hey I am from HK too, immigrated to Calgary in 2001, I am 34 right now, I agreed with most of what you said, people are ungrateful sometimes sorry I don't know how to type in Chinese.
I had similar experience. I migrated to Toronto for 3.5 years and could not get steady jobs at all, just some periodically part-time works. I survived and earned nothing. Afterwards, I returned to HK. HK is still a good place to develop your career and earn great money. Glad that I have made the right decision. Depends on what you think and need.
Yes. You can make and save more money in HK because of low tax and inexpensive food. The priciest expense in HK is housing. But if you bought your own place in HK, the mortgage payments are actually accumulating your wealth. In US, UK and Canada, 30~40% of your pay check is for taxes. And an average meal probably cost $100 to $200 HKD. No way you can find $40 HKD two-dish rice in western world. And you have to buy a car which its value depreciates every year. On top of that, you have to pay the maintenance, repairs and insurance as the car ages.
OMG.... this brings back a rush of memories of my early days as an immigrant to Vancouver from HK in 1989.... I was just a small kid back then... in first few years it was tough as hell trying to pick up English, trying to blend in with the mainstream culture and help out my parents with their coffee shop business on weekends.... fast forward by 35 years, I'm now a parent of 2 kids... and I'm so grateful/proud we are calling Canada home!!! Canadians in general (and depending on your hood) are very respectful and willing to lend a hand!! They accept all of us as part of their great country!
I have been in Toronto for over 2 years now. I came here to study at first, and luckily found a job in the industry I used to work in Hong Kong after half a year. However, after tax deductions, the salary is lower than what I earned in Hong Kong. The expenses here are much higher than in Hong Kong - you need to own a car and food is more expensive. Canada is not a heaven; it also has its drawbacks. In fact, Hong Kong is a very good place, and maybe I will return there in the future.
Hong Kong used to be a heaven before 1997. But nowadays, everything is falling apart...It has become a totalitarianism society and things will get even worse after the Basic Law Article 23 have passed.
Back in the 70s, my parents moved to NYC with just enough money for rent and the basics. They both worked super hard in blue-collar jobs-my mom put in almost 10-hour days in a sweatshop, and my dad drove a taxi from morning till evening. He worked non-stop until he sadly passed away in his late 50s. Life was really tough, but they were determined to push through and create a better future for their three kids. Now, my mom has been enjoying her retirement for two decades and is doing great. I’m forever grateful for their sacrifices and just wish my dad could see how well his kids have turned out. Moving to a new country is never easy, especially with all the new surroundings and cultures. We all had our struggles, but we eventually adapted and made it work. Instead of focusing on the hardships, being open-minded and seizing the chance to build a new life can make all the difference.
They are all at senior management level already in hk. I guess it must be harder for them to give up everything in hk and to start over in another country. I think they were quite brave. Hope it worked out good for them.
In the past and now is still the same. Male usually does labour but not the better labour jobs. They probably move groceries, tv or now drivers. Female usually are cashiers
Apart from freedom,對於高薪精英人士,香港(稅率低)絕對好於加拿大,而且我看過太多臺大和復旦大學的醫學研究人員來🇺🇸🇨🇦只能做給小朋友開感冒藥的工作,而不是繼續科研,蠻可惜的。但對於中產階級,🇨🇦和🇬🇧對於新移民也越來越難,可對於下一代,好好讀書機會還是大於香港。而且隨著🇨🇦亞裔移民越來越多,種族歧視越來越少,社會也更加包容。不過現在西方左傾和產業空心化都十分嚴重,只有美國的經濟依然強大,但是美國社會對華人的排斥明顯比加拿大嚴重很多。所以其實都半斤八兩😂。
NOT ME! I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income.. I'd MUCH rather live here as a minority but feel like a citizen of a COUNTRY that respects/protects my rights!!!!!!! Do you even know how much the Americans envy our lifestyle and healthcare???
I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income... look around and see how much of a real estate boom it's been in BC!!! Don't just think of the crappy side in East Van or Surrey! Also, thanks to cancel culture, you almost never see blatant racist attacks by the locals, well except for the bums with mental disorder!
I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income..
