Doesn’t like to look at you unless your subscribed Bored up your windows don’t go outside he’s going to get you I saw him outside on my backyard He’s going to get me ☠️
RUclips should add a “Oldest first” feature to the comments to go with the “Newest First”. That way we can see which of the hundreds of people is actually first
I like how Bandi kept saying the sheep were from Skyrim. It's also funny how he said they were gonna Fus Ro Dah him. There are more shouts than that dude
Hell yeah! SCP-049 is one of the most OP ones, his touch can inflict immediate death upon anyone, if he so chooses. However, he is somewhat docile, unless one is suffering from "the disease or the Pestilence" then he will attack them, killing them soon after. This is in the SCP fandom, so it makes sense he inflicts poison on you in the mod.
@@GaberMyGuy The Plague Doctor is one of the most iconic, and deadly SCPs in the fandom. When he was discovered by the Foundation, he was in a warehouse like building containing dozens of occurrences of 049-2, or corpses reanimated by the Doctor. When all of the occurrences were dispatched, the Doctor willingly turned himself over to the foundation. He is one of the most intelligent, and deadly SCPs hence the need of Level 5 clearance to get into his containment cell, or learn anything about him, except of course his number (049), nickname(Plague Doctor) and classification ([Euclid] meaning they are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable.)
@@kavinaderrow3269 Let's not forget other Branches, Joke SCPs (which can be considered non-canon to the no canon world of SCP) Explained SCPs, and other anomalous items and phenomenon that are somewhat not discovered or not given an SCP dimension, for example an anomalous civilization inside of an SCP dimension
I'm just going to get this out of the way, but technically speaking, "Secure, Contain, Protect" is just the motto, SCP actually refers to the Special Containment Procedures used for any given entity.
hes lying the chances of that being 096 are 1/#number of scps possible. he turns around so he can do redstone wiring and makes it 096. this whole video is staged
@@abstractgaming8689 yea that makes sense since he spent like 1/4 of the video explaining it aka saying the same things over and over hyping it up just for sheep
SCP 732 isn’t even meant to be scary lol, it is an insane one but it’s more dealing with hacking and info hazards. The part about it being invincible was actually written by the SCP itself, since if you read the article, random parts are interjected with a different font and style, which is from the SCP’s edits to its own article.
Doni: *Rolls a 049* Me: It was at this moment that I knew, he f**ked up the server. *Edit* Doni: *Rolls 096* Me: Welp, I'm outta here before I'm outta lives.
I’m glad one of my favorite MCYT people who I watched when I was younger, Is now an SCP Fan :D Doni if you see this, You made My Childhood and The Life I have now :D thank you so much Doni
@@staryboi6816 I realized it beacause i saw a video of Sketch playing with his brother Bandi, I recognized the voice and he even said they were brothers
S.C.P has 2 meanings, with obviously the main one being secure contain protect but when an object is classified as an scp then the scp preceding the number stands for special containment procedure. Not a lot of people know this so I thought I’d bring it up. EDIT: thanks to Korundum-voidless M for correcting my mistake of referring it to as “secure containment protocol” when it is actually “special containment procedure”
PortedCannon565 No, Secure Contain Protect is the Mission Statement and the purpose of the foundation. Just look at it like this. SCP-XXX Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a... If SCP stood for Special Containment Procedures, then the anomalies wouldn't be SCP's? I Don't want to be mean, but I'm 99% sure that SCP is Secure Contain Protect, and that the Special Containment Procedures are how they Secure Contain and Protect. I've been a fan of the SCP Foundation for Years, and this is the first time of heard of it standing for Special Containment Procedures. (Ok, Maybe that's not true, in SCP-001 The Factory the 05 council member telling the tail says "We changed the name from things to Special Containment Protocols" buts that's the only time in any SCP Article that SCP stands for Special Containment Protocols. [Special Containment Procedures as what it stands for is never mentioned]) I Don't want to be rude, but the number of people who think that SCP stands for Special Containment Procedures, or Secure Containment Protocols is shocking. If You look up what it stands for you get Secure Contain Protect.
