New Marlin Trapper - PUNISHING Recoil ???

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @timclaus8313
    @timclaus8313 2 года назад +9

    I have a '75 Marlin 1895, and even with a 20' barrel, it will pound you if the loads are too hot. I am favoring handholds with the 325 FTX handled that is a bit below full power standard loading.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Great! Thanks for your comment!

    • @timclaus8313
      @timclaus8313 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite Firing an 45-70 off-had is much easier on the shoulder. Those Grizzly loads were pretty violent.

    • @jtee9548
      @jtee9548 2 года назад

      Smart thinking.

  • @hutehund9519
    @hutehund9519 2 года назад +2

    Wonderful video,as always, George. Greetings from my my Godchild’s wedding in Cancun. Can’t get enough of your programming. Your videos are always a highlight of my week, and these new Marlin vids are exceptional. Thank you.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Thanks Bud! Have fun down there . . . And don't forget the sunscreen 😉

  • @royseifert3078
    @royseifert3078 2 года назад +11

    I reload my .45-70 cartridges with a 405 grain cast round nose flat point to a velocity of 1,300 FPS for my Marlin 1895 CB with a 26" octagon barrel. I've discovered that about 1,500 FPS is about all my shoulder can take. I have fired the Federal 300-grain, but not very much or very often. Another great video from Target Suite.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks Roy. I'm trying to figure out some light loads because this small handy gun just wants to be shot more than my big heavy 1886.

    • @j.rob.5943
      @j.rob.5943 2 года назад +1

      @@TargetSuite unique is a great choice for light loads. Just be sure not to double charge cause that’s not much powder in that big case. Even better is Trail Boss or Vihtavouri TinStar powder. Fills the case and is very pleasant to plink with.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      @J. Rob. I haven't heard of Tin Star, but have been looking for Trail Boss for over a year. I'll add that to the hunt.

    • @timclaus8313
      @timclaus8313 2 года назад

      @@kevinrollman3101 That is pretty true of any full power rifle load chambered in a rifle that is field worthy. I have a 35 Whelen that is fun to shoot as long as you can ride the recoil, but when zeroing, a few shots off the bench is enough. More than that, get a sled.

  • @jackaustin3576
    @jackaustin3576 2 года назад +1

    My favorite caliber since my Trapdoor Springfield in 1965....Now it's my Winchester 1886 and yes it has the Crescent Buttplate....

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Sweet! The Crescent butt blade gets a bad rap. But I actually enjoy shooting mine. It doesn't have any give but it's sure fits my shoulder

  • @terryschiller2625
    @terryschiller2625 2 года назад +6

    Hi George, that detent on the loading gate is a awesome idea! Wow that grizzly +P is a real shoulder thumper! Ouch,have to ice the shoulder after a few rounds of that.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Yep. You can tell they studied designs of old and came out with details that make sense for us today.

  • @hiltonlouque1504
    @hiltonlouque1504 2 года назад +1

    Just purchased my dream gun the SBL Marlin Ruger 45-70 ! Haven't fired it yet but your video so useful helping me know what to expect with different loads, thank you sir!!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      You are welcome. Congrats on your new purchase!

  • @45035
    @45035 2 года назад +1

    Outstanding shipmate. Press on. USS Kitty Hawk CV-63. Jan 1980 to July 1983.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thank you sir! Vungtau, VN 1971-72

  • @phb7
    @phb7 2 года назад +2

    Really liked that. Although I reload my 45/70 with black powder,for my trapdoor Springfield , have recently been experimenting. Reducing the amount of powder. To reduce the recoil, with my advancing years recoil is not enjoyable. Last batch I tested. I was down to 35 grains of powder a measure of filler topped of with 320 flat nose. Recoil was good. Accuracy improved. Thanks. Paul

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks Paul. This little Trapper is so much fun to shoot, but not with medium to full power ammo. So, I am on the hunt for a good reduced load.

    • @phb7
      @phb7 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite that’s been my recent endeavour. Started using a 65 grain load with a 405 head. But it was brutal. After two or three shots I’d be wincing as I pulled the trigger. Even with an added recoil pad. It just wasn’t fun. More like punishment, which has taken to we’re I am at now. I am tempted to reduce the charge by another 5 grains. But that’s for the future. Thanks again for taking the time to put these videos together. Paul

  • @BigBlue1026
    @BigBlue1026 2 года назад +4

    I'm looking forward to your velocity testing with the three different barrel lengths. As I understand it the difference in velocity, per inch of barrel length, is less pronounced in lower velocity cartridges such as the 45/70. Thanks for some very interesting videos!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      With the pressures of RUclips scheduling. I didn't get that work on camera. But I did cover it in the video linked below. Check it out and you can see how barrel length affected velocity in the 45-70видео.html

  • @m17glock35
    @m17glock35 2 года назад +4

    just getting into 45-70 and i love it , according to some i committed blasphemy and had my brass Henry octagon barrel threaded . the muzzle brake works wonders and putting the suppressor on makes it even better 😁

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +3

      Not heresy at all. Pat_RMG did the same thing an posted lots of vids with that setup.

