I was jealous about something. In the end she broke up with me after just months of dating.its been 3 months ish and I'm still nto over her, not one bit. I still see her most days of the week because she's in my friend group. She's still so nice to me and other people and she's just my comfort person, yet I can't text her or talk to her like i used to because it just feels awkward and she acts like i don't know anything about her and it hurts.
Seems you truly love this person
Hope it's better now
its been 5 months since youve commented this, how are you now? i hope your doing better.
@@cherrythesimp4943 Maybe try again. I bet she'd like that too. You seem like such a lovely person and so does she.
You know ur not okay when you’re listen to mitski 😍👍
her music is so good tho 😩
@@sagemadison46 her voice is so smooth and pretty😫
bro i literally listen to her nearly everyday 💀
I- I'm just here for my OCs-
@@LxvelyLxve you should show me your ocs
*Literally sobbing on my bedroom floor to this song rn*
Hey, i hope you’re feeling better!
I thought there was no floor?
@@finn6454 LMFAO
@@finn6454 *that explains why I’ve been slowly sinking into the dark abyss underneath me*
@@finn6454 i was going to say this hahahh
"I just need a quiet place where I can scream how I love you." I love this lyric, so much. This is my first time listening to this song, so I have no knowledge of what the song means -- but the thought of loving someone so much or knowing someone so well that sometimes you just have to be away from them, and to fill every empty space with your love for them, howling into any open air with the tidings of passion and emotion and anger and misery and hope; it is a familiar thought.
You know you're not ok when you know every line to this song
i know every line to this song
@@sagemadison46 same
this song makes me want to rip all my skin off. it's so good. AUGH
"you're coming back, and its the end of the world"
coming back every time my world is falling apart. the comments and mitski's music are comforting me...
Day 1 : I got a really low grade in Math. I used to be so good at it. I also forgot to check if my mom's phone is charging. She got mad, I feel stupid.
tw // mention of death
Day 2: didn't exepct that day 2 would be today. i was hoping it would be next week or atleast next few days. broke down multiplie times today. i feel tired, i want to rest but i can't. i want to sleep. hug me, give me warmth. k1II me, give me peace. i want to feel alive but i want to d13 too.
Day 3 : Life's so hard. From top student, to failing scores. I can't do my schoolworks properly, I can't do my chores, my other responsibilities. K177 me, please.
Don't die please. Who will add more comment down here ? It's okay to have low grades. As long as you tried that's enough.
Ps : sorry my english may be bad, I'm french and learning english. Hope u still understand me. Have a nice day so u won't have to comment here.
A year after. Life became better but yeah I’m back again. Everything’s falling apart again. I’m so empty. I don’t know what to do with my life.
That cat is what I aspire to be
Mitsubishi always puts the right emotions in her song that make you feel sad but comforted at the same time and I just love that about her and her voice is so magical and smooth💕🙏🏻
im sorry what? Mitsubishi??
I cackled
I want to be punk rock.... but Mitski is so good
Who says you can’t do both?
im both
istg i love this song sm every time it plays i feel like crying 😭
i used to cry to this song all the time 😭
god, that part of the chorus - "you're coming back, and it's the end of the world; we're starting over, and i love you, darling, and i am done, dear" - hits so hard for me.
i was friends with this group of people online during the pandemic and i was faced with emotional abuse to the point of suicidal urges, though eventually i did cut them off.
but they reached out to me again, and i gave them another chance, because i never stopped thinking about them for that year we were apart. until now the only season we'd not known each other was spring, but now they've taken that from me as well.
simultaneously i want to leave (and i know that i will) but i want to be with them too. because no matter how they hurt me, ignore me, panic me, make me feel like shit - i want them. it will always be them in the quietest place of my heart, and that is something i cannot change.
thank you for reading if you did, hope it resonates. if it does, i believe in you. you will be happy one day. nothing painful lasts forever.
