Scarlett Johansson Holiday Monologue - SNL

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @maudtrenite856
    @maudtrenite856 5 лет назад +25377

    He looks at her like he actually can’t believe she’s calling him the love of her life, my heart

    • @bigman4407
      @bigman4407 5 лет назад +761

      He probably cant believe it. I cant believe it. He gives average guys every where hope.

    • @selenalemiec2549
      @selenalemiec2549 5 лет назад +1596

      There's nothing average about him. He's funny, smart, and super hot. So is she, though. They are a great couple.

    • @bigman4407
      @bigman4407 5 лет назад +273

      @@vuzemy oh i didn't know he was a harvard grad. That helps him i guess with scoring Scarlett. From a guy perspective though who isn't gay, he just look like an ordinary plain looking non intimidating dude. And Scarlett is just smoking hot, even her name "Scarlett" is hot. She is one of the sexiest and talented stars in hollywood, and for her to choose him, all im saying it gives me and other men hope we too can get a Scarlett Johansen type of woman. And to tell you the truth i feel i got this guy beat in the looks department.

    • @stephaniepinto9390
      @stephaniepinto9390 5 лет назад +25

      So sweet

    • @denniszenanywhere
      @denniszenanywhere 5 лет назад +107

      Big Man I’ve seen so many stars. They look just like any woman. Which is why they’re actors. It’s not about their looks but how they inhabit characters. Stardom is the only reason they seem larger than life. It helps if they’re nice. I was friends with one star and I thought I’d do every thing in my power to get involved with her. It turns out she was not that interesting at all, so I didn’t pursue her. Once you get over their stardom, you will see other people just as attractive.

  • @amygdala_511
    @amygdala_511 4 года назад +14593

    can we talk about how awkwardly colin was standing at the end hes so cute

    • @nothingtoseehere5606
      @nothingtoseehere5606 4 года назад +399

      He's used to the desk in between him and the audience

    • @confit
      @confit 4 года назад +80

      I wonder what he was thinking when she called him the love of her life lol he has the best poker face. (Someone here said that he might think it's BS given her 'promiscuity' not really sure what that means)

    • @chloeammiano5026
      @chloeammiano5026 4 года назад +99

      @@confit not sure what that means either... sounds like another person just talking about something they don’t know anything about, considered they recently got married.

    • @centigradz
      @centigradz 4 года назад +11

      She loves too quickly and too fast. Don't think he is into her that much.

    • 4 года назад +78

      @@centigradz No, he's thinking "I must be in a dream, please, please, be real!"

  • @evamel3
    @evamel3 5 лет назад +13735

    its weird to see colin's and michael's legs

    • @tropicalcandyland6266
      @tropicalcandyland6266 5 лет назад +39

      eva castillo 😂😂😂

    • @Psychol-Snooper
      @Psychol-Snooper 5 лет назад +285

      That blew my whole Muppet theory to hell.

    • @nova9996
      @nova9996 5 лет назад +6


    • @daviddelaney2407
      @daviddelaney2407 5 лет назад +41

      We see one of Che's legs every week!
      --Dave, ... I hope it's a leg, it's got a sneaker on it

    • @honeybee591
      @honeybee591 5 лет назад +3

      David DeLaney hahaha

  • @MrChannelnamehere
    @MrChannelnamehere 4 года назад +9808

    That paycheck joke sounds like it came straight from Michael Che. :D

  • @RamonLovesRockandPie
    @RamonLovesRockandPie 5 лет назад +5883

    I love how everyone is panicking as they're getting dusted and the Asian dude's just offended about being dusted. xD

    • @canaisyoung3601
      @canaisyoung3601 5 лет назад +134

      Considering SNL's shaky track record on diversity and the fact that this is the first Chinese-American cast member they've ever had (though Bowen Yang isn't the first gay cast member they had [though Yang is the first gay male cast member to not be white] or the first Asian-American, or the first one to be born outside of North America) and the reputation of Twitter, that's a reasonable reaction.

    • @RamonLovesRockandPie
      @RamonLovesRockandPie 5 лет назад +132

      @@canaisyoung3601 I think SNL reckonised that and was poking fun about that flaw about them. That joke was an intentional self-slap. xD

    • @matthewquach2705
      @matthewquach2705 3 года назад +6

      It was hilarious though

    • @anti-everybody
      @anti-everybody 3 года назад +5

      @@canaisyoung3601 people making all these "first" look at me crap is annoying. and they made a sketch about it too.

    • @mimithetigress9630
      @mimithetigress9630 2 года назад +4

      Bowen. His name is Bowen.

  • @carrots_arelife2924
    @carrots_arelife2924 5 лет назад +12011

    "oh no, what will we do without his paycheck" damn lmao

    • @benzaiten933
      @benzaiten933 5 лет назад +259

      what with all that Black Widow merch money.........😅

    • @JazzyJeffRealTalk
      @JazzyJeffRealTalk 5 лет назад +124

      Savage 🤣

    • @ron.hertzberg
      @ron.hertzberg 5 лет назад +102

      Shes not on a % paycheck only rdj got that 2% backend in his contract. But she still makes millions per movie.

    • @ron.hertzberg
      @ron.hertzberg 5 лет назад +3

      @@benzaiten933 ^

    • @SidV101
      @SidV101 5 лет назад +82

      Ron Hertzberg yeah plus 140m net worth she never has to work another day of her life if she doesn’t want to

  • @karlasilva8080
    @karlasilva8080 5 лет назад +14258

    Why is no one talking about this iconic line
    “wow first Asian cast member now you’re dusting me?! Twitters gonna eat you alive!”