    • @m17glock35
      @m17glock35 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite once pat catches up he will be doing a video on mine complete with a suppressor that has a polished brass shroud 😀

    • @timclaus8313
      @timclaus8313 2 года назад +3

      A 1 1/8" recoil pad helps a bit too, lol. You don't want to do an extended session with a 45-70 on a bench. Did that once with some hot handholds and took a while for the bench rash on my elbows to heal.

    • @m17glock35
      @m17glock35 2 года назад

      @@timclaus8313 shooting it from the bench smacks a lot harder than standing for sure .

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Awesome! I'll be on the lookout!

  • @jeffstanfield5070
    @jeffstanfield5070 2 года назад +2

    Just picked this exact same gun up Monday. Love it

  • @1895gunner
    @1895gunner 2 года назад +2

    George, great video. Gotta love the 1895 Trapper!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yes sir. I'm going to really like this gun for what it is. A fun little gun. But I probably won't be shooting a ton more +P ammo through it😉 Thanks for you comment!

  • @theguitarist1290
    @theguitarist1290 2 года назад

    Just ordered one online and going to pick it up tomorrow, can't wait to try it out

  • @texasfarmer3367
    @texasfarmer3367 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video! Beautiful rifle. Looks like Ruger is doing the Marlin name, proud.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yep. I believe John Mahlon Marlin probably wouldn't recognize these little guns, but I think he would be proud of the quality!

  • @thomashaley5284
    @thomashaley5284 2 года назад +1

    George, you are truly one in a million. Wish I could hear from you! Thomas. I know a great surgeon here in Oxford that has repaired both of my shoulders. Take care! Do you need anything?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Let's talk. I'm free most of the day. Give me a call

  • @tedpfenninger4972
    @tedpfenninger4972 2 года назад +5

    That appears 😳 to be a well crafted carbine. The 45-70 loaded with black powder and fired from a trapdoor Springfield has enough recoil to keep me entertained. I've got to admire your courage to stand behind that rifle, particularly with the +P load. Thanks for the video, Much enjoyed--TPf

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yes. There may be a few "growing pains" but overall, I think Ruger has hit a homerun!

    • @christianolsen9781
      @christianolsen9781 2 года назад

      They can sure take some hot loads - with my old SBL I had some loads that would tip me over from sitting shooting position if I was not ready for them 😅

  • @theleveractionhunter
    @theleveractionhunter 2 года назад +8

    Wow those Grizzly loads looked brutal!! I have a bum shoulder from an old high school football injury and don't know if my shoulder could handle that much punishment! 😆 I can't wait to see your next video comparison of the Trapper & SBL!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +3

      Oh what we do for our viewers! And yes I'm looking forward to comparing velocity between the Trapper in the SBL. Just so you know, I bought some kid gloves to handle that SBL😄

  • @chipsterb4946
    @chipsterb4946 2 года назад +2

    Wow that loading gate detent is sweet!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yes. That is a nice feature!

  • @kennethhowell1272
    @kennethhowell1272 2 года назад +1

    George, you would have loved my 45-70 hand loads. I was pushing a 300gr jhp @ 2200 fps in my Marlin 95 (which was under redline). Hunting in Oregon with the possibility of 300 + yard shots it made the "ol pumpkin pusher" able to reach out there.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yep. That sounds like an effective "reach out there" 45-70 load!

  • @darrell9546
    @darrell9546 2 года назад +2

    My shoulder hurts just watching you shoot that Grizzly load.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      I figure I need to shoot those loads every 3-5 years at least😉

  • @rods1379
    @rods1379 2 года назад

    Thank you sir! I'll plan on the grizzly loads only when hiking in grizzly country ; )

  • @williamnolan2481
    @williamnolan2481 Год назад

    Great gun.. just got one.. your farm looks awesome as well!

  • @danoneill2846
    @danoneill2846 2 года назад +2

    Great Job !!! Many Thanks !!

