@@michele2855 we are all sinners! None, no matter how righteous we portray we are, All have a sinful nature and will miss the mark every single time trying to be perfect. Remember Omission and Commission? Remember if we say that we do not sin, that's a lie and that's a sin as well.
Many blues men were inspired by preachers. Preachers were the top men in the black community. They had the swag, the women wanted them, they had the money in a lot of cases too. The mastery of the WORD is really captivating. How you can capture an audience and have them in your hand. It's really like when rappers say they looked up to the local drug kingpin or pimp.
@DonnisBagby there may be truth to your statement but the fact that many people choose to place pastors on a pedestal instead of focusing on God is truly an eye opener. A sign of the times I suppose.....simply sad
@@nunyabizniss3131 Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!! You are decieved, you cannot put a man no where, for their souls belong unto Holy God!!! Amen!!! It is so very evident so few people read and study the Word of the Holy God to show themselves approved!!! The church is the Lord Jesus Christ is not made of buildings built with the hands of men!!! Amen!!! So many are trying to make the building the body of Christ, but the two are not one, nor the same!!! Amen!!! For where two or three are gathered together in "His" name there "He" is in the midst!!! Amen!!! The body of Christ is built up of lively stones unto a spiritual house all to the great glory of the true, living, high and One, Holy God!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!This same body of the Holy God is sanctified, Holy and set apart for the Masters use and "His" use only!!! Amen!!! Satan is a liar and all that are his speak forth the same lies!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
@@TheOneLawgiverHolyGod What are you trying to say? No disrespect but they need to make a bible that's in layman's terms..maybe then I will actually read it
@@nunyabizniss3131 , Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!! No disrespect my dear!!! Let me clarify something, one can read the Holy SCRIPTURES all day and night as some do but can not receive the revelation of the scriptures, because one must be a lover of truth and or a seeker of truth before one can receive the truth of the writings!!! Amen!!! Holy God is a Spirit and "His" Spirit is truth!!! Amen!!! In another place it says when one comes to Holy God, one must first believe that "He" is!!! Amen!!! If one doubts, if one is an unbeliever, why should he show " "Himself???" for man needs "Him!!!" Amen!!! "He" does not need man, for the heavens declare "His" glory!!!! Amen!!! If one truly turns from one's foolishness and cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ, "He" will hear one's cry and the light of the marvelous gospel will shine into one's heart and one will know that "He" does indeed live and "He" is Lord!!! Amen!!! Whatever offense that you may have suffered attending the buildings where the name of Christ is named most likely wanted to cause you to flee!!! Amen!!! But if one truly know the goodness of the living Saviour, that was not "His" Spirit abiding in such a place!!! Amen!!! Also know this just like there are spies in man's military likewise in the spiritual!!! Amen!!! There is spiritual espionage also where wolves in sheep's clothing infiltrates different ministries and chases sheep off!!! Oh yes, it is occurring in these buildings where the watchman is unaware unless it is brought to their attention and they receive the report, some won't but nevertheless you know what you know!!! Amen!!! It is rare to fine true obedience in these many buildings today, for many are false and have turned the preaching into lasciviousness!!! Amen!!! But know this where two or three are gathered together in "His" mag-ni-fi-cent, righteous, won-der-fulllllll name, there "He" is in the midst!!! Amen!!! Also the Kingdom of RIGHTEOUSNESS is within one's heart!!! Amen!!! Amen!!! Read and study the book of Psalms, then the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Like and John till the light of Christ, shineth as the noonday unto the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and be made free from the lies of falsehood which are in and of the world of whom Satan is the DECEIVER and has blinded the eyes of the worldly!!! Amen!!! But run for your life striving to make it in to the Kingdom of Christ which is a spiritual and everlasting Kingdom, because all of this world is passing away, just as it is written!!! Amen!!! Amen!!! All must soon be manifested just as it has been written!!! Amen!!! I shall keep you in prayer and hope you check in with a great and awesome testimony of the goodness of the true, living, high and Holy God in the salvation of your soul and great changes in your walk this side of heaven!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Ray Charles said hanging with CL was a sex circus. Sam, Johnny Taylor, Bobby Blue Bland said it was wild in those days. Much like now. Those Gospel Workshops were off the chain
@Tiger lily55 Ocean waves Which is why when I do want to hear a word I just look up Mahalia Jackson on this here yt...She is the only human in Gospel that I will listen to when I feel the need to "go to church". She is the only human in the Gospel that I can actually think of that stood true in her EVERY step (of life).I'm 32 years old and am not a religious nut but when I feel like I need "a word" I listen to her and her only!
