Joker (2019) VS Joker Folie à Deux (2024)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 169

  • @comicbooknerd-r9f
    @comicbooknerd-r9f Месяц назад +66

    Who else saw the thumbnail and immediately knew that this video would be just 15 minutes of Eric hammering Joker 2

    • @o-shawnspecific80
      @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад +2

      Good thing he's wrong.
      Though most who hated the film don't have actual comic/cinematic knowledge and definitely don't have a grasp on Jungian Psychology.
      The movie is just smarter than most people.

    • @raikojanes5972
      @raikojanes5972 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@o-shawnspecific80 finally Someone said it and gets it

    • @928studiosinc06
      @928studiosinc06 Месяц назад +2

      @@o-shawnspecific80 Oh, don't be like that please. Just let others have their opinion.

    • @o-shawnspecific80
      @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад

      @@928studiosinc06 you mean let other's have other's opinions because they don't know enough to make their own?
      The wealth of negative reviews are shallow and ignorant. You guys shit all over the film like it's the in thing to do. Hell this guy probably made this video because he knows it'll get likes.
      Sorry I'm different.
      Sorry I think for myself.

    • @comicbooknerd-r9f
      @comicbooknerd-r9f Месяц назад +1

      ​@@o-shawnspecific80Eric Carter has a lot of DC comic knowledge and this guy literally reviews movies as his full time career. I think he has cinematic knowledge

  • @928studiosinc06
    @928studiosinc06 Месяц назад +40

    The ending bothered me. Not BECAUSE they killed off Arthur Fleck, but HOW they killed off Arthur Fleck. That pregnant pause on his dead body is such a huge middle finger, and I will never forgive Todd Phillips for that.

  • @jakedebruin2246
    @jakedebruin2246 Месяц назад +33

    Joker 2 is basically backpedaling in the form of a feature length film.

    • @EricCarter12
      @EricCarter12  Месяц назад +6

      That's a great way to summarise it!

  • @Anthony-co4wz
    @Anthony-co4wz Месяц назад +28

    Joker (2019) and the fans deserved a better sequel than what we got.

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +4

      Yep 💯

    • @chingma8064
      @chingma8064 Месяц назад +4

      @@ParkerCS2 Or better yet, no sequel

    • @TheBlond49
      @TheBlond49 Месяц назад +5

      Sequel was not needed, movie was worked as just one off, and should've stayed as such, just like Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

    • @Anthony-co4wz
      @Anthony-co4wz Месяц назад +1

      @ I also agree with that.

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +1

      @@TheBlond49 exactly

  • @Webslinger2005
    @Webslinger2005 Месяц назад +11

    The fact that Folie à Deux was released digitally not even a month after the film's release is honestly embarrassing 🤦🏿‍♂️

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +6

      Proves it never should’ve been made. Joker 1 was a good one off and like Logan where it’s not franchise material.

    • @Webslinger2005
      @Webslinger2005 Месяц назад

      @ParkerCS2 my thoughts exactly. Nobody wanted this. Not every movie needs a sequel.

  • @Starwarsfanboy0928
    @Starwarsfanboy0928 Месяц назад +42

    Believe it or not, despite being a month and a half, I forgot nearly everything about Joker 2.

    • @CharlieTeal-kp3zr
      @CharlieTeal-kp3zr Месяц назад +2

      What a shock.

    • @Roty24-f6s
      @Roty24-f6s Месяц назад

      Not like anything happened in the movie

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад +1

      @@Starwarsfanboy0928 Better forget the sequel exists, Joker is a perfect standalone movie

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      Same, that hasn’t happened to me since let there be carnage

    • @Starwarsfanboy0928
      @Starwarsfanboy0928 Месяц назад +3

      @@norm-bb3bb Agreed, the story ended with Joker putting on that bloody smile that still gives me chills to this day.

  • @TheMasterReaper
    @TheMasterReaper Месяц назад +30

    I have not seen character assassination that bad since The Last of Us 2
    And THAT's saying something!