    • @Nimesay1
      @Nimesay1 5 лет назад +140

      I know that was funny

    • @hd-xc2lz
      @hd-xc2lz 5 лет назад +106

      Because we've been reminded of this fact at least once in every SNL show since he arrived. Only thing new here is that they didn't remind us that he's gay.

    • @mickeye6428
      @mickeye6428 5 лет назад +5

      Well people are talking about it and it isn't iconic. It's lame.

    • @ASMRyouVEGANyet
      @ASMRyouVEGANyet 5 лет назад +6

      Several people have quoted that line.

    • @karlasilva8080
      @karlasilva8080 5 лет назад +6

      ASMRyouVEGANyet? Lol ik now, i commented that when no one talked about it yet

  • @Abidur_
    @Abidur_ 5 лет назад +4257

    “I think it’s just one of those weeks where Pete doesn’t show up”
    Boom roasted 🤣

    • @KeeBay30
      @KeeBay30 3 года назад +22

      I can hear this in a Michael Scott voice!🤣

    • @emmagrace4351
      @emmagrace4351 3 года назад +4

      @@KeeBay30 OMG SAME

    • @KikiV06
      @KikiV06 3 года назад +4


    • @lysander3262
      @lysander3262 3 года назад +4

      Depression is a hell of a drug
      Also, drugs

    • @michaelwachendorf2096
      @michaelwachendorf2096 2 года назад +2

      No Pete said you get time off if you've been there long enough listen lmao 🤣😂

  • @richcreamerybutter6640
    @richcreamerybutter6640 3 года назад +1133

    Considering how private Scarlett is in real life (no Instagram or FB) and to announce to the world that Colin is the love of my life is a huge deal. Love the fact she didn't even announce their wedding/pregnancy and how much she values her privacy

    • @michaelwachendorf2096
      @michaelwachendorf2096 2 года назад +4

      And you know she has no Instagram or Facebook because? Stock much lmao playing

    • @playwme1681
      @playwme1681 2 года назад +11

      @@michaelwachendorf2096 that made no sense? what? and techincally she has the outset now but i don't think she runs it

    • @Julia-lk8jn
      @Julia-lk8jn Год назад +12

      Yep, smart woman. I think she either knows that with her SNL and movie history, she doesn't need to feed the fans to keep them interesting, or she simply doesn't buy into the whole concept "but you need to be active on social media or your fans will forget you exist!!!!" BS right from the start.

    • @mracer8
      @mracer8 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelwachendorf2096 I didn't know that? so who was that women I am following at Instagram that have 3.9million follower?

  • @captaindeadpool313
    @captaindeadpool313 4 года назад +1033

    The look Scarlett gives Colin when he asks, "Do you not watch the movies?" and his reaction after that is PRICELESS!!

    • @michaelwachendorf2096
      @michaelwachendorf2096 2 года назад +1

      Did you see how he ducked. He thought he was going to get slapped. Lmao nope that was when Chris Rock made that joke about Jada my bad lmao 🤣

  • @hughgrection5803
    @hughgrection5803 5 лет назад +7359

    Imagine being the love of Scarlett johanssons life

    • @ttamcc.4674
      @ttamcc.4674 5 лет назад +88

      Hugh G Rection whoa buddy u just took me to heaven with that comment chill out!!

    • @angiej3127
      @angiej3127 5 лет назад +316

      I wonder if she said the same about her two ex-husbands....

    • @TwilightSunXXIV
      @TwilightSunXXIV 5 лет назад +87

      @@angiej3127 one was Ryan Reynolds so...

    • @editname8364
      @editname8364 5 лет назад +322

      Hugh G Rection imagine being the third love of Scarlett Johanssons life

    • @chrisw9122
      @chrisw9122 5 лет назад +156

      Hopefully this monologue ages well 😂

  • @AzreBalmung
    @AzreBalmung 5 лет назад +7178

    The way Scarlett looked at Collin when he asked her if she watched the movie 😹

    • @asilvap
      @asilvap 4 года назад +74

      I have seen that look before It means "don't put yourself to my reach"

    • @bennyton2560
      @bennyton2560 4 года назад +31

      death stare

    • @teekay698
      @teekay698 3 года назад +55

      We've all looked at our men that way at some point when they roast us 😂

    • @anti-everybody
      @anti-everybody 3 года назад +2

      um you are crying over a scripted line that been asked a million times to her by fans?

    • @ClarakinsAya
      @ClarakinsAya 2 года назад +4

      I was looking for this comment omg I died!

  • @mishko520
    @mishko520 5 лет назад +2508

    They way Colin holds her in the end made my heart melt. It was a genuinely loving embrace, protective yet gentle. 💕💕

    • @blumoon5184
      @blumoon5184 4 года назад +4


    • @mikaelacumberbatch6250
      @mikaelacumberbatch6250 4 года назад +38

      Its so wierd hearing Scareltt Johansson refer to Collin Jost as Collin. Like for some reason, it only sounds normal as "Collin Jost"

  • @maltedmilk6888
    @maltedmilk6888 2 года назад +382

    That was sweet at the end, you could see the genuine affection they had for each other

  • @meganrobinson4501
    @meganrobinson4501 4 года назад +537

    not me crying from when scarlett called colin the love of her life and the look on his face im fine really

  • @matthewcurlee6661
    @matthewcurlee6661 5 лет назад +3824

    "Wow first Asian cast member now you're dusting me?! Twitter's gonna eat you alive!"
    I cackled

    • @FishoD
      @FishoD 5 лет назад +46

      But in all honesty, SNL is in quite a pickle with him. So far he played different gay character stereotypes in literally every sketch he was in. So far there was absolutely zero range in his performance. I hopeit will get better, otherwise what will they do? In this current overly PC toxic climate they literally cannot fire him without serious blowbacks.