I always thought that too, because she had gotten herself established, and she was trying to get her children back. And their Dad realized that Aretha would become his cash cow. He realized that she had talent as a child. And he knew that Aretha was very close to her Mom. And another thing the other sisters could also sing, why did he chose Aretha over them?
@@lindabrown2090 If you can't hear the difference between Aretha and her two sisters then you have a serious problem with your ears. Aretha is the greatest voice in recording history and has no rivals.
I've lived in Detroit ALL MY LIFE, also I lived 2 blocks away from her daddies house. My uncle and her father run the street numbers together. The mayor Coleman and his cousin Claude, BB and Bobby Bland use to come to my aunt house...... NO BRAG JUST FACTZ!
That's ALL She KNEW....And The Talents Made Her Popular And Rich. Thru The Help of Her Dad. So Of Course She Was Going To Look Up To Her Popular Dad....Wrong or Right.
Today, the way this pastor raised his daughter would be child abuse. Yet, he was strict. How does the daughter of a strict father manage to get pregnant unless he was keeping her for himself? I'm just stating the obvious, from the information known. As black people, we can pretend but we have seen stuff like that happen too much. Probably not forced physical abuse, but nevertheless inappropriate.
From all the things I've read about Aretha over the years, I never got the impression she was "abused." Really, she was in love with her father. That would explain so many things about her life.
@@flomurdock , you are aware that a father having sex with his daughter is rape in the eyes of the law? Biblically, it's a sin. It doesn't matter if she loved her father, he was a predator and abusive to her. Imagine if she had to keep that issue to herself all her life. Now, consider this...what if he wasn't Aretha's biological father? Men have done that sort of thing, too. Nevertheless, he was still her father, legally and biblically. That's rape and abuse, too. I can only suppose she kept this to protect her children. The only reason I can assume this is I was a victim of incest. As a child, fear and shame makes you stay quit. Once you're strong enough to want justice, you don't want to hurt any innocent people involved. My abuser has kids. Maybe he's abusing them, too. What if he's not. That's what I live with. Aretha Franklin did the best she could, but her father was a sick man
@flomurdock - sadly, she was probably groomed by him the same way he played mind games w/his congregation. A girl having 2 kids by 15 would’ve raised eyebrows in most churches.
The devil goes to church too. The bible states what sexual relationships are wrong. So if a pastor is bedding everybody he is serving himself and not God. The woman participating no better too.
Bullshit. I wish I was a black man back then and know what I know now about the whole lies bullshit the enslavement of the foolishness. Bcuz that's exactly what religion is enslavement. But anyway CL Franklin, Sam Cook, Ray Charles Aretha Franklin, and a lot more of you Kings and Queens, Deuces 😘🤩🥰😍 I am proud to call all you mfers ❤ my peeps and peers.
The only problem with that mentality and stance is…if you are the product or love child of the “Family Secret” , imagine how the love child feels. It’s like everyone being in on the joke … and you’re the joke.
Exactly 💯 correct and I love them. They knew that Christianity was to keep us stupid and they played it well. Deuces old school gangster pimps & players. You got one shot at it. My opinion is try not to throw your whole entire life away hating on someone else's. He & them owe life nothing. Shut up y'all scary ass 🤣
@@JZidor nothing cheap about it she suffered trama at the hands of her own father imagine that now imagine it's her story to tell God is the only judge!!
@@JZidor Why do you feel entitled to know everything in her personal life. Aretha was not obligated or had the intention of saving souls. The trauma she faced was none of your damn business and the only person she needed to talk to about her trauma was someone who could give her the tools to heal. Selling books does not heal trauma.