移民咗25年, 感恩父母做呢個決定。
假設以上報道入邊所講嘅可以話係香港「移民潮」嘅「第一代」,那我可以算係移民潮「第二代」。而家嚟嗰啲唔知係第三定算是第四代,簡單一句… 「前人種樹,後人成涼」。
好多嘢當然係講求係天時地利人和,人家成功或者好睇嘅背後,實際人家付出咗幾多時間和努力,經歷過幾多次失敗等… 根本冇乜人知道冇人知道除咗當事人和身邊人。
總之捱得到就成功,捱唔到就Fail,好多近幾年年來移民嘅人,而家就好似考試肥佬咗就話「考試好難」,「最憎考試」… 我認為冇意思。
What is your 專業?
How many of your friends in your "same period" 回流香港?
hey I am from HK too, immigrated to Calgary in 2001, I am 34 right now, I agreed with most of what you said, people are ungrateful sometimes
sorry I don't know how to type in Chinese.
@@florencejie4638 比上不足比下有餘,雖然我這樣說,但實際上我所擁有及已得到的,或許比你好得多,所以並沒有什麼「好安慰」,總之每個人有權選擇自己嘅路,決定好嘅就應該奮勇向前行而唔係與讀書少挫折捱到後悔或怨天尤人。
They should revisit all these people ! Interview them again.
These people are probably billionaires now lol. Their immigration started hard.
I had similar experience. I migrated to Toronto for 3.5 years and could not get steady jobs at all, just some periodically part-time works. I survived and earned nothing. Afterwards, I returned to HK. HK is still a good place to develop your career and earn great money. Glad that I have made the right decision. Depends on what you think and need.
you can stay or leave Hong Kong, freedom of choice. Everyone can make their own decision, no regret.
Yes. You can make and save more money in HK because of low tax and inexpensive food. The priciest expense in HK is housing. But if you bought your own place in HK, the mortgage payments are actually accumulating your wealth. In US, UK and Canada, 30~40% of your pay check is for taxes. And an average meal probably cost $100 to $200 HKD. No way you can find $40 HKD two-dish rice in western world. And you have to buy a car which its value depreciates every year. On top of that, you have to pay the maintenance, repairs and insurance as the car ages.
OMG.... this brings back a rush of memories of my early days as an immigrant to Vancouver from HK in 1989.... I was just a small kid back then... in first few years it was tough as hell trying to pick up English, trying to blend in with the mainstream culture and help out my parents with their coffee shop business on weekends.... fast forward by 35 years, I'm now a parent of 2 kids... and I'm so grateful/proud we are calling Canada home!!! Canadians in general (and depending on your hood) are very respectful and willing to lend a hand!! They accept all of us as part of their great country!
天下无新事!回看80年代到今天2024年,人总是学不懂知足 身在福中不知福,我经常提醒自己要乐于接受自己的现状 ,相信一切都是最好的安排,那就不会有那么焦虑与忧虑。
70年代文革果陣係中國又最好安排🤣 ?
History repeats itself 😢!
17‘50“ 呢個畫面震撼了我。我同呢位小朋友差唔多年紀,1989年要去同學屋企先有得玩,而且,電視都唔大部,18吋左右。而佢。。。。。贏在起跑線,羨慕。
Depends on family...
I have been in Toronto for over 2 years now. I came here to study at first, and luckily found a job in the industry I used to work in Hong Kong after half a year. However, after tax deductions, the salary is lower than what I earned in Hong Kong. The expenses here are much higher than in Hong Kong - you need to own a car and food is more expensive. Canada is not a heaven; it also has its drawbacks. In fact, Hong Kong is a very good place, and maybe I will return there in the future.
Hong Kong used to be a heaven before 1997. But nowadays, everything is falling apart...It has become a totalitarianism society and things will get even worse after the Basic Law Article 23 have passed.
It is getting worse in the last few years
旁述員蘇淩峰, 亦移民了加拿大
我估Michael 挨到入藉就即刻回流。
,Cecil and James 應該可以挨到出頭。
😀 經過幾十年努力 香港一代移民做了多倫多市長 香港第二代移民做了溫哥華市長了
oh no, big boss mainlanders get public housing first and high end financial jobs before 2022? hk people lower class?