    • @tatatheretiktok6031
      @tatatheretiktok6031 5 лет назад +101

      @@FishoD if you want range, look no further than Pete and Leslie Jones. They pretty much wrote Lesie as the same character in every sketch she was in. And Pete is literally just Pete.

    • @PrecisionGolfCarts
      @PrecisionGolfCarts 5 лет назад +10

      @meek he's half philippino and white.

    • @matthewcurlee6661
      @matthewcurlee6661 5 лет назад +23

      @@FishoD he was also a writer at SNL before he was a cast member. So it's a pretty safe bet he's written some of his own performances. He's openly gay as well.

    • @ciara7264
      @ciara7264 5 лет назад +4


  • @Jordison888888
    @Jordison888888 5 лет назад +14549

    Imagine having Scarlett Johansson calling you “the love of my life” on live television.What else would you want from your life

    • @michaelmarquez6133
      @michaelmarquez6133 5 лет назад +92

      For her to be like 10 years younger would be nice lol JK

    • @jondunmore4268
      @jondunmore4268 5 лет назад +8

      Tapping dat ass on live television?

    • @mikesamra9126
      @mikesamra9126 5 лет назад +78

      I think you are star struck. These people come and go. Everyone is drooling over Jenifer Anniston in a bikini at 50 yo this week and Brad Pitt is hanging around her.Tinsel Town is fake just like these people are.

    • @kaiasmith5404
      @kaiasmith5404 4 года назад +39

      Jerseygirl8999 m but if they are truly in love that is the most perfect thing ever

    • @tommymas1
      @tommymas1 4 года назад +81

      Let's ask her first 2 husbands.....I'm sure they were all the loves of her life. Lol....

  • @Raesplendent
    @Raesplendent 5 лет назад +3133

    "well that's GOOD TO KNOW" kenan winning the skit with one line, as usual

  • @kissvera6386
    @kissvera6386 3 года назад +1798

    I love Scarlet but she's just as lucky to be Colin's wife as Colin is to be her husband in my opinion! I mean that man is the whole package, he deserves the world

    • @Julia-lk8jn
      @Julia-lk8jn Год назад +37

      Agreed! I kind of suspect that with all the stress and circus that goes with making SNL and big budget movies, she picked somebody who is as unflappable and in tune with himself as one can be.

    • @mracer8
      @mracer8 3 месяца назад +3

      @@Julia-lk8jn I can easily be that person! I am also unflappable and in tune with myself!

    • @DocOrtmeyer
      @DocOrtmeyer Месяц назад

      He really is a human ken doll ;)

  • @LessDougDeMuro
    @LessDougDeMuro 5 лет назад +892

    “oh no mikey!”
    “i think that’s alex”
    “same damn thing”

    • @hoover728
      @hoover728 3 года назад +7

      Took me a few months of watching skits to easily tell them apart.

  • @theprincesisters9993
    @theprincesisters9993 5 лет назад +5118

    Its so wierd hearing Scareltt Johansson refer to Collin Jost as Collin. Like for some reason, it only sounds normal as "Collin Jost"

    • @rookiebeotch
      @rookiebeotch 5 лет назад +195

      'Colin Jost' sounds weird too. Normally it's 'Colin Jost and Michael Che'

    • @AngelofMusic04
      @AngelofMusic04 5 лет назад +65

      * Colin Jessica Jost.

    • @kokolatte825
      @kokolatte825 5 лет назад +33

      Michael calls him "Collin" every week. Not weird at all.

    • @ron.hertzberg
      @ron.hertzberg 5 лет назад +3

      I have friends where i call the, by there full name. Nick green. Is one. Just funny tonsay the whole thing lmao. So its understandable you feel like this

    • @jamesanderson6373
      @jamesanderson6373 5 лет назад +4


  • @qweb3628
    @qweb3628 5 лет назад +5417

    The most paid actress in Hollywood:
    "oh no what are we gonna do without his paycheck!" 🤣

    • @ttamcc.4674
      @ttamcc.4674 5 лет назад +41

      mrcopy75 lalaland well that was a fire under Colins ass lol

    • @TwilightSunXXIV
      @TwilightSunXXIV 5 лет назад +355

      How much you wanna bet Che wrote that line? 😆

    • @akshatmittal1234
      @akshatmittal1234 5 лет назад +20

      27 Jeff bezos with gender reverse

    • @ZAPTV11
      @ZAPTV11 4 года назад +2


    • @delpicsla65
      @delpicsla65 4 года назад +5

      @@That1punk91 I hope not but damn would that be so hilariously sad😂😂

  • @alyreadsbooks7560
    @alyreadsbooks7560 5 лет назад +6893

    “Oh no I think it’s just one of those weeks where Pete just doesn’t show up.” 😂😂

    • @YTFlove4ever
      @YTFlove4ever 5 лет назад +159

      I'm glad if that's really true and they are that accepting of him at his workplace. I wonder when my workplace would be that inclusive.

    • @ChandiraG
      @ChandiraG 5 лет назад +61

      Lorne Michaels has been reading the comments.

    • @icefire1316
      @icefire1316 5 лет назад +200

      He's shooting the new suicide squad movie and WB paid for him to be released from his contract for the duration

    • @dodgingdurangos924
      @dodgingdurangos924 5 лет назад +15

      @@icefire1316 boom. Facts.

    • @mikemccown2057
      @mikemccown2057 5 лет назад +15

      Yea the audience must not of wanted to sign the non disclosure.

