because he wasn't set up with anything. the joke is designed to be at the Cohen character's expense, whereas with people he doesn't like, the joke is designed to be at the target's expense.
@@bigol9223 In the face of someone who just doesn't get is speaking nonsense, Sanders could be a complete dick and tell him to piss of, but Sanders is not a dick.
His expression, his eyes, the little tongue swipe. That was fantastic. I could tell he was thinking “Is this guy mentally deficient or a troll... hmm...”
@@billyaepicgamer8642 tbh, that's more on Sacha. He wanted Bernie to look good, which is why he didn't go hard against Bernie. With the others, he wouldn't challenge their policies/opinion(or try to move the 99% to the 1%), but rather go along with them because that way they would feel comfortable enough with Sacha, that they would be open to pretty much everything he wanted them to do. And that's where he managed to make a fool out of them. Just compare how he was with that weirdo gun rights activist and Bernie. Night and day.
I give Bernie so many props for being respectful and trying to understand where his opponents are coming from, idiotic as they are, without losing his cool and laughing in their face like I would.
This was the only one where sacha literally had nothing of substance to counter… This was to spit in the face of an actual fact being presented, to diminish the truthz
"There is no amount of evidence to support the idea that funding education more and more increases overall knowledge." You were talking about the definition of insanity earlier. I think you just nailed it.
Weasel, it’s useless trying to convince these blue haired freaks. I honestly wish these gothic whores just danced in a group to weird metal music. Now they’re involved in our politics thinking they know what they’re talking about. 😒
@@TheHutOfWeasels If he wanted to use idiots to secure power, wouldn't he then fight for something a bit more popular than what only a minority of Americans support?
Yeah! Also, if you have two brain cells to rub together, you could contemplate the idea of using the computer machine to get on the and look up one of his live speeches that are unedited and see how coherently he conveys his ideas to crowds of tens of thousands. Wild idea, right? Probably too much for you to comprehend given your lack of intelligence displayed thus far.
I don't respect people that talk out of their ass and pretend to be right while spouting nonsense. You deserve no respect for that. I thought the joke was hilarious. That skit was great. So were the rest. I'm glad he brought Bernie on.
I actually wasn't referring to YOU when I said "you". I was speaking to the people that did that and didn't claim you were. Also, I never claim to be superior to anyone nor do I think that. But I am glad you're able to gather all of that based on... your insinuations.
Marky P, if Bernie was as stupid as you try to portray him, he would've agreed with Sasha and repeated his words like those idiot republicans did. He was respectful and sharp, he called bullshit politely without getting outraged, there's literally no way he could've handled it better.
Nope Germany isn't pulling away from that...Germany has a dual system with private and public insurances. Germany actually moved towards a more socialised aproach as in 2009 laws came into effect that insurance is required for everyone regardless of income, and since then - due to demand - businessmen with their own company have now been given the choice between private and public sector, instead of not being able to use the public sector before. Since the last election there has been a growing push towards the so called "Bürgerversicherung" - a concept that would end the dual system and effectively establish a single-payer system. Surveys show that 2/3rds of Germans are in support of this. ...So if anything there is a push towards a far more socialised aproach over here!
The problem with politics is that anyone can say anything and pass it off as fact so thanks for clearing up the actual situation in Germany, I would be surprised if a majority of people in the UK wanted to move away from a free at the point of delivery system. Plus with wages being what they are here a vast majority of people wouldn't be able to afford a fully privatised system, median wage being circa 20,000. Also the European system has netted France the accolade of being considered one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Large numbers of people here voted to leave the EU based on the extra £350m for the NHS which turned out to be a lie, not sure who that surprised.
I don't really get the american way in this - I don't see how anyone can want a fully privatised system unless they want children, the poor and chronicly ill to die. I understand the UK/NHS approach, and I can see that the German one works - but its a privatised system here in Germany, and it only works because its extremely regulated: Insurance companies have to insure you, and you have to be insured. If you don't insure yourself, you automatically fall under your parents insurance, or your last one, your monthly insurance cost is calculated on your income, if you are unemployed or too poor, the social security system pays the insurance, and if you simply don't pay the insurance company, you never lose cover, you just owe them your monthly payments, and they can not drop you... I can see the point in all of those regulations, and I can see immediately what the effect would be if they dropped any of them in order to make way for a system that is fully driven by market forces. Free market works fine, when you can choose what car you buy from which manufacturer, or if you take the bus, buy a bike instead or go for a used car...If your choices are dying or not dying a free market will just take all your possessions and profit from your pure desperation, and you do not have the the possibility of choosing the most economical option for yourself, as the value most people put on their life is infinite.
I don't agree with everything Bernie says, but I would say that he seems like genuinely honest and good person who wants the best for everyone. So much respect and love for this man.
I agree, I'm pretty conservative but I have way more respect for Bernie than any of those idiots that Sacha Baron Cohen convinced to endorse giving guns to toddlers
theAppleWizz sure, but that's not the issue. There is a difference in rules applied indiscriminately, and rules reserved for only a few. Without principles, the government very easily becomes a totalitarian state. You have to have a reason for taxing some people disproportionately to others, and, as I said previously, it can't simply be because they've got something you want.
Thank God the Donald is in charge. So far: stronger boarder security, rounding up criminals, lower taxes, less welfare, lower unemployment, higher gdp, job growth. Thank the lord for the Donald.
I love how despite being in a mock interview, Bernie Sanders had the politeness to ask him if he has a disability and acknowledging that question would be personal to ask
He’s been a political outsider for many years, trying to find common ground when dealing with people’s irrational views... Of course he has to have great patience ;)
Who is America could be fantastic if he targets all political parties who all have idiots. The more it steers into a political stunt it loses it's humour. I hate comedy that tries to pick a political side because humour shouldn't be a tool to segregate people. Can comedy please stay out of politics in America.
I think Bernie’s politeness and patience here shows how good he would have been, also Sacha trolling the guy he was supporting shows he has no limits 😂
Bernie deals with people like this in the senate, look up 'senator snow ball'. So he remains respectful in the face of idiocy, Bernie is a class act and an outstanding individual.
