I only recently found the LSB and it quickly became my favorite. It’s a NASB 95 that’s somehow more literal and reads smoother. Truly a beautiful translation with an understated elegance.
I just wanted to let you know as of the other day they posted a new product on their website. :) remember I mentioned that I wish they would shrink the giant print reference into a compact like a PSQ? Well, my prayers were answered :)
I’m with you! And the cool thing about the new Portable Paragraph Reference edition is that it is the same exact layout and pagination as the Giant Print. So I can use the GPR at home and the Portable one on the go with everything exactly where I’m used to it being.
I am reading the LSB alongside ESV and some others. I do really love some things in the LSB. I wish they put more of the dead sea scrolls in it. Deut 32 Sons of God instead of Sons of Israel. Things like that. But I'm not too concerned with it because we have multiple translations to pick from and an abundance of commentaries. Great video!
It all falls apart? The bible clearly teaches the depravity of man. "There is no one good, no not one", "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Man is unable to come to God because man is unwilling to come to God except that God gives him a new heart and changes his desires by the Holy Spirit through the gospel. That is what the bible teaches and that is what is being taught by TULIP. All Christians believe in total depravity. Even if they don't call it that. Many misunderstand it to mean that it's teaching that everyone is the most depraved that a person could ever be. That's not the case but rather sin has corrupted man in every aspect of his being. Apart from Christ he can do nothing that pleases God. It doesn't mean that the act of helping an old lady across the street is evil but that doesn't mean that person is good in his heart or good before God. All are sinners and are only accepted in Christ.
Questions that I have when it comes to the Legacy Bible and Bible translations in general: -What should be said about the fact that errors can be found Legacy Bible ( and other English translations)? -How can I narrow down to @ 5 translations- given the fact that one cannot get EVERYTHING in one translation? -How can I find and talk to a scholar who TRULY knows New Testament Greek? I know I have some biases that might result in only one or two translations winning. That is why I know there is a need to mention and show MANY verses and see what the results are. Pause at 7:00. People who dogmaticly demand Scripture Alone ( i.e. that one must only use the Bible and reject ALL traditions) need to ask themselves why they have Bibles that say "the LORD" ( Ps. 23:1) rather the Divine Name. What would Calvinist-bias translation look like? I would think one can come up with a theology ALMOST with any translation.
Thank you for doing this video. Regarding the names I couldn’t agree with you more. Something I just started the last three weeks on occasion I will pray specifically calling out O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. By the way, your book is my number one Christian book I’ve ever read.
Hi dear Brother You’re 100% on track. LORD = The Father Lord = Jesus There is only 3 Names for Jesus Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua Yahweh = Father Yeshua = Jesus Peace and Blessings be with you David. Your brother in Australia. Drew
I think that is incorrect, I'm not being divisive, it's just that what you said, I don't think is factual. YHWH is the name of God, whereas Yahweh is the spelling of how it sounds. It has vowels which did not exist in ancient Hebrew the "a" and the "e". If you take them out, you have YHWH which is supposed to be breath sounds and unpronounceable. Yeshua is the name of Jesus, which translates to Joshua in English. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and feel free to correct me, I'm never above healthy correction. Have a good day and God Bless@@tdh4982
An ancient inscription was found in Egypt dating to the time of the Israelites. It states the name of their God as Yahweh. Egyptian hieroglyphics is a very complex language in that some letters are symbolic (Like Chinese where each symbol equals a word) and phonic (each letter equals a sound). The name of Yahweh was written in phonic hieroglyphics. So, I am all in on God's name being Yahweh. I use the WEB bible that also has Yahweh but uses the Majority Greek Text that is the up-and-coming Greek Text of preference.
Good response, David, thanks. Especially around the Calvinist concerns. Psalm 51:5 is an interesting one, there seems to be quite the split between modern translations on how to translate that one, even the NET says "a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.". I'm going to give the nasb2020 a good go soon, but I agree that the LSB is an excellent translation
Westminster Confession of Faith... Chapter VI: Here are some more scriptures for Total Depravity. Not just 1 or 2. 🙂 1. Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptation of Satan, sinned in eating the forbidden fruit.a This their sin God was pleased, according to his wise and holy counsel, to permit, having purposed to order it to his own glory.b a. Gen 3:13; 2 Cor 11:3. • b. Rom 11:32. 2. By this sin they fell from their original righteousness and communion with God,a and so became dead in sin,b and wholly defiled in all the faculties and parts of soul and body.c a. Gen 3:6-8; Eccl 7:29; Rom 3:23. • b. Gen 2:17; Eph 2:1. • c. Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9; Rom 3:10-19; Titus 1:15. 3. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed,a and the same death in sin and corrupted nature conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation.b a. Gen 1:27-28 and 2:16-17 and Acts 17:26 with Rom 5:12, 15-19 and 1 Cor 15:21-22; 1Cor 15:45, 49. • b. Gen 5:3; Job 14:4; 15:14; Psa 51:5. 4. From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good,a and wholly inclined to all evil,b do proceed all actual transgressions.c a. Rom 5:6; 7:18; 8:7; Col 1:21. • b. Gen 6:5; 8:21; Rom 3:10-12. • c. Mat 15:19; Eph 2:2-3; James 1:14-15. 5. This corruption of nature, during this life, doth remain in those that are regenerated;a and although it be through Christ pardoned and mortified, yet both itself and all the motions thereof are truly and properly sin.b a. Prov 20:9; Eccl 7:20; Rom 7:14, 17-18, 23; James 3:2; 1 John 1:8, 10. • b. Rom 7:5, 7-8, 25; Gal 5:17. 6. Every sin, both original and actual, being a transgression of the righteous law of God, and contrary thereunto,a doth, in its own nature, bring guilt upon the sinner,b whereby he is bound over to the wrath of Godc and curse of the law,d and so made subject to death,e with all miseries spiritual,f temporal,g and eternal.h a. 1 John 3:4. • b. Rom 2:15; 3:9, 19. • c. Eph 2:3. • d. Gal 3:10. • e. Rom 6:23. • f. Eph 4:18. • g. Lam 3:39; Rom 8:20. • h. Mat 25:41; 2 Thes 1:9.