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      It’s 100x worse than the assassination of the last of us 2

    • @ryanm.8720
      @ryanm.8720 Месяц назад +1

      You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the punchline.

  • @ParkerCS2
    @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +14

    The Penguin managed to be on par with Joker 1 even though it’s not part of the same universe. Joker 1 and The Penguin are so far the only truly good supervillain spin offs.

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад +1

      Joker 1 got a lot worse for me, rn its a 7/10, hell I’d rather watch the last Jedi than folie a shit

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +3

      @@Ihaveacrushonbigbash I’m not talking about Folie a crap. I didn’t even watch it so my enjoyment of the first film isn’t ruined for me.

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад


    • @boredbitch666
      @boredbitch666 21 день назад

      the penguin is better than joker 1. the penguin doesn't steal from taxi driver and king of comedy.

  • @darkroninmarvel
    @darkroninmarvel Месяц назад +15

    Fell flat on its face might be inaccurate; it is more like it tried to do a quadruple backflip blindfolded only to fall on its head, break its neck, and then explode like a Power Rangers villain

  • @harryfleutv666
    @harryfleutv666 Месяц назад +8

    The Penguin show tells a much better villain story than JOKER 2

  • @windandcloudshadow158
    @windandcloudshadow158 Месяц назад +26

    Where's Doc Brown we need to erase Joker 2 from the timeline.

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +7

      We need a Doc Brown 💯

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      @@ParkerCS2don’t watch folie a shit, it’s basically the last Jedi, where it ruined the force awakens

    • @rodimusmagnus5586
      @rodimusmagnus5586 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@Ihaveacrushonbigbash Of course, that's if you think The Farce Awakens was actually good

    • @mariuskristensen1867
      @mariuskristensen1867 Месяц назад

      hey doc we need too go back too the future i dont believe it

  • @TenRexy
    @TenRexy Месяц назад +13

    You’re stronger than me because if I were you, I wouldn’t put all that energy on a movie that deserves a Z-

  • @ChrisRuth-ur4lr
    @ChrisRuth-ur4lr Месяц назад +12

    At this point I'm just going to pretend that joker 2 never happened and that the first film was a one time movie

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад +3

      That's the same feeling I have, Joker is a perfect standalone movie

    • @trisstudio625
      @trisstudio625 6 дней назад


  • @KobatheASMRbiker
    @KobatheASMRbiker Месяц назад +3

    When the first movie had "The End" at the end. Thats when you know the story was complete. There didn't need to be a sequel. No one asked for a sequel. All this film managed to do was answer a question that didn't even need answering to

  • @themoviemagics3695
    @themoviemagics3695 Месяц назад +8

    I actually didn’t think it was that bad. Sure it had some pacing issues, and some of the musical sequences didn’t work for me, but overall, I thought the movie was just okay. I’d give it like a 6.5/10

  • @angryX4810
    @angryX4810 Месяц назад +15

    This is the most disappointing movie of the entire year.

  • @memeclips704
    @memeclips704 Месяц назад +6

    While this wasn't even close to being the worst of the movie of the year for me (that is Borderlands), this was most disappointing and frustrating movie of the year. There is so much that I liked in it like all of the acting (Phoenix is just as good as he was in the first movie), the score, the cinematography and there were a lot of scenes I did enjoy (even some of the musical numbers were enjoyable). But as a whole the movie just doesn't have a reason to exist and feels like it was only made out of spite.

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +1

      A Minecraft movie looks like the next borderlands.

