Funny how so many players forgot about the Type 59, now look at it. Also for those who don't know, this gold camo is a skin mod from WOT PC that you could only get from the black market worth over 25k gold!
@@another_eu_player8035 Yup, I recall the Super Pershing armor nerf and them trying to spin it as not being one, then refunding people and ultimately making a policy not allowing nerfing of premium vehicles afterwards due to EU laws or whatnot regarding it.
Still trash. Are you blind ? Even player like you(70% ein rate ) still not shown how to use its ability for advantage imagine if it in bad player hand. Armour buff no help a bit enemies still pen you. Buff still not fix it's problem, the reload time DPM on this tank is very low and penetration is not that good.
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Review lines please! 🙏🙏🙏
Day two of asking droodles to give the IS 6 cus i have no gold😅
What the heck is a Plague Doctor tank cant find any info on it at all. On sale for the next 24 hrs.
Funny how so many players forgot about the Type 59, now look at it. Also for those who don't know, this gold camo is a skin mod from WOT PC that you could only get from the black market worth over 25k gold!
It's also the first premium tank to get nerfed in wot pc and the only other one was the superpershing
@@another_eu_player8035 Both then got buffed multiple times afterwards.
@@yangwenli4878 yes obviously but they are the only premium ones to ever be nerfed directly by wg in wot pc
@@another_eu_player8035 Yup, I recall the Super Pershing armor nerf and them trying to spin it as not being one, then refunding people and ultimately making a policy not allowing nerfing of premium vehicles afterwards due to EU laws or whatnot regarding it.
@@yangwenli4878 exactly. I wasn't playing back then but I did hear this
Back when it first came out on PC when I still in school. This thing was OP af
I love the type 59. Might play it again
You know the tank is a banger when the name starts with type.
wow such an amazing comment😮
@@Cian810 Ikr
Type 34😂
Type shit🙂↕️
@@TheWalkingMiceits good
There's also the m-4-yoh with emergency track mechanic in tier 8
also tge dynamic armour mechanic on titan tanks, at tier 7 too!
Abd the scepter as well, also the helsings mechanic on the souleater
Was this the first Chinese tank in Wotb or was it the Type 62
brother forgot about the Scepter again, it *has an ability.*
Yoo finally this tank is good now
Personally I still think it needs a buff I played 50 games in it already and it feels better but still needs a small buff on the gun.
make a video on the su85i
They should add the Type 69, its just the Type 59 but with a better gun slightly better engine.
Type 59 lowkey op
shit is not op 😭😭
Can u review lines? A lot has changed!🙏🙏🙏
Does the Groundtank have the Pharoahs "Desert Force" speacial ability aswell or did Droods just mis-speak ?
The Ground Tank does have it as well
Did they list out non-tier 10 balance changes anywhere?
How is Type 59 tier 8 collector? One month ago, when I sold it, it was tier 7 premium.
The Type 59 has never been a tier 7 in the many years it's been in the game. You may be thinking of the Type 62
I hate it since it has low dpm and everyone just yolo
The first with ability ? what about grountank - Scepter - Titans Charioteer and 54d , and souleater ( maybe I forgot others)
How’s his tank gold ?
Hey, could you say something about type 59 spc? When I search type 59 on blitzkit, it shows even type 59 spc. Please tell something about it
I think it a China server exclusive tank
that tank is for china server only you cant get on other server
@@diaapc2913 Alright, that makes sense
Looks exactly like 121b Haha
Bruh i tried this mod but it did not work , how is it possible that it works for you?
Anyone wanna talk about Keiler???
kieler is a great tank if you hide your lower plate you are fine but dont forget about the hatch because sometimes may you get hatched
It’s written keiler
I sold this tank last August to buy b-c bourraque😢😢
dont be sad B-C bourraque one of the most overpowerd tier 8 its even better than Type59
Tu es le meilleur
Not convinced
my type is 59
even the tank got adptive concement the gun is not good
KNowLeDgE iS nOt MEta...
iNteLLiGeNcE iS oVERaTeD.
Your average blitz player.
Got it back but its still not that good tbh.
the gun is not good
@@diaapc2913yeh, there are far better new premium tier 8 mediums the Obj 590, the two new German KPZ's and the TSL-7
This tank is the tank that won us the Vietnam war, so having it mean a lot to me as a Vietnamese
Yeah I’m gonna be straight to the point and tell you that is complete propaganda
Still trash. Are you blind ? Even player like you(70% ein rate ) still not shown how to use its ability for advantage imagine if it in bad player hand. Armour buff no help a bit enemies still pen you. Buff still not fix it's problem, the reload time DPM on this tank is very low and penetration is not that good.