Regarding Yahweh (instead of Lord) and slave (instead of servant), I saw this from the biblical scholar Iain Duguid (professor at Westminster Theological Seminary and translator/consultant for the HCSB/CSB): Let me start, as I always do, by reminding us that translation is really hard. You can't write extensive notes to defend your decisions, as you would in a commentary, half of your footnotes will be deleted and there's always a chance that an English style editor will change what you wrote. You are also often hemmed in by the unwise decisions of a general editor somewhere along the way, often someone who has no personal experience of the translation process. I also haven't used the LSB extensively, so bear that in mind in reading my evaluation. Having said that, I think some of their most trumpeted distinctions are fundamentally wrong-headed. Take the use of Yahweh throughout for the divine name. I get the attractiveness of that, and in some contexts it really pops as a translation. Think "I am Yahweh" or "Yahweh said to my lord" (Ps 110:1). In other places, however, it messes with people's favorite translations, for example: "Yahweh is my shepherd". That's why the HCSB went with Yahweh in some places and "the LORD" elsewhere - but that leaves you with some really strange alternations between the two, which is why the CSB ditched Yahweh completely. More importantly, it drives a wedge between the testaments, since the NT quotation of an OT passage often doesn't match. Even more importantly, the average reader won't now see that the NT is calling Jesus the same title as the OT calls Yahweh, "the Lord". If it is good enough for Jesus to use kurios when translating Yahweh, I can't think why "the LORD" isn't good enough for us. The same problem exists for the much-trumpeted doulos = slave in all contexts translation. There are some places where doulos certainly ought to be translated slave. But there are plenty of other places where "servant" is a more apt rendition into English of the person's role. The result is a flattening of the Biblical text that results in a loss of nuance. It also - once again - threatens to put a rift between the OT and the NT; for example, according to this understanding Zech 3:8 ought to speak of "my slave, the Branch" (since LXX has doulos); fortunately, the translation goes for a more sensible (and traditional) "my servant, the Branch"). Very few words in one language always translate into a single word in another language: that's just not how languages work; so for example, ruach should be rendered breath, Spirit and wind, sometimes all within a short space (e.g. Ezek. 37:1-14). That's why nobody (except perhaps Youngs literal translation, which completely misrepresents the meaning of Ezekiel 37 because of its overly literal translation) adopts a consistently literal translation policy. Everyone (including the LSB) uses a more dynamic translation sometimes. Finally, I don't think any one institution has the resources to do a great translation. For the CSB oversight committee, we have translators from a wide variety of backgrounds, who each brought their own expertise (including a full time in house editor to check consistency between parallel passages across the board). It still sometimes felt like an overwhelming project.
I really like the LSB. I'm having an issue adjusting to calling Dad by His first name. This must be a social thing. It will take some time to get used to. I read the LSB parallel with the GNT, and this translation is blowing my mind.
What do you think about "translate" instead of "interpret" for 1 Cor. 12-14? That's probably the biggest thing I don't like because it feels like they're interpreting the text to make it seem like tongues is only an actual language. I believe there's different types of tongues, and that having the word "interpret" works better.
Off topic seems to be my forte but I don't know where else to put these questions regarding your website (bandcamp) audio teachings. Please let me know. 1) are we supposed to buy the teachings or can we just listen to them? If we buy them do we get a CD mailed to us or a QR code? 2) re: Contraver-series OSAS teaching: this nailed on the head exactly what I've been going through. I wandered away, got far far away for so long (and egregiously so), now I want to come back. And the guilt associated with Heb 6:4-6 and 10:26-31 stand in my way like a closed door. Please don't sigh and roll your eyes, but yes I'm still there. Getting closer to home but not there yet. Thanks.
Hey, I got your text, I'll be in touch. And, no, you don't need to buy the teachings. They can all be streamed for free. If you want to download them for free, just put "0" in the price when the screen pops up. Anyone is welcome to put in a dollar amount of their own free will if they want to give, but it's not necessary.
The modern Bible versions like the LSB say the opposite of the KJV in certain verses. For example, the KJV calls those who worshipped idols “superstitious,” whereas the LSB calls idol worshippers “religious.” “Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” (Acts 17:22 KJV) “So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.” (Acts 17:22 LSB) The Zionist disciples of Satan were able to change their Bibles to make Israel a "spreading vine" in the NIV and even a "luxuriant vine" in the NASB, ESV, and the LSB in Hosea 10:1. God, however, states that "Israel is an empty vine" in his KJV Holy Bible at Hosea 10:1. “Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself: according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly images.” (Hosea 10:1 KJV) “Israel is a luxuriant vine; He produces fruit for himself. The more abundant his fruit, The more altars he abounded; The better his land, The better he made the sacred pillars.” Hosea 10:1 LSB) So we know from that issue that the KJV is God’s word or the modern Bible versions are God’s word. They cannot say the opposite of one another and both be God’s word. This is a foundational issue. This is a major issue. There is no middle ground here. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24:15. Edward Hendrie Author of "HOAX of Biblical Proportions"
Hey brother, I highly recommend Calvin's commentary of Hebrews 6. It touches on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which Christ addressed with the Pharisees. One can be enlightened by the Spirit without being trully brought to belief by the Holy Spirit. Much love to you.