  • @serenaperez3730
    @serenaperez3730 4 года назад +579

    0:42 "oh know what will we do with his paycheck"
    1:33 "it's the same damn thing"
    2:11 "no, it's just one of those weeks he doesn't show up"
    2:18 "“wow first Asian cast member now you’re dusting me?! Twitters gonna eat you alive!” 4:14"Yeah, you know, when you been here as long as I have you can do that" "Really? Well that's good to know

    • @Messiahs
      @Messiahs 3 года назад +6

      You've also seen the clip?

    • @sillygoose635
      @sillygoose635 3 года назад

      @@Messiahs You have too?

  • @littleregal158
    @littleregal158 3 года назад +2164

    She knew she was marrying Che too, adopting Pete and now she has John Mulaney her brother in law and her new two sisters in law, Kate Mckinnon and Cecily Strong😂❤️

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 3 года назад +46


    • @magica3526
      @magica3526 3 года назад +11

      okay but you know they're not like
      friends irl
      especially not that close of friends
      you aren't besties with all your coworkers
      they have chemistry because they're actors who have gotten really good at pretending

    • @odh3424
      @odh3424 3 года назад +48

      @@magica3526 im pretty sure michael che and colin jost lived together before they were on weekend update together

    • @shaneg4383
      @shaneg4383 3 года назад +9

      Yeah I’m not seeing anyone past Michael Che

    • @brandonday2494
      @brandonday2494 3 года назад

      Good deal.

  • @klay6034
    @klay6034 5 лет назад +680

    This is the most chaotic monologue I have ever seen

    • @woopwooppfttttt
      @woopwooppfttttt 4 года назад +1

      this and rick moranis’ monologue from 1989 !! (i think?)

  • @inlovewithnite
    @inlovewithnite 5 лет назад +1001

    Aw, Scarlett and Colin's kiss reminded me of kids at a prom...kinda nervous,but you can tell they're completely in love.😍

    • @zoe9690
      @zoe9690 4 года назад +2

      Collins is what my little cousin calls those rubbery colourful toy caterpillars

  • @dontedoestuff
    @dontedoestuff 5 лет назад +6040

    Think about How Colin’s life has gone. He was a writer for this show. Okay. One week, Scarlett is supposed to host. Maybe they pass in the halls and he introduces himself, maybe he wrote a sketch so he has to meet with her to go over it. She sees him. Thinks he’s so handsome. Before the week is up maybe he works up the nerve to ask out SCARLETT JOHANSSON... and then she said yes.... this is the limitless possibilities of life my friends. This is as good as life can be, you just gotta get out there and make it happen!!!

    • @melvina628
      @melvina628 5 лет назад +80

      You do! That's exactly right. Go do it!

    • @ASMRyouVEGANyet
      @ASMRyouVEGANyet 5 лет назад +153

      I'm sure having clout helped. He's not an average person off the street. People date amongst their peers

    • @misspriss2482
      @misspriss2482 5 лет назад +140

      @@ASMRyouVEGANyet Not always. There are plenty of Hollywood people who date/marry normal people.

    • @LeoHVu
      @LeoHVu 5 лет назад +323

      If you look up their relationship timeline, Scarlett was on a sketch wrote by Collin but she still with her ex-husband as the time and only think Collin is a confident writer. Later on after her divorce, Kate McKinnon was actually the person who set them up for a date. But I agree with you, you never know what is waiting for you out there!!

    • @HudaefCares
      @HudaefCares 5 лет назад +36

      IIRC they met in a skit Scarlett was in and Jost wrote or something. Idk I just read it on another snl video. The video looked like Scarlett was partying while in labor lol. I gotta look that up later.

  • @elhopper3735
    @elhopper3735 4 года назад +377

    Imagine having Scarlet Johanssen call you the love of her life. Colin is one lucky dude

  • @mikeyproctor5670
    @mikeyproctor5670 4 года назад +43

    Wow, the audacity of rubbing that pure, genuine love in our faces. I'm not jealous, you are.

  • @alfie6441
    @alfie6441 5 лет назад +3950

    1:29 “oh my god Mikey”
    “I think that was maybe Alex”
    “It’s the same damn thing”
    It low key is though 😂

    • @lapislazuli06
      @lapislazuli06 5 лет назад +65

      Yeah, at the begin when they introduced the actors, I got them mixed up and laughed so hard that they put that! 😂

    • @JR-hf4xy
      @JR-hf4xy 5 лет назад +18

      With time I learned to know who was who because I think Mikey is amazing in everything he does but it took me like a year so that line made me laugh a lot

    • @mrsimhayes3797
      @mrsimhayes3797 4 года назад +10

      You mean, Loki? Get it? (Low-key) hehe

    • @katiegalvin1773
      @katiegalvin1773 4 года назад +12

      I freak out when they aren’t in the same skits they have to be together 😂

    • @leif1075
      @leif1075 4 года назад +2

      @@katiegalvin1773 why do they have to be together?

  • @henrysmith9725
    @henrysmith9725 5 лет назад +2637

    ‘What will we do without his paycheck’
    They needed to call the NY fire department after they wrote that joke. Even if Colin was the one who wrote it.

    • @gabelogan5877
      @gabelogan5877 5 лет назад +72

      Henry Smith Either Colin or Michael Che wrote it.

    • @lane1553
      @lane1553 5 лет назад

      whos paycheck??

    • @gabelogan5877
      @gabelogan5877 5 лет назад +81

      William Schock Scarlett is getting married to Colin who obviously gets paid peanuts compared to her.

