wow, this is the 1st goth model I've seen that comes with a pixie tailed ( or gugel ), medieval hood. awesome. the gugel hood is my favoritte part. I also like height of figure, very dominat apparition. luks coooler w/ hoodon. rest of armor is toodetailed4 my aesthetic taste, but it's awesome as hell. nice job with demonstration.
wow, this is the 1st goth model I've seen that comes with a pixie tailed ( or gugel ), medieval hood. awesome. the gugel hood is my favoritte part. I also like height of figure, very dominat apparition. luks coooler w/ hoodon. rest of armor is toodetailed4 my aesthetic taste, but it's awesome as hell. nice job with demonstration.
One of my favorites 😊
Me too
This is the weirdest action figure I’ve ever seen
Yeah, it's up there! Not really into Horror/Monster stuff, but the design and execution is on point.