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад

      My thoughts exactly, I'm so sad and disappointed because Joker is one of my favorite movies of all time, I really wanted to see a good sequel but since the moment I heard it will be a musical I knew it was going to flop, I really wanted to be wrong 😢 😔

    • @trisstudio625
      @trisstudio625 6 дней назад

      @@norm-bb3bbme too Joker is one of my favorite movies and the sequel wasn’t even good it was Terrible

  • @fnafboy1014
    @fnafboy1014 Месяц назад +6

    For me it's a 3/10, I hated how they tried to have people think this was the origin to Heath Ledgers Joker, also Harvey was just lame in this film, his Dark Knight version is much more superior

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад +1

      Honestly that ending where it “shows” the origin of heath ledgers joker, it’s honestly damn right disrespectful

    • @trisstudio625
      @trisstudio625 6 дней назад

      Ik I agree so much

  • @spider-tylorentertainment4280
    @spider-tylorentertainment4280 Месяц назад +2

    I haven’t even seen Joker 2. I still haven’t see Joker 2, now thanks to you, I am never, ever going to see Joker 2. The reviews are enough. Joker 2 never needed to be made in the first place! So thanks for sparing my eyes. Wish I could give you the time and hours back you spend of watching this movie.
    Great video, tho not surprising.

  • @aurangzebkhan2185
    @aurangzebkhan2185 Месяц назад +43

    The ending single-handedly destroyed the first movies ending

    • @windandcloudshadow158
      @windandcloudshadow158 Месяц назад +11

      The ending of the second destroyed everything.

    • @aurangzebkhan2185
      @aurangzebkhan2185 Месяц назад +11

      @@windandcloudshadow158 not only that but it destroyed any shred of respect for Todd Phillips

    • @Theultimatelifeform217
      @Theultimatelifeform217 Месяц назад +4

      What a disgrace

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      “A disgrace it is, furious I am”
      - yoda (probably)

    • @jessenaveo
      @jessenaveo Месяц назад +7

      @@aurangzebkhan2185Matt Reeves puts Todd Phillips to shame because he did an amazing job with The Penguin that got a lot of praise while Todd Phillips screwed up Joker Fooly a Do Do that bombed at the box office and was hated by everyone, he is now my least favorite director after he screwed up this movie and I’m giving all the credit to Matt Reeves because he did an awesome job with The Penguin which means I’m more excited for The Batman Part 2 in 2026.

  • @trisstudio625
    @trisstudio625 Месяц назад +8

    I know In my Joker Tv-Series Joker will be Joker he be what he is a Crinimal Mastermind who is Pure Evil and cunning and will do any evil act Good Video btw and Joker 2 is terrible 2/10

  • @HorrorCritical
    @HorrorCritical Месяц назад +7

    I honestly think a sequel to Joker was so unnecessary

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +5

      Yep it was elseworlds one offs need to stay one offs

  • @OHaraMania
    @OHaraMania Месяц назад +5

    I really agree with the audiences hating Joker 2 over the first film.

  • @mathew7878
    @mathew7878 Месяц назад +5

    Liked the use of telltale batman music. always getting bangers from eric

  • @jawsdan
    @jawsdan Месяц назад +4

    If the last scene in joker 1 is set after joker 2 then the movie isn’t bad. because they didn’t mention him killing the therapist in the second, it should have been 7 murders, and joker had more weight in that scene, so my theory is that he survived the stabbing, and the last scene in the first is set after the second movie, when he is actually full on joker. Maybe Batman put him there, and the joke the therapist wouldn’t get is that joker and Batman are the two only characters that understand each other, joker explained why he is on the Murray show, and half of the people didn’t listen and said get him off, the other half made it about themselves and started a revolution. Batman is the only one who would understand, and vise versa with joker. Therefore the therapist wouldn’t get it. But the last with Batman is a stretch, just thinking a third movie could set this up well, showing that scene again

  • @ParkerCS2
    @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +4

    Eric needs to do a similar video to his SS kill the Justice League one where he reworks and makes a better Joker sequel than what we got.

  • @Spider-Will
    @Spider-Will Месяц назад +13

    Funny How Penguin got a much better project this year than Joker😅😂

    • @o-shawnspecific80
      @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад +2

      @@Spider-Will funny how you dont get that DC handed Phillips ideas to Matt Reeves...
      A director takes a stand for his work and art to the big execs at WB/DC and like 1% of the population is smart enough to get it.

