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  • @Fiona2254
    @Fiona2254 2 месяца назад +15

    Wait is he practically saying that God lies? If he doesn’t trust his own prophecies, he should have figured out he’s not a prophet.

    • @rogerg0834
      @rogerg0834 2 месяца назад

      Yeah, pretty much. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @SometimeAgo65
      @SometimeAgo65 2 месяца назад +4

      He should keep his mouth shut unless God told him to speak a word....even if it's about a dream or vision...he should wait/fast/pray about it until he receives a word on it from God...of he doesn't, he should not speak about it...because he will be held very accountable.

  • @swoosh1mil
    @swoosh1mil 2 месяца назад +13

    This guy suffers from Total Recall Syndrome. He can no longer distinguish fiction from reality. 🤦🏼‍♂️

  • @Fiona2254
    @Fiona2254 2 месяца назад +10

    This guy is a narcissist. Even when he’s wrong he’s right. Way to gaslight the people he’s hurt with his false prophesies.

    • @ReasonandTheology
      @ReasonandTheology 2 месяца назад +3


    • @mmac3311
      @mmac3311 2 месяца назад

      Give it a rest. Your sarcasm and lack of comprehension or understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are showing. You wouldn’t recognize someone with a pure heart and intention if St. Joseph introduced you to them. You watched one video of Brandon and think you understand the Holy Spirit. Lol 😂

    • @irishandscottish1829
      @irishandscottish1829 2 месяца назад +1

      @@mmac3311 read your Bible!
      Scripture is clear if a prophet makes one false prophesy they are a false prophet!
      Your little idol is a false prophet

    • @matthewschmidt5069
      @matthewschmidt5069 2 месяца назад +4

      @@mmac3311 Dude he admitted he was a false prophet, stop with the gas lighting.

    • @paloma4tigers
      @paloma4tigers 2 месяца назад +2

      @@mmac3311read the title of this vid!
      He admitted to being false, geeze 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @antoniopioavallone1137
    @antoniopioavallone1137 2 месяца назад +7

    Based on what i listened to, I think he is either a fraud or living in fantasy.

  • @matthewschmidt5069
    @matthewschmidt5069 2 месяца назад +8

    Brandon let food expire, he was so upset with being a false prophet 😂

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 2 месяца назад +2

      @@matthewschmidt5069 should have donated it to a soup kitchen. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @FriendlyEvangelist
      @FriendlyEvangelist Месяц назад

      Hahahahaha 😂

  • @SpiritReboot
    @SpiritReboot 2 месяца назад +2

    With tears in his eyes he says he had a vision of this and that but you never know what to trust. Bad witness. Why can’t the rest of us see Jesus that much. Because much of it is made up The Lord told me. He’s not the only one. Too much of this is going on. Prophecy isn’t supposed to be about predicting the future anyway.

  • @Jessie-8880
    @Jessie-8880 2 месяца назад +3

    You can clearly see that he is not hearing from God and I pray his followers don’t fall for his nonsense. I pray more people talk about this guy and prove he is definitely a false prophet. The blind leading the blind Great job 🙏

    • @yozkopf3000
      @yozkopf3000 2 месяца назад

      If you believe Jesus will return within your lifetime and you'll be raptured, changed in the blink of an eye and clothed in oiketerion, then chances are you will still believe Brandon after having been wrong time after time. He still has the best record among all the christian prophets in history. Amazing! We all fall short of the glory of god. In the same manner all christian prophets in history have fall short of prediciting the future correctly.