Israel family I know some of us like to reminisce on the old days church-going. But we're supposed to go to church to hear the word of God to obey his laws commandments and statutes not to be entertained. This is why our people went into captivity disobedience. Take time family to read the scriptures and listen to how God describes his chosen people when they're backsliding. God knows his people to a tee. Read the book of Deuteronomy the blessings and the curse it sums up our whole condition as a people. Not a big fan of her music but she was an expert vocalist and musician or pianist but that doesn't mean you have favor with God and it doesn't mean that you're anointed. Mr. Franklin was not anointed if he was not dispensing the word of God correctly. Then again God told us through his word that Israel will have shepherds pastors that lead them astray and away from the word of God.
But black people weren't the only race of people that went into captivity? Also there were only a small percentage of Africans that were apart of the slave trade.
when God inspires man to" Preach", that's between them and God... He gives them the talent to teach with his anointing and his word penetrates the soul . He was the messenger, we can't judge no one....think spiritual not law of the land
Gotta cut some of those old heads some slack, many of them were conditioned to not be transparent. I recall Diana Ross’ book where she didn’t spill much of anything either.
Kayteelle, I don't see it as cutting them slack. I see it as it's none of our business I don't know why we think 'famous' people have to tell us every detail of their life.
@@beneaththecrust4661 Nobody said anything it being anybody's business, the topic is about transparency. That generation was not very open about real topics.
6." None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord." Voice of the Most High to His people, Israel. Leviticus 18:6.
@@sistamaryclarence Which doesn't make sense if the lyrics are actually paid attention. The narrative is about a person in love who asks that IF the object of their affection MUST be untrue, then be unfaithful ONLY while they are "gone"; presumably out of town..."all I'm asking is for a little respect when I get home." It doesn't have anything to do with civil rights. Remember that Otis Redding not Aretha Franklin is the author of 'Respect'. On the Strength 💪🗽✊🇺🇸
Don’t know much about Reverend C.L Franklin other than he was a man of God delivering God’s message ... have nothing bad to say about Him about his life or Aretha ... but she definitely was the Queen of soul .... a natural woman ...
I know he did he wasn't perfect either I never said that he had his issues with infidelities on Corretta and that was definitely wrong Corretta didn't deserve that but as far as messing around with underage girls I have no knowledge of that I hope and pray he wouldn't stoop that low that would be very devastating if he did
James Cleveland was also a renowned singing preacher. He was fired as Choir Director, by C.L. Franklin, according to the TV miniseries Genius/Aretha. The women gospel singers were generally the most respected.
@@allenwood3805 Yes, I knew he was Gay. But, I didn't know he was an AIDS victim. He had a grand funeral, as C.L. Franklin had. He didn't have the influence that C.L. Franklin had though. But, he could sing gospel very well.
@@curtisstewart9426 yes he made great music and worked with the best gospel choirs my favorite of his was No ways Tired. he had the complications of the disease before it was given a name
No she did not, her father took her and her siblings to another state when she was 5, after that she seen her mother off and on but not often, Aretha's mother died when she was just 10 years old.
According to her autobiography that she released in the 1990s, she stayed with her mother in the summers and lived with her dad during the school year.
To each his or her own! I really don't care what two or more consenting ADULTS do with each other in private. As far as who's gay or not, that doesn't concern me either. All I know is that Bobby and Aretha could throw down and both could raise any roof!
Preachers don't need a little sweetness in their voice to get women. They use charm mostly. And talk a good game, that some women love to hear. A good speaking Preacher, can generally get all the women he wants.
@@sknmwms6516 My late mother loved Bobby Blue Bland. My father was a BB King fan. One of my mother's favorite Bland songs was Share Your Love With Me. My father loved BB King's, The Thrill Is Gone. Bland and King toured together on concerts. King, I'm certain was not concerned with Bland being Gay. King was strictly concerned with ladies only. Real ladies. I didn't know Bland was Gay. Learn something new everyday.
Aretha always named her sons after their dad’s. Hmmm. Place a pix of her 1st son next to a pix of her dad, the resemblance is unmistakable. The Franklin’s moved to Detroit to avoid criminal charges, aft the “Rev” impregnated a 12 yr old, according to books, legend etc
@ Shon Mosley - don’t you find it coincidental that he’d gotten another child of 12 yrs pregnant, before he arrived in Detroit? On another page, a woman said he invited her & a friend over to his house. They were 15 then.
Always felt she was hiding something but not for us to know she protected her dad and his legacy cause she knew if that got out it would tarnish his legacy and she didn’t want that.
