36 hrs CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES | CHINESE FOOD in Economy Class ► Honolulu to Shanghai Airport

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @grrrltraveler
    @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +9

    Part 1 video: On my flight to #Kathmandu, I broke my record of flight routes flying 36 hours with #China Eastern Airlines. So I thought I'd do a food review! My route in description box. What was YOUR longest flight route?

    • @DS-lc7hr
      @DS-lc7hr 7 лет назад +1

      My longest was Dallas to Shanghai via Hong Kong, 20 hours, two food servings on the first flight, one food serving on the second flight. Food was good.

    • @criskity
      @criskity 7 лет назад +2

      48 hours, one of Pan Am's last flights. From London to Chicago via New York. The Gulf War had started so security was a nightmare, and there were horrible blizzards in the US. They did put me up in some motel in New York, which was OK, but when I got to Chicago I had to wait overnight in the airport to catch a bus to Wisconsin, because my gf's family couldn't pick me up because of the snow. Worst trip ever, and my (soon to be ex) gf had the temerity to say I looked awful when I arrived. Grrrr

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +1

      +Darren Skidmore Food can be the one saving grace of long flights. =D

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      +CNVideos Pan Am-- that's old school. 48 hours for that route-? wow

    • @RyanStevensIM
      @RyanStevensIM 7 лет назад

      30 hours.twice, both going and coming back from SE Asia. MFR to Portland, PDX to San Fran, San Fran to Taiwan, Taiwan to Bangkok, then the return was BKK to Shanghi, Shanghi to Vancouver, BC, then Vancouver to Portland. Coming back was harder because I didn't want to leave. I generally don't mind long hours on planes and in airports as long I have entertainment of some kind available (music being my go-to)

  • @JayDollarhide
    @JayDollarhide 7 лет назад +1

    The shrimp looked really good for airplane food...my favorite meal ever was on an EVA flight and was one of the best steaks I have ever had. They always seem to serve up some really good food for their flights, and I love their movie screens on the back of each seat! Thanks for letting us see what it is like flying the China Eastern, and thanks for another great video!

  • @vince_votan
    @vince_votan 5 лет назад +1

    i wish i could hear you better over the loud background noise. is there a way to filter that out? for example at 1:12

  • @lingdatang669
    @lingdatang669 3 года назад +1

    ltcomment 1:00 fish noodles , 2:14 shrimp noodles + cake + tuna salad

  • @shihlin1
    @shihlin1 6 лет назад +1

    I do feel it's a step up for China Eastern to offer fish and shrimp as options for entrees in Economy. You just don't see that as options by most airlines in Economy bc it's a higher cost margin for the airline. You should be happy---7 whole shrimps in one entree---that's INSANELY GENEROUS! I'd give China Eastern a thumbs up at least for trying and the food looks decent.

  • @mikezoziac5504
    @mikezoziac5504 7 лет назад +7

    For the prices China Eastern offers flights it's good value. Agreed on the transfer halls in Shanghai. Happy trails... just got off Hong Kong - Vancouver Cathay Pacific today your food looked better.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +1

      +Mike Zoziac CEA is usually the best value going to Asia. But with Asia airlines carriers the food tends to be pretty decent to good.

    @HICARO 7 лет назад +2

    Like you I live in the 808. Thank you 🙏 for helping me get the courage to travel solo. I just got back from Hong Kong and Singapore. I left HNL on a Wednesday around 11am to ICN, ICN to HKG, HKG to SIN. I had 2.5 layover at ICN and 9 hr layover in HKG. I got into SIN around noon on Friday. It was brutal for me but I lucked out on the HNL to ICN and HKG to SIN legs because I had the row of seats to myself. What I really like about Asia is the cost to fly to different places. I spent $200 to fly Scoot from HKG to SIN with meals, upgraded seats and luggage. It costs almost as much to fly from Honolulu to Maui and we can see Maui from Oahu.... Safe travels to you. Thanks for all the informative videos😊

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +1

      +ca car hey 🤙🤙🤙Sounds like you scored. Scoot air is a great low budget carrier. Sometimes it drops even lower on Air Asia. 😁🌈

  • @captain.john.
    @captain.john. 8 месяцев назад +1

    I'm trying to pre order meals on the China airlines app and it doesn't give description of foods. Just special meal options. Any suggestions? Maybe I'm just not seeing anything because I'm in basic economy?

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  8 месяцев назад

      If it’s not in the app…
      In economy and unless you are buying a meal, many airlines only allow you to preorder special meals. 🥲

  • @bobbyjocowpoke1057
    @bobbyjocowpoke1057 7 лет назад +3

    If I lived in Honolulu, I wouldn’t leave. Hello Golf Course!