Coldrin6 yeaaahhhh.... ...but how could you trick him otherwise? In your face racism, hate, ignorance, blatant disregard for the constitution wouldn't trick him. You HAVE to fly under the radar.
The worst thing about flat-earthers is that their stupid conspiracy doesn't even have a purpose. If you believe the US faked the moon landing, you could say it's because we wanted to win the Space Race. If you believe vaccines cause autism, you could say it's to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies (which is impossibly stupid, but at least it's an answer.). What is accomplished by lying about the shape of the Earth? Who is making money off that? Who benefits? It would be the most pointless conspiracy in history.
Thats not what fox news says! Bernie could have at least pulled his pants down a little. Did you see how far up his pants were? His belt was probably chaffing his nipples! And he never even tried to arm any children,ANY! I guess, Bernie just isn't an opportunity seizer. Who is gonna arm the children now! I bet Bernie didn't think about that
its funny how it's always the americans that call someone a commie when they disagree with a person even though i'm a conservative LOL heres some actual facts for you liberal snowflake socialism and democratic socialism are two different things; bernie sanders is the latter socialism has never worked, democratic socialism has
I'm not American either, but I wish the idiots that decided who the putting on the ballot with find their brains and moral compass and stop dumping Bernie. He should become President.
@@kevinb2370 even remembered the guy's name. That's what stuck out to me as I watched that series, I think Bernie was one of the only people who was polite enough to remember the man's name. Also can't wait for whatever Sacha has in store for us.
@@haroldcochran6081 exactly. he's smart AND is clear on his values. the reps are dumb AND they will say whatever they think is politically expedient at the moment.
This moment in the series made me so nervous because I was so afraid Bernie would do something dumb and make me hate him. But nope....just handled it like a boss. 😂 His faces the whole time cracked me up 😂😂😂
But he sure fooled the hell out of Cheney, Palin, Joe Wilson, Roy Moore and tons of other right wing idiots. This just proves that living useful brain cells are monopolized by the left.
Man, these disguises are pretty impressive. I almost forgot that was Sacha for a sec. I will admit that there were bits of Ali G’s accent coming out at times, but it’s still a pretty good disguise regardless.
I mean Sacha did convince a bunch of republicans to endorse arming kindergardeners... an absolutely absurd notion even on the far right. If Sacha can prank them that hard... he can prank anyone. That's a top tier troll.
He knew. From the beginning, why else would he ask if he had a disability? If he was curious what the disability was he would have asked what the disability was not... “Do you have a disability?”
@@Jmack1lla the DNC didn't go with Bernie because they're corrupt, they obviously actually want Trump, that's why they chose Hillary and Biden, non-competitors to go against Trump knowing they'll both lose.
This is where someone's true character comes to light . When Sacha duped all of those republicans their true stupidity and immorality was beyond belief . When he duped Bernie , he got the same reasonable , logical, and moral man that he always is, regardless of whether or not he's in a political setting. Bernie 2020!!
To be fair Sacha chose to interview extreme Republicans but decided to also interview a rational-thinking Liberal. I’m getting a politically biased vibe from this show but there’s only 2 episodes so I won’t worry
Luke Tuke, the entire GOP will not stand up to Trump. They won’t publicly criticize him, and they continue to let him break norms while toeing the line of war. The republican part is of one mind right now. It doesn’t matter who’s interviewed, the end result is the same sad story. It is time for a time out.
@D Fens - The same could be said to you. Telling someone to get their head out of their ass for thinking a man, who has a wonderful track record, is dignified and respectful. What has corrupted you so deeply?
"I don't know what you're talking about?". Thankfully, Bernie came through with his integrity intact. Equally pleasing, others in the show were rightly shown to be as dumb as expected.
Peter At 00:40 Bernie is baited into looking like a lunatic. He could've responded, "You mean make the 99% rich like the 1% so everyone is rich? Exactly! That's what I've been trying to talk about!" He doesn't take the bait though, because he is genuine. :D
Sacha softballs all the lefties with inane banter. I'm guessing they are told in advance as well. He never personally insults the left. Sacha points the mockery at the character he is playing (a disabled Vet).
LINDA H At 1:23 Bernie is baited to agree with the idea of making everyone rich. Bernie doesn't take the bait though. If Bernie was like the other representatives who made themselves look like fools, he would have responded something like, "Yes, I agree. I've been working on getting legislation into the senate that would make everyone rich!" He doesn't though, because he's reasonable. Those legislators that went on camera to support Kinder Guardians did it voluntarily and said they supported a similar program but with teens. Sacha just made them feel comfortable enough to be themselves. They could have responded something like, "Oh no, that's too young and doesn't make sense. I can't support a program like Kinder Guardians." They didn't, because they actually believe that everyone (even toddlers) should have guns.
Bernie handled it perfectly, showing respect even when he thinks the guy sounds like a loon. And seriously, Sacha Baron Cohen showcased what a legitimately fantastic actor he is. The looks, the body language, the rhythm of speech and cadence of his voice. I can't for the life of me imagine that this is the same guy that's Ali G, Borat or Bruno.
Lmao Got damn I Love Bernie.... Can't stump him or get him to say some ridiculous shit.... No matter what you think about this man he is principled and cares about the everyday Americans
Matthew Telle O boy here we go.... So let's compare resumes as far as senators that stick up for everyday Americans name your favorite Republican senator and let's go from there
I also dont have one because i pay verry little attention to who people actually vote for but i take lots of time to comment on political youtube videos.
🌺👍🌺At Least Bernie recognized BS and was like I don’t know what you are talking about. Not like future president Jason Spencer hahaha now that was funny, check out his video😄🌺👍🌺
2sis fun Tv , actually, Spencer’s video is quite sad. It shows the stupidity America’s fear machine produces. To quote an influential woman way before her time, “stop the insanity!”
why do you think this some kind of gotcha? Bernie likes capitalism as well as basic concepts that are from socialism. why is it perfectly fine that we communally pay taxes for police but not for something that would benefit us just as much like universal healthcare?
if you don't have police it will turn to somalia and i would be forced to become a warlord with a human skull on the hood of my car with no doors and a ak47 locked and loaded because there would be no security
And some people want to compare this to Republicans wanting to give guns to 4 year old toddlers... Bernie is too awesome to fall to Sacha, and I do think Sacha is a nice guy, glad he tryed hard to get him, but felt the Berrrnnn.