i know this is old, but technically scp stands for both, when referring to a skip it means Special containment procedures, when referring to the foundation, it means secure contain protect. in reference to portedcannon565 the anomalies themselves are referred to as the numbers, and for example scp-002 means special containment procedures-002 because the article is about how they contain the anomaly
Doni foolishly pranks his friends with endless death and gore with the help of the SCP foundation and the O5 council until MTF forces are actually available to stop it
I love how the random number generator only has 3 digits and the total amount of SCPs that exist is 6999 (almost 6999 cuz a lot of the 6000s are still being made)
So, I might have made Doni Bobes an Scp. SCP-7094 AKA “Doni Bobes” Object Class: -Safe- Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1020 is allowed free roam of site REDACTED. Staff members of Site REDACTED are to never write 69 or 420. Updates to the File are to be made by D-Class Personnel. SCP-1020 is to be given adequate housing, with a gaming computer and laptop. Description: SCP-1020 appears to be a bloky, 6 foot tall man wearing an owl suit, that on closer inspection is its skin. SCP-1020 likes to be called Doni Bobes. SCP-1020 also has a RUclips Channel called Doni Bobes, where it Primarily plays Minecraft, and trolls other people. SCP-1020 has the ability to live in any video game. SCP-1060 also has godlike abilities, such as the ability to summon any entity, living or dead, as well as being able to teleport, fly and control reality to some extent. Addendum A1: A Doctor of site **** was seen watching a Doni Bobes video. A week after, the Scientist started to act strangely, and became more blocky. Dr. Linux, began screaming about how Doni Bobes was so annoying. This led to the Discovery of SCP-1020. Since then Doctor Linux has been terminated. Addendum A2: SCP-1020 has started to act strangely. It has begun flying around the facility, and summon cows, pigs and sheep. SCP-1020 has also begun to start maniacally laughing, and a strange psychopathic music echoes through the facility. Addendum A3: SCP-1020 has started summoning copies of other SCPS such as SCP-173, or SCP-096. Site **** Has been abandoned and SCP-1020 has been reclassified to Keter Addendum A4: SCP-1020 has been recaptured and moved to Site-51 with standard Keter Containment Procedures. Permission to update file has been requested. Addendum B1: SCP-1020 has adapted into a monstrous form with long arms and spindly fingers. Permission to update file with new procedures and descriptions still pending. Addendum B2: SCP-1020 has breached containment, as of ███/███/21 it has still yet to be re-contained.
no you are the real scp who writes this lon- ohhh i know who you are you are scp foundation members welp......... dont come and kidnap me i dont wanna be with that idiot you guys call "scp 682" i am way powerfull than that loser
999 is my fav SCP creature If you have no idea what I am talking about..basically it is a blob-like thing that hugs you and is the kindest SCP that exists. :)
The SCP foundation is not fictional, or said to be real at least. The SCP foundation, Secure, Contain, Protect and it's SCPs, [ Actually meaning Special Containment procedures ] And many objects, humanoid beings and creatures have been spotted that have been said to be similar to the creatures that have or are in the foundation. As a believer of humanoid monsters, and more, having seen things very odd in person before, I think people should be scared. There's SCPs that could literally end the world, but wont, as they're usually passive. Actually, believe it or not, anyone around us could be some kind of undiscovered by foundation SCP. There's even an official SCP website. In fact, there's also been sightings of the SCP personnel. SCP is not something to be taken lightly but yet people do it anyways, and somehow, we find it funny, lol. Have a nice day everyone. Don't mind me, just giving everybody a lesson on SCPs.
Love Mcdoodles! And I did not laugh, Also, I know a lot of S.C.P stuff, and I would reccomend, the one that lives in the Blood Pool. There is also another one call the indestructible reptile, an invisible dinosaur, basically. There are so many, up to 1000, including things like With Many Voices, Shy Guy, and one that looks like a ghost, which would give the "Anxiety" effect causing your vision to go blurry. All of the S.C.P are dangerous, and I recommend keeping little ones from knowing about this mod, Or anything that goes along with them. Thanks for reading!