  • @nijokongapally4791
    @nijokongapally4791 4 года назад

    flight Kitchen dishes very good nice video👍💯💖😍

  • @thelogicless9040
    @thelogicless9040 7 лет назад

    the best thing about you is that u give honest opinion
    whether it is bad or good

  • @sternenfee9046
    @sternenfee9046 5 лет назад

    Great :-) its a really good report of your trip. Remark: We will do the trip to Honolulu (by China Eastern) in October 2019 from Chennai/India to Bankkok to Seoul to Shanghai to Honolulu to Kahului - thats 24hous flightime and 48hóurs on the complete trip because we have a night in Seoul and we will win a day because we will pass the date line to the east (means we start at 5pm in the afternoon and arrive at 9am in the morning the same day) lets see what esperiance we will get :-) Certainly we will loose this on the way back to Chennai :-(

  • @ClaireJ4
    @ClaireJ4 6 лет назад

    Hi Christine, I''ll have a 9.4 hours layover at Pudong Airport between Delhi and Los Angeles. Do you think I can get out and see the city for some hours and come back in time for security check and immigration. As I'll get out, may be it'll take me lesser than the three hours for transit? How long before my flight should I be back in the airport? In fact on my way back, the layover is 1.5 hours. Would that be sufficient to change flights from the same China Eastern airline, same terminal? The Airline should have this worked out I'd imagine.

  • @dneo6149
    @dneo6149 5 лет назад

    Hello christine, you know I am starting to research how Chinese airlines prep and season their food because I was in Asia twice this year, and nothing I ate in other countries got me sick; but as soon as I have a 15 hour flight in economy class chinese airlines, their food has got me sick throughout the flight. I was wondering if you digested fine this airline food?

  • @sabanaveed8598
    @sabanaveed8598 6 лет назад

    Are they allow footrests pillow for kid on international flights?

  • @averywilliams95
    @averywilliams95 7 лет назад

    OMG Christine that is A LOT of flying!!! How are you not exhausted when you get there?

  • @MRCnyc1
    @MRCnyc1 7 лет назад +5

    I would like to see a review video on China eastern airlines itself ... your experience your thoughts etc . I’m always hesitant to book a flight with them

    • @criskity
      @criskity 7 лет назад

      I'd like to see a review too... especially since they are the worst airline I've ever flown. Worse even than Air Koryo and RyanAir.

    • @denig2000able
      @denig2000able 6 лет назад

      I just flew with them. Both flights the food was inedible. Only safe thing was yogurt and a cheesecake. Long story short I will never fly with them again. Lack of drinks onboard too on 2 x long haul flights. Never again.

  • @kianakan96826
    @kianakan96826 6 лет назад

    Super liked your video! Thanks for the information and fun.

  • @sunxxl01
    @sunxxl01 7 лет назад +2

    Wow, that's a complicated route. I would just fly to Seoul first, and then from Seoul to Kathmandu next time, lol

  • @ccccccchhhhhh808
    @ccccccchhhhhh808 7 лет назад +4

    It took us 30 hours to get from Phuket to hnl, I feel your pain. We were messed up for a week. The good thing was we flew on ana for most of it and their food is bomb.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +1

      +Chelsea Dau High five ! And ANA is awesome 👏 #mileslongclub

  • @aishteru85
    @aishteru85 7 лет назад

    I love your video. I'm a solo traveller myself. Keep doing what you're doing pls

  • @hebefitofficialchannel3044
    @hebefitofficialchannel3044 6 лет назад

    Did you need a 24 transit visa while u were in china ?

  • @annmarielopez5844
    @annmarielopez5844 7 лет назад +2

    do you have to go through immigration in connecting airports?

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +2

      +Annmarie Lopez In this airport yes.

    • @annmarielopez5844
      @annmarielopez5844 7 лет назад

      wow thats good to know. As an aspiring traveler this video helped alot.

  • @travelvideos
    @travelvideos 6 лет назад

    Why don't you fly through Seoul ? Only need one connection and you are in Nepal.

  • @fredhixon2965
    @fredhixon2965 7 лет назад

    My longest was Boston to Dubai to Bangkok. It took 24 hours and the food was pretty darn good for airline food.

  • @kellysavalas5937
    @kellysavalas5937 6 лет назад +2

    Personally I liked most of the food. The rice burger was beyond disgusting though. I love the fact as well that the itinerary says they provide dinner. On all China Eastern lengthy flights we actually had two full meals and a snack. Impressed me I must say for a 10 hour flight.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  6 лет назад +1

      I agree. Hard to get any included meals these days.