Romans 5 is what is used as a proof text for Calvinism and he is showing that he doesn't see a Calvinistic bias added to The Word. This is a good thing. I've always been KJV and the LSB is very comfortable for me. I don't feel like I've gone off the rails somewhere, it just feels more modern language to me.
Hi Bro, Would not let me edit my post. Three things to stick with. 1. Your Bible 2. Your Bible 3. Repeat. Don’t let people alter your path that the Lord has put you on. Your a very dear sweet Brother in Jesus to have. When in hard times, read Psalm 54 Hear is a prayer to pray before reading Scripture that I use. Soli Deo Gloria Merciful God, Please anoint me with your Holy Spirit. As I read Your Holy Word, let me hear your voice speaking to me from within. Lord, give me your wisdom to understand your message to me. Lord please let your message to me be the joy of my heart and the lamp to my feet. Please give me your strength to build my life on Your Word. Let it be done unto me according to your Word. Lord, may I rejoice in the blessedness of hearing your Word and keeping it. Speak Lord, your servant is listening. In Jesus Name I pray. Another prayer when you don’t know what to say is Lord, As You Know, As You Will, Have Mercy. (This is a very deep, deep prayer). Meditate an pray about it and you will be blessed with understanding. Your Brother in Jesus our Lord, Drew
The LORD OUR GOD IS ONE ,IF GOD is a Spirit he is One Spirit, if GOD IS A being or person He is One person or being, GOD is One that has been taught for many many years and is the first and greatest commandment, Jesus quoted it when they ask him,which commandment was the greatest
Both the body and soul are corrupted because of the fall. This does not mean that people are as a bad as they can be, but rather, that the effects of the Fall have completely ruined the total being of man. It is not just that man’s mind is ruined, or that just his body is ruined, or that just his soul ruined. It means the whole man is corrupted with sin. This would mean that man cannot fundamentally do anything to please God. Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” Genesis 6:5 “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This depravity begins at conception. It does not begin when we do something bad. We are not sinners because we sin, rather, we sin because we are sinners. Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was sharpen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Depravity of the heart is completely extensive so that the creature (us), cannot will to do any good. All we do is evil. All we love is ourselves. We suppress God, and exalt ourselves. www.apuritansmind.com/tulip/total-depravity-compiled-by-dr-c-matthew-mcmahon/
Amen brother. He was eisegeting those scriptures to prove a point but missed the context of Romans 5 and so on. We are born with a sin nature and Genesis 5 makes that clear when it says that Adam had children after HIS image and likeness (fallen). We are not sinners because we sin but rather we sin because we are sinners. A lot of Churxh goers are not ready to have that conversation on a serious level because they've been made to believe that Jesus is their teddy bear sky daddy. Yahweh is the eternal sovereign God is accomplishes all of His good pleasure.
Romans 3 - no doubt - carries good thunderous truths that are easy for us all to agree on. No clear order of operations there though, except all have sinned, turned away, etcetera.
@@davidleebrown3956 yeah it would depend on how we would understand the word “all” as it has different connotations throughout the Bible. Is it all without exception or all without distinction? I would say Paul makes the argument that all without exception in Adam are counted as sinful because he is their representative before God, those in Jesus are represented by Jesus as their head thus counted as sinless. I think we can also make the argument from Paul that children while they may be sinful, are not counted as such before God because they do not yet have a fully developed conscience. Which is one of the reasons God says there are “innocents” in Nineveh.
And this is where the discussion of federal headship comes in. How do we define that and apply a consistent hermeneutic to Romans 5:18-19; 1 Corinthians 15:22 on Calvinist terms 🤷♂️
A baby or toddler is not influenced by a sea of iniquity, nobody has to teach them how to be greedy or self absorbed, we are all born with the sin nature!
You are actually correct that HOW you pronounce the divine name is nowhere near as important as IF you pronounce it at all...... For most of my life , I've held it as a standard that those who do not use the Father's name of the Bible can't possibly be Christ's true disciples. How could they get something so easy wrong? Christ literally said that he had come here to make his Father's name known and that he will continue to do so. Yahweh is a fine translation. Most scholars agree thats the closest, but I personally believe the true pronunciation is somewhere around Yehovah. 🤔 Now that it's FINALLY becoming common for mainstream christianity to once again use the divine name, I feel like thinking persons are forced to ask two questions. 1. Why weren't the major denominations using the father's name For the past , how many hundred years , even though it's quite literally a command in scripture. 2. Are there any denominations that were using the divine name All this time while you were all sitting on the side lines??
