My daughter is a hairdresser and frankly based on what she experiences day to day in terms of being a counsellor and advisor she isn’t tipped enough 😂. Hairdressers are not paid enough in recognition of their skill base and extensive training. If you are paying a large sum for a hairdresser it is going straight to the salon and owner. So a little tip really helps to boost their income.
Hi Caroline, I freeze wraps and place a precut cake tin liner between them ( you can get them cheaply enough in pound stores etc) then place them in a freezer bag (or you could just use grease proof paper ) it stops them sticking together - hope it helps x
That is what I have to do, as I buy the low carb smaller ones for me, and hubby has the larger ones, I freeze mine as don’t eat them as often as he does.
I love your hair. You look so nice when your hair is smoothed out. I told you that another time when you said you use a special brush. You look so nice. Love your vlogs.
Loved the content of this vlog. I did think you were going to talk about fly tipping when you first started chatting! I tip for exceptional service only nowadays. My hairdresser comes to me at home and is very reasonable.I only tip her at Christmas generously as she deserves it. Also business can be quiet after Christmas so I hope it helps her. I loved all the advice on how to freeze wraps as I too struggle to use the whole pack. Good to know that a company is listening and have tried to rectify poor customer experience, and you have acknowledged it.
Ooh that organisation drawer will be fantastic for my man drawer (the one that has batteries, string etc) Cannot wait to see the M&S haul as I like you are looking for the holy grail of jeans. Great video as always x
I agree with you on m&s, I do order online but you can’t beat a browse in the shop. I saw that short animal print jacket last week, you can see it in the corner of yr vlog. They didn’t have my size & was completely sold out online. Great vlog as usual.
Hi Caroline, I am so overwhelmed with my wardrobe i would sincerely like the ability to sort and discard my clothes, you definitely have a skill I aim to learn.
We went out Sunday for lunch and the service charge was added, but there was an option to remove it when we paid . I give the dust bin men something at Christmas because they are very helpful. I live in a very rural location and they are so kind to all the elderly people in the village .
Hi Caroline. I've always wanted to try Wild deodorant so would like to be included in the draw Just as an aside, your Friday vlog came up as 24th July. Wishful thinking that it was summer?😂
This is how I freeze wraps and it’s fab. Take them out of the bag roll them up like a sausage and do that with all of them. Place them in a bag lined up and then u can just take one out at a time no sticking no taking out the full pack because they are all stuck together etc ❤
I freeze unused wraps all the time. Roll up individually in plastic/cling wrap. Put back in original bag, then into a large Ziploc bag and into your freezer. They freeze well, thaw nicely on the counter, and easily roll out flat.
Hi Caroline, I defrosted tortilla wraps only last night. I take out what I want from the fresh ones, then roll them up and place in the freezer but with nothing touching them until they’re frozen. Then when I need them, I let them defrost and slowly unroll them. Works fine for me.
Hi Caroline, I only tip when happy with the service and not always, as everything seems so expensive now. However I do tip my hairdresser who I see every 8 weeks, colour & cut, costs a fortune . Really do not like it when restaurants add a service charge, don’t always pay it 😮
You can freeze wraps successfully in a pastry container, one of the flat large ones you can buy for pre rolled sheet pastry. Put some baking paper between each wrap so they don’t stick together and make sure container is properly sealed.
I agree that it’s now outdated to tip the dustmen and postmen. We used to tip our regular postman but these days they change so often. As for hairdressers I once read you should tip 10% plus a tip for the hair wash girl if it’s a different person. In fact I only give a couple of pounds regardless of the charge /-which can be over £100 as I feel that is already enough to have to pay.
Hi Caroline I always tip in restaurants (cash preferably so I know the waiting staff benefit), the hair washer (not the hairdresser) when I get my hair cut, and usually round up when using a taxi. I just think that people who work in the service industry are so low paid that they rely on tips to make ends meet, especially now when so many rely on food banks.
Great vlog Caroline, totally agree about getting mixed up with the duvets when the sizes and tog value is left off, does my nut in! We are living in Spain now and the issue of tipping here is a little strange, the spanish bars, restaurants and even taxis really dont expect it, however the few british owned establishments we frequent seem to think a small tip (usually 10% - for good service obviously) is the done thing.
Wraps are great for making quesidea’s ( not sure of the spelling). But they are lovely if 2 are together with any filling that you like - cheese is a must, I think and fry or dry fry them in a frying pan - not long and very tasty. Also make Dorito type crisp by cutting them and putting into the oven. Have done this also with a wee bit of oil brushed on and paprika or cheese topping. And yes I would like to be in the draw for the deodorant 😊.
In Canada, we are experiencing the creep on American tipping. It’s annoying as we have a minimum wage which is much better than the US. We always tipped (more so than in the UK) here but now the expected percentage has gone up a lot and we are getting fed up.
