The anti-vax movement is terrifying for someone who is immunocompromised ( I’m scared to be around people since this whole thing started and take extra precautionary measures to stay healthy. It’s honestly exhausting)
If you think antivaxxers are scary, you should also fear America having low wages. A society where the masses can afford to call off work when they or their children get sick will have incredibly lower spread of ALL diseases, not just diseases Merck gets rich from.
Ben P aids isn’t the only thing that makes people immunocompromised.... there’s things called auto immune disorders that affects the immune system and usually the treatment is to suppress the immune system. I myself have one
Calling it an outbreak is overstating it. Were talking about a few hundred cases in a population of over 300 million and zero reported deaths. You don't need to worry. Just avoid areas where people with the disease have been and your chances of catching it will be close to zero.
I’m sorry, I wish people abided by heard immunity so that people in your position don’t have to be so scared. Especially since children suffering from cancer are having to be pulled out of schools because others aren’t being vaccinated.
lekiscool well they generally don't seem to care about other kids and even those seem to operate off the mindset of "better potentially dead than autistic" I sympathize with the parents that worry but GOD I hate the things they do
@Xelleld/TraverseMountainWX The issue is that almost everyone of those anti-vaxxers are vaccinated themselves. So they decide to use their literal children as proof that vaccinations aren't needed. They really don't have the right to be parents if they think that risking their own children lives is worth some ideology that goes against 200 bloody years of proven research.
@Xelleld/TraverseMountainWX that's the thing you see, you have to be at least 8 months old to get the vaccine, so this criminals are targeting babies. All anti vaxxers should be shot at plain sight.
There was an online comic I was reading. One of the character (at little girl that got adopted) had to do a presentation for school. "My bullies all make fun of me for being adopted and "unwanted" but my parents get me vaccinated and theirs don't. Who's really unwanted?" A report~
My grandparents told me that back before the 1950s, if one kid in a class got the measles, the entire class would have it within the week. If they had more than a half dozen kids show up infected they planned to shutdown the school because it was going to get everybody. That was also back when they quarantined entire families for two weeks to try to slow the spread. In 1947, my aunt got measles and polio with in six months of each other and was hospitalized both times. The measles left her legally blind without glasses, and the polio weakened her left arm for 10 years. She punches anti-vaxers.
@@iliketurtles5180 well... if we re-write the 2nd and 3rd lines as: Skeptic: "Are not!" Doctor: "Are too!" ...does the intended humor become a bit more evident?
@@dandedvukaj Yeah I know, that was my point! It's freaking ridiculous. How entitled of a person do you have to be to endanger everyone else around you like that. Not to mention putting your own child at risk of something like that. Antivaxers should have their children taken away because allowing for your child to be susceptible to preventable diseases that could very well kill them is 100% child endangerment.
Washington State is considering making vaccines mandatory, as poorly informed individuals who think that it's a matter of free speech and not the safety and welfare of everyone. (not just their children) Even if it was okay to allow your own children to die through neglect, it's not okay to endanger other's children as well.
There was this interview on television with two female experts, he host asked them if vaccination should be mandatory and both of them answered something in the lines of "making it mandatory won't change anything, people need to be informed much better about why vaccination is important" and I was wondering the same thing, why shouldn't it be mandatory if it is a threat not only to your child but also to children who get in contact with yours? What about adults who never got vaccinated or can't get a shot? How is the government, that these anti-vaxers often distrust, supposed to convince them that vaccination is a necessary step? I just don't get the stupidity of this age.
@@DarkAngelEU Unfortunately being the "land of the free" means we have to put up with people that don't trust science and facts, because they fear authority. I wish we could just make them do it, but its honestly really hard too because it gives up their rights as people to live their own american dream. The most people can do is make it mandatory in order to go to public school, but even then, they will just keep them out of school and home school them. Its human nature to pick sides, and if someone chooses the wrong side, they are still very unlikely to admit their wrong and find cherry picked and misleading ideas/quotes to keep believing they are right and you are wrong, no matter what the cost.
Probably the best you can do is allow insurance companies to charge parents who don't vaccinate their kids for non medical reasons more so that at least they pay for their decision. And allow the kids to decide to get vaccinated against the will of their parents.
@@bubbag8895 No! Not scary at all. The government is full of people like you and me. They care for humanity, care for children thay the country's well being. Be glad you're not in North Korea or in Russia.
So I've been listening to the Tangents podcast without realizing there's a "butt" section that follows the end of the credits at the end of the show. The show ends, Hank reads the credits, and I naturally switch to a different podcast thinking it was the end of the show. Except today, I was listening while hauling groceries up to my apartment. Hands were tied holding grocery bags when Tangents ended and I suddenly hear this weird "butt" fact on coffee beans. Then my phone proceeds to play through my entire backlog of butt facts that I had been unknowingly skipping this whole time. Thank you Tangents. You make my day a little brighter and a little cheekier.
Almost exactly what happened to me last week, except I was at a crowded gym and didn't want people to be annoyed at me for using the phone as I was taking up the popular machine. Those were some fun 3-4 minutes!