  • @ShootingHobby
    @ShootingHobby 2 года назад +20

    When they designed that round I doubt they ever thought it'd still be in use after this long.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +2

      The 45-70 really is an amazing cartridge. If my history is correct only the 45 Colt Rivals it for longevity.

    • @richardelliott9511
      @richardelliott9511 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite lets not forget the 22rf, lol.

  • @calvinlivengood5717
    @calvinlivengood5717 Месяц назад

    Just happened to buy the 300gr Federal for my Rossi R95. After seeing this comparison, I will stay away from the +P loads unless I go out west!

  • @khester7397
    @khester7397 2 года назад +1

    Ouch! Fun to watch, lets see the bruises!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Haha! The bruise is actually came in a subsequent video when I shot some rounds From the Bench. The first shot really did the trick on my shoulder.

    @JBDRLSOARK 2 года назад +7

    Very nice looking rifle. If I owned one I’d definitely buy a set of loading dyes and light load the rounds. Gun power is so expensive now I’m not sure I could afford to shoot the 45-70 although I’d love to own one. I guess I’ll stick with my Marlin 44 mag for now until hopefully things improve in our country. Good video as always !!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for your comment. I think our 44 magnum carbines are a better overall solution. The 45-70 is fun to play with but not very practical if you know what I mean😉

    • @donnajanegrimsley1640
      @donnajanegrimsley1640 2 года назад +1

      @@TargetSuite not sure what do you mean?

  • @frankhinkle5772
    @frankhinkle5772 2 года назад +1

    Really interesting, George. Looking forward to the Lab Radar results. NICE little rifle!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yes I think the chronograph date is going to be revealing. Looking forward to the investigation.

  • @Tex_I_Can
    @Tex_I_Can 2 года назад +4

    Good morning! Those +P loads really look punishing. Especially in super slow mo. That's still a beautiful rifle and gives me hope for a complete Marlin line that's worth buying.

    • @m17glock35
      @m17glock35 2 года назад +1

      hey brother ! just sent you something

    • @Tex_I_Can
      @Tex_I_Can 2 года назад +1

      @@m17glock35 Got it! Thanks!!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +3

      Like you, I'm looking for the catalog to fill out!

  • @Highgear145
    @Highgear145 2 года назад +2

    That loading/unloading gate thing is awesome 😳.....No more racking the lever to unload

  • @chrislang5659
    @chrislang5659 2 года назад

    I've been trying to train myself to use the same loading technique with my Rossi 30-30. Even though the loading gate doesn't have the detent you can still leave the round 1/4 inch on the loading gate and let friction take over! That way you only risk getting pinched once every time you reload!

  • @PracticalAccuracy
    @PracticalAccuracy 2 года назад +1

    My shoulder hurts just watching the +p loads. Good video. 👍

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks! It didn't feel like it looks, fortunately.

  • @Leverguns50
    @Leverguns50 2 года назад +8

    Looks like with them hot loads that thing had some pretty hefty shoulder bump

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yep. But it didn't really hurt. Just violent!

    • @thomashaley5284
      @thomashaley5284 2 года назад

      He may not admit it, but we all know it hurts! Love your video's too brother!

    • @callawayken650
      @callawayken650 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite If that didn't hurt you have nerve damage!

  • @kentowens2179
    @kentowens2179 2 года назад +1

    Good video! Great information and well presented.

  • @dinkone7943
    @dinkone7943 2 года назад +1

    I just picked one up this week have not shot it yet looks like a lot of fun

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Congrats on your new Marlin! And yes I think it's going to be a fun gun with milder loads😉

  • @caseyl3631
    @caseyl3631 Год назад

    I have a bruise the size and shape of the buttstock on my chest/ shoulder, purple , yellow and speckled of red from sighing in my trapper with leverevolution 325gr last Friday. Only shot 8 rounds. The kick is no joke. It's way less friendly when shooting it from the bench. Id recommended a lead sled for bench shooting , i bought one that very evening.

  • @scottkonwinski2396
    @scottkonwinski2396 7 месяцев назад

    I'm 6'4. 250lbs i went with the SBL, its a trapper size for me😁 still got a nice kick 💪💥that pairs up nice with the Ruger 454 Alaskan 👊

  • @callawayken650
    @callawayken650 Год назад

    Following the Marlin 45-70 with you.

  • @majormitchell01
    @majormitchell01 Год назад

    Pops got his Boom on. Love seeing you rack it like your on mob of pigs.