Hi Caroline, I have always tipped my hairdresser. Nowadays I buy a box of Maltesers for our 2 wonderful post ladies and buy the bags of chocolate orange segments for the dustmen and the recycling guys. I got our (elderly) newspaper delivery driver a £10 gift card. My mum always did it and I started years ago, so hard to change now. I bought leggings from Roman and have been pleased with how they fit and wash. They’re a bit thicker than some. Interesting video as always 😍
Great vlog, on the subject of tipping myself and hubby have used the same hairdresser for about 14 years and we always tip her we even travel 30 miles every 6 weeks for a haircut we see her as a friend and always have a great laugh and lots of good humoured banter together, and all for under £40. Would love to try wild many thanks ❤️👍🏻
Hi Caroline. Love your weekly vlog. I freeze wraps in two's as we don't eat them regularly. Blimey, have to say you have a lot of trousers. So hard knowing what to keep. Regarding tips, I only tip in restaurants if I get good service and I always tip room attendants when we stay in hotels. Having been a room attendant and knowing what I had to clean after some people, I think they deserve a tip. Always made our day if we got a tip. Your hair looks lovely. I only watch real housewives of Cheshire. . Your bedding looks lovely. Just realised it's 100% polyester. I had a set similar to that but didn't like the feel of it on my bed. Prefer poly/cotton. I have a king size duvet on the double bed in the spare bedroom xx
I roll wraps and put in a ziploc bag to put in the freezer. As a hairdresser in a previous life, I always appreciated being tipped. Yes, you may pay a lot for your hair but that isn't going to the stylist, mostly to the salon owner, unless of course your stylist is the salon owner!! I feel it also shows your appreciation and that you are happy with your hair! As a client, I have always tipped my stylist. We tip our Postie at Christmas as he is a really nice guy and goes out of his way for us. Don't tip the dustmen, we have a very long drive and so we leave our bins up at the gates for them to collect, so we never see them...however, they have left emptying our bins on occasions due to something being in the wrong bin etc so jobsworths do not get tips! Usually tip in restaurants, unless it's rubbish service.
Hi Caroline, I did have a giggle as when you said talk about tipping my mind immediately went to fly tipping!! To be fair to me it’s a big issue near where I live as it’s close to the new forest, but in reference to your discussion topic I tip for good service only, if it hasn’t been good I don’t tip. I think it works out that I tip 90% of the time. Yes please to the Wild deodorant, I’ve never tried it and I’d love to. Thanks for a great vlog. Xx
Great vlog Caroline, thank you. Re tipping - we do tip 10% at a restaurant if the service is good. However, on any cruise we go straight to the pursers office & get the compulsory tips removed. We take $’s with us and give to our cabin attendant on the last day and bar staff where appropriate. My guilty pleasure is also the RHOBH but still only on season 11. I wonder if any will be left still married by the time we reach the current season!!!! Also love the over the top way they live and their clothes. Please include me in the deodorant draw. Am really keen to give it a try. Have a great weekend x
Yes Caroline I have that problem re wraps, drives me mad I end up throwing them away , because I do not have success in freezing, so will be watching out on the comments for tips .
I always give our bin men a tub of chocolates and a four pack of beer at Christmas, I started doing it during covid. We live in the middle of nowhere and they love it, we always get a wave and a beep and once when our lane was closed for roadworks they even walked to our house to fetch our bins from wherever they had to park the truck. I’m like you in restaurants with tipping. If I’ve had really good service I’ve been known to tip on top of the service charge but if the service has been bad I ask for the service charge to be removed
Flower stems can get an airlock in them when the bottom seals up if they've been out of water that's why cutting the stems and putting them straight into water is best. A lot of flowers benefit cutting on an angle to increase the surface area 🌷🌷🌷🌷
I tip my window cleaner at Christmas. As far as eating out goes, that would all depend on where I am as well as the service. I can't ever remember a restaurant automatically taking a tip, but I've been in plenty where they have the bill set on agree to a tip but the waitress has always said what to press if we didn't agree. I always press that and then leave a tip on the table. Well done on getting sorted with the clothes company. I hope the next haul is more successful!
Hi Caroline, lovely to catch up with you this morning. I work from home and it's a bit lonely sometimes. Having you on my tv in the background is like having a friend around. With regards the car tax reminder, my 21 year old son had a reminder a couple of weeks ago and I bet he's not done it yet, I must remind him! I'd love to be entered into your prize draw please. Have a lovely week. x
Hi Caroline, your hair cut looks great! If I am happy with my hair and stylist at the end of my appointment, I always tip, as I know the salon takes the lion's share of their stylist's fees. I also tip food delivery drivers, because I live out of the way and I find I get the food I've ordered, faster if I tip!
Firstly as I watch this I hope you are all having a lovely few days in Padstow. Unenthusiastic is my definite feelings about January, roll on the spring. As I'm a non make up wearer I don't usually ask to be entered , but would love to give WILD a go. 😊
I do tip my hairdresser. Always have tipped hairdressers. Always tip in restaurants. Used to be a waitress when I was a teenager and loved getting tips .really enjoyed the job .January is a long month to get through . So looking forward to the spring. My brother and his Spanish wife so lucky to live in Southern Spain with good weather . X
Hi Caroline - re the freezing of wraps - the only Brand that I find I can freeze successfully and then separate individually is the Mission wraps - more expensive but if frozen flat will come apart in singles! Worth the extra money for me! xx
Hi Caroline. Love watching your videos 😊 Always very varied, honest & interesting topics ! I' d love enter to win the Wild set.... I bought one for my daughter for Christmas & she loves hers ❤
Hi Caroline - tipping, interesting subject. I also don't tip my hairdresser as she does it from her house and is a one man band so I feel that once she's taken off her costs the rest is hers anyway, I did used to tip the junior who washed my hair in a salon. I usually give my hairdresser a gift at Christmas. My sister still tips the dustmen at Christmas - I've never done that, I'm usually not around when they come anyway. Restaurants - always a bit of a tricky area, I feel it perhaps depends on how attentive they were, what the food was like etc - very tricky.
The lower pay for service workers is why the tipping culture has been like this over here - but, it’s become an expected plus, even when picking up a take n bake pizza. They’ve begun putting a screen/card reader with pre-percentages, it’s awkward when the server stands there waiting for you to tap your card then the tip screen pops up. I think folks need to be paid a living wage, which doesn’t always happen here. My cousin works in service/hospitality & is always very pleased when she receives tips. Never got into the Real Housewives series, but oddly was drawn to the shows like 19 kids & counting or the Mormon family with 4 wives. It’s like not being able to turn your head as you go by a car crash. Love your scarves!