  • @PrncssKB93
    @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад +5

    I tried to voice my concern about the way he speaks then seems to go back on what he said, you should see the outcry on other channels both in defense and against Brandon. I said he gave me uncertain feelings on how he speaks, but anyone who defends what he says seems to always find a way to go around what you try to explain. Plus not to mention he has 3 different account links to donate money to him. He dont outright ask for it in the videos but why do you have all your personal accounts set up to take money? Not to mention ive seen people donating a lot of money to him through the chats. Even as high as $1,200! Plus he seems to flip flop alot. Ive been accused of calling him a prophet instead of a teacher. I never called him any of these things. I did say he reminds me of someone who says hes a visionary, but they prefer watchman on the wall. Either im crazy or he reminds me of a doomsday prophet, telling people he sees a certain month or year an event will take place. Even in one video says he predicted an event that was suppose to happen in the month of September last year, then said that event didnt take place that month like he said, then tried to rewind that backwards as an error on his part but it would still take place somewhere down the road. Ive basically been called out saying im not a Christian for having these questions. Im not going against anyone who is a Christian and believer of God, but it does say in the Bible, we have to test the spirits to see if they are true prophets or not. I in no way want seem accusative or blasphamous against any of Gods people, even asking God to forgive me if Im wrong in any way for my thoughts, but something in me just says something about the way he speaks of these things is off. I fear for people who get too deep into his following to be strayed away from God completely. There is major arguments and debates over this man, im not trying to debate, i have questions and concerns.
    Sorry for this long comment, i just want to express how i feel about it, its not negativity towards anyone, even Brandon, its just concerning the whole situation.

    • @Jessie-8880
      @Jessie-8880 2 месяца назад +2

      Someone sent him $10,000

    • @PrncssKB93
      @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад +4

      REALLY! 😮 Well maybe that's why he's so intent on doing all these videos. Putting God in the middle as your bait though, i would be deathly afraid of the outcome God would bring from that upon my soul.

  • @chera3467
    @chera3467 2 месяца назад +3

    Well, let's see. He released a video 2 months before the Trump attempt and it was true as we see happened. You folks love to take part of people speaking. Why not post the whole video so ppl can understand what he's even talking about.

    • @lillbella100
      @lillbella100 Месяц назад

      Idk, he always deletes the videos, edits them and re posts them . Some downloaded tge ones he deleted. This man is a false prophet, ablot of folks are in the know with the things he is talking about. He also caused a lot of people to lose their money and houses. He also talks in tounges with no interpreter , again, not biblical. He used to clean the church for the heretic Kenneth Copeland and had a video defending him, to his disappointment people saw right through Kenneth Copeland in the comments, which babbles on stage using his demons etc. Since he has removed that video. I wonder why... this man is a very sad sad man who needs prayers , this man and other false prophets are dangerous. He and others need to be rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ. This man is hearing from demons..confronted him on a comment, asking why doesn't he " interceed" for the homeless, for the children in sexual slavery and the sacrifices with their blood, why not intercede to help save people, you know what response did I get? And anyone else gets? He erasing then, I'm also finding out he is putting strikes on people's accounts, he always refers to " the lord" which lord is he talking about. You folks better wake up because time is running out, walk away from these demonic fools taking people from the word of God, and go to God for your answers, open your bible , get your answers from God.

    • @kentc6973
      @kentc6973 Месяц назад +1

      Maybe watch ALL his videos and see for yourself. The Bible is clear the test of a prophet. He's been wrong more than he's right. If it's from God he'd be right all the time. If he's been deceived, then he gets his prophecies from the same place Muhammed got the words of the Quran. Test the spirits, check the fruit of your own faith, lest you deceive yourself. If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you should have discernment.. then again I can walk you through the logic but as the Bible says that the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. People like you are looking for a sign, none will be given. Christ came, died for your sins and resurrected, that was the sign, the only sign you need.

  • @YahwehisGodandYeshuaisKingiamr
    @YahwehisGodandYeshuaisKingiamr 2 месяца назад +3

    And he still insits that he "heard from God" 🤦‍♀️

    • @yozkopf3000
      @yozkopf3000 2 месяца назад +1

      Well, there are thousands of people saying they heard from god through dreams and visions from god. But every single one of them so far has been totally wrong. Just look at the thousands of rapture prediction that come through dreams from god.

