Amen! Almost always. He just needs to embrace the fullness of covenant theology and thus embrace the sign and seal of baptism to the infants of believer(s) ;-)
Sinclairs absolutely right, many people have set up a platform of just parroting what they hear from any pastors and pass it of for a few likes not to the glory of God or as teachers of Gods word.
Exactly, its not the next generation that's a problem its the ones afterward. This can only be possibly countered by a perpetual, conscientious, deliberate and constant drive to focus on truth, God, and the Bible that you pass on.
We are so blessed with this, it can not even be expressed
This was one of the best Q & A sessions I've heard.
Steven Lawson is almost always right! God Bless him.
Amen! Almost always. He just needs to embrace the fullness of covenant theology and thus embrace the sign and seal of baptism to the infants of believer(s) ;-)
He needs to change his eschatology
Well…this hurts a bit
Sinclairs absolutely right, many people have set up a platform of just parroting what they hear from any pastors and pass it of for a few likes not to the glory of God or as teachers of Gods word.
Exactly, its not the next generation that's a problem its the ones afterward. This can only be possibly countered by a perpetual, conscientious, deliberate and constant drive to focus on truth, God, and the Bible that you pass on.
I am new here
yes welcome
Amen glad the Lord has brought you to such a fruitful and faithful conference for His glory 🙏
Constantine changed the Sabbath Saturday to Sunday the years ..AD..321 ..AMPERAR ROMA...