Tokyo and Japan in general is one of the safest and cleanest places in the world. They dont have trash culture or very little of it. That's why you rarely see graffiti or trash.
Brownie Bear uhhh you do know that there is racism EVERYWHERE in the world right?? I see you everywhere in these japan related videos, please stop spreading hate, hate is why we DO have racism in this world.
@Maegnil Dianians How many good things in your country?😊 Where do you l?? I can tell some true bad and good things of your country though I have never been to!lol According to fucking Ken (it's you) just searching information in internet means knowing truth! So, tell me where do you live? lol
My previous trip to a cafe in Tokyo had no seats available, there was an old Japanese couple who saw me and my GF waiting for seats so they hurried and ate quickly and gave up their seats for us. That gesture cemented my love for Japan which considering our previous trip to Seoul wasn't good due to gf's phone was stolen, Bless their kind hearts.
I've visited Japan several times already as a tourist and I have to say every time I get there I feel very safe even if I walk there at night and the Japanese are very polite every time I engage with them in shops, hotels, restaurants, or just in the streets. I've never felt discriminated upon and often times they would go out of their way to help you like finding where your hotel is located at or if you are looking for a particular landmark. When you ride the train and it's packed, which is often the case, you would noticed everyone is quiet, I have never seen anybody shouting or hollering, and if someone is on the phone he or she would still talk in a low voice as if trying to respect everyone's space or maintain a quiet environment. What shocked me during my first visit is that elementary students as young as eight or nine would ride the train without parental supervision; oftentimes they are alone by themselves or sometimes travel in groups and again with no parents in sight. I totally agree to this video the five points enumerated why a country whose pollution is more than 120 million can maintain law and order in spite living in close quarters and this all boils down to one word: discipline.
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
I lived in Japan for several years. The Japanese are a wonderful people and I have a great deal of respect for them and their culture. How I wish we had their values in my own country!
@Ken narville plz stop it. No one tries to listen to you. You can complain about Japan after you come to Japan. Don't complain about Japan with just information of internet.
Ken narville Hell you’re all over the Internet. Just click any japan related video and there you are spreading lies. I guess you call that crusade lmao
One thing that has impressed me about many of my Japanese friends is how considerate they are. They understand human nuances and avoid saying or doing things that might offend or hurt other people. They are masters at this. Also, when my Japanese friends give gifts, they often manage to give gifts that are so personal and so appropriate that it just stuns me.
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
Yea I feel much safer when I was in Tokyo for two weeks than Houston Texas. I even walk to family mart in tokyo at 2am not worrying of being stabbed to death.
Because the USA is horrendously violent for a developed country. Figures given a lot of it was forged from violence (American Revolution, Civil War, decimation of Natives, US-Spanish War, etc.).
I love Japan. I went there last July. They take pride in everything. The streets are clean. People are very polite. The foods are great and delicious. I love everything there. I definitely will come back.
Japanese are very polite people and very disciplined. I'm married to a Japanese and i've been living in Japan for 23 long years and I'm already adopted to their custom and culture. My Japanese boss is very polite even though she's very rich, she bow to me every time she say thank you to me, that's their tradition to bow every time they say thank you and when they greet you they also bow.
Cold German Beer, Cannibalism actually first happened in Jamestown, America when Europeans eating human flesh for nourishment, you low life people started 2 world wars and made japan the convicted war criminal and sex offender felon your alliance, we all know who are the brutal low life people are.
I've seen some negative comments on here but my visit to Tokyo and Osaka I was shocked at how kind and polite the Japanese are. So many people went out of their way to help us without asking and were so friendly. The only person who was rude to me over there was an American man. Another American man was abusing staff at the airport. If you think they aren't polite or friendly maybe it's not them.... it's you.
But a majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals, who led atrocities to all East Asia Counties. It's like Germans still worship Hitler, can you imagine??? But that's what Japanese still insist on doing till today, so how do you expect people not hating Japanese? How can East Asia and South-east Asia people forgive that??
Quin Duvoltar Ahh I think you're the one who is blind lol. Molly has been there first hand and has seen that you're statement is full of shit and yeah way to generalise an entire race dumbass. There are racists in every country you go, doesn't mean the entire people are too. Grow up
Japanese people are very respectful most of the time. Though the further you tread from the big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, etc. the more likely you are to run into a bit of unacceptance. I traveled there for three weeks this past summer and for the most part everything was great, even in rural parts of Gunma. They were very nice with us, but it probably helped my friends are near fluent in Japanese. I did feel at times I was silently ignored in some places, and our cook at a yakitori shop in Okayama seemed rather displeased (but warmed up after we built up a decent bill), however, overall it was a great experience. I really do like Japan. I have read horror stories though of racism. Not sure if this is something that comes after living there for a long time.
Joey Jia Stop glorifying the Americans, and beating down other countries you ignorant child.. America did many more horrible things than Japan by about 10 times. Slaves, school shootings, racism, and not to mention, Japan is so nice, kids can walk any distance to school without their parents. In America? You can walk a block.. Not to mention America has more people in prison, than people in China. I can keep going.
Sorry to tell you this, but I think this is somewhat biased and superficial view on politeness of Japanese people. I'm a Japanese living in Japan (Osaka) most of my life and always wondered why it is so difficult for foreigners to understand our culture, and I now found the reason why: Lack of knowledge on history. I suggest to read Japanese history before you come to any misdirected conclusion. I think this video ignored the important aspects of the topic 'why Japanese are generally polite' as follows: 1) Idea of WA = HARMONY which is valued in our culture. The word 'Japan(Japanese)' is a western made up word from 16th CE, we call ourselves Nihon people or YAMATO race/people. Yamato in English means, Great Harmony. 2 ) BUDDHISM. Buddhism has the largest influence in Japanese moral principle. Like the people in any Buddhist countries, Japanese people basically try to avoid collision with other people (you see smiling faces on us, right?) unless provoked (such as in the time Western Imperialism was norm in pre and post WW2 all over the world). 3) THE LONGEST MONARCH and single continuing dynasty, Much like countries still keeping their monarchs, the culture and rules along with the tradition still remains, but in Japan, they are tightly connected to SHINTOISM which unite people of Yamato as people descend from Shinto Gods (no sane people today believes this, BTW), and this make it more complicated and sensitive tradition. Also, Japan only has a single Dynasty since her foundation of the country unlike all the rest of the countries in the world and thus much more traditions and social rules remains in Japan. Another thing, when you are born in an old country and if the place is not in a city, your neighbors are also living next to your family for centuries. If you do something stupid and make your neighbors upset, your family will suffer the consequences for centuries (really scary idea, right?). 4) BUSHIDO and SAMURAI PHILOSOPHY, since 12th CE, Japan has been practically ruled by Samurai rulers with very strict codes, something like chivalry. Being island nation, there was no way out once you lose a battle but to die. This reality enforced Samurais to die in honor and created strict codes among rulers and later idealized to general population. Samurai loved to use Confucianism to rule over general population because it's convenient. I hope I listed sufficient explanation to help someone understand. LOL
No3001 Zen Japanese history only tells people how wicked and evil the Japanese treated poor prisoners of war. Oh sorry, where they polite about torturing them?
I don't know where you are from, but those who accuse Japanese soldiers for treatment of prisoners of war are generally British or Americans. And do you know how Brits and American treated Japanese soldiers during the first 2 years of WWII? They killed them. Brits and Americans in South East Asia were known for not taking prisoners of wars because they didn't think Japanese as human. That was the time no coloured people in U.S. were allowed to vote or be on a same bus with whites let alone in UK. Do you know many Americans cut Japanese soldiers' heads off and boiled them to skin and brought back home as souvenirs? They started to take Japanese soldiers who surrendered only after their number became larger. This is why Japanese treated Brits, Americans and Auzies badly. Don't just judge things from one sided story you heard.
And talking about cruelty, I would say British belong to the top most group for what they did in so many places in the world in the past and still behaving like they are the best people on earth. They are best at image-building strategy using BBC and other media as well as intelligence organization such as MI6. Bravo! It's still working!
I just can't fathom why western ppl praise Churchill as someone great, he is the prime minister of British Empire who plundered from all those people in the world for centuries. The time is not of Napoleon, but it's 21st CE now. Brits call Japanese then Fascists, but weren't they exactly what they were? Weighing militarism by manipulating general population and stationed them all over the world? Japan then had exactly same political system as UK then. I'm just sick and tired of seeing ppl who only believe things they want and ignore the truth behind them or not dig into the topic a little bit before they open their mouths.
Yeah, you are brainwashed with the fake photos made by Communist party. All the photos have been already refuted and here you are still believing it and spreading the lies. The explanations Chinese communists use to describe the atrocities are laughable since they are exactly the method how Chinese used in their past. LOL
As a limousine & airport transportation driver I have served many Japanese people as well as people from other Asian Nations. They are polite, courteous ,reserved, well-mannered and appreciative and grateful for a job well done. When I meet them I make sure that I hand them my company's business card with BOTH hands. Since I work in Florida they were all smiles when I handed them bottles of them cold water. To them this is a sign of respect and they were quite impressed with me when I did it. While I am a staunch proud American I believe we can learn from them.
