HorizonXI | Promyvion - Dem Progenerator Fight (CoP)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @ray.b.75
    @ray.b.75 Год назад

    I remember doing these fights back in the day, probably 2009. Those were, simultaneously, the most frustrating and most gratifying game experiences I’ve ever had.

  • @nerfnut2661
    @nerfnut2661 Год назад +2

    The poor thf trying to catch up to get their sneak attack off while the boss is running aroumd being kited . Only to finally get it and they themselves have to kite the aggro they just now got 🤣

    • @BrixyXI
      @BrixyXI  Год назад

      These are tough times lol. We were actually bouncing enmity on purpose to help everyone keep up shadows. These bosses hit like a truck.

  • @Machao2005
    @Machao2005 Год назад +1

    oh man this fight looks like chaos xD not looking forward to it
    Grats on the clear!!

    • @BrixyXI
      @BrixyXI  Год назад

      All 3 were varying levels of chaos lol. Had lots of fun though! We actually had 12 people in the linkshell that all ran up together and did the fights in 2 separate groups.

  • @SageAtoreis
    @SageAtoreis Год назад +1

    Perfect fight to lose Hardcore status :)

    • @BrixyXI
      @BrixyXI  Год назад

      No joke. These fights are rough unless you chunk pets at them lol

    • @lastplace2905
      @lastplace2905 Год назад

      I’d pay to see a hardcore party of randoms do this without bst or smn

  • @Van.Go101
    @Van.Go101 Год назад

    I would love to see a video on you add one. The distance and life meters.

  • @lastplace2905
    @lastplace2905 Год назад