SCP 999999, Code Name: Doni. Description: A guy who likes to torture his friends
Give me juice give me juice
@@plou1858 what juice
Doesn’t like to look at you unless your subscribed
Bored up your windows don’t go outside he’s going to get you I saw him outside on my backyard
He’s going to get me ☠️
RUclips should add a “Oldest first” feature to the comments to go with the “Newest First”. That way we can see which of the hundreds of people is actually first
They want you to scroll all the way down
Brings a whole new meaning to that one bozo saying first 😂
pretty smart
Do newest first then scroll all of the way down
Doni has proved time and time again, that he himself is an scp due to his dangerous trolling
I agree
If you're motivated you can go to the site and write him as a new scp
so true
6:09 it actually make sense the evil sheeps killed the good sheeps 😂
And plus that world adds a random mod too so perfect that so I got electric sheep
9:00, 🤣 ‘You’re too young for that…’ really got me laughing! 🤣
The fact that Bandi never questions who is doing it or why it’s happening and just has fun with it is just GOLD.
Bandi is sketch brother
@@yeahso4268 and? Not meaning to be rude I’m just confused 🤔
Cause there's mods to begin with, he maybe thought it was some kind of summon mod.
@@yeahso4268 bro he never asked
@@yeahso4268 i was gonna say he's like sketch but u said that he's sketch's brother ty
Doni: "You're too young for that."
One of the only rare times Doni acts like an adult.
Lol true
@@hisaakimi man acts like kissing is a crime
“It’s like a fictional story with hundreds of crowd-sourced entities”
SCP 1000+: “Am I a joke to you?”
There's an scp about that!
Technically 6000+
@@Fixabledock1 yeah
*the OTHER 6000 SCPs*
"whats going on here- YOUR TO YOUNG FOR THAT-" caught me off guard 👌👌
No one:
Doni: let’s torture my friends for the billionth time
_Wow,!!!_ 👇-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------👇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLICK HERE------------------------------------------------------👇-------------------------------------------- _XGIRLS.UNO_ 💜
Megan: "Hotter"
Hopi: "Sweeter"
Joonie: "Cooler"
Yoongi: "Butter" .
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
!💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那sfdsd些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品``
Wow two scam comments
@@Plotoeвидео.html make that 3
@@cursedcat6467 bruh
Doni says 732 is scary and when i look it up, it's a fan-fiction fanatic. Doni, you're a legend.
@Fahiem Williams no it is not so no worries:)
@@biffjohnson7107 or is it?
@@justsomeghost8440 ok vsauce
@@biffjohnson7107 yeah 732 sounds incredibly scary but scp 999 is good
Everything was serious until we got to Doni’s skin, now I can’t take him serious! 😂 #Mcdoni
@@thequal1 yep lol
They,re everywhere bots
Reported them
@@Izreekz I know right
I like how Bandi kept saying the sheep were from Skyrim. It's also funny how he said they were gonna Fus Ro Dah him. There are more shouts than that dude
Doni: Plague Doctor
Bandi: Witch Doctor
Ooh eeh ooh ah ah, ting tang, walla walla Bing bang
@@Operator_vhs.robot.roblox what
I'm surprise that Doni's friends is still playing with him
Aren't you dead ruv?
@@Its-Noobie wait did he die?
they all troll eachother
@@bluely8832 k
@@Its-Noobie Nope, still alive
Hell yeah! SCP-049 is one of the most OP ones, his touch can inflict immediate death upon anyone, if he so chooses. However, he is somewhat docile, unless one is suffering from "the disease or the Pestilence" then he will attack them, killing them soon after. This is in the SCP fandom, so it makes sense he inflicts poison on you in the mod.
I feel like 999 could beat them
@@GaberMyGuy The Plague Doctor is one of the most iconic, and deadly SCPs in the fandom. When he was discovered by the Foundation, he was in a warehouse like building containing dozens of occurrences of 049-2, or corpses reanimated by the Doctor. When all of the occurrences were dispatched, the Doctor willingly turned himself over to the foundation. He is one of the most intelligent, and deadly SCPs hence the need of Level 5 clearance to get into his containment cell, or learn anything about him, except of course his number (049), nickname(Plague Doctor) and classification ([Euclid] meaning they are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable.)
