@UCgRl7E3tsi-GmyAKie1QbMg Just like you I also live in the west but these governments have ways to keep track of their people and it is hard for them to leave
@@byenye6386 Again, not my problem! Go complain on one of their channels about the choices their countries make. Has nothing to do with us. They get to decide how their countries are run.
"As he was a distinguished scholar he was to be strangled first, then after death body burned." The arbitrary nature of state violence never ceases to amaze me.
it still continues..... in the UK the oppression is financial using tax havens, shell companies, trust funds etc.... to game the system. Result = zero socio-economic mobility and a vast national decline while the rich get richer. . The Crown Prosecution Service is for a hierarchy of violence not an egalitarian democratic meritocracy.
@@MilesBellas yes tax evasion is very similar to brutal execution..what part of CPS did you work in to arrive yr conclusions..you might know some of the same ppl i do
Other narrations say he was burnt alive I have heard two to three narrations prior to this and read his story online and this one is the first saying he was strangled before being burnt
An unbiased look at one of the few men of peace in the religious struggles of the era, whose simple purpose was to give Christians access to the Bible. People do not realize for how long common Christians knew little to nothing about Christianity-including common priests-and that this was intentional church policy, with no recourse that did not mark one as a heretic. If only Henry’s eyes had been truly opened, as was Tyndale’s dying wish, but it was not to be.
You poor ignorant!!!! People of that time were illiterate, and there was no printing press... they died of customary punishment. Like the French through guillotine in the 1700s!!! The world did not lose anything by those heretics deaths
He preached in Bath. The green he spoke at is still there. A beautiful place. Near the Cathedral and near the University. I remember it vividly on a trip from the US and never forgot.
Oh, we were in Bath in 2003. Missed that. Tour guide didn’t say anything . Shame, I like things like that. Not how they died vut just to pay respects for a clever man. Understand 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
@@jamellfoster6029 He was a big factor to help with the Divorce King Henry wanted. Alot of Karma bit Cromwell right in the rump. Alot of of the executions during Henry the 8th reign was during Cromwell's planing.
How brave and cultivated was William Tyndale for translating the Bible into English. How confused was the opposition for opposing his work. How strange that few people these days actually believe the words of the Bible.
I don't feel the clergy were that confused at all in their opposition to Bible translations. If the scripture stayed in a language the ordinary people couldn't understand, the clergy would retain absolute control over matters of religion. Anyone being able to readily read the scripture themselves instead of only being told the 'official truth' by church officials would potentially mean a threat to their authority. It was a matter of power and control.
Richard wrote in part: "How strange that few people these days actually believe the words of the Bible." ....... First, I ask you: Have YOU ever read the bible? Not just verses, or the NT: The ENTIRE bible, front to back. I have, and god aint to be trusted; he's not a nice guy. And if you read a red letter version of the bible (words of JC printed in red lettes), you'll find that he aint necessarily a nice guy either.
Fascinating! Well done lad! Interesting with England's conflict with the Pope. That Henry still persecuted Protestants as heretical. Tyndall is a monumental figure that paid the ultimate price for his beliefs.
The deep down Henry was always a Catholic. He just didn't want to share power with the pope, and breaking from the church was a means to an end in the hopes of getting a son. I say this because the Church of England which I believe is the Anglican Catholic Church still has some very Catholic beliefs even though they have some Protestant beliefs as well. Basically if you went too far protestant you were in danger of getting burned and if you were too far Catholic you were in danger of getting burned.
The ruling class didn't want the ordinary people to read the bible as it might have let the cat out of the bag when they read what was actually written in it.
Mary wrote: "What a man [Tyndale]! The pen is mightier than the sword. The priests didn't want the people to think for themselves. Thank you Mr Untold, top stuff!" ....... Recall that the Tyndale's and other English translations of the bible--and there were many--were supplanted by the "Authorized (1604)" King James Bible, first published in 1611.