  • @aurther335
    @aurther335 Месяц назад +1

    Joker 2 ending was just a dissapointment that left us feeling empty. Atleast Aurther Fleck after living such a horrible life can finally have peace

  • @josephbrechin906
    @josephbrechin906 28 дней назад +1

    I wish joker folie a deux was about joker and harley causing chaos in gotham and the ending should had been a tease for arthur as joker going up against batman

  • @EddieKennet-zi1mx
    @EddieKennet-zi1mx Месяц назад +4

    0:20 Phoenix is like I’m tired of this musical sh!t

    • @alexbellon1892
      @alexbellon1892 Месяц назад +1

      He should have thought twice before suggesting A DREAM to be used as a serious script for a movie.

    • @EddieKennet-zi1mx
      @EddieKennet-zi1mx Месяц назад

      @ yeah

  • @jacknite625
    @jacknite625 Месяц назад +5

    its a damn shame. like idk whats more suprizing, the fact that they somehow fucked up the joker, or the fact that they had fucked up every single one of dc's last remaining movie franchizes that were actully successful besides the batman. like really think about it. wonder woman, aqua man, joker, shazam, snyder cut, and the suiside squade. they all either got sequals that ruin the 1st movie, or gotten mediocre squeals, spin off shows, or no longer continuing. i fucking pray that the batman series still continues to be sucsessful because if the new superman movie isn't good, then it will be DC's only hope.

  • @josephbrechin906
    @josephbrechin906 28 дней назад +1

    I didnt hate the film itself, i mostly hate the ending

  • @TheBlond49
    @TheBlond49 Месяц назад +3

    Easiest versus ever, original one far superior than failed cashgrab of a sequel.

  • @GonteGont
    @GonteGont Месяц назад +2

    Honestly? I liked the new Joker, it had its flaws, but for me they were simply few. I liked the plot, the characters were also nicely written, and the songs themselves were also cool (especially since they were not as boring and pointless as those of a certain Mr. Disney), I would also just like to point out that I respect the opinions of (more) people who to the Joker two and I hope they will respect my opinion too. To finish this comment, the movie (in Erick's sense) was great, just like the others, and as for Joker 2, I give it 9.5/10.

  • @natethegreat-j4m
    @natethegreat-j4m Месяц назад +3

    Great video Eric. The editing is better than ever! I just have a question, wouldn’t that mean that Arther is one of the old hermits like Indiana Jones?

  • @florpastrina
    @florpastrina Месяц назад +6

    11:41 LOL for Real!😂

    • @EricCarter12
      @EricCarter12  Месяц назад +4

      Yep for real. 😅 Look it up and you'll see.

  • @trevorbristow9354
    @trevorbristow9354 Месяц назад +4

    Great review and I think you and me have a similar opinion. I still love the first Joker and still it's one of my favorite movies and one of the few modern movies that I ever gave a 10/10 and still has that rating cause the sequel never affected it for me. I thought the story and character development was fantastic and everything around that movie was perfection to me. Joker 2 on the other hand although I didn't hated it but was a very disappointment. The cinematography, the acting, the visuals are still great in this but the story and pacing is a mess to me. Joker 2 is a 6 or 5/10 to me cause there are some scenes that I really liked but idk when I rewatch it. It'll might sadly go down to me.

  • @edgarcanchola2461
    @edgarcanchola2461 27 дней назад +1

    I feel like gaga tried so hard to be the main protagonist, she should just have given her own movie, this Joker was boring and out of character.... songs were not even good.

  • @Imty23
    @Imty23 Месяц назад +3

    Eric, have you heard about May Calamawy getting her scenes cut out from Gladiator 2. I find that quite bizarre as she’s Egyptian Palestinian.