I always freeze wraps. I separate them with easyleave and put them into a freezer bag. You just have to careful not to knock them when frozen as the are very brittle, of course. They freeze fine and thaw quickly. xx
Well - it was Lakeland but I have just looked and it seems they don't do it any more which is a real blow as I am running short and use it so much. I'll ask in the shop next time I am in town. Sorry, Caroline. Baking paper would do as well, I think. xx
I heard you mention that you were looking forward to trying the magic jeans from M&S. I haven't heard about them as I am in the US. What are they about?
Hi Caroline. Oh I do love your chatty weekly vlogs. So interesting. We tip our Evri driver at Christmas. May sound bizarre but he's been doing our round for several years, and goes above and beyond. I hear you re this time of year. I've never known such a dreary miserable January. All my motivation has gone out the window. Roll on Spring. I've love to be in the Wild giveaway please.
Hi Caroline New subscriber here. Enjoying your blogs . I find it so hard to tip my hairdresser as the price is enormous. She is expecting it and I do tip her. I myself work on low wage and nobody gets extras not even at Christmas.
Love your vlogs Caroline. Feels like Ive had a chat and coffee with a friend.😊 I no longer tip my hairdresser as she's now self employed and I have my hair done in her transformed porch🙄 I managed to get a superking deep fitted sheet/32" depth in Dunelm supersoft for £9.Would love to try the Wild deodorant products.Your hair looks lovely.
That's so weird, I searched 'deep' and 'extra deep' on the main search on Dunelm's site and it came up with nothing at all. I should have looked while I was in store, will do next time!
Hi Caroline! Your hair looks lovely. ❤ Re: tipping, we do tip the binmen at Christmas because we are on a rural collection and they come right down to our house just for our rubbish. I am sure they get a decent wage but we just buy them a drink on us as it's quite out of the way. Apart from that I only tip in restaurants and generally wouldn't remove the service charge unless the service was bad. My husband is funny about tips. Even if we pay by card he always wants to tip in cash. 🤷♀️ xx
Hi Caroline ,I have just looked up the fragrance notes for that perfume that you don’t like it has base notes of Tonka bean which I love I must keep that in mind for when I am next buying myself perfume ,Katie 💕💜💕
I live in the US, and as you said, the tipping culture is entirely different. I do feel that if someone is doing a personal service for me, i.e.facial, hair cut/color/style etc. then I would tip. I well remember tipping the postman, window cleaner, newspaper boy, milkman in the UK. I use a duvet without a top sheet, which is the way it was intended, and usually have to explain to anyone who thinks this is weird (here in the US) that the duvet is the insert and it goes inside a cover, which is laundered as you would a sheet. Not sure if it's like this everywhere in the US, but I don't think duvets are common here. Yes, kudos to Halara - look forward to seeing what you get and how they fit.
Hi lovely Caroline , thank you for our weekly coffee morning 😊😊, i'm so with you about January....i have tried every trick in the book to feel positive , but alas i have to just give in....thank god it's nearly over....i lost my mum in January 10 years ago and it's never been good it's grin and bear it territory...🤭🤭, i think tipping is such a blooming nuisence....shall i shant i , but i will say when going out to eat i always have a look at the bill and make my mind up , as i think its a blooming cheek adding it without asking....😅😅😅 , i would like to enter the giveaway please.... Anyway you have a lovely week , enjoy you mini break take care luv Mandy xx🥰🥰
Good morning Caroline. Just been listening to your comments about tipping, I too am selective about who and why I tip. Our Postman is an absolute star and cares so much for all his customers so we do tip him. You have made me think about our experiences in restaurants though, thank you. I love that oatmeal jumper, where did you buy that? I would love to try Wild!
I tip my hairdresser , and we tend to tip work people such as electricians , and plumbers , mainly as these days it is hard to get a good one to come promptly, we also tip at christmas time for our evri driver , regular postie, etc, as for meals we tend to adjust according to service given, it is annoying when applied automatically, we have been caught out before and paid twice! So now check very carefully, but tend to tip unless it was awful service, i agree with you on taxis , they are so expensive so generally just round up to nearest reasonable amount a pound or 2
Hello Caroline, your hair looked lovely every day. I’m a Timu jewellery junky as well 😉I know it’s a bit hit and miss but mostly it’s fine. I would love to be in the draw for the Wild giveaway, thanks for the great videos. It was the first anniversary of my dad’s death this week as well I was his carer, thinking of you. 😢
Blue cardi was M&S. A doona! Who knew?! If you are a similar size to me, I'm putting the blue cardi on Vinted in the next week or so, my vinted is cmathews01
Here in the states, radio stations provide free commercials called PSA’s or Public Service Announcements that are meant to convey information to the public such as what you’ve described. The government entity does not pay. It can be local or federal government. I wonder if you in the UK also have these and that was what you heard?
Hi Caroline, love your videos, I am the same age the same height and same body shape so love your try on hauls, as well as your opinions on life 😂. Keep them coming it’s a highlight of my week, I would love to try the new ‘WILD’ deodorant heard good things . 🤞🏻thankyou Bridget
Yes Caroline I freeze wraps ..individuality fold them up then I cling film them...if you don't separate them they stick together...I would like to enter the competition 😏
Looking forward to hearing how you got on in Padstow at this time of year. Your make up looked stunning (when you’re driving, wearing the cream scarf) lovely colours that suit you so well….a show us what/how would be welcome. I’ve been meaning to try Wild so please enter me into the giveaway. Thank you ❤
I’ve heard Wild is good but after I bought Fussy a similar concept, which is ok. I think I will give Wild a go when I run out of my refills. Btw, has anyone tried both and which do they think was the best? 😀
I split the amount of wraps I may need (is 2 wraps) then wrap them together in tin foil then place all individually wrapped wraps back into the sealed bag and pop into the freezer and just remove one lot at a time....phew try saying all that after a glass of wine 😂 x
I always tip the apprentice hairdresser, as they earn so little. Restaurants not f the tips been added on but always if t hasn’t. We used to knew the milkman paperboys etc and also back in the 60’s the dustman wild go and get the bin from the back garden and take it back, that’s when they deserved a tip people won’t go that extra bit these days.