    • @YahwehisGodandYeshuaisKingiamr
      @YahwehisGodandYeshuaisKingiamr 2 месяца назад

      ​@@yozkopf3000I agree. I'm bout to the point to where I want to say that it'd probably be best for us to not listen to RUclips prophets at all.
      Trying to find someone legit is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
      I've had dreams b4 2 (not rapture..something different) but I always questioned if they were from God or not...I came to the conclusion that if they really were from God then I wouldn't be questioning it....

  • @classiccom1953
    @classiccom1953 2 месяца назад

    Most Catholics don't realize that prophesies that are approved by the Catholic Church is merely a conditional approval - they are judged not harmful to the Christian faith, but the Church does not say you must believe any non-biblical prophesy. That includes Fatima (which had some very big signs & winders & 75,000 witnesses & newspaper pictures). I prefer original prophesy, & not many copy cat versions . LaSalette 1847 : "Rome will lose the faith" - That came just before Pius IX who I call Mr. Infallible the 1st. Pretty hard to fire a bad pope when they claim infallibility.

  • @cherylbralick7110
    @cherylbralick7110 2 месяца назад +3

    I'm really disappointed with Candice. I had really admitted her for her outspoken opinions and how well she came across. Unfortunately, now i think she is easily swayed by conspiracy theories. Flat earth? Fake moon landing? Unfortunately, the conspiracy theories are so good anymore they are easy to buy into.

    • @Fiona2254
      @Fiona2254 2 месяца назад +2

      @@cherylbralick7110 I noticed a while ago and tune her out when that stuff comes up.

    • @xorcist1984
      @xorcist1984 2 месяца назад +3

      Well, based on biblical cosmology, earth sits on pillars, with a firmament (dome) over it, and God created two luminaries: the sun and the moon. I wouldn't be surprised if literally EVERYTHING we know is a LIE. The god of this world is Satan, and we know that he is the father of all lies. A liar from the beginning.
      "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness." (1 Corinthians 3:19)

  • @tme2741
    @tme2741 2 месяца назад +2

    If Brigg's was legit, and God speaks to him about what will happen, and it can be prayed away, then what is the point of God telling him in the first place? I mean God could keep it from happening right? This is so confusing to me. I don't get it

    • @SpiritReboot
      @SpiritReboot 2 месяца назад

      Exactly. I don’t judge his heart but if intercession is his lane he needs to stay in it. He wants to be a prophet when he’s not.

  • @chrisblair4419
    @chrisblair4419 2 месяца назад

    President Trumps ear was grazed by a bullet but his ear drum was not burst as Biggs said.

  • @chrisblair4419
    @chrisblair4419 2 месяца назад

    The Lord gave me a word many years ago about America but He backed it by His Word. The first He gave me after I pleaded with Him to save America. Psalm 33:12 This scripture was coming to pass under President Trump. He gave me Deuteronomy 28:47-52 right after 911 while govt leaders were singing God Bless America. I fell to my knees weeping and trembling in holy fear. The first part came to pass after 911. When Biden stole Trumps 2nd term Deuteronomy 28:47-52 is coming to pass even as I write these words. The Lord is giving us a choice Psalm 33:12 and Proverbs 29:2a or Deuteronomy 28:47-52 Proverbs 29:2b You can see we must make choose righteousness or we are done. God wants to save America. We are called by Jesus to be salt and light and to occupy until He comes. Jesus said Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for we shall be filled. Pray without ceasing for our nation and for President Trumps protection. May the Lord have mercy on America and save us and restore us to our true roots.

  • @Godswill247always
    @Godswill247always 2 месяца назад

    Yes! One can pray bad prophecy away. A prayer warrior is the boss/husband of him who prophesies. But still, we have to know our Bible very well and test all spirit.
    One thing the man said that pricked me was “God said my son’s coming is fast approaching “ (something like that). When my bible says,
    Zechariah 12:10 KJV
    And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
    All these 3 different personalities trinity. I wonder where they found that

  • @in_defense_of_the_church
    @in_defense_of_the_church 2 месяца назад +2

    Someone needs to tell Briggs the canon of the Bible is closed so he stops trying so hard to get his name in there with the major and minor prophets 😂
    Let’s go Brandon!!