"Stimple steps" ....Thank you for leaving that in there, Stefan! Lol, for real!! I have OCD/perfectionist issues and seem to have a sort of "constant stage fright", for all aspects of life. It warms my heart when brilliant people, such as yourself, slip up and let it roll off their back, like nothing.
Are you from the US? if so, the answer is because your country doesn't consider vaccines important enough to make them mandatory country wide. Change the laws, then prosecute the antivaxxers.
@@monkofdarktimes But why? What conceivable benefit does that have? All that does is codify that a child's health is the property of the parent and allows them to act against the child's best interests.
@CanadaDig I've seen you a lot in the comments being dumb. But like, now you're just babbling about nothing, lol. What does vaccination have to do with your school busses? Lmao. And they don't cause autism, that's a fact. So no, there won't be any special children because of them (which is what I assume you are implying). If you're going to be dumb at least articulate a little better so normal ppl can actually understand and correct you properly.
@Parallel You know how when a group of people dive to a bar they typically have a designated driver, whom drinks only a little or not at all during their time at said bar? Think of vaccines like a designated driver, the drunk folks as the people around you (who also have a chance of getting sick whether or not they're vaccinated, or maybe even immune compromised ) and the chance of a crash/wreck as getting sick. Sure, no matter what there's still a chance, but like a car full of drunk people, if you let someone sober drive (are vaccinated or are in a group of vaccinated people), the chances/probability of crashing (getting sick) are much lower than if you didn't. Also, as an afterthought, here are some definitions to the word "Cure": 1. A method, device or medication that restores good health. 2. the act of healing or state of being healed; restoration to health from disease, or to soundness after injury. 3. A solution to a problem. While you are correct about vaccines not being a cure, due to how they work (teaching the body's immune system how to fight whatever the vaccine is for, if I remember correctly, usually with a small amount of a dead or deactive? version of what it's for. So that the immune system knows what it "looks" like and how to fend it off), they aid the immune system in definition 2, and in fact (teach/) help the body so much it that, if someone vaccinated does get sick it won't be as severe as their body actually knows how to fight. It's like giving someone who doesn't know how to defend themself a knife and making them fight someone else. And then giving someone who knows how to defend themself a knife, and making them fight another person. The one that knows what they're doing is going to fair much better than the one who doesn't. Except it's the body vs, something that probably shouldn't be in it. Think of it like that.
@@kumabjorn7992 nop... people who are immunocompromised, and so unable to be vaccinated, may be affected or even die from the lack of heard immunity and unfair is an understatement for what that is 😕
This. If there's 11 million people in NYC, and 1% of are unvaccinated and catch Measles, thats 110,000 cases. If 5 out of every thousand die, thats 550 deaths from a disease that shouldnt even exist anymore.
I really like the approach some channels and scholars have taken in response to this whole anti-vaccination movement showing up in today's world. The more real information that is shared by scientists and those educated, the better things will be for the future.
Agreed. Unfortunately the type of people who need to see this probably aren't watching. I'm glad the information is out there anyway, though. Just in case.
I have a lot of Autistic friends, I just spent Saturday dicussing fashion with one. We both lived long enough to have met each other and dicuss fashion as grown ups. Raising a child who's Autistic isn't easy ( granted raising a child is generally not easy) but its better than having a dead child. I can hug one friend and talk about cats with another. You can't with a dead child.
Me mum knows an anti-vaxxer that has children. She asked my mother if she regretted getting me vaccinated (I'm autistic, see, so that lady probably thought I "got" autism because of the vaccines). My mom said no, she did not regret it. I don't regret getting vaccinated either, first of all because I have enough sense to know I INHERITED autism and had it from birth, but even if the vaccinations did "cause" my autism, botched social interactions and sensory problems (among a lot of other undesirable things that come with being autistic) are better than like, dying of polio or something. And much better than being a potential vector of a disease that could kill others, even if I recovered just fine.
Antivaxxers : "BuT vAcC1n35 CaU53 aUt15m!" Me: "Actually, since a significant portion - if not the majority - of top scientists have some form of ASD, it's the other way around."
Thanks, this is great. I might make "Autism Causes Vaccines" into my screen name at some point. However, I wouldn't want random people to get the wrong idea about me, as if "Autism Causes Vaccines" was a statement in favor of anti-vaxxerism.
I'm desperately scrolling through the comments for antivaxers (plague spreaders) to troll and can't find any. I'll have to take out my anger on a flat earth site or something.
Jonny Jackson Look through replies, some people are already in an argument. Of course the anti-vaxxers are losing those arguments but yeah, some are here.
An antivaxxer has an accident and for a short time his heart stops. He awakes before God, while the people in the ER try to safe his life. During the time he asks God, why he let the government continue with the mass "killing" by vaccination. God tells him that vaccines are a blessing and they way outweigh their side effects. After the doctors managed to revive him and he was allowed to see his Family, the Antivaxxer gathered them around and told them : “the conspiracy goes a LOT higher up than we thought…”
Thank you very much! This was a very informative video, very easy to follow, and very entertaining. Also helps remind me why i want to be a biochemist.