There is POWER in the name of JESUS, It was inherited name of the FATHER it means YAHWEH saves it is the name above all names in heaven and earth,thats the name we should use,he is the father manifested in the body of christ jesus
There is only ONE Who sits on the Thrown, his name is JESUS, GOD is a Spirit and He is HOLY, there is only one Spirit that is Diety ephesians 4:4-6 GOD our Father was in Christ reconciling the world to HIMSELF
The translators of the LSB have gone on record to say that the KJV is wrong. They claim that “Jehovah we do believe is an incorrect way of pronouncing it [the tetragrammaton, YHVH]. But what that is, it is a misreading of the vowels that appear on the letters YHWH on the word Yahweh.” Vowels in Hebrew are represented by marks called points. Hebraist Dr. Nehemia Gordon did extensive research into ancient Hebrew texts and found that the vowel points for the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) always have been sheva, holem, and kamatz. Thus, the English pronunciation of the pointed Tetragrammaton (YHVH) can only be Jehovah. He concluded that the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) pronunciation cannot be Yahweh. Indeed, Dr. Gordon determined that the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) pronunciation in Hebrew has always been Yehovah (in English, it would be pronounced Jehovah). Dr. Gordon uncovered more than 1.000 ancient Hebrew Bible manuscripts containing the vowel points that render the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) in Hebrew as Yehovah; in English it would be pronounced Jehovah. Yahweh is a heathen tribal god. The LSB joins the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge in undermining the eternal and sovereign deity of Jehovah by replacing him with Yahweh. The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia let the cat out of the bag. The encyclopedia reveals that Yahweh, is, in reality, a heathen god worshiped by the nomadic Midianites: “Yahweh appears as an old deity of Sinai, revered in untold antiquity as a weather god, and as such brought by Moses to Israel, to him revealed through his connection with the Midianite priestly family.” Thus, the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia acknowledges that their rendition of YHVH as “Yahweh” is based on the encyclopedia writers’ belief that the Jews worshipped a heathen weather god of Sinai called Yahweh. The encyclopedia writers have a preconceived idea that serves to undermine the divinity of Jehovah. The encyclopedia then claims that "the form was never pronounced as Yehovah (Jehovah).” The LSB has grafted the heathen god, Yahweh, in place of the Holy God, Jehovah. Historians state that Yahweh is one of the gods of the Syro-Palestinian pantheon, which included Baal. Those profane historians claim that Yahweh was adopted as a god by the Jews from the surrounding tribes and eventually emerged as the national god of Israel and Judah. The LSB is a profane Bible that is polluted with heathen superstition, even to the point of replacing God Almighty, Jehovah, with a heathen god, Yahweh. Edward Hendrie Author of “Hoax of Biblical Proportions”
Would you continue to use a "bible" that says that Jesus and Lucifer are the same??? I would hope not. These are from the LSB... “I, Jesus, sent My angel to bear witness to you of these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” - Revelation 22:16 LSB Then, referring to Lucifer: “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations”! - Isaiah 14:12 LSB Sorry but this is blasphemous!!!! I couldn't, with a clear conscience, continue reading from this "bible" This is but ONE example of the many perversions that have crept into these corrupt "bible" versions and why I am unapologetically King James ONLY! You should be too!
KJV and LSB are the only two versions I read and I have read the entire ESV. The two verses that you used are not calling Jesus and lucifer the same at all. Linguistically, o star of the morning and bright morning star are not the same phrase. Furthermore Rev 22:16 is talking about lucifer's fall from his once elevated status where once he was of light but now he is not. But I will give you this, if someone that doesn't read their Bible often came across those two passages in the LSB it may be confusing at casual glance but there is a remedy for that. We read our Bibles, we read them often, and we read in context for what was intended by the author who God inspired when pen met paper.
@@jdc1264 savedbygrace and jdc, it’s true. All the modern translation “Bibles” have been corrupted. I don’t blame you if you are offended by that statement either. When someone first told me this, I was highly offended that I was being told my “precious” NASB was corrupt. But I thought about it for a while. I then purposed in my heart that I wanted, above all else, the TRUTH. If what I was being told was actually true, I wanted to know about it, and it was worth the time it took me to find out! I decided to do some research on this topic. Several years worth of research. The short answer to what I discovered is that IT WAS TRUE! Satan has absolutely infiltrated the “modern translations” Read the book “New Age Bible Versions: An Exhaustive Documentation of the Message, Men & Manuscripts Moving Mankind to the Antichrist's One World Religion “ by G. A. Riplinger. ** It WILL change your mind!!!!! This book offers TONS of COMPELLING evidence that proves the King James Only stance! I can now say, without reservation, I am unapologetically a member of the King James Only group. After seeing the evidence in favor of that position, I can’t in good conscience go back. I just can’t. At times, I felt sick to my stomach as I saw how some passages of the modern translations have been altered, and the implications that those changes have. In the quiet of your heart look into this issue. If you actually do, I guarantee that you will switch to kjv only and join me in this cause. Consider my words. It’s true. 🙂
I only recently found the LSB and it quickly became my favorite. It’s a NASB 95 that’s somehow more literal and reads smoother. Truly a beautiful translation with an understated elegance.
Except of course the returning of the Divine name back into the text where it rightfully belongs.
Arguably the single most important change made.
Thank you! You hit all of my concerns regarding this translation. Especially the last one
I just wanted to let you know as of the other day they posted a new product on their website. :) remember I mentioned that I wish they would shrink the giant print reference into a compact like a PSQ? Well, my prayers were answered :)
Sweet stuff!
I’m with you! And the cool thing about the new Portable Paragraph Reference edition is that it is the same exact layout and pagination as the Giant Print. So I can use the GPR at home and the Portable one on the go with everything exactly where I’m used to it being.
I am reading the LSB alongside ESV and some others. I do really love some things in the LSB. I wish they put more of the dead sea scrolls in it. Deut 32 Sons of God instead of Sons of Israel. Things like that. But I'm not too concerned with it because we have multiple translations to pick from and an abundance of commentaries. Great video!
"a city without walls will not stand" is a great way of saying that once you see past the T and especially P of TULIP it all falls apart.