"i found you, i found the door / but when i stepped through, there was no floor" another line that goes HARD and relates to my situation. mitski never misses does she
you deserve so much better, i'd rather be alone than having friends that put me down and makes me feel bad. Unfriend them and look up for a healthier relationship with somebody else and please don't limit urself by saying u cannot change, that's not realistic, everybody can change their life for a better one, u just need some courage to do so. i believe in u, u are amazing
@@amako6837 tysm! that's very kind ^^ not too long after posting this i decided i would put my foot down and cut them off, so !! i already feel much happier, even if i'm still going through a process of healing and understanding. i held onto the one friend who was genuinely nice and we still talk, and it's a great help to have someone who was there for it all with me.
anyway thank you for the kind words of encouragement, it's rare to see that on the internet lol. feels validating to have someone other than myself saying this stuff (even if i phrase it weirdly poetically). have a lovely,,, forever, i suppose :DD
@@honeycomb937 is it weird to say to say I'm proud of you ? I was almost in the same situation and had to unfriend a lot of people. Honestly, sometimes i still feel sad abt it but i know it was for the better. And I'm proud that you also take the courage to do it ! Have a nice forever sounds good lmao so i hope you will have it.
Sorry I'm french and my english may be not understandable.
Ugh I silently scream this song - it hurts like a wobbly tooth. I'm tied to this memory. I let it come back to me, its comforting. But he is stuck there in the house - I am in the car travelling further in my life, yet I'm still there in my mind- I thought I'd found an escape, something lucky to cling to but of course I found myself falling, it was a flimsy dream. Yet in moments like these I want you
mitski rlly needs a hug :(
i want you
i hold one card
that i can't use
but i want you
you're coming back
and it's the end of the world
we're starting over and i love you darlin'
and i am done, dear
you're in the house
and i am here in the car
i just need a quiet place
where i can scream how i love you
i found you
i found the door
but when i stepped through
there was no floor
you're coming back
and it's the end of the world
we're starting over and i love you darlin'
and i am done, dear
you're in the house
and i am here in the car
i just need a quiet place
where i can scream how i love you
i want you
i want you
this song is so beautiful i cried
the picture: 😸💖😇💞
lyrics: 💀😔🖤💔👽
them asking me "are you ok?" me be "isn't it obvious i'm not"
why is this song actual perfection
When your day is going a little too well..and then you realize.
happens all the time for me
ფაქტები მანანა
"You´re coming back, and it´s the end of the world" this is so deep, sometimes you love somebody so much, but you know that beside her becomes someone bad
crying to this hits different bro
listening to this song while you know you have someone who loves you for real and you genuinely and honestly think they're the one hits differently
I love this song so damn much ty for this
of course
You always hurt me but i can't cut you off because I'd rather have my heart hurt by you than someone else loving it , it's always been easy for me to cut the bad people out of my life but you i just can't decide if you're a good or bad person even if you're hurting me i can't put you with the bad people,you make me feel special i find comfort when am with you and you do these things that convince me that you love me alot but from time to time you turn into someone else and i have to sit there and get hurt and wait for that loving side of you to come back again and feel that love from you and that's what destroyed me and still does but i can't cut you off you mean alot to me , tomorrow is the last day i get to see you i don't know if you'll reach out after tomorrow or just forget about me but either way I'll get comfortable to it with time
I think I'll always love you but hate you a little bit for how you make me feel sometimes but yeah this is it ig.
My god “ I can’t put you with the bad people” i feel this so much but even though I know it’s tERRIFYING to leave them. If you EVER have to wait for them to turn back into that loving person then they don’t love you! They’re using your emotions because they know youll stay. You can’t stay with someone who doesn’t value how much you’ve been there for them. Please leave…you’re killing yourself for them. And In end you’ll be alone and won’t even know who you are.
@@yoyukishuan7641 thank you for your advice💗and yes i did leave and yes it was terrifying as it's someone am used to having in my life and he's still trying to reach out and get that toxic circle going again but i can't lose myself this time . I hope it get better for the both of us and i hope we'll never relate to this comment again.love ya❤
@@AnxietyTrashhh noo don't 💗💗
I'm so tired of being tired.
so am i
I listened to this in the long wait sitting in the police station waiting for a better life, only to be returned to my 'family' I ran away and reported. Can't listen to this song yet, but to anyone who read this
you matter
This song light just reminds me of hoe many friends I've had in the past years that have ripped me into pieces being so toxic but I always forgave them because I was dumb and blind and I loved them all. Some I still have and I'm just chilling watching so many red flags jswjaja
I am absolutely in love with mitski and her music, I feel as thought I takes and fills the hole in my heart.
Its 7:04 and I have school in an hour and im crying to this
Favorite mitski song 🕺
mines either liquid smooth, or class of 2013
I love this song sm, Sure im not ok but this song is everything and more
thats my opinion with every mitski song
i miss him so much, how can i love him so much when he doesn't care at all
*venting whilst listening to this hits different man-*
you can always vent to me if you like
Ty :)) same goes for u
@@sapphiredoki would you like my socials or anything like that?