I just caught measles, I’ve had my vaccinations. It was nearly eradicated and now it’s back because of the god damn anti vaxxers. I can 100% blame them for this
I'm so sorry for you. That's how I feel about COVID, too. I'm vaccinated but immunocompromised. It's because of them that I can't leave my home. Plus I'm still dealing with long haul because I got it last year. I try to be kind, but I admit, I'm angry about it, too. I hope you're feeling better now. Hugs.
In unrelated news... the leader of the opposition to compulsary childhood immunisation in Italy, Massimiliano Fedriga, was hospitalised for Chickenpox.
Doctor Zaeus you’re one child will go on helping to creat a species which is happy healthy and strong. Instead of what we currently have the highest infant mortality rate the world has ever seen.
I have a weird cold rn, where it's mostly in my upper lungs and throat, just started last night... And my my skin on my chest and neck is itchy.... Several major Canadian cities have been having measles outbreaks................. Mine hasn't..... Yet. Now I'm paranoid lmao (Time to double check my immunization records at the very least)
We gotta promote vaccination the fact that measles is around again having been previously eradicated is frightening, and the antagonism toward vaccination is proving v harmful
How is this even a thing?? When I grew up in the 80s, you went for checkups as a baby and the doctor would just jab needles in your arm. It wasn’t a request or a suggestion, he just did it and that was that. Even though I’ve still got a big circular scar from several holes in my arm from (apparently) the initial vaccination, my biggest regret is that there wasn’t one for whooping cough since I caught it BADLY and it’s left me with a phobia of choking to the extreme. Flying awake multiple times a night with your throat closed and desperately wheezing to get air is panic inducing at the best of times, as a kid it was a horror show. That’s one disease I would not wish on my worst enemy. These irresponsible cvnts should be in jail for child neglect.
infectious disease epidemiologist here! thank you for this video. a very good, easily understood explanation of infectiousness vs. contagiousness. :) also..... VACCINATIONS SAVE LIVES.
I'd love an episode on autoimmune diseases and the different ways a person can be immunocompromosed. I feel like if more people knew that they were actively putting others at risk by not vaccinating their kids who aren't immunocompromised they might be better about vaccinating
Thanks for the video. I think u should work on organizing and presenting the information more eloquently; u’ve mentioned a handful of other diseases in a video that is supposed to talk about measles, which makes the video lengthy and not concise.
Anti-vaxxer's kids don't just go to school! Even homeschooled kids are encouraged to take "field trips" to fulfill state or local area educational requirements. SOOO, just wait for the NEXT outbreak!
A lot of these diseases have a lower mortality rate, especially with modern medicine, so a small part of me can see why some anti-vaxx parents may want to risk it. What they forget about are the other things that can happen from these diseases: Blindness. Brain damage. Paralysis. One had testicular swelling. Nerve damage. Infertility. Small pox will make your skin fall off if it gets bad (you die from this, btw). Living with a dead kid is much easier than living with one that you have deliberately injured and have to look in the eyes every day while trying to care for them in an iron lung.
With the exception of the flu vaccine vaccines work that's not an anti-vaxxers contention. We simply been believe that they are being manipulated by people with too much money to do things are not supposed to. I don't care how often you tell me that it's safe I'm not putting mercury in my blood.
@@brettharrison7478 Hope you've never eaten any kind of fish or other seafood in your entire life, then. This is ignoring the fact that outside of very specific vaccines, no amount of mercury has been present in vaccines for around 20 years. You're not being reasonable just because you're not foaming at the mouth about your ignorance.
@@brettharrison7478 You should really try doing some actual research in actually credible, peer-reviewed articles sometime. Staying un-vaccinated is dangerous to you and those around you, especially for people with immune disorders who's bodies can't fight off dangerous diseases even when vaccinated for.
Thank you for all your hard work staff of SciShow!! Before this show I use to say out loud that science is the worst subject ever. Now I dont even say that to myself in my brain with thinking.
Not just amongst young children that the Rotovirus spreads really quickly, as high numbers of elderly patients in nursing-homes quickly catch it! Very unpleasant for them & staff members!
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SciShow hi
Why ARE measles so contagious?
Dennis Smith whatch the vid
@@josecruz4287 and that changes the use of 'is' to 'are'.
@@dennis8196 "Why is [the measles *virus*] so contagious?"
The anti-vax movement is terrifying for someone who is immunocompromised ( I’m scared to be around people since this whole thing started and take extra precautionary measures to stay healthy. It’s honestly exhausting)
Nothing I can do will take that fear away
got aids?
If you think antivaxxers are scary, you should also fear America having low wages. A society where the masses can afford to call off work when they or their children get sick will have incredibly lower spread of ALL diseases, not just diseases Merck gets rich from.
Make sure to advocate for the banning of pro-disease (antivax) people
Ben P aids isn’t the only thing that makes people immunocompromised.... there’s things called auto immune disorders that affects the immune system and usually the treatment is to suppress the immune system. I myself have one
As someone who is immunocompromised it’s a really scary time.
