  • Опубликовано: 17 фев 2024
    Hello hello :)
    Time for a new hints and theories video! This time about episode 7.
    Have you seen anything suspicious? And what do you think about the hints and theories I've mentioned?
    Share your opinion in the comments below :)
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Комментарии • 15

  • @felienmusic
    @felienmusic 4 месяца назад +2

    Oh my gosh I am Dutch but I am so happy that non-Dutch-speaking people are also watching this amazing show :D I think it's Anna btw, because in Dutch in music the 'flat' symbol is called a 'mole'. In the music episode there is a mole (♭) on the A, when it should be on the B like you said. Sooo... A is the mole!

    • @julieswidm
      @julieswidm  4 месяца назад

      Hehe ja, er zijn echt vele internationale fans 😄 Leuk dat je nu ook hier bent, welkom 🤗

  • @MoleTracker
    @MoleTracker 4 месяца назад +5

    I see what the editors are trying to do, but you can't fool me! I'm still in the Rosario tunnel 🙂
    The editing of the quiz implies that Babs was voting for Rosario. But I think that was intentional to mislead people in the Rosario tunnel. It appears to have worked somewhat. Rosario was the top choice in fan polls last week, but is now behind Anna in the polls I've seen. But I'm sticking with Rosario. In the American Netflix Mole, they did something similar. I won't name names to avoid spoilers, but around this point in the season, the editing made it seem like the person sent home had voted for the actual Mole. But in interviews afterwards, he said he had voted for someone else all along, and they just used certain voiceovers during his test to make it look differently.
    This episode also used something else from the American Netflix Mole and that was the bidding for the exemption challenge (based on Julies' comments, I guess they also did it previously in the Belgian Mole). First, let me say I HATE bidding challenges. I think it is against the spirit of the game. Think about this. If the Mole wanted the pot to be any amount at all after episode 7, lets say 5000 euros, they could. And they literally wouldn't have to do any other Mole action all season. They could win every game up to this point and then just bid out everything except 5000, and poof, the pot is 5000. I guess theoretically if all 5 other players didn't look at the envelope, the Mole wouldn't have had that chance, but the odds are very likely that at least one person will look. With the pot already relatively low, I think the most logical Mole strategy is to look at the envelope. This eliminates the possibility of gaining 3000, takes away at least 500, and increases the odds that the bidder guesses correct. The Mole also would want to wait to see what the others have done before entering the room. So the fact that Rian went first, didn't open the envelope, and bid a low amount, eliminates her in my eyes. I think this played out perfectly for Rosario. All the blame was on Kees and Fons, and he didn't even have to admit that he opened the envelope.
    I enjoyed the music challenge, but I thought it was too difficult. My son is into music, so he knows music theory and I've heard some of these terms before, but I would not have been able to do any of these correctly. I think they needed to have a music person involved to have a chance at some of these (Rosario). It was odd that each player could only do 2 of the 5 challenges. I think Rosario's strategy was to get one correct (the one with the "A" hint that people think is towards Anna, but I think it may point to Rosario somehow), and then mess up the other one. My theory is that he played some of the songs wrong on the piano. They showed him playing some of them correctly, but if they had to get 3 out of 4 correct, he could easily have played some other random children's song and the other players would not have known.
    For clues this episode, there were a couple of times when there was a red light. First, a red light is shown on the back of the conductor at the end of the music challenge. And I saw on another video that Rosario previously was a conductor. Could that be another hint towards him? And then a little later, a clock is shown with a red face showing 9:16. I haven't quite figured out if that is a clue or not, but interestingly, they also show a clock on the wall when the candidates are called back to see Rik. First at 8:56 before they start, and then at 9:06 after Rian emerges. They don't specifically show who was in there at 9:16, but it could be Rosario (spoken like someone truly deep in the Rosario tunnel - LOL!)
    Two other quick comments:
    1) It must've been really hot in Mexico when they were filming this. I think I've seen more sweat stains on the players than I'd like.
    2) The pot is so low that it is making me a bit disappointed. They literally have less money now than they did after the first assignment. So the last 6 1/2 episodes were basically for nothing. I think the challenges are generally too hard and too complicated, and there are too many opportunities to take money from the pot. Basically, I think it is too easy to be the Mole this season.