A scp nerd friends :>
Unless it has Series 8 and *every* SCP-001 proposal, including When Day Breaks, you can't claim it has every SCP.
The generator has 3 numbers but there are Scp with 4
@@Fiscovićović It currently goes up to 7999.
@@kavinaderrow3269 Let's not forget other Branches, Joke SCPs (which can be considered non-canon to the no canon world of SCP) Explained SCPs, and other anomalous items and phenomenon that are somewhat not discovered or not given an SCP dimension, for example an anomalous civilization inside of an SCP dimension
@@Fiscovićovićwho cares? BRO AINT AN IDIOT
I'm just going to get this out of the way, but technically speaking, "Secure, Contain, Protect" is just the motto, SCP actually refers to the Special Containment Procedures used for any given entity.
I was going to say this too
*Turns on the randomizer machine and SCP-049 gets chosen*
Literally every SCP expert:
Oh no...
p l a g u e d o c t e r
Luckily for Bandi, the mod nerfed 049 from its instakill touch
@VedaGamer20 same
What is 106 or 682?
"You're too young for that"
I'm dying.
But you’re too young for that
@@fromsimp2pimp425 the fuck
@@PankajKumar-hw9ri likewise to you
@@sandymandy123 lul I like ur bunny thing 🤪
@@drift9355 thanks drift u fortnite fan definetley
Just realized right now this is the debut of Doni's trademark ability, Vanish
Doni: youre to young for that
Babysheep: dont care
"It going to be your Blood" what come again yep hes really his Wanted
It seems like your invisibility mod isn't perfect! He could still hear the sound of you walking
There should be a mod that makes you go through doors and trap doors not pick up items and not make noise and trigger pressure plates and wires
@@rmnc-qf4fp you basically just described spectator mode
@@ValentineDreams but you can place blocks and break them and you can pick up items if you click on them
Doni's friends: "We die in the dark, so you can live in the light."
we die i the dark it means we die to 017 or 280
Doni is back at it with SCPs again😂😭
Cool that you can spawn all those mobs with this mod
@Michael Agarkov yes
Doni:"and it's gonna tell us any number"
Me: yes we know Doni that's the fifth time you've said it
So true
hes lying the chances of that being 096 are 1/#number of scps possible. he turns around so he can do redstone wiring and makes it 096. this whole video is staged
@@abstractgaming8689 yea that makes sense since he spent like 1/4 of the video explaining it aka saying the same things over and over hyping it up just for sheep
@@abstractgaming8689 also scp-096 is technically the only scp he knew, and he said he loved that one
When he mentioned SCP 049 I got so excited- he's my favorite SCP
Wait who is it
@@jianningmao6978 the plauge doctor (I hope I spelled that right)
@@yamazakura3330 plague* doctor
@@sami3566 OH- THATS HOW YOU SPELL IT- thank you-
one of them .
Doni is SCP 173 because every time people look away, he moves and pranks them.
Doni- "So I'm just gonna click this button"
The lever- Guess I'm a button now 🗿
Transgender mire like, TRANSLEVER
SCP 732 isn’t even meant to be scary lol, it is an insane one but it’s more dealing with hacking and info hazards. The part about it being invincible was actually written by the SCP itself, since if you read the article, random parts are interjected with a different font and style, which is from the SCP’s edits to its own article.
Yes I've played the mods Doni played it's SO HARD
@@ashabalasuriya181 that has nothing to do with it
@@RubyPiec i think its a bot
Not gonna lie Doni's videos make me laugh 😂😂 anyways this is cool!
Name a more iconic trio: Doni, vanish, and mods.
Spongebob, Patrick and squidward ???
@@dynstinn dang he’s good
Doni: *Rolls a 049*
Me: It was at this moment that I knew, he f**ked up the server.
Doni: *Rolls 096*
Me: Welp, I'm outta here before I'm outta lives.
