REMOVING RESTRICTIONS ON THE MINI - Big pipes & Intercooler Install

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @DPO247-mg9fr
    @DPO247-mg9fr 29 дней назад

    Thank you for this start point in my adventure.

  • @TheObtuse
    @TheObtuse Год назад

    Love the noise maker eliminator.

  • @_rsavidis
    @_rsavidis 6 лет назад +5

    Needless to say the hobbyhorse and work gone into your MINI is huge and admirable considering the detail you’ve put into and the fact it’s been nearly 2 years since you heard it roar 🐯. Patience is one of the most valuable virtues of humans .
    P.S Don’t forget to use all the lube 😂

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад +1

      Thanks man, it's been quite the struggle at times but I think it'll be worth it when it's all said and done. HA I will have all the lube in the world once it's done ;)

  • @austinwoodall1314
    @austinwoodall1314 3 года назад +1

    I'm going to do this next week and try it out great video

  • @RobertMarino069
    @RobertMarino069 3 года назад

    Interesting modification which I'm very interested in doing. Thanks for the heads up!

  • @carlsibley6149
    @carlsibley6149 Год назад

    I am new to the mini cooper game. Learning alot

  • @rajivr104
    @rajivr104 6 месяцев назад

    My previous setup injected watermeth in that same location and my throttle body died a month later, might have been a coincidence but i moved the nozzle to the hard plastic pipe that comes up from the intercooler to give it more time to atomize.

  • @majorlewis471
    @majorlewis471 4 года назад +2

    Just bought a used gen 2 mini coopers real cheap. But it had some issues such as HPFP and Leaking Valve Cover and vacuum pump. I bought this to turn it into a weekend warrior track car and the charge pipes are one of the upgrades I plan on moving to next after I change the timing chain and guides. So I could use those charge pipes. Anyway your mini looks awesome and I wanted to ask how are you able to run a filter on your turbo inlet like that. Thanks keep doing what you do.

  • @garag-ism5051
    @garag-ism5051 3 года назад

    All the info i needed for my OEM+ Clubman build!!! Thanks

  • @starsenault
    @starsenault 6 лет назад +1

    Loving the progress man, cant wait to hear it run!

  • @brysonhicks5659
    @brysonhicks5659 6 лет назад +2

    The noise maker doesn't rob air. That would create a huge boost leak. It has a diaphragm inside that vibrates with the changes sound from the air. It doesnt allow air to cross over.
    Also, placing my bid on those silicone pipes. 🤞

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад +1

      Agreed, it doesn't kill a lot of power but it definitely isn't ideal to have a gaping hole for charged air to pass through ;)
      Consider yourself entered!

  • @brendanbrown2236
    @brendanbrown2236 5 лет назад +1


    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  5 лет назад

      The guys at NM are great people. Glad you found them!

  • @tm5346
    @tm5346 3 года назад

    Can’t wait to see this video

  • @awglasgo
    @awglasgo 6 лет назад

    I just picked up a 07 R56. I love it, but I'm having an issue with the timing chain. Currently I've torn down the engine and am looking to do some upgrades to make this more reliable and fun. This series has been a great help and you now have a new subscriber

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  5 лет назад

      Thanks Alan, really appreciate the support!

  •  6 лет назад

    Excellent content and information, getting a lot of good ideas and suppliers indication, I’m already a OutMotoring client. Congrats dude!

  • @fedebalorro
    @fedebalorro 6 лет назад

    Soooo close, I can't wait to see that monster running!!!

  • @rodz1999
    @rodz1999 Год назад

    I see on these charge pipe kits , none comes with the elbow silicone hose coming out of the Inter cooler to the plastic reduce pipe. Since we are replacing all of them why not that one?

  • @jaazlamoure
    @jaazlamoure 4 года назад

    Thanks for the video. It was just what I was looking for. These are some upgrades I plan on doing on my mini very soon!

  • @tm5346
    @tm5346 3 года назад

    I can’t wait and I’m so jealous pretty cool

  • @rogerwang0523
    @rogerwang0523 4 года назад +1

    Does it have any turbo lag issue after a bigger intercooler is installed? need any ECU programming modified for this?