But a Majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals, who led atrocities to all East Asia Counties. It's like Germans still worship Hitler, can you imagine??? But that's what Japanese still insist on doing till today, despite all the protests from other countries... And Fukushima!! they just dump all those radiation-contaminated water into Pacific ocean, without making an effort to contain them. The pollution now reached west-coast of Canada and America. Most Japanese are polite because they don't want trouble, and Not because of responsibility.
Mangasakka : "A Majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals. It's like Germans still worship Hitler." Key word : Majority, Majority, Majority!! That's why Japan's right-wing political party who worship war criminals always get elected! Because MAJORITY of Japanese agree with it.
Yu Yocahu:Now I see how twisted your view on Chinese history is, I cannot believe you said " Chinese people have never, EVER been self-governable for thousands of years despite being ruled so many times by legal warlords " Holy Shit. Just look at the Japanese you are using today, even Japanese written characters came from Chinese, before the 18th century, China had always been a much more advanced civilization than Japan, without Chinese teaching, Japan won't even has its own written characters for god sake. But after learning from China, Japan got ambitious and forgot all the helps China gave to Japan, Japan started backstabbing China, starting from Japanese pirates who robbed China's coastal villages to later on a total invasion. And Japanese like to interpret Chinese history from their own perspective, in such way that to make Japanese feel somehow superior. Japanese like to twist history to boost their national pride and nationalism. But ignoring what Chinese think about Chinese history. How arrogant and ignorant is that?? As for the building Japanese did, they did it totally for themselves so that they can rob China's resouces faster, and they enslaved Chinese people to help them build roads and rails etc, Lots of Chinese people Bullied and DIED during the building process you talked about. And now you even have the face to brag about it ??? Shame on you!!! How about let Chinese occupy Japan and enslave Japanese people to rebuild your falling economy?? According to your logic, Japanese should welcome Chinese occupation cause we are going to help you building your economy, right?? Thank you for once again showing me how horrible and twisted Japanese's thinking is, and I now understand better why Japan has been such an aggressive and violent country and could commit all those horrible acts: cause Japanese always find excuses to justify for themselves. Stop living in your self-made delusional world and start hearing what Everyone Else is saying, or Japan is doomed.
I think that by and large, many of these things are true. You'll of course be able to find rude and disrespectful Japanese people (and students, #3) but you'll get some bad apples wherever you go in life. Percentage-wise, Japanese do pretty darn good on the politeness.
We have so many tourists from everywhere in London. I have to say Japanese are so polite and well mannered. They keep themselves to themselves and don’t bother anyone. They just spend their money and take pictures lol. In contrast English tourist are amongst the worst. I am so embarrassed by some of my countries people and the way some of them behave elsewhere. So entitled and rude and refusing to learn at least one word of the language while they visit. I love my country and I’m very proud to be English but damn a lot of our people don’t really do our culture any justice when they travel.
Generic White Bitch: The Japanese weren't so polite toward the millions they killed and tortured between 1931 and 1945. That was a time when they couldn't keep themselves to themselves....beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Maximus Sandler yes, the skyscrapers of Shanghai, this is the Pudong area, and there are also fragments of the Yu-yuan garden in the video, which is also in Shanghai, then did not look any further. Ignorance breeds ignorance!
It's so nice to see people being so civil to each other. The British used to be pereceived as being very polite but that was a long time ago. Things have changed so much and I think that is well in the past. Nice to see the Japanese keeping their own culture alive and thriving.
I found the Japanese people to be both nice and very polite during my visit to Tokyo. My wife, Father in law and I really appreciated their willingness to help us with directions getting around and on the Subways. DOMO. It was a very pleasant visit.
The politeness also has roots in history, Japan used to be a honor based warrior culture and rules of etiquette were developed so that heavily armed and influential men could interact with each other politely and know exactly what they could and could not do if they did not want to insult anyone and start a fight which could easily become a war.
Im not japanese but anime is the best i understand some phrases not every single one cause of anime and i got to learn alot about japans culture thnx to anime.
My first exposure to the Japanese came at the San Francisco-Oakland Airport. A travel group of middle school age Japanese boys and girls were being escorted through the airport by their school chaperones. Each child was dressed in blue blazer with pocket crest, white shirt with diagonal red and blue stripe ties, the girls in grey wool pleated skirts, the boys in grew wool slacks. Each child wore a navy blue beanie. They marched in lock step, head and eyes straight ahead each with identical baggage with red and blue tartan pattern on the sides. The only sound they made was the whir of the wheels on their baggage. Those children made themselves, their school, their parents and their country look really good. I shudder to contemplate the impression a group of similar age western children might make at Narita Airport in Tokyo.
Tomohiro Ishikawa . it is not the first time, the reverse happened on the chinese tourists video! One was clearly a picture of Japan, the other I think was a 'chinese' temple outside mainland China.
Not sure where you came up with that. In fact, it does say that Japan borrowed their religion from China. Think about it. Which tourists have the worst reputation around the world? Chinese or Japanese?
Your comment need to be more detailed. Which scenes are from China? I would like to know and check if it is in-line with the context. Incase, your were just watching images and NOT listening.
Chanting Wang my grandmother is malaysian-chinese and she went through the same WW2 experience as Chinese. She told me all the horrors and atrocities she experienced during the Japanese occupation of Malaysia. But she's is lucky enough to have travelled all over the world and she knows how to behave properly and politely. So, no I don't blame Japanese for how Chinese (and every other nationality) behave abroad. I'm half Malaysian half Greek and my Greek grandmother also went through the Nazi occupation of her country. Yet I can say she's as polite as the Japanese. It's all about personality and every one can choose how to behave. These people choose to be ignorant and rude.
Yeah, true. Chinese tourists might be just 5% of the total Chinese population but absolute numbers are huge cause of the population. Unfortunately, you only need one bad apple to make the whole apple tree look bad. And obviously there are nice and polite Chinese which I have personally experienced. By the way, Greeks are also in the top 10 most obscene tourists! :P
That's true, Japanese people in modern times are more polite overall in every category from table manners, greetings, treatment with tourists, litter, different cultures, women, men, disabled, etc etc etc. Polite in their country and polite outside to other countries on holiday. They clean up after their rubbish if they cause a messy area and know how to treat the HOST country with manners.
I have been to Japan twice and yes they are very polite. I went with a university delegationof first time . The second time as a chaperone for high school students. I would go back anytime. I have to admit,there were some situations that were not pleasant. It depends on how you visit and where. The basic cultural is just kindness. Japan does have its share of crime. Yes there is a lot to commend and my experiences were 99% wonderful.
I'm sick of the comments discussing superiority or inferiority of some ethnic groups by stereotypes, little experience, and so on. There are nice ppl and assholes in every single country. Totally nonsense to compare a people to others.
This is a very good video. Im assuming it's a non Japanese person who made it but very well observed, explained and analyzed. Im a Japanese American lived in Japan for over 10 years and I can say it is very true what it's said here.
I'm a Japanese man.My English isn't so good, but I want you to listen to me. In my opinion, many of Japanese people feel stressed every day because we must behave as other people do. We Japanese people were educated by the notion that it is best to behave as one of group people, so we are not allowed to behave as "individual". Although this education system has good points, it reduces our opportunities to express "individual".
I am from Germany. "Individualism" destroyed this country. Going though a train station is like a fight and people constantly try to provoke others, attack others.
@@cherubin7th Individualism is not about provoking and attacking others. It's about standing on your own two feet, and acting on your own, best judgement; to have integrity and uniqueness.
Japanese people are great, good boss. I once worked in a factory in epza, rosario cavite, owned by japanese. We are always reminded to maintain 5s coz mostly us filipinos really lack discipline. Cleanliness plays a major part. I do admired them a lot. Thank you japanese people for helping other countries, like ours❤
japanese doesn't care about other countries , including tourists. They treats them like objects or dogs. even in my country , many people treat foreign ppl more naturally.
If given a chance where to live aside from Philippines, I would choose Japan as my Home, I realized its one of the best place on earth to live,I been there once and I hope I coul d visit there before I die..iloveit there.!
I loved all the 5 reasons. I wish this culture that has been historically also Indian were still in practice especially in Maharashtra my homeland & Marathi society from which I am. A good education system is definitely one of the most important for that.
I'm Japanese. I'm so glad to see your comments. But I have to tell you that Japan is not Utopia. Don't get your hopes up too much, please. I've seen some visitors here who expected Japan was kind of Utopia but realized it's not and got shocked. Japan finally will open to tourists little by little. We hope you can enjoy Japan😊 Sorry for my poor English. Please do your best to undertand this.
@Daenack Dranils Just for sightseeing, you don't need to be fluent in Japanese👍 You can use Google translate. It's enough to check a couple of videos about what is not allowed to do in Japan before you come here. Of course everyone shoud research a lot about the country before they visit, right? Not only Japan😊 I hope this will help you🙇♂️
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
@daenackdranils5624 Just don't come, nobody wants you anywhere. I know you are being rejected by your own people too, that's why you are here spouting nonsense, you are a sad man... and your English is broken, why not comment in your own language? I know you are pretending to be an American hating Japan in order to spread hate toward Japan in the West, but it's so obvious that you are from C or K. Don't even try because it's meaningless.. You are only making your own people look bad... I know there are many wonderful people in your country too, yet here you are, damaging the reputation of your own people.. Live a little!