Who is 049 again
@@jenniferbartholomew2171 the Plague Doctor
"They will never know whats real and whats not"
-The Biggest Lie Told Today
I’m glad one of my favorite MCYT people who I watched when I was younger, Is now an SCP Fan :D
Doni if you see this, You made My Childhood and The Life I have now :D thank you so much Doni
"A Zombie dropped a SWAT Helmet!'
Me: **spawns SCP-912**
No one:
DONI: let’s ruin someone’s day today, feels right.
I’m surprised that Bandi’s initial reaction to the first scp wasn’t related to Doni in any way
@ダウン 無駄😘😘 ;-;
I love how he's sad because his sheep are getting murdered by lightning but he still eats the mutton :`D
Everybody gangsta until doni finds out how to use scps in real life
Doni: "Don't laugh at my skin"
Me: No i am not laughing at you skin, i am laughing at you for your reaction of the skin
bandi is such a wholesome guy😌
Bandi like sounds like sketch
@@mojothedog9495 theyre twins
i can already tell this video is going to be awesome
im a huge scp fan btw
Fun fact: A youtuber finds out that every SCP are phobias that people are scared of.
Imagine this out of context 😂
I love how doni uses bionic as the person in the thumbnail the most despite not him the one getting trolled
3:35 , who eat your brother? 🤣
"u laughing at my skin?"
Me: "No! Never! I love mcdonalds
14:16 Bandi: "It's hard to keep track of what the heck" lol
"The baby electric sheep's are too young for that" part is funny
I missed the scp mods! There so funny :DD All your videos are amazing :0
I agree. the SCP mods look really cool!
Doni: laugh at me again I dare you” Me:“Laughs cutely”❤😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
"Spawn any weird top type of mod?"
Spawns: Doni
I can’t survive a day without watching one of doni’s videos
Seeing Doni with a McDonald's outfit is something I did not expect lol
Doni will wear a maid outfit next time
“If we get Bigfoot!”
Bigfoot being SCP 1000 and he has a 3 digit display
I have to use my fallen sheep brother. *places wool block*
Your trolls make your friends excited and thrilled how they can beat the hard challenges you give
the fact that i just realised that Bandi and Sketch were brothers, no wonder why they have the same voice and almost the same face.
WERE? did something happen between them?
@@staryboi6816 I realized it beacause i saw a video of Sketch playing with his brother Bandi, I recognized the voice and he even said they were brothers
Lol when Doni said to the sheep your too young for that I burst out laughing
Secure Contain Protect is their unofficial motto, it ACTUALLY stands for "Special containment procedures"
okay now it makes sense i was like If scp mean Secure Contain Protect so scp names would be Secure contain protect-003
14:40 is now crystal clear that the random number generator is rigged
"If I don't look at them they don't exist" that made me laugh so much
Lmao i am pretty sure some SCPS work like that
@@gun6145 yeah scp 173
@@captainHiro8911 thats more of a if I dont look at it I dont exist because the peanut will snap your neck
@@gun6145 pretty much
@@gun6145 more like "if i blink, bye bye"
My favorite Scp is Scp 999 also known as " the tickle monster" if you don't believe me look it up. He's adorable!
S.C.P has 2 meanings, with obviously the main one being secure contain protect but when an object is classified as an scp then the scp preceding the number stands for special containment procedure.
Not a lot of people know this so I thought I’d bring it up.
EDIT: thanks to Korundum-voidless M for correcting my mistake of referring it to as “secure containment protocol” when it is actually “special containment procedure”
Special containment procedure
@@corundum-voidlessm6480 ah ok, I though something sounded off.
i though it was secure CONTROL protect
Actuallly, SCP stands for Special Containment Procedures, hence SCP Foundation. Their motto is Secure Contain Protect. Just letting you know
No, Secure Contain Protect is the Mission Statement and the purpose of the foundation. Just look at it like this.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a...
If SCP stood for Special Containment Procedures, then the anomalies wouldn't be SCP's?