Love the cut of your hair this time it really emphasises your curls. I am curious about wild products so count me in the giveaway. It is very generous of you to share the experience with your subs. Thank you ❤ Rosey
Great vlog as always. I hope you are enjoying your family trip away, and the weather has been kind. I will be interested to see what you think of the Halara clothes, as I think they are very overpriced. Would love to try the Wild products in your giveaway xx
Hello Caroline, Enjoyed the discussion into the subject of tipping.Happy to tip in a restaurant if we have enjoyed the meal. No longer tip the postman as rarely see one these days. Have a home hair cut so just pay the charge. Always happy to pay gratuities on cruises as the staff work so hard and always raise a smile for the passengers. Would love to be entered into the prize draw.
Hello, firstly I would like to enter the giveaway for the wild products, and regarding tipplng, I buy my hairdresser a Christmas present rather than tip as she is about my age and it would feel awkward. I hate the fact that tipplng is expected in certain industries,as you said now days people should be paid a decent wage.
Hello - the face tracking on your new camera makes me feel a bit motion sick!! It’s when you are in the kitchen (for example) walking around and it swings and then follows you as you just move from side to side… I am apparently a sensitive sole 😂😂 Thank you for Perfumado - I used your link ages ago and love it 😊
I don’t tip my hairdresser or beautician but give them a gift at Christmas. The only other area I tip is hospitality but like you only if the service is good. Would love to hear your thoughts on the gratuities that are added on a cruise. I have been known to ask them to remove them and I tip the people who offer a good service ie room steward. I think they are excessive. Would love to be included in your WILD giveaway. Your hair was lovely. ❤
I do tip my hairdresser. I get a dry cut every six to eight weeks and it’s only £14 so I give her an extra £2. I tip about 10% in cafes and restaurants if there’s waiter/waitress service and it’s been good. Obviously if there’s already a service charge, I wouldn’t add extra. There’s nobody else I’d tip other than taxi drivers if they’ve helped me.
I do tip my hairdresser as I appreciate her interest in my life and family . I only tip when I feel service has been really good generally and do feel that I shouldn’t have to give extra money to those who earn more than I do at times . Thank you for sharing your week and it’s lovely to hear how happy you are having lost some weight and I would like to be included in your giveaway x
I must say I really miss Dunhelm being in France . Yea that’s my pet hate that they do not have the size of the duvet on it, so I write them on the label , but it does fade. So have to measure the thing again and write it on again
Hi Caroline I would love to be entered for the Wild deodorant box. Also love the earrings you were wearing on Thursday 😊.Are you able to give out yr E-bay / Vinted details I could have a look. Many thanks Pauline
My parents used to tip the 'bin men' , milkman, postie etc..i will give refuse collectors a tin of biscuits and i do tip hairdressers/waiting staff but that is all. I would like to be in with a chance to get the Wild deodorant set please Caroline. Thank You.
I love your videos and I agree with you about tipping, I definitely don’t tip my hairdresser, it costs a fortune as it is! I would love the Wild giveaway please ❤
Hi Caroline Would love to enter the prize draw please?😊 The draw organisers looks fab thanks for sharing , went to order and says currently unavailable 😢 will keep checking
My daughter is a hairdresser and frankly based on what she experiences day to day in terms of being a counsellor and advisor she isn’t tipped enough 😂. Hairdressers are not paid enough in recognition of their skill base and extensive training. If you are paying a large sum for a hairdresser it is going straight to the salon and owner. So a little tip really helps to boost their income.
Hi Caroline, I freeze wraps and place a precut cake tin liner between them ( you can get them cheaply enough in pound stores etc) then place them in a freezer bag (or you could just use grease proof paper ) it stops them sticking together - hope it helps x
Please can I enter your Wild giveaway 😊
Separate the wraps with some backing paper between each wrap before freezing - you can then take out an individual wrap at a time xx
That is what I have to do, as I buy the low carb smaller ones for me, and hubby has the larger ones, I freeze mine as don’t eat them as often as he does.
Great tip 👍
I love your hair. You look so nice when your hair is smoothed out. I told you that another time when you said you use a special brush. You look so nice. Love your vlogs.
Loved the content of this vlog.
I did think you were going to talk about fly tipping when you first started chatting!
I tip for exceptional service only nowadays.
My hairdresser comes to me at home and is very reasonable.I only tip her at Christmas generously as she deserves it.
Also business can be quiet after Christmas so I hope it helps her.
I loved all the advice on how to freeze wraps as I too struggle to use the whole pack.
Good to know that a company is listening and have tried to rectify poor customer experience, and you have acknowledged it.
I think your hair cut is wonderful! Love the layers!!! Thanks for the vlog! You’re always fun to watch!!❤️
Ooh that organisation drawer will be fantastic for my man drawer (the one that has batteries, string etc) Cannot wait to see the M&S haul as I like you are looking for the holy grail of jeans. Great video as always x
I agree with you on m&s, I do order online but you can’t beat a browse in the shop. I saw that short animal print jacket last week, you can see it in the corner of yr vlog. They didn’t have my size & was completely sold out online. Great vlog as usual.