It’s a very nice place so you guys should come. There is a famous bridge called Rainbow Bridge, a sea with boats going to many places in tokyo, there are 3 big shopping malls with amusement parks, and there is a giant Gundum statue people take photos. It’s a busy place but lots of trees and parks and few tall buildings.
i was once work in a hotel as a receptionist n i had lot of foreign guests from many country. n all i got to say that Japan guests are the most polite ever. not like China n Indian. salute to Japan 🙏
They are very friendly and polite very nice people in Japan all the way is very friendly good people thank you for sharing Bless you all have a good day thank you
Good grief no wonder people think we're idiots lol. Japan is not as polite as people make them out to be. It has a lot more to do with context. One's polite response versus true feelings (Honne and Tatemae.) Once you get to know the Japanese however. The fake facade drops & their true feelings come out. That's not to say Japan doesn't have its own idiosyncrasies just like we all do. Japan tends to be very risk-averse and not good about change. They don't take to criticism well. Even if it's in a constructive context. But we all share that blame to a degree. One thing however that I do admire about the Japanese. Is their commitment towards each other & the group. This is a valuable trait to have especially in times of crisis. No more was this shown then during the 2011 earthquake & tsunami disaster. Which took the lives of some 25,000 Japanese. But their resolve and commitment towards each other was impressive. I'm not sure we would have handled that situation as well as they had. Japan has always shown amazing resolve and discipline. Beyond anything I've ever seen at least. There's nothing wrong with being an individual. But I think we in the west take that for granted & at the expense of others. Without trying to look at the other side's perspective & point of view. Japan is certainly a lot more polite then we are however and far more patient. A trait in which the Japanese should be very proud to have. :)
Japanese people in Japan are very polite. Outside of Japan, they can be quite different. My family hosted a Japanese exchange student when I was in high school, and he was very hard to deal with sometimes.
why is there so much hate in the comments? so ironic when you view a video on politeness and read the rude comments😢 we should respect all cultures, Japanese,Chinese,Everyone....peace on earth goodwill to 😇😍🌎♥
Unfortunately this is a display of the nature of Adam with a black and devilish heart and they don't come to the light because they love darkness. If they don't repent they will be thrown into outer darkness
yes *WE SHOULD* but that's not how reality works that the *IDEAL* situation the reality is, You respect others until they prove they no longer deserve respect Peace on Earth, is a pipe dream (we've chased that for Eons and we still have War Goodwill to all Me (is what happens at Xmas, then everyone forgets about it for the other 364 days). having Good Will (Good Intent) towards others is good, and i'm a big believer in that, but it doesn't help when the other person is a dick or is rude then.... there's no point because they have no good will towards you and therefore you end up being *The Stupid Person* The Reality is We don't live in a NICE WORLD i know you'd like it to be that way, and... so would i But.. We don't, simple as that
ерунда сэндвич i think it's really sad that you believe that hate is a human trait. that's not true also, on another topic, can i ask you a question i can read Cyrillic (Cirilica) my background is serbian when i read your name, i read it as ERINDA SENDVIC or it could be ERUNDA, i think it's ERINDA now... SENDVIC translated to english (From Serbian) is SANDWICH is that really your surname ?
georgewu5 you seem to not be very polite. How about you look up Chinese war crimes, massacres, and the history behind the building of your wall before you generalize an entire race of people.
I Really love Japan and Japanese People... And I don't care about bad comment about Japanese...that they are bad people, fake, etc.. I don't believe that at all.... When I see Japanese cities in TV...I feel Peace and psychological comfort..and happiness that mean that Japan people have beautiful spirit inside not bad intentions... I love everything about Japan... Anime, Drama,Music,Cars,Language, food, electronics industry, Game's, Actress, Actor's Movies, and everything,,, and Very Very big love to Japan 😍❤😘😘💕💕💕💖💗💖💝💙♥❤💝💙💝🌹
I was born in Japan but right now I am currently living here in the Philippines.. I really miss Japan.. if ever I have a chance to go back, I would love to live there and get old..
I have to be honest here, I am Japanese American and have spent a lot of time in Japan. in fact my fiance is from Yokohama. yes Japanese people are extremely polite. almost to the point of being too polite. however I've seen things that would be considered downright shocking to most Westernes. whether it'd be physical abuse to mental abuse... there's some things that would considered anti social behavior in the West but are perfectly standard in the Japan. Japan is not known to have psychologist... it's almost considered like a hocus pocus to seek a mental health professional and discussing your problems to someone is considered bad form.. so a lot of people that need help have no where to go.
Jeffrey Ena That's why they practice Zen throughout their life so they don't think problems are anything compared to the bigger picture in life. We're a tiny spec compared to the Universe and we're far from being the centre of it.
Jeffrey Ena there is a lot of suicide. Many times on the train, it’s stopped, why, a suicide jumper. They feel such shame, that when they’ve made a mistake they feel there is no way to solve the situation other than death. :-( Shame is a big motivator for better or worse.
They may not be the prettiest, but they sure do have one of the highest IQ. Hong Kong and Singapore tie with the highest IQ by one source, and they're both Chinese majority.
They may not be the prettiest, but they sure do have one of the highest IQ. Hong Kong and Singapore tie for the highest by one source, and they're both Chinese majority.
I was astonished by Japanese manners and behavior when I was in their subway, shinkansen and also restaurants. A wonderful behavior that you will not experience in Philippines.
The picture in 2:31 is from a Japanese movie called confissions from 2010. It's about a teacher taking revenge from her middle school students for killing her daughter. It's worth watching.
OMG? Are all the haters jealous or something? They kept on bringing Japan's dark side. Bruh, they are humans. And to mention, not only Japanese did horrible things. It was W.A.R which is full of hates. What do you expect? Japan and other countries hated each other at that time. Violence etc are to expect. Plus that's 70years ago. What's y'all only remembering this dark part.
Yeah dude. Let's just bring back all the crazy and evil shit every country did in the past, it will make my unjustified hate good blah blah etc, bullshit shitty unreliable citation, REEEEEEEEE. How does anyone honestly believe a culture cannot improve. The Germans did it.
it doesn't seem like japan have regret and remorse over the war crime they have committed during ww2, they voted Abe to be the Prime minster, who is the grandson of a convicted war criminal felon of ww2, Abe wants to revive Japan's military by abandoning their defensive position, based on the action by Japan government, Japanese are not trustworthy.
Dragondescendant1- Ahh, dude. There are Japanese Americans as well as pure Japanese living in the USA and other countries. Do you ever heard of Japanese American history and Little Tokyo, Los Angles?
Warren Bradford, I've heard of Japanese American, I also have been to Japanese town in San Francisco and Los Angeles, I've also heard of Tokyo Rose, a Japanese American convicted felon traitor, and a propagandist, have you?
Also, I thought I'd touch on an idea from this video about the difference between Japanese society, and say, American society: In Japanese society, the collective knows what's best for its citizens: integrating into it properly (and your family) is an affirmation of self-worth. In American society, it's every man for himself: you're free to pursue whatever greedy ambition you have, without restraint. As your own person, you get to decide what's right and wrong with lots of options to explore. In both cases, reform is really difficult to achieve. As I mentioned in the other post--things are changing with younger generations in Japan, so there's also the rebellious path to choose. But in Japan, being ostracized basically means you are like a foreigner (or worse). You won't have strong inside relations in most cases, or many options if you don't create them yourself.
I suppose Japan is an example of a rather extreme version of the priority of the collective, and the US is the extreme of individualism. But, with respect, I think your description of American individualism is a bit dark. Not everyone is pursuing a “greedy ambition”, as you put it. It’s more often a matter of pursuing your own interests, your strengths and talents, the freedom to make the best of yourself without being blocked from all directions by family or society. And of course there ARE expectations from both family and society in the US, just less so than in a country like Japan. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages. America seems to always dance on the edge of chaos and disorder, but still somehow goes on. I once knew a woman from India who had been in America for some years. I asked her whether she preferred living in India or in the US. She said, on the whole, the US. I asked her why. She said, “Because in India everybody is living somebody else’s life.” By the way, I really do admire Japan in many ways.
@@odietamo9376 I think the more involved you are, the more shadows you'll notice in any place. Whether you're talking greedy ambition or free-range character development, it's wise to recognize what one sacrifices. First off, does the other party actually have a commitment to accept you, or are they just going through the motions. The ability to persevere long and hard enough to actualize gain is going to depend on the initial commitment and the number of hurdles to overcome. Within Japan, collectivism tends to embrace life-long commitments. Others may help you out. In America, it's up to oneself to do most of the work. This might be characterized as the good fortune to have and know how to leverage one's strengths. These aren't absolute laws, just generalizations. Furthermore, I doubt many people understand the complex relationship between social bonds and the place they live. Community by itself can make or break it for someone.