I'm not saying the man was perfect nor condoning what he did but,God used C.L. to inspire millions of preachers I've not heard one yet that could preach like that in his prime had to be God given. GOD called Sampson and he was a womanizer and loved to drink but,did what God told him to do.🤔
@@ranran1300 Amen! I’m glad you understood because I didn’t realize I had typos in there! lol. The American church has been suffering for years. I believe we are finally waking up to the difference between religion vs relationship. Also the difference of a born again Christian vs a carnal one.
Because we all have a choice .to chose right or wrong.but if we chose wrong we have some dues to pay.that means suffer.if I had chosen right .then I would not have to pay the consequence. God Bless u
Rev Franklin was not anointed. He was a charismatic conman. It’s between him and God
@@ShutUpAshley exactly! We cannot decide who God uses
I'm not sure I agree! CL Franklin was an anointed preacher. Go listen to his sermons. He was just as anointed as Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
@@keeprisingtothetop708 I don’t care what came out of his mouth. How did he live?
@@michele2855 we are all sinners! None, no matter how righteous we portray we are, All have a sinful nature and will miss the mark every single time trying to be perfect. Remember Omission and Commission? Remember if we say that we do not sin, that's a lie and that's a sin as well.
Many blues men were inspired by preachers. Preachers were the top men in the black community. They had the swag, the women wanted them, they had the money in a lot of cases too. The mastery of the WORD is really captivating. How you can capture an audience and have them in your hand. It's really like when rappers say they looked up to the local drug kingpin or pimp.
@DonnisBagby there may be truth to your statement but the fact that many people choose to place pastors on a pedestal instead of focusing on God is truly an eye opener. A sign of the times I suppose.....simply sad
@@lojo170 I definently put pastors and preachers on a pedestal 🤷 which is why I refuse to go to church
@@nunyabizniss3131 Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!! You are decieved, you cannot put a man no where, for their souls belong unto Holy God!!! Amen!!! It is so very evident so few people read and study the Word of the Holy God to show themselves approved!!! The church is the Lord Jesus Christ is not made of buildings built with the hands of men!!! Amen!!! So many are trying to make the building the body of Christ, but the two are not one, nor the same!!! Amen!!! For where two or three are gathered together in "His" name there "He" is in the midst!!! Amen!!! The body of Christ is built up of lively stones unto a spiritual house all to the great glory of the true, living, high and One, Holy God!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!This same body of the Holy God is sanctified, Holy and set apart for the Masters use and "His" use only!!! Amen!!! Satan is a liar and all that are his speak forth the same lies!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
@@TheOneLawgiverHolyGod What are you trying to say? No disrespect but they need to make a bible that's in layman's terms..maybe then I will actually read it
@@nunyabizniss3131 , Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!! No disrespect my dear!!! Let me clarify something, one can read the Holy SCRIPTURES all day and night as some do but can not receive the revelation of the scriptures, because one must be a lover of truth and or a seeker of truth before one can receive the truth of the writings!!! Amen!!! Holy God is a Spirit and "His" Spirit is truth!!! Amen!!! In another place it says when one comes to Holy God, one must first believe that "He" is!!! Amen!!! If one doubts, if one is an unbeliever, why should he show " "Himself???" for man needs "Him!!!" Amen!!! "He" does not need man, for the heavens declare "His" glory!!!! Amen!!! If one truly turns from one's foolishness and cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ, "He" will hear one's cry and the light of the marvelous gospel will shine into one's heart and one will know that "He" does indeed live and "He" is Lord!!! Amen!!! Whatever offense that you may have suffered attending the buildings where the name of Christ is named most likely wanted to cause you to flee!!! Amen!!! But if one truly know the goodness of the living Saviour, that was not "His" Spirit abiding in such a place!!! Amen!!! Also know this just like there are spies in man's military likewise in the spiritual!!! Amen!!! There is spiritual espionage also where wolves in sheep's clothing infiltrates different ministries and chases sheep off!!! Oh yes, it is occurring in these buildings where the watchman is unaware unless it is brought to their attention and they receive the report, some won't but nevertheless you know what you know!!! Amen!!! It is rare to fine true obedience in these many buildings today, for many are false and have turned the preaching into lasciviousness!!! Amen!!! But know this where two or three are gathered together in "His" mag-ni-fi-cent, righteous, won-der-fulllllll name, there "He" is in the midst!!! Amen!!! Also the Kingdom of RIGHTEOUSNESS is within one's heart!!! Amen!!! Amen!!! Read and study the book of Psalms, then the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Like and John till the light of Christ, shineth as the noonday unto the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and be made free from the lies of falsehood which are in and of the world of whom Satan is the DECEIVER and has blinded the eyes of the worldly!!! Amen!!! But run for your life striving to make it in to the Kingdom of Christ which is a spiritual and everlasting Kingdom, because all of this world is passing away, just as it is written!!! Amen!!! Amen!!! All must soon be manifested just as it has been written!!! Amen!!! I shall keep you in prayer and hope you check in with a great and awesome testimony of the goodness of the true, living, high and Holy God in the salvation of your soul and great changes in your walk this side of heaven!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Ray Charles said hanging with CL was a sex circus. Sam, Johnny Taylor, Bobby Blue Bland said it was wild in those days. Much like now. Those Gospel Workshops were off the chain
That is crazy, Jeanne!