    • @windfallsofdreams
      @windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад

      Rosario definitely played at least one of the songs incorrectly. Right after they show Rian’s yellow submarine drawing, the camera switches back to Rosario at the piano, and the song that he is playing does not match the notes that are appearing in front of him.

  • @thefuzzyoranges
    @thefuzzyoranges 4 месяца назад +3

    Well...that was an episode! Let's just ignore the third challenge. Everything else I actually really liked. We've had a ton of speed bumps this season, but it's nice the last two weeks picked up the pace quite a bit (last year around this time it was a real drag). The saving grace this season really has been it's phenomenal cast.
    Challenge one was great! The mini tasks less so, but I never knew the theme song was borrowed from such a beautiful piece and it was brilliant to hear it played by the orchestra. (Imagining Rik being stuck in a room for 20 minutes hearing only part of it on repeat is also rather amusing.) There's quite a bit of sabotaging that happened during this challenge, to the point that I can't even really point the finger at any one individual. Anna stole Babs for that conspiracy board for 3/4 of the allotted time, even though Babs was their second-best player to use in the challenges. Fons and Rian spent almost half the time on a challenge that they ultimately gave up on. Kees did well I think overall. For this being a challenge that played to Rosario's strengths, he certainly seemed to not contribute much (sorta reminds me of the puzzle boat challenge a few episodes back...). Add it to the pile of challenges that makes it just too hard to really suss out the mole.
    Challenge two was honestly more fun than it should have been. Kees and Rosario were so fun in their little aprons. And I legitimately don't think I've ever heard this show bleep out a curse before. I don't know what Fons said to his tuk tuk but it must've been bad XD. The mole could have done two things easily: 1) Not collect a lot of the brunchers. There were 30 people invited but I think they only collected 16? Seems a pretty bad score. 2) Mess up the line. Charlie got mistaken as Carlos, which seemed to be Rian's fault. I don't really suspect her, but she did really seem to mess this one up. I found the fact that they brought those necklaces back from the very first challenge in episode 1 here really interesting. They all seemed to be food related (Anna said they all had fruit). Wonder if there will be something hidden amongst them as a clue?
    Challenge three...well, we don't have to talk about that do we? I guess mole strategy is you HAVE to look at the questions if no one else does, but Fons goes in early for them. I just really don't see Fons as the mole, although I do think he could win. Rosario going after the questions felt sorta contestant-y too. I know a lot of other people are in the Rosario tunnel, but to that I ponder: if Rosario is the mole, wouldn't it have been a lot more fun if they hid his sabotage this challenge? Like why would they show us him going after the questions? It would've been a lot more fun at the reunion to hide this from us and leave both us and the contestants pondering about who else (aside from Fons) looked at the questions. I could be wrong of course, but I think they're really playing him up as a suspicious character to hide the real mole.
    Anna picking Fons for a moderate amount of money was SUSSY. Kees pulling a Lennart would I guess be okay if no one was onto him, but it does seem that Rian keeps answering questions on him so it would feel rather unfair if he did it. But $2000 isn't a ton of money to spend on an exemption in this game, so IDK. Rian's $550 bet was hilarious. Like I just don't see how it could be her.
    I wasn't bummed out about Babs going home, which feels mean to say. I liked her as a character but I think it would've felt pretty unfair if she had won the season. What I find impressive is how the mole has really stayed under the radar that even with the extra help of her elimination, plus Justin and Jip's information, PLUS being in a bond with Rosario, it still wasn't enough to save her. The thing I find really intriguing about Babs this week is that she didn't go for the extra questions in the third challenge. Because if anyone needed help with the finale test questions (which are cumulative) it's the contestant who missed three weeks of the season. I assume she may have seen what was coming with the exemption, but no one was going to suspect her of looking and it really would've helped her out in the future.
    We could very well be heading into one of the most suspicious final 4/3 in history (depending on how many people get eliminated in the next two weeks). I know some people are still suspicious of Rian but I think the majority are in another tunnel. She got a major increase in airtime this week which I think may be her downfall next week, which would be really crazy. Could you imagine a Kees/Anna/Fons/Rosario finale? How could it get any better than that?