@@kira_y You can’t help yourself, can you? No matter how you put it, you betray a mostly negative view of the American system. “Every man for himself”, “greedy ambition”, “free-range character development.” I don’t think you understand that America was, uniquely as far as I am aware, founded on the principle of the natural rights and dignity of the individual-not as a subject of a government or a mere cog in a machine. It’s right there in the founding documents: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But that doesn’t mean it is some sort of law of the jungle. Even participation in a competitive market system requires a lot of cooperation and voluntary association and group efforts. America’s achievements and innovations and creativity for the last 150 years or so speak for themselves. (There have been efforts by some in the US to destroy the American system since the early 20th century, and they are gaining more and more power, but that is another subject.) I am not in any way going to put down the Japanese system. It works well for the Japanese. I like the Japanese and Japanese culture. But I couldn’t live in that system, it wouldn’t work for me. I would find all that forced conformity coming from every direction stifling, suffocating. I know there are benefits to it, but there are costs as well. I once heard there is a proverb-I have heard it ascribed both to Japan and to China so I don’t know which is correct, but maybe it is both-“the nail that sticks up must be hammered down.” I could never live like that, but I think there is room for both systems and that each can learn things from the other. The US and Japan make for great allies, in more ways than one.
im a malaysian but i work with japanese people in singapore...i like their hardworking and mindset...the japanese are forwarded and very loyal to the superior
Japanese culture is excellent..People should learn from them...Their attitude for discipline, helping others,politeness, cleanliness and love for the country is commendable....
they kind of seem like lifeless drones when you see them in public, they are over-worked and have a very high suicide rate., they aren't as perfect as you make them out to be. i'm sure alot of them ignore the people in need just like they do everywhere else. there are alot of respectable aspects to their culture though, but far from excellence
yes, the skyscrapers of Shanghai, this is the Pudong area, and there are also fragments of the Yu-yuan garden in the video, which is also in Shanghai, then did not look any further. Ignorance breeds ignorance!
Japanese Are soo Cool Like mg friends Think that SAYING SORRY AND THANK YOU IS HARD LIKE OH MY IRENE WHY IS IT SOO HARD TO BE POLITE FOR OTHERS? I like being polite
The Japanese People are truly a beautiful, wonderful people. Words just can not give justice to the beauty and warmth of the hearts of the Japanese People.
At 0':30'' (видео.html) That's a picture of the bound in Shanghai in China when saying of Japan : "They have been described as being "one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture"". It's a bit offensive to confuse people when speaking of nations, civilizations, languages and cultures.
When I was in the U.S. Air Force, I came across a black guy who was TDY from Japan and he told me he loves living in Japan and he planned to retire there. He said no one discrminated against him because he's black. His kids are completely safe going around everywhere. They inadvertently left toys and valuables at parks and when they return a week later, their stuff are still there. He told me he never wants to return to the US again.
Because the video brings up the truth about a country being largely homogenous... and NOT "diverse"... Japan has had a huge advantage over the rest of the world for being a large landlocked island inthe ocean.... This protects the people of Japan from land invasions... Except of course from its own people attacking others... Religion is a fantasy created by many people before them... its all the same story rewritten and re-interpreted...
They speak one language, so it's more simpler than most other countries that have too many languages and cultures that makes life stressful and difficult. And they have good attitudes because they are all taught from young the importance of good behaviors and attitudes. I respect Japan and also Singapore for going the right direction.
I do like the way the Japanese do things, and they are proud of their culture and traditions. If only we in the west showed as much pride in where we live.
That's it I'm moving to Japan There's nothing more frustrating than dishonest people who deliberately setout to cause fights and friction and frustration which just doesn't happen in Japan isn't it true that there are Japanese that also hold the record for long healthy lives?
Tureygua Ki yes us Portuguese benefited greatly from the slave trade those were good times, the Spanish also, in Peru the slaves pulled up so much gold when the Spanish sent the gold to Spain some of the ships would sink they where so over filled with gold ! The Spanish brought over so much gold to Europe it actually caused deflation of gold prices, yes my friend those were good times !
So it's just a coincidence that the culture with a African race has more crime less prosperity, I mean name me one mostly African city in America or in any place on the planet that has prosperity, remember I said HAS not HAD
That 1/4 just wanted free stuff, like the Africans that also come to America, it's all about what they can take. "Proud of their culture and race" great !!! stay in Haiti and they can keep their culture and race to themselves nobody wants them, but think about - look at the island of Haiti & Dominican Republic, one side 200 years ago killed their white daddy the other kept there's, which side has prosperity ? Think about it
When the Africans in Haiti found out about the French revolution, they revolted and killed the 20,000 French white on the island and like I said since they killed their white daddy now they starve ! Yes the white daddy - "big European power" did help Dominican Republic because Dominican Republic didn't kill their white daddy
When the American's sent Africans to Liberia it was so they could start their own country run by them for them without their white daddy to hold their hand, result - A COMPLETE DISASTER ! The Africans from America started enslaving the locals, they ran their government on cronyism & nepotism a typical African theme. The Africans can not manage a rock fight ! Wake up my friend it is because they are black
This is so true, I have never been to Japan, but from all the Japanese i've met and talked to are so nice and polite..
Lowen Tabusasi Lies, if a black man was in Japan suddenly everybody has their cameras out, so many people there are racist
Brownie Bear stop lying ur just racist to Japanese people
they're culture is just to much more appealing
their servitude towards guests us something
@@randomhuman1591 looooool never happen!lol
@Gammy Leddack Hey! You can't answer my question!?lol
Tokyo and Japan in general is one of the safest and cleanest places in the world. They dont have trash culture or very little of it. That's why you rarely see graffiti or trash.
stockjonebills Really cause last time I checked there were racial slurs graffitied onto many walls in Japan.
Brownie Bear uhhh you do know that there is racism EVERYWHERE in the world right?? I see you everywhere in these japan related videos, please stop spreading hate, hate is why we DO have racism in this world.
No junkies.
@Maegnil Dianians How many good things in your country?😊
Where do you l??
I can tell some true bad and good things of your country though I have never been to!lol
According to fucking Ken (it's you) just searching information in internet means knowing truth!
So, tell me where do you live? lol
That's cool, but for the rest, I still don't have been good memories of Japan.
My previous trip to a cafe in Tokyo had no seats available, there was an old Japanese couple who saw me and my GF waiting for seats so they hurried and ate quickly and gave up their seats for us. That gesture cemented my love for Japan which considering our previous trip to Seoul wasn't good due to gf's phone was stolen, Bless their kind hearts.
Trust me, they will talk bad about you guys behind your back.
How do u know
and they say south korea is like singapore in terms of criminal activities 😂😂
I've visited Japan several times already as a tourist and I have to say every time I get there I feel very safe even if I walk there at night and the Japanese are very polite every time I engage with them in shops, hotels, restaurants, or just in the streets. I've never felt discriminated upon and often times they would go out of their way to help you like finding where your hotel is located at or if you are looking for a particular landmark. When you ride the train and it's packed, which is often the case, you would noticed everyone is quiet, I have never seen anybody shouting or hollering, and if someone is on the phone he or she would still talk in a low voice as if trying to respect everyone's space or maintain a quiet environment. What shocked me during my first visit is that elementary students as young as eight or nine would ride the train without parental supervision; oftentimes they are alone by themselves or sometimes travel in groups and again with no parents in sight. I totally agree to this video the five points enumerated why a country whose pollution is more than 120 million can maintain law and order in spite living in close quarters and this all boils down to one word: discipline.
Haha, I think you must have meant “population” and not “pollution.” Beware the dangers of auto-incorrect!
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
I love Japan and its culture .. been there many times long ago ... hopeful will get to go there again some day.
@Daenack Dranils no u
Japan is one of my dream land !
I lived in Japan for several years. The Japanese are a wonderful people and I have a great deal of respect for them and their culture.
How I wish we had their values in my own country!
@Ken narville plz stop it. No one tries to listen to you. You can complain about Japan after you come to Japan. Don't complain about Japan with just information of internet.
@Ken narville Yes, you can if you stop complaining about Japan.
これはとても役に立った And now imagine how the US regime just had to drop 2 nukes on them aparently they hate politeness ?
Ken narville
lol crusade huh? Now that was funny.
Ken narville
Hell you’re all over the Internet. Just click any japan related video and there you are spreading lies. I guess you call that crusade lmao
One thing that has impressed me about many of my Japanese friends is how considerate they are. They understand human nuances and avoid saying or doing things that might offend or hurt other people. They are masters at this. Also, when my Japanese friends give gifts, they often manage to give gifts that are so personal and so appropriate that it just stuns me.
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
Yet they talk behind your back
They suppress their craziness through porn. 😅
I visited Japan in 1989. I was impressed by their polite, respectful, reserved culture.
Yea I feel much safer when I was in Tokyo for two weeks than Houston Texas. I even walk to family mart in tokyo at 2am not worrying of being stabbed to death.
ItAintGaY .. it's the 7-11s where they get you..
+ItAintGaY - Hmmmmm, I wonder why, LMFAO
Because the USA is horrendously violent for a developed country. Figures given a lot of it was forged from violence (American Revolution, Civil War, decimation of Natives, US-Spanish War, etc.).
ItAintGaY that's really true. I love Japan!
TEE's Time Never been to US but I don't think Manila is safer than NYC
I love Japan. I went there last July. They take pride in everything. The streets are clean. People are very polite. The foods are great and delicious. I love everything there. I definitely will come back.
Thanh Cabrera so true...
how they farming in Japan use ox
壱岐 ひより 👍
Did you also like all the underground power/telephone lines OR were they above ground?
Thanh Cabrera Japan’s all about the respect
i love japan so much from the bottom of my heart....i think that's why this video is on my recommendation.
Japanese are very polite people and very disciplined. I'm married to a Japanese and i've been living in Japan for 23 long years and I'm already adopted to their custom and culture. My Japanese boss is very polite even though she's very rich, she bow to me every time she say thank you to me, that's their tradition to bow every time they say thank you and when they greet you they also bow.