  • @spoody05
    @spoody05 Месяц назад +1

    As soon as the guards started beating up Arthur and even SA'd him, that's when I started to really dislike this movie and it was just downhill from there

  • @mattewclubb5882
    @mattewclubb5882 Месяц назад +4

    Good video Eric thanks 😊

  • @douglastyser5510
    @douglastyser5510 Месяц назад +3

    Love this video man

  • @Luciano.M
    @Luciano.M Месяц назад +2


  • @sakura3837
    @sakura3837 Месяц назад +7

    0:21 lol

  • @jrc1092
    @jrc1092 Месяц назад +1

    Harvey Dent is just there for a reminder that this a Batman villain movie

  • @mattewclubb5882
    @mattewclubb5882 Месяц назад +5

    Wait If this joker isn’t the real joker and someone who inspired joker than is this the real Harley Quinn🤔 or is she another person who just inspired the real Harley Quinn?🤔

  • @shadowleon659
    @shadowleon659 Месяц назад +3

    Todd Phillips has had a terrible track record when it comes to sequels. Look at the Hangover sequels.

    • @EricCarter12
      @EricCarter12  Месяц назад +1

      I make mention of that at the very end of the video. ;)
      Feel free to subscribe buddy as I would love to have you as a member of the channel.

  • @Herselfmaryjane
    @Herselfmaryjane Месяц назад +2

    I had to high expectations for this movie

  • @Thedarkknight27474
    @Thedarkknight27474 Месяц назад +2

    4:53 lick the join button

  • @Imperial-Edits24
    @Imperial-Edits24 Месяц назад +1

    I completely agree with everything

  • @batfan6154
    @batfan6154 Месяц назад +1

    Originally when i watched joker 2 i hated it but when i watched clips from it i enjoyed them and thats when it hit me the scenes individually range from really good to passable. Even the songs aren't that bad on there own but when combining it with all the other song witch sing about the same thing and not singing well it gets anoying. this movie overall has lots of good scenes and is a movie i hated too much on its a good movie it just sucked at tieing the scenes together and lead to a satisfying ending.

  • @angryX4810
    @angryX4810 Месяц назад +2

    Have you seen transformers one?

  • @jacindaellison3363
    @jacindaellison3363 Месяц назад +1

    I can’t believe Todd Philips would do this. And I can’t believe WB would ALLOW this piece of sh*t to be made. You had a setup with the first movie, and you f*cked it up, WB. BIG TIME.

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +3

      Yep they screwed over another potential box office success to instead spite fans

  • @colebonnell5400
    @colebonnell5400 Месяц назад +2

    7:03 I was thinking the exact same thing while watching the film

  • @featherguardian6023
    @featherguardian6023 Месяц назад +1

    As someone who saw Joker as a Overrated 4 out of 10 as this is to me a Insult to what the Joker is, Joker 2 is the perfect example of a Sequel that shouldn’t exist, Todd made Hangover 3 which is one of the worst Films of All Time, this Movie was just Boring and Depressing with no substance, heart, and soul, making this a Musical with Lady Gaga was the Only Red Flag of its Failure as that’s where the Budget got wasted, 1 out of 10, one of the worse DC Projects Out There.

  • @Theultimatelifeform217
    @Theultimatelifeform217 Месяц назад +5

    Eric we should give no way home credit for saving cinema during post covid

  • @ParkerCS2
    @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +2

    Great video 👍👍

  • @Dalton_Boardman2000
    @Dalton_Boardman2000 Месяц назад +1

    Since they're both game adaptations with similar aspects I'd love to see you do a VS with the Borderlands movie and the Fallout show. Borderlands is literally the worst case scenario of an adaptation with Fallout as the opposite.

  • @HarleySmithYT
    @HarleySmithYT Месяц назад +1

    I cannot wait for Moana 2 to come out because as a kid I really liked the first film. And so I'll be watching the first film as well since I want to get a feeling of the first film before going to see Moana 2.