I love how Sacha is able to uncover the deepest parts of the people that fall for his pranks. Usually, he's able to find the worst of them, but in some really rare cases, like this, he found only light. Bernie could treat him arrogantly, call him stupid, but no, he was really compationate, and even worried about the health Cohen's character, someone who would despise him and even want him dead if existed in real life. True respect for Bernie Sanders
He didn't even try... if he really wanted to expose him he could but he's softballing leftists. Clearly he did this to try and look balanced, threw in a couple leftists for good measure. You can't seriously ink this was an attempt to fool Bernie.
Xotimo Jaco if you are referring to bernie being honest. Please explain his wealth, after being a public servant for decades. Something doesn't add up.
Amazing! Bernie Sanders is the only politician who gives the same interview/answers to every single person, every single question, every single time, no matter what. A person telling the truth doesn’t need to cover up the facts.
To all of you thinking Bernie got trolled, what are you on about? This is just like any other day in the Senate when he has to explain things to Republicans.
Haha is that what it was like Alex Jour? I think it was more like his reaction to Hillary explaining to him how she waited too long for this and deserves it and therefore it's her right and duty to do what she must....then he turned around, bent over for her, and she made him feel the burn.....and when she was done he left his dignity behind by supporting her. FTR I believe Bernie means well, but he is weak.
The alternative was to support Trump, which would have been the dumbest thing imaginable. If he turned around and went "Boo hoo Hillary beat me so I won't support her!" then he would look petty and insolent.
Richard M You idiot Bernie made the right choice. Right now, he is considered to be the top contender to become president in 2020. If he fought Hillary, he would be blamed for Trump winning, he would be a Russian spy, he would be a sore loser, and he could never become president.
Bernie will never win honestly. Sacha was promoting Bernie. Sacha's character didn't even know 6 year old math so how exactly could he punk Bernie?... Sacha is a very smart guy and if he truly wanted to get under Bernie's skin and ask difficult questions about Hillary maybe he easily could have. But clearly the lefties are getting a pass from SHOWTIME
He made a republican guy spew out absolutely ridiculous science. I'd say first grade science, because even first graders would know that "Wiz Khalifa" is not a chemical connection. That was honestly such an easy thing to spot. But the republican guy fell for it. I don't even know how you can get easier on someone. Or the guy that wanted to arm 3 year olds (correction: the guys). How is that going hard on someone? It's not even subtle. It's in your face how stupid that idea is, but they went with it. The difference is not how hard/subtle SBC went on these guys, it's who fell for utter stupidity. And that's the GOP guys.
Purple Nurple He flip flopped on immigration. He used to say amnesty depresses wages and is a cost burden on welfare. His wife is under fbi investigation. He pays the least of any politician in taxes as a %... And socialism with its corruption and red tape has lead to massive failure and poverty wherever implemented
They must be getting really good @ make -up 2 fool all these people. I would think you would notice in "real life" meaning that since is filmed people may assume make up for tv as it is part of their daily lives doing interviews & getting make up on.
Bernie 2020. Enough of all the other Bought & Owned Corrupt politicians. Bernie is an FDR-style reform candidate who will actually legalize marijuana and fight the Corruption in our system. People don't realize how Bought & Owned both parties' politicians are right now. We need real reform finally. Bernie is the only unbought one. His VP will be Tulsi Gabbard.
"Poor Bernie getting trolled, or at least Sacha tried" I don't know that ways things have been for the last few years I wouldn't blame Sanders if he wasn't entirely sure it was trolling.
The only person who didn’t absolutely embarrass himself on this show.
Ted Koppel
The only person who wasn't a whore. Lol
Im agree. Great Sanders.
because he wasn't set up with anything. the joke is designed to be at the Cohen character's expense, whereas with people he doesn't like, the joke is designed to be at the target's expense.
@@bigol9223 In the face of someone who just doesn't get is speaking nonsense, Sanders could be a complete dick and tell him to piss of, but Sanders is not a dick.
I laughed so hard when he said "Billy I don't know what you're talking about I really don't"
Something Euguene would say.
Bernie is the straight man in this skit, LOL.
Yeh I know i died lool
Crying so hard
Bernie being polite but not falling for it lol.
His expression, his eyes, the little tongue swipe. That was fantastic. I could tell he was thinking “Is this guy mentally deficient or a troll... hmm...”
@@JB-xl2jc it's a satirical show. Pretty amazing Sanders still pushes his message in a troll's show.
But he did fall for it. He thought the character was genuine.
@@billyaepicgamer8642 tbh, that's more on Sacha. He wanted Bernie to look good, which is why he didn't go hard against Bernie. With the others, he wouldn't challenge their policies/opinion(or try to move the 99% to the 1%), but rather go along with them because that way they would feel comfortable enough with Sacha, that they would be open to pretty much everything he wanted them to do. And that's where he managed to make a fool out of them.
Just compare how he was with that weirdo gun rights activist and Bernie. Night and day.
I agree, but let's recognized that Trump did even better (with a thougher one!)
Thank you Bernie Sanders for keeping your pants on
Plug Into Sybie agreed
lol. indeed.
That is a welcome change indeed.
🤣 rofl best comment
I give Bernie so many props for being respectful and trying to understand where his opponents are coming from, idiotic as they are, without losing his cool and laughing in their face like I would.
Right! 🤣💪🏽
He's used to it, dealing with shithead s on the Hill for the last 30 years
This was the only one where sacha literally had nothing of substance to counter… This was to spit in the face of an actual fact being presented, to diminish the truthz
One sane guy out of the entire lot...Respect Bernie
Bernie's face when he says "you move the 9 over there and you have 19" is classic. . .