  • @erichall7253
    @erichall7253 Год назад

    Most informative, competent gun and ammo videos out there. I have the new 1895 SBL and learned that loading and unloading trick on my own. Nice to see it validated here. Just acquired the Ruger Marlin 336 30-30 as well. I was fascinated to learn that grain weight of bullet does not necessarily equate to increased recoil, so many other factors apparently. Curious to know what ear protection you are using. Shooting all those rounds through that thing in a T Shirt is just badass. I ran 90 450 grain Underwood rounds, at $2.60 a pop😂, through my new SBL in 70 minutes and I tried a few with the t shirt only. Felt it for three days. Heat is definitely an issue and started to interfere a little with feeding.

  • @billdye3530
    @billdye3530 2 года назад +2

    When I saw the Grizzly box I was glad it was you & not me pulling the trigger. Stout stuff. That recoil might either fix my AFib issue & kick the heart back in rhythm or put me 6ft under. Guess I will pass. 😂 Do appreciate the good visual affects to let us know how bad recoil can be. This took a lot of time to video & set up. Thanks

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Yes it may fix or break all kinds of things😉 Seriously as we age I think we have to be sensitive to that kind of violent recoil. Not sure I'm there yet.

    • @billdye3530
      @billdye3530 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite My youngest brother has 15 stents in & after first 4 doctor said absolutely no heavy recoil firearms to jar things loose. He had to sell his 7mm magnum & only 12 gauge now has the Birdshead grip so it doesn't recoil against the shoulder.

  • @marlenzacharias7301
    @marlenzacharias7301 2 года назад +1

    Really excited to see the barrel length vs velocity. I know my guide gun gets 150 fps under advertised with 325 gr hornady ftx

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks for your comment. I'm working on that video now. Hope to post it next Friday.

  • @philipwaddles984
    @philipwaddles984 2 года назад +1

    I liked your video. I'm sorry your shoulder hurts wow. I definitely get a limbsaver for that gun. Beautiful firearm thanks again.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks for your comment. I did hurt my shoulder later when I was shooting from the bench. Even with moderate loads the first shot bruised my shoulder deeply because I hadn't addressed the gun properly. I had to put it down for a couple of weeks to let that heal.

    • @philipwaddles984
      @philipwaddles984 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite no harm in giving it a couple weeks rest. But I'm sure glad you're ready for those polar bears and T- Rex. But don't worry I'll be fine I have my own plan. My double barrel 10 gauge and roller skates. I'll just outrun them. LOL take care of that shoulder. And when you feel better make more videos I like them.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Love your roller skate comment. I can just imagine what your fellow bear hunters would think if you had a pair hanging off of your back pack 😄

    • @philipwaddles984
      @philipwaddles984 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite LOL thanks a lot.

  • @furmanmackey5479
    @furmanmackey5479 2 года назад +1

    I know it's an apples v oranges thing, but I think I now have a much clearer understanding of why the U.S. Army had two (that I know of) loads for the 1873 Springfield rifle and its carbine variant. Until I find a current production Marlin Trapper to shoulder, I have a feeling that it would have too short of a "pull" for my taste. I'm NOT downing the design, but it looks, in your video, like the stock would be too short for me by maybe an inch or so. I might well be off on all of the above, but I would again, need to find a Trapper to throw to my shoulder to satisfy my curiosity. And a longer barrel, maybe 20 or 22in, would not hurt my feelings either. And by the way, thanks to your videos on the Ruger-Marlins I AM starting to warm up, just a bit, to the idea of a stainless-steel lever gun....To keep in my beater huntin' and fishin' pickup for those times I find myself near, or on, public dear and hog hunting land and I take a notion to go huntin' on the spur of the moment during designated seasons. A great video as usual! I'm looking forward to more!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for your great comment! I believe the link the pool is 13 and a half inches which is pretty standard. But I like your analogy with the 30-06 rifle versus carbine. That's probably spot-on.

    • @furmanmackey5479
      @furmanmackey5479 2 года назад +1

      @@TargetSuite You realize of course I was talking about the .45-70 U.S. Army 1873 Trapdoor Springfield rifle loading v the carbine loading in .45-70. Don't feel bad though, I recently had a low key disagreement with a very knowledgeable gentleman over rotary engines. I had my mind locked in on the version that Mazda utilized in many of its cars and trucks back in the 1970s and 1980s, while he was talking, on point, about the rotary engines utilized for decades in such aircraft as the DC-3, P-47 Thunderbolt, and many other aircraft prior to jet engines becoming a thing in aviation. He was talking about the correct engine type....Me not so much even though I am/was well aware of the difference between the two. And that ladies and germs is why I'm not a rocket scientist!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Haha! Yeah, you guys were kind of talking past each other!