  • @n1williams1
    @n1williams1 6 лет назад

    I love this series! Keep it up I get excited every time a new video shows up in my feed!

  • @BionicMerlin
    @BionicMerlin 6 лет назад

    That intercooler is absolutely awesome. I took a little run with the P3gauge I just installed and the Helix intercooler kept the intake air so cold I was wondering for a minute if it really was the intake air and not ambient. Worst case was about 5 degrees over ambient.

  • @StevieDeez
    @StevieDeez 6 лет назад +1

    Awesome progress man. Loving this series and your editing!

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      Thanks Stevie :) hope you're following on Insta! @outlawedmotors

  • @flyingpigsracing5018
    @flyingpigsracing5018 6 лет назад

    Nice dude the end is near! Look forward to seeing it in person this summer

  • @Libadergiotis
    @Libadergiotis 6 лет назад

    I cant wait to See the result!

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      Thanks! hope you're following on Insta! @outlawedmotors

  • @Haliphics
    @Haliphics 6 лет назад

    Good job on your first sponsor!

  • @universaldrummer08
    @universaldrummer08 6 лет назад

    I get anxious just waiting to see how your build finnaly gets to finishing process. If i get a chance ill be definetly buying the charge pipe kit so i can do eveything at once.

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      The ignition is coming soon! If you want little updates check out the insta @outlawedmotors :)

  • @Breeeezy787
    @Breeeezy787 6 лет назад

    Hey man, I just recently got a 2011 Mini Cooper S and have been looking on where to start with it because I have never messed with these. Then I found your videos and man so excited now after seeing your videos!!!! I definitely would love to ask you a few questions and bounce some ideas off you if you ever have time! Very informative and I am definitely trying the valve cover protection idea you came up with! Thanks man hope to hear from you soon!

  • @alansari1985
    @alansari1985 5 лет назад

    Waiting for the water/methanol kit video , keep it up you're the best 👍

  • @antonm2483
    @antonm2483 6 лет назад

    Awesome project, specially because my r56 Engine brokes and I Plan a quite simular mod.
    Great Job and super informative 💪🏼.

  • @michaelvanna8982
    @michaelvanna8982 6 лет назад

    Will the helix install to an r56 2010 fit without any cuttings? I would love to have those samcos my friend. I reside here in Toronto. Thank you for your awesome mcs videos. I wish i can be your student and watch you tweak your soon to be monster car. I just love my Mini. Thank you so much - Michael

  • @guigomonteiro
    @guigomonteiro 6 лет назад

    Awesome video! I would like if you talk about the oil cooler, thanks

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      guilherme monteiro of course man! I’ve got a video coming out about it very soon too!

  • @albertoprieto8440
    @albertoprieto8440 5 лет назад

    Excellent explanation.

  • @jvandre6256
    @jvandre6256 10 месяцев назад

    Hello Alexandre, where can I purchase the tubes you mentioned? Regards André Vieira

  • @JavierReckless-ts4vt
    @JavierReckless-ts4vt 5 месяцев назад

    Good tips bro

  • @alreid779
    @alreid779 6 лет назад

    Great videos love what your doing to the mini keep them coming

  • @mojobanshee8518
    @mojobanshee8518 5 лет назад

    Nice Mini Dude.

  • @sauerpower718
    @sauerpower718 5 лет назад

    Nice vid!! I just picked up a 2017 mini s, I can’t wait to mod it 🤘

  • @oscarrojo7089
    @oscarrojo7089 6 лет назад

    Love the videos mate!! Keep up the great content cant wait to see what's to come!

  • @patricknorgard4240
    @patricknorgard4240 3 года назад

    Good information

  • @esbekay
    @esbekay 6 лет назад

    Where did you get the reflective material to wrap the charge pipe? I just got an aluminum one and looking to do the same thing.

  • @keithcarpenter6815
    @keithcarpenter6815 Месяц назад

    What Intake is on this car? Like the short ram that’s on it

  • @boostforlife
    @boostforlife 6 лет назад

    It’s recommended that the meth/water injection nozzle be installed before the boost sensor. This way the ecu can read the temp difference and run properly. Best place is in the plastic charge pipe in the front passenger corner of engine bay

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      i Know yup, stock boost sensor is post throttle body on top of the intake manifold.