  • @UndeadSlayer5
    @UndeadSlayer5 Месяц назад +1

    Will u be doing alien vs alien Romulus

  • @deanparsons389
    @deanparsons389 Месяц назад

    If you all want the real toxic Joker and Harley relationship, pressure Warner Brothers into releasing David Ayer’s Suicide Squad Ayer Cut. It’s a completely different film with Mad Love being at the center

  • @manconinlorenzozz2987
    @manconinlorenzozz2987 22 дня назад

    we set too high standards after the first movie, Joker 2 is still a well made movie with a great story. It's simply not what we expected

  • @NateMjoness
    @NateMjoness Месяц назад +1

    I like folie â deux not as much as the first but Im apparently the minority on this particular one

  • @SepRoyle
    @SepRoyle Месяц назад +1

    I like the first joker the second joker didn't need to be made 😊😅😢

  • @movieman6208
    @movieman6208 Месяц назад

    Its almost like you read my mind Eric. Everything you said was exactly what I thought about the movie. Specially about the musicals. I felt like they would break into a song once in every 10 minutes. My brother was like "Why are they always singing?". But I'd give it a 3/10. My biggest problem with the film is NOT the ending. It was the abrupt nature of the ending. If the movie built up to this, that would not make it great, but it would make it feel earned. Plus, Harvey Dent was completely useless in this film. He should have got the proper spotlight. Here's the thing, this movie should have focused on the court room drama with Joker and Harvey going against each other. It could have been kind of like a battle of wits movie like TDK and the last half of Oppenheimer.

  • @itzkiblo
    @itzkiblo Месяц назад

    Do you think they ruined it on purpose? You had the media and even the makers of the first movie, upset that the audience LIKED Joker bc he was meant to be a "villain against the establishment".
    I cant tell if they ruined Joker bc they didnt want people to like him, or if they changed him so much bc they wanted people to like this version of Joker. They assumed people would see him as a villain just bc he's against the establishment, but many people are aware that society can affect your behavior so seeing Joker constantly being wrongfully attacked, his push back is satisfying.

  • @corleonenightwing7410
    @corleonenightwing7410 Месяц назад +2

    Eric, is insomniac spider man vs. Video come soon

  • @matthewbolitho-jones
    @matthewbolitho-jones Месяц назад +1

    I like both of them

  • @twilightanimate9893
    @twilightanimate9893 Месяц назад

    This film is quite literally an undo button. I WAS HOPEFUL FOR THIS MOVIE TOO!😠

  • @OmnicidalClown1992
    @OmnicidalClown1992 Месяц назад

    You know what's funny? In the movie Chicago, there are countless amount of musicals scenes. Matter of fact, ine could argue that the scenes where it becomes a musical is when it should hiw Roxie Hart, the main heroine of the movie, sees the world. Whenever there's something happening, like seeing her husband being interrogated, being introduced to the women in Cook County Jail, her time in court, or even seeing an execution, she fantasizes as if she's in a Broadway musical. Hell, her husband Amos did that once when he realized that his wife sees him as nothing more than a meal ticket. And it worked. Chicago was a massive success, able to be nominated, and even won, a few academy awards.
    I bring this up because, it got me curious as to why Chicago succeeded where Joker 2 failed.

  • @dylangasserstudios2620
    @dylangasserstudios2620 Месяц назад

    Do you personally think Hangover parts 2 and 3 are terrible or are you just going based off of what the general opinions are? I definitely enjoy them myself.

  • @mediamaniac898
    @mediamaniac898 Месяц назад

    The sequel definitely hates its main character and by extension the people who just liked the first one. It pulled a Last of Us 2 and stripped away any ambiguity from the first, kicking its male character in the balls. That said, Arthur could never be THE Joker, because he would be 60 years old when Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. But again, upon rewatch of the first film, the death of the Wayne Parents must have been inside his head. With the sequel, the joke is on us!

  • @jrc1092
    @jrc1092 Месяц назад

    Honestly i never thought Arthur is going to fight i guy dressed up as a bat. The age gap is obvious, and he’s not the intelligent crazy guy from the comics or other media

  • @kotm2021
    @kotm2021 Месяц назад +2

    Guys should we hurl Godzilla 1954 vs Shin Godzilla?

  • @aminurrrr0621
    @aminurrrr0621 25 дней назад

    "You wouldn't get it."