It all falls apart? The bible clearly teaches the depravity of man. "There is no one good, no not one", "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"
Man is unable to come to God because man is unwilling to come to God except that God gives him a new heart and changes his desires by the Holy Spirit through the gospel. That is what the bible teaches and that is what is being taught by TULIP. All Christians believe in total depravity. Even if they don't call it that. Many misunderstand it to mean that it's teaching that everyone is the most depraved that a person could ever be. That's not the case but rather sin has corrupted man in every aspect of his being. Apart from Christ he can do nothing that pleases God. It doesn't mean that the act of helping an old lady across the street is evil but that doesn't mean that person is good in his heart or good before God. All are sinners and are only accepted in Christ.
What falls apart?
Calvinism is what he's talking about, TULIP is an acronym for their core beliefs. Not a fan.@@tdh4982
Questions that I have when it comes to the Legacy Bible and Bible translations in general:
-What should be said about the fact that errors can be found Legacy Bible ( and other English translations)?
-How can I narrow down to @ 5 translations- given the fact that one cannot get EVERYTHING in one translation?
-How can I find and talk to a scholar who TRULY knows New Testament Greek?
I know I have some biases that might result in only one or two translations winning. That is why I know there is a need to mention and show MANY verses and see what the results are.
Pause at 7:00. People who dogmaticly demand Scripture Alone ( i.e. that one must only use the Bible and reject ALL traditions) need to ask themselves why they have Bibles that say "the LORD" ( Ps. 23:1) rather the Divine Name.
What would Calvinist-bias translation look like? I would think one can come up with a theology ALMOST with any translation.
Thank you for doing this video. Regarding the names I couldn’t agree with you more. Something I just started the last three weeks on occasion I will pray specifically calling out O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
By the way, your book is my number one Christian book I’ve ever read.
Wow! Thank you. 🙏
You need an audiobook version of your book
Hi dear Brother
You’re 100% on track.
LORD = The Father
Lord = Jesus
There is only 3 Names for Jesus
Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua
Yahweh = Father
Yeshua = Jesus
Peace and Blessings be with you David.
Your brother in Australia.
Wrong. Yahweh is the name of God (His being) Yahweh is also the name of Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
@@tdh4982bold claim. Prove it.
I think that is incorrect, I'm not being divisive, it's just that what you said, I don't think is factual. YHWH is the name of God, whereas Yahweh is the spelling of how it sounds. It has vowels which did not exist in ancient Hebrew the "a" and the "e". If you take them out, you have YHWH which is supposed to be breath sounds and unpronounceable. Yeshua is the name of Jesus, which translates to Joshua in English. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and feel free to correct me, I'm never above healthy correction. Have a good day and God Bless@@tdh4982
An ancient inscription was found in Egypt dating to the time of the Israelites. It states the name of their God as Yahweh. Egyptian hieroglyphics is a very complex language in that some letters are symbolic (Like Chinese where each symbol equals a word) and phonic (each letter equals a sound). The name of Yahweh was written in phonic hieroglyphics.
So, I am all in on God's name being Yahweh. I use the WEB bible that also has Yahweh but uses the Majority Greek Text that is the up-and-coming Greek Text of preference.
Good response, David, thanks. Especially around the Calvinist concerns. Psalm 51:5 is an interesting one, there seems to be quite the split between modern translations on how to translate that one, even the NET says "a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.".
I'm going to give the nasb2020 a good go soon, but I agree that the LSB is an excellent translation
Wow, I didn't realize that about the NET--thanks!
LSB makes the “set on” error in ROM 8:6 that all new versions make. Incl the kjv and nasb.
Westminster Confession of Faith... Chapter VI: Here are some more scriptures for Total Depravity. Not just 1 or 2. 🙂
1. Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptation of Satan, sinned in eating the forbidden fruit.a This their sin God was pleased, according to his wise and holy counsel, to permit, having purposed to order it to his own glory.b a. Gen 3:13; 2 Cor 11:3. • b. Rom 11:32.
2. By this sin they fell from their original righteousness and communion with God,a and so became dead in sin,b and wholly defiled in all the faculties and parts of soul and body.c
a. Gen 3:6-8; Eccl 7:29; Rom 3:23. • b. Gen 2:17; Eph 2:1. • c. Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9; Rom 3:10-19; Titus 1:15.
3. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed,a and the same death in sin and corrupted nature conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation.b a. Gen 1:27-28 and 2:16-17 and Acts 17:26 with Rom 5:12, 15-19 and 1 Cor 15:21-22; 1Cor 15:45, 49. • b. Gen 5:3; Job 14:4; 15:14; Psa 51:5.
4. From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good,a and wholly inclined to all evil,b do proceed all actual transgressions.c
a. Rom 5:6; 7:18; 8:7; Col 1:21. • b. Gen 6:5; 8:21; Rom 3:10-12. • c. Mat 15:19; Eph 2:2-3; James 1:14-15.
5. This corruption of nature, during this life, doth remain in those that are regenerated;a and although it be through Christ pardoned and mortified, yet both itself and all the motions thereof are truly and properly sin.b a. Prov 20:9; Eccl 7:20; Rom 7:14, 17-18, 23; James 3:2; 1 John 1:8, 10. • b. Rom 7:5, 7-8, 25; Gal 5:17.
6. Every sin, both original and actual, being a transgression of the righteous law of God, and contrary thereunto,a doth, in its own nature, bring guilt upon the sinner,b whereby he is bound over to the wrath of Godc and curse of the law,d and so made subject to death,e with all miseries spiritual,f temporal,g and eternal.h a. 1 John 3:4. • b. Rom 2:15; 3:9, 19. • c. Eph 2:3. • d. Gal 3:10. • e. Rom 6:23. • f. Eph 4:18. • g. Lam 3:39; Rom 8:20. • h. Mat 25:41; 2 Thes 1:9.