Ikjyot Singh Kohli hahahahahahahahaha
I'm dyin hahahahahahaa
his face should be a meme
Whydon't YouListen
Question 1: Enormous amounts?
Question 2: And the alternative would be what exactly? Less public education?
"There is no amount of evidence to support the idea that funding education more and more increases overall knowledge."
You were talking about the definition of insanity earlier.
I think you just nailed it.
Even when being trolled, Bernie Sanders is still standing up for the people.
Until those people become successful, that is.
TriHard, don't be a tool. Go troll somewhere else.
Sanders, a rich man who owns 3 houses who consistently slams the 1%. HE IS THE 1%, Just using useful idiots to secure power. Do not fall for his scam.
Weasel, it’s useless trying to convince these blue haired freaks. I honestly wish these gothic whores just danced in a group to weird metal music. Now they’re involved in our politics thinking they know what they’re talking about. 😒
@@TheHutOfWeasels If he wanted to use idiots to secure power, wouldn't he then fight for something a bit more popular than what only a minority of Americans support?
This is like a seinfeld conversation lmao
Lady calls, I yell "Cartwright", nobody answer, she yell curse word, I hang up. "Costanza?" Yes, Cartwright.
@@rumble2468 Cartwright? Cahhhhtwriiiiiight
Bernie thought the guy was just crazy ... priceless.
He seemed pretty sharp to me.
Yeah! Also, if you have two brain cells to rub together, you could contemplate the idea of using the computer machine to get on the and look up one of his live speeches that are unedited and see how coherently he conveys his ideas to crowds of tens of thousands. Wild idea, right? Probably too much for you to comprehend given your lack of intelligence displayed thus far.
I don't respect people that talk out of their ass and pretend to be right while spouting nonsense. You deserve no respect for that. I thought the joke was hilarious. That skit was great. So were the rest. I'm glad he brought Bernie on.
I actually wasn't referring to YOU when I said "you". I was speaking to the people that did that and didn't claim you were. Also, I never claim to be superior to anyone nor do I think that. But I am glad you're able to gather all of that based on... your insinuations.
Marky P, if Bernie was as stupid as you try to portray him, he would've agreed with Sasha and repeated his words like those idiot republicans did.
He was respectful and sharp, he called bullshit politely without getting outraged, there's literally no way he could've handled it better.
Thinks he's talking to a moron
Is still polite and asks
"What is your proposal?"
There is not a single country on earth, that has socialized medicine, and is pulling away from that.
Nope Germany isn't pulling away from that...Germany has a dual system with private and public insurances. Germany actually moved towards a more socialised aproach as in 2009 laws came into effect that insurance is required for everyone regardless of income, and since then - due to demand - businessmen with their own company have now been given the choice between private and public sector, instead of not being able to use the public sector before.
Since the last election there has been a growing push towards the so called "Bürgerversicherung" - a concept that would end the dual system and effectively establish a single-payer system. Surveys show that 2/3rds of Germans are in support of this.
...So if anything there is a push towards a far more socialised aproach over here!
The problem with politics is that anyone can say anything and pass it off as fact so thanks for clearing up the actual situation in Germany, I would be surprised if a majority of people in the UK wanted to move away from a free at the point of delivery system. Plus with wages being what they are here a vast majority of people wouldn't be able to afford a fully privatised system, median wage being circa 20,000. Also the European system has netted France the accolade of being considered one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Large numbers of people here voted to leave the EU based on the extra £350m for the NHS which turned out to be a lie, not sure who that surprised.
I don't really get the american way in this - I don't see how anyone can want a fully privatised system unless they want children, the poor and chronicly ill to die.
I understand the UK/NHS approach, and I can see that the German one works - but its a privatised system here in Germany, and it only works because its extremely regulated:
Insurance companies have to insure you, and you have to be insured. If you don't insure yourself, you automatically fall under your parents insurance, or your last one, your monthly insurance cost is calculated on your income, if you are unemployed or too poor, the social security system pays the insurance, and if you simply don't pay the insurance company, you never lose cover, you just owe them your monthly payments, and they can not drop you...
I can see the point in all of those regulations, and I can see immediately what the effect would be if they dropped any of them in order to make way for a system that is fully driven by market forces. Free market works fine, when you can choose what car you buy from which manufacturer, or if you take the bus, buy a bike instead or go for a used car...If your choices are dying or not dying a free market will just take all your possessions and profit from your pure desperation, and you do not have the the possibility of choosing the most economical option for yourself, as the value most people put on their life is infinite.
I'm not even American but Bernie has all the qualities you expect from a president. He remained calm, respectful and dodged that BS like a pro.
Jokes on Sacha, Bernie has high levels of Pheromone Blink 182, he can easily tell he’s being pranked.
M3 E90 Through the Cardi B pathway 😂😂😂
R S and reach to wiz khalifa in light speed
This is why I love internet:)
dude i know you commented this a year ago but i just was in tears because of your comment
Augusto O.R
He is a lazy useless hippie.
I don't agree with everything Bernie says, but I would say that he seems like genuinely honest and good person who wants the best for everyone. So much respect and love for this man.
ComicBookGuy Henderson That’s almost an oxymoron ya’ know “An Honest Politician”. But Bernie is actually just that. Amazing!
Agreed, I dont agree with the left in almost anything but I like Bernie.
You should give it a try, we aren't so bad :)
I agree, I'm pretty conservative but I have way more respect for Bernie than any of those idiots that Sacha Baron Cohen convinced to endorse giving guns to toddlers
It was her that he could guide or Trump which he has no control over
I have never laughed so much in my life. Bernie's reaction was priceless!
I like how the reason why Bernie does not have a problem with this getting out is because his beliefs are not something to be ashamed of.
You don't get to steal money from people just because you want it. He may not be ashamed of his views, but maybe he should be.
Cole Blackman haha so all taxes is stealing for you haha
theAppleWizz sure, but that's not the issue. There is a difference in rules applied indiscriminately, and rules reserved for only a few. Without principles, the government very easily becomes a totalitarian state. You have to have a reason for taxing some people disproportionately to others, and, as I said previously, it can't simply be because they've got something you want.