  • @johngallagher2313
    @johngallagher2313 2 года назад +1

    The Trapper may be a heavy recoiler but I still want one. As in at some point I will have one. Since most of the mastodons are gone from the Ozarks I won't need anything like the grizzly ammo. LOL

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Haha! Isn't there an Ozarks version of bigfoot!

  • @hettro-cv6082
    @hettro-cv6082 2 года назад +2

    Great video! The new Marlin's detent is amazing! Can it be used with the action open? The one thing I really didn't like about lever guns is having to unload, cycling the action 5 or 7 times.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      The loading gate is blocked when the lever is open. But being able the unload the tube through the loading gate is fantastic!

  • @Ricky043
    @Ricky043 Год назад +1

    Im getting one soon

  • @lessage760
    @lessage760 2 года назад +1


  • @christianolsen9781
    @christianolsen9781 2 года назад +3

    Looking forward to what a suppressor will do to that recoil!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      With Clint's help, we'll find out here in a few weeks.

  • @theguyinmaine
    @theguyinmaine 2 года назад +1

    I'm good. That last video, the same you posted on Instagram, looks brutally painful. Recoil energy for comparison. 300 Savage 150 gr. 14.8,....... 308 Win, 150Gr. 15.8,.......... 45/70+P, 37.9 ouch!!!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yep that Grizzly stuff is definitely a boutique ammo. Has no application for most of us folks. But I've got to admit, it is fun to shoot . . . occasionally😉

  • @jimd1968
    @jimd1968 9 месяцев назад

    Great video, how is your shoulder feeling after shooting that day?

  • @edt8535
    @edt8535 11 месяцев назад

    You didn’t flinch one bit-nice!!

  • @billbaker3565
    @billbaker3565 2 года назад +1

    Since I don’t expect to be in bear country in this lifetime that cowboy load looks just fine! Looking forward to the comparison with the Winchester.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      I'm with you Bill. There's stuff I do for RUclips which is fun for all of us, I think. But then there's the real world and you are right. The cowboys loads would be just fine for almost anything.

  • @Tonyblaine73
    @Tonyblaine73 6 месяцев назад

    easy going and adult presentation, thanks

  • @donbowersock9564
    @donbowersock9564 2 года назад +1

    Great video, fine rifle. I have been shooting 38 special round nose lead in my Rossi 92 as well as 357 flat point, read a lot of controversy about bullet styles in lever guns cause rounds to discharge in mag tube in lever guns. May be some good experiments in that. Always love your thoughts on these things.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +3

      Thanks! Taofledermaus has the definitive video on the subject of detonation in the mag tube. But I did have a segment in one of my vids where I "polished" the exposed lead on some hot 44 mag loads, loaded ten, shot 5, then examined the damage to those flat nose bullets. It was significant! I called the segment, "Drama in the mag tube"😄

    • @donbowersock9564
      @donbowersock9564 2 года назад +1

      @@TargetSuite must have missed that one will check it out, thanks

  • @craigcook1571
    @craigcook1571 2 года назад +1

    I don’t believe I want none of that!🤣🤣
    Back in the 80’s I had a Winchester trapper in 30/30. Out past 50 yds neither I or several other people could get it to group worth a crap. I sent it back to Winchester and they said nothing was wrong with it, so when I got it back I sold it

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      It is a rather compressed package if you know what I mean. But I keep wondering how accurate this little gun really is. Sounds like a future video😉

    • @craigcook1571
      @craigcook1571 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite hope so

  • @langleyj8199
    @langleyj8199 2 года назад +2

    For all those out there, no escaping recoil with a 45-70. Try a brake. I never worry about recoil. If it’s too much, I don’t shoot it.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +2

      I was going to use the ranger Point Precision Comet muzzle brake in this video but I left it behind. That got me to thinking that I should actually get several different muzzle brakes and see if any of them can really tame this Beast.

    • @langleyj8199
      @langleyj8199 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite that would be an interesting video. I have the Henry X in 45-70. Recoil feels no worse than my 7 RM. thanks for the videos.

  • @metalmessiahmetal
    @metalmessiahmetal 2 года назад

    Yeah I used 458mag once it kicked pretty hard

  • @johncaban4310
    @johncaban4310 2 года назад +1

    Need to sell one of my guns to get this. Thanks for the video.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thank you for watching John.