Still today.
@Tiger lily55 Ocean waves Which is why when I do want to hear a word I just look up Mahalia Jackson on this here yt...She is the only human in Gospel that I will listen to when I feel the need to "go to church". She is the only human in the Gospel that I can actually think of that stood true in her EVERY step (of life).I'm 32 years old and am not a religious nut but when I feel like I need "a word" I listen to her and her only!
@MichiganState Archaeology dept
Where do you have documentation that Ms. Tubman killed her husband?
@MichiganState Archaeology dept they want receive you. But I have definitely heard of Dr. Ben a great man of hidden truth
Aretha's mother had the musical gift
@Devon Hawkins-Anderson I always thought that !!
I always thought that too, because she had gotten herself established, and she was trying to get her children back. And their Dad realized that Aretha would become his cash cow. He realized that she had talent as a child. And he knew that Aretha was very close to her Mom. And another thing the other sisters could also sing, why did he chose Aretha over them?
@@lindabrown2090 If you can't hear the difference between Aretha and her two sisters then you have a serious problem with your ears. Aretha is the greatest voice in recording history and has no rivals.
It's a talent not a gift
Aretha got her voice from her mother!
From the 1980’s onward you heard her father’s influence in her singing though.
@@JudahCub1981 theres a difference between style and voice sweetie
I am glad my grandmother took me to church she did make me go.
I've lived in Detroit ALL MY LIFE, also I lived 2 blocks away from her daddies house. My uncle and her father run the street numbers together. The mayor Coleman and his cousin Claude, BB and Bobby Bland use to come to my aunt house...... NO BRAG JUST FACTZ!
This book allegedly spilled all the tea. I understand why she guarded it though. Her life was ROUGH.
I know it, Timmy! 😓😭
That's ALL She KNEW....And The Talents Made Her Popular And Rich. Thru The Help of Her Dad. So Of Course She Was Going To Look Up To Her Popular Dad....Wrong or Right.
What book would that be.I would like to read it
@@BOSSLADY-cu8vs Respect: The Life of Aretha Franklin by David Ritz
Omg!!! The things I'm hearing about these days. Let's keep these families lifted up in prayer 🙏
Amen to that
My son gotta get relieved, just 🚫 gear toward celebs
Today, the way this pastor raised his daughter would be child abuse. Yet, he was strict. How does the daughter of a strict father manage to get pregnant unless he was keeping her for himself? I'm just stating the obvious, from the information known. As black people, we can pretend but we have seen stuff like that happen too much. Probably not forced physical abuse, but nevertheless inappropriate.
From all the things I've read about Aretha over the years, I never got the impression she was "abused." Really, she was in love with her father. That would explain so many things about her life.
Daddy is the father to two of her children. Very obvious.
@@flomurdock , you are aware that a father having sex with his daughter is rape in the eyes of the law? Biblically, it's a sin. It doesn't matter if she loved her father, he was a predator and abusive to her. Imagine if she had to keep that issue to herself all her life. Now, consider this...what if he wasn't Aretha's biological father? Men have done that sort of thing, too. Nevertheless, he was still her father, legally and biblically. That's rape and abuse, too. I can only suppose she kept this to protect her children. The only reason I can assume this is I was a victim of incest. As a child, fear and shame makes you stay quit. Once you're strong enough to want justice, you don't want to hurt any innocent people involved. My abuser has kids. Maybe he's abusing them, too. What if he's not. That's what I live with. Aretha Franklin did the best she could, but her father was a sick man
@flomurdock - sadly, she was probably groomed by him the same way he played mind games w/his congregation. A girl having 2 kids by 15 would’ve raised eyebrows in most churches.