I Don't want to be mean, but I'm 99% sure that SCP is Secure Contain Protect, and that the Special Containment Procedures are how they Secure Contain and Protect. I've been a fan of the SCP Foundation for Years, and this is the first time of heard of it standing for Special Containment Procedures. (Ok, Maybe that's not true, in SCP-001 The Factory the 05 council member telling the tail says "We changed the name from things to Special Containment Protocols" buts that's the only time in any SCP Article that SCP stands for Special Containment Protocols. [Special Containment Procedures as what it stands for is never mentioned]) I Don't want to be rude, but the number of people who think that SCP stands for Special Containment Procedures, or Secure Containment Protocols is shocking. If You look up what it stands for you get Secure Contain Protect.
i know this is old, but technically scp stands for both, when referring to a skip it means Special containment procedures, when referring to the foundation, it means secure contain protect. in reference to portedcannon565 the anomalies themselves are referred to as the numbers, and for example scp-002 means special containment procedures-002 because the article is about how they contain the anomaly
It’s not the government that secures them it’s the SCP foundation.
they get FUNDING from the governments
Doni foolishly pranks his friends with endless death and gore with the help of the SCP foundation and the O5 council until MTF forces are actually available to stop it
If I was trolled with that mod... I just recognize SCPs and secure my items in ender chest.
I would have secured them, contained them
And then i would protect my sheep
@@1000-THR Who cares about sheep
@@1000-THR no thats not how it works
I love how the random number generator only has 3 digits and the total amount of SCPs that exist is 6999 (almost 6999 cuz a lot of the 6000s are still being made)
Well, there aren’t mods for all of them lol
most SCPs aren’t actual creatures, but objects like cups, paper, and glasses.
@@carlivasquez6840 some are creatures some are objects some are even places
@@carlivasquez6840 and some are even gods
@@lihzzahrdspeed6631 yeah I remember seeing an SCP I think it was like an acre of forest and idk what it was about I forgot
Wow Doni, you got two of the most dangerous SCP in the entire series within 10 minutes. Respect.
@@saras2533 Oh my god not this again
Eh, not really the most dangerous
Bandi 2021-
"Stop having children on my property!"
scp originally stood for special containment procedures, secure, contain, protect was used later
Secure, Contain, Protect is the Motto. SCP is still Special Containment Procedures.
@@wolfer991 But pretty much no one knows it as Special Containment Procedures so I recommend just calling it Secure, Contain, Protect.
9:00 😂😂
No one:
Doni: let’s torture my friends for the billionth time
Honestly i mostly know the SCP's by names because i have a hard time remembering their numbers
"You laughing at my skin?"
Meanwhile me: What skin, where even am I what am I watching what world am I in?
8:00 that's what she said
So, I might have made Doni Bobes an Scp.
AKA “Doni Bobes”
Object Class: -Safe- Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1020 is allowed free roam of site REDACTED. Staff members of Site REDACTED are to never write 69 or 420. Updates to the File are to be made by D-Class Personnel. SCP-1020 is to be given adequate housing, with a gaming computer and laptop.
SCP-1020 appears to be a bloky, 6 foot tall man wearing an owl suit, that on closer inspection is its skin. SCP-1020 likes to be called Doni Bobes. SCP-1020 also has a RUclips Channel called Doni Bobes, where it Primarily plays Minecraft, and trolls other people. SCP-1020 has the ability to live in any video game. SCP-1060 also has godlike abilities, such as the ability to summon any entity, living or dead, as well as being able to teleport, fly and control reality to some extent.
Addendum A1:
A Doctor of site **** was seen watching a Doni Bobes video. A week after, the Scientist started to act strangely, and became more blocky. Dr. Linux, began screaming about how Doni Bobes was so annoying. This led to the Discovery of SCP-1020. Since then Doctor Linux has been terminated.
Addendum A2:
SCP-1020 has started to act strangely. It has begun flying around the facility, and summon cows, pigs and sheep. SCP-1020 has also begun to start maniacally laughing, and a strange psychopathic music echoes through the facility.
Addendum A3:
SCP-1020 has started summoning copies of other SCPS such as SCP-173, or SCP-096. Site **** Has been abandoned and SCP-1020 has been reclassified to Keter
Addendum A4: SCP-1020 has been recaptured and moved to Site-51 with standard Keter Containment Procedures. Permission to update file has been requested.