Calling it an outbreak is overstating it. Were talking about a few hundred cases in a population of over 300 million and zero reported deaths. You don't need to worry. Just avoid areas where people with the disease have been and your chances of catching it will be close to zero.
Doubly so because pro-disease don't acknowledge your existence and condition.
I’m sorry, I wish people abided by heard immunity so that people in your position don’t have to be so scared. Especially since children suffering from cancer are having to be pulled out of schools because others aren’t being vaccinated.
lekiscool well they generally don't seem to care about other kids and even those seem to operate off the mindset of "better potentially dead than autistic"
I sympathize with the parents that worry but GOD I hate the things they do
It's been good soldier
Even when not fatal, measles can cause PERMANENT damage to lungs and/or brain.
@Xelleld/TraverseMountainWX The issue is that almost everyone of those anti-vaxxers are vaccinated themselves. So they decide to use their literal children as proof that vaccinations aren't needed.
They really don't have the right to be parents if they think that risking their own children lives is worth some ideology that goes against 200 bloody years of proven research.
And it also weakens your immune system for up to 3 years by erasing its memory
@Xelleld/TraverseMountainWX that's the thing you see, you have to be at least 8 months old to get the vaccine, so this criminals are targeting babies. All anti vaxxers should be shot at plain sight.
@Russell Meyers In addition, it has debilitating effects on vision and hearing.
@bnet sucks In the child?
There was an online comic I was reading. One of the character (at little girl that got adopted) had to do a presentation for school.
"My bullies all make fun of me for being adopted and "unwanted" but my parents get me vaccinated and theirs don't. Who's really unwanted?" A report~
Nilinor Ohhhhhh! That is some shaaaade
Whoo for Something Positive!
Such a bomb 🤩
My grandparents told me that back before the 1950s, if one kid in a class got the measles, the entire class would have it within the week. If they had more than a half dozen kids show up infected they planned to shutdown the school because it was going to get everybody. That was also back when they quarantined entire families for two weeks to try to slow the spread.
In 1947, my aunt got measles and polio with in six months of each other and was hospitalized both times. The measles left her legally blind without glasses, and the polio weakened her left arm for 10 years.
She punches anti-vaxers.
Anti-Vaxxers: *exist*
Measles: _it’s free real estate_
I’ll pay you big time if you properly clean my metal computer
Anti-vaxx'ers are spreading the super duper Herps
You guys should watch some of Dr. John, Bergman. He has some interesting info about Measles.
disciples of nurgle
Anti-Vaxxers: *refuse to give vaccines to their kids out of fear of autism*
Vaxxers: Wait, that's illegal.
Kid: when I grow up
Anti-Vaxx parents: woah let me stop you right there
This is a great comment XD
I've seen this before, but this comment doesn't have a misspalling.
@@nolanwestrich2602 Did you just spell "misspelling" with an a? lol
@@SpiceCh I think that was the joke??? Not a very funny one though...
Don't you comment this on like, every SciShow video? Lol
Life Expectancies:
Humans- Around 70-90 yrs
Mice- 2 yrs
Dogs- 10-13 yrs
Mayfly- 24 hrs
*Anti-vax boi- Planck Time*
in japan 100+ is average life expectancy they have an island of 90+ year olds
*Plank time
It's so short we aren't sure they exist
Logical Conservative bruh just get vaccinated. Nothing bad will happen to you if you do. You won’t get sick with them. I get all mine.
"Those people are infected with a contagious disease!"
"Why are you disagreeing with me?!"
The Rogue Wolf Hahaha!!! I was waiting for Master Therion's pun. But that is pretty good!!!!
Good puns
Doctor : "These viruses are QUITE contagious."
Skeptic: "R naught!"
Doctor : "R two!"
Tim Sullivan I’m surprised this one hasn’t caught on *cough
Skeptic as in an idiot
@@iliketurtles5180 not sure if you got that this was basically just a so-so play on words...
@@timsullivan4566 I don't get it 😅
@@iliketurtles5180 well...
if we re-write the 2nd and 3rd lines as:
Skeptic: "Are not!"
Doctor: "Are too!"
...does the intended humor become a bit more evident?
The fact that this title has to say "is" instead of "was" makes me so angry
I wish we could say "was."
Ikr, SOME people didn’t vaccinate their kids
But to be honest, i felt that it was really good at the suttle prompt that mesales is indeed back. *Sighs*
"Small kids with questionable hygiene"
So, small kids. Let's be real, here, no small kid has good hygiene, no matter how hard their parents try.
Eyerleth even adults have as habits. Most don't wash their hands properly.
You are not wrong.
And this is why we have Vaccinations!
GOT Progressive SC but people don’t use it
@@dandedvukaj Yeah I know, that was my point! It's freaking ridiculous. How entitled of a person do you have to be to endanger everyone else around you like that. Not to mention putting your own child at risk of something like that. Antivaxers should have their children taken away because allowing for your child to be susceptible to preventable diseases that could very well kill them is 100% child endangerment.
Wow! I don't believe I have ever gotten so many likes on a comment before.