    • @ttamcc.4674
      @ttamcc.4674 5 лет назад +29

      When I heard that I was like damn she did not say that lol. She made my man Colin seem like a child. Even though they are 2 years apart Scarlett would be a great sugar momma for Colin

    • @ttamcc.4674
      @ttamcc.4674 5 лет назад +3

      Gabe Logan lmao and maybe a few pecans on the side

  • @nicholashilton2514
    @nicholashilton2514 5 лет назад +671

    Beck: “NO! You need me! Who’s gonna play the dumb idiooooooooooot” Lmao 😂

    • @jonathanmendoza2319
      @jonathanmendoza2319 5 лет назад +2

      Holy Crap Lence the Porcupine is Vanished by Thanos?!😱😱😱😱

    • @canaisyoung3601
      @canaisyoung3601 5 лет назад +5

      Alex Moffat also plays dumb idiots, though they're more douchebaggy than dumb (cf. The guy who just bought a boat).

    • @CookieThug
      @CookieThug 3 года назад

      lmao he’s so funny 😂

  • @brenna_boop6341
    @brenna_boop6341 4 года назад +83

    Scarlett is killing it in that dress!! And she and Colin are absolutely adorable

  • @hhtptai
    @hhtptai 4 года назад +273

    I started crying when Kenan showed up as Nick Fury.

  • @iloveyourunclebob
    @iloveyourunclebob 5 лет назад +2702

    "I think that was Alex."
    "It's the same damn thing."

    • @loonzoldick
      @loonzoldick 5 лет назад +59

      i always mix the two of them so when they said that i was losing it

    • @alexvasquez537
      @alexvasquez537 5 лет назад +3


    • @youtubedrifter5594
      @youtubedrifter5594 5 лет назад +1

      Super racist

    • @justingarfield2663
      @justingarfield2663 5 лет назад +20

      They’re like two peas in a pod on this show. They’re the best when they play Don Jr. & Eric.

    • @MH-ty7fb
      @MH-ty7fb 5 лет назад +8

      RUclips Drifter not really, I’m white and I’ve always thought about the same thing.

  • @uneedtherapy42
    @uneedtherapy42 5 лет назад +5658

    I know there will be haters but seriously Scarlett and Colin are adorable together. He seems like he has a major crush on her...

    • @steffnic13
      @steffnic13 5 лет назад +128

      uneedtherapy42 ... Him watching her at the end credits also (and possibly checking her ass out 😂). Just so in love. ✨💞✨ It’s adorable.

    • @jasonlucero5742
      @jasonlucero5742 5 лет назад +292

      No haters, they are a great couple. We’re all just incredibly jealous of him.

    • @aritanashrah4661
      @aritanashrah4661 5 лет назад +154

      Hopefully they stay together 🤞🏼

    • @CT-um7zq
      @CT-um7zq 5 лет назад +42

      @@aritanashrah4661 if they fall apart it would be on her, he is super mellow, while she is all fire

    • @Psychol-Snooper
      @Psychol-Snooper 5 лет назад +42

      Yeah, and if the have kids at least one will have her face with his chin.
      You're welcome.

  • @macattack423
    @macattack423 5 лет назад +456

    “Oh no what will we do without his paycheck” i died

    • @Hannah-gc4cy
      @Hannah-gc4cy 3 года назад +10

      That joke has Che written allll over it🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Niyati99
      @Niyati99 3 года назад

      @@Hannah-gc4cy yesss😂😂

  • @ruby-jp8wo
    @ruby-jp8wo 3 года назад +71

    Scarlett and Colin are honestly the cutest I love seeing love like that it’s so wholesome

  • @Missfavourites
    @Missfavourites 2 года назад +23

    Awwww my heart melted when she said "I met the love of my life here..." and the looks they gave each other then, awwww, so in love - they are such a cute, real good-looking, power couple!! No wonder SNL is so special for her...and everyone cheering in the background - they are all like a big huge happy family!!

  • @kateheggie4373
    @kateheggie4373 5 лет назад +389

    Her face after he said “do you not watch the movies?” 😂

  • @bartdarrow9217
    @bartdarrow9217 5 лет назад +2967

    "So, Pete. Taking a few shows off, are ya?"
    "Yeah, you know, when you been here as long as I have you can do that"
    "Really? Well that's good to know"

    • @PittsburghSonido
      @PittsburghSonido 4 года назад +110

      *kenan been on snl for 17 years lol

    • @wandering_penguino
      @wandering_penguino 4 года назад +10

      @FOX News is 100% fake news, lies, and garbage That's the joke

    • @xxmegababygirlxx
      @xxmegababygirlxx 2 года назад +1

      I was waiting for this comment 😂😂

  • @wstine79
    @wstine79 5 лет назад +298

    Scarlett and Colin look so adorable together.

    • @davidr5340
      @davidr5340 5 лет назад +2

      Pete and Ariana looked adorable also

    • @jondunmore4268
      @jondunmore4268 5 лет назад +1

      Yeh, they almost look as comfortable as Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley.

  • @karencawthorn3173
    @karencawthorn3173 4 года назад +83

    She looks up at him & adores his cute 'lil face.

  • @bittermochi259
    @bittermochi259 4 года назад +761

    In my opinion, he is the prettiest and most charming man she's been with, including Ryan Reynolds. He's effortlessly funny, down to earth, kind, has beatiful eyes and smile. AND he looks at Scarlett as if she was a goddess and he a mere mortal, 10/10, guys should learn!

    • @ryansizemore5064
      @ryansizemore5064 4 года назад +38

      Tf u talking about every guy looks at her that way

    • @sunshine-cj8nl
      @sunshine-cj8nl 4 года назад +66

      ..and the smartest (went to Harvard) 😉

    • @awsumocoolbeans
      @awsumocoolbeans 4 года назад +19

      She’s sooo lucky!!

    • @shatakshisharma5240
      @shatakshisharma5240 4 года назад +45

      @awsumocoolbeans *they both are lucky. It's hard to find someone who actually loves you.