    • @SometimeAgo65
      @SometimeAgo65 2 месяца назад +1

      No it's not! He's not hearing from God but it is not closed....that's a wrong belief

    • @in_defense_of_the_church
      @in_defense_of_the_church 2 месяца назад

      @@SometimeAgo65 if you believe the Bible you read will one day have more books then I’m sorry to tell you the one who has a wrong belief is you.

    • @SometimeAgo65
      @SometimeAgo65 2 месяца назад

      @@in_defense_of_the_church I never said the Written Word would have more books added but there are missing books that we don't have, for sure. What I meant is GOD STILL TALKS TO PEOPLE....and IF HE tells them to speak a word, they better speak it. God spoke to me and it was something serious and it did come to do not tell me that God does not still use people to Prophesy. It is one of the gifts from God. Why would you not believe in prophesy? Brandon is not one of them though...he has a lying spirit

    • @in_defense_of_the_church
      @in_defense_of_the_church 2 месяца назад

      @@SometimeAgo65 you do realize I said the canon is closed and since you objected to my comment it’s logical to conclude you may have meant that you believe it’s not so now you saying you never said the written Word would have more books added is incongruent.
      How do you know we have missing books? Do you believe there are books out there that God wanted for us to know about Him and His teachings that after 2,000+ years we don’t yet have? So as far as you know we have potentially an incomplete faith.
      I never denied God talks to people. But there’s a difference between private revelation and public revelation. Prophecy isn’t just telling people about the future!
      And there’s nothing new to which God will now reveal to us all that hasn’t already been revealed completely by Him. All revelation and prophesy in Scripture were to point to our Lord and from our Lord and His apostles came the rest of what is to come. God isn’t here to tell Americans who the next president will be nor when the world will end. That seems like an obsession some Christians seem to have. Especially the evangelical and Pentecostal ones which from how you express yourself, you might just be one.
      God may very well have spoken to you and it may very well have come to pass I’m not denying that but whatever your revelation was is not binding on me or others. What binds me is His Word in the Bible. The rest is private revelation none binding to Christians.
      God speaks to many people to start new churches and appoint themselves pastors but no evidence of that in the Bible.
      I also like how you somehow can assure that Brandon has a lying spirit, which I slightly hold to that probability as well but for different reasons than you, but then again anyone can say the same about you but your certain you’re hearing from God. It’s an unending cycle.

    • @chera3467
      @chera3467 2 месяца назад

      You definitely must be a Baptist. They're unbelievers decived by Satan and false teaching. God's word never passed away and is very clear on how He speaks to those who live fully for Him that seek Him with their whole heart, problem is you ppl don't seek him with your whole heart. What about the Lord's word of end times? Are you going to deny God's word on pouring out His spirit ON ALL FLESH? God is the same, He never cha ged, people did. He still gives dreams just as always as well as speaks to those who are spirit filled and lives 100% for Him. You need to be born again just as His word says!

  • @Nomorehero07
    @Nomorehero07 2 месяца назад

    It's like montanism is still alive. It's a shame that these old heresy's are still alive to this day.

  • @John-pv3ob
    @John-pv3ob 2 месяца назад +1

    Biggs is pretrib. He has bad interpretations of some things. This is why 3 prophets are supposed to work together according to the Bible and then give it to the Body to judge & discuss.

  • @johnsonshieh50
    @johnsonshieh50 2 месяца назад +3

    He is a prophet or not only God and Brandon himself knows. Did you hear God called him? If not, we said, we don't know. It is between him and God!!

  • @larrymccombs1271
    @larrymccombs1271 2 месяца назад

    I think Brandon Biggs is a false prophet He yelled at me just because I suggested he have an interpreter for when he speaks in Tongues and he told me i was an atheist and that i was not truly a believer
    I was devastated by what he tried to tell me

    • @bonniebonnie9388
      @bonniebonnie9388 2 месяца назад +1

      😮whaat , sorry you went through that backlash for telling him scripture truth✝️🙏🏽

  • @nwofoe2866
    @nwofoe2866 2 месяца назад

    no. just no. Brandon get a job.