最後一幕,發人深省! 勿忘初心呀~ 各位~
Back in the 70s, my parents moved to NYC with just enough money for rent and the basics. They both worked super hard in blue-collar jobs-my mom put in almost 10-hour days in a sweatshop, and my dad drove a taxi from morning till evening. He worked non-stop until he sadly passed away in his late 50s. Life was really tough, but they were determined to push through and create a better future for their three kids. Now, my mom has been enjoying her retirement for two decades and is doing great. I’m forever grateful for their sacrifices and just wish my dad could see how well his kids have turned out.
Moving to a new country is never easy, especially with all the new surroundings and cultures. We all had our struggles, but we eventually adapted and made it work. Instead of focusing on the hardships, being open-minded and seizing the chance to build a new life can make all the difference.
現在加拿大情況可能更差, 真係想知道現在這Micheal 的近況。
賣撚咗鹹鴨蛋啦 幾撚多年啊
He is in the heaven prob
Whole Life contributed to the family
@@Badbeatyou 未必,八九年時三十出頭, 而家最多先七十幾歲...
@@hangloong1251 +1 佢同太太都有可能仲健在,或者如果可以訪問到佢囝囝,聽下佢as an adult now對移民後、父母相處等嘅感受都會好有意思
having a great retirement
歷史不斷地重演,只不過而家香港已經唔係以前嘅香港 經濟好難再有發展 好多人移民都係為咗下一代 唔知佢哋下一代,而家過成點
我是移民的下一代, 非常感謝我的父母選擇了加拿大,讓我完成學業,有穩定的工作和家庭。父母已經年老了,現在是我們照顧他們的時候 with respect too!
有加拿大移民的子女20多歲很久都找不到工作, 現在更加誇張。 其他人種叫救命, 只有華人和中文媒體盲目唱好
我係你所猶疑的下一代。 同一個年代我家人移民。當時我只是嬰兒一個抱到加國。 如今我丈夫是不會說中文的華僑, 而我以家就抱緊自己個女。
全球通貨膨脹, 但總算建立了一個小康之家。
可能北美洲或者今時今日社會轉變了, 女的擔當頭家都無咩難接受。 男女一樣做家務, 一樣養育子女,餵奶,揾奶粉錢。 已經沒有必然男對外女對內 。
@@NoDoubtAz 咁要睇下各人對「好」嘅定義係咩。
我當年91年去讀書, 94年畢業返香港一陣,96年屋企移民批咗,當年年尾拔寨離港去Toronto(記得係嘉利大廈大火嗰排上機的),97年summer返過HK睇回歸,99年唱歌入籍,2000年回流香港,去咗一輪上海和澳門做嘢,SARS後留港結婚生仔(當然期間有返加國幫仔仔哋攪埋citizenship啦)....2021年年尾又走返加拿大(不過今次係去Alberta)至今。自己都唔知會唔會再再回流返香港了,成世人成年後就係咁港澳中加走來走去....哎
屋企有條件移民,仲攞埋passport, 都唔知哎乜
我哋全家就後悔移咗民Alberta, 原來係俾果d心機人和傳媒誤導。
點解要返多倫多搞citizenship? 喺領事館搞咪得囉😬
我都有在加拿大讀書,我喜歡加拿大 ,但是我媽咪要回港,我也沒辦法了😢😢😢我有很多時都會掛念加拿大,尤其是當我見到有人上學時😢😢😢
I love the place too lets go tnt and cosco for everything😊
They are all at senior management level already in hk. I guess it must be harder for them to give up everything in hk and to start over in another country. I think they were quite brave. Hope it worked out good for them.
In the past and now is still the same. Male usually does labour but not the better labour jobs. They probably move groceries, tv or now drivers. Female usually are cashiers
@@NoDoubtAzyou can learn a trade or profession. Why settle with labour jobs?
物價越來越貴, 又凍, 所以有多倫多的老年人今年要移去泰國。
@@walnoremac 世界都是中國的移民有什麼意思 ?