Respect was the song that they use for the Civil Rights Movement, and she gave the profits from the sales of the single to Martin Luther King
at age 7 my uncle drove us from L.A to Mississippi played Bobby Blue Bland the whole way. Ive been mimicking kim every since.
This made me laugh--Hard.
Aretha mother! Barbra was a vocalist and pianist 🙏🏽🌹🎤🎼🎹🎹
And great as both According to Mahalia Jackson.
@@michellefreeman3659 Mahalia Jackson 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍
Yup Mahalia Jackson said she was one of the best pianist that accompanied her
And was a better singer and piano player than Aretha was.
The devil goes to church too. The bible states what sexual relationships are wrong. So if a pastor is bedding everybody he is serving himself and not God. The woman participating no better too.
Bullshit. I wish I was a black man back then and know what I know now about the whole lies bullshit the enslavement of the foolishness. Bcuz that's exactly what religion is enslavement. But anyway CL Franklin, Sam Cook, Ray Charles Aretha Franklin, and a lot more of you Kings and Queens, Deuces 😘🤩🥰😍 I am proud to call all you mfers ❤ my peeps and peers.
Thanks for the information!
You bet!
Aretha was very protective of her dad although she might not have agreed with some of the things he did but he was still her dad.
And that's the problem ppl not holding family accountable
EXACTLY 💯 Calling Him Who He Really Was A Narcissistic With Con Artist SKILLS.
That's not her job to hold him accountable
@@mayanking339 how
@@JZidor right on
That’s not anointing that’s just a gift
Back then family kept EVERY SECRET 🤫 - darn shame
The only problem with that mentality and stance is…if you are the product or love child of the “Family Secret” , imagine how the love child feels. It’s like everyone being in on the joke … and you’re the joke.
Yep, no therapy or counseling to deal with these issues just liquor, yelling, and trying your damnedest not to be seen, the good ole days
They still keeping secrets
Exactly 💯 correct and I love them. They knew that Christianity was to keep us stupid and they played it well. Deuces old school gangster pimps & players. You got one shot at it. My opinion is try not to throw your whole entire life away hating on someone else's. He & them owe life nothing. Shut up y'all scary ass 🤣
In Aretha's version she us what she wanted us to know and I respect for that.
No its actually a cheap way out if u ask me bcuz tell half truths dont save ppl souls
We ALL pretty much tell people ONLY what we want them to know!
You are so right!!!
@@JZidor nothing cheap about it she suffered trama at the hands of her own father imagine that now imagine it's her story to tell God is the only judge!!
@@JZidor Why do you feel entitled to know everything in her personal life. Aretha was not obligated or had the intention of saving souls. The trauma she faced was none of your damn business and the only person she needed to talk to about her trauma was someone who could give her the tools to heal. Selling books does not heal trauma.
He had the gift of gabb. He was not a good man!!
Most scam artist & con men do.
Like so many Today!! That doesn't equal intelligence.
GOD CAN ANOINT PEOPLE TO SING AND PREACH BUT SEEING God and living in his statuses make it greater to bring the anointing that destroys yokes.
Hi Ash 😁 New sub, glad I found your channel. Much love & support from Memphis 🥰💜🙏🏼
Israel family I know some of us like to reminisce on the old days church-going. But we're supposed to go to church to hear the word of God to obey his laws commandments and statutes not to be entertained. This is why our people went into captivity disobedience. Take time family to read the scriptures and listen to how God describes his chosen people when they're backsliding. God knows his people to a tee. Read the book of Deuteronomy the blessings and the curse it sums up our whole condition as a people. Not a big fan of her music but she was an expert vocalist and musician or pianist but that doesn't mean you have favor with God and it doesn't mean that you're anointed. Mr. Franklin was not anointed if he was not dispensing the word of God correctly. Then again God told us through his word that Israel will have shepherds pastors that lead them astray and away from the word of God.