They're not shallow like the rest of the world. Money is not their god.
georgewu5 move on. it's 21 century. people can change
Cold German Beer, Cannibalism actually first happened in Jamestown, America when Europeans eating human flesh for nourishment, you low life people started 2 world wars and made japan the convicted war criminal and sex offender felon your alliance, we all know who are the brutal low life people are.
ジェルりん I reconiged the first character in your name because of an anime called JOJOS bizarre adventure :/
georgewu5 That's in the past and they are all dead. This is what Japan create after the war
I've seen some negative comments on here but my visit to Tokyo and Osaka I was shocked at how kind and polite the Japanese are. So many people went out of their way to help us without asking and were so friendly. The only person who was rude to me over there was an American man. Another American man was abusing staff at the airport. If you think they aren't polite or friendly maybe it's not them.... it's you.
But a majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals, who led atrocities to all East Asia Counties. It's like Germans still worship Hitler, can you imagine??? But that's what Japanese still insist on doing till today, so how do you expect people not hating Japanese? How can East Asia and South-east Asia people forgive that??
Molly Yeah I think it's kinda sad and pathetic how alot of these haters are trying soo hard to make people hate Japanese.
Quin Duvoltar Ahh I think you're the one who is blind lol. Molly has been there first hand and has seen that you're statement is full of shit and yeah way to generalise an entire race dumbass. There are racists in every country you go, doesn't mean the entire people are too. Grow up
Japanese people are very respectful most of the time. Though the further you tread from the big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, etc. the more likely you are to run into a bit of unacceptance. I traveled there for three weeks this past summer and for the most part everything was great, even in rural parts of Gunma. They were very nice with us, but it probably helped my friends are near fluent in Japanese. I did feel at times I was silently ignored in some places, and our cook at a yakitori shop in Okayama seemed rather displeased (but warmed up after we built up a decent bill), however, overall it was a great experience. I really do like Japan. I have read horror stories though of racism. Not sure if this is something that comes after living there for a long time.
Joey Jia Stop glorifying the Americans, and beating down other countries you ignorant child.. America did many more horrible things than Japan by about 10 times. Slaves, school shootings, racism, and not to mention, Japan is so nice, kids can walk any distance to school without their parents. In America? You can walk a block.. Not to mention America has more people in prison, than people in China. I can keep going.
Sorry to tell you this, but I think this is somewhat biased and superficial view on politeness of Japanese people. I'm a Japanese living in Japan (Osaka) most of my life and always wondered why it is so difficult for foreigners to understand our culture, and I now found the reason why: Lack of knowledge on history. I suggest to read Japanese history before you come to any misdirected conclusion.
I think this video ignored the important aspects of the topic 'why Japanese are generally polite' as follows:
1) Idea of WA = HARMONY which is valued in our culture. The word 'Japan(Japanese)' is a western made up word from 16th CE, we call ourselves Nihon people or YAMATO race/people. Yamato in English means, Great Harmony.
2 ) BUDDHISM. Buddhism has the largest influence in Japanese moral principle. Like the people in any Buddhist countries, Japanese people basically try to avoid collision with other people (you see smiling faces on us, right?) unless provoked (such as in the time Western Imperialism was norm in pre and post WW2 all over the world).
3) THE LONGEST MONARCH and single continuing dynasty, Much like countries still keeping their monarchs, the culture and rules along with the tradition still remains, but in Japan, they are tightly connected to SHINTOISM which unite people of Yamato as people descend from Shinto Gods (no sane people today believes this, BTW), and this make it more complicated and sensitive tradition. Also, Japan only has a single Dynasty since her foundation of the country unlike all the rest of the countries in the world and thus much more traditions and social rules remains in Japan. Another thing, when you are born in an old country and if the place is not in a city, your neighbors are also living next to your family for centuries. If you do something stupid and make your neighbors upset, your family will suffer the consequences for centuries (really scary idea, right?).
4) BUSHIDO and SAMURAI PHILOSOPHY, since 12th CE, Japan has been practically ruled by Samurai rulers with very strict codes, something like chivalry. Being island nation, there was no way out once you lose a battle but to die. This reality enforced Samurais to die in honor and created strict codes among rulers and later idealized to general population. Samurai loved to use Confucianism to rule over general population because it's convenient.
I hope I listed sufficient explanation to help someone understand. LOL
No3001 Zen Japanese history only tells people how wicked and evil the Japanese treated poor prisoners of war. Oh sorry, where they polite about torturing them?
I don't know where you are from, but those who accuse Japanese soldiers for treatment of prisoners of war are generally British or Americans. And do you know how Brits and American treated Japanese soldiers during the first 2 years of WWII? They killed them. Brits and Americans in South East Asia were known for not taking prisoners of wars because they didn't think Japanese as human. That was the time no coloured people in U.S. were allowed to vote or be on a same bus with whites let alone in UK. Do you know many Americans cut Japanese soldiers' heads off and boiled them to skin and brought back home as souvenirs?
They started to take Japanese soldiers who surrendered only after their number became larger. This is why Japanese treated Brits, Americans and Auzies badly. Don't just judge things from one sided story you heard.
And talking about cruelty, I would say British belong to the top most group for what they did in so many places in the world in the past and still behaving like they are the best people on earth. They are best at image-building strategy using BBC and other media as well as intelligence organization such as MI6. Bravo! It's still working!
I just can't fathom why western ppl praise Churchill as someone great, he is the prime minister of British Empire who plundered from all those people in the world for centuries. The time is not of Napoleon, but it's 21st CE now. Brits call Japanese then Fascists, but weren't they exactly what they were? Weighing militarism by manipulating general population and stationed them all over the world? Japan then had exactly same political system as UK then. I'm just sick and tired of seeing ppl who only believe things they want and ignore the truth behind them or not dig into the topic a little bit before they open their mouths.
Yeah, you are brainwashed with the fake photos made by Communist party. All the photos have been already refuted and here you are still believing it and spreading the lies. The explanations Chinese communists use to describe the atrocities are laughable since they are exactly the method how Chinese used in their past. LOL
As a limousine & airport transportation driver I have served many Japanese people as well as people from other Asian Nations. They are polite, courteous ,reserved, well-mannered and appreciative and grateful for a job well done. When I meet them I make sure that I hand them my company's business card with BOTH hands. Since I work in Florida they were all smiles when I handed them bottles of them cold water. To them this is a sign of respect and they were quite impressed with me when I did it. While I am a staunch proud American I believe we can learn from them.
Shepperd November, Learn from them how to rape Nanking during WW2 ? Then you have a lot to learn ! George Wu, AIA, ARCHITECT, NCARB 2017-9-21
georgewu5 that was another time, had nothing to do with you.
But a Majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals, who led atrocities to all East Asia Counties. It's like Germans still worship Hitler, can you imagine??? But that's what Japanese still insist on doing till today, despite all the protests from other countries... And Fukushima!! they just dump all those radiation-contaminated water into Pacific ocean, without making an effort to contain them. The pollution now reached west-coast of Canada and America. Most Japanese are polite because they don't want trouble, and Not because of responsibility.
Mangasakka : "A Majority of Japanese (both common people and political leaders like Prime ministers) are still worshiping their WW2 war criminals. It's like Germans still worship Hitler." Key word : Majority, Majority, Majority!! That's why Japan's right-wing political party who worship war criminals always get elected! Because MAJORITY of Japanese agree with it.
Yu Yocahu:Now I see how twisted your view on Chinese history is, I cannot believe you said " Chinese people have never, EVER been self-governable for thousands of years despite being ruled so many times by legal warlords " Holy Shit. Just look at the Japanese you are using today, even Japanese written characters came from Chinese, before the 18th century, China had always been a much more advanced civilization than Japan, without Chinese teaching, Japan won't even has its own written characters for god sake. But after learning from China, Japan got ambitious and forgot all the helps China gave to Japan, Japan started backstabbing China, starting from Japanese pirates who robbed China's coastal villages to later on a total invasion. And Japanese like to interpret Chinese history from their own perspective, in such way that to make Japanese feel somehow superior. Japanese like to twist history to boost their national pride and nationalism. But ignoring what Chinese think about Chinese history. How arrogant and ignorant is that??
As for the building Japanese did, they did it totally for themselves so that they can rob China's resouces faster, and they enslaved Chinese people to help them build roads and rails etc, Lots of Chinese people Bullied and DIED during the building process you talked about. And now you even have the face to brag about it ??? Shame on you!!! How about let Chinese occupy Japan and enslave Japanese people to rebuild your falling economy?? According to your logic, Japanese should welcome Chinese occupation cause we are going to help you building your economy, right?? Thank you for once again showing me how horrible and twisted Japanese's thinking is, and I now understand better why Japan has been such an aggressive and violent country and could commit all those horrible acts: cause Japanese always find excuses to justify for themselves. Stop living in your self-made delusional world and start hearing what Everyone Else is saying, or Japan is doomed.
I think that by and large, many of these things are true. You'll of course be able to find rude and disrespectful Japanese people (and students, #3) but you'll get some bad apples wherever you go in life. Percentage-wise, Japanese do pretty darn good on the politeness.
