QOTD: do you realize how hard it is to multi task watching Netflix and pressing E on Yuumi is ? Only the best Yuumi players can master the art of being AFK half of the game.
@@d3athw4ve81 the worst part is, this is a viable strategy usually resulting in a pentakill for your ADC as long as you keep pressing E every now and then
garen is more about mastering other aspects of the game before learning an intensive character, something most people never bothered to do and it shows... .
Riot literally makes their own problem, they create a supeeeeeeeeeer complicated champ, then they'll have a hard time to balance that champ, ending up killing that champ
I actually don't think he's gonna be hard to balance at all his kit is actually really basic and his passive takes over champions completely so he becomes as weak or as strong as the champion he kills his other abilities are all super easy to balance. The hardest to balance might be his resettable execute which doesn't even do that much damage in the first place or his q passive healing maybe.
@Umar Rahim sure but my point was he will be easy to balance it’s not like his kit has a bunch of different effects to balance against items or 1 v 5 type abilities like aphelios or samira. Even his ability to turn team fights will be largely skill dependent you might kill the fed enemy kai’sa but if you don’t know how to play her it’s not going to matter.
@@Shadowman42z You have a point, but since is passive relies as a 1 man to control any champ he wanted, that's a lot of work for the champ, especially on bugs, etc. But true your point is also right
QOTD: I think Azir has the highest skill ceiling due to how hard it is to truly Master his Kit. The ability to kits and optimize the placement of his soldiers is incredibly difficult.
@@mort681g would it not be an accurate statement to say that the skill floor thus creates a standard that scales to the skill ceiling of said character?
@@samtalus6435 depends with each person 😁 but i found aphelios, aurelion (although weak atm), qiyana and zoe harder to learn microwise while easier champs like olaf (need near perfect early jungle control) hard to play macrowise but it really depends with each person. I play mostly adc so i get a hard time learning assassins.
Qotd: probably azir or aphelios Azir because its extremely hard to even play him properly and aphelios because every ability of his is an essay requiring a PHD in english to understand :V
@@assassinplayz4293 aphelios is harder than he seems, some guns don’t go good together and depending on the enemy team and positioning you need the right guns for the fight. If you don’t then you are pretty much useless, and after all the nerfs you need to be really good at landing all your skilllshots and combos to do damage.
@@markturner5000 aphelios doesn’t have a high skill cap, just a high skill floor. His skill cap is higher than others, but nowhere near as high as Azirs.
Yeah the clip is bad but normally you will be lv 2 and with red buff when you are clearing raptors instead of level 1. That extra strength will let you kill the little raptors much quicker and healthier
QOTD: Zoe. Not even joking, perfect use of Q and E is one thing, try learning how to dodge half the games abilities with your ult, because it's possible but your timing has to be so damn clean.
QOTD: Draven, he still does high enough dmg even if u have only one or no axes juggling. Once u get flexible with two axes juggling in teamights and do enough dmg, u become unnstoppable.
QOTD: Katarina. Kat is just too hard to master, like, playing well with her, mechanically. Kat has a lot of damage that just with E can kill you, BUT, placing daggers and doing combos in a good way will make you look awesome, and thats the point. Sorry if my english is not the best
zed / shaco. zed is actually a mechanically strong pick. the only reason we dont see this is because most of us know how to play him / know how to play against him because he has a high pickrate at all elos. as a high elo talon otp the matchup is pretty easy but against onetrick zeds i find myself outsmarted and confused. a good zed can also bait crucial skillshots that can win you the fight. just like that. shaco just has... literally unlimited tricks. a good shaco can make ganks that give laners HUGE leads that can win them the game. and then theres late game. so many plays to make with your r or even sneaking behind their adc with q, placing good boxes, etc.
QOTD: it doesn’t matter if you’re champ is extremely hard to learn people will always call them brain dead champs just because they got stomped by that difficult champ
@@BaNaNaCeZeT yesterday I was playing with jhin and Morgana botlane Vs galio and some other aptank (probably Alistair). They fed, abandoned botlane, came to me to fed my opponent and then blamed me for being afk and assisting enemy team. After they almost won unnecessary teamfight... While I was split pushing, distracting enemies from taking baron and dragon. They lost lane to troll picks and then flamed them for playing brain-dead champions. So yea.
@@BaNaNaCeZeT "Sounds like something Katarina/Yasuo/Akali/Yone main would say" as an answer to " it doesn’t matter if you’re champ is extremely hard to learn people will always call them brain dead champs just because they got stomped by that difficult champ" sorry if it's unintuitive, it made perfect sense in my head
Without a doubt Viego is the highest skill ceiling champ in the game. To truly master him, you have to truly master every other champ in the game. Never gonna happen.
and a worse design For years we imagined what a "ruined king" whose sword is so strong that it's a legendary item would look like. We teorised it could be mordekaiser or something like him, someone who imposes fear on those who dare to opose him. NAH lets make him some edgylord who is also a simp and look just like all the latest male champions
@@EricksonSRS You mean like, "lets make him how we teased him to be throughout the lore throughout multiple years"? He was literally never mentioned to be like mordekhaiser or anything similar to him lol, you guys need to stop talking about him like he was meant to be like morde
@@sebawuba8533 Man, the BotRK is litely a reference to the frostmourne from the lich king. Yeah, of course you wouldn't expect something like him. A BDSM SIMP is much better
QOTD: I'd say most control mages and a bunch of assassins as well as things like Riven have a big skill ceiling, Azir, Aurelion Sol and Taliyah for mages example, Zed, Katarina and Qiyana for assassins. While for mages, your efficency usually rises based on your skill to position yourself properly and to use your abilities from there (or in Taliyah's case, farm the jungle properly and healthy), assassins need to learn how to know your dmg, to know if you can go in and kill your enemy, and to anticipate his defences, to deal the maximum of dmg and snowball your leads.