I have never in my entire life have had a crush or have been in a relationship but this song hits hard for some reason 😔
i want you
i hold one card,
that i can't use, but i want you.
you're coming back, and it's the end of the world
we're starting over and i love you darling
and i'm done, dear
you're in the house
and i am here in the car
i just need a quiet place
where i can scream how i love you
i found you
i found the door
but when i stepped through
there was no floor
you're coming back,
and its the end of the world
we're starting over and i love you darling
and i am done, dear.
you're in the house and i am here in the car
i just need a quiet place so i can scream how i love you
i want you
i want you
Sobbing and throwing up
me too #rip
i listen to this song because it reminds me of my lover and the issues in our relationship. even if he hurts me, i still cant hold him accountable, Hes all i have and Im all he has. i never loved anyone this much and It hurts to even think about leaving him.
I am perfectly fine in a happy relationship too I just love mitski so much…
Peepeepoopoo ily this vid
peepeepoopoo thank you
"you're coming back and its the end of the world"
essa é a minha fav
amo dms
I love Mitski Songs but i wish i never listened to Mitski before
me: oh, im ok! also me: has this song in my "songs i like
i love
Twinning on the name.
twins 😛
I know it’s getting worse again when I come back to this song that triggers me so much
@@LuvMonteMoney ME TOO OMG
@@livtoocoolomg THAT IS SO COOL, I LOVE THAT SM 😋
If you didn't get a song from a vent art TikTok, its not depressing enough
This is a gooood songggggg❤❤
"This isn't a good song to play while playing a happy game"
(Plays Animal Crossing listening to this song..)
i luv this song sm bro
I be saying I’m fine then sob violently to mitski
Im shaking 😨😨
Esse começo me quebra
i got into a car crash yesterday, i almost died and i called my boyfriend to come walk the 5 minutes to me, he left. he went downtown and never came home. i'm never gonna be loved they way that i love
I hope you’re okay ;((
@@kagrimreaper he left :/ haven't seen him since
@@noaclark2410 do you know why? Have you guys contacted :(
I just need quiet place
I try so hard not to cry while listening to this
"you're coming back, and its the end if the world" this is literally Gojo Satoru
gojo and geto
best song ever nglfrfrfrfrong
i know bro zhshsksk 🤩
Totally not making depressing angst
if its a fanfic send me the link 🤤
@@sagemadison46 I was making it in my head, Ive never rlly considered writing fan fiction lol
who broke mitski’s heart, AND WHY
Fuck I always come back to this video
I am not doing okay and I have no idea how I’ll make it out of this melancholy state.
I hate myself for loving you
This song reminds me of those weirdcores backrounds like falling or smt
Actually i'm pretty sure this more like dreamcore. It's often mistaken for weirdcore because of how similar they are. Dreamcore is more calmer while Weirdcore is more...intense? Don't know how to describe it, but there is a different.
Um ok
this song comes to ruin me every time i find it in my playlist
Yall ok in this comment section?? You don't seem ok!! There there it'll be fine!!
This song reminds me of jojo part 6
i need to finish part 1 💔💔
Busca "my love all mine" esta joya.
i literally only used this to make sure I was on tune with my singing ;-;
kitty cat play the harmanica
Eu adoro a Mitski, mas confesso que vim por causa do gato
Mitski>>>>you no diff
One question though- how did you give credits to the song?
i did it on my computer but i watch a video on it then i found another lyric video with the same song and i copy and pasted them
@@sagemadison46 ahhhh cool- thank you!!
@@scaravv1876 of course!
Yall I'm fine I just love Mitski😊
It's getting worser everyday that's why I came here:>
what did u use for the fonts? not the font name, the app u used to get the font.
i made the entire video on a random website on google, if i find it ill let you know
i found it heres the link! clipchamp.com/en/video-editor/
me when my aunt plz help its been 2 years snce she died and i cant get over it
It's okay. Take the time you need to heal. Losing someone is really hard and it's okay to take time to recover.
May she rest in peace.
is y’all ok.?
i very strongly associate this song with the death of my dad which has destroyed me recently
I just got rejected
1:40 tiktok part
bro,being an creepy ARG man which listens to mitski is not ok 💀
there was no floor :(
Cat faerie
maybe im the toxic one
Véndeme las alas de tu gato
It's getting worse again
i miss my gf