  • @oceantri
    @oceantri Год назад

    Massive muzzle flashes 😊

  • @InGratitudeIam
    @InGratitudeIam 2 года назад +1

    You sure know how to have fun, George. I wonder what a comp would do on the end of that little thunder stick. I am sure recoil is the least of your worries when being chased by something bigger, stronger and faster that wants to have you for lunch.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yep. I wouldn't hesitate to carry that little gun and those massive +P loads in a dangerous environment. That I don't think I would be against having a reasonable compensator attached either. I just need to get my hands on two or three more samples and then do a comparison video😉

    • @InGratitudeIam
      @InGratitudeIam 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite If you do venture into "a dangerous environment," bring an extra pair of underwear and some baby wipes. :)

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 2 года назад +1

    hey George, good to see YOUR punishment lol. I just have desire to shoot a 45-70 lol. When I first started watching this video I was anticipating some rounds with the muzzle brake installed to see if that made a difference. Maybe later. Is there an actual way to measure recoil pressure?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Hi Max. I was planning to add the muzzle break but I left it behind when I came. But that got me to thinking I should actually get try to get my hands on several mobile brakes and see if any of them can really clean the recoil on this little gun. There is a way to calculate recoil using bullet weight and muzzle velocity and the weight of the firearm. I'll try to figure out what that formula is and included in a future video.

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite Excellent. And, if you have, say, an 06 or 270 as a comparison to the recoil of the 45 70 would be very interesting. I know, that's a lot, lol.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      I've got Austin's 308 scout rifle. It has a howitzer style muzzle brake that really shuts down recoil. I could show that with and without the brake. The difference would be stunning.

  • @chrisgabbert658
    @chrisgabbert658 2 года назад +1

    👍😊 a little punch to ouch.

  • @dirtbagmoto
    @dirtbagmoto 2 года назад +1

    Great video and comparisons. I'm now wondering if I should have ordered two boxes of +P ammo.
    Can you shoot 10-20 rounds of the +P without hurting yourself? I wanted to practice with the ammo I plan to actually be using for brown bear defense (on the same trapper model).
    Thanks for sharing this! Looking forward to more Marlin Trapper and ammo videos. It would be cool to see other ammo comparisons like the Underwood extreme penetrator stuff (the one I ordered but no idea what I'm getting into).

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +3

      I think every body is different. But I can handle even enjoy 10 Rounds. But I may need to go to the grocery store, or try on some new shoes, or anything besides shooting that second 10 Rounds. But whatever you do, don't shoot them hunched over your rifle at the bench. That first shot will punish you.

    • @christianolsen9781
      @christianolsen9781 2 года назад

      You can start by wearing more than a T-shirt :) A couple of layers of clothes actually makes quite a difference on felt recoil. And I support not doing it from a bench or prone - your body needs to be able to move with the recoil. And I would wait until familiar with the recoil to shoot those loads with a scope. It is quite intimidating how close the scope can get under that kind of recoil.

  • @danoneill2846
    @danoneill2846 2 года назад +2

    The +P kills on both ends even for bear I think you could down load it a little !! That hurt just to watch !!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Haha! Standing up I don't worry about pain as much as a detached retina.

  • @montycasper4300
    @montycasper4300 2 года назад +1

    Like the trapper sized lever action, but unless you're an Alaskan guide I'm not sure what the application would be. Look forward to the 1894 models, a 357 would be ideal.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Yes. I can't wait for the 1894 pistol caliber carbines. They are far more practical for the vast majority of us.

    • @rustyyates421
      @rustyyates421 2 года назад

      With a scope, the application would be a powerful round out of a handy little rifle that will take any game in the world and with practice , even at great distances 500 to a thousand yards. I've seen people do it. For me it's about a 300 yard gun. I had a marlin guide gun with an 18 and half in barrel and with that gun and a good scope and my skill level , 300 yards is about it for me so far. I'm interested in the levereveloution 250 grain cartridge. Advertised at I believe 2350 fps . A little less from the trapper I'm sure .

  • @oasis6444
    @oasis6444 2 года назад +1

    Interesting video. In slow motion, it looks like you’re about to lose your right shoulder with P+ loads… 😉
    I am eager to see your next one on velocity comparison with the 1886 Winchester.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Thanks! Already working on it.

  • @turtlewolfpack6061
    @turtlewolfpack6061 2 года назад +11

    There is no such thing as overkill in reality. However, the Grizzly load is excessive IMHO. Even at 1600-1800 fps a 400 grain hard cast should go end to end on a moose, or darn near!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +2

      You are right about that. I would say there is no angle on a moose that the grizzly load would not penetrate.