@@somyod2u wrote: "The ruling class didn't want the ordinary people to read the bible as it might have let the cat out of the bag when they read what was actually written in it." ....... Even though the bible is available in English, few people read it from front to back. If you take the trouble to do it "the scales will fall from your eyes." It will be as if you took a bite of the forbidden fruit in Eden. One thing in particular is that you will find that god himself admits the existence of other gods: Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Milcom, Milkart, Molech, Dagon, & Baal. Nisroch, Hadas (Haddad), and Baalzebub are also mentioned, but not by yaweh.
'' didn't want the people to think for themselves...'' how true today, too. just like all dictators down through humans' sordid history. methods were the same, each one. do a study. humans CANNOT properly govern themselves. thy kingdom come....
William Tyndale had a zeal for wanting the Bible in the common people's tongue or language, the vernacular, or "vulgar" language, so that he studied Hebrew and Greek (as well as Latin), and became capable of translating both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures into English, so that ordinary people of England could read the Bible for themselves, writing: "I perceived how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except the Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue.”(Note: Tyndale was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1521, whereby Latin was still the language of the "church") However, he met with strong opposition from Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall of London, who used a 1408 Catholic council that met at Oxford, England, to destroy Tyndale's "New Testament", his Pentateuch in English in 1530 at St. Paul's churchyard, in which the 1408 Catholic council said that "we therefore decree and ordain, that from henceforward no unauthorised person shall translate any part of the holy Scripture into English or any other language . . . under the penalty of the greater excommunication, till the said translation shall be approved either by the bishop of the diocese, or a provincial council as occasion shall require.”(Note: For daring to contravene or violate this prohibition, many itinerant preachers known as Lollards were burned as heretics) Tyndale never forgot his purpose: to make the Scriptures easy enough for the ordinary layman to read, right down to the “boy who plows the field.” So his style and idiom are simple and clear, yet powerful. He paid close attention to the context and avoided additions to or omissions from the original text, even though paraphrasing was resorted to by most translators of the time. Tyndale’s word choice was also careful and accurate. For example, he used “love” instead of “charity" (as at 1 Cor 13:1-13, for the Greek word agape is used there that means "love, i.e. affection") “congregation” for “church" (as at Matt 16:18, in which the Greek word ecclesia is used, that literally means "called out" from the world into God's congregation of true worshippers) and “elder” (as at 1 Pet 5:1, in which the Greek word presbyteros is used; Note: the Catholic Douay Version, 1945 edition, reads as "ancients") rather than “priest” where appropriate. This infuriated critics like Sir Thomas More because it changed words that had come to be venerated through tradition. Tyndale was also responsible for introducing God’s personal name, Jehovah, into the English Bible. As writer and author J. F. Mozley observed, Tyndale used it “more than twenty times in his Old Testament” translations, so that Tyndale wrote in his 1530 edition of the Pentateuch: "Iehovah is God’s name . . . Moreover as oft as thou seist LORD in great letters (except there be any error in the printing) it is in Hebrew Iehovah."(Note: the letter I in Iehovah changed by the end of the 16th century to the letter J which just developed in the English language, so that God's name is now written in English as Jehovah, see Isa 12:2, KJV) William Tyndale was burned on a stake on October 6, 1536 at about the age of 42, after he was strangled, and who had once wrote to John Frith (who was himself burned in London by Bishop Stokesley [who once said that he "rejoiced that in his lifetime he had burned fifty heretics"] in 1533 C.E. at the age of 30), his collaborator, that "I never altered one syllable of God’s word against my conscience, nor would this day, if all that is in the earth, whether it be pleasure, honour, or riches, might be given me." Hence, William Tyndale revered Jehovah's word the Bible, and was willing to sacrifice his life to accomplish this work. So, how many people treasure the Bible as William Tyndale did, wanting to do as Jesus said at John 17:3: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God (Jehovah), and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" ?
Those people in that period, we're so vile and evil ( not all ) and it all pointed to the church as the instigators, how far removed from the true teachings of Christ Jesus !
One can say easily say that about people in this time. The only difference is is that the church doesn't have the ability to kill heretics anymore.but seriously, look around at what's being taught in this day and age It is very far from what the Bible teaches.