  • @kurtfuchs4500
    @kurtfuchs4500 7 лет назад

    I know what those flights are like we flew from Canada to the Philippines and we had to wait several between flights and your right those are exhausting

  • @caryinayoshi
    @caryinayoshi 7 лет назад

    I know you asked the question on ig and asked to answer here... my longest one flight was SFO to SIN and it was 16+ hours. Longest with layovers was from ICN to NRT to SEA to LAS to SJC... it was almost 40 hours if I remember correctly

  • @Beardedtravel
    @Beardedtravel 7 лет назад +1

    That was loooong!! I struggled with 23 hours from the Philippines to London!!

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      +BEARDED TRAVELLER haha. I would've thought PI to London would be a lot longer than that.

  • @shihlin1
    @shihlin1 3 года назад

    Wow, looking back at this, these meals look INSANELY GENEROUS in Economy class compared to other trans-Pacific airlines.
    I bet even China Eastern doesn't serve seafood meals in their Econ class anymore.
    Rice and pasta are still the standard but now replaced by mostly veggies instead of fish or shrimp.

  • @mehapl2318
    @mehapl2318 7 лет назад

    Well done

  • @OriginalBernieBro
    @OriginalBernieBro 7 лет назад +10

    My kinda gal, starting with cake first!

  • @RoberSoul77
    @RoberSoul77 7 лет назад

    More videos, more videos!

  • @PeepOutside
    @PeepOutside 7 лет назад +1

    It looks like you had a good choice on the flights!! It looks better than some of the Emirates/etihad food I've had!! Hope your trip to Nepal was good.. also is there a part 2 to this video? 😊😊👍

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +2

      +PeepOutside Yeah, part 2 is coming... Asia airlines can have pretty decent options, I find. I thought Emirates service was good?.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      ps just saw you folks are in Daegu!!! That was my old home for a year. =D

    • @PeepOutside
      @PeepOutside 7 лет назад

      GRRRLTRAVELER | Christine Kaaloa yeah we like Emirates and etihad but depending on the destination we haven't been keen on some of the food choices!
      Ah yes we are in Daegu 😊 we have been here almost two years now! 🇰🇷😅

    • @fredhixon2965
      @fredhixon2965 7 лет назад

      I was very happy with Emirates food as well.

  • @eisenjeisen6262
    @eisenjeisen6262 6 лет назад

    Christien, i was wide awake my eyes were just on you. bye bye Jerome from Florida

  • @dskyy2001
    @dskyy2001 Год назад

    Airline food reviews on food should be based on where it is made and not just the airline. Just a thought.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  Год назад

      Guests won’t get where it’s made- they’ll get the taste the airlines gives them according to the demographic they serve. So the review is based on what you get and if it’s edible.
      Also some foods change regionally or are fusion foods.

  • @eidorian101
    @eidorian101 6 лет назад +1

    I love your personality. You seem very down to earth and just easy going.
    Just lower the volume on the music a bit :)

  • @oceanbreeze89
    @oceanbreeze89 5 лет назад

    That’s Honolulu catering!

  • @darkenedmoor5362
    @darkenedmoor5362 7 лет назад +1

    I was wondering if there wasn't a way to pre-order vegetarian dishes for all your flights.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      +Darkened Moor I've never been able to preorder meals or seating with CEA. Could be my ticket class not sure.

  • @nandinibiswas4546
    @nandinibiswas4546 5 лет назад

    My husband travelled by China eastern on 23 June 2019. First part till Shanghai was ok. But the next part to San Francisco no meal was served
    2 hrs before landing he was served breakfast. Of course they served
    Water and juices. I do not understand the fact that the cabin.crew do not understand English? Do you think we should believe that? Miserable flight.

    • @centauri1939
      @centauri1939 5 лет назад

      Well I mean, you wouldn’t happen to speak fluent Chinese, would you?

  • @krnThapa
    @krnThapa 7 лет назад +1

    best of luck beautiful, i would love to experience the long flights, but 36 hrs, its kinda too much isn't it? :D anyway experience the beauty of Nepal and Nepalese culture, i guarantee you'll love it..!

  • @누젤-k8d
    @누젤-k8d 7 лет назад

    I really like her videos! Anybody knows what ethnic group is she in?

  • @gato7908
    @gato7908 7 лет назад

    Too much for me 😯 ... I'd do an overnight layover in Shanghai or Bangkok

  • @bugged1212
    @bugged1212 7 лет назад +5

    It's strange, but you could pass off as a local in both China and India, most of Indo-China as well. lol

  • @ovheeeeee
    @ovheeeeee 7 лет назад +3

    /u eat chicken and fish??? i thought u were vegetarian.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +4

      +abhijit kundu I will bend only for seafood if there's no veg option.