Well said and very true facts 👍
But black people weren't the only race of people that went into captivity? Also there were only a small percentage of Africans that were apart of the slave trade.
when God inspires man to" Preach", that's between them and God... He gives them the talent to teach with his anointing and his word penetrates the soul . He was the messenger, we can't judge no one....think spiritual not law of the land
However, the Almighty True God does not inspire liars who teach scriptural falsehoods. The god of this world does that.
I have the book it is a great read! I need to re read it!
I'm rereading it now!!
what is the name of the book?????
@@ANDESI1 The book is called Respect by David Ritz. The author has also done good autobiographies on Marvin Gaye and Etta James.
I have the audiobook. I've listened to it 3x
Love your hair!
The queen took it to her grave her dad made her promise to never tell
Gotta cut some of those old heads some slack, many of them were conditioned to not be transparent. I recall Diana Ross’ book where she didn’t spill much of anything either.
Dionne Warwick book is the same. She didn't spill a drop.
Take it to the grave
Kayteelle, I don't see it as cutting them slack. I see it as it's none of our business I don't know why we think 'famous' people have to tell us every detail of their life.
That's how they did show business back then. Their image was carefully crafted and they controlled what was released.
@@beneaththecrust4661 Nobody said anything it being anybody's business, the topic is about transparency. That generation was not very open about real topics.
Keep up the good work✊🏾
Not saying he wasn’t anointed but Bobby was drawn to his gift frfr
he was a hypocrate! he was not a man of god but a man who use his position to commit sin God sees all!
Tell that truth 😜
"I AM," YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah Jireh, The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the eternal triune God, IS HOLY! Understand that!
6." None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord."
Voice of the Most High to His people, Israel.
Leviticus 18:6.
Somehow I would never have connected the two,. but it's good to learn.
Thank you
Diva Aries that she was, Aretha was WOKE AF. She was unapologetically black before it was a thing.
Ok let me watch this .you still gonna do lives ashley ?
Yes, girl!
A Change is Gonna come and Think are Lady Soul’s protest songs
A Change is Gonna Come is Sam Cooke's song.
Respect was considered the civil rights mantra , protest song
@@sistamaryclarence Which doesn't make sense if the lyrics are actually paid attention.
The narrative is about a person in love who asks that IF the object of their affection MUST be untrue, then be unfaithful ONLY while they are "gone"; presumably out of town..."all I'm asking is for a little respect when I get home."
It doesn't have anything to do with civil rights.
Remember that Otis Redding not Aretha Franklin is the author of 'Respect'.
On the Strength 💪🗽✊🇺🇸
Sam Cook did a change is gonna come first
Don’t know much about Reverend C.L Franklin other than he was a man of God delivering God’s message ... have nothing bad to say about Him about his life or Aretha ... but she definitely was the Queen of soul .... a natural woman ...
Was Martin Luther the King partaking in the freaky deaky activities with Rev CL and the crew??
Sadly, yes.
Who cares?
@@BubbubTopps It has been released.
I know he did he wasn't perfect either I never said that he had his issues with infidelities on Corretta and that was definitely wrong Corretta didn't deserve that but as far as messing around with underage girls I have no knowledge of that I hope and pray he wouldn't stoop that low that would be very devastating if he did
Yes he was. And it was being taped by the FBI. They threatened to expose him unless he committed suicide.
Dad might not have got her pregnant but he loved young stuff😭
I heard he possibly fathered her older 2 kids.
@@mwiggins0014 He didn't father her children, it was not true.
He was a pervert snd he should have been thrown out of his church. We all knew that Aretha father’s was friends with MLK.
No she gave the name of the boys father
She lied she did not want to get dad in trouble
All them PK kids were screwed up !
Bobby BLUE Bland is father's cousin he wasn't GAY and he wasn't raised by his mom..My Grand Mother Raised Him...
So was arethas babies her fathers ?!? Orrrrrrrrrrrr
Because thts what word on the street is.
James Cleveland was also a renowned singing preacher. He was fired as Choir Director, by C.L. Franklin, according to the TV miniseries Genius/Aretha. The women gospel singers were generally the most respected.
