Aaron Hall I Miss You Live Clip

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @reubengrace2834
    @reubengrace2834 6 лет назад +2

    Mr. Dark Chocolate Sexy Dexy Cassanova! Please keep posting those awesome dog rehab videos. They're absolutely cool and wonderful! Say hello to your children, nieces and nephews. Dana Grace

  • @AaronHall1964
    @AaronHall1964  12 лет назад +4

    • @lrivers56
      @lrivers56 12 лет назад

      where are you now days man and what are your plans on 2013

    • @danmonahan3190
      @danmonahan3190 8 месяцев назад

      Aaron I'm from California and I listen to this song about 3 times a week for 20 years now. I never see if you are still performing but I wish you would come a play at the paso robles mid state fair some day because music has changed and so have the way they are singing today but when I hear people say we need to go back to the days of when a singer could sing I think of just 2 singers that are who they could talking about and the first one is no other then Marvin Gaye and the other well its Aarron Hall. You sing from the bottom of the soles in your shoes and lift listeners to the tops of any arenas ceiling. Please make your way to my corner of this world that needs to be reminded what music will always be not only to hear it but also the way you can feel it when you sing it. I'm just a man who may not rule the world but feels on top of the world laying back with my girl listening to your music thank you for every song you have sung.