@@walnoremac 我觉得你在这里说中国好会惹来很多争议
如果你係藍領,美加澳紐都不愁揾工,萬事起頭難,以後就天大地大,響外國做窮人總比原居地嘅中產生活質素仲要好,只要你唔好賭博,有車有屋唔難,至於果d有錢有家底嘅官二代富二代 ,佢地有佢地嘅想法,呢廿卅年都眼見唔少人回流再倒流,(大前題係要入咗籍先)但未聽過有人為移咗民而後悔 。
1984年,中英 即在 攤牌談判 香港的事; 1988/89年,隨著 九七大限 越來越近,而有 移民潮
後來,回歸後,香港有一陣子也不錯,差不多是1997-2003左右,也有的 已移民港人就 回流香港了
實在主持蘇文峰 都去了多倫多30年
2002 年移民 之後係果度讀大學 畢業就係美國做it
今年人工連bonus 成40萬美金
ching今年幾歲?講真喺美國做it真係做啱果行, 就算而家經濟差多左big tech lay off一樣都係大把錢搵
@@mmmcccoc6457 而家42 做左十幾年啦 我唔係做最大果幾間 所以無layoff 既問題 但依二年因為ai 同埋data center 公司賺大錢 我人工本身14萬一年 但公司股份同bonus 分到2-3年人工
而我見到有ai 公司請killswitch engineer 公司出到50萬年薪 唔計其他野
@@mmmcccoc6457 美國唔好既係好多學歷都唔承認 差唔多9成半都係美國大學畢業生先會入到行
人工連bonus 成40萬美金? What do you do exactly? Even white people graduated from Harvard or Yale don't get that much ...
michael is so honest
唔知Micheal 而家點
I am sure they must be doing well now if they invest in Canadian bank stock and house market as they have increased 6 folds
why? because of missing the capital gain in assets in Hong Kong during 1990-2020?
如果你能找到当事人 在采访一下他们 应该会有很多人想看。
果度系 万锦?
不犯法又何需要驚, 身有屎? 咁大個人都咁天真
@@NoDoubtAz唔係驚犯法既問題..主要係接受唔個種中強烈壓迫感同中共治下的社會文化, 再加上國安法下個人權利完全沒有保障....可以走一定走...
同族裔無直接關係,反而本地工作經驗更重要。主要睇你識唔識搵,肯唔肯放下身段。剛畢業建議先到華人機構求職,由低做起。累積一定經驗後再考慮轉大公司/ 主流會計司行。
當年我姑奶畢業由超市cashier同洗大餅/侍應做起,再喺超市轉文職做返finance dept再兼職cashier...由低做起做咗10年先做到中層....
係心理調整問題,要迫自己馬死落地行,如果好似片入面個男人係都要搵senior management...咁就死得
用stream B拎到綠卡就報Master 。價錢大概38,000到40,000港紙左右
因為用綠卡以本地人價錢讀 大概一二折
講大話。 當地加拿大人學生投訴學費太貴, 一個course要一千多加元40個courses才可以畢業。 我果時一畢業, 下次每個course已經貴100加元。
stream B拎到綠卡? Canada has no "green card"...
@@kenl6774 用呢個Terms啫 楓葉卡囉
@@reynaicer2931 我講緊碩士。 唔係本科。
移民路要走🉐️順利, 一係走專業知識. 一係做藍領專業. 我🈶️同事, 女生🈶️家庭, 以前做call center, 工作其間讀會計. 剛開始做PT會計. 之後轉正。現在生活越來越好. 萬事起頭難. 人生🈵️挑戰,只要堅持✊堅信+努力. 一定🉑️以出頭. ㊗️大家移民路上成功,順利🎉🎉🎉
Nice Videos 6.3.2024
想當年互聯網未成熟 我諗資訊唔係冇但好有限
@@fana4438唔好話當時根本未有互聯網,八十年代電腦同手機都未開始普及, 一般人主要資訊來源都離不開電視新聞, 報章,書本和錄影帶。
@@hangloong1251mic claim he worked in a IT firm he should know how to use BBS
Apart from freedom,對於高薪精英人士,香港(稅率低)絕對好於加拿大,而且我看過太多臺大和復旦大學的醫學研究人員來🇺🇸🇨🇦只能做給小朋友開感冒藥的工作,而不是繼續科研,蠻可惜的。但對於中產階級,🇨🇦和🇬🇧對於新移民也越來越難,可對於下一代,好好讀書機會還是大於香港。而且隨著🇨🇦亞裔移民越來越多,種族歧視越來越少,社會也更加包容。不過現在西方左傾和產業空心化都十分嚴重,只有美國的經濟依然強大,但是美國社會對華人的排斥明顯比加拿大嚴重很多。所以其實都半斤八兩😂。
@@reynaicer2931 white flight in the States.