Thanks Caroline for today's video. I was having a really rotten morning and you cheered me up no end. Enjoy the rest of your week. X
Hi Caroline, I am so overwhelmed with my wardrobe i would sincerely like the ability to sort and discard my clothes, you definitely have a skill I aim to learn.
We went out Sunday for lunch and the service charge was added, but there was an option to remove it when we paid . I give the dust bin men something at Christmas because they are very helpful. I live in a very rural location and they are so kind to all the elderly people in the village .
The radio ad for car tax is a waste of money I agree.
Hi Caroline I would love to win the Wild give away please. Many thanks 💝
@@Babs-991I think insurance is more important than Road tax dodgers!
Hi Caroline. I've always wanted to try Wild deodorant so would like to be included in the draw
Just as an aside, your Friday vlog came up as 24th July. Wishful thinking that it was summer?😂
Looking forward to the next M&S haul … I’m looking for some new jeans too so will be interested to see what you pick up x
This is how I freeze wraps and it’s fab. Take them out of the bag roll them up like a sausage and do that with all of them. Place them in a bag lined up and then u can just take one out at a time no sticking no taking out the full pack because they are all stuck together etc ❤
I freeze unused wraps all the time. Roll up individually in plastic/cling wrap. Put back in original bag, then into a large Ziploc bag and into your freezer. They freeze well, thaw nicely on the counter, and easily roll out flat.
Hi Caroline, I defrosted tortilla wraps only last night. I take out what I want from the fresh ones, then roll them up and place in the freezer but with nothing touching them until they’re frozen. Then when I need them, I let them defrost and slowly unroll them. Works fine for me.
Thank you Caroline 👍👍😊❤️🏴
Hi Caroline love your weekly vlogs.
Would love to try the Wild products.
Have a lovely weekend .
Hi Caroline, I only tip when happy with the service and not always, as everything seems so expensive now. However I do tip my hairdresser who I see every 8 weeks, colour & cut, costs a fortune . Really do not like it when restaurants add a service charge, don’t always pay it 😮
You can freeze wraps successfully in a pastry container, one of the flat large ones you can buy for pre rolled sheet pastry. Put some baking paper between each wrap so they don’t stick together and make sure container is properly sealed.
I agree that it’s now outdated to tip the dustmen and postmen. We used to tip our regular postman but these days they change so often. As for hairdressers I once read you should tip 10% plus a tip for the hair wash girl if it’s a different person. In fact I only give a couple of pounds regardless of the charge /-which can be over £100 as I feel that is already enough to have to pay.
Hi Caroline I always tip in restaurants (cash preferably so I know the waiting staff benefit), the hair washer (not the hairdresser) when I get my hair cut, and usually round up when using a taxi. I just think that people who work in the service industry are so low paid that they rely on tips to make ends meet, especially now when so many rely on food banks.
Great vlog Caroline, totally agree about getting mixed up with the duvets when the sizes and tog value is left off, does my nut in! We are living in Spain now and the issue of tipping here is a little strange, the spanish bars, restaurants and even taxis really dont expect it, however the few british owned establishments we frequent seem to think a small tip (usually 10% - for good service obviously) is the done thing.
Wraps are great for making quesidea’s ( not sure of the spelling). But they are lovely if 2 are together with any filling that you like - cheese is a must, I think and fry or dry fry them in a frying pan - not long and very tasty. Also make Dorito type crisp by cutting them and putting into the oven. Have done this also with a wee bit of oil brushed on and paprika or cheese topping. And yes I would like to be in the draw for the deodorant 😊.
In Canada, we are experiencing the creep on American tipping. It’s annoying as we have a minimum wage which is much better than the US. We always tipped (more so than in the UK) here but now the expected percentage has gone up a lot and we are getting fed up.
Hi Caroline, I have always tipped my hairdresser. Nowadays I buy a box of Maltesers for our 2 wonderful post ladies and buy the bags of chocolate orange segments for the dustmen and the recycling guys. I got our (elderly) newspaper delivery driver a £10 gift card. My mum always did it and I started years ago, so hard to change now. I bought leggings from Roman and have been pleased with how they fit and wash. They’re a bit thicker than some. Interesting video as always 😍
Great vlog, on the subject of tipping myself and hubby have used the same hairdresser for about 14 years and we always tip her we even travel 30 miles every 6 weeks for a haircut we see her as a friend and always have a great laugh and lots of good humoured banter together, and all for under £40. Would love to try wild many thanks ❤️👍🏻
Don't you just love it when you get a positive response from a company. They do sound like they respect their customers. 😊
Hi Caroline. Love your weekly vlog. I freeze wraps in two's as we don't eat them regularly. Blimey, have to say you have a lot of trousers. So hard knowing what to keep. Regarding tips, I only tip in restaurants if I get good service and I always tip room attendants when we stay in hotels. Having been a room attendant and knowing what I had to clean after some people, I think they deserve a tip. Always made our day if we got a tip. Your hair looks lovely. I only watch real housewives of Cheshire. . Your bedding looks lovely. Just realised it's 100% polyester. I had a set similar to that but didn't like the feel of it on my bed. Prefer poly/cotton. I have a king size duvet on the double bed in the spare bedroom xx
I roll wraps and put in a ziploc bag to put in the freezer. As a hairdresser in a previous life, I always appreciated being tipped. Yes, you may pay a lot for your hair but that isn't going to the stylist, mostly to the salon owner, unless of course your stylist is the salon owner!! I feel it also shows your appreciation and that you are happy with your hair! As a client, I have always tipped my stylist. We tip our Postie at Christmas as he is a really nice guy and goes out of his way for us. Don't tip the dustmen, we have a very long drive and so we leave our bins up at the gates for them to collect, so we never see them...however, they have left emptying our bins on occasions due to something being in the wrong bin etc so jobsworths do not get tips! Usually tip in restaurants, unless it's rubbish service.