James Cleveland was also Gay and one of the first AIDS victims
@@allenwood3805 Yes, I knew he was Gay. But, I didn't know he was an AIDS victim. He had a grand funeral, as C.L. Franklin had. He didn't have the influence that C.L. Franklin had though. But, he could sing gospel very well.
@@curtisstewart9426 yes he made great music and worked with the best gospel choirs my favorite of his was No ways Tired. he had the complications of the disease before it was given a name
I still need to see that!
@@curtisstewart9426 And a lot of his gospel songs were turned into secular hits.
Ashley, how have you been you haven’t been up loading. I hope your doing well💛
I’m doing fine. What is up with you? 🙃
Franklin got the 11 year old pregnant and ran to another state and continued to preach Franklin was demonic smdh
A giant amongst men.
Aretha did grow up with her mother.
No she did not, her father took her and her siblings to another state when she was 5, after that she seen her mother off and on but not often, Aretha's mother died when she was just 10 years old.
According to her autobiography that she released in the 1990s, she stayed with her mother in the summers and lived with her dad during the school year.
Being gay isn't new so what if someone is gay and ppl shouldn't be on social media or anywhere for that matter judging them
Aretha sang at MLK jrs. funeral.
Supposedly they had a romantic relationship 👀👀
Ray Charles told it too!
If true he has lots of company- most of the evangelists are
Nobody's perfect people need to stop breaking others
To each his or her own! I really don't care what two or more consenting ADULTS do with each other in private. As far as who's gay or not, that doesn't concern me either. All I know is that Bobby and Aretha could throw down and both could raise any roof!
Bobby Blue bland had a little Sweetness in him that's the same voice that these preachers get these girls in the bed with weak minds
Preachers don't need a little sweetness in their voice to get women. They use charm mostly. And talk a good game, that some women love to hear. A good speaking Preacher, can generally get all the women he wants.
Bobby Blue Bland liked young boys too!
@@sknmwms6516 I never heard that!!
@@sknmwms6516 My late mother loved Bobby Blue Bland. My father was a BB King fan. One of my mother's favorite Bland songs was Share Your Love With Me. My father loved BB King's, The Thrill Is Gone. Bland and King toured together on concerts. King, I'm certain was not concerned with Bland being Gay. King was strictly concerned with ladies only. Real ladies. I didn't know Bland was Gay. Learn something new everyday.
@@curtisstewart9426 that's a lie
He used and abused her
Her father got her pregnant 🙌🏾
There is no evidence for that.
Aretha always named her sons after their dad’s. Hmmm. Place a pix of her 1st son next to a pix of her dad, the resemblance is unmistakable. The Franklin’s moved to Detroit to avoid criminal charges, aft the “Rev” impregnated a 12 yr old, according to books, legend etc
@@FranPett False!! Her father is not the father! The dude she got pregnant by she had to keep silence due to the dudes age and position
@ Shon Mosley - don’t you find it coincidental that he’d gotten another child of 12 yrs pregnant, before he arrived in Detroit? On another page, a woman said he invited her & a friend over to his house. They were 15 then.
Always felt she was hiding something but not for us to know she protected her dad and his legacy cause she knew if that got out it would tarnish his legacy and she didn’t want that.
Is this lady in her bedroom podcasting?
Yes, ma’am! 😂🤣
@@ShutUpAshley haha what a great @
A lot of RUclipsrs usually cast from rooms in their house...especially bedrooms
People get angry when you expose people wanna say it's between him and GOD,why it has to be black this and that
I'm not saying the man was perfect nor condoning what he did but,God used C.L. to inspire millions of preachers I've not heard one yet that could preach like that in his prime had to be God given. GOD called Sampson and he was a womanizer and loved to drink but,did what God told him to do.🤔
The gifts of God come without repentance. Whether you use them for God or the devil. You don’t lose your gifts.
@@1dyrfullymade true
@@ranran1300 Amen! I’m glad you understood because I didn’t realize I had typos in there! lol. The American church has been suffering for years. I believe we are finally waking up to the difference between religion vs relationship. Also the difference of a born again Christian vs a carnal one.
The Devil is a liar.which have a have a bad understanding.
Because we all have a choice .to chose right or wrong.but if we chose wrong we have some dues to pay.that means suffer.if I had chosen right .then I would not have to pay the consequence. God Bless u