  • @dragongodaaron6460
    @dragongodaaron6460 Месяц назад +1

    Do Kung Fu Panda vs How To Train Your Dragon

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +1

      Or Borderlands or Mario 1993 versus A Minecraft Movie when it comes out next year.

  • @jessenaveo
    @jessenaveo Месяц назад

    This movie was terrible and I didn’t like the idea that Joker 2 was turned into a musical, it a had a boring court scene, Lady Gaga Harley Quinn was terrible and this proves that Margot Robbie Harley Quinn is better, and Joker dies at the end which means the movie massacre him just like megamind, The Penguin is a true example of a super villian project done right and it’s still awesome, I give Joker Fooly a Do Do a 1/10 it sucks.

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      Folie a doo doo? More like Folie a SHIT

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад

      Joker was a true example of a villian project doing right, the sequel was just a bad fanfiction

  • @Lotsolov4u
    @Lotsolov4u Месяц назад

    Here's a challenge: madam web vs morbius

  • @tombailey837
    @tombailey837 12 дней назад

    How come you didn't talk about Steve Coogans charecter?

  • @Alpha-zx4js
    @Alpha-zx4js Месяц назад +2

    The trailer of the live action How to train your dragon has just dropped today

    • @ParkerCS2
      @ParkerCS2 Месяц назад +2

      Also the second Minecraft movie trailer dropped, and it’s still bad.

    • @Ihaveacrushonbigbash
      @Ihaveacrushonbigbash Месяц назад

      @@ParkerCS2eh the Minecraft trailer looks ok imo, but ik ima need a dumb fun film over a shit film

  • @theggamer2824
    @theggamer2824 4 дня назад

    I recently rewatched Joker 1 again and seeing the recent news isn’t it weird that life intimates art with a certain CEO 🧐?Still loved the movie regardless.

  • @abhinavsajitkumar5196
    @abhinavsajitkumar5196 Месяц назад

    @EricCarter, Have you heard that we are getting a comic book crossover between Naruto and the Ninja turtles?

  • @douglastyser5510
    @douglastyser5510 Месяц назад +1


  • @RayeJosephusAtillo-df4dl
    @RayeJosephusAtillo-df4dl Месяц назад

    Joker 1 💪🗿🔥 9/10 -My Second Place Best🥈 Movie in 2019
    Joker 2 🤡💩 5/10 -The Top 10 Worst Movie in 2024 (DC so Failure again and again)

  • @a7000zo
    @a7000zo Месяц назад +1

    I guess the movie was for me, because I thought that ending was the only logical resolution a story such as this could have. Arthur has been portrayed as a victim of circumstance in both movies, his life turned into a vessel for everyone else's own agendas and interests. His "rise and fall" were all fake. Arthur never got the love & attention he sought. He created a character, the Joker, and people took ownership of it at Arthur's expense. The moment he called quits on the show, his life was over.
    Arthur's a disturbed, mentally ill individual with violent impulses who has always battled to retain his dignity in the face of apathy, only to be continuously crushed by a system with a never ending turning wheel that's always ready to move on to the next big thing. No one cares about the story of a nobody. People crave fantasy, myths, the iconography of good vs evil, and Arthur was never about that. He thought he earned his peak when he killed Murray Franklin, but right there and then, his missplaced sense of validation through the legions of fanatics who worshiped his actions only signaled the inevitable death of Arthur Fleck.
    The idea of the Joker character outliving Arthur's intentions through a crazed fanatic willing to keep the fantasy alive is a nihilistic but urgent gut punch that I thought rounded up the themes of this duology very appropiately. It's a depressing note, but that doesn't make it any less real.
    As the song states, "That's life".

  • @actionstudios9502
    @actionstudios9502 Месяц назад

    Do The Hangover vs The Hangover Part 2

  • @sweeneyca1
    @sweeneyca1 Месяц назад

    Eric Carter, you need to watch the jurassic world camp cretaceous series and its sequel, jurassic world Chaos Theory. Watch those animated tv series and make a comparison with the live action movies, please. I would love to see that. Both animated tv shows are FAR MORE SUPERIOR than the live action Jurassic World movies, as well as this movie: Joker 2. PLEASE, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT COMPARISON.