    • @jlord5078
      @jlord5078 4 года назад +4

      I'll take notes!

  • @e_G_o_05
    @e_G_o_05 5 лет назад +350

    I was waiting for Che’s “I object!!!” when Scarlett professed her love for Colin...

    • @chrissiek8706
      @chrissiek8706 5 лет назад +9

      Or at least Scarlett turning at Che at the last moment 😅

  • @3lement2010
    @3lement2010 5 лет назад +495

    Scarlett looks so gorgeous in that dress.

    • @zekellie_
      @zekellie_ 5 лет назад +12

      She always looks gorgeous 😩😩

    • @Igaveyoumyfakename
      @Igaveyoumyfakename 5 лет назад +4

      My eyes keep being drawn to that hideous tattoo on her arm. WTF?

    • @3lement2010
      @3lement2010 5 лет назад

      @@zekellie_ Facts!

    • @krathoon2338
      @krathoon2338 5 лет назад

      Didn't the Avengers actors get tattoos or something. I remember reading about that.

    • @3lement2010
      @3lement2010 5 лет назад

      @@krathoon2338 They did get a tattoo, but I dont believe it's that one. I think the Avengers one was a simple "A" with a 6 in it.

  • @MrsLensherrr
    @MrsLensherrr 5 лет назад +78

    It may not be the best monologue of all time, but Scarlett and Colin being two lovebirds and the cast members being aware of what public thinks about them? Loved it.

  • @YOLOMCM1324
    @YOLOMCM1324 4 года назад +144

    Scarlett Johansson and Colin are a really good couple!!!

  • @ricobuttonpusher7061
    @ricobuttonpusher7061 3 года назад +120

    Colin: “I can’t believe I’m getting married to ScarJo”

  • @cindyalvarez6425
    @cindyalvarez6425 5 лет назад +204

    All I want for Christmas is for someone to look at me like Colin looks at Scarlet !!!

    • @starkravingralph
      @starkravingralph 5 лет назад +11

      I was thinking the same thing. 😭😭😭

    • @jenniferbullett7254
      @jenniferbullett7254 4 года назад

      Add me to the list as well.

    • @rebekahislam3355
      @rebekahislam3355 4 года назад

      @@jenniferbullett7254 you are that lonely huh!! Me as well.. Let's chat sometime, what's your insta?? Btw i'm a guy..

  • @noneya622
    @noneya622 5 лет назад +1292

    It's Christmas. WHY DIDN'T THEY CALL HIM SANT-OS 🎅

    • @zekellie_
      @zekellie_ 5 лет назад +3

      @Alan Hughes okay good I thought I heard that too 😅

    • @N0vinta
      @N0vinta 5 лет назад +2

      It's not Christmas! It's Advent!

    • @mmmtsp
      @mmmtsp 5 лет назад

      Oh, pardon me, Santos, if that is your real name, Bart Simpson

    • @MrStealYoBitchHoe
      @MrStealYoBitchHoe 5 лет назад

      I'm not a bad Santos

    • @cobraimploder
      @cobraimploder 5 лет назад +2

      Or Thanta

  • @thalia8306
    @thalia8306 5 лет назад +700

    Scarlett in that red dress. that is all.

    • @darkmatter4292
      @darkmatter4292 5 лет назад +1


    • @Xhoven
      @Xhoven 5 лет назад +7

      @DrinkwithaMexican She's only 35.

    • @TriniCanoAdventures
      @TriniCanoAdventures 5 лет назад

      that back view is not bad either

    • @stupidkitty84
      @stupidkitty84 5 лет назад +10

      You mean... Scarlett in a scarlett dress. 😉

    • @bluenoclues3685
      @bluenoclues3685 5 лет назад +10

      DrinkwithaMexican You think 35 is old? And having a baby means they are past their prime? Nah

  • @svetlanaandrasova6086
    @svetlanaandrasova6086 2 года назад +58

    Im smilling like an idiot looking at the two of them. They are so cute. Especially him. The way he is looking at her...

  • @Jman16119
    @Jman16119 4 года назад +87

    "Natasha, if you're gonna stop Thanos, you're gonna need my heeeEEEeeelp!"

  • @kendrawallace2488
    @kendrawallace2488 5 лет назад +79

    Pete to Kenan:
    “when you’ve been here as long as I have....” 😂
    Kenan has been the longest-tenured regular season cast member since January of 2014. Beating out Darrell Hammond. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😂

  • @sarahsrappa
    @sarahsrappa 5 лет назад +120

    “Love of my life here” was not on script . Ooowwww 🥰🥰🥰 his face, like he is the luckiest man in the world .
    God bless them

  • @adrianglory8083
    @adrianglory8083 5 лет назад +767

    Man I really hope they last forever

    • @jasy2489
      @jasy2489 5 лет назад +4

      Nope.. Scarlet will always be more famous than him.. So if he stays they are good

    • @joeyjonesSoCal
      @joeyjonesSoCal 5 лет назад +7

      Jasyn Mathew well, let’s refer to the track record...2 divorces later a Sean Penn relationship, etc etc yeah, they’ll definitely last “forever.” This reply bead for the original commenter.

    • @ender003
      @ender003 5 лет назад +10

      I would bet money they won't.

    • @joeyjonesSoCal
      @joeyjonesSoCal 5 лет назад +6

      The Ender Yup, this lady had Ryan Reynolds (an absolute gem) and he’s doing great with Blake Lively 3 kids and a healthy marriage later, it’s obvious the problem is her.

