Vic Teo 張與辰 | 中年好聲音3 | Midlife, Sing & Shine! 3 | Bonus Audition Clip | 額外海選片段 | 辰聲療癒 穿透靈魂 港人慰藉 重拾希望
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- 大家一路都好期待與辰嘅下一次演出係咪呀?咁不如我哋就喺呢段時間,一齊嚟回顧一下佢嘅比賽歷程啦!由初賽一路走來,佢嘅歌聲總係咁觸動人心,而且不斷成長,一次又一次咁震撼我哋嘅心靈。呢個合輯就係佢音樂旅程嘅最佳見證,收錄咗佢所有嘅精彩演出,亦都係佢蛻變嘅歷程。由最初嘅青澀、默默無聞,到依家嘅光芒萬丈、光芒四射,佢嘅努力同轉變,大家都有目共睹。佢嘅音樂之路充滿挑戰,但佢從未放棄。一齊嚟重溫佢用歌聲寫下嘅故事,再次感受當中嘅感動,同時見證佢嘅成長,分享佢嘅喜悅啦!🤩💖
While we eagerly await Vic's next performance, let's look back at his journey in the competition. From the audition all the way to now, his voice has consistently touched our hearts, growing stronger and more impactful with each performance. This compilation celebrates his musical journey, showcasing all his incredible performances and his remarkable transformation. From his initial awkwardness and obscurity to his current brilliance and radiance, his dedication and evolution are clear for all to see. His musical path has been challenging, but he has never given up. Let's relive the stories he's woven with his voice, experience those heartfelt moments again, and celebrate his growth and share in his joy! 🤩💖
If you love Vic, please watch till the end, like, subscribe, share to help others discover the hidden gem from Hong Kong and Malaysia, Vic Teo 張與辰! Your encouragement could be the strength he needs to keep going! 🔥🙏🏻
1. 0:00 I Have Nothing
2. 2:03 祝君好
3. 4:49 Superwoman
4. 7:46 愛與誠
5. 10:37 有一種悲傷
#張與辰 #victeo #中年好聲音3 #香港歌唱比賽 #支持與辰 #馬來西亞之光 #與辰同行