Addendum B1: SCP-1020 has adapted into a monstrous form with long arms and spindly fingers. Permission to update file with new procedures and descriptions still pending.
Addendum B2: SCP-1020 has breached containment, as of
███/███/21 it has still yet to be re-contained.
no you are the real scp who writes this lon- ohhh i know who you are you are scp foundation members welp......... dont come and kidnap me i dont wanna be with that idiot you guys call "scp 682" i am way powerfull than that loser
Dr.Bob is talking
1020 (an important letter) already exists doni is scp-7000
@@kirby69813 Changed it
scp 049 would have killed him if it was done right but it would be just to op (you can read it can instandly kill you with skin contact)
999 is my fav SCP creature
If you have no idea what I am talking about..basically it is a blob-like thing that hugs you and is the kindest SCP that exists. :)
3:55 SPC
9:50 that sounds like jasiah regular so i looked it up
The SCP foundation is not fictional, or said to be real at least. The SCP foundation, Secure, Contain, Protect and it's SCPs, [ Actually meaning Special Containment procedures ] And many objects, humanoid beings and creatures have been spotted that have been said to be similar to the creatures that have or are in the foundation. As a believer of humanoid monsters, and more, having seen things very odd in person before, I think people should be scared. There's SCPs that could literally end the world, but wont, as they're usually passive. Actually, believe it or not, anyone around us could be some kind of undiscovered by foundation SCP. There's even an official SCP website. In fact, there's also been sightings of the SCP personnel. SCP is not something to be taken lightly but yet people do it anyways, and somehow, we find it funny, lol. Have a nice day everyone.
Don't mind me, just giving everybody a lesson on SCPs.
also terrifying
That SCP website is a fan website.
@@slavicity A private website, from what I've heard at least. I don't mean the fan made one, sorry for being confusing.
That’s a lot of knowledge from a blue berry hamster muffin
@@Llamaheghog43 Thank you, also, how do you know I'm blueberry? >:(
Lol doni just added insults into his vid even bionic was there lol 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
In this video
In this
Congrats ur first
Me : ohhhh shit
When the first person didn't say "first"
(Insert surprised Pikachu here)
0:27 bionic
@ThatBeetuber bionc
@Gigachad bionic*
@@afariam bionic*
@@Int_float we were joking bro
Why is it that whenever I think about watching a Doni Bobes video, you always seem to upload? Doni... are you stalking your subscribers!? 😳
He said SPC! That's actually an inside joke in the community. The Shark Punching Center.
3:49 Did he just say spc??
0:15 100??? More like thousends
@@redhotphoenixgamer6009 yeah
@@redhotphoenixgamer6009 Thousands*
why is there an ender dragon in the water? at 7:15
Those were squid
Those were squids
That was a squid shaped like a ender dragon
10:03 me: sends in an infinite horde of every scary mods (zombie, scp, parasite, backrooms, etc)
0:07 you used two same pictures for two sc0s
You're the first comet good job
No he didn’t those two are from scp 939 not the same
No, one is the Undestroyable Reptile (or something) and the other is like that weird wolf thing that imitates dead people’s voices
When you look at 096 but he doesn’t kill you:(
049 is one of the most popular ones! He’s in the game, too ❤ I’m really glad he could spawn in the vid lmao
"Your to young for that" got me wheezing 😭
SCP-6666. Code Name: Doni Bobes. Object class: Apollyon. Dangers: Sentient, extremely violent and evil, can modify reality.
Love Mcdoodles! And I did not laugh, Also, I know a lot of S.C.P stuff, and I would reccomend, the one that lives in the Blood Pool. There is also another one call the indestructible reptile, an invisible dinosaur, basically. There are so many, up to 1000, including things like With Many Voices, Shy Guy, and one that looks like a ghost, which would give the "Anxiety" effect causing your vision to go blurry. All of the S.C.P are dangerous, and I recommend keeping little ones from knowing about this mod, Or anything that goes along with them. Thanks for reading!
SCP 999: the only good scp, it makes anyone around it happy.
I'm happy to finally see someone mess with SCP's