Hi Caroline, I did have a giggle as when you said talk about tipping my mind immediately went to fly tipping!! To be fair to me it’s a big issue near where I live as it’s close to the new forest, but in reference to your discussion topic I tip for good service only, if it hasn’t been good I don’t tip. I think it works out that I tip 90% of the time. Yes please to the Wild deodorant, I’ve never tried it and I’d love to. Thanks for a great vlog. Xx
Hi Caroline really enjoy watching your channel . I would love to try the wild products .
Great vlog Caroline, thank you. Re tipping - we do tip 10% at a restaurant if the service is good. However, on any cruise we go straight to the pursers office & get the compulsory tips removed. We take $’s with us and give to our cabin attendant on the last day and bar staff where appropriate.
My guilty pleasure is also the RHOBH but still only on season 11. I wonder if any will be left still married by the time we reach the current season!!!! Also love the over the top way they live and their clothes.
Please include me in the deodorant draw. Am really keen to give it a try. Have a great weekend x
Spoiler alert - none of them are still married!
Yes Caroline I have that problem re wraps, drives me mad I end up throwing them away , because I do not have success in freezing, so will be watching out on the comments for tips .
I always give our bin men a tub of chocolates and a four pack of beer at Christmas, I started doing it during covid. We live in the middle of nowhere and they love it, we always get a wave and a beep and once when our lane was closed for roadworks they even walked to our house to fetch our bins from wherever they had to park the truck. I’m like you in restaurants with tipping. If I’ve had really good service I’ve been known to tip on top of the service charge but if the service has been bad I ask for the service charge to be removed
Flower stems can get an airlock in them when the bottom seals up if they've been out of water that's why cutting the stems and putting them straight into water is best. A lot of flowers benefit cutting on an angle to increase the surface area 🌷🌷🌷🌷
I tip my window cleaner at Christmas. As far as eating out goes, that would all depend on where I am as well as the service. I can't ever remember a restaurant automatically taking a tip, but I've been in plenty where they have the bill set on agree to a tip but the waitress has always said what to press if we didn't agree. I always press that and then leave a tip on the table. Well done on getting sorted with the clothes company. I hope the next haul is more successful!
Hi Caroline, lovely to catch up with you this morning. I work from home and it's a bit lonely sometimes. Having you on my tv in the background is like having a friend around. With regards the car tax reminder, my 21 year old son had a reminder a couple of weeks ago and I bet he's not done it yet, I must remind him! I'd love to be entered into your prize draw please. Have a lovely week. x
Hi Caroline, your hair cut looks great! If I am happy with my hair and stylist at the end of my appointment, I always tip, as I know the salon takes the lion's share of their stylist's fees. I also tip food delivery drivers, because I live out of the way and I find I get the food I've ordered, faster if I tip!
Firstly as I watch this I hope you are all having a lovely few days in Padstow. Unenthusiastic is my definite feelings about January, roll on the spring. As I'm a non make up wearer I don't usually ask to be entered , but would love to give WILD a go. 😊
Your hair looks fab and I love your dangly earrings
And I like you ❤
I do tip my hairdresser. Always have tipped hairdressers. Always tip in restaurants. Used to be a waitress when I was a teenager and loved getting tips .really enjoyed the job .January is a long month to get through . So looking forward to the spring. My brother and his Spanish wife so lucky to live in Southern Spain with good weather . X
Oh yes, that Spanish weather sounds very appealing at the moment!
Hi Caroline - re the freezing of wraps - the only Brand that I find I can freeze successfully and then separate individually is the Mission wraps - more expensive but if frozen flat will come apart in singles! Worth the extra money for me! xx
Hi Caroline. Love watching your videos 😊 Always very varied, honest & interesting topics ! I' d love enter to win the Wild set.... I bought one for my daughter for Christmas & she loves hers ❤
would love to try wild ..looking fab mrs m x
Wow! That’s a lot of money. My hair costs £33 for cut and blow dry. In Kent. More for a colour treatment of course. X
Hi Caroline - tipping, interesting subject. I also don't tip my hairdresser as she does it from her house and is a one man band so I feel that once she's taken off her costs the rest is hers anyway, I did used to tip the junior who washed my hair in a salon. I usually give my hairdresser a gift at Christmas. My sister still tips the dustmen at Christmas - I've never done that, I'm usually not around when they come anyway. Restaurants - always a bit of a tricky area, I feel it perhaps depends on how attentive they were, what the food was like etc - very tricky.
The lower pay for service workers is why the tipping culture has been like this over here - but, it’s become an expected plus, even when picking up a take n bake pizza. They’ve begun putting a screen/card reader with pre-percentages, it’s awkward when the server stands there waiting for you to tap your card then the tip screen pops up. I think folks need to be paid a living wage, which doesn’t always happen here. My cousin works in service/hospitality & is always very pleased when she receives tips. Never got into the Real Housewives series, but oddly was drawn to the shows like 19 kids & counting or the Mormon family with 4 wives. It’s like not being able to turn your head as you go by a car crash. Love your scarves!
I always freeze wraps. I separate them with easyleave and put them into a freezer bag. You just have to careful not to knock them when frozen as the are very brittle, of course. They freeze fine and thaw quickly. xx
Hi joy, I hadn’t heard of Easy-Leave but just googled it and can’t find it available anywhere. Where do you buy?
I do the same , but I’ve not heard of easyleave I use baking paper .
@@jackiewale5206 Ah, that'd work! Also air fryer liners maybe, which are cheaper than baking paper.