Thank God the Donald is in charge. So far: stronger boarder security, rounding up criminals, lower taxes, less welfare, lower unemployment, higher gdp, job growth. Thank the lord for the Donald.
D K Trump didn't lower your taxes he lowered corporate taxes. That's the opposite of what you want
Yes, the data is legit. I work for the International Institute for Scientific Truth and Knowledge
Thank you for confirmation of the legitimacy these documents
Are there any internships?
I’m the head researcher, principal, owner, CEO, major shareholder, director, chairman of the board and you’re fired
Yes, this is common scientific truth and knowledge amongst the truth and knowledge community i'm glad this is now being brought into politics
Hey! I know you. We shared classes together at Springfield Heights Institute of Technology.
That look on Bernie's face when sacha said "this scooter is here to preserve my body's finite energy." lol
Bernie is too smart to fall for this shit, priceless looks on his face.
Bernie's eyes LOL
When he looks at camera seemed like an Office episode
The best way to find the honest among us! ♥
NomaDa swear he had a jim moment.
All hail the Bern...this is why he should be in the White House. He’s intelligent and hilarious without even trying.
He's probably thinking, "I don't know what to say this guy, he is an idiot."
I love how despite being in a mock interview, Bernie Sanders had the politeness to ask him if he has a disability and acknowledging that question would be personal to ask
His patience... Is he Buddha or what?xD
He is ma'man, he foken is. And we don't deserve him! -_-
Better than Buddha.
He’s been a political outsider for many years, trying to find common ground when dealing with people’s irrational views... Of course he has to have great patience ;)
You can't troll Bernie, he's just too real.
One thing is for sure: You wouldn't catch Bernie Sanders advocating 4 years olds having guns.
but you will catch him advocating giving a 4 year old hormone blockers
@@dasgood5446 shame you have to lie to make a point. FAKE DAS GOOD
TheGodEmperorofMankind As if free healthcare and education is a bad thing
@@TS111WASD Well technically, it's not free since it'll come from the taxes people pay.
Maître Renard Then the taxes will actually be worth paying for once
Sanders handled this like a pro. That art gallery lady in the other segment though, uh oh.
Sasha didn't even attempt to call Bernie out on anything. He was just a joke character
It was all staged.
i am pretty sure the art dealer got the joke and rolled with it (or it was staged). you could tell that she was amused
Who is America could be fantastic if he targets all political parties who all have idiots. The more it steers into a political stunt it loses it's humour. I hate comedy that tries to pick a political side because humour shouldn't be a tool to segregate people. Can comedy please stay out of politics in America.
Peter Just because the left is mostly genuine, doesn't mean we have to start lowering ourselves to the right's moronic levels just to please you.
“Billy, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
God love Bernie Sanders.
I don't even think God could love Bernie Sanders.
i dont need you talking for me.....
@@datner76 Yes, you know what Hillary said, "Nobody likes Bernie Sanders."
Nah mate Bernie is going to heaven
God loves him
@@johnbanach3875 he’s done nothing wrong
I think Bernie’s politeness and patience here shows how good he would have been, also Sacha trolling the guy he was supporting shows he has no limits 😂
Bernie deals with people like this in the senate, look up 'senator snow ball'. So he remains respectful in the face of idiocy, Bernie is a class act and an outstanding individual.
Bernie is so wildly better of a person and a thinker than the other politicians he gets over on.
Casey McBeath ... I agree with you, but Bernie's interview was a softball.
Bernie interview was no different then the other ones and he didn't get fooled into acting like a moron like the rest of them did lol
Mind Yours ... You're entitled to that opinion, but I believe the amount of editing on the other videos shows they weren't handled the same.
Coldrin6 yeaaahhhh.... ...but how could you trick him otherwise? In your face racism, hate, ignorance, blatant disregard for the constitution wouldn't trick him. You HAVE to fly under the radar.
The face Bernie makes when "the guy" tells him he's keeping his body's finite energy. HAHAHA I love Bernie Sanders.
Bernie’s patience was really tested lmfao.
This is the reaction, that i expect from a smart human being, if the other speaks bullshit.
smart and also compassionate
Completely agree
O. P. yeah but sadly
This made me realize that his mind is still very sharp at his age
Smart doesn’t think that socialism only works.
I know how bernie feels, ive had several conversations with flat earthers.
Talking to any far right conservative is like talking to a flat earther
@@safiagha8002 true
Try talking to antivaxxers. It gets worse!
The worst thing about flat-earthers is that their stupid conspiracy doesn't even have a purpose. If you believe the US faked the moon landing, you could say it's because we wanted to win the Space Race. If you believe vaccines cause autism, you could say it's to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies (which is impossibly stupid, but at least it's an answer.). What is accomplished by lying about the shape of the Earth? Who is making money off that? Who benefits? It would be the most pointless conspiracy in history.
Like u: u all r flat, have u got ur vaccine? Did u knee to our criminal hero?
I can't breathe from laughing so much!!
I'm a Bernie supporter, he's face when he realizes this guy is insane is priceless!!!
thats how a politician supposed to act
Thats not what fox news says!
Bernie could have at least pulled his pants down a little. Did you see how far up his pants were? His belt was probably chaffing his nipples! And he never even tried to arm any children,ANY! I guess, Bernie just isn't an opportunity seizer.
Who is gonna arm the children now! I bet Bernie didn't think about that
frankdooly do at least finish high school before calling people commies lol
its funny how it's always the americans that call someone a commie when they disagree with a person even though i'm a conservative LOL
heres some actual facts for you liberal snowflake
socialism and democratic socialism are two different things; bernie sanders is the latter
socialism has never worked, democratic socialism has
frankdooly Surprise surprise... Another unintelligent Conservitard.
richard johnson exactly what other stations and probably yourself says about Trump🧐 Not a Trump supporter just pointing out hypocrisy
Bernie's facial expressions are pure gold
I’m not American but Bernie is everything
I can't upvote because you have 420 likes im sorry
I'm not American either, but I wish the idiots that decided who the putting on the ballot with find their brains and moral compass and stop dumping Bernie. He should become President.
