Il corpo del ballerino diventa vero crinale su cui s'esercita la flessuosita' dolce della ballerina spinta ai massimi livelli e che offre anche inedite immagini figurali.Bravissimi entrambi. BIGHIN GIULIO.
The Australian Ballet added this to its repertoire in the 1980’s. I was as student at the school at the time. Can’t remember who the repetiteur was. Wasn’t Tetley or I would have remembered. Think he may have been dead already. There is some gorgeous stuff in here. Maria could make a square of toilet paper. look gorgeous. Thanks for posting.
The human body is just so beautiful! it is rarely appreciated. Those who appreciate ballet are so lucky. Many do not realize just how glorious the human body is.
thank you this is sublime!!!this is what men and women can supporting the apsolut divine women !love it ,I m from Stuttgart and I goow up in the ballet company
Il corpo del ballerino diventa vero crinale su cui s'esercita la flessuosita' dolce della ballerina spinta ai massimi livelli e che offre anche inedite immagini figurali.Bravissimi entrambi. BIGHIN GIULIO.
I love watching he dance.
He really is the greatest dancer ever.
The Australian Ballet added this to its repertoire in the 1980’s. I was as student at the school at the time. Can’t remember who the repetiteur was. Wasn’t Tetley or I would have remembered. Think he may have been dead already. There is some gorgeous stuff in here. Maria could make a square of toilet paper. look gorgeous. Thanks for posting.
The human body is just so beautiful! it is rarely appreciated. Those who appreciate ballet are so lucky. Many do not realize just how glorious the human body is.
thank you this is sublime!!!this is what men and women can supporting the apsolut divine women !love it ,I m from Stuttgart and I goow up in the ballet company
Where is the rest of it???? My heart just got dropped off a cliff when it stopped! THANK YOU FOR POSTING!
amazing+ incredible !
Da dove spunta questo gioiello????