@@celestebivin1659 what version of the Bible are you reading? Turn to the part about what “God” commanded of the Hebrews at Canaan, or maybe the part where “God” had a bunch of children be murdered by bears for calling a guy bald. Ooh oooh, turn to the part where “God” says he hates someone and curses all of their descendants to the end of time because he gave up his “birthright” Do I need to mention the punishments for breaking some of the 613 “commandments”? GTFOH
@@hereticlife2546 not till the end. The 3rd and 4th generation. The birth right was Esaws He was cursed as a servant by his father not God.. Forgetting the fact you've miss read some passages in the old testament. Can I ask have you read the new testament the new covenant?
@@hereticlife2546 Last time I had my BBQ stolen. I would have been happy to see some old testament law applied. I very much doubt you're any different when your house is burgled or any other crime is committed. Let's not pretend,
And all these murderers shall NOT escape the Justice of GOD! And all the Murder Victims shall RISE in the resurrection through Our Lord JESUS CHRISTUS !
Is there any places where he was from thar I can visit? I'm near where he was born. Have you any stories of him you can share? I've just ordered his bible ❤️
@@jodaniels8097 Im not really sure, I dont know much about that part of the family. Other than he was a professor at cambridge... And that his sister fled to Pennsylvania...after he was murdered. Supposedly his head is inside of a concrete wall fixture, overlooking a bridge at Cambridge And his bible manuscripts, are at a book store in Ireland. That's all I got so far. You probably know more about, it than I do. Your there... I'm not even allowed, in the country. Because we're criminals...we chose to follow the Old Order Brethern. We denounced Catholicism, and the Queen. The Queen, and the Catholic Church are the largest entitled landholers in the world. I'll be executed, for trespassing. Because I'm a bretheren...not a royal subject. I'm an Elder, of the Old Order Bretheren... I also get persecuted and mistaken for my similar religious customs akin to Islam. Technically the queen probably is my niece....not my overlord. We haven't finalized any DNA research studies yet.
@@VRCM_Skywarn_XUSA wow they take things to nut levels. The queen is an old b anyway. Did you see how they all bowed to it recently? Creepy. Like a bunch of zombies. royalty are trash and are transgenders too its their religion. Hateful bunch
What amazes me about stories like these is the fact that Christians in the Bible are said to be the most persecuted. laughed at and and killed for their belief. But it didn’t note that it would be by the people who believed in the same god
Their is a difference between the way of God and human Politics. Today, Politics tells you that our leaders care for us but they don't, the same applied to Christianity. Those who call themselves Christians are qualified not just by the reference but by the works attached to it. A man/woman in overflowing robes and shining jewlries cannot tell you he/she is a Christian when he/she does things that he/she wouldn't like God to do to him/her.
I was always weary of learning british kings and queens. It seems daunting and confusing. But you make it interesting and I actually retain the information. Thank you.
Hmmmm, so Thomas More was not such a saint after all as portrayed in The Man For All Seasons’... he too met his death in a horrible way...just goes to shows.. believing in God is not gonna save you from a mad king or greedy prosecutors...
God bless Mr. Tyndale he is a Giant among all that believe that Salvation comes from Believing in Jesus as the real Messiah. Just believe as the Bible says. He died for God's word. That's like the Medal of Honor for soldiers in heaven.
Bruh everyone talks about how brutally he was killed. The most brutal thing is actually that he was held in a dungeon for 16 fucking months. I would personally rather die than go trough that.
Basically the Roman Catholic church forbid anyone to translate the Bible because the people would see the Catholic church and it's pagan rituals were not in the Bible!
William Tyndale's letter from prison, before his untimely death: "I believe, most excellent Sir, that you are not unacquainted with the decision reached concerning me. On which account, I beseech your lordship, even by the Lord Jesus, that if I am to pass the winter here, to urge upon the lord commissary, if he will deign, to send me from my goods in his keeping a warmer cap, for I suffer greatly from cold in the head, being troubled with a continual catarrh, which is aggravated in this prison vault. A warmer coat also, for that which I have is very thin. Also cloth for repairing my leggings. My overcoat is worn out; the shirts also are worn out. He has a woolen shirt of mine, if he will please send it. I have also with him leggings of heavier cloth for overwear. He likewise has warmer nightcaps: I also ask for leave to use a lamp in the evening, for it is tiresome to sit alone in the dark. But above all, I beg and entreat your clemency earnestly to intercede with the lord commissary, that he would deign to allow me the use of my Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Grammar, and Hebrew Lexicon, and that I might employ my time with that study. Thus likewise may you obtain what you most desire, saving that it further the salvation of your soul. But if, before the end of winter, a different decision be reached concerning me, I shall be patient, and submit to the will of God to the glory of the grace of Jesus Christ my Lord, whose spirit may ever direct your heart. Amen." W. Tyndale
Point is, the religious higher archly did want the peasants to be able to read the Bible as the Bishops and Priests wanted to continue to frighten the life out of the peasants to death.