  • @Lauren_aida
    @Lauren_aida 7 лет назад +1

    Dang, that cake, though

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      +Lauren Aida I'm all about dessert 🍨 lol

  • @MrChowTheTroll
    @MrChowTheTroll 6 лет назад

    That is soo messed up how u go from shanghai to bangkok then to kunming.... they could flown u from shanghai to kunming

    • @forteastro6996
      @forteastro6996 5 лет назад

      Actually. Aviation as an industry is very very complicated.
      Not so much messed up but...it's alot to consider.

  • @johnhuang4264
    @johnhuang4264 4 года назад

    When I ate china eastern food, the chicken was just steamed and they just added little sauce

  • @Soniboy84
    @Soniboy84 7 лет назад +3

    Please meet up with Serpentza (he's a youtuber in shenzen), it could be a great collab!

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      +Soniboy84 Shenzhen is a different city from Shanghai 🙃

    • @Soniboy84
      @Soniboy84 7 лет назад

      GRRRLTRAVELER | Christine Kaaloa I know it's a bit far, but if you're already in China... :)

  • @princearab9994
    @princearab9994 6 лет назад

    How was the china Eastern airlines and the Economy class ?

    • @denig2000able
      @denig2000able 6 лет назад

      Just done Oz to Shanghai to Paris. Food ...disgusting. service terrible....never again.

  • @nikkitots
    @nikkitots 7 лет назад +1


  • @mikediamond4997
    @mikediamond4997 6 лет назад +1

    hot diggity girl, that's a lot of food!

  • @thattragedy
    @thattragedy 7 лет назад

    Just saying, but my father is vegetarian and he won't "bend" no matter what. In this situation he'll bring some bread on board

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад +2

      +doobeethat Productions As an individual who makes choices based on my body values and beliefs and it's consequences i respect that. I live for me.

  • @criskity
    @criskity 7 лет назад +3

    China Eastern is the worst airline I have ever taken, bar none. I've flown it 6 times (because it's cheap) but now I avoid it if at all possible. Horrible. Rude staff, terrible food, and they won't let you use electronics, even in flight mode, at cruising altitude. (I'm surprised they didn't come down on you like a ton of bricks for filming.) And if you have a long layover, they put you up in horrible hotels with nightmarish breakfast "buffets" (if you can call them that). One such hotel was called "O God", I kid you not, and they had little for breakfast other than bread and steamed burdock root.

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  7 лет назад

      CEA puts you up in hotels for long layovers- how long ? The staff can lack normal FA graces.
      ALL flights to China ban mobile phone use; laptops, ipads, etc ok. It's a strict & serious ruling; they can detain you. All Chinese carriers to China. Not sure if western/other carriers have to abide by that. =(

    • @criskity
      @criskity 7 лет назад

      I think the layovers were like 18 to 24 hours. At least China grants free temporary transit visas for this purpose, and the hotels have free shuttles (but with some rather unreasonable schedules).

    • @highcrimes9153
      @highcrimes9153 6 лет назад +1

      Either you were traveling in the twilight zone, or you're full of shit. I've flown China Eastern several times, between New York & Shanghai and I love the airline. Experienced none of the crap you're talking about.

  • @birdyashiro1226
    @birdyashiro1226 5 лет назад

    You are way to picky

  • @avatarng
    @avatarng 6 лет назад

    Just because its cheap, it doesn't mean that you should! You are wasting time on the plane and in the airport. Spend a little!

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  6 лет назад +1

      Please donate so I can “spend a little “
      Unless you’re cheap too. 😉

    • @avatarng
      @avatarng 6 лет назад

      @@grrrltraveler what would you rather do? Spending 36 hours flying or spend one extra day to the place you wanted to be!

    • @grrrltraveler
      @grrrltraveler  6 лет назад +1

      Life is a journey- not an arrival.

    • @avatarng
      @avatarng 6 лет назад

      @@grrrltraveler 36 hours, no thanks. Spending time sight seeing new places yes. Seeing four walls and bad foods no.

  • @shortythepresident3913
    @shortythepresident3913 5 лет назад

    You're pretty. Can i have a kiss?

  • @leelaylieu1239
    @leelaylieu1239 9 месяцев назад

    Shanghai is horrible I will not be going there anymore I got confuse to and no one speaks English and all they do is yell you staff are rude if I pick Korea Japan Kong Kong or taipe I say the best Korea and they speak English and it’s so clean

  • @cryptobirb
    @cryptobirb 6 лет назад

    Worst airline ever I experienced. It because one woman crew attitude was really bad. She was leaning on the wall and looked down the passenger to ask that why I order another meal again. I’m okay with their cheap flight regulations then they should not serve but they servered food first and asked me for what?? Lol. I am done with this airline. Never again.

  • @uniquerod52
    @uniquerod52 5 лет назад

    This airline have one of the worst food. I'm never flying this airline again