Someone once said that Fou T'song is the ONLY PIANIST to ever come from China. Those words were spoken back in the late 70s and at that time I didn't really quite understand why. After hearing this recording, now I know why. He is both such a wonderful technician and has the heart of a true soulful artist. That is why.
La sonate en sol Majeur .L455 est une pure jouissance. Elle a été plagié pour le film le Bossu de Philippe de Broca. ( a aucun moment il n'est question de Scarlatti.... ). Si j'avais a choisir le générique d'une émission de radio , je choisirai cette sonate et dans cette interpration.
Great performance. Mr Fou should be better known!
Un grand interprète . Ma version préférée de la Sonate K 455 .
Someone once said that Fou T'song is the ONLY PIANIST to ever come from China. Those words were spoken back in the late 70s and at that time I didn't really quite understand why.
After hearing this recording, now I know why.
He is both such a wonderful technician and has the heart of a true soulful artist. That is why.
Master Fou
Oh excellent! Thank you.
La sonate en sol Majeur .L455 est une pure jouissance. Elle a été plagié pour le film le Bossu de Philippe de Broca. ( a aucun moment il n'est question de Scarlatti.... ). Si j'avais a choisir le générique d'une émission de radio , je choisirai cette sonate et dans cette interpration.