And the people of England still recognize the horrible, murdering monarchy and worldwide so many claim to worship the Christ in whose name millions have been tortured and murdered. I don't think the real Christ would go for any of the horror that has been committed in his name.
Strange that a King who makes himself the head of the Church in England, would burn a Bible in English !!! Would have made more sense to encourage it's distribution & in this way convert people to the Protestant faith because they had access to God's word direct & not via just the Church. Dreadful that he was killed so brutally before his translation became available & accepted, seems Henry wanted his foot in both the Catholic & Protestant faith camp's, nothing like having your bread buttered on both sides !!,
@@somyod2u That's where the confusion lies, Henry break's from Rome, declares himself head of the Church but proceeds to destroy the Abbey's & Monastic sites making thousands homeless, using their wealth for his own ends, uses divorce laws more akin to the Protestant faith as & when required entertains both heads of Church, cherry picking on both. Yet instead of allowing the English translation of the Bible to used whether of either faith doesn't seem logical but then nothing Henry did was in a lot of respects &: I never stated he was a Protestant if you compare some of his actions with those of later Protestant Monarchs one has to wonder which camp his foot was really in?
It seems to me that any high status execution ordered by the english crown was horrific. Hung, drawn and quartered, dismembered, the royals to me, were not very forgiving
Every time I brink up William Tyndale or John Wycliffe to a RCC member they freak out for no reason. Especially when they are English speakers. Like bro, these guys like Wycliffe and Tyndale gave us the English Bible, devoted their lives and were martyred at the stake so the farm boy could know as much of the Scriptures as the clergy did. The fact they are not considered Martyrs or Saints by the RCC for their contributions to the English language is astonishingly plain that they still be salty about Reformation.
Our church has a 'lollards tower' where followers of Wycliffe were imprisoned. Lollards were considered subversive by the state and church, a garrison was established in the town to 'keep an eye' on the population.
William Tyndale was my 12th great uncle. His niece, Lady Margaret Ursula Tyndall (alternate spelling) was my 11th great- grandmother, married to my 11x g-grandfather, Dr. Rev. Rowland Taylor, who was martyred at the stake at Hadleigh, Suffolk, being one of the Marian Martyrs, under “Bloody” Queen Mary I. The Tyndale Bible was one of the first works written in Modern English, bringing the language into the Modern Era. It also supported early efforts at democracy, giving the common people who were literate, the power to read and interpret the text for themselves.
not only most people were illiterate, even those that were literate could not read the Bible, because it was in a language they did not understand. what was the point of it all then?
Oh, how painful the translation of the Bible. What about forgiveness? Was the death regarded as a fair demise of someone who exposed his perspective of religion..
Luck has nothing to do with it and we are living in times of great spiritual darkness. This man was a brilliant mind who God used to translate the Holy Bible in the common language. He gave his life struggling against primitive superstitition to ensure that all could hear the glad tidings of forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. It was religious men that killed him. Today the neo religionists are atheist evolutionists and fickle politicians who would dispense of the dearly won rights to proclaim the gospel of Christ and other hard won freedoms at the drop of a hat.
@@hanajinks1044 What's "SJW's"? Enlightened as in we're free to believe what we want to & not be killed for it. Boris and Blair are both awful, but not a patch on Henry VIII.
@@joha790 I'd say we live in far more spiritually enlightened times where we can worship who or what we want to & aren't indoctrinated from birth to live in fear of a fictitious god who was used to create fear and obedience by the state. So many atrocities have been committed in the name of "God" & "Jesus" throughout history and false religion has held back our development for hundreds of years. Jesus would be appalled. Thank you for your comment.
