I heard that you can ask support to delete your account, but it doesn‘t actually work for accounts with NT Gold. So I just asked mine to get banned lol.
Wow, I actually knew all of these things already. Also, I know teams other than PR2W have switched captains before. S0RC has changed leaders multiple times, and one of those times was a support request. This information comes directly from those leaders. I wrote the S0RC article on the Nitro Wiki with the information they gave me. Good video though.
What an awesome video that he makes for us, I always love his video's and other content hope y'all are having a fantastic day and weekend. My favorite food is any type of Italian food, mainly spaghetti, pasta, and lasagna.
What’s your favorite food? Reply for 500k!
[ closed ]
Your MOM! btw can i have the extra 1m for subbing racer/popcorntwists
@@NateDoggTyping NO WAY NATE DOGGY
french fries racer/kaufmanben
Something else Nitro Type doesn't want you to know: The Admins emails...
Actually a few team switched captains, including S0RC, RRR1, and maybe SSH
SSH didn’t switch, RLA did
i watched till the end nice vid good work👍
Team RRR1 got their captain switched before PR2W did lmao
My favorite food is spaghetti
Anyone else notice this? You only need 1k subs for Verified RUclipsr, yet the screenshot says 10k.
Uhm yeah the original achievement was for 10k followers. But they changed it to 1k afterwards
Sick video dude! I love icecream lol.
how do you get the title do you have to link your acc or what
I like pickles
I heard that you can ask support to delete your account, but it doesn‘t actually work for accounts with NT Gold. So I just asked mine to get banned lol.
W Video Day #10
More like things Nitro Type hates when you use them
Wow, I actually knew all of these things already. Also, I know teams other than PR2W have switched captains before. S0RC has changed leaders multiple times, and one of those times was a support request. This information comes directly from those leaders. I wrote the S0RC article on the Nitro Wiki with the information they gave me. Good video though.
@@PostJeff What do you mean?
My favorite food is ice cream, cheese burger, and pizza.
( I need more cash in nitro type)
First and I hit 7k races
Noti gang 👀
@@Nitrotypist yes sir
my favorite food is definetley najaho tacos
I’m already subscribed can I still get the mil? :P my link is same as the one for fav foods!
Also when can I expect the 2mil from other video hehehe
Let me know what video I owe you the 2mil if not then I’ll probably go find it later!
@@Nitrotypist These people got “Verified Titles” But don’t have 1k followers! 😱 - explained
Nitro type probably didn't like this!
My favourite food is sushi
Sub to nitro typist!
What’s your racer/?
@@Nitrotypist de1tra
I love nitro type
I love cereal! What’s your racer/?
@@Nitrotypist but I don't want anything
Pizza is my favorite food
mac and chease
What an awesome video that he makes for us, I always love his video's and other content hope y'all are having a fantastic day and weekend. My favorite food is any type of Italian food, mainly spaghetti, pasta, and lasagna.
Subscribe to Nitro Typist
ice cream
Pizza is amazing! What’s your racer/?
That's a thing? I'm intrigued.
@@dustydave961 LOL
My favorite food is Pasta/
I dunno
My fav food is pizza
Broken rice , racer/LongLamTQT
Mac and cheese is good. Racer/49miles I also watched to the end
Whoops that took me a while to respond! Sorry! I sent what I owed you