What is Tricking?
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- / performermunks
This is a video I made to help people understand what Tricking really is in the simplest way possible, and to see what it has developed into.
If you were to take a mix of different Martial Arts such as Wushu, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Capoeria, gymnastic tumbling & acrobatics, some break dancing flair... and put it into an art form based on a non-contact movement, Martial Arts Tricking is what you would have.
Made by Munks
Music : Heaven Help Us by Globus (Europa Instrumental)
This video was made with the video "Dream on, Trick on" in mind
In this video (Order of Appearance)
-Damien Walters
-Danny Graham
-Vellu Saarela
-Anis Cheurfa
-John Vanek
-Jeremy Marinas (Prodigy)
-Rasmus Ott
-Scotty Skelton (Mr. Double ABCD)
-Severin Blytt (Safari)
Thanks for supporting tricking dude, people don't realise how hard it is to pull out this moves and mostly make them look nice and clean...
wow i wanted to show my sister what i do all the time and this video is a perfect intro into understanding tricking! EXCELLNT WORK!!!!!
As one of the original old school trickers from back in the day, this video makes me proud.
barely started the whole triking thing at first i was scared but when i land a new trick i get a feeling of peace inside of me that at the same time fills me with energy
Awesome video, finally something that you can always link to when someone asks you "what's that stuff you do?"
I have watched this vid so many times already, great motivation.
and what kind of Trickster would thumbs down this video...?!?!
To: ENXJ. I really do appreciate the great work and artistry of these fine athletes and I was not really refering to your comments, but, I was interjecting a little humor of which would be out of place. (It is street jargon from the 1970's and '80's) So disregard. You are doing very well and wish you all of the best.
Best video I've EVER seen, explaining the passion :D
5* + fav
I got shivers down my spine from watching this.
I'd say the "excitement" part is what makes tricking so unique in the end.
Josh this video still gives me goosebumps
This video goes straight to my heart each time I watch it, and I'm not even a trickster, I'm a freerunner :D
dude, how sick is this vid? you just inspired me to start tricking again !
Never thought I'd see Europa by Globus used in a Tricking compilation
Não canso de ver. muito bom.
Merci pour cette vidéo mec ! Ça nous représente bien !
Ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas frissonner comme ça !
dude. beautiful just beautiful.
One Word...
@akajuli46 this video isn't about showing best trickers in the world, it's just showing the meaning of tricking
Nice !! You couldn't choose a best song and vids for this !
@CrIsPe3 the song is Europa by Globus
well done munks. great compilation!
This goes straight to my HardDrive into my collection - Inspiration.
So motivating video! Great job man!!!!
yeahhh man that video was really sick!!!
thx for doing it munks!
I'm glad someone else knows what they are talking about!
This is freakin awesome! Good job Munkehhh... This is now my goto link for when people ask me what tricking is. ^_^ :good:
Tricking, the way of life I couldn't live without.
@123IOWNALL321 just so you know, parkour is getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible.
freerunning is just as it sounds: run freely wherever you want and however you want. no destination, and practitioners are free to add flair (flips, rolls, etc.) to their traversing.
legen... wait for it DARY epic video!!!
so beautiful....
Haha, thanks for the comments... I put the "limits" thing is because we are pushing the bodies limits!
As for Guthrie, I've only really ever seen his triple cork and really wanted HD footage for this, which I don't think there is any of him?
Awesome video man.
@munkehhh ROFL!!!! Munks, you are my hero.
There is my class in the UK (link at the end of the video) but there are very rare! There are quite a few open sessions tho that you can go to and teach yoruself.
As for the US I think its a similar situation at the moment... with White Lotus in LA being the only one I can think of.
Join tricksession com/forum... its the biggest tricking forum, so ask there for your closest classes/sessions
It was a double b-twist swingthrough double cork
greatest vid on youtube
Free Running is Parkour with flips... and Parkour is the physical discipline which focuses on rational and efficient movement in both the natural and urban environments (over obstacles etc.) to which there is none in this video.
@diongwill No not just doing combos and tricks just passing time with your friends
"The windmill is a breakdance move or B-Boy move where the bboy starts off by getting into a handglide position and swiping his legs around in a circle while spinning on his back"
Please stop arguing, you are wrong.
WOOOoooooooooooooooooooOOOW !!
Really amazing trick !