    • @boostforlife
      @boostforlife 6 лет назад

      Alexander Marshall , have a look at this thread in this mini forum.
      I have a noise make delete charge pipe (NM copy) that actually came with a pre tapped bung in the same spot where you put yours and was planning on putting the meth nozzle there. But after speaking to my tuner, (a very well known tuner in California) I was advised not to for the reason stated in the forum thread.

    • @boostforlife
      @boostforlife 6 лет назад

      Alexander Marshall sorry I was referring to the sensor before the upper silicone coupler of the noise maker delete

  • @turbo2kid348
    @turbo2kid348 3 года назад

    I upgraded my anticooler and deleted the charge pipe baffler . Would the anticooler upgrade automatically give more hp

  • @kitty13kitty
    @kitty13kitty 6 лет назад

    Can't wait to see the car moving again.

  • @527ascotte
    @527ascotte 6 лет назад

    Looking good!

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      Thanks Andrew! hope you're following on Instagram! @outlawedmotors

  • @alreid779
    @alreid779 6 лет назад

    What kind of horse power are you hoping for

  • @PEneoark
    @PEneoark 5 лет назад +1

    It does not sent air into the cabin. The noisemaker is sealed.

  • @john78445
    @john78445 6 лет назад

    Is there soon a update on the BMW CS 3.0 ?

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад +1

      In good time man, I'm keeping my head in the Mini game for the next couple weeks but a BMW post is coming soon. Thanks for continuing to watch :)

    • @john78445
      @john78445 6 лет назад

      Looking forward to that :)
      Your welcome and thanks for making the videos.

  • @MrJleemer
    @MrJleemer 6 лет назад

    Awesome to come across your videos 👍🏼 my R56 JCW is currently in pieces as I’m replacing the head etc after it melting next to the turbo. Only problem I’ve got is the turbo has gone 😭

  • @alreid779
    @alreid779 6 лет назад

    Would really like your pipes lol keep up the great work

  • @Oplix
    @Oplix Год назад

    I don't understand. Are you telling me there is a FACTORY DESIGNED boost leak in the system?

  • @Oplix
    @Oplix Год назад

    I honestly can't believe how small the Cooper S intercooler is.

  • @kratcliffe5680
    @kratcliffe5680 3 года назад

    Your wrong, the noise maker pipe doesnt dump 'charged air' into the cab. It hits a diaphragm which generates noise which funnels into the cab

  • @Sulimankhayyat
    @Sulimankhayyat Год назад

    Dude, you got NM engineering and out motoring to sponsor you yet you stopped making videos?

  • @rogelioaguinaga3840
    @rogelioaguinaga3840 4 года назад

    Nice 👍🏼

  • @rodz1999
    @rodz1999 2 года назад


  • @erikavila7087
    @erikavila7087 6 лет назад

    How big is your turbo?

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      Erik Avila huuuuuuge. [little hands]
      Right now it’s JMTC’s 47mm dominator turbo, but a bigger one is already on its way once it’s broken in!

    • @erikavila7087
      @erikavila7087 6 лет назад

      Would that turbo work on a stock block R56-S ?

  • @AnonymousInquirer
    @AnonymousInquirer 6 лет назад

    Where are the BMW videos? I need more content from this channel ASAP!

    • @outlawedmotors
      @outlawedmotors  6 лет назад

      The BMW will come soon enough! I'm doing my best to start the build this fall but the reality of managing two builds, commercial work and everything in and between has made it a little challenging ;) A Mini video is coming out this Thursday but BMW stuff will be on its way soon!

  • @whatwouldjesusdo5604
    @whatwouldjesusdo5604 3 года назад

    What happened to channel?

  • @albertoseibeb9123
    @albertoseibeb9123 5 лет назад

    Now show us how the car moves....???

  • @alreid779
    @alreid779 6 лет назад

    What kind of horse power are you hoping for