Well - it was Lakeland but I have just looked and it seems they don't do it any more which is a real blow as I am running short and use it so much. I'll ask in the shop next time I am in town. Sorry, Caroline. Baking paper would do as well, I think. xx
@@CarolineMrsMI use air fry lines works perfectly.
I heard you mention that you were looking forward to trying the magic jeans from M&S. I haven't heard about them as I am in the US. What are they about?
I’ll let you know when I’ve tried them! Video coming up soon 😊
Hiya Caroline I slide a sheet tinfoil between wraps in package then roll them so airtight and freeze
Hi Caroline. Oh I do love your chatty weekly vlogs. So interesting. We tip our Evri driver at Christmas. May sound bizarre but he's been doing our round for several years, and goes above and beyond. I hear you re this time of year. I've never known such a dreary miserable January. All my motivation has gone out the window. Roll on Spring. I've love to be in the Wild giveaway please.
Hi Caroline, I freeze my wraps individually in tin foil. Works really well for us xx
When your hairdresser came to your house, and did that flick out on your ends, it really was the most gorgeous hairdo! You looked so beautiful
Hi Caroline Love watching your vlogs, really entertaining. Would love to try the Wild products and agree with you about tipping
Hi Caroline
New subscriber here.
Enjoying your blogs .
I find it so hard to tip my hairdresser as the price is enormous. She is expecting it and I do tip her. I myself work on low wage and nobody gets extras not even at Christmas.
Love your vlogs Caroline. Feels like Ive had a chat and coffee with a friend.😊 I no longer tip my hairdresser as she's now self employed and I have my hair done in her transformed porch🙄 I managed to get a superking deep fitted sheet/32" depth in Dunelm supersoft for £9.Would love to try the Wild deodorant products.Your hair looks lovely.
That's so weird, I searched 'deep' and 'extra deep' on the main search on Dunelm's site and it came up with nothing at all. I should have looked while I was in store, will do next time!
Hi Caroline! Your hair looks lovely. ❤ Re: tipping, we do tip the binmen at Christmas because we are on a rural collection and they come right down to our house just for our rubbish. I am sure they get a decent wage but we just buy them a drink on us as it's quite out of the way. Apart from that I only tip in restaurants and generally wouldn't remove the service charge unless the service was bad. My husband is funny about tips. Even if we pay by card he always wants to tip in cash. 🤷♀️ xx
Hi Caroline ,I have just looked up the fragrance notes for that perfume that you don’t like it has base notes of Tonka bean which I love I must keep that in mind for when I am next buying myself perfume ,Katie 💕💜💕
I live in the US, and as you said, the tipping culture is entirely different. I do feel that if someone is doing a personal service for me, i.e.facial, hair cut/color/style etc. then I would tip. I well remember tipping the postman, window cleaner, newspaper boy, milkman in the UK. I use a duvet without a top sheet, which is the way it was intended, and usually have to explain to anyone who thinks this is weird (here in the US) that the duvet is the insert and it goes inside a cover, which is laundered as you would a sheet. Not sure if it's like this everywhere in the US, but I don't think duvets are common here. Yes, kudos to Halara - look forward to seeing what you get and how they fit.
Wonderful vlog Caroline! I love your channel! On one segment you have July 24 instead of January 24. Just thought I'd let you you know. 😊😊❤❤
Hi lovely Caroline , thank you for our weekly coffee morning 😊😊, i'm so with you about January....i have tried every trick in the book to feel positive , but alas i have to just give in....thank god it's nearly over....i lost my mum in January 10 years ago and it's never been good it's grin and bear it territory...🤭🤭, i think tipping is such a blooming nuisence....shall i shant i , but i will say when going out to eat i always have a look at the bill and make my mind up , as i think its a blooming cheek adding it without asking....😅😅😅 , i would like to enter the giveaway please.... Anyway you have a lovely week , enjoy you mini break take care luv Mandy xx🥰🥰
Good morning Caroline. Just been listening to your comments about tipping, I too am selective about who and why I tip. Our Postman is an absolute star and cares so much for all his customers so we do tip him. You have made me think about our experiences in restaurants though, thank you. I love that oatmeal jumper, where did you buy that? I would love to try Wild!
The V neck one? It's M&S :)
I tip my hairdresser , and we tend to tip work people such as electricians , and plumbers , mainly as these days it is hard to get a good one to come promptly, we also tip at christmas time for our evri driver , regular postie, etc, as for meals we tend to adjust according to service given, it is annoying when applied automatically, we have been caught out before and paid twice! So now check very carefully, but tend to tip unless it was awful service, i agree with you on taxis , they are so expensive so generally just round up to nearest reasonable amount a pound or 2
Caroline yr new curtains where did you get them please xxx
Terrys, I think they were called. Online 😊
Hello Caroline, your hair looked lovely every day. I’m a Timu jewellery junky as well 😉I know it’s a bit hit and miss but mostly it’s fine. I would love to be in the draw for the Wild giveaway, thanks for the great videos. It was the first anniversary of my dad’s death this week as well I was his carer, thinking of you. 😢
Hi Caroline. Would love to try the Wild products. Agree with you about tipping.
I’d love to try the deodorant. I’ve wanted to try it for a while after seeing it on your channel. Hair looks very smart.
Hi Caroline. I love Temu. I’ve got to stop myself from ordering stuff.
I mainly buy craft stuff so reasonable and good quality xx
Love Fridays red top Caroline. Also the blue cardigan. Would you tell us where you purchased it please?