    • @alfhokie
      @alfhokie 4 месяца назад +2

      I noticed the beeped out curse word, too! Yet the editors were totally fine with Fons clearly and slowly saying "What the f... is this?" when Rian started drawing 😂

    • @windfallsofdreams
      @windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад +1

      If they had hidden Rosario’s choice to look at the test questions in the 3rd assignment, then they would have been very restricted in terms of how much footage they could show from the second round of one-on-one conversations with Rik (because showing a candidate place a bet for the exemption means that that person didn’t look at the questions). They would have had to hide the choices of several candidates, but Kees and Fons could not be hidden, so that doesn’t give them very many options. Of course, this is coming from someone in the Rosario tunnel, so I may be biased, lol.

    • @julieswidm
      @julieswidm  4 месяца назад

      I laughed so hard as they showed Rik standing there listening to the same 5 secs again and again... ofc, not clear if they did it for more than just this scene but still an amusing thought 😂
      I also wonder what Fons said while being on the tuktuk 😂
      About the fruits: some people are referring to the melone again (meloen in Dutch = een mol = one mole)... and the woman with the melone necklace was in Anna's tuktuk

    • @julieswidm
      @julieswidm  4 месяца назад

      @@alfhokie 😂😂😂

    • @thefuzzyoranges
      @thefuzzyoranges 4 месяца назад +1

      @@windfallsofdreams Lol I feel like everyone here (aside from myself) is in the Rosario tunnel. I included that mostly to mess with ya'll. XD Although that being said, the third challenge is adapted from a challenge in De Mol Belgie, and in that version they hid everyone's reaction to whether or not they opened the test questions (dossiers technically) until the end, which made everything a lot more tense and exciting. You were almost playing along with them, which (to the surprise of no one) was a lot more fun. The Rosario of the episode--the contestant who also looked but wasn't caught--ended up going home in the episode, and the very last scene is her looking, which was the perfect ending. I could have imagined a similar moment this episode, where everyone is in the van after the challenge trying to suss out who looked. You can get a Rosario 'I didn't do it' to everyone, but then in the confessional go 'Yeah I totally did it' and show him opening the questions. Would've been fun at least if they didn't want to hide who did what at the end.

  • @fancynancy8216
    @fancynancy8216 4 месяца назад +3

    I really do not want Anna to be the Mol, but there are so many clues that point to her. Would the producers make the clues to the Mol so easy to decipher in Episode 1 Task 1? Where is the fun in figuring out who it is if we can clearly guess the right person in the first scenes of the entire season. I would love for it to be Kees or even Rian so we can have a surprise finale. Thank you again Julie for your hints and theories in English!

    • @julieswidm
      @julieswidm  4 месяца назад

      Thank you for your comment! ☺
      And I agree... I think Anna has mole potential but it would be a pity if she is it and they made it so obvious...