  • @patrociniachavez6929
    @patrociniachavez6929 2 месяца назад

    This man is living a fantasy. No one! But no one has ever seen Jesus or even heard him why Brandon? And no one else!

    • @WarriorBlood777
      @WarriorBlood777 2 месяца назад

      lot of testimonies of seeing Jesus, even in acts in your Bible. So thats not even an point here with all due respect

  • @PrncssKB93
    @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад +1

    Also i just want a question answered. Does he have influence from Kenneth Copeland, does anyone know? Ive seen 2 comments saying he does but i have no real knowledge or proof of this, just a curious question?

    • @ReasonandTheology
      @ReasonandTheology 2 месяца назад +3

      Jonathan Chan and Jim baker seem to be his influence from what he said.

    • @PrncssKB93
      @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад +2

      That's not good, he could be brainwashed by these evangelists, now he could be leading people astray. That's my biggest concern, i want people to come to God not stray from Him. I myself am a lukewarm Christian, im not proud to admit that but i have been trying, i just know that we need to be careful of who we try to put trust into. God obviously is the only One we can trust and ask forgiveness for our sins so Jesus Christ can Save us and bring us all together in the Kingdom of God. Thank You for telling me 😊
      Again not accusing the man in any way. He could be a true believer in God, but he can also be deceptive and use God the wrong way among the masses, or just use God for his own personal gain. Either way its just me asking questions and having concern.

    • @carolineellis3637
      @carolineellis3637 2 месяца назад +1

      @PrncssKB93 Hi there, you are perfectly right to ask questions about what any prophet, preacher or teacher says. The Bible tells us to test the Spirits to see whether they are of God and also be like the Bereans who checked the Scriptures to see if what apostle Paul said was correct. While watching one of Brandon's videos he clearly stated that he attended Kenneth Copeland's church for 3 years then spent 12 years in another mega church (he didn't mention any names). Brandon has had some other questionable associations i.e Sid Roth, he has mentioned Benny Hinn and he also use to listen to Hagin (l think his first name is Kenneth), some of these people have influenced Brandon - need l say more...Brandon IS a False Prophet with incorrect teachings, but let us not vilify him but pray that he receives Holy Spirit enlightenment and repent and also pray to have God's Wisdom and Discernment to recognise these people so that we will not be led astray. Hope this helps.

    • @PrncssKB93
      @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад

      @@carolineellis3637 Thank You! You have given me more in depth info on this situation. You were very helpful and I appreciate you just answering me and listen to what i had to say. I've had some people be just outright rude simply just by me asking and instead accusing me of being judgmental. Other people on other channels have turned this into a political type debate using God and the Bible, both in a good way and bad. I just hope and pray God helps wake up these people. I know most of those "evangelists" you named, I've seen some of them mocking God openly and use it for fame and fortune, especially Kenneth Copeland. That is so unfortunate that he has been brainwashed by those who influenced him. Like said above in the video, if what you trued to tell people in your church was going to happen and caused a frenzy, then it didn't happen, and the pastor warned him the first time, that could have been a way for God to tell him to stop. Instead now he's got a bigger platform to do this on, leading even more people astray, even giving there money over to this man. I believe in helping your neighbors, and fellow brothers and sisters, but they are giving him insane amounts of money and are deep into his videos. Its really sad.

    • @PrncssKB93
      @PrncssKB93 2 месяца назад +1

      Thank You! You gave me more in depth info i didn't know about. I appreciate you just listening and answering my question politely. I've had people be so rude saying im being judgmental and it unChristian of me to question him. Those "evangelists" you talk about i know aren't real pastors, they are deceptive for their own sinful gain. I would be terrified to even think of doing anything that would mock God or Jesus in anyway. Especially to use it for money. He may be deeply brainwashed and believe he's doing good, or he knows exactly what he's doing it and he's doing it well. I've been feeling so torn about this but I've been watching other videos showing what he says and how he says and uses it. This one has been helpful!

