Scrapping an Air Cooler - How Much Copper is Inside? - Progress on the Van - ASMR Metal Scrapping

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • Hello everyone! For today's video, we continue with my Scrapping for Copper series with episode 11. I'm really trying to get my storage unit organized and clean of all the clutter before the end of the year so I can really start using it for it's full potential. To do this, I decided to scrap out a broken Evaporative Air Cooler. How much copper is inside it? Once I get it all torn apart, I'll show you exactly how much different metal was inside it. If you stick around until the very end, I'll tell you how much progress I've made on my van.
    If you like this video, please give me a thumbs up. Feel free to subscribe if you want to see updates on the van and more scrapping for copper content.
    Thanks for watching everyone, happy scrapping!
    #scrappingmetal #asmr #scrappingforcopper

Комментарии • 44

  • @JsStack
    @JsStack Год назад +3

    Great video brother!!! More copper than I thought would be in it. Thank you for the update on the van. Won’t be long and you will be out street scrapping.

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Thanks brother!!! Not too bad considering what it was. I can’t wait to get that POS van on the road and start cashing in my steel!!! I also decided that all the $$$ I make from scrapping, I’m going to start stacking silver and gold 🤤

    • @JsStack
      @JsStack Год назад +2

      @@Scrap2Cast Great idea. Gold and silver on hand is a great investment. I am glad I have had silver a couple of times over the last year. Had some stuff come up and sold silver. Made a nice little profit per ounce to help cover the bills.

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      @@JsStack I love silver and gold more than copper 🤣 Unfortunately the premiums are ridiculously high but it’s free money from scrap, so it doesn’t hurt as much 🙂

    • @JsStack
      @JsStack Год назад +2

      @@Scrap2Cast Absolutely!!!

  • @RobertVartanian
    @RobertVartanian Год назад +1

    Good job on the van. Video looked pretty slick.

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Thanks a bunch, it’s starting to come together!

  • @stevecurtis4137
    @stevecurtis4137 Год назад +1

    Yes, it was worth your time. You got to make a video for me to watch. 😁 The van is coming together very nicely buddy. See you in your next video

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Thanks buddy, I like the way you think! Thanks a bunch for sticking around! Can’t wait to start driving the van again! 😁🍻👊🏼

  • @jimmatthews6342
    @jimmatthews6342 Год назад +1

    Awesome brother

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Thanks brother, much appreciated! :)

  • @timsmith9645
    @timsmith9645 Год назад +1

    Awesome video nice little copper did I see your new ride sitting in the building lol thanks for sharing s2c

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Lmao thanks brother! A co-worker gave it to me. I paid it forward to a friend who will be giving it to his nephew once he is old enough to ride it. Thanks for watching! 😁🍻👊🏼

    • @timsmith9645
      @timsmith9645 Год назад +1

      Lol you're welcome I'm sure he will enjoy it when he's old enough

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Yeah I’m sure he will too. I honestly wanted to keep it for myself and make a custom seat for it. Thing is pretty f’n sweet!

    • @timsmith9645
      @timsmith9645 Год назад +1

      @@Scrap2Cast I knew it lol

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад


  • @KrakenCasting
    @KrakenCasting Год назад +1

    Nice one! My brother in law is looking for the same kind of van. It's a cool project!

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Thanks man, it definitely lives up to it’s name as a hunk-of-poopie although I am eager to get it on the road to get more scrap 🤤

  • @saschakonze6867
    @saschakonze6867 Год назад +2

    Hey S2C! Nice teardown. but a huge amount of plastic, this thing had to be half its size. i think it is worth tearing down. to the van! nice to see what you did and want to to. i like the fact that the sell off made enough money to reinvest, to put up the future of this channel! Have a nice time, see u soon!

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Thanks mate! Too much plastic for my liking! I just received the new coil packs and spark plugs today. Hoping to get them installed Monday or Tuesday. I might do a video on it for the heck of it. Maybe scrap out the old coil packs for copper 🤣. Thanks for watching my friend and I’ll see you on the next one! 🙂👊🏼🍻

  • @bonnienklyde7423
    @bonnienklyde7423 Год назад +1

    Nice 👍👍 enjoy your getaway, I have 10 days off coming up for deer season wohooo. 👊🏻☮

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Thanks brother! A well-deserved 10 day break to do something you love to do. Not much of a hunter or a lover of venison myself but I do love deer jerky🤤. Thanks for watching brother and enjoy your time off! 🙂👊🏼🍻☮️

  • @HeinrichsMade
    @HeinrichsMade Год назад +2

    Nice video keep on trucking, or should i say vannning? 1 hr to scrap that out.
    .. im on the fence. I probably wouldn't, but if you enjoy doing it than heck yeah!

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Haha vanning sounds good to me! Yeah it was a letdown for the time spent but keep in mind I can scrap waaaaay faster if I wasn’t recording and stopping to check that the unit is in focus. That and I micro-scrap everything. Those little wire cutoffs I would just toss in my insulated wire pile and sell as-is.

    • @HeinrichsMade
      @HeinrichsMade Год назад +1

      @@Scrap2Cast yeah it would be so much faster not videoing it. Lol I thought about that the other day.

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      @@HeinrichsMade damn straight bro

  • @Michael-ex5ho
    @Michael-ex5ho Год назад +1

    What a deal on that van it’s worth at least $150

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      I’m thinking more like $300 - $350 but then again, what the heck do I know 🤣

  • @donl4914
    @donl4914 Год назад +1

    As for the Copper, Nice little bit there. Now was it worth it?? Only as a hobby yes, but the amount was not worth the time. It was worth the FUN in ripping it
    Keep the Van going, When it passes inspection and Smog you will have a heart addition to your hauling capability.
    Start calling you Jab
    Keep the content coming Brother!!! Good luck is only around the next corner... 🙂

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Thanks Brother! It definitely wasn’t worth micro-scrapping but as a hobby, hell yeah it was 🤣. I’m definitely looking forward to hauling more scrap to the yard, especially steel. Really tough cashing steel in with a little Honda, although I have done it recently. Starting to think I should change the name to Scrap2Cash 🤣

  • @xiaomim7521
    @xiaomim7521 Месяц назад +1

    Scraping machine???? What machine is it???

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Месяц назад

      You can find it on Amazon, just do a search for “automatic wire stripping machine” I think they are going for $150 USD

  • @ManMountainMetals
    @ManMountainMetals Год назад +1

    You need separate van content. People love watching others suffer, auto videos get the watchtime.

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад +1

      Willing to give it a whirl :)

  • @shaolinfox30
    @shaolinfox30 Год назад +2

    Do you want to scrap my prius? My mechanic says he doesn't want to touch it😮 BASTID🙏☹️🫨🫣😂

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      Oh man what’s wrong with it?!?!

    • @ManMountainMetals
      @ManMountainMetals Год назад +1

      ​@@Scrap2Cast😂 how much copper is in a Prius?

    • @Scrap2Cast
      @Scrap2Cast  Год назад

      I'm guessing a lot more than I have stacked right now!

    • @shaolinfox30
      @shaolinfox30 Год назад +1

      @@Scrap2Cast ended up replacing a brake line and a cylinder. I really need to replace all the lines though it's super New England rotted.

    • @shaolinfox30
      @shaolinfox30 Год назад +2

      @@ManMountainMetals 1,000,000 lbs🥲👾🦆