QOTD: Yasuo, skill ceiling is very high and differences beetwen bad and good yasuo are huge, thats why there are so many inting and carry yasuo players.
You can also use Essense Reaver with Guinsoo's because it won't let you take Infinity Edge because of its passive. With Blade of the Ruined King Guinsoo's double on-hit passive will get extra effects with Blade of the Ruined King and Essense Reaver.
This sword is so frustrating to look at. Why is he holding the second handle? Does he even use the first (for example with a 2 handed attack). The whole design seems on point but this truely aweful sword.
Just a tip for people looking to main him, you can proc on-hits with his double attack passive on q. Meaning that if you time it right an [auto-Q-auto] or [auto-W-auto] will proc Kraken Slayer, and runes like Conq or PtA.
QOTD: Azir. He's got an insane mechanical skill floor, as a mix of a control mage and a marksman that therefore requires amazing positioning, kiting and soldier positioning. He has an ult that can make or break a teamfight and knowing when and how to use it well is hard. His passive can be used for sieging, but also to keep a lane pushed/set up a push for prio on objectives. Finally, his mechanical skill ceiling with drifting (E+Q for those who don't play him) and the Revenant Shuffle combined with all the previous makes him one of the hardest champions with the highest skillcap.
QOTD: everyone saying azir or like kat but if you look at them there damage and stuff is super straight forward id have to say gangplank becase barrels ...your damage can literally be negated bc an adc is like oh cool 5 gold
Jungle tips! Of course you take Q at level 1 for the on hit dmg and healing, but I actually think it’s better to take E instead of W at level 2. The 30 or so % increased attack speed gives you more damage over time rather than just the extra 80 damage and small stun for 1 second. It really makes a difference in your clear speed. I played it on PBE and it feels really nice. Just make sure not to hit a wall with your e in the early game in case your jungle is warded. I also opted to max his e second for the reduced cooldown and increased bonus attack and move speed, making him a better dueler rather than burster in the mid-game. If you feel like you want to deal more burst, feel free to max w second.
@@xXHuanSohnXx for me personally i think the skill ceiling is high cuz there are so many different variations of combos he does and you can do some crazy stuff with it but yes his mechanics are not that hard
QOTD: I think Irelia has a super high skill ceiling and skill floor. Some though to play champions like Riven or Akali still have a means of retreat and escape if things are not looking in their favor, but Irelia kind of has to commit if she is going and knowing when to do that as well as hitting your E and ult and utilizing your combos correctly so you don't accidentally put your Q on cooldown are all essential to play her. I feel like the hardest part of Irelia is knowing what fights you win and lose and that literally just takes experience on the character to learn.
QOTD: I’m not gonna lie man but kalista seems not the easiest to handle, she’s one of those champs where positioning is everything AND, that your support pick is everything, she needs those beefy damage sponges to duck dodge and weave around to make the enemy team wonder wtf happened
yah lol. Their runes and builds aren't even the best runes/builds on him. After lots of testing everyone prefers conqueror or HOB, and many people are building trinity force or immortal shieldbow over kraken slayer.
@@ainmon5875 yeah they kinda just gave the most basic build someone could think of. sounds like the first thing any player would try on him, without this guide even
@@ainmon5875 I've been playing a bit of Viego, and I'm not sure how I feel about running conqueror on him. I don't think he does well in prolonged fights. I think what he really needs is a way in. If you make him really bursty that's when you can pounce on a mispositioned squishy, transform into them, and then either use your new form or use a free ult charge. In either case (assuming you live) you end up with a bit of snowball effect. None of his numbers are super crazy or unfair to me, you don't get instant full hp life steal, you don't have high damage numbers outside of your ult, and you lack a lot of mobility / utility normally found in a champion like this. To me if you aren't assuming the form of someone else during a team fight you aren't playing him efficiently because his base kit can preform underwhelmingly at times. I think conqueror is a much stronger rune in a top lane position because your job is to be more of a bruiser, and use your sustain to your advantage.
@@masonc975 Conqueror is better because he insta stacks it. Even in a short 1v1 it will outdamage any other rune. W, auto, Q, auto gives you 12 stacks and that takes about 1 second to do.
How does guinsoo interact with his Q and R damage? What I mean by this is that his Q and R scale with crit chance but guinsoo converts crit chance to on hit damage. So wouldn't building guinsoo be counterproductive?
Probably Azir, I wouldn't say Lee Sin since the only skill that you really have to master on him is ward hopping since he's an assassin. I played him first time and hard carried because I just deleted everyone lol.
Some notes from my experience and according to Probuilds: The vast majority of players run Conqueror over PTA and I haven't seen anybody building BOTRK before Krakenslayer. I wouldn't do so eiter just because Noonquiver feels so good to have early on in the jungle.