    • @xordus
      @xordus 5 лет назад +4

      it's showbiz. literally nothing lasts forever

  • @SoupBoi96
    @SoupBoi96 3 года назад +19

    3:10 that death stare from Scarlett Johansson is insane lol. Pete Davidson WOULD have the Infinity Gauntlet though lmfaoooo

  • @beel_sona
    @beel_sona 3 года назад +81

    why is no one talking about the 'resident young person' cue card on petes wall

  • @herooflight7931
    @herooflight7931 5 лет назад +356

    Wow first Asian cast member now you're dusting me Twitter is going to eat you alive where has this guy been? why wasn't he on SNL sooner 🤣🤣

    • @sha11235
      @sha11235 5 лет назад +1

      He had a lot of shit to do tonight.

    • @mickeye6428
      @mickeye6428 5 лет назад +3

      He was somewhere else being not funny.

    • @canaisyoung3601
      @canaisyoung3601 5 лет назад +2

      Because he wrote for the show and SNL didn't think to put him on until Leslie Jones left.

  • @PiazzaGurl
    @PiazzaGurl 5 лет назад +47

    She really seems happy and their reaction to one another was so genuine. I do hope she's finally happy

  • @OscarGomez80
    @OscarGomez80 5 лет назад +59

    Amazing, at the end Colin had a face like "I still can believe this is real, I´m engaged to Scarlett Johansson"

  • @rhiannon8197
    @rhiannon8197 4 года назад +56


  • @Maggie_b
    @Maggie_b 2 года назад +54

    I love Colin. Every single snl ending he makes sure to have a conversation with every musical guest and host. He just seems so genuine. I love that him and Scarlett are happy together 💕

  • @AmaraEmme
    @AmaraEmme 5 лет назад +29

    Their hug at the end was so cute

  • @kelissanlee
    @kelissanlee 5 лет назад +58

    I swear Scarlett and Colin are literally the cutest🥺 Colin looks so shy around herrr😭😭

  • @MostlyGhosty485
    @MostlyGhosty485 4 года назад +37

    Scarlett and Colin are just, genuinely so damn cute together. It's honestly really refreshing to see.

  • @Honeyvee22
    @Honeyvee22 3 года назад +24

    Omg Colin looks like a lost puppy. It makes me feel like he really finds comfort and a sense of home with her. So cute

  • @priscillajimenez27
    @priscillajimenez27 5 лет назад +37

    2:55 colin's reaction to Kenan Jackson from SHIELD 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @miguelpedroza1094
    @miguelpedroza1094 5 лет назад +200

    I can't be the only one who said "lucky bastard" at the end, c'mon!

    • @ChrisHops22
      @ChrisHops22 5 лет назад +12

      yeah, you can't really get much higher in life after ScarJo calls you the love of her life

    • @thevoid99
      @thevoid99 5 лет назад +1

      lucky bastard for now. she will be mine soon.... and we'll break up as i will continue to direct films for her and make sure she gets a shitload of awards and cans of whoop-ass and hopefully direct her in a unsimulated sex scene with another fine actress.

    • @zzzcocopepe
      @zzzcocopepe 5 лет назад +4

      Yeah I'm definitely jealous of scarlett

    • @artbow7652
      @artbow7652 5 лет назад

      No you're not Colin you're a lucky sob.

    • @jondunmore4268
      @jondunmore4268 5 лет назад

      I was too busy fapping to say anything.

  • @spcooper94
    @spcooper94 5 лет назад +151

    "When you've been here as long as I have you can do that" 😂😂😂😂

  • @juanmedrano2616
    @juanmedrano2616 4 года назад +1451

    Did she just say "what would we do without his paycheck".good luck Colin.

    • @davidmessina8108
      @davidmessina8108 4 года назад +284

      As one of the head writers on the show, he probably either wrote that line or approved it. Good chance Che wrote it.

    • @juanmedrano2616
      @juanmedrano2616 4 года назад +108

      @@davidmessina8108 that was definitely Che. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @teekay698
      @teekay698 3 года назад +57

      The very fact that colin can take a joke is why he's so sexy! Scarlett Johansson is not uptight either. Thats also why i see them as a power couple.

    • @lauriejones4507
      @lauriejones4507 3 года назад +81

      I just love how a woman is considered a gold digger if she "marries up," but if she makes more money then "good luck," lol. Some folks are never happy 🙄

    • @juanmedrano2616
      @juanmedrano2616 3 года назад +1

      @@lauriejones4507 sounds like you are the one that considers that. If you are a woman and you marry up, great for you and if you're a man, well are you really a man? No diss to Colin. Anyways, that's me telling to chill out. You sound like a derange wokie that has concepts and ideas about the world a s justice has no sense of reality and how real people feel as opposed to what some obscure concept tells you is wrong. Have a nice day and stay in the kitchen

  • @xjaymoney4563
    @xjaymoney4563 4 года назад +24

    He's a lucky man. It must be a blessing to be the love of Scarlett Johansson's life.

  • @Belle111
    @Belle111 10 месяцев назад +7

    The way Colin looks at her at the end I could barely take it it’s the sweetest love

  • @RCAReacts
    @RCAReacts 5 лет назад +128

    Do you know how hard Pete was holding back from giving the middle finger in the gauntlet?
    Seriously, its first thing you do when you put it on!

    • @zekellie_
      @zekellie_ 5 лет назад

      Oh you know he was dying inside 😂😂

  • @modiabcomedy
    @modiabcomedy 5 лет назад +849

    Do you think Colin ever watched home alone 3 as a teen and thought “I’m gonna marry the sister”

    • @canaisyoung3601
      @canaisyoung3601 5 лет назад +72

      Fun fact: Jason Momoa said (almost) the same thing when he was a kid watching Lisa Bonet on The Cosby Show.
      So, to answer your question...probably?

