Bulky Truck: ASMR Bulk crushing!

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @edfeustel5235
    @edfeustel5235 Год назад +4

    Your videos give me a mental reset. Love the Crunch, Crush and Compact.

  • @Something2LookAt
    @Something2LookAt Год назад +4

    Always a joy to see a new video has posted from you!

  • @brandomguess
    @brandomguess Год назад +2

    43:53 ah man a flip chair! Had one of those as a kid, same color too. Awesome.

  • @rangez3
    @rangez3 Год назад +3

    A new clip! 😀
    Thanks for sharing!

  • @jeffcampbell2120
    @jeffcampbell2120 Год назад +5

    It's amazing how much you can get in one truck

  • @warsticker
    @warsticker Год назад +3

    This must have been Thursday last week, 1/19 when it wasn't suppose to rain. and it rained.... Appreciate you, thanks for your service!!!

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      Nice guess! Thank you for watching truly appreciate you!

  • @Krisss1990
    @Krisss1990 Год назад +4

    At 18:53 that leather couch cushion has a bad day

  • @padertaucher8522
    @padertaucher8522 Год назад +3

    Yeah man, a new fantastic video from you🙂👍! It's raining again, what a 💩weather for you😮‍💨. But how I see nothing can stop your awesome work. So much furniture on this tour. It looks like leather couches are out of fashion, you crushed so many of them. The couches at 18:15 and 29:30 are nice and in good condition, you crushed and flattened them . lol💪😂😂😂. I hope it's much fun for you to see how they meet their demise. Shame about the antique cupboard(45:30) The fittings were wonderful 😥. I like and love your clips so much❤🥰. Can't wait to see the next one. All the best for you and your whole family!!!! Greetings from Germany.

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! and glad you enjoy the videos!!! Truly appreciate you!!!! Take care!

    • @padertaucher8522
      @padertaucher8522 Год назад

      @@BulkyCrusher Thank you for your kind reply. Appreciate you to!!!

  • @tracyruth4247
    @tracyruth4247 Год назад +7

    Your videos make my day better! I enjoyed this, though I do wish there were more recycling going on in the world. Thank you for the dump shot! Looking forward to your next video 😊👍

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +1

      Yes! I totally agree with you! I mean our company does recycle a lot, but yes more can be done! Truly appreciate you!!!

  • @DavidM.R.
    @DavidM.R. Год назад +5

    What about the box spring in 8:36? Why did you leave it? Simply curiosity

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +5

      Hey there! It was scheduled for recycling, it was not on my list for collection, so I checked mattress recycling list and it was on there… so yes it was collected! Thanks for asking!

  • @johnwick5006
    @johnwick5006 Год назад +3

    Great as always. Thank you so much!

  • @frankwilde3207
    @frankwilde3207 Год назад +3

    Great Video Best wishes from germany

  • @erichorsan6993
    @erichorsan6993 Год назад +4

    Great video

  • @davejustdave4721
    @davejustdave4721 Год назад +5

    Why did you leave the box spring behind?? What did I miss 😳 😕

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      It was scheduled for Mattress/box spring recycling! So I left it behind! Thanks for asking! Appreciate you very much!

  • @Floresita143
    @Floresita143 Год назад +2

    Thank you Mr Bulky for all your hard work and those amazing videos 😊😅

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      Glad you like them! Appreciate you very much!

  • @jasonhadfield1551
    @jasonhadfield1551 Год назад +4

    That was an amazing video and as always amazing content on this channel

  • @NapierNimbus
    @NapierNimbus Год назад +3

    Great stuff really was crammed to the max at the end. Delicious delectation of munching, awesome crushing. Really is amazing the crushing and cramming power of the vehicle.

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +1

      Right!!! This lil truck packs a huge punch!!!! It’s awesome! I love this truck!

  • @MurrayDagostino
    @MurrayDagostino Год назад +2

    All my favorite asmr sounds ❤

  • @padertaucher8522
    @padertaucher8522 Год назад +3

    I can look it again and again🤪, and what can I say, I love it🥰💯

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      Thank you so much!!!! Great to hear you love the videos! I'll Drop another video today working on it as I type!

  • @viper1106
    @viper1106 Год назад +5

    1:14 clothes, shoe racks, maybe bags of clothes and shoes?
    26:07 sneakers
    33:27 shoebox 33:31 black sneaker for an instant 😢

  • @jeffcampbell2120
    @jeffcampbell2120 Год назад +4

    Just checking in again with a fellow veteran. I hope all is well and good and that you keep making good videos.
    Good luck and keep your powder dry.

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      🫡 our veterans! Truly appreciate you! Thank you for your service! 🫡 🇺🇸

  • @startswithjay2315
    @startswithjay2315 Год назад +2

    Wow! That truck holds a lot of stuff. I keep saying to myself, that's got to be full.

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      Yes! It's small but can pack a punch! Get about 4-5 tons a load!

  • @appeltje460
    @appeltje460 Год назад +3

    Hey top man and big friend . How lovely to see your new video & yes with the great sounds . As you know my old job in the netherlands / holland . May i ask you what was the most horrible thing that you have find in your bulky truck / crusher ??? Kind regards from albert , the south 46200 france . 😊👍

  • @moofdoggmike
    @moofdoggmike Год назад +2

    Another good one! how does the truck know when to move the ram inside as it fills up? do you need to advance it back or does it push It back as it fills up? Thanks for you hard work... pretty wet still, hope you get some sun to dry out!

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +3

      Think I'm going to make a Short Video Explaining how the Blade inside the load body works!

    • @moofdoggmike
      @moofdoggmike Год назад

      @@BulkyCrusher that would be awesome!

  • @jeffcampbell2120
    @jeffcampbell2120 Год назад +4

    I didn't think that tires were allowed in landfills. Here in Ohio we can't even throw innertubes in the trash. Just wondering.

    • @saltyassassins5816
      @saltyassassins5816 Год назад +1

      I'm with you on that. Minnesota won't allow tires in the landfills. Inner tubes I'm not sure if we can landfill or not. Then to in the city I live in bulky waste costs 10 dollars per item to dispose of.

    • @frankciccarelli2422
      @frankciccarelli2422 Год назад +1

      The shell of the tire is ok

  • @frankciccarelli2422
    @frankciccarelli2422 Год назад +3

    Fellow vetran and sanitation worker here is your truck a 20 yd or 25 yd

  • @MichaelsTransportationVehicles
    @MichaelsTransportationVehicles Год назад +4

    I know it's too late but, Merry 'late' Christmas and a Happy 'late' New year

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад +2

      Hope you had an amazing holiday season!!! Thank you very much!!!!!

  • @divineintervention253
    @divineintervention253 Год назад +2

    Wow 😳

  • @katieweller5943
    @katieweller5943 Год назад +1

    Thank you garbage collectors for all that you do for this great country.

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      This country is truly great! Truly appreciate you! Thanks for watching!

  • @barrydysert2974
    @barrydysert2974 Год назад +2

    God bless You !:-)

  • @andreacapovilla7104
    @andreacapovilla7104 Год назад +2

    Sempre tanta roba

  • @anaclaudiamattosdacosta1484
    @anaclaudiamattosdacosta1484 Год назад +2

    Oi meu amigo... Boa tarde... quanto tempo.... tudo bem com você e sua família???? Fica com Deus.

  • @JanKowalski-ed5fj
    @JanKowalski-ed5fj Год назад

    Pozdrawiam z Polski

    • @BulkyCrusher
      @BulkyCrusher  Год назад

      Greetings! Glad to see you! 🇵🇱🇺🇸