Polizei1945 Then you must've done something horrible. Were you really involved in 9/11? Now, don't lie. 😠
We have so many tourists from everywhere in London. I have to say Japanese are so polite and well mannered. They keep themselves to themselves and don’t bother anyone. They just spend their money and take pictures lol.
In contrast English tourist are amongst the worst. I am so embarrassed by some of my countries people and the way some of them behave elsewhere. So entitled and rude and refusing to learn at least one word of the language while they visit. I love my country and I’m very proud to be English but damn a lot of our people don’t really do our culture any justice when they travel.
Generic White Bitch: The Japanese weren't so polite toward the millions they killed and tortured between 1931 and 1945. That was a time when they couldn't keep themselves to themselves....beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
so much hate lol, too many people jealous of Japan :P
Ken narville All people will insulting and judging in you back.
I love Japan! I've visited Japan 2x, really love their culture and spectacular view there.
0:29 There is a shot of Shanghai which is is China, not Japan.
0:45 Yuyuan gardens, also in Shanghai China, not Japan
Maximus Sandler yes, the skyscrapers of Shanghai, this is the Pudong area, and there are also fragments of the Yu-yuan garden in the video, which is also in Shanghai, then did not look any further. Ignorance breeds ignorance!
They all look alike, even their cities.
one of those shots even looked like chinatown in Sydney, Australia.... :)
maximus Sandler: Perhaps the maker of this video thought the Japanese still occupied Shanghai...
I hope you are in the military because you'd make good canon fodder.... we need tools like you for cheaper oil and tuperware.
I completely agree with the video, for the uploader ... thank you kindly for sharing with us on youtube!
I experienced several nice Japanese flight attendants while traveling to the Philippines , very respectful and kind.
It's so nice to see people being so civil to each other. The British used to be pereceived as being very polite but that was a long time ago. Things have changed so much and I think that is well in the past. Nice to see the Japanese keeping their own culture alive and thriving.
I found the Japanese people to be both nice and very polite during my visit to Tokyo. My wife, Father in law and I really appreciated their willingness to help us with directions getting around and on the Subways. DOMO. It was a very pleasant visit.
I ❤️ Japan!!! I love the culture, food, and people.
Thank you for making this video:P It's interesting to see how Japanese culture is seen from overseas!
The politeness also has roots in history, Japan used to be a honor based warrior culture and rules of etiquette were developed so that heavily armed and influential men could interact with each other politely and know exactly what they could and could not do if they did not want to insult anyone and start a fight which could easily become a war.
I Love Japan 🇯🇵❤🇯🇵 For Anime,Technology,Space Research,Food etc ..From 🇮🇳👍👍
Prithish s. v I'm Japanese, Thank you very much😭😭😭😭🇮🇳💕💕
@@nemo-hq2qm Nice To Meet YOU
Im not japanese but anime is the best i understand some phrases not every single one cause of anime and i got to learn alot about japans culture thnx to anime.
Ken narville
I was wrong this must be the newest. How’s Japan bashing going bud?
Ken narville
Same question to you since you’ve been doing this for years. What is your problem.
My first exposure to the Japanese came at the San Francisco-Oakland Airport. A travel group of middle school age Japanese boys and girls were being escorted through the airport by their school chaperones. Each child was dressed in blue blazer with pocket crest, white shirt with diagonal red and blue stripe ties, the girls in grey wool pleated skirts, the boys in grew wool slacks. Each child wore a navy blue beanie. They marched in lock step, head and eyes straight ahead each with identical baggage with red and blue tartan pattern on the sides. The only sound they made was the whir of the wheels on their baggage. Those children made themselves, their school, their parents and their country look really good. I shudder to contemplate the impression a group of similar age western children might make at Narita Airport in Tokyo.
Some scenes are NOT from Japan but from China. Need to pay attention to details
Tomohiro Ishikawa . it is not the first time, the reverse happened on the chinese tourists video! One was clearly a picture of Japan, the other I think was a 'chinese' temple outside mainland China.
Not sure where you came up with that. In fact, it does say that Japan borrowed their religion from China. Think about it. Which tourists have the worst reputation around the world? Chinese or Japanese?
Your comment need to be more detailed. Which scenes are from China? I would like to know and check if it is in-line with the context. Incase, your were just watching images and NOT listening.
Chanting Wang my grandmother is malaysian-chinese and she went through the same WW2 experience as Chinese. She told me all the horrors and atrocities she experienced during the Japanese occupation of Malaysia. But she's is lucky enough to have travelled all over the world and she knows how to behave properly and politely. So, no I don't blame Japanese for how Chinese (and every other nationality) behave abroad. I'm half Malaysian half Greek and my Greek grandmother also went through the Nazi occupation of her country. Yet I can say she's as polite as the Japanese. It's all about personality and every one can choose how to behave. These people choose to be ignorant and rude.
Yeah, true. Chinese tourists might be just 5% of the total Chinese population but absolute numbers are huge cause of the population. Unfortunately, you only need one bad apple to make the whole apple tree look bad. And obviously there are nice and polite Chinese which I have personally experienced. By the way, Greeks are also in the top 10 most obscene tourists! :P
"Many Cheerful Thanks', for presenting a wonderful presentation, in regards to Japan, and there culture" ... Blessings, Ms. Deborah Steele - 6/18/21
That's true, Japanese people in modern times are more polite overall in every category from table manners, greetings, treatment with tourists, litter, different cultures, women, men, disabled, etc etc etc.
Polite in their country and polite outside to other countries on holiday. They clean up after their rubbish if they cause a messy area and know how to treat the HOST country with manners.
Test Test i love japan
They ain't polite. They are just superficial at best and deceptive in worst case scenario.
I have been to Japan twice and yes they are very polite.
I went with a university delegationof first time .
The second time as a chaperone for high school students.
I would go back anytime.
I have to admit,there were some situations that were not pleasant.
It depends on how you visit and where.
The basic cultural is just kindness.
Japan does have its share of crime.
Yes there is a lot to commend and my experiences were 99% wonderful.
I love Japan soo much 💙. I wish I could visit there one day.
I'm sick of the comments discussing superiority or inferiority of some ethnic groups by stereotypes, little experience, and so on. There are nice ppl and assholes in every single country. Totally nonsense to compare a people to others.
Great insights, arigato!
This is a very good video. Im assuming it's a non Japanese person who made it but very well observed, explained and analyzed.
Im a Japanese American lived in Japan for over 10 years and I can say it is very true what it's said here.
I'm a Japanese man.My English isn't so good, but I want you to listen to me. In my opinion, many of Japanese people feel stressed every day because we must behave as other people do.
We Japanese people were educated by the notion that it is best to behave as one of group people, so we are not allowed to behave as "individual". Although this education system has good points, it reduces our opportunities
to express "individual".
Your English is great! I’m sorry you feel that way as well :( Things will get better
I am from Germany. "Individualism" destroyed this country. Going though a train station is like a fight and people constantly try to provoke others, attack others.
Totally agree with you. Conformity isn't for everyone, and there's no such thing, as collective thinking.
@@cherubin7th Individualism is not about provoking and attacking others. It's about standing on your own two feet, and acting on your own, best judgement; to have integrity and uniqueness.
I'm a Korean man and i pity Japanese people.
Japanese people are great, good boss. I once worked in a factory in epza, rosario cavite, owned by japanese. We are always reminded to maintain 5s coz mostly us filipinos really lack discipline.
Cleanliness plays a major part.
I do admired them a lot.
Thank you japanese people for helping other countries, like ours❤
Ken narville No they are great....few of them hate foreigners. Most of them are nice.
japanese doesn't care about other countries , including tourists. They treats them like objects or dogs. even in my country , many people treat foreign ppl more naturally.
If given a chance where to live aside from Philippines, I would choose Japan as my Home, I realized its one of the best place on earth to live,I been there once and I hope I coul d visit there before I die..iloveit there.!
I loved all the 5 reasons. I wish this culture that has been historically also Indian were still in practice especially in Maharashtra my homeland & Marathi society from which I am. A good education system is definitely one of the most important for that.
I'm Japanese. I'm so glad to see your comments. But I have to tell you that Japan is not Utopia. Don't get your hopes up too much, please.
I've seen some visitors here who expected Japan was kind of Utopia but realized it's not and got shocked.
Japan finally will open to tourists little by little. We hope you can enjoy Japan😊
Sorry for my poor English. Please do your best to undertand this.
Yours is an interesting and valuable comment. And by the way, your English is perfectly okay!
@Daenack Dranils
Just for sightseeing, you don't need to be fluent in Japanese👍
You can use Google translate.
It's enough to check a couple of videos about what is not allowed to do in Japan before you come here.
Of course everyone shoud research a lot about the country before they visit, right? Not only Japan😊
I hope this will help you🙇♂️
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
@daenackdranils5624 Just don't come, nobody wants you anywhere.
I know you are being rejected by your own people too, that's why you are here spouting nonsense, you are a sad man...
and your English is broken, why not comment in your own language?
I know you are pretending to be an American hating Japan in order to spread hate toward Japan in the West, but it's so obvious that you are from C or K.
Don't even try because it's meaningless..
You are only making your own people look bad...
I know there are many wonderful people in your country too,
yet here you are, damaging the reputation of your own people..
Live a little!