Vaccinations gave me Asperger's, so give me your money
@@amberlittlefinger9193 theyll learn when they almost die because of the virus...
“Stupidity isn’t a disease, but it sure is spreading like one” - sandy cheeks
Washington State is considering making vaccines mandatory, as poorly informed individuals who think that it's a matter of free speech and not the safety and welfare of everyone. (not just their children) Even if it was okay to allow your own children to die through neglect, it's not okay to endanger other's children as well.
There was this interview on television with two female experts, he host asked them if vaccination should be mandatory and both of them answered something in the lines of "making it mandatory won't change anything, people need to be informed much better about why vaccination is important" and I was wondering the same thing, why shouldn't it be mandatory if it is a threat not only to your child but also to children who get in contact with yours? What about adults who never got vaccinated or can't get a shot?
How is the government, that these anti-vaxers often distrust, supposed to convince them that vaccination is a necessary step? I just don't get the stupidity of this age.
@@DarkAngelEU Unfortunately being the "land of the free" means we have to put up with people that don't trust science and facts, because they fear authority. I wish we could just make them do it, but its honestly really hard too because it gives up their rights as people to live their own american dream. The most people can do is make it mandatory in order to go to public school, but even then, they will just keep them out of school and home school them.
Its human nature to pick sides, and if someone chooses the wrong side, they are still very unlikely to admit their wrong and find cherry picked and misleading ideas/quotes to keep believing they are right and you are wrong, no matter what the cost.
cant wait for the government to go around forcing needles into kids.. not scary at all
Probably the best you can do is allow insurance companies to charge parents who don't vaccinate their kids for non medical reasons more so that at least they pay for their decision. And allow the kids to decide to get vaccinated against the will of their parents.
@@bubbag8895 No! Not scary at all. The government is full of people like you and me. They care for humanity, care for children thay the country's well being. Be glad you're not in North Korea or in Russia.
So I've been listening to the Tangents podcast without realizing there's a "butt" section that follows the end of the credits at the end of the show. The show ends, Hank reads the credits, and I naturally switch to a different podcast thinking it was the end of the show. Except today, I was listening while hauling groceries up to my apartment. Hands were tied holding grocery bags when Tangents ended and I suddenly hear this weird "butt" fact on coffee beans. Then my phone proceeds to play through my entire backlog of butt facts that I had been unknowingly skipping this whole time. Thank you Tangents. You make my day a little brighter and a little cheekier.
Almost exactly what happened to me last week, except I was at a crowded gym and didn't want people to be annoyed at me for using the phone as I was taking up the popular machine. Those were some fun 3-4 minutes!
Never miss the butt facts!
"Stimple steps"
....Thank you for leaving that in there, Stefan! Lol, for real!!
I have OCD/perfectionist issues and seem to have a sort of "constant stage fright", for all aspects of life. It warms my heart when brilliant people, such as yourself, slip up and let it roll off their back, like nothing.
How is anti-vaxxing not considered child endangerment? These parents should be behind bars and/or facing massive fines, open and shut case
Are you from the US? if so, the answer is because your country doesn't consider vaccines important enough to make them mandatory country wide. Change the laws, then prosecute the antivaxxers.
@@danielarossi5437 its mainly up to the states to decides and many are putting laws that a kid can get vaccines without parent consent
@@monkofdarktimes But why? What conceivable benefit does that have? All that does is codify that a child's health is the property of the parent and allows them to act against the child's best interests.
@@danielarossi5437 the fake study that caused all this started over seas...
Coming from a parent, you should get vaccinated no matter what. The risk is minimal, and it is proven to work.
If vaccines existed for polio before my grandfather was born, he would have been able to walk like normal people.
Things that never get old:
Anti vaxxer jokes
Anti vaxxer’s kids
It's funny because it's true
@CanadaDig I've seen you a lot in the comments being dumb. But like, now you're just babbling about nothing, lol.
What does vaccination have to do with your school busses? Lmao. And they don't cause autism, that's a fact. So no, there won't be any special children because of them (which is what I assume you are implying). If you're going to be dumb at least articulate a little better so normal ppl can actually understand and correct you properly.
@@jjyy8289 yo tf you must be dumb
Gee! Measles is making a comeback? If only there was some kind of cure....
-I'm obviously being sarcastic, vaccinate you kids folks-
Vaccines aren't a cure though. They're preventatives. If you have the measles and take a measles vaccine, you'll still have the measles.
@@parallel4 prevention is the best medicine for it now though..
@@jfurycat And? It's still not a cure.
@@parallel4 it won't even exist if people vaccinate so there'd be no need for a cure
You know how when a group of people dive to a bar they typically have a designated driver, whom drinks only a little or not at all during their time at said bar?
Think of vaccines like a designated driver, the drunk folks as the people around you (who also have a chance of getting sick whether or not they're vaccinated, or maybe even immune compromised ) and the chance of a crash/wreck as getting sick.
Sure, no matter what there's still a chance, but like a car full of drunk people, if you let someone sober drive (are vaccinated or are in a group of vaccinated people), the chances/probability of crashing (getting sick) are much lower than if you didn't.