    • @brucekaraus7330
      @brucekaraus7330 5 лет назад +104

      I doubt it. No one saw Home Alone 3.

    • @BirdTube83
      @BirdTube83 5 лет назад +15

      I don't think many people have seen home alone 3

    • @ManPursueExcellence
      @ManPursueExcellence 5 лет назад +29

      Murad Diab
      There was a Home Alone 3??? 😂

    • @modiabcomedy
      @modiabcomedy 5 лет назад +5

      Frank Martinez I absolutely agree. I’ve been sending Lorne audition tapes for years but he keeps having his security team throw me out.

  • @GreenLight5444
    @GreenLight5444 5 лет назад +53

    I’m glad they pointed out the Alex Mikey similarities.
    And the pete shade 😂

  • @1970boobear
    @1970boobear 5 лет назад +20

    There was so much to love about this monologue. But I keep coming back to Scarlett looking grossed out when she hugged Pete LMAO dang

  • @NOCLUEinvalid
    @NOCLUEinvalid 3 года назад +20

    2:17 "wow first asian cast member. now you're dusting me? twitter's going to eat you alive "

  • @sunflowervol_6
    @sunflowervol_6 5 лет назад +240

    Why is no one talking about MGK's picture on Pete's board!!!

    • @flowerskiss3365
      @flowerskiss3365 5 лет назад +19

      the one in the heart shape lmao

    • @melvina628
      @melvina628 5 лет назад +4

      Or all the alcohol bottles on the desk?

    • @silvergir89
      @silvergir89 5 лет назад +2

      Or the Weekend Update cue card on the same board.

    • @jaynifleming3589
      @jaynifleming3589 5 лет назад

      I literally spazzed. Omg. They are cure

  • @taylordacquelclayton
    @taylordacquelclayton 5 лет назад +69

    Wow. I’ve literally never been this early. Usually I have to catch up on Sunday morning. Nothing like a little insomnia mixed with SNL.

  • @nawshaba152
    @nawshaba152 5 лет назад +32

    Scarlett and Colin look genuinely happy together. 😍

    • @rjs1674
      @rjs1674 3 года назад

      It;s Hollywood. Do you how many times we hear this from Holywood couples? Why you think they marry and divorce multiple times? If they make it past 3 years, she may have gotten it right but time will tell.

  • @YoutubeSun1
    @YoutubeSun1 3 года назад +8

    The way he looks at her before he kisses her at the end...ugh. 😍😍😍. That’s real folks. ♥️🙌🏼💯

  • @totakikay
    @totakikay 5 лет назад +22

    i can’t be wrong when i see a couple who i believe would do wonderful together- when i see scarlett and colin i can sense there beauty and love for each other. when i feel happy for a couple- it’s a good thing.

  • @sunnydaysddt2068
    @sunnydaysddt2068 5 лет назад +359

    Scarlett looks so beautiful in the red dress.

  • @black3395
    @black3395 5 лет назад +361

    Imagine Ryan Reynolds in the audience again like with Will Ferrell

    • @TJ.85
      @TJ.85 5 лет назад +31

      Seeing how they did a skit together when he was there (him and Colin on the anchor desk) I don't think it's TOO weird for them.

    • @Ward413
      @Ward413 5 лет назад +22

      Is that the feral version of Will Ferrell?

    • @amandanies3174
      @amandanies3174 5 лет назад

      Oh, ouch. That's awful.

    • @irakest
      @irakest 5 лет назад


  • @theneilbernardshow3009
    @theneilbernardshow3009 5 лет назад +31

    "if you've been here as long as I have then you're allowed to take a few weeks off"
    Keenan has been there since Pete was a little kid!!!

  • @alwayslookingup70
    @alwayslookingup70 3 года назад +11

    Damn you can tell he loves Scarlett and it’s really so incredibly sweet. I’m so happy they found each other. That moment between the two of them is what every Christmas romance hallmark movie wishes their ending was like lol

  • @vanshikachats
    @vanshikachats 3 года назад +12

    “When you’ve been here as long as i have, you can do that”
    Love the way this line was directed to Kennon. Made everything funnier!

  • @adieobieta4423
    @adieobieta4423 5 лет назад +25

    i’m telling you when i saw the thumbnail i scREAMED

  • @XxPrincessNalaxX
    @XxPrincessNalaxX 5 лет назад +14

    Aww I love that they recognized their relationship and made it part of such a beautiful monologue!

  • @JavierChavarin
    @JavierChavarin 5 лет назад +12

    *3:46** Pete's wink and his p.. poster LOL* 😂😂😂

  • @michalhrdy577
    @michalhrdy577 5 лет назад +46

    oh my god the way colin was looking at scarlett and holding her, i'm melting ❤️❤️❤️

  • @mary-gx5cl
    @mary-gx5cl 4 года назад +17

    the way he looks like hes in a constant state of awe and shock that he is gonna marry scarlett and she calls him “the love of her life”

  • @SeanFrog
    @SeanFrog 5 лет назад +374

    I would have thought for sure Pete would snap Colin out of existence. Would Staten Island have to be proud of him then?

    • @zatchbeltguy
      @zatchbeltguy 5 лет назад +51

      No no, he would've snapped Staten Island out of existence

  • @thomascasillo9861
    @thomascasillo9861 5 лет назад +34

    Scarlett and Colin look so happy together. Wasn't it around the last time she hosted that they started dating?

  • @lw3269
    @lw3269 5 лет назад +37

    Colin and Scarlett are so damn cute together.

  • @ckk176
    @ckk176 Месяц назад +5

    2:54 the way colin laughs is killing me

  • @samsnowmusic
    @samsnowmusic 5 лет назад +20

    They look so in love 🥰 ❤️