I'm grabbing my W.C.O.F as soon as I get out of work to check it out.
Regarding Yahweh (instead of Lord) and slave (instead of servant), I saw this from the biblical scholar Iain Duguid (professor at Westminster Theological Seminary and translator/consultant for the HCSB/CSB):
Let me start, as I always do, by reminding us that translation is really hard. You can't write extensive notes to defend your decisions, as you would in a commentary, half of your footnotes will be deleted and there's always a chance that an English style editor will change what you wrote. You are also often hemmed in by the unwise decisions of a general editor somewhere along the way, often someone who has no personal experience of the translation process. I also haven't used the LSB extensively, so bear that in mind in reading my evaluation.
Having said that, I think some of their most trumpeted distinctions are fundamentally wrong-headed. Take the use of Yahweh throughout for the divine name. I get the attractiveness of that, and in some contexts it really pops as a translation. Think "I am Yahweh" or "Yahweh said to my lord" (Ps 110:1). In other places, however, it messes with people's favorite translations, for example: "Yahweh is my shepherd". That's why the HCSB went with Yahweh in some places and "the LORD" elsewhere - but that leaves you with some really strange alternations between the two, which is why the CSB ditched Yahweh completely. More importantly, it drives a wedge between the testaments, since the NT quotation of an OT passage often doesn't match. Even more importantly, the average reader won't now see that the NT is calling Jesus the same title as the OT calls Yahweh, "the Lord". If it is good enough for Jesus to use kurios when translating Yahweh, I can't think why "the LORD" isn't good enough for us.
The same problem exists for the much-trumpeted doulos = slave in all contexts translation. There are some places where doulos certainly ought to be translated slave. But there are plenty of other places where "servant" is a more apt rendition into English of the person's role. The result is a flattening of the Biblical text that results in a loss of nuance. It also - once again - threatens to put a rift between the OT and the NT; for example, according to this understanding Zech 3:8 ought to speak of "my slave, the Branch" (since LXX has doulos); fortunately, the translation goes for a more sensible (and traditional) "my servant, the Branch"). Very few words in one language always translate into a single word in another language: that's just not how languages work; so for example, ruach should be rendered breath, Spirit and wind, sometimes all within a short space (e.g. Ezek. 37:1-14). That's why nobody (except perhaps Youngs literal translation, which completely misrepresents the meaning of Ezekiel 37 because of its overly literal translation) adopts a consistently literal translation policy. Everyone (including the LSB) uses a more dynamic translation sometimes.
Finally, I don't think any one institution has the resources to do a great translation. For the CSB oversight committee, we have translators from a wide variety of backgrounds, who each brought their own expertise (including a full time in house editor to check consistency between parallel passages across the board). It still sometimes felt like an overwhelming project.
So you would say that there is something in man that would enable him to elevate his heart twords God ?
I really like the LSB. I'm having an issue adjusting to calling Dad by His first name. This must be a social thing. It will take some time to get used to. I read the LSB parallel with the GNT, and this translation is blowing my mind.
What do you think about "translate" instead of "interpret" for 1 Cor. 12-14? That's probably the biggest thing I don't like because it feels like they're interpreting the text to make it seem like tongues is only an actual language. I believe there's different types of tongues, and that having the word "interpret" works better.
I don't take issue with that. I love praying in tongues and I don't have a preference for either term.
In the reference edition, “interpretation” is in the footnotes. I think it can help the reader having both descriptions of the word ερμηνεία.
Off topic seems to be my forte but I don't know where else to put these questions regarding your website (bandcamp) audio teachings. Please let me know. 1) are we supposed to buy the teachings or can we just listen to them? If we buy them do we get a CD mailed to us or a QR code? 2) re: Contraver-series OSAS teaching: this nailed on the head exactly what I've been going through. I wandered away, got far far away for so long (and egregiously so), now I want to come back. And the guilt associated with Heb 6:4-6 and 10:26-31 stand in my way like a closed door. Please don't sigh and roll your eyes, but yes I'm still there. Getting closer to home but not there yet. Thanks.
Hey, I got your text, I'll be in touch. And, no, you don't need to buy the teachings. They can all be streamed for free. If you want to download them for free, just put "0" in the price when the screen pops up. Anyone is welcome to put in a dollar amount of their own free will if they want to give, but it's not necessary.
The modern Bible versions like the LSB say the opposite of the KJV in certain verses. For example, the KJV calls those who worshipped idols “superstitious,” whereas the LSB calls idol worshippers “religious.”
“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” (Acts 17:22 KJV)
“So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.” (Acts 17:22 LSB)
The Zionist disciples of Satan were able to change their Bibles to make Israel a "spreading vine" in the NIV and even a "luxuriant vine" in the NASB, ESV, and the LSB in Hosea 10:1. God, however, states that "Israel is an empty vine" in his KJV Holy Bible at Hosea 10:1.
“Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself: according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the altars; according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly images.” (Hosea 10:1 KJV)
“Israel is a luxuriant vine; He produces fruit for himself. The more abundant his fruit,
The more altars he abounded; The better his land, The better he made the sacred pillars.” Hosea 10:1 LSB)
So we know from that issue that the KJV is God’s word or the modern Bible versions are God’s word. They cannot say the opposite of one another and both be God’s word. This is a foundational issue. This is a major issue. There is no middle ground here. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24:15.
Edward Hendrie
Author of "HOAX of Biblical Proportions"
I like the LSB
Hey brother, I highly recommend Calvin's commentary of Hebrews 6. It touches on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which Christ addressed with the Pharisees. One can be enlightened by the Spirit without being trully brought to belief by the Holy Spirit. Much love to you.