1:41 this is where I live. this is the Tokyo Teleport bridge in Tokyo, Odaiba between Odaiba station and Odaiba Kaihinkoen station
It’s a very nice place so you guys should come. There is a famous bridge called Rainbow Bridge, a sea with boats going to many places in tokyo, there are 3 big shopping malls with amusement parks, and there is a giant Gundum statue people take photos. It’s a busy place but lots of trees and parks and few tall buildings.
Canaan Yamashita so cool!
i was once work in a hotel as a receptionist n i had lot of foreign guests from many country. n all i got to say that Japan guests are the most polite ever. not like China n Indian. salute to Japan 🙏
I would love to go back there again someday😄
They are very friendly and polite very nice people in Japan all the way is very friendly good people thank you for sharing Bless you all have a good day thank you
Good grief no wonder people think we're idiots lol. Japan is not as polite as people make them out to be. It has a lot more to do with context. One's polite response versus true feelings (Honne and Tatemae.)
Once you get to know the Japanese however. The fake facade drops & their true feelings come out. That's not to say Japan doesn't have its own idiosyncrasies just like we all do.
Japan tends to be very risk-averse and not good about change. They don't take to criticism well. Even if it's in a constructive context. But we all share that blame to a degree. One thing however that I do admire about the Japanese.
Is their commitment towards each other & the group. This is a valuable trait to have especially in times of crisis. No more was this shown then during the 2011 earthquake & tsunami disaster. Which took the lives of some 25,000 Japanese.
But their resolve and commitment towards each other was impressive. I'm not sure we would have handled that situation as well as they had. Japan has always shown amazing resolve and discipline.
Beyond anything I've ever seen at least. There's nothing wrong with being an individual. But I think we in the west take that for granted & at the expense of others.
Without trying to look at the other side's perspective & point of view. Japan is certainly a lot more polite then we are however and far more patient. A trait in which the Japanese should be very proud to have. :)
Japanese people in Japan are very polite. Outside of Japan, they can be quite different. My family hosted a Japanese exchange student when I was in high school, and he was very hard to deal with sometimes.
I can't agree more, that is so true.
not good persons.
why is there so much hate in the comments? so ironic when you view a video on politeness and read the rude comments😢 we should respect all cultures, Japanese,Chinese,Everyone....peace on earth goodwill to 😇😍🌎♥
Unfortunately this is a display of the nature of Adam with a black and devilish heart and they don't come to the light because they love darkness. If they don't repent they will be thrown into outer darkness
but that's not how reality works
that the *IDEAL* situation
the reality is, You respect others until they prove they no longer deserve respect
Peace on Earth, is a pipe dream (we've chased that for Eons and we still have War
Goodwill to all Me (is what happens at Xmas, then everyone forgets about it for the other 364 days).
having Good Will (Good Intent) towards others is good, and i'm a big believer in that,
but it doesn't help when the other person is a dick or is rude
then.... there's no point because they have no good will towards you
and therefore you end up being *The Stupid Person*
The Reality is
We don't live in a NICE WORLD
i know you'd like it to be that way, and... so would i
But.. We don't, simple as that
Cause to hate is to be human. If you don't hate, you aren't human.
ерунда сэндвич
i think it's really sad that you believe that hate is a human trait.
that's not true
also, on another topic,
can i ask you a question
i can read Cyrillic (Cirilica)
my background is serbian
when i read your name, i read it as ERINDA SENDVIC or it could be ERUNDA, i think it's ERINDA
now... SENDVIC translated to english (From Serbian) is SANDWICH
is that really your surname ?
georgewu5 you seem to not be very polite. How about you look up Chinese war crimes, massacres, and the history behind the building of your wall before you generalize an entire race of people.
I'm here watching this because of doraemon which encouraged me to know more about Japanese culture. Love you Japan from India.
I like japan ppl, theyre so friendly
Clean streets is awesome.
I have just one dream that I want to go to Japan I like the Japan culture and festivals and the animes they make
At 3:11, those are really schoolkids per se. It's a publicity shot of the girl group, AKB48.
I Really love Japan and Japanese People... And I don't care about bad comment about Japanese...that they are bad people, fake, etc.. I don't believe that at all.... When I see Japanese cities in TV...I feel Peace and psychological comfort..and happiness that mean that Japan people have beautiful spirit inside not bad intentions... I love everything about Japan... Anime, Drama,Music,Cars,Language, food, electronics industry, Game's, Actress, Actor's Movies, and everything,,, and Very Very big love to Japan 😍❤😘😘💕💕💕💖💗💖💝💙♥❤💝💙💝🌹
Just like No one is perfect, No nation is perfect, needless to say.
I was born in Japan but right now I am currently living here in the Philippines.. I really miss Japan.. if ever I have a chance to go back, I would love to live there and get old..
when you really face them on flesh, that's another story
I have to be honest here, I am Japanese American and have spent a lot of time in Japan. in fact my fiance is from Yokohama. yes Japanese people are extremely polite. almost to the point of being too polite. however I've seen things that would be considered downright shocking to most Westernes. whether it'd be physical abuse to mental abuse... there's some things that would considered anti social behavior in the West but are perfectly standard in the Japan. Japan is not known to have psychologist... it's almost considered like a hocus pocus to seek a mental health professional and discussing your problems to someone is considered bad form.. so a lot of people that need help have no where to go.
Jeffrey Ena That's why they practice Zen throughout their life so they don't think problems are anything compared to the bigger picture in life. We're a tiny spec compared to the Universe and we're far from being the centre of it.
Jeffrey Ena 😢
So I think your point is that the Japanese would have to suffer in silence while pretending to smile at the world? That seems plausible. 🤔
@Jeffrey Ena Can you please elaborate what do you mean by "things that would be considered downright shocking to most Westerners."
Jeffrey Ena there is a lot of suicide. Many times on the train, it’s stopped, why, a suicide jumper. They feel such shame, that when they’ve made a mistake they feel there is no way to solve the situation other than death.
:-( Shame is a big motivator for better or worse.
I agree with there philosophy of respecting and being helpful to each other for the benefit of all
Japanese are most respectful peoples
Sisima inglis
that's Your opinion only
it's not actually a fact
Wait till u turn around , Japanse like talk shit behind ur back
Yu Yocahui, cold german beer is anxious to meet up with you and fuck his brain out.
They may not be the prettiest, but they sure do have one of the highest IQ. Hong Kong and Singapore tie with the highest IQ by one source, and they're both Chinese majority.
They may not be the prettiest, but they sure do have one of the highest IQ. Hong Kong and Singapore tie for the highest by one source, and they're both Chinese majority.
I was astonished by Japanese manners and behavior when I was in their subway, shinkansen and also restaurants. A wonderful behavior that you will not experience in Philippines.
The picture in 2:31 is from a Japanese movie called confissions from 2010. It's about a teacher taking revenge from her middle school students for killing her daughter. It's worth watching.
Of course not everyone is nice in Japan but we r taught to show respect to others
OMG? Are all the haters jealous or something? They kept on bringing Japan's dark side. Bruh, they are humans. And to mention, not only Japanese did horrible things. It was W.A.R which is full of hates. What do you expect? Japan and other countries hated each other at that time. Violence etc are to expect. Plus that's 70years ago. What's y'all only remembering this dark part.
Yeah dude. Let's just bring back all the crazy and evil shit every country did in the past, it will make my unjustified hate good blah blah etc, bullshit shitty unreliable citation, REEEEEEEEE. How does anyone honestly believe a culture cannot improve. The Germans did it.
it doesn't seem like japan have regret and remorse over the war crime they have committed during ww2, they voted Abe to be the Prime minster, who is the grandson of a convicted war criminal felon of ww2, Abe wants to revive Japan's military by abandoning their defensive position, based on the action by Japan government, Japanese are not trustworthy.
Dragondescendant1- Ahh, dude. There are Japanese Americans as well as pure Japanese living in the USA and other countries. Do you ever heard of Japanese American history and Little Tokyo, Los Angles?
Warren Bradford, I've heard of Japanese American, I also have been to Japanese town in San Francisco and Los Angeles, I've also heard of Tokyo Rose, a Japanese American convicted felon traitor, and a propagandist, have you?
A bunch of retarded hillbillies we should move on from the past
Thank you. I shared your video on my Facebook
Also, I thought I'd touch on an idea from this video about the difference between Japanese society, and say, American society:
In Japanese society, the collective knows what's best for its citizens: integrating into it properly (and your family) is an affirmation of self-worth.
In American society, it's every man for himself: you're free to pursue whatever greedy ambition you have, without restraint. As your own person, you get to decide what's right and wrong with lots of options to explore.
In both cases, reform is really difficult to achieve.
As I mentioned in the other post--things are changing with younger generations in Japan, so there's also the rebellious path to choose.
But in Japan, being ostracized basically means you are like a foreigner (or worse). You won't have strong inside relations in most cases, or many options if you don't create them yourself.
I suppose Japan is an example of a rather extreme version of the priority of the collective, and the US is the extreme of individualism. But, with respect, I think your description of American individualism is a bit dark. Not everyone is pursuing a “greedy ambition”, as you put it. It’s more often a matter of pursuing your own interests, your strengths and talents, the freedom to make the best of yourself without being blocked from all directions by family or society. And of course there ARE expectations from both family and society in the US, just less so than in a country like Japan. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages. America seems to always dance on the edge of chaos and disorder, but still somehow goes on. I once knew a woman from India who had been in America for some years. I asked her whether she preferred living in India or in the US. She said, on the whole, the US. I asked her why. She said, “Because in India everybody is living somebody else’s life.” By the way, I really do admire Japan in many ways.