Also, as an afterthought, here are some definitions to the word "Cure":
1. A method, device or medication that restores good health.
2. the act of healing or state of being healed; restoration to health from disease, or to soundness after injury.
3. A solution to a problem.
While you are correct about vaccines not being a cure, due to how they work (teaching the body's immune system how to fight whatever the vaccine is for, if I remember correctly, usually with a small amount of a dead or deactive? version of what it's for. So that the immune system knows what it "looks" like and how to fend it off), they aid the immune system in definition 2, and in fact (teach/) help the body so much it that, if someone vaccinated does get sick it won't be as severe as their body actually knows how to fight.
It's like giving someone who doesn't know how to defend themself a knife and making them fight someone else. And then giving someone who knows how to defend themself a knife, and making them fight another person. The one that knows what they're doing is going to fair much better than the one who doesn't. Except it's the body vs, something that probably shouldn't be in it.
Think of it like that.
Half a percent sounds a lot less ominous than 1 in 200 people who catch measles die.
Considering there are hundreds of millions of people in this country, that means tens of thousands die.
@@ginnyjollykidd only the anti vaxxers which are only a small percentage of the population.
@@kumabjorn7992 nop... people who are immunocompromised, and so unable to be vaccinated, may be affected or even die from the lack of heard immunity and unfair is an understatement for what that is 😕
This. If there's 11 million people in NYC, and 1% of are unvaccinated and catch Measles, thats 110,000 cases.
If 5 out of every thousand die, thats 550 deaths from a disease that shouldnt even exist anymore.
WOW great timing - we just learned about contagiousness and infectiousness and their variables today in my animal disease and parasites course!
I really like the approach some channels and scholars have taken in response to this whole anti-vaccination movement showing up in today's world. The more real information that is shared by scientists and those educated, the better things will be for the future.
Agreed. Unfortunately the type of people who need to see this probably aren't watching. I'm glad the information is out there anyway, though. Just in case.
I never knew “R0” was pronounced “R-nought” (or, as the host puts it, “R-not”). You learn something new every day….
Some say Zee, some say Zed. Some say Zero, some say nought.
Anti-vaxxers be like *YOU SHALL NOT PASS LIFE LITTLE BOY!*
I have a lot of Autistic friends, I just spent Saturday dicussing fashion with one. We both lived long enough to have met each other and dicuss fashion as grown ups. Raising a child who's Autistic isn't easy ( granted raising a child is generally not easy) but its better than having a dead child. I can hug one friend and talk about cats with another. You can't with a dead child.
Me mum knows an anti-vaxxer that has children. She asked my mother if she regretted getting me vaccinated (I'm autistic, see, so that lady probably thought I "got" autism because of the vaccines). My mom said no, she did not regret it. I don't regret getting vaccinated either, first of all because I have enough sense to know I INHERITED autism and had it from birth, but even if the vaccinations did "cause" my autism, botched social interactions and sensory problems (among a lot of other undesirable things that come with being autistic) are better than like, dying of polio or something. And much better than being a potential vector of a disease that could kill others, even if I recovered just fine.
As a cook, I approve this video.
I wash as often as I can to make sure I don't infect others; can't leave anything to chance in my line of work.
Anti-theist solidarity
Came to the video for the facts, stayed for the "Sadistic little vehicles of DOOM"
More 👏 Microbiology 👏 Content 👏 Please
: "BuT vAcC1n35 CaU53 aUt15m!"
Me: "Actually, since a significant portion - if not the majority - of top scientists have some form of ASD, it's the other way around."
Epicmonk117 *fist bumps* from a biophysics student w/ ASD
Lhyriad *return fist bumps* from a computer science student with ASD
Thanks, this is great. I might make "Autism Causes Vaccines" into my screen name at some point. However, I wouldn't want random people to get the wrong idea about me, as if "Autism Causes Vaccines" was a statement in favor of anti-vaxxerism.
Epicmonk117 *Fist bumps* from another computer science girl with ASD
Would it be unethicical to:
"shrink wrap" people that have chosen to not vaccinate?
Harold Henderson
I'd prefer to cast them in some kind of resin...
Sadistic little vehicles of doom!
That was the best line in the script.
that’s fort myers international airport @ 3:12
“Small children with questionable hygiene”
I know that one
Abbieq11 that’s literally every child. There gross. Have you seen one of them little fuckin things? They’re goofy lookin
2:03 From now on, I'm referring to any and every carrier/transmitter of disease as a "sadistic little vehicle of destruction"!
Inb4 the anti vaxxers flood these comments
its actually people who hate anti vaxxers
@@santabaus4425 So..normal, sane people?
@@ToharaAmah no they are the smart people except if they unvaccinated they're children
I'm desperately scrolling through the comments for antivaxers (plague spreaders) to troll and can't find any. I'll have to take out my anger on a flat earth site or something.
Jonny Jackson
Look through replies, some people are already in an argument. Of course the anti-vaxxers are losing those arguments but yeah, some are here.
Glad this video is getting recommended again, the message is as relevant as ever. I bet this vid got nerfed hard over the past couple years.