Thanks, I'm much familiar with that concept from him. I mentioned it a while back in an old video on once saved always saved.
Ahkay thanks for that. Might have to check it out some time. May the Lord be with you, drawing nearer to himself until we are with Him in glory.
Great Video
Thanks, Chris!
I’m curious about your comments on Romans 5. Could you give a brief explanation as to what you meant by that?
I did a teaching on the topic here: davidleebrownteaching.bandcamp.com/track/made-for-innocence-2
Romans 5 is what is used as a proof text for Calvinism and he is showing that he doesn't see a Calvinistic bias added to The Word. This is a good thing. I've always been KJV and the LSB is very comfortable for me. I don't feel like I've gone off the rails somewhere, it just feels more modern language to me.
Hi Bro,
Would not let me edit my post.
Three things to stick with.
1. Your Bible
2. Your Bible
3. Repeat.
Don’t let people alter your path that the Lord has put you on. Your a very dear sweet Brother in Jesus to have. When in hard times, read
Psalm 54
Hear is a prayer to pray before reading Scripture that I use.
Soli Deo Gloria
Merciful God,
Please anoint me with your Holy Spirit.
As I read Your Holy Word, let me hear your voice speaking to me from within.
Lord, give me your wisdom to understand your message to me.
Lord please let your message to me be the joy of my heart and the lamp to my feet.
Please give me your strength to build my life on Your Word.
Let it be done unto me according to your Word.
Lord, may I rejoice in the blessedness of hearing your Word and keeping it.
Speak Lord, your servant is listening.
In Jesus Name I pray.
Another prayer when you don’t know what to say is
As You Know,
As You Will,
Have Mercy.
(This is a very deep, deep prayer). Meditate an pray about it and you will be blessed with understanding.
Your Brother in Jesus our Lord,
I am getting a tattoo on my hand of the Hebrew word Hear for the shema
That's cool!
The LORD OUR GOD IS ONE ,IF GOD is a Spirit he is One Spirit, if GOD IS A being or person He is One person or being, GOD is One that has been taught for many many years and is the first and greatest commandment, Jesus quoted it when they ask him,which commandment was the greatest
Arminians have accused the NASB and NIV as having a Calvinist bias.
Both the body and soul are corrupted because of the fall. This does not mean that people are as a bad as they can be, but rather, that the effects of the Fall have completely ruined the total being of man. It is not just that man’s mind is ruined, or that just his body is ruined, or that just his soul ruined. It means the whole man is corrupted with sin. This would mean that man cannot fundamentally do anything to please God. Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” Genesis 6:5 “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This depravity begins at conception. It does not begin when we do something bad. We are not sinners because we sin, rather, we sin because we are sinners. Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was sharpen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Depravity of the heart is completely extensive so that the creature (us), cannot will to do any good. All we do is evil. All we love is ourselves. We suppress God, and exalt ourselves.
Amen brother. He was eisegeting those scriptures to prove a point but missed the context of Romans 5 and so on. We are born with a sin nature and Genesis 5 makes that clear when it says that Adam had children after HIS image and likeness (fallen). We are not sinners because we sin but rather we sin because we are sinners. A lot of Churxh goers are not ready to have that conversation on a serious level because they've been made to believe that Jesus is their teddy bear sky daddy. Yahweh is the eternal sovereign God is accomplishes all of His good pleasure.
Hi, is the legacy translation available in audio?
I'm not sure. That'd bee really cool though. If not, I wonder if they'd let me do one. It's be easier if I didn't have to do the KJV.
@@davidleebrown3956 The LSB audio bible is available on RUclips.
As a Calvinist I would actually point to Romans 3, not Romans 5 for total depravity.
Scripture is LITTERED with support for Calvinism. 🙂
Romans 3 - no doubt - carries good thunderous truths that are easy for us all to agree on. No clear order of operations there though, except all have sinned, turned away, etcetera.
@@davidleebrown3956 yeah it would depend on how we would understand the word “all” as it has different connotations throughout the Bible. Is it all without exception or all without distinction? I would say Paul makes the argument that all without exception in Adam are counted as sinful because he is their representative before God, those in Jesus are represented by Jesus as their head thus counted as sinless. I think we can also make the argument from Paul that children while they may be sinful, are not counted as such before God because they do not yet have a fully developed conscience. Which is one of the reasons God says there are “innocents” in Nineveh.
And this is where the discussion of federal headship comes in. How do we define that and apply a consistent hermeneutic to Romans 5:18-19; 1 Corinthians 15:22 on Calvinist terms 🤷♂️
A baby or toddler is not influenced by a sea of iniquity, nobody has to teach them how to be greedy or self absorbed, we are all born with the sin nature!
You are actually correct that HOW you pronounce the divine name is nowhere near as important as IF you pronounce it at all......
For most of my life , I've held it as a standard that those who do not use the Father's name of the Bible can't possibly be Christ's true disciples.
How could they get something so easy wrong?
Christ literally said that he had come here to make his Father's name known and that he will continue to do so.
Yahweh is a fine translation.
Most scholars agree thats the closest, but I personally believe the true pronunciation is somewhere around Yehovah. 🤔
Now that it's FINALLY becoming common for mainstream christianity to once again use the divine name, I feel like thinking persons are forced to ask two questions.
1. Why weren't the major denominations using the father's name For the past , how many hundred years , even though it's quite literally a command in scripture.
2. Are there any denominations that were using the divine name All this time while you were all sitting on the side lines??