  • @DonnaKC
    @DonnaKC 2 месяца назад +1

    Oh, Candace. 😵‍💫

  • @lillbella100
    @lillbella100 2 месяца назад

    This man is no pastor, literally, he does not follow scripture, And has never been ordained.

  • @maryeconomou6573
    @maryeconomou6573 2 месяца назад

    How very convenient for him.

  • @RealPower-r3e
    @RealPower-r3e 2 месяца назад +4

    So how is he able to predict
    Trump getting shot ✅
    Trump fall on his knee ✅
    How is that possible? Coincidence? Now way ..

    • @ReasonandTheology
      @ReasonandTheology 2 месяца назад +3

      He didn’t predict Trump getting shot. He said the bullet would pass by. But we know he was shot. Again I did a whole video refuting this in the show notes. Btw people who are shot often talk to their knees. Just fyi. Nothing to predict there.

    • @RealPower-r3e
      @RealPower-r3e 2 месяца назад +1

      Okay I will be more general, he still predict that
      - there's someone going to shoot at Trump but failed ✅ 🤷🤷🤷🤷
      How is he able to do this????????????? How how how

    • @ReasonandTheology
      @ReasonandTheology 2 месяца назад +2

      @@RealPower-r3e again watch the video in the show notes where I cover it in detail. I can’t help you if you won’t consider what I’ve said thoroughly about this already.

    • @SometimeAgo65
      @SometimeAgo65 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@RealPower-r3eHe's hearing from the wrong spirit....a Lying Spirit...he is deceived and that's why he gets some right and some wrong. But God is Truth and every word spoken by the Lord God Will come to pass

    • @Ra-rg1vk
      @Ra-rg1vk 2 месяца назад

      @@ReasonandTheology And do the knees talk back I wonder?

  • @MihannahRock
    @MihannahRock 2 месяца назад


  • @MaryPetrauskas-z1g
    @MaryPetrauskas-z1g 2 месяца назад

    Yes, stop it Brandon

  • @paloma4tigers
    @paloma4tigers 2 месяца назад

    I didn’t like him from the very beginning just how he acts and the way he talks. He needs attention and I am not giving it to him. The last thing he mentioned was that Paris is going to burn down but didn’t say when, oh c’mon.. Good you brought him up and other frauds. Please bring up about Medjugorje in Yugoslavia, I went there believing the Virgin Mary appears there hoping to get a healing, Thanks 🙏🏼

  • @andrewo7306
    @andrewo7306 2 месяца назад

    Please read bible. It's said it all. Jesus was talking about end times by Him self. We are in the beginning of daniel mental mixed with clay. As ai can't mix with human.

  • @wayneellis5746
    @wayneellis5746 Месяц назад

    Why why why .... why would you want to do this, is it not up to each and every individual to KNOW God's Word before choosing who or what they listen...
    So u feel u should "exposed" Brandon so u can get views and in turn you benefit..
    You Sir are bringing division in the body of Christ. Just as u say he is doing stuff against the body YOU are doing what u are accusing him of doing.
    Stop what u are doing, you know exactly what u doing. You Sir are out of line telling us what YOU THINK and taking the word to try and back what you think

  • @aprilsgiggle
    @aprilsgiggle 2 месяца назад

    Marshall Applewhite vibes

  • @in_defense_of_the_church
    @in_defense_of_the_church 2 месяца назад

    If this man’s janitorial career fails, if he’s still a janitor that is, I’m sure the watch tower would welcome him for the 4th failed end of the world prophecy attempt.

  • @cruztraveler
    @cruztraveler 2 месяца назад

    They took down your video on Mr. BEAST!!!!

  • @ll_Scholastica_ll
    @ll_Scholastica_ll 2 месяца назад +1

    lol 🤥🤡🙏

  • @josdan4967
    @josdan4967 2 месяца назад

    Dont do this stupid thing.
    Know yourself first about how much you know the Bible n how much you know about the prophecy.
    Spiritual discernment is required.
    You are sinning against God if the prophecy was true.