Only here for the anti-vaxx jokes
An antivaxxer has an accident and for a short time his heart stops. He awakes before God, while the people in the ER try to safe his life. During the time he asks God, why he let the government continue with the mass "killing" by vaccination. God tells him that vaccines are a blessing and they way outweigh their side effects.
After the doctors managed to revive him and he was allowed to see his Family, the Antivaxxer gathered them around and told them : “the conspiracy goes a LOT higher up than we thought…”
Danny Boy a true man
Max Mustermann f that anti vaccine person
@@maxmustermann5612 This is one of the best comments I've seen in a while.
@@colonelslanders3955 thx, but I only told a joke I read myself, so I can't take credit for it
No recent comments? Right, because we learnt the lesson so well regarding prevention, the importance of vaccination etc.
Ikr!? I've been looking for the recent comments, too. I assumed it would be filled with them. So weird that it's not.
Why did the anti-vaxxers 4-year old cry?
Midlife crisis
great information, as usual. Thanks
Sadistic little vehicles of doom! Im rolling🤣😂 thats the name of my next punk rock band.
No one:
Measles: *...its free real estate*
That clip of a guy coughing into his fist grossed me out. Please cough into your elbow everyone.
Thank you very much! This was a very informative video, very easy to follow, and very entertaining. Also helps remind me why i want to be a biochemist.
What Scishow needs is an old person who remembers pre-vaccine days swearing at ant-vaxxers for five minutes straight.
I would suggest to anyone who has measles to stay home till it gets cured, than stay home for another week or two to make sure it is really gone.
I just caught measles, I’ve had my vaccinations. It was nearly eradicated and now it’s back because of the god damn anti vaxxers.
I can 100% blame them for this
I'm so sorry for you. That's how I feel about COVID, too. I'm vaccinated but immunocompromised. It's because of them that I can't leave my home. Plus I'm still dealing with long haul because I got it last year. I try to be kind, but I admit, I'm angry about it, too. I hope you're feeling better now. Hugs.
Stefan : One of the only viruses to tip measles' claim to contagious fame is rotavirus...
Covid-19 : hold my beer
Finally someone from pandemic times here. I thought the comments would be filled with us by now.
jesus that elevator example made my skin crawl. Thank god i am vaccinated.
"Sadistic little vehicles of doom" 😂
Stupidity and Insanity are the two most contagious things in the universe.
fun not important fact: that clip of guy coughing at 4:28 was taken in a railway station of my home town :D
Anti vaxx parent: were not vaccinating u
Kid: *Gets sick*
Anti vaxx parent: Its that phone!
You understand us about as well as you clean we understand vaccines
Grammar much?
True for every old person with the last part
@@brettharrison7478 look another anti-vaxxer
Anti vaxxer is to good of a name for them, how about the "scum of the earth"
And that's why people like you need to do their civic duty by making sure to tell me so
In unrelated news... the leader of the opposition to compulsary childhood immunisation in Italy, Massimiliano Fedriga, was hospitalised for Chickenpox.
I didn't vaccinate my kids and the one who survived turned out fine.
Yeah...good old Limpy, he's hardly brain damaged at all.
Doctor Zaeus you’re one child will go on helping to creat a species which is happy healthy and strong. Instead of what we currently have the highest infant mortality rate the world has ever seen.
@@dillonormsby9003 I hope you're joking
And I just learned today I'm not vaccinated for measles... I know what to do soon.
So how contagious are cooties? (Asking for a friend)
I have a weird cold rn, where it's mostly in my upper lungs and throat, just started last night... And my my skin on my chest and neck is itchy.... Several major Canadian cities have been having measles outbreaks................. Mine hasn't..... Yet.
Now I'm paranoid lmao
(Time to double check my immunization records at the very least)
We gotta promote vaccination the fact that measles is around again having been previously eradicated is frightening, and the antagonism toward vaccination is proving v harmful
How is this even a thing?? When I grew up in the 80s, you went for checkups as a baby and the doctor would just jab needles in your arm. It wasn’t a request or a suggestion, he just did it and that was that.
Even though I’ve still got a big circular scar from several holes in my arm from (apparently) the initial vaccination, my biggest regret is that there wasn’t one for whooping cough since I caught it BADLY and it’s left me with a phobia of choking to the extreme. Flying awake multiple times a night with your throat closed and desperately wheezing to get air is panic inducing at the best of times, as a kid it was a horror show. That’s one disease I would not wish on my worst enemy.
These irresponsible cvnts should be in jail for child neglect.
Hummmmmm I thought measles was just a shortened version of mean weasels.which is close but not quite the same.
Chastity Hollingsworth Snort! I would support a campaign that said that my Aspergers was caused by mean weasels. Mean weasels are the worst!
@@pencilfriendpaperscribbler6032 mean weasels cause most all the problems in our modern world we just don't know it cus they are so cute
Chastity Hollingsworth Exactly! They are like Kpop stars with side businesses.