@@anndownsouth5070 I tried... Still voted for Bernie when my state had its primary, even at a time when he suspended his campaign.
His inflection on I don’t know what you’re talking about was priceless
Congratulations Bernie. Even when you're being pranked you get your message across and promote your ideas.
Happy you can still count on Bernie.
I think Bernie knew the trick right away. He was all cool and poised. Such a composed human being!
Arpan Laha are you a Minecraft character
Hey right-wing trolls. Been waiting for you. How's life in your mom's basement?
Don't know whats thats gotta do with having a perfectly square face buddy
I don't know, he seemed a little confused. He even asked if Billy had a disability.
Arpan Laha
Waiting? What a no life lmao
Why is it only the conservatives that take the bait? Bernie dodged like Neo. didn't even break a sweat.
Y'all sound weak. It's cause he's afraid to call bullshit
@@kevinb2370 even remembered the guy's name. That's what stuck out to me as I watched that series, I think Bernie was one of the only people who was polite enough to remember the man's name.
Also can't wait for whatever Sacha has in store for us.
That's because his IQ is actually in triple digits lol.
exactly. he's smart AND is clear on his values.
the reps are dumb AND they will say whatever they think is politically expedient at the moment.
You guys pretending like Bernie just solved relativity, bruh he didn’t get baited by 3rd grade math mistakes and knows what a percentage is
rofl bernie going “what is your proposal” when losing his patience
To say i love bernie sanders is an understatement.
This moment in the series made me so nervous because I was so afraid Bernie would do something dumb and make me hate him. But nope....just handled it like a boss. 😂 His faces the whole time cracked me up 😂😂😂
Haven't seen the whole segment with Bernie but Bernie held up well here. SBC didn't fool ole Bernie.
Triet Phan thats all there is with bernie
America could use a dose of humanity..Bernie is the real deal
But he sure fooled the hell out of Cheney, Palin, Joe Wilson, Roy Moore and tons of other right wing idiots. This just proves that living useful brain cells are monopolized by the left.
Dave C just go online that topic is saturated to the mac here about that topic
Dave C Yep. Most of the the dems are pretty dumb too.
Haha Bernie has the best "wtf" facials 😂
Flipping love Bernie, definitely can't burn the Bern! Also, LOL at Sacha's British accent kicking in when saying "Scientific Truth and Knowledge"
Man, these disguises are pretty impressive. I almost forgot that was Sacha for a sec. I will admit that there were bits of Ali G’s accent coming out at times, but it’s still a pretty good disguise regardless.
the accent was not good. the rest was impeccable.
Naiiinety Naaiine
Prajeth Nagaraja 99
I feel like he's only half way sure that he's being pranked.
Once he had to explain how percentages work, I lost it.
Hippy Killer the fact that he had a whole chart for it is absolutely genius
I mean Sacha did convince a bunch of republicans to endorse arming kindergardeners... an absolutely absurd notion even on the far right.
If Sacha can prank them that hard... he can prank anyone. That's a top tier troll.
He knew. From the beginning, why else would he ask if he had a disability? If he was curious what the disability was he would have asked what the disability was not... “Do you have a disability?”
if the game wasn't rigged, this would've been our President.
He. He should be...
Love you Bernie!
@@Jmack1lla grifter? Do you even know what a grifter is? XD
@@Jmack1lla the DNC didn't go with Bernie because they're corrupt, they obviously actually want Trump, that's why they chose Hillary and Biden, non-competitors to go against Trump knowing they'll both lose.
@@HorizonHipHop or they are so delusional they think people like them.
This is just Trump debate prep for Bernie
Calvinandsnobs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lmao crazy uncle Bernie won’t even get the privilege to debate the president. He can’t make it past the primary’s 🤣
Bernie's independent, so he could run as a republican... and then challenge Drumpf in the R primaries. Checkmate, seductivesnake.
Lol the disability and finite source of energy part killed me
Dustin Arroyo ikr
This is where someone's true character comes to light . When Sacha duped all of those republicans their true stupidity and immorality was beyond belief . When he duped Bernie , he got the same reasonable , logical, and moral man that he always is, regardless of whether or not he's in a political setting. Bernie 2020!!
Arshan Mostafavi Well he didn't dupe _all_ of them but yeah
To be fair Sacha chose to interview extreme Republicans but decided to also interview a rational-thinking Liberal. I’m getting a politically biased vibe from this show but there’s only 2 episodes so I won’t worry
Luke Tuke, the entire GOP will not stand up to Trump. They won’t publicly criticize him, and they continue to let him break norms while toeing the line of war. The republican part is of one mind right now. It doesn’t matter who’s interviewed, the end result is the same sad story. It is time for a time out.
Luke, Bernie is one of the farthest left elected officials Sacha could have pranked. Who did you want to call?
@@SpicyTake pocohontas and dna test
Man I love Bernie! Always so dignified and respectful
He. Is. A. Socialist.
Get your head out of your arse, pal.
@D Fens - The same could be said to you. Telling someone to get their head out of their ass for thinking a man, who has a wonderful track record, is dignified and respectful. What has corrupted you so deeply?
So dignified he let political activists kick him off his own stage. lol
Hillary screwed Bernie _ fact.
Lol god. It gets so annoying seeing people reply with the same crap about Bernie "He iS A socIALIST! he NEver HAD a joB!"
"you just move over the 9" :D :D haha.. i love that humor is still here in a serious world :D greetings from denmark
2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 is 3 quick maths...
Poor Bernie 😂
I trap, trap, trap on the phone
Movin' that cornflakes
Rice Krispies
If you were American, you'd have said "quick Math"
Well, it's a direct quote from a British song, so...
Bernie actually handled that like a champ. Cohen has been destroying so many Republicans on his new show. Go look up what he did to Larry Pratt
"I don't know what you're talking about?". Thankfully, Bernie came through with his integrity intact. Equally pleasing, others in the show were rightly shown to be as dumb as expected.