@@stevefox8605 Hold on Steve, what's coming is gonna make the Tudor period seem like a picnic. Between the Globalists and Social Justice Warriors and other assorted Marxists,...do you have any idea what's going on? You're about to be enslaved and it will hasten the return of our Great King, Jesus Christ. Primitive superstition, you say? Come back in twelve months and let's see where we are. In two years our societies will be unrecognizable.
You didn’t mention what happened in 1534 by Henry VIII. Tne Tradgey of Ireland, the FitzGeralds. The 9th Earl of Kildare, was the first to go. So Silken Thomas and his 5 uncles were betrayed and done the same. Trumped up charges of treason.
It's strange that people still believe in religion when kings/ queens executed people for being one version of the faith or the other... Henry VII executed Catholic s and Protestants while he claimed both.
Funfact: Protestants spread the accusation that Catholics burned Tyndale alive at the stake when it was the Protestant King Henry VIII the founder of the Anglican Church who ordered the execution of Tyndale.
This is completely wrong. The Anglican church was founded on the last day of Henry VIII because of its conflict on divorce and marriage and obviously not titled as a ruler of England by the papacy of Rome. Thomas Moore also opposed the separation of England from being a Catholic nation to become a Protestant nation, he also pushed was behind the killing of William Tyndale due to its translation of the Bible to the common man, such act is a heresy of the Roman Catholic Church, because only the Roman Catholic priests are authorized to interpret the Bible. Henry VIII and Thomas Moore conspired to kill William Tyndale. England was ruled by the papacy of Rome, that authority in matters of faith, religion and the interpretation of the Scriptures must come from them.
The Roman Catholic Church The Church is one The Church is holy The Church is apostolic The Church is dynastic The Church is Hierarchical The Church is messy The Church is Mystery The Church is teacher The Church is Mother The Church is universal The Church is sacramental The Church is authoritative The Church is visible The Church is unchangeable The Church is missionary The Church is the Kingdom of God The Church is TRUTH The Church is the bride of Christ. The Church is the mystical body of Christ The Church is in the world not of the world.
It's funny how many people point out they had ansesters exicuted by henry viii.... But coz America & Australia hadn't even been discovered & colonised yet & king henry VIII exicuted at least 72,000 people back at a time when the entire world's population was still quite small & made even smaller by all the wars, famine, childbed fever, black death & sweating sickness... I'd b amazed if there was anyone alive now that wasn't somehow related to any of henry's victims! Just think about it! 🤔
Wow this is truly amazing so you mean to tell me that English translated Bible verses for a comparable life cocaine or heroin today or like fennel this is amazing this is the type of stuff we need to know as a society
Why does the comment section of these videos become a place for people to dump on religion? This is the history of things that PEOPLE have done, for their own agendas, and I’d say they used religion as a tool to further their own ends. Atheists do just as many horrific things, or do people who want to bag religion have a blind spot in these matters? It’s not religion that’s the problem, it’s human nature at its worst. Better to focus on good people who try to make the world a better place.
Was just reading about this guy. Interesting. Those were some dark times and I don't think we fully appreciate how good we have it now.
@UCgRl7E3tsi-GmyAKie1QbMg Just like you I also live in the west but these governments have ways to keep track of their people and it is hard for them to leave
@@byenye6386 Again, not my problem! Go complain on one of their channels about the choices their countries make. Has nothing to do with us. They get to decide how their countries are run.
@@dustmasterflex1541 yeah I know it makes me angry how people are badly treated if they have different political or religious views
Stand by...it's about to get as bad and bloody as at any other time in history.
Appreciate while you can because it's not going to last much longer. Persecution of Christians is coming again to a neighborhood near you.
"...and upon this rock I shall build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
She will never be destroyed Acts 5:38-39
1 Timothy 3:15 the foundation and pillar of the Truth! Still here after 2000 years
"As he was a distinguished scholar he was to be strangled first, then after death body burned."
The arbitrary nature of state violence never ceases to amaze me.
