Suzanne Venker: The Myth of Gender Identity

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • A lecture given by author and critic Suzanne Venker, hosted by the Free Speech Project's Tough Talks Lecture Series, a student-led initiative of The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College.
    Contains a clip from • Christina Hoff Sommers... (a conversation between Camilla Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers)

Комментарии • 24

  • @katherinehancocks283
    @katherinehancocks283 2 года назад +9

    I am a woman.
    I took Computing technology including Computing science courses and really wanted to be a programmer. I have had mental health problems that have hindered my life.
    But pressuring women to do something they don't want to do or don't have the aptitude to do harms women who have a genuine interest in stem. People observe the woman failing and then assume all women will fail.

    • @captnhuffy
      @captnhuffy 2 года назад

      All people, all people fall, fail, and flail. The difference is boot-strapping. It is easier for some than others. You got this woman!!

  • @NathanSmutz
    @NathanSmutz 3 года назад +7

    Suzanne starts at 10:00

  • @koroglurustem1722
    @koroglurustem1722 3 года назад +5

    So smooth Suzanne, so smooth !

  • @nathanketsdever3150
    @nathanketsdever3150 3 года назад +7

    I think a better title might have been "The Myths of Modern Feminism" rather than the "Myth of Gender Identity." I suppose it's possible they both are viable titles.
    Perhaps a fusion of the two "The Myths of Modern Feminism: The Fallacies of Gender Identity Feminism" or something similar.

  • @renatafnedab3003
    @renatafnedab3003 2 года назад +5

    The first man was full of uh’s and ums. 🤦🏽‍♀️. I have gone through public speech class and I thought that was the first thing they tell you Don’t do.

  • @GBU61
    @GBU61 2 года назад +5

    Talk to me about equality after I see 50% trash collectors, mechanics and other traditional males professions. Women do not want to work outdoors or in professions that require risk or strength-based jobs. A better way to look at things is men and women should compliment each other and focus on their strengths and accepting their weaknesses. We naturally fall into roles because it benefits both parties. Equality will never happen nor should it.

  • @ansar714
    @ansar714 Год назад

    Speech starts at 9:50

  • @markaurelius61
    @markaurelius61 2 года назад

    I went looking for that article by a woman names Mitchell mentioned about about 23:00, and it didn't show up. Does anyone have a reference to it?

  • @jonahtwhale1779
    @jonahtwhale1779 2 года назад +5

    When will we see equal opportunities - for men? We are all familiar with the demands than women hold 50% of CEOs, Oscar winners etc. Women should have 50% of the opportunities out there. But what about the other side of opportunities? Who is creating and offering these opportunities for women to take on? When will 50% of opportunities be created by women, and offer half to men? Name an industry or major company created and developed by women? Name a major technology created and developed by women? Sport is a perfect example. All the big female sports -WNBA women's tennis, women's soccer etc are just men's sports played by women. Any big sports created by women? Eve Netball is just an offshoot of basketball. Women seem to sit on the sidelines until men make a venture successful. Only then do they demand 50%, for fairness!

    • @captnhuffy
      @captnhuffy 2 года назад

      Massive truths in what you say! Leftism, Marxism, is redefining terms to fit their narratives that turn men, males, into SLAVES to prop up the system until Women are enslaved. Me, I'll go my own way as a Sovereign Man and spit on their Marxists graves.
      I seriously doubt that the book Feminine Mystique called for ***Women to be Graceless, Back-stabbing, Hate-mongers, who make False Allegations and Divorce gRape their husbands, Destroy their families, create Unfair laws, all while turning the entire country into a Marxists Leftist Progressive Big Government hell-hole*** Women literally, literally, did that all on their own. I could be wrong, it certainly wouldn't be the first time.
      But you can label me a **Sovereign Man** because I'll have nothing to to with their Politics, their Laws, or their Marriage contracts. Fuk that. Minimize your tax footprint gents, otherwise you are supporting their *madness* Mark my words gents, and enjoy the decline.
      A better role model for men than J. Peterson would tell them to NOT marry, or support, any woman who is anything like today's western woman. In fact that role model would tell men to go on not just a Marriage Strike (which is already happening) they should go on a Work Strike every time something unfair comes up. Women have DESTROYED a once fine and free nation (the West) and I have my doubts that Equality under the law will ever return. Read the book Men On Strike by Dr. Helen Smith for a fast and easy explanation.

    • @VegitoBlackk
      @VegitoBlackk 2 года назад


    • @grimaceschaos3148
      @grimaceschaos3148 2 года назад +2

      Have you never considered the reason why any of the things you mentioned acting, business, sports was created by men and women came into it later in time? Women were not allowed to play professional sports for a long time. Women were not allowed to act at a certain time and roles of women were played by men or young boys, women were not allowed in the workforce for a period time and if women did do these things they were all but shunned from society. You think female authors for one wanted to pen names sounding more male so their books would sell, or that they wanted to be shunned from society due to making money off of their work? Women have had to fight to be allowed into these professions, they have to fight for the right to own property, and they’ve even had to fight to not be considered property themselves. It also isn’t like when women were allowed to have a working profession they went straight to the top. Women have been domestic help, worked in textile mills, laundry mills and then over hundreds of years worked their way into positions of CEO. Your acting as if even education for women has always been equal to men, when in reality up until this last century a woman’s education was stopped so she could marry and have children. It isn’t that women have sat on the sidelines because they wanted to and only joined when they saw a venture becoming successful, society has had to change in order to allow women the opportunity to join in.
      You asked when will there be equal opportunity for men but when did men lose equal opportunity? Men are not barred from becoming CEOs, female sports doesn’t take away from male sports in anyway because women’s teams have to make their own money. It’s also proven women in sports make less money because people are less interested in watching female sports like the case of WNBA. That takes nothing from men, As for movies and awards in movies I fail to see how men and women don’t have equal footing in gaining movie awards, there is a category for both men and women to gain awards. Most movies depending on genre are male dominated roles. It is only this last decade that we see women becoming more of a main character then a supporting character so I’m confused how men don’t still hold at least 50% of opportunity. The movie and music industries are knowingly male dominated so I’m not exactly sure what you questioning about equal opportunity is about? Are you saying in order for things to be equal women should have to come up with a new way of entertainment, new sports, and a new way of doing business in order for everything to be equal? Especially when none of the things you mentioned are new concepts at all and are hundreds of not at least a hundred years old. Tennis, football, baseball, soccer none of those are modern day sports they’ve been around for long periods of time to gain popularity. Business has been going on since the beginning of civilization in some shape or form, acting has been around for centuries so it’s not like men haven’t dominated those for lengths of periods of time. Might I also add men do not have the burden of having children and needing time off to do this. In positions of business a man is more likely to succeed if in competition with a woman with children because they are deemed more reliable due to not having to take time off for children where women don’t have that luxury. You act like women are so opportunistic but women have been working alongside men since we came into existence, it’s just now roles are not segregated by sex as much.

    • @ansar714
      @ansar714 Год назад

      I agree

  • @omalone1169
    @omalone1169 5 лет назад +2

    Where is the Camille clip of 14:52

    • @omalone1169
      @omalone1169 5 лет назад

      20:38 You can't legislate desire . I wonder if she took that from Roland Tomassi

    • @omalone1169
      @omalone1169 5 лет назад +2

      Society is set up to benefit women not to make them fail
      Men are not there to oppress women but are programmed to help them
      It is not a disability to be a female
      They have contempt for females
      They demean motherhood as they value breadwinning
      They disregard female choice