@@odietamo9376 I think the more involved you are, the more shadows you'll notice in any place.
Whether you're talking greedy ambition or free-range character development, it's wise to recognize what one sacrifices.
First off, does the other party actually have a commitment to accept you, or are they just going through the motions. The ability to persevere long and hard enough to actualize gain is going to depend on the initial commitment and the number of hurdles to overcome.
Within Japan, collectivism tends to embrace life-long commitments. Others may help you out.
In America, it's up to oneself to do most of the work. This might be characterized as the good fortune to have and know how to leverage one's strengths.
These aren't absolute laws, just generalizations.
Furthermore, I doubt many people understand the complex relationship between social bonds and the place they live. Community by itself can make or break it for someone.
@@kira_y You can’t help yourself, can you? No matter how you put it, you betray a mostly negative view of the American system. “Every man for himself”, “greedy ambition”, “free-range character development.” I don’t think you understand that America was, uniquely as far as I am aware, founded on the principle of the natural rights and dignity of the individual-not as a subject of a government or a mere cog in a machine. It’s right there in the founding documents: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But that doesn’t mean it is some sort of law of the jungle. Even participation in a competitive market system requires a lot of cooperation and voluntary association and group efforts. America’s achievements and innovations and creativity for the last 150 years or so speak for themselves. (There have been efforts by some in the US to destroy the American system since the early 20th century, and they are gaining more and more power, but that is another subject.) I am not in any way going to put down the Japanese system. It works well for the Japanese. I like the Japanese and Japanese culture. But I couldn’t live in that system, it wouldn’t work for me. I would find all that forced conformity coming from every direction stifling, suffocating. I know there are benefits to it, but there are costs as well. I once heard there is a proverb-I have heard it ascribed both to Japan and to China so I don’t know which is correct, but maybe it is both-“the nail that sticks up must be hammered down.” I could never live like that, but I think there is room for both systems and that each can learn things from the other. The US and Japan make for great allies, in more ways than one.
why is Shanghai’s oriental pearl tower and Yuyuan garden featured in the clip? Chinese and Japanese ain’t the same thing.
im a malaysian but i work with japanese people in singapore...i like their hardworking and mindset...the japanese are forwarded and very loyal to the superior
Japanese culture is excellent..People should learn from them...Their attitude for discipline, helping others,politeness, cleanliness and love for the country is commendable....
they kind of seem like lifeless drones when you see them in public, they are over-worked and have a very high suicide rate., they aren't as perfect as you make them out to be. i'm sure alot of them ignore the people in need just like they do everywhere else. there are alot of respectable aspects to their culture though, but far from excellence
@@dukenukem7043 that's so sad, I hope that they can show their true self and their feelings. Hi I'm from Philippines
I love Japan and loved visiting and love the people! I would go back in a heart beat!
0:30 Isn't it oriental pearl tower in china? I still don't know why it is appeared.
Japan is my bucketlist country after Canada after covid
O Japão é outro nível ! É um país e é um povo sensacional !
Also 0:42 it's also Chenghuang Miao in shanghai.
The cool view with many skyscrapers is Shanghai....
yes, the skyscrapers of Shanghai, this is the Pudong area, and there are also fragments of the Yu-yuan garden in the video, which is also in Shanghai, then did not look any further. Ignorance breeds ignorance!
I was gonna say that lmao
I took my Japanese Girlfriend to Yu-Yuan during the day. It was packed with people and it was disgustingly dirty. I was embarrassed.
Thats is why i love japan 😍😍😍
Never been there
Tech Guru413
Thank You 🇵🇭💗💗💗 from 🇯🇵
The scene at 0:30 is not any city in Japan but shang-hi In China.
Japanese Are soo Cool
Like mg friends Think that SAYING SORRY AND THANK YOU IS HARD
I like being polite
Turei Shiro So true
The Japanese People are truly a beautiful, wonderful people. Words just can not give justice to the beauty and warmth of the hearts of the Japanese People.
Gammy Leddack Omg somebody finally says it, they’re literally racist
At 0':30'' (видео.html) That's a picture of the bound in Shanghai in China when saying of Japan : "They have been described as being "one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture"". It's a bit offensive to confuse people when speaking of nations, civilizations, languages and cultures.
When I was in the U.S. Air Force, I came across a black guy who was TDY from Japan and he told me he loves living in Japan and he planned to retire there.
He said no one discrminated against him because he's black.
His kids are completely safe going around everywhere.
They inadvertently left toys and valuables at parks and when they return a week later, their stuff are still there.
He told me he never wants to return to the US again.
Japan is amazing. Streets are clean and services are great also people more nice and polite. Japan is unique nation.
Every nation is unique.
I disagree.
100% true and thanks for sharing these ideas by your video with others.
There is a Samurai living in every Japanese. The Bushido cord of conduct is what makes them different from rest of the world.
So sad instead of learning a bit or 2 from this video people are fighting over religions.😲😲
fanatic and over talented peoples
Twice stan 👌🏽
Because the video brings up the truth about a country being largely homogenous... and NOT "diverse"... Japan has had a huge advantage over the rest of the world for being a large landlocked island inthe ocean.... This protects the people of Japan from land invasions... Except of course from its own people attacking others...
Religion is a fantasy created by many people before them... its all the same story rewritten and re-interpreted...
It's true isn't it? Japanese don't believe in one God... They all these different Gods everywhere...
@@3811eric some don't. Shinto and Buddhism is a large amount of religions
They speak one language, so it's more simpler than most other countries that have too many languages and cultures that makes life stressful and difficult. And they have good attitudes because they are all taught from young the importance of good behaviors and attitudes. I respect Japan and also Singapore for going the right direction.
0:15 What a beautiful citiy T_T
My work makes me meet people from people around the world, Japanese are the best
So, nightscape picture at 0:29 is from Shanghai.
Did they just google for clips of "big asian cities"?
Much respect to Japanese culture and ways of life
The Japanese
@Lakin Dagnan then why are you here?
I do like the way the Japanese do things, and they are proud of their culture and traditions. If only we in the west showed as much pride in where we live.
@Lakin Dagnan whatever you say my lord and savior.
I found them cold.
0:15 These are the most futuristic streetlights I have ever seen. Is that in Tokyo?
That's it I'm moving to Japan
There's nothing more frustrating than dishonest people who deliberately setout to cause fights and friction and frustration which just doesn't happen in Japan isn't it true that there are Japanese that also hold the record for long healthy lives?
マジかよw Why don't you check out the foreigners already in Japan to see what they have to say...?
So wat do they have to say
Just been in Japan for 4 hours transit and I thought I was in a different world just how nice and polite they were.
It's a picture taken in Shanghai, China.
Very polite and disciplined People 😘😔. ❤️🎍🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
Sally Karpinski Yeah, some counties are like joke compared to Japan.
Shut the fuck up idiot talk when you get to know them well. Dumb Otaku bitch
Sally Karpinski Stop taking about yourself. Stupid? Idiot? Oh please. You are a joke
Hentai Commander So true. Their attitude represents their countries. I surprised they can use such words fuck
Murasaki Budou countries *
Answer: Japan has zero diversity, result - safe streets, very low crime, and yes I've been to Japan back in 1984
Tureygua Ki yes us Portuguese benefited greatly from the slave trade those were good times, the Spanish also, in Peru the slaves pulled up so much gold when the Spanish sent the gold to Spain some of the ships would sink they where so over filled with gold ! The Spanish brought over so much gold to Europe it actually caused deflation of gold prices, yes my friend those were good times !
So it's just a coincidence that the culture with a African race has more crime less prosperity, I mean name me one mostly African city in America or in any place on the planet that has prosperity, remember I said HAS not HAD
That 1/4 just wanted free stuff, like the Africans that also come to America, it's all about what they can take. "Proud of their culture and race" great !!! stay in Haiti and they can keep their culture and race to themselves nobody wants them, but think about - look at the island of Haiti & Dominican Republic, one side 200 years ago killed their white daddy the other kept there's, which side has prosperity ? Think about it
When the Africans in Haiti found out about the French revolution, they revolted and killed the 20,000 French white on the island and like I said since they killed their white daddy now they starve ! Yes the white daddy - "big European power" did help Dominican Republic because Dominican Republic didn't kill their white daddy
When the American's sent Africans to Liberia it was so they could start their own country run by them for them without their white daddy to hold their hand, result - A COMPLETE DISASTER ! The Africans from America started enslaving the locals, they ran their government on cronyism & nepotism a typical African theme. The Africans can not manage a rock fight ! Wake up my friend it is because they are black
Some of the footage, like 0:29 is actually Shanghai, not anywhere in Japan.
This is why I would LOVE to travel to Japan. They make everything great there. They are so nice, smart, calm, and talented.
I agree totally. Polite and clean. Impressive.
I have traveled to many countries and Japanese are the most kindness, helpful and humble people I have met. Too bad is so dam expensive to live there
Much cheaper in small cities.
So refreshing to see humans treating each other with kindness and respectful. Culture and tradition works!!!
Not kindness but politeness, yes.
So wrong to use stock videos that are not related to the topic.......