    • @wilmamcdermott3065
      @wilmamcdermott3065 2 года назад +2

      My hand loads with speer 405 grain went in the mooses forhead down the neck out through hind quarter of a full grown moose

    • @turtlewolfpack6061
      @turtlewolfpack6061 2 года назад

      @@wilmamcdermott3065 not surprised. I have seen 180 grain factory Winchester .303 British penetrate to the kill zone on quartering away good size cow elk at 200 meters as well.
      That same load is explosive on whitetail deer at under 50 meters.

    • @wilmamcdermott3065
      @wilmamcdermott3065 2 года назад +1

      My wicked one is my 1886 in 4590 2350 fps

  • @Alaska_MD
    @Alaska_MD 2 года назад

    I live in Alaska and cary the older Marlin. I like your thumbnail where you show how to shoulder the rifle. With this gun you can't snuggle up to that rear sight. You will get hit in the face. When you fire this thing it's coming back 6 to 8 inches... whether you like it or not.

  • @TheNitroGeneral
    @TheNitroGeneral 2 года назад +2

    Hello from Sweden 🇸🇪
    It always puts a smile on my face when you bring out the +P loads 😁 I stopped with the booboo loads🥵 in my 1895cb. Hunting wild boar yes sure I’ll take the hot +p loads, for practice the 305 loads.
    Great video👍
    Stay safe

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      Thanks! Always great to hear from you!

  • @frankwebster8365
    @frankwebster8365 2 года назад +1

    Wholly Crap how's the shoulder, jese. Looking at the slow mode.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      That shoulder is Loose as a Goose😄

  • @j.rob.5943
    @j.rob.5943 2 года назад +1

    I load a 405gr at around 1600 fps and that’s about as hot as I care to shoot these days. That’s plenty enough for anything i’d ever need.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      That sounds about right as a normal maximum. Thanks for your comment!

  • @Simon-hf3lw
    @Simon-hf3lw 2 года назад +1

    Sorry I was out of town but I always smile with 45/70 👍

  • @richardelliott9511
    @richardelliott9511 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for taking the punishment, so we don't have too, lol.

  • @ducksintheskymodel1216
    @ducksintheskymodel1216 2 года назад

    Awesome video ! Just a question does the saftey automatically engage when the lever is cocked and the hammer is back. Thanks!

    • @Igorstravinsky894
      @Igorstravinsky894 Год назад

      No it doesn’t. I have a brand new SBL. You have to manually engage the safety after cocking.

  • @dangerousfreedom4965
    @dangerousfreedom4965 2 года назад +2

    Why not just go with the 44mag?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      I do go with the 44 mag. Love it!

  • @waynehajek6346
    @waynehajek6346 2 года назад +1

    Forgetting my manners here. Good morning George.

  • @rustyyates421
    @rustyyates421 2 года назад

    I believe that, 300 grain hardcast wide flat nose bullets at factory 1880 fps will take any game in the world. It doesn't have to be plus p ammo. The bullet shape , weight, and the flat surface of the bullet are what does the most damage to dangerous game. Speed and energy aren't as important as most people would think.

  • @СергейКлюс-й1ш
    @СергейКлюс-й1ш 2 года назад +1

    the maximum number of rounds to load into this gun?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Five in the magazine and one in the chamber.

  • @jshappart
    @jshappart Год назад

    Did you ever do the velocity tests in 3 different barrel lengths? Can't seem to find it if so

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  Год назад

      Yes. I'll try and find it.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  Год назад +1

      Here it is . . .видео.html

    • @jshappart
      @jshappart Год назад

      @@TargetSuite Thanks! there is one for sale at my local store and I am looking at info and considering the purchase

  • @scottydouglass1892
    @scottydouglass1892 2 года назад

    Next you should compare your hot loaded .44 magnum in the 92, vs. the 45-70. That line starts to get a little thin for hunting purposes.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      That's a great idea! Thanks!

  • @Catgat37
    @Catgat37 Год назад

    I have never shot a 45-70. I am going to be picking up a Marlin 1895 dark within the next few days and I have a box of the 430gr +P HSM bear loads....I am scared.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  Год назад

      Be respectful of that power and don't lean in too hard! You will be moved either way😉

    • @Catgat37
      @Catgat37 Год назад

      @@TargetSuite I have heard that the recoil is like a stout 12ga slug. Which I have had a lot of experience with.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  Год назад

      That is a good comparison, unless you are used to a soft recoiling semi-auto😉

    • @Catgat37
      @Catgat37 Год назад

      @@TargetSuite nah, they was all in a mossberg 590

    • @Catgat37
      @Catgat37 Год назад

      @@TargetSuite I am a rather big guy and I have full autod a SCAR 17 rather comfortably. I am always intimidated by big bores that I am unfamiliar with however. But like you said "be respectful of that power".
      And I did just acquire some of those grizzly loads today. Got em from local shop for a comparatively good deal.