I want to be a good performer like them ^^
My God that was brilliant!
that´s the truth,sir!!! ... i like it!!!
@munkehhh most of the time you have fun with the people you train with
love this video
this vid is so amazing
Mr Double ABCD
Its showing that if you take Gymnastics with Martial Arts and break dancing, you get Tricking... please don't make stupid comments in the future.
these guys wud be amazing dancers!
amazing vid
@pizzaman408 Tricking is a mix of flip twist kicks and dance...
how could one dislike this video??
@yajstylez and Vellu the Best!..
omg totaly sick this video!!!
Thats not the point, the clip is of "Gymnastic Tumbling" implying Tricking takes ideas and maneuvers from it.
@123IOWNALL321 now i dont know much about tricking but i am a traceur, and i can tell the difference of gymnastics and tricking, gymnastics has set rules and one way of doing things, tricking is based around martial arts, its pointless in a fight but its the acrobatics around martial arts, mixing twists and turns and adding kicks and punches
:O i give you so much respect for making this
vid thank you god bless
@blainded Thank u bro!!! nobody seems to understand that !!!
It started in the American Karate Circuits! There's lots of Wushu and Capoeira! and I'm sure there's a few more too, yes there's quite a bit of TKD but hardly enough to call it extreme TKD.
@chichakproductions In tricking they do bboy moves as like a save when they mess up on a move or as a transition
That dude at 0:17 is listed in Wikipedia as the first person ever recorded to perform a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku in real life.
sick job munks !
@lolpancake12345 yeah he is an awesome twister i totally agree... when he lands quad twists, he'll be the best twister ever =D
1:52 best combo EVER!!
@munkehhh I just refered to this citation : "It's not tricking if you're not having fun" :P
best 2 minutes of my life...
1.12 & 1.26 .... yes it is.
some serious skill involved there
@Psyphox Just telling you man the real fun in all of this is hanging out with friends and doing tricks with them... You'll understand if you trick...
Great video! :)
really really really wish i could do this stuff.
tricking is about getting the trick done, gymnastics is about getting a trick with perfect form. also, when was the last time you saw a gymnast throwing kicks?
@DeathDude72 Not exactly self defense. Some stuff might work, but it's just suppose to look cool and it's great for fitness. I think it succeeds well in both of those things.
I'm sure if a lot of them did get in a fight, they'd know better not go go all flashy.
i agree 100%. i also think mike guthrie would have made a nice addition to this video
-Scotty Skelton (Mr. Double ABCD)
VERY good point! - I'm surprised your the first to mention "Fun"
Beauty = Anis Cheurfa!!!!
To: ENXJ. I possessed a different notion regarding the definition of tricking.
@XxXMooieXxX @XxXMooieXxX There's two things you could be talking about. One is the touchdown raiz, the other is the valdez . You can see them both in the video titled 'steven atkinson t/d raiz to valdez double full'
@123IOWNALL321 gymnastics uses things like beams and those rings and stuff. yeah they are flexible and stuff. But they're two completely different things. Tricking evolved out of XMA (extreme martial arts), which in turn came from karate in North America (as far as my understanding is.)
Really awesome movie, truly legends in tricking, ;)
Btw, what is the name on that song?
I LUV THIS VIDEO SOOO MUCH...but it wouldve been nice to see som phil gibbs or daniel brenes in there
@jilejopa most of them learn through videos or friends but it would be most helpful to have a strong martial arts and/or gymnastics background so that your moves will be cleaner and easier to learn newer moves.
Vellu Saarela
@alex3run93 just wondering, i trick with Scotty sometimes.
jesus, the speed that those guys have
The first 3 clips are showing you what Tricking consists of, hence the different text and being on the intro before the song kicks in...
no, its more that trickers use some breakdance moves, just as you guys use some tricking moves.
@yoltic9 The only way to improve in any hobby is by watching champions, not amateurs
@TheNickizhere I believe that would be Ott
song: Heaven Help Us -by- Globus (Europa Instrumental)
@alex3run93 yeah not that many kicks but he was still the first that i saw to land triple cork :D.
AWESOME Sick video Josh!! :D I wanna trick with you again it's been too long man
@Juudoka hmm... then why do trickers often throw breakdancing moves into combos? just check anis' stuff. jeremy marinas too.
Love this vid
Love it