I don’t think it’s that arbitrary. The strangling was to “silence” him and the burning was standard for hearsay
it still continues..... in the UK the oppression is financial using tax havens, shell companies, trust funds etc.... to game the system.
Result = zero socio-economic mobility and a vast national decline while the rich get richer.
The Crown Prosecution Service is for a hierarchy of violence not an egalitarian democratic meritocracy.
@@AlwaysBolttheBird I think you mean heresy .
@@MilesBellas yes tax evasion is very similar to brutal execution..what part of CPS did you work in to arrive yr conclusions..you might know some of the same ppl i do
Other narrations say he was burnt alive
I have heard two to three narrations prior to this and read his story online and this one is the first saying he was strangled before being burnt
An unbiased look at one of the few men of peace in the religious struggles of the era, whose simple purpose was to give Christians access to the Bible. People do not realize for how long common Christians knew little to nothing about Christianity-including common priests-and that this was intentional church policy, with no recourse that did not mark one as a heretic. If only Henry’s eyes had been truly opened, as was Tyndale’s dying wish, but it was not to be.
Luckily King James eyes were lol
Consider his age as well. He looks much older and wiser than a 40 something of today . He was profound before adulthood . Extraordinary.....
. - DMT
@@ikennacononaji4758 homosexual king, wiped out the superior Geneva bible!!! Fool
What a wonderful man who gave his life to translate the Bible so everyone could read it
You poor ignorant!!!! People of that time were illiterate, and there was no printing press... they died of customary punishment. Like the French through guillotine in the 1700s!!!
The world did not lose anything by those heretics deaths
He preached in Bath. The green he spoke at is still there. A beautiful place. Near the Cathedral and near the University. I remember it vividly on a trip from the US and never forgot.
There are lots of statues that commemorate him, shows his importance.
Oh, we were in Bath in 2003. Missed that. Tour guide didn’t say anything . Shame, I like things like that. Not how they died vut just to pay respects for a clever man. Understand 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
He's the reason we can read at all.
Dangerous thing, reading. People share ideas and demand things like democracy.
@@mugofbrown6234 The nerve, eh?
@@tjchesney4997 Best not let women read books, they'll get strange notions about voting if you do.
@@mugofbrown6234 they said that.
@@mugofbrown6234 a survey was done
50% of women said they voted for Clinton because of his looks
Sad thing was, Cramer was by henry Viii's bed when he died... Only to b burned as a heretic when bloody mary became queen. That's 1 messed up family.
The The of a man is in in
The first
Tell me about. That petty heifer blamed Cranmer for her parents' divorce decades later... She was LOCO like people said her maternal aunt Joanna...
All vile, nasty religious misfits! Glad I’m an atheist .the RC church is an abomination.
@@jamellfoster6029 He was a big factor to help with the Divorce King Henry wanted. Alot of Karma bit Cromwell right in the rump. Alot of of the executions during Henry the 8th reign was during Cromwell's planing.
Oh my goodness I can’t wait. Your videos are high class and so informative brother, love it!
Henry Tudor: "I'm going to build a car park in the centre of Leicester."👻
Richard III: "Over my dead body."
This is so well done, thank you.
Thanks for your kind words :)
Good to great as usual. Thanks brother! J.R Michigan USA! Very interesting and informative!
Your videos inspire me to keep learning. I listen in the evening with after dinner coffee. ☕
You've just put me in the notion. Going to make a pot - Rich Italian beans 😊
@@duncanbryson1167 Sounds great ☕
The Crown should NOT have executed him! But no good deed goes unpunished!
So nice to a new upload from you . I did not know of this particular so called heretic . Thankyou .
How brave and cultivated was William Tyndale for translating the Bible into English. How confused was the opposition for opposing his work. How strange that few people these days actually believe the words of the Bible.
I agree - a rather brave man.
Not so strange when you consider the work of the humanists and marxists.
I don't feel the clergy were that confused at all in their opposition to Bible translations. If the scripture stayed in a language the ordinary people couldn't understand, the clergy would retain absolute control over matters of religion. Anyone being able to readily read the scripture themselves instead of only being told the 'official truth' by church officials would potentially mean a threat to their authority. It was a matter of power and control.