  • @Leverguns50
    @Leverguns50 2 года назад +2

    Good morning brother

  • @MYZT1KON3
    @MYZT1KON3 Год назад

    I see in the manual Ruger says not to use +p loads. What is your opinion on this?

  • @thomas9565
    @thomas9565 2 года назад

    What is the recoil like in comparison to a 12 or 10 gauge shotgun with 3 1/2” waterfowl loads?

  • @thecuriousvida
    @thecuriousvida 2 года назад +1

    Nice! 👏

  • @hoffmiermp
    @hoffmiermp 2 года назад

    Muzzle brake took the bite out of mine shooting that nasty stuff and makes shooting the mild loads pleasurable.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Your comment is very timely. I have three muzzle brakes to test out with these new Marlin 45-70s. Can't wait to see how they perform.

  • @aldeureaux5184
    @aldeureaux5184 2 года назад +1

    Interesting video

  • @mikemccollum4521
    @mikemccollum4521 2 года назад +1

    Lots of punch in Federal and Grizzly

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Yes sir. Both of those were had more personality.

  • @jaredpeterson380
    @jaredpeterson380 2 года назад +1

    I would be flinching so bad!!!

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      It is a flinchmaker. That's why I don't shoot very much of that type of plus P ammo.

    • @jaredpeterson380
      @jaredpeterson380 2 года назад +1

      @@TargetSuite I shoot a muzzleloader that's close to 1800 fps with a 300 gr. Bullet. I think that's punishing. A 405 gr. At 2000. Yikes! I've flinched all my shooting life. Very difficult to stop.

  • @karynkeenan7339
    @karynkeenan7339 2 года назад +1

    how much do you weigh? those +P aren't your friends, are they?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Haha! Let me just say in excess of 200 lb😄

    • @karynkeenan7339
      @karynkeenan7339 2 года назад

      @@TargetSuite I asked because that +P appeared to kick pretty hard.

  • @hiltonlouque1504
    @hiltonlouque1504 Год назад

    Watching slow mo hurts just watching!😮

  • @wilmamcdermott3065
    @wilmamcdermott3065 2 года назад +1

    I would rather shoot hot 4570 loads from my sbl than my hot loads from my 4590 streight stock seams to recoil harder especialy with cresant but plate

  • @habitualflipper5640
    @habitualflipper5640 Год назад

    My ruger made trapper just arrived. This my first ever marlin and I noticed a lot of play in the trigger, probably close to half an inch. Is this unusual?

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  Год назад +1

      Thanks for watching. As to your question, the Marlin trigger flop is both famous and infamous. It doesn't bother me, and it has been around for many decades.

    • @habitualflipper5640
      @habitualflipper5640 Год назад +1

      @@TargetSuite thanks for the response!

  • @sixt3denied
    @sixt3denied 2 года назад +1

    I'm dying to buy this rifle -not one gun store in my area has it or has ever had it. Uhhhh

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад +1

      I saw one at my local gun store in Shreveport just a couple of days ago.

  • @krisius1
    @krisius1 Год назад

    The finger in the trigger guard is giving me anxiety, lol

  • @timothywilson1493
    @timothywilson1493 2 года назад

    Good info…

  • @joshuajohnson1382
    @joshuajohnson1382 7 месяцев назад

    A muzzle brake makes a big difference on that gun

  • @donfilkins298
    @donfilkins298 2 года назад

    is this the new marlin by Ruger?

  • @TBullCajunbreadmaker
    @TBullCajunbreadmaker 2 года назад +1

    George, I still cannot see why anybody would need the +P loads when you have the 300 grain bullets. I understand that shooting a grizzly in the head could be a little more desireable for the +P loads, but good God those 300 grain bullets would certainly drop it just as well and you might want a little bit more control in that scenario. That 45/70 has been a real go to round for a many a year since it was introduced. I really like the round and shooting anything with it is a sure kill when you can learn to shoot it. The 45/70 is not a round that just anybody can shoot, it takes a lot of rounds through the gun you are using to know what you can do with it. So you better do your homework if you think it might be something you can handle for a novice shooter. The rifle you choose is the first obstacle as far as how much money you think you want to spend and the ammunition is very expensive. If you don't have the luxury of having a rifle handed down through a family heirloom or something get prepared to have deep pockets.

    • @TargetSuite
      @TargetSuite  2 года назад

      Thanks for your comment is always. Truth is the 45-70 is not a useful caliber for most people. And I suspect the majority are purchased as an Avenue for fun.