  • @Quantum1769
    @Quantum1769 Месяц назад

    Eric what did you think of Lady Gaga in Joker 2?

    • @EricCarter12
      @EricCarter12  Месяц назад +1

      I liked her when I first saw it but the more I reflected on it she was nothing special. What did you think of her?

    • @amvrockerz9441
      @amvrockerz9441 Месяц назад

      I think the problem with this movie is that it undid the first movie ‘s events

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад

      ​@@EricCarter12It was very surface level, it would've been great if Todd would've made a movie only about Harley Quinn and not deconstructed the Joker character

  • @Mr.WinkyFace
    @Mr.WinkyFace Месяц назад +2

    I’ll lick the join button

  • @roccoumana343
    @roccoumana343 Месяц назад

    Sequels aren't good with mega mind 2 joker 2 and more I make a better sequel

  • @o-shawnspecific80
    @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад +1

    Wow deleted a lot of info I just posted because I disagree with you.
    Batman issue #1/2 and knowledge of Jungian Psychology and cinema.
    Without it you're just another clueless follower of simple minded people with a lack of empathy and attention span.

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад +1

      What do you like about the sequel? I asking this as someone who loves the first movie but is disappointed with the sequel

    • @o-shawnspecific80
      @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад

      @norm-bb3bb I like that it's smarter than most people. Still completely open to interpretation and no one gets it.
      The cartoon in the beginning shows you that Arthur and The Joker are two separate personalities. (Despite what Arthur says at the end " There is no Joker" he's not mentally competent enough to make that call.) The young inmate that stabs Arthur IS Arthur's Shadow. It's the same as the cartoon in the beginning. Arthur imagined The Joker/his Shadow as a separate entity in Arkham, when it 'kills' him. Arthur no longer exists and The Joker assumes full control.
      Everyone got what they wanted and they don't even get it.
      For proof check the young inmate. Does he ever talk to anyone? Does anyone ever talk back?
      And where is he in the film?
      Isn't he 100% of the time behind Arthur?
      Like a Shadow?

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад +1

      @@o-shawnspecific80 I would love to think your theory is real and not what Todd Phillips said. He's a fool who constantly contradicts himself

    • @o-shawnspecific80
      @o-shawnspecific80 Месяц назад +1

      @@norm-bb3bb what exactly did he say that's contradictory to this?
      Also for comic book reference.
      The two films Joker 2019 and Folie A Deux end very similar to the way Jokers first two appearances do in 1940 Batman issue #1.
      In the first story Joker murders some people and is LOCKED UP.
      In the second, he is STABBED IN THE CHEST and presumed dead .
      It isn't til his 3rd appearance in Batman issue #2 that the paramedic states he will survive in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
      Just saying, with a bit of outside knowledge and even by just paying attention to the film you can see it's still as open to interpretation as the first film.
      For example, his lawyer proves her case in court...but that aside it's interesting to me the conversation she and Arthur have on the phone. Before movie night with Lee.
      He says "They're gonna let me watch a movie. You know like a normal person."
      She says " No Arthur, I told you."
      This tells me she'd restricted him from watching films because she was worried about him placing himself in them in s fantasy setting and acting out the events in reality. Like Joker 2019.
      And what does he watch with Lee?
      A musical with a song outlining many of the events in the film.

    • @norm-bb3bb
      @norm-bb3bb Месяц назад

      @@o-shawnspecific80 He said that Arthur wasn't the Joker when he said in the first movie that Arthur was a mask and the real Joker was him, like I said he's a fool who constantly contradicts every time

  • @TIHArik
    @TIHArik Месяц назад

    Lick the join button

  • @mckinniesmovies3598
    @mckinniesmovies3598 Месяц назад