@@pencilfriendpaperscribbler6032 the most evil thing ever!!!! Lol
Great talk!
infectious disease epidemiologist here! thank you for this video. a very good, easily understood explanation of infectiousness vs. contagiousness. :) also..... VACCINATIONS SAVE LIVES.
I'd love an episode on autoimmune diseases and the different ways a person can be immunocompromosed. I feel like if more people knew that they were actively putting others at risk by not vaccinating their kids who aren't immunocompromised they might be better about vaccinating
I doubt they would care, to be honest. But as someone who is also immunocompromised, I would like to see that, too.
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who cringed when that guy coughed into his hands, urgh. Crook of the elbow or tissue please.
He coughed in which probably was his off hand, same one that indians use to wipe their ass. It's not hygenic, but c'mon
I tend to do that if a sudden cough comes up. But I also tend to walk around with wet tissue pack exactly for those kind of cases.
You can easily and conveniently wash your hands. Can't say the same for the crook of the elbow. Tissues are best but you still gotta wash your hands.
You should only cough at your elbow instead of your hands if there is no washroom nearby.
4:22 seems like another video "how not to cough/sneeze in your hand" is in order...
"As they say in real estate..." .... it's free real estate.
Thanks for the video. I think u should work on organizing and presenting the information more eloquently; u’ve mentioned a handful of other diseases in a video that is supposed to talk about measles, which makes the video lengthy and not concise.
Because they use brilliant to learn how to spread.
I don't think science channels show up in their suggested feed, and they sure as hell don't subscribe.
Kind of ironic That this came out just before COVID 19 did. I wonder what the ro is for the Delta varient of COVID 19.
If you don't vaccinate your children,be prepared to homeschool them.
Anti-vaxxer's kids don't just go to school! Even homeschooled kids are encouraged to take "field trips" to fulfill state or local area educational requirements. SOOO, just wait for the NEXT outbreak!
You don’t need brilliant you guys already brilliant
A lot of these diseases have a lower mortality rate, especially with modern medicine, so a small part of me can see why some anti-vaxx parents may want to risk it.
What they forget about are the other things that can happen from these diseases: Blindness. Brain damage. Paralysis. One had testicular swelling. Nerve damage. Infertility. Small pox will make your skin fall off if it gets bad (you die from this, btw).
Living with a dead kid is much easier than living with one that you have deliberately injured and have to look in the eyes every day while trying to care for them in an iron lung.
Because it's a level 100 boss disease
[Virus infects human]
[Money starts pouring out of human]
It WAS a level 2 weak disease. Thanks anti-vaxxers
*The CDC wants to know your location*
@@ThaFashionAssassin still a weak disease .. easy to spread, but hard to kill people
Such a great inspiration for smaller channels!
I support vaccines. I wish I wasn't broke, so that I get up-to-date on my vaccinations. lol
Your local health dept aims to make them as accessible as possible. I suggest contacting them for help.
“Sadistic Little Vehicles of DOOM!!!”
New quote of the day
I was having a good day until the video of the guy coughing into his hands 🤬
At least it was his left hand...not that it makes it any better though...
I´m going to start using "statistical little vehicles of doom"
I don’t know
Ask anti-vaccers
With the exception of the flu vaccine vaccines work that's not an anti-vaxxers contention. We simply been believe that they are being manipulated by people with too much money to do things are not supposed to. I don't care how often you tell me that it's safe I'm not putting mercury in my blood.
Hope you've never eaten any kind of fish or other seafood in your entire life, then. This is ignoring the fact that outside of very specific vaccines, no amount of mercury has been present in vaccines for around 20 years.
You're not being reasonable just because you're not foaming at the mouth about your ignorance.
I come in close contact with germs from a large number of sources routinely and the only thing that makes me sick is my alcoholism.
@@brettharrison7478 You should really try doing some actual research in actually credible, peer-reviewed articles sometime. Staying un-vaccinated is dangerous to you and those around you, especially for people with immune disorders who's bodies can't fight off dangerous diseases even when vaccinated for.
We all do what we can about the threats we perceive come down off your high horse
Thank you for all your hard work staff of SciShow!! Before this show I use to say out loud that science is the worst subject ever. Now I dont even say that to myself in my brain with thinking.
Measles sucks 🔥
nope, they itch. like hell.
I love sci show 💕💕
When I think of contagious, I think of doorknobs in public environments.
Diseases are now realizing they can travel
Okay, so I gave away the FERRETS and burned grandma's MINK coat and... oh wait, what's that?..Was he actually saying MEA-sles?
I’m just here to find anti vaxxers 😂
If I could add a million likes I would. As a server, I see alot of people. I'm sick maybe once a year. Thank you vaccines and hygiene!
Looking at that rash gives me chills.
6:02 He just summed up my life
"sadistic little wehicles of doom" - great name for pathogenes :D
Schools be like: “come to school unless you know you’re really sick. It’s not worth missing days for a little cold”
Why isn't anyone mentioning the measles outbreak here in the Philippines a few weeks ago? From Pioduran to Masbate!
Not just amongst young children that the Rotovirus spreads really quickly, as high numbers of elderly patients in nursing-homes quickly catch it! Very unpleasant for them & staff members!