@@alexhsu1026 美國是一個資本主義國家,贏錢不認人,人人的生活都很忙碌,沒有人有時間去歧視你!😂
One generation and they are hero’s now. Plus don’t have to live like caged animals in 400 square foot is a win for life!
英文唔好唔係問題, 亦都非常普遍。問題係你要識得馬死落地行, 由低做起, 唔好下下諗住要搵返同原居地一樣既職位。只要你肯做肯捱, 係無可能搵唔到工的。
聽佢講幾句英文, 應該係唔差既, 不過可能平時係business english, 平時日常用語香港係無乜機會學, 以前就更加難
同埋香港應該做開高層, 所以放唔開身段。去得加拿大, 又真係唔好諗份人工可以高過香港, 就算一樣人工, 稅後已要打個7折
@@chanchanchu4630 佢自己話,如果英文唔係母語,始終冇人地咁流利。一時又話人侮辱佢。佢啲咁嘅態度根本就唔適合移民。
stream a b 嘅入來睇睇
And the majority went back
NOT ME! I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income.. I'd MUCH rather live here as a minority but feel like a citizen of a COUNTRY that respects/protects my rights!!!!!!! Do you even know how much the Americans envy our lifestyle and healthcare???
現在他們的下一代已經係中年人4,50歲50幾歲, 現在香港環境更加惡劣
移民過去但仲返黎香港揾銀的‘西‘ 人’’
講大話都要有個譜....三十多年前既温哥華, 同而家根本係兩回事...98 年回港, 32 年後返來? 而家先2024年, 有排都未到2030??
@@hangloong1251 我91年來,現在溫哥華一樣難揾食,講乜大話
@@micmic830以前來溫哥華唔識英文好難搞...基本生活都會有問題,各個階層都以主流西人為主。個時華人圈子好細, 甚至還未有任何華人連鎖超市, 新移民要係本地就業比而家難好多好多...而家你完全唔識英文都可以生存到...
@@hangloong1251you are in a English speaking country dude. What do you want
I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income... look around and see how much of a real estate boom it's been in BC!!! Don't just think of the crappy side in East Van or Surrey! Also, thanks to cancel culture, you almost never see blatant racist attacks by the locals, well except for the bums with mental disorder!
@@zhangmaverick 9
好難講, 香港過去二十多年樓價經歷過次大起跌 (因為98亞洲金融風暴, 03 年沙士,08 年 金融海嘯, 2012 至 2019 年社運, 2020 新冠疫情....), 投資物業的也不保證個個都賺大錢....
@@hangloong1251 没有基本资金怎投资? 能投资的已经是有钱人
@@reynaicer2931 楼价咁贵,跌一半都買吾起
希望华人到哪里都好 有时间回祖国和香港家看看❤
西方嗰套一團糟, 西方才是死得
內地政局動盪? 以前?現在?將來 ?
已經發生左, 國安法生效後香港各方面全面倒退和政治化, 已差不多和大陸睇齊, 基本法23條通過後,香港就正式玩完了。
@@yuchenglin5799 TVB只係標題上寫"內地政局動蕩",隻字唔敢提 "八九六四" 或者 "民運", 節目內容亦唔敢講到底發生左咩事, 仲唔係黨台?
4:20 要割禾就要先弯腰,人在他乡唔肯从基层做起,话啲考试问题弱智,但系又话啲英文字睇唔明?
Canadian experience is the nightmare for immigrants.
All locals has Canadian experience. All high students have to gain x amount of work hours..
I've been living here in Van City almost all my life.... still loving it!! well of course you gotta pick the right area like north shore where I am now to be able to enjoy life.... I worked my ass off last 30+ years and now I'm holding 4 condos for rental income..
Micheal 無病呻吟
So true, in Calgary Canada when colour of people apply for jobs we won't put our last name or else we lose many job interview opportunities.
Lived there for almost thirty years, faced at least 6 racism and unfairness in job seeking and in dating
@@NoDoubtAz 履歷可以唔寫姓嘅咩