  • @windfallsofdreams
    @windfallsofdreams 4 месяца назад +2

    This episode was OK. I really liked getting to see the orchestra play the show’s theme! Very cool.
    First assignment: 2 out of 5 mini assignments completed correctly. Rian and Rosario were in good positions to mole here, because Rian didn’t necessarily have to draw what she heard through the headphones, and Rosario didn’t necessarily have to play what he was seeing on the screen (and he didn’t). Fons and Kees would have had no way of knowing. One thing I don’t understand is why Fons didn’t even bother trying to turn in his results from the drawing assignment with Rian. The instructions stated that “6 or more” correct songs was good enough, and Fons had at least 7 things written on his paper. I mean, sure, he probably had some of them wrong. But you’re not even going to try? As for the Babs/Fons assignment being completed too late…meh. I feel like Babs took longer to paint than Fons took to guess the song. So nothing too suspicious there.
    Second assignment: Anna should have been at the brunch instead of driving the tuk-tuk. She was the only one who could actually converse with the guests. I’m kind of surprised so many people volunteered to drive, since being at the brunch was really the best way to observe your fellow candidates in action. Fons’ difficulty with the tuk-tuk was notable, in the sense that it can’t be written off as fake moling like many of his other actions (since none of the other candidates were around to see it). But, I still don’t think he’s the mole. So I guess he’s just really bad with motorbikes? Rik said that there were 30 guests for the brunch, but then there were only 15 people in the line that the candidates formed. Did they only manage to pick up half of the guests? Or were there a bunch of people that they didn’t put in line because they couldn’t remember their names? Not clear.
    Third assignment: This season really did not need a “spending money out of the pot to get an exemption” assignment. But I guess it’s still not as bad as that season when the candidates drained half of the pot bidding on individual jokers at the cattle auction. I agree with the previous comment that the mole would probably want to look at the test questions in the first round, rather than have the highest bid in the second round. The mole knows that the highest bidder is going to be announced publicly to the group. The mole also knows that the candidates who looked at the test questions are not going to be named publicly, and that the only person who will be required to reveal whether or not they looked at the questions is the one whose name is written down by the person with the highest bid. I also agree that the mole would not want to be the first (possibly even the 2nd or 3rd) person called to speak with Rik in this scenario; they would want to know what at least some of the other candidates had done. Do we know the exact order that the candidates went in? I know it was Rian, Fons, Babs. And Rosario went before Anna (because she said “you’re one of them now” when he sat back down). So does that mean it was Rosario, Anna, and Kees last? Sidenote: Rian’s bid of 550 was actually adorable. “Oh yeah? You’re gonna spend 500 on test questions? Well I’m gonna spend FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY!” Bless her for thinking that would be anywhere near high enough. She has done absolutely nothing else all season, but just for that she can win.
    Lastly, Babs is gone again (😢😢). I really wanted to see the returning player fully redeem themselves and make it to the finale. Also, I don’t understand how Babs got eliminated (presumably by voting for someone other than Rosario) but then also gave the pot back to Rosario? Makes zero sense. I know, someone is probably out there reading this and saying “It makes perfect sense if Rosario isn’t the mole.” Is this going to be one of those moments that I look back on in a few weeks and do a facepalm? I REALLY don’t think so. At no point past episode 2 has a single thought crossed my mind about either Anna or Rian being the mole. And Fons and Kees have both earned money when they didn’t need to earn it, and only sabotage when others are watching, which is the opposite of what a mole should be doing. Rosario is the only mole that makes sense. And yes, I know I declared him completely crossed off of my suspect list after episode 3, because he hadn’t been active enough. But that was before the group got 17,000 opportunities to remove money from the pot, making the first few episodes irrelevant.
    Actually, I’m feeling bold right now. So I am going to make a crazy prediction. I think that Rian makes it to the finals. I think that Rian is the person who voted to take Rosario’s exemption away from him in episode 1, and that this information was withheld from the audience for the sake of trying to make the finale more interesting. I am probably focusing WAY too much on the episode 1 exemptions. Like, seriously WAY too much. But I still think the fact that we don’t get to see who Rian, or Anna, or Rosario voted for means something.

    • @julieswidm
      @julieswidm  4 месяца назад +1

      I think you probably shouldn't focus so much on episode 1 exemptions 😉Joke, I love it when we all get too focused on details, keep going! 😄
      What I personally don't like about episode 1: We don't even have a chance to figure out if Rian did a good job or not when drawing because we did not get to listen to the songs either 🙄
      Haha ja, the 550 € bid really was very kind of her and I also had the feeling that she was really mad at the others who took a look or spent way more

  • @adrianperks6855
    @adrianperks6855 4 месяца назад +1

    Rhian's drawings were too complicated., eg yellow submarine - she drew a road crossing, a yellow dot, and a boat. Why not just draw a yellow boat partly under water? Also why did she not tell contestants what the third challenge is? She could have said it's easy 3000. Just say no. She mole?
    Also, Rosario played wrong notes.