That's the difference. If someone has genuine intentions, they won't be fooled by bullshit.
If anyone knows 3 to 5 year old math they won't be fooled...
Peter At 00:40 Bernie is baited into looking like a lunatic. He could've responded, "You mean make the 99% rich like the 1% so everyone is rich? Exactly! That's what I've been trying to talk about!"
He doesn't take the bait though, because he is genuine. :D
Peter Quite unlike the republicans who ran around with their pants off
Sacha softballs all the lefties with inane banter. I'm guessing they are told in advance as well.
He never personally insults the left. Sacha points the mockery at the character he is playing (a disabled Vet).
LINDA H At 1:23 Bernie is baited to agree with the idea of making everyone rich. Bernie doesn't take the bait though. If Bernie was like the other representatives who made themselves look like fools, he would have responded something like, "Yes, I agree. I've been working on getting legislation into the senate that would make everyone rich!" He doesn't though, because he's reasonable.
Those legislators that went on camera to support Kinder Guardians did it voluntarily and said they supported a similar program but with teens. Sacha just made them feel comfortable enough to be themselves. They could have responded something like, "Oh no, that's too young and doesn't make sense. I can't support a program like Kinder Guardians." They didn't, because they actually believe that everyone (even toddlers) should have guns.
Turns out a truly genuine politician is harder to get trolled
That is some good makeup on Sacha
Lava Lover no.. he is just plain. Too old. If is so great. He would of won, years ago. Who wants an 80 year geezer as president.
John Lee--you're confused about who 'Sacha' is, lol
John Lee etc are you on about lol do you even know who Sasha is you seen Ali g or Borat before ???
Lava Lover it really is!!
I think it is Sacha. He is so good in his disguise that you would never know. Have you seen the new pro-gun izraely security expert?
I just now decided I want Bernie for president. He’s the man
Bernie handled it perfectly, showing respect even when he thinks the guy sounds like a loon.
And seriously, Sacha Baron Cohen showcased what a legitimately fantastic actor he is. The looks, the body language, the rhythm of speech and cadence of his voice. I can't for the life of me imagine that this is the same guy that's Ali G, Borat or Bruno.
Lmao Got damn I Love Bernie.... Can't stump him or get him to say some ridiculous shit.... No matter what you think about this man he is principled and cares about the everyday Americans
Matthew Telle O boy here we go.... So let's compare resumes as far as senators that stick up for everyday Americans name your favorite Republican senator and let's go from there
Matthew Telle lol o OK.... Well that's your opinion my friend and If that belief gets you through the day then by all means have it
I also dont have one because i pay verry little attention to who people actually vote for but i take lots of time to comment on political youtube videos.
I'll give it to him, he cares, unlike Hillary. He's wrong about the approach to economy but he cares.
You're confused. He cares about himself. Proof? He's a politician.
Bernie sanders is the coolest guy on the planet
🌺👍🌺At Least Bernie recognized BS and was like I don’t know what you are talking about. Not like future president Jason Spencer hahaha now that was funny, check out his video😄🌺👍🌺
2sis fun Tv , actually, Spencer’s video is quite sad. It shows the stupidity America’s fear machine produces. To quote an influential woman way before her time, “stop the insanity!”
2sis fun Tv - “Future President” you say...🤔
He took it easy on Bernie
If Bernie was questioned on siding with Hillary after all he said he'd squirm like a baby but nobody questions him. Left wing media.
Bernie sided with George Soros. He is a traitor to his own beliefs and people like him
Bless you the frown and the look when he tries to figure put what the heck is going on. He did good.
Bernie knows.
Which one of his houses do you think he contemplates these deep thoughts in?
cfaber the ones he has legally acquired. What's your problem?
Do you think he's in on it?!?! 🤔
why do you think this some kind of gotcha? Bernie likes capitalism as well as basic concepts that are from socialism. why is it perfectly fine that we communally pay taxes for police but not for something that would benefit us just as much like universal healthcare?
if you don't have police it will turn to somalia and i would be forced to become a warlord with a human skull on the hood of my car with no doors and a ak47 locked and loaded because there would be no security
How have I watched this at least a dozen times and still laugh out loud every time?
Man. He’s getting pranked, and still manages to get across a great point 😂
And some people want to compare this to Republicans wanting to give guns to 4 year old toddlers...
Bernie is too awesome to fall to Sacha, and I do think Sacha is a nice guy, glad he tryed hard to get him, but felt the Berrrnnn.
I love how Sacha is able to uncover the deepest parts of the people that fall for his pranks. Usually, he's able to find the worst of them, but in some really rare cases, like this, he found only light. Bernie could treat him arrogantly, call him stupid, but no, he was really compationate, and even worried about the health Cohen's character, someone who would despise him and even want him dead if existed in real life. True respect for Bernie Sanders
"This here scooter is to conserve my body's finite energy!"
Can't burn the Bern
Bernie Sanders
That's not what the DNC said 😂😂😂
This scene isnt saying much. His character was clearly retarded
Are you saying Bernie Sanders is inflammable?
He didn't even try... if he really wanted to expose him he could but he's softballing leftists. Clearly he did this to try and look balanced, threw in a couple leftists for good measure. You can't seriously ink this was an attempt to fool Bernie.
Bernie Sanders HA BANTER
"This here scooter is to conserve my body's finite energy" ................ classic line.
You can't BS Bernie Sanders
Raul Aguilar you are right. Tough to b.s. a bullshiter.
You can't cheat an honest man! WCF
Xotimo Jaco if you are referring to bernie being honest. Please explain his wealth, after being a public servant for decades. Something doesn't add up.
Ron paul is honest. you put him on 1v1 in economics and Ron paul will destroy this man easily
We'll see what shit he says in his full episode. Not some 2min shit
goalie2998 here we go with the “ hes rich so he’s evil” comments
LordMeowMeow Ron Paul would destroy anyone in Economics...
Amazing! Bernie Sanders is the only politician who gives the same interview/answers to every single person, every single question, every single time, no matter what. A person telling the truth doesn’t need to cover up the facts.
