Mate, if the Govt has got some grey matter between the ears, they should look at every planning application going back 20 years that have gone to Secretary of state and pass all these applications by default - that should start the ball rolling without much effort, init.
Because of WFH following covid there is a huge over supply of office space, the reduced workers are impacting local business and its not green belt while often high rise. There is an opportunity to repurpose these buildings. A carbon credit based on built sq.ft for recycling these buildings will make conversion more financially viable.
Mate, if the Govt has got some grey matter between the ears, they should look at every planning application going back 20 years that have gone to Secretary of state and pass all these applications by default - that should start the ball rolling without much effort, init.
Because of WFH following covid there is a huge over supply of office space, the reduced workers are impacting local business and its not green belt while often high rise. There is an opportunity to repurpose these buildings. A carbon credit based on built sq.ft for recycling these buildings will make conversion more financially viable.