In Australia a duvet is a doona. X
Blue cardi was M&S. A doona! Who knew?! If you are a similar size to me, I'm putting the blue cardi on Vinted in the next week or so, my vinted is cmathews01
Your similar to me love love love the house wife series. They have money but still have problems like the rest of us .x
Here in the states, radio stations provide free commercials called PSA’s or Public Service Announcements that are meant to convey information to the public such as what you’ve described. The government entity does not pay. It can be local or federal government. I wonder if you in the UK also have these and that was what you heard?
Hi Caroline, love your videos, I am the same age the same height and same body shape so love your try on hauls, as well as your opinions on life 😂. Keep them coming it’s a highlight of my week, I would love to try the new ‘WILD’ deodorant heard good things . 🤞🏻thankyou Bridget
Excellent ❤. Tipping doesn’t seem a thing here in Adelaide Australia which is good I don’t miss all that awkward wondering how much etc.
Yes Caroline I freeze wraps ..individuality fold them up then I cling film them...if you don't separate them they stick together...I would like to enter the competition 😏
Love the book money jar.❤
Another great informative vlog 😊 would love to enter the draw for the wild products 🎉 your looking fabulous by the way 🎉
Roll your wraps first then freeze ❤ funny enough I got a coach perfume from parfumdo and it was also far too sweet!!
Hi Caroline wraps I freeze them separately x
Looking forward to hearing how you got on in Padstow at this time of year.
Your make up looked stunning (when you’re driving, wearing the cream scarf) lovely colours that suit you so well….a show us what/how would be welcome.
I’ve been meaning to try Wild so please enter me into the giveaway. Thank you ❤
I’ve heard Wild is good but after I bought Fussy a similar concept, which is ok. I think I will give Wild a go when I run out of my refills. Btw, has anyone tried both and which do they think was the best? 😀
I split the amount of wraps I may need (is 2 wraps) then wrap them together in tin foil then place all individually wrapped wraps back into the sealed bag and pop into the freezer and just remove one lot at a time....phew try saying all that after a glass of wine 😂 x
I always tip the apprentice hairdresser, as they earn so little. Restaurants not f the tips been added on but always if t hasn’t. We used to knew the milkman paperboys etc and also back in the 60’s the dustman wild go and get the bin from the back garden and take it back, that’s when they deserved a tip people won’t go that extra bit these days.
Love the cut of your hair this time it really emphasises your curls. I am curious about wild products so count me in the giveaway. It is very generous of you to share the experience with your subs. Thank you ❤ Rosey
Great vlog as always. I hope you are enjoying your family trip away, and the weather has been kind. I will be interested to see what you think of the Halara clothes, as I think they are very overpriced. Would love to try the Wild products in your giveaway xx
Here in the states a 20% tip is the usual amount for hairdressers and restaurant wait staff.
Hello Caroline, Enjoyed the discussion into the subject of tipping.Happy to tip in a restaurant if we have enjoyed the meal. No longer tip the postman as rarely see one these days. Have a home hair cut so just pay the charge. Always happy to pay gratuities on cruises as the staff work so hard and always raise a smile for the passengers. Would love to be entered into the prize draw.
Hello, firstly I would like to enter the giveaway for the wild products, and regarding tipplng, I buy my hairdresser a Christmas present rather than tip as she is about my age and it would feel awkward. I hate the fact that tipplng is expected in certain industries,as you said now days people should be paid a decent wage.
Hello - the face tracking on your new camera makes me feel a bit motion sick!! It’s when you are in the kitchen (for example) walking around and it swings and then follows you as you just move from side to side…
I am apparently a sensitive sole 😂😂
Thank you for Perfumado - I used your link ages ago and love it 😊
So glad there was a positive end to the vlog. 😃
Nice Vlog Caroline as always. Would love to try Wild.
Enjoyable vlog as always Caroline. Yes please to the Wild giveaway drawer. Lynn. ❤
I don’t tip my hairdresser or beautician but give them a gift at Christmas. The only other area I tip is hospitality but like you only if the service is good. Would love to hear your thoughts on the gratuities that are added on a cruise. I have been known to ask them to remove them and I tip the people who offer a good service ie room steward. I think they are excessive.
Would love to be included in your WILD giveaway. Your hair was lovely. ❤
I do tip my hairdresser. I get a dry cut every six to eight weeks and it’s only £14 so I give her an extra £2. I tip about 10% in cafes and restaurants if there’s waiter/waitress service and it’s been good. Obviously if there’s already a service charge, I wouldn’t add extra. There’s nobody else I’d tip other than taxi drivers if they’ve helped me.
I do tip my hairdresser as I appreciate her interest in my life and family . I only tip when I feel service has been really good generally and do feel that I shouldn’t have to give extra money to those who earn more than I do at times . Thank you for sharing your week and it’s lovely to hear how happy you are having lost some weight and I would like to be included in your giveaway x
I must say I really miss Dunhelm being in France . Yea that’s my pet hate that they do not have the size of the duvet on it, so I write them on the label , but it does fade. So have to measure the thing again and write it on again
Hi Caroline I would love to be entered for the Wild deodorant box. Also love the earrings you were wearing on Thursday 😊.Are you able to give out yr E-bay / Vinted details I could have a look. Many thanks Pauline
Hi Caroline, hair is so expensive nowadays but I do tip if I'm extra pleased with it.
I woul live to try Wild. X
My parents used to tip the 'bin men' , milkman, postie etc..i will give refuse collectors a tin of biscuits and i do tip hairdressers/waiting staff but that is all. I would like to be in with a chance to get the Wild deodorant set please Caroline. Thank You.
I love your videos and I agree with you about tipping, I definitely don’t tip my hairdresser, it costs a fortune as it is! I would love the Wild giveaway please ❤
Hi Caroline
Would love to enter the prize draw please?😊
The draw organisers looks fab thanks for sharing , went to order and says currently unavailable 😢 will keep checking
Love your octopus mug!!