Bernie is awesome he knows something isn't right but just let's him talk and ultimately has none of it.
Bernie for 2020!!! But man, Sacha really tried and showed Bernie's real character. Love this man!!!
This man should be president. #Bernie2020
This didn't age well
09pater how, it’s not saying he’s going to win. He SHOULD be president
Hahaha. I have tears in my eyes from laughing.
Ich bin verwirrt.
OPEN MIND Heeeey dude ♡ Greetings from Belgium
Warte bis du die Folgen mit den Republikanern siehst die sind richtig lustig (und erschreckend)
Was lookie lookie for you
Dich findet man doch auch überall :D
Guter Geschmack Simon!
I died when I saw 199 on the paper
This had me crying. Bernie's face when he started explaining that sheet!!!!!!😂😂
Burnies face is worth gold :D Love how he stays sane - unlike some right wing politicians in the show :)
I love Bernie so much. He’s so good.
Two of my heroes, together at last! This is gold!!!
To all of you thinking Bernie got trolled, what are you on about? This is just like any other day in the Senate when he has to explain things to Republicans.
Haha is that what it was like Alex Jour? I think it was more like his reaction to Hillary explaining to him how she waited too long for this and deserves it and therefore it's her right and duty to do what she must....then he turned around, bent over for her, and she made him feel the burn.....and when she was done he left his dignity behind by supporting her.
FTR I believe Bernie means well, but he is weak.
The alternative was to support Trump, which would have been the dumbest thing imaginable. If he turned around and went "Boo hoo Hillary beat me so I won't support her!" then he would look petty and insolent.
Richard M
You idiot Bernie made the right choice.
Right now, he is considered to be the top contender to become president in 2020.
If he fought Hillary, he would be blamed for Trump winning, he would be a Russian spy, he would be a sore loser, and he could never become president.
Bernie will never win honestly. Sacha was promoting Bernie. Sacha's character didn't even know 6 year old math so how exactly could he punk Bernie?... Sacha is a very smart guy and if he truly wanted to get under Bernie's skin and ask difficult questions about Hillary maybe he easily could have. But clearly the lefties are getting a pass from SHOWTIME
He made a republican guy spew out absolutely ridiculous science. I'd say first grade science, because even first graders would know that "Wiz Khalifa" is not a chemical connection. That was honestly such an easy thing to spot. But the republican guy fell for it. I don't even know how you can get easier on someone. Or the guy that wanted to arm 3 year olds (correction: the guys). How is that going hard on someone? It's not even subtle. It's in your face how stupid that idea is, but they went with it. The difference is not how hard/subtle SBC went on these guys, it's who fell for utter stupidity. And that's the GOP guys.
Haha at least Bernie isnt tricked into making a video about guns for 3 year olds.
I'm pretty sure all of these individuals are fully aware that this is a skit.
If you truly believe that the guy who made that video for kids thought he was doing it as a joke and to mock himself I laugh at you.
Edward Hernandez So if they knew it was a skit why would they voluntarily make a skit about teaching kindergartners to shoot guns
Eric Tate because it's a skit.
DrSourPurp okay, who are you? Please prove that they weren't aware that it was a skit. It's a comedy show, it's funny fiction.
This is ridiculously funny. Sacha is a Genius
Solid as a rock!!! Bernie 2020
Lol, love them both. You can't make Bernie look like a fool because he is only beholden to the American people and not special interests. 😂👍
chronok When?
chronok Lol, an endorsement to stop an orange clown was in the American peoples interest. Try again. :)
Kihyun’s_Cringe Howdy. 😊
Kihyun’s_Cringe I just looked and couldn't find it either. They probably deleted the comment, lol.
Purple Nurple He flip flopped on immigration. He used to say amnesty depresses wages and is a cost burden on welfare. His wife is under fbi investigation. He pays the least of any politician in taxes as a %... And socialism with its corruption and red tape has lead to massive failure and poverty wherever implemented
Lol Bernie’s like “DONT mess with me on percentages, that’s like my favorite thing to talk about”
I've seen that man on the scooter at Walmart 😃
Dee Dee Winfrey, and Bernie was snookered into believing that this sharp man would elevate his agenda. How un-smart was Bern?
They must be getting really good @ make -up 2 fool all these people. I would think you would notice in "real life" meaning that since is filmed people may assume make up for tv as it is part of their daily lives doing interviews & getting make up on.
Next President if you idiots don't screw it up and elect another Bought & Owned Corrupt person.
@Scoot and dont elect an idiot like bernie who denies the pareto distribution
Bernie 2020. Enough of all the other Bought & Owned Corrupt politicians. Bernie is an FDR-style reform candidate who will actually legalize marijuana and fight the Corruption in our system. People don't realize how Bought & Owned both parties' politicians are right now. We need real reform finally. Bernie is the only unbought one. His VP will be Tulsi Gabbard.
Poor Bernie getting trolled, or at least Sacha tried
He didn't seem to fall for his BS :)
Bernie knee... that’s why he had to ask if he really has a disability.
"Poor Bernie getting trolled, or at least Sacha tried"
I don't know that ways things have been for the last few years I wouldn't blame Sanders if he wasn't entirely sure it was trolling.
His accent broke a few times there, and Bernie got even more sus
he was being polite
He often sounds Australian playing the Texan 😂 his British Accent mixes with his attempt at a Southern one 😂❤
I LOVE BERNIE- this is amazing!
elizabeth argyropoulos LoL I remember you from Twitter before I got permanently kicked off for making fun of a Marvel/Disney/Avenger movie.
Bernie would have won and is going to win in 2020
Beth...Is that you?
#Bernie2020 #LetsGetItRightThisTime
OMG...Classic...and this even makes Bernie look better, if that's possible.
Where are all the comments about the finite energy line? Arguably the best thing that's been said throughout this entire series.
He tried to trick Bernie into saying something stupid but Bernie is too smart for it. Bernie Sanders is a genuine for the people politician.
"international institute of scientific truth and knoledge" 😂