Intellectual property....or so the priest thought
Richard wrote in part: "How strange that few people these days actually believe the words of the Bible." ....... First, I ask you: Have YOU ever read the bible? Not just verses, or the NT: The ENTIRE bible, front to back. I have, and god aint to be trusted; he's not a nice guy. And if you read a red letter version of the bible (words of JC printed in red lettes), you'll find that he aint necessarily a nice guy either.
Don't try and high five the executioner. He'll probably leave you hanging.
Well played.
You win the internets today!
💥 boom 💥 👊
Fascinating! Well done lad! Interesting with England's conflict with the Pope. That Henry still persecuted Protestants as heretical. Tyndall is a monumental figure that paid the ultimate price for his beliefs.
The deep down Henry was always a Catholic. He just didn't want to share power with the pope, and breaking from the church was a means to an end in the hopes of getting a son. I say this because the Church of England which I believe is the Anglican Catholic Church still has some very Catholic beliefs even though they have some Protestant beliefs as well. Basically if you went too far protestant you were in danger of getting burned and if you were too far Catholic you were in danger of getting burned.
Really interesting as usual. Thank you for all your work. You make it so enjoyable. If that’s the right way to say it. Poor, poor man 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
What a man! The pen is mightier than the sword. The priests didn't want the people to think for themselves. Thank you Mr Untold, top stuff !
The ruling class didn't want the ordinary people to read the bible as it might have let the cat out of the bag when they read what was actually written in it.
Mary wrote: "What a man [Tyndale]! The pen is mightier than the sword. The priests didn't want the people to think for themselves. Thank you Mr Untold, top stuff!" ....... Recall that the Tyndale's and other English translations of the bible--and there were many--were supplanted by the "Authorized (1604)" King James Bible, first published in 1611.
@@somyod2u wrote: "The ruling class didn't want the ordinary people to read the bible as it might have let the cat out of the bag when they read what was actually written in it." ....... Even though the bible is available in English, few people read it from front to back. If you take the trouble to do it "the scales will fall from your eyes." It will be as if you took a bite of the forbidden fruit in Eden. One thing in particular is that you will find that god himself admits the existence of other gods: Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Milcom, Milkart, Molech, Dagon, & Baal. Nisroch, Hadas (Haddad), and Baalzebub are also mentioned, but not by yaweh.
@@wittwittwer1043 which was Tyndale with a few textual emendations
'' didn't want the people to think for themselves...'' how true today, too. just like all dictators down through humans' sordid history. methods were the same, each one. do a study. humans CANNOT properly govern themselves. thy kingdom come....
THE greatest scholar of the English language and Christian theology to ever have lived!
Victims of the Tudor dynasty could be a channel all their own.
There's so many stories out there.
@@TheUntoldPast could you do a story on Nonsuch palace? I didn't know it existed until I watched the Tudors referencing it.
Oh my days we would be here for the next 500 years just covering them !!!
Mary and Elizabeth definitely had their fathers anger and impulse control issues
"Paranoid Tudor monarchs HATE him!"
Click to find out
William Tyndale had a zeal for wanting the Bible in the common people's tongue or language, the vernacular, or "vulgar" language, so that he studied Hebrew and Greek (as well as Latin), and became capable of translating both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures into English, so that ordinary people of England could read the Bible for themselves, writing: "I perceived how that it was impossible to establish the lay people in any truth, except the Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother tongue.”(Note: Tyndale was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1521, whereby Latin was still the language of the "church")
However, he met with strong opposition from Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall of London, who used a 1408 Catholic council that met at Oxford, England, to destroy Tyndale's "New Testament", his Pentateuch in English in 1530 at St. Paul's churchyard, in which the 1408 Catholic council said that "we therefore decree and ordain, that from henceforward no unauthorised person shall translate any part of the holy Scripture into English or any other language . . . under the penalty of the greater excommunication, till the said translation shall be approved either by the bishop of the diocese, or a provincial council as occasion shall require.”(Note: For daring to contravene or violate this prohibition, many itinerant preachers known as Lollards were burned as heretics)
Tyndale never forgot his purpose