There is POWER in the name of JESUS, It was inherited name of the FATHER it means YAHWEH saves it is the name above all names in heaven and earth,thats the name we should use,he is the father manifested in the body of christ jesus
The Holy Spirit is the father in action, Only One Divine Diety Spirit of GOD
Are you propagating the heresy of modalism/oneness
There is only ONE Who sits on the Thrown, his name is JESUS, GOD is a Spirit and He is HOLY, there is only one Spirit that is Diety ephesians 4:4-6 GOD our Father was in Christ reconciling the world to HIMSELF
The translators of the LSB have gone on record to say that the KJV is wrong. They claim that “Jehovah we do believe is an incorrect way of pronouncing it [the tetragrammaton, YHVH]. But what that is, it is a misreading of the vowels that appear on the letters YHWH on the word Yahweh.”
Vowels in Hebrew are represented by marks called points. Hebraist Dr. Nehemia Gordon did extensive research into ancient Hebrew texts and found that the vowel points for the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) always have been sheva, holem, and kamatz. Thus, the English pronunciation of the pointed Tetragrammaton (YHVH) can only be Jehovah. He concluded that the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) pronunciation cannot be Yahweh. Indeed, Dr. Gordon determined that the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) pronunciation in Hebrew has always been Yehovah (in English, it would be pronounced Jehovah). Dr. Gordon uncovered more than 1.000 ancient Hebrew Bible manuscripts containing the vowel points that render the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) in Hebrew as Yehovah; in English it would be pronounced Jehovah. Yahweh is a heathen tribal god.
The LSB joins the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge in undermining the eternal and sovereign deity of Jehovah by replacing him with Yahweh. The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia let the cat out of the bag. The encyclopedia reveals that Yahweh, is, in reality, a heathen god worshiped by the nomadic Midianites:
“Yahweh appears as an old deity of Sinai, revered in untold antiquity as a weather god, and as such brought by Moses to Israel, to him revealed through his connection with the Midianite priestly family.”
Thus, the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia acknowledges that their rendition of YHVH as “Yahweh” is based on the encyclopedia writers’ belief that the Jews worshipped a heathen weather god of Sinai called Yahweh. The encyclopedia writers have a preconceived idea that serves to undermine the divinity of Jehovah. The encyclopedia then claims that "the form was never pronounced as Yehovah (Jehovah).”
The LSB has grafted the heathen god, Yahweh, in place of the Holy God, Jehovah. Historians state that Yahweh is one of the gods of the Syro-Palestinian pantheon, which included Baal. Those profane historians claim that Yahweh was adopted as a god by the Jews from the surrounding tribes and eventually emerged as the national god of Israel and Judah.
The LSB is a profane Bible that is polluted with heathen superstition, even to the point of replacing God Almighty, Jehovah, with a heathen god, Yahweh.
Edward Hendrie
Author of “Hoax of Biblical Proportions”
Actually His name is YAHUAH and His Son's name is YAHUSHA (YAHUAH is our Salvation)
Whatever name of God is incorrect, should we be using the wrong name of God? You wouldn't call him Alah would you?
Since we don't have the correct pronunciation, as it's been lost to time, Simply using it is enough. Whatever the translation.
Would you continue to use a "bible" that says that Jesus and Lucifer are the same??? I would hope not. These are from the LSB... “I, Jesus, sent My angel to bear witness to you of these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” - Revelation 22:16 LSB
Then, referring to Lucifer: “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations”! - Isaiah 14:12 LSB
Sorry but this is blasphemous!!!! I couldn't, with a clear conscience, continue reading from this "bible" This is but ONE example of the many perversions that have crept into these corrupt "bible" versions and why I am unapologetically King James ONLY! You should be too!
lol, that's not the same thing.
KJV and LSB are the only two versions I read and I have read the entire ESV. The two verses that you used are not calling Jesus and lucifer the same at all. Linguistically, o star of the morning and bright morning star are not the same phrase. Furthermore Rev 22:16 is talking about lucifer's fall from his once elevated status where once he was of light but now he is not. But I will give you this, if someone that doesn't read their Bible often came across those two passages in the LSB it may be confusing at casual glance but there is a remedy for that. We read our Bibles, we read them often, and we read in context for what was intended by the author who God inspired when pen met paper.
I think you are incorrect about that, AV
@@jdc1264 savedbygrace and jdc, it’s true. All the modern translation “Bibles” have been corrupted. I don’t blame you if you are offended by that statement either. When someone first told me this, I was highly offended that I was being told my “precious” NASB was corrupt. But I thought about it for a while. I then purposed in my heart that I wanted, above all else, the TRUTH. If what I was being told was actually true, I wanted to know about it, and it was worth the time it took me to find out! I decided to do some research on this topic. Several years worth of research. The short answer to what I discovered is that IT WAS TRUE! Satan has absolutely infiltrated the “modern translations”
Read the book “New Age Bible Versions: An Exhaustive Documentation of the Message, Men & Manuscripts Moving Mankind to the Antichrist's One World Religion “ by G. A. Riplinger. **
It WILL change your mind!!!!!
This book offers TONS of COMPELLING evidence that proves the King James Only stance!
I can now say, without reservation, I am unapologetically a member of the King James Only group. After seeing the evidence in favor of that position, I can’t in good conscience go back. I just can’t. At times, I felt sick to my stomach as I saw how some passages of the modern translations have been altered, and the implications that those changes have.
In the quiet of your heart look into this issue. If you actually do, I guarantee that you will switch to kjv only and join me in this cause.
Consider my words. It’s true. 🙂