QOTD: Nidalee. Hardest skillshot? Check. Jungle clear is like studying for an exam? Check. 6 abilities to master? Check. Shit Winrate? Check. Yeah there is no champ that comes close to her imo. If you wanna play her correctly then look how king niddhog plays her and btw he is not the best nid player. Micro is so hard on that champ it can fuck over your clear. Fucking over your clear gives you less macro play making. Less macro playmaking= autoloose.
@@pizzaparker__0072 because he looks like he barely escaped puberty and ruined king sounds menacing. I don't agree with Bane but completely understand, he looks like a wannabe tough guy from the 80's
Don't picture him just being him in the splash art. Picture him in king's clothes: He would fit perfectly. Now he just changed the probably old and dirty attire for something more menacing and fresh.
QOTD: Azir or GP. Azir because it’s hard to even play him properly and not troll and feed during lane phase (my first 10-20 games of him sucked) and GP because his barrels have a pretty high learning curve, and if you can’t hit them you aren’t putting out any damage. But if you can hit them, you can dominate team fights and solokill the enemy laner in the early levels.
QOTD: ASol, Azir & Fiora. ASol: you need to position well to deal actual damage and survive almost every other champion as well as you need to control your wave good enough to maximize your farm and roams. Azir: he is very hard to trully master being an unusual mage with a lot of tricks and downsides. But as much as A sol you need to position well to maximuze your damage Fiora: you are like a glass canon for a lot of time of the game. You are only attached to your own skill, reaction time, macro and micro
basically, any champ with good R and, "normal" skills can "counter" him or champs that depend of their R, like trynda, Shyvana or mundo. Since he won't use their full potential in battle. Also, hard pushers like heinmer will melt him down.
I wouldn't say that's true. I would say champs with either no high damaging base abilities, or very bad mobility (especially bad mobility) are really dangerous and unsafe for him to grab unless he just wants the ult reset. Shyvana here is a perfect example of this because her base kit does very little damage and has no mobility. Trynd does have good mobility with his dash, and mundo is a good target to take because he is tanky and I believe there is a glitch right now where if you activate his w and your passive ends you have his w until you die.
QOTD: I think the two champs with the highest skill ceiling are Gangplank and Azir. GP because his barrels are really powerful but hard to use, also you can turn any Skirmish on the map at any time to your teams favor with your ult but you need really good map awareness. Azir is self explaning. I think Aphelios doesnt have that much of a high skill ceiling because he's just really complicated but mechanically not that hard.
How does his passive work on champions like Elise? Do you possess her in her human form, or in the last form she was before dying? I wouldn't mind transforming into a spider and having 2 executes in a row tbh.
i feel like hail of blade is good on him if the enemy team is really squishy. and yes i do think conq and PTA r good but i love the feel of having a lot of attack speed on veigo although he attacks twice with his autos. U should rly try it out.
viego will probably one of the hardest champs since you need to know a wide variety of champions combos and skills to use him at his absolute full potential
Viego is one of the hardest in terms of being able to play every single champion in the game, but honestly if you can play the popular champs you’ll be fine 90% of the time
QOTD - It's a difficult choice to make, but I believe Vladimir is at least one of the hardest champions to learn. He doesn't have too many complex mechanics, but his gameplan is just so different from other champions that many people trying to learn him just fail. The same goes for me, I played a lot of games with him in the past, but never really succeeded.
QOTD probably Aphelios in general. For me personally it's Evelynn mainly because trying to avoid getting bullied early cause after like 2 deaths your screwed
QOTD: As someone whose main champ pool used to be: Azir, Zed, GP, Vayne, Riven, and Lee Sin, I would have to say Aphelios is by far the hardest champion to play. Knowing exactly when to fight/trade based upon your current gun rotation and what you have next in rotation is not an easy thing to master. I have never had a harder time learning a champion than I've had trying to learn Aphelios.
Could you not build Immortal Shieldbow, Bloodthirster into tank? As he has a 4 armor growth per level and he already has the blade of the ruin king pretty much built into his kit.
QOTD: its got to be Katarina. The skill floor is so high just to be able to play her. A good kat seems like a smurf in all elos. Oppositely, a bad kat is more useless than a fork at a taco stand
QOTD: Hardest to master is Top Tahm Kench. This is not a troll post. Contrary to his description everywhere, Tahm Kench is actually an early-mid champion. He falls super hard early late game game (around 27 minutes) if fed or not fed. The reason why he's so hard to master is because you need game knowledge more than anything else. Yes, he's not hard mechanically, however, you need the game knowledge on when is your early game power spikes (because there's a ton). For example, good tahm kench players literally massacres darius at level 4. Your first buy is 3 ruby crystal. After you bought those three shiny gems, You can kill darius full health (including surviving the ult). That's 1200g power spike. Another example is against range like quinn or vayne. Once you have upgraded boots, one hit of your Q and they're dead. You can run them down as long as you have a long lane. That's 1100g power spike. He falls off hard after 1 item but comes back at 2 item then falls again at 3 items (around 25ish minutes.) He's hard to master because unlike other champs, your power spikes differ every game depending on your lane or game state.
All of the QOTD’s: Aphelios, Azir and (Yasuo, Garen, Aphelios, Azir) And the funniest comment I saw: “Dr Mundo because I am not smart enough to be a doctor” (I died laughing)
Viego passive:300 words
Heimerdinger passive:5 movement speed near his turrets
have you seen akshan buddy...
@@Tanauan n ri em português em vídeo inglês, kkk é racismo em quase todas as línguas
QOTD: do you realize how hard it is to multi task watching Netflix and pressing E on Yuumi is ? Only the best Yuumi players can master the art of being AFK half of the game.
u also forgot the part where ur iron 4 adc desides to go full train and run into a 5v2
So that's it, my yuumis either chat and ping like crazy or is like a silent parasite for most of the game.
@@d3athw4ve81 the worst part is, this is a viable strategy usually resulting in a pentakill for your ADC as long as you keep pressing E every now and then
I just dont know how you do it
@@d3athw4ve81 lol I did that once with samira ,but it was a good trade xd 3kills for 2
So you're telling me, i was learning Viego all the years?
Always have been..
Yes but actually....well...yes
Fha.These are truly top-notch skills: ruclips.net/video/YdqfTOQxF44/видео.html
The last eye is the last eye haha.These are truly top-notch skills: ruclips.net/video/YdqfTOQxF44/видео.html
QOTD : Garen mains need to know how fast they need to spin to one-shot an ADC. So much outplay potential
Fuck u took my answer
Do you realize how hard it is to land his R?!?!?! You have to click and stuff...
@@erenakay8873 Had a Garen on my team yesterday flash q a minion instead of the enemy adc.
*Offended Garen main noises.* Sadly realizing ur right noises :(
garen is more about mastering other aspects of the game before learning an intensive character, something most people never bothered to do and it shows...
Omg new champion... Time to try him out on RANKED GAMES.
The only way to try a champion 😂
"i CaN pLaY wHaTeVeR i WaNt"
I feel attacked
@@HenkeGust87 better uninstall in that case
I already see the new Viego's transforming into Aphelios only to find out he doesnt know what he is doing and presses R for free.
Haha but Aphelios is my best bot the problem is in the enemy if he don't know how to used and I'm with some bad combo.
Viego can't use another champion's ultimate, only his own. If Viego is using Aphelios, and presses R, I will get out of Aphelios to use his own R.
@@kevinz2738 Read again, what I said..
That's basically how I plan to use him. I know that I am stupid, so I'll not try to act smart.
This happened to me today. I was like "Fuck it, R"
Can't wait to show my enemies how to play their champ.
I like the way Viego is literally a reverse Sylas
QOTD: Sorry everyone but if you think Garen is easy to play as, then well, you’re actually fucking correct.
your icon lmao 🤣😂😆💀
There' is malphite
You had me in the first half ngl
Riot literally makes their own problem, they create a supeeeeeeeeeer complicated champ, then they'll have a hard time to balance that champ, ending up killing that champ
I actually don't think he's gonna be hard to balance at all his kit is actually really basic and his passive takes over champions completely so he becomes as weak or as strong as the champion he kills his other abilities are all super easy to balance. The hardest to balance might be his resettable execute which doesn't even do that much damage in the first place or his q passive healing maybe.
@Umar Rahim sure but my point was he will be easy to balance it’s not like his kit has a bunch of different effects to balance against items or 1 v 5 type abilities like aphelios or samira. Even his ability to turn team fights will be largely skill dependent you might kill the fed enemy kai’sa but if you don’t know how to play her it’s not going to matter.
Facts af
@@Shadowman42z You have a point, but since is passive relies as a 1 man to control any champ he wanted, that's a lot of work for the champ, especially on bugs, etc. But true your point is also right
Guys, can we make a petition for riot to add his armor form when we press cntrl+5. Seriously....
He is in his armor form while in his E mist
Don't worry. Rito will keep that idea to sell it as an ultimate skin later.
QOTD: I think Azir has the highest skill ceiling due to how hard it is to truly Master his Kit. The ability to kits and optimize the placement of his soldiers is incredibly difficult.
That makes it high skill floor, not skill ceiling :) but yes, he has a very high skill ceiling too
@@mort681g would it not be an accurate statement to say that the skill floor thus creates a standard that scales to the skill ceiling of said character?
He is hard but definitely not the hardest
@@louchene1 who would you rate as the hardest?
@@samtalus6435 depends with each person 😁 but i found aphelios, aurelion (although weak atm), qiyana and zoe harder to learn microwise while easier champs like olaf (need near perfect early jungle control) hard to play macrowise but it really depends with each person. I play mostly adc so i get a hard time learning assassins.
are we gonna talk about how viego builds his own item first
I personally build my mythic then blade
@@cardypardy7816 i tried playing him yesterday and bought kraken slayer first. do not recommend.
So you don't need 150 guides for his passive?
@@shakyor875 congratulations, you understood the joke
@@EyehatePersona5 Behen
@@ikari0074 Beti
@@aritramajumder3194 papa?
QOTD: Azir. A good azir is Op. A bad Azir is a troll.
example: faker
Isn't that what every champion is about?
@@galio7741 Na bad Kai sa players can still win games
@@CloudWind0643 misspelled garen
Thx I’m pretty op
Imagine enemy team steal your main, then you pick Viego, steal the champ back and end up more skilled than them :)
I did that yesterday haha
@@djacikbayona8724 with what chanp
QOTD: veigar he's just so hard to use because the r button is very hard to press I think he needs a buff
Buff veigar
For me, veigar isnt that hard to play. I have mastered the skill to flash and R right away on the enemy adc
@@mrnopa3181 you have to be challenger then no one else can do that
how cool would it be if, when he builds Bork the ghostly sword transform into a solid object being the bork like we know it in the shop
bro that is just too much for riot, give them a break they are just a small indie company
Reading the freaking spells feels like reading a whole science book.
imagine talking for 8 mins straight just to explain the abilites of a champion (not even combos)
insane riot
There's no combo, they literally created a champion so you are able to play 6 champions in 1 game, yeah Riot, very interactive...
@Umar Rahim u forgot something VERY IMPORTANT his if u mark a target and ult them the Q passive procs
probably azir or aphelios
Azir because its extremely hard to even play him properly
and aphelios because every ability of his is an essay requiring a PHD in english to understand :V
Aphelios is easy azir he needs right possitioning always fcking right
@@assassinplayz4293 aphelios is harder than he seems, some guns don’t go good together and depending on the enemy team and positioning you need the right guns for the fight. If you don’t then you are pretty much useless, and after all the nerfs you need to be really good at landing all your skilllshots and combos to do damage.
@@markturner5000 aphelios doesn’t have a high skill cap, just a high skill floor. His skill cap is higher than others, but nowhere near as high as Azirs.
@@markturner5000 i know that i use him alot and there are times weapons dont match then you must adjust to the situation
QOTD: DR. Mundo, I'm nowhere near smart enough to be a doctor
Underrated Comment
Dr. Mundo isnt a doctor, he just thinks he is.
Lmao. Good one
Må jeg få en kartoffel pls
"you can heal back more damage then you take from raptors" says while at
Yeah the clip is bad but normally you will be lv 2 and with red buff when you are clearing raptors instead of level 1. That extra strength will let you kill the little raptors much quicker and healthier
@@zacharyadler4071 also second camp smite is an option
Imagine not being able to start raptors with no smite
- post made by Kayn gang
His Q text is longer than my university project.
QOTD: Zoe. Not even joking, perfect use of Q and E is one thing, try learning how to dodge half the games abilities with your ult, because it's possible but your timing has to be so damn clean.
I was thinking zoe and always said Zoe
QOTD: Draven, he still does high enough dmg even if u have only one or no axes juggling. Once u get flexible with two axes juggling in teamights and do enough dmg, u become unnstoppable.
until a assassin/burst mage whos not behind sneezes in your direction
QOTD: Katarina. Kat is just too hard to master, like, playing well with her, mechanically. Kat has a lot of damage that just with E can kill you, BUT, placing daggers and doing combos in a good way will make you look awesome, and thats the point.
Sorry if my english is not the best
good point. usually the characters that require placement of something that is crucial to their kit are more difficult
@@kadalix Yes, I am an Otp Kat player 1,1 million points, just random data
@@kadalix *laughs in heimerdinger*
zed / shaco.
zed is actually a mechanically strong pick. the only reason we dont see this is because most of us know how to play him / know how to play against him because he has a high pickrate at all elos. as a high elo talon otp the matchup is pretty easy but against onetrick zeds i find myself outsmarted and confused. a good zed can also bait crucial skillshots that can win you the fight. just like that.
shaco just has... literally unlimited tricks. a good shaco can make ganks that give laners HUGE leads that can win them the game. and then theres late game. so many plays to make with your r or even sneaking behind their adc with q, placing good boxes, etc.
QOTD: Viego and sylas because of the stealing, and having to master either every champions main abilities or their ult
Sylas is brain dead lmao
actually for me Sylas isn't that hard since, most of the time when you're stealing an ult its either for an Execute or a teamfight engage
Bruh, sylas is so easy compared to Champs like azir or garen
Sylas one abilty healing him max hp and one shot you... Yeah very skilled.
Bruh, most of the ults work same way...
QOTD: it doesn’t matter if you’re champ is extremely hard to learn people will always call them brain dead champs just because they got stomped by that difficult champ
Master Yi is not an option
Sounds like something Katarina/Yasuo/Akali/Yone main would say
@@BaNaNaCeZeT yesterday I was playing with jhin and Morgana botlane Vs galio and some other aptank (probably Alistair). They fed, abandoned botlane, came to me to fed my opponent and then blamed me for being afk and assisting enemy team. After they almost won unnecessary teamfight... While I was split pushing, distracting enemies from taking baron and dragon. They lost lane to troll picks and then flamed them for playing brain-dead champions. So yea.
@@TheAzorg I'm sorry mate but what's that got to do with my messagE?
@@BaNaNaCeZeT "Sounds like something Katarina/Yasuo/Akali/Yone main would say" as an answer to " it doesn’t matter if you’re champ is extremely hard to learn people will always call them brain dead champs just because they got stomped by that difficult champ"
sorry if it's unintuitive, it made perfect sense in my head
Without a doubt Viego is the highest skill ceiling champ in the game. To truly master him, you have to truly master every other champ in the game. Never gonna happen.
"you can heal more from taking raps then they do to you"
shows a 1/2 hp Viego
Viego: "This isn't even my final form!"
Qotd: Azir or maybe yasuo if you want to master every combo he has riven could also be a participant cuz her skill ceiling seems unmatched.
So its basically an edgy version of the Lich King with an even edgier version of his sword.
and a worse design
For years we imagined what a "ruined king" whose sword is so strong that it's a legendary item would look like. We teorised it could be mordekaiser or something like him, someone who imposes fear on those who dare to opose him.
NAH lets make him some edgylord who is also a simp and look just like all the latest male champions
@@EricksonSRS You mean like, "lets make him how we teased him to be throughout the lore throughout multiple years"? He was literally never mentioned to be like mordekhaiser or anything similar to him lol, you guys need to stop talking about him like he was meant to be like morde
@@sebawuba8533 Man, the BotRK is litely a reference to the frostmourne from the lich king. Yeah, of course you wouldn't expect something like him. A BDSM SIMP is much better
@@sebawuba8533 You are part of the problem
QOTD: I'd say most control mages and a bunch of assassins as well as things like Riven have a big skill ceiling, Azir, Aurelion Sol and Taliyah for mages example, Zed, Katarina and Qiyana for assassins. While for mages, your efficency usually rises based on your skill to position yourself properly and to use your abilities from there (or in Taliyah's case, farm the jungle properly and healthy), assassins need to learn how to know your dmg, to know if you can go in and kill your enemy, and to anticipate his defences, to deal the maximum of dmg and snowball your leads.
QOTD:I would say garen and yummi as it takes a lot of skill to know at what speed and velocity to use their e
I sure love it when my basic abilities beed a full page of wiki to understand
QOTD: Yasuo, skill ceiling is very high and
differences beetwen bad and good yasuo are huge, thats why there are so many inting and carry yasuo players.
Nah i agreed that yasuo is skill based but not that high..
You can also use Essense Reaver with Guinsoo's because it won't let you take Infinity Edge because of its passive. With Blade of the Ruined King Guinsoo's double on-hit passive will get extra effects with Blade of the Ruined King and Essense Reaver.
This sword is so frustrating to look at. Why is he holding the second handle? Does he even use the first (for example with a 2 handed attack). The whole design seems on point but this truely aweful sword.
FINALLY someone else said it
Probably just rule of cool over practicality
Yes it’s so cringe
idk I find it unique but that’s just me
Just a tip for people looking to main him, you can proc on-hits with his double attack passive on q. Meaning that if you time it right an [auto-Q-auto] or [auto-W-auto] will proc Kraken Slayer, and runes like Conq or PtA.
just imagine Sylas stealing Illaoi ult and Viego using illaoi's body,
Lol true
QOTD: Azir. He's got an insane mechanical skill floor, as a mix of a control mage and a marksman that therefore requires amazing positioning, kiting and soldier positioning. He has an ult that can make or break a teamfight and knowing when and how to use it well is hard. His passive can be used for sieging, but also to keep a lane pushed/set up a push for prio on objectives. Finally, his mechanical skill ceiling with drifting (E+Q for those who don't play him) and the Revenant Shuffle combined with all the previous makes him one of the hardest champions with the highest skillcap.
QOTD: everyone saying azir or like kat but if you look at them there damage and stuff is super straight forward id have to say gangplank becase barrels ...your damage can literally be negated bc an adc is like oh cool 5 gold
luv how you put that
Azir's damage gets negated by moving exactly one Teemo to the side
Jungle tips! Of course you take Q at level 1 for the on hit dmg and healing, but I actually think it’s better to take E instead of W at level 2. The 30 or so % increased attack speed gives you more damage over time rather than just the extra 80 damage and small stun for 1 second. It really makes a difference in your clear speed. I played it on PBE and it feels really nice. Just make sure not to hit a wall with your e in the early game in case your jungle is warded. I also opted to max his e second for the reduced cooldown and increased bonus attack and move speed, making him a better dueler rather than burster in the mid-game. If you feel like you want to deal more burst, feel free to max w second.
QOTD: Aphelios or Azir since they both are hard to play but i think Azir is more rewarding than Aph
I dont think aphelios is that hard,i think veigar has pretty high skill ceiling.
Aphelios has many abilities but its not mechanicly hard to execute his combos
@@xXHuanSohnXx for me personally i think the skill ceiling is high cuz there are so many different variations of combos he does and you can do some crazy stuff with it but yes his mechanics are not that hard
@@maxi5087 yeah knowing all this combos and habing ideas when to use which is insane but mechanically there are harder champions in my opinion
Qotd: Udyr. Not all Champs needs to use attack-move while keeping track of cd and what ability should be used next
QOTD: I think shen has a pretty high skill ceiling and is an asset to the team, his ult can change the tides of a teamfight
@@nicker10yearsago21 high skill ceiling lmao
lol sashahahah
Shen is literally the simplest champ on game.
HAHHAAHAHHA shen high skill hahaahahahahahahhahaha
good one
nah, even though there is a big difference in a good and bad shen you truly only need to get good map aweareness to be good with him.
QOTD: I think Irelia has a super high skill ceiling and skill floor. Some though to play champions like Riven or Akali still have a means of retreat and escape if things are not looking in their favor, but Irelia kind of has to commit if she is going and knowing when to do that as well as hitting your E and ult and utilizing your combos correctly so you don't accidentally put your Q on cooldown are all essential to play her. I feel like the hardest part of Irelia is knowing what fights you win and lose and that literally just takes experience on the character to learn.
QOTD: I would say Azir, I've been trying to learn him for month and still suck
Goated on azir after a few games lol
not tjat hard i main rengar and kindred and i can use my w on azir easily and position well enough.Also i can shurima shuffle easily.He s just weak
Well after seeing the duration of the actual guide. I understand the need you had to present him 3rd time this week
QOTD: I’m not gonna lie man but kalista seems not the easiest to handle, she’s one of those champs where positioning is everything AND, that your support pick is everything, she needs those beefy damage sponges to duck dodge and weave around to make the enemy team wonder wtf happened
QOTD: I believe that sylas is second to Viego because being almost a reverse of Viego you have to know how to use most champs’ ults to use him well
QOTD: I think Azir is the champions with the highest skill ceiling
more like highest skill floor
Laughing in 100+ combos of aphelios and 5000 word essay explaining his abilities
@@shin-shin7987 Laughs in Invoker
These guides: rarely ever the only guide i end up needing
Me: still watches them
They haven’t released him yet, the fluck y’all mean “the only guide you’ll ever need”.
yah lol. Their runes and builds aren't even the best runes/builds on him. After lots of testing everyone prefers conqueror or HOB, and many people are building trinity force or immortal shieldbow over kraken slayer.
@@ainmon5875 yeah they kinda just gave the most basic build someone could think of. sounds like the first thing any player would try on him, without this guide even
But you watched the video
@@ainmon5875 I've been playing a bit of Viego, and I'm not sure how I feel about running conqueror on him. I don't think he does well in prolonged fights. I think what he really needs is a way in. If you make him really bursty that's when you can pounce on a mispositioned squishy, transform into them, and then either use your new form or use a free ult charge. In either case (assuming you live) you end up with a bit of snowball effect. None of his numbers are super crazy or unfair to me, you don't get instant full hp life steal, you don't have high damage numbers outside of your ult, and you lack a lot of mobility / utility normally found in a champion like this. To me if you aren't assuming the form of someone else during a team fight you aren't playing him efficiently because his base kit can preform underwhelmingly at times. I think conqueror is a much stronger rune in a top lane position because your job is to be more of a bruiser, and use your sustain to your advantage.
@@masonc975 Conqueror is better because he insta stacks it. Even in a short 1v1 it will outdamage any other rune. W, auto, Q, auto gives you 12 stacks and that takes about 1 second to do.
I don't understand why the blade before the mythic item, the mythic should give you more of a powerspike
QOTD: Lee Sin. Even his most basic combos are hard if you haven't practiced them beforehand.
how to play lee sin
build lethality
find a squishy
How does guinsoo interact with his Q and R damage? What I mean by this is that his Q and R scale with crit chance but guinsoo converts crit chance to on hit damage. So wouldn't building guinsoo be counterproductive?
I would say azir, lee sin and riven, can´t choose just one
Jayce nida and aphaelios are also tier s of hardest
Probably Azir, I wouldn't say Lee Sin since the only skill that you really have to master on him is ward hopping since he's an assassin. I played him first time and hard carried because I just deleted everyone lol.
Riven and lee sin are nothing close to azir
@@whoknows7415 I ment mastering lee sin, all those insecs you can do and his late is weak too
he can build some ap items too so ap attack speed items can work, you can also b uild zhonyas if u have to
Why cant I buy viego even though he's in the game...I can see him but I can't buy him..."This content is unavailable for purchase"...Why???
He's not yet released chill, and stay out of my ranked games.
Some notes from my experience and according to Probuilds: The vast majority of players run Conqueror over PTA and I haven't seen anybody building BOTRK before Krakenslayer. I wouldn't do so eiter just because Noonquiver feels so good to have early on in the jungle.
QOTD: Nidalee.
Hardest skillshot? Check.
Jungle clear is like studying for an exam? Check.
6 abilities to master? Check.
Shit Winrate? Check.
Yeah there is no champ that comes close to her imo. If you wanna play her correctly then look how king niddhog plays her and btw he is not the best nid player. Micro is so hard on that champ it can fuck over your clear. Fucking over your clear gives you less macro play making. Less macro playmaking= autoloose.
QOTD : nidalee by far she has 7 abillities, has loads of animation cancels and needs a lot of time to master
the only thing you NEED to play nidalee is the ability to land skillshots so yeah she probably is the hardest
Title: only guid you will ever need
In middle of the video: this guid is for startets if yoi want to know more go to proguides
So, can Viego apply bleed stacks when possessing Darius for an ally Sylas with Darius R?
actually he should be able to
This is not how imagined the ruined king, why does he look like a gay kpop vampire whyyy
Ok and? Just cause you imagined him differently doesn't mean its bad lmao
@@pizzaparker__0072 because he looks like he barely escaped puberty and ruined king sounds menacing. I don't agree with Bane but completely understand, he looks like a wannabe tough guy from the 80's
Don't picture him just being him in the splash art. Picture him in king's clothes: He would fit perfectly. Now he just changed the probably old and dirty attire for something more menacing and fresh.
@@pizzaparker__0072 i imagined him as a more badass mordekaiser before the rework
QOTD: Azir or GP. Azir because it’s hard to even play him properly and not troll and feed during lane phase (my first 10-20 games of him sucked) and GP because his barrels have a pretty high learning curve, and if you can’t hit them you aren’t putting out any damage. But if you can hit them, you can dominate team fights and solokill the enemy laner in the early levels.
bruh. if katarina is the hardest champion to play then im a penguin
QOTD: ASol, Azir & Fiora.
ASol: you need to position well to deal actual damage and survive almost every other champion as well as you need to control your wave good enough to maximize your farm and roams.
Azir: he is very hard to trully master being an unusual mage with a lot of tricks and downsides. But as much as A sol you need to position well to maximuze your damage
Fiora: you are like a glass canon for a lot of time of the game. You are only attached to your own skill, reaction time, macro and micro
So Shang Tsung as an edgy swordsman, got it.
basically, any champ with good R and, "normal" skills can "counter" him or champs that depend of their R, like trynda, Shyvana or mundo. Since he won't use their full potential in battle.
Also, hard pushers like heinmer will melt him down.
I wouldn't say that's true. I would say champs with either no high damaging base abilities, or very bad mobility (especially bad mobility) are really dangerous and unsafe for him to grab unless he just wants the ult reset. Shyvana here is a perfect example of this because her base kit does very little damage and has no mobility. Trynd does have good mobility with his dash, and mundo is a good target to take because he is tanky and I believe there is a glitch right now where if you activate his w and your passive ends you have his w until you die.
Why does watching feel like homework... 🤦🏽♂️
QOTD: I think the two champs with the highest skill ceiling are Gangplank and Azir.
GP because his barrels are really powerful but hard to use, also you can turn any Skirmish on the map at any time to your teams favor with your ult but you need really good map awareness.
Azir is self explaning.
I think Aphelios doesnt have that much of a high skill ceiling because he's just really complicated but mechanically not that hard.
QOTD: I think Gankplank is the most "skil" champ in the game by far
Underrated comment
How does his passive work on champions like Elise? Do you possess her in her human form, or in the last form she was before dying? I wouldn't mind transforming into a spider and having 2 executes in a row tbh.
QOTD: Aphelios and its not even close.
just fking read the abilities and kite whats that hard about him lol
@@bahoun oh yeah you’re telling the truth.. not
i feel like hail of blade is good on him if the enemy team is really squishy. and yes i do think conq and PTA r good but i love the feel of having a lot of attack speed on veigo although he attacks twice with his autos. U should rly try it out.
I will play Viego support just to kill someone like a Nautilus, take him, and then go on the adc xD
viego will probably one of the hardest champs since you need to know a wide variety of champions combos and skills to use him at his absolute full potential
Viego is one of the hardest in terms of being able to play every single champion in the game, but honestly if you can play the popular champs you’ll be fine 90% of the time
Viego is the Echo (OW) of LoL and I am SOOOO down for it. Anybody else? :D
On released Azir, they take away many kits from that version, such as tower damage with his w
QOTD - It's a difficult choice to make, but I believe Vladimir is at least one of the hardest champions to learn. He doesn't have too many complex mechanics, but his gameplan is just so different from other champions that many people trying to learn him just fail. The same goes for me, I played a lot of games with him in the past, but never really succeeded.
What are you guys’ thoughts on running Trinity Force or Galeforce?
This man is four passives in a trenchcoat and I love him
Which blade of ruined king do I build? Every sword he holds is the blade of the ruined king
i tried on the pbe bork + triforce + titanic and it was extremly strong, to finish up u can get smtn like guinso and steraks
Who is the Hardest Champion and why is it Aphelios
QOTD probably Aphelios in general. For me personally it's Evelynn mainly because trying to avoid getting bullied early cause after like 2 deaths your screwed
Im loving viego so far, kinda suprised ive been able to play him almost every game.
QOTD: As someone whose main champ pool used to be: Azir, Zed, GP, Vayne, Riven, and Lee Sin, I would have to say Aphelios is by far the hardest champion to play. Knowing exactly when to fight/trade based upon your current gun rotation and what you have next in rotation is not an easy thing to master. I have never had a harder time learning a champion than I've had trying to learn Aphelios.
Could you not build Immortal Shieldbow, Bloodthirster into tank? As he has a 4 armor growth per level and he already has the blade of the ruin king pretty much built into his kit.
QOTD: its got to be Katarina. The skill floor is so high just to be able to play her. A good kat seems like a smurf in all elos. Oppositely, a bad kat is more useless than a fork at a taco stand
QOTD: Hardest to master is Top Tahm Kench. This is not a troll post. Contrary to his description everywhere, Tahm Kench is actually an early-mid champion. He falls super hard early late game game (around 27 minutes) if fed or not fed.
The reason why he's so hard to master is because you need game knowledge more than anything else. Yes, he's not hard mechanically, however, you need the game knowledge on when is your early game power spikes (because there's a ton).
For example, good tahm kench players literally massacres darius at level 4. Your first buy is 3 ruby crystal. After you bought those three shiny gems, You can kill darius full health (including surviving the ult). That's 1200g power spike.
Another example is against range like quinn or vayne. Once you have upgraded boots, one hit of your Q and they're dead. You can run them down as long as you have a long lane. That's 1100g power spike.
He falls off hard after 1 item but comes back at 2 item then falls again at 3 items (around 25ish minutes.)
He's hard to master because unlike other champs, your power spikes differ every game depending on your lane or game state.
All of the QOTD’s: Aphelios, Azir and (Yasuo, Garen, Aphelios, Azir)
And the funniest comment I saw: “Dr Mundo because I am not smart enough to be a doctor” (I died laughing)
Is running Electrocute on Viego viable? He can trigger it easily with a Q/W > AA combo.
QOTD id say the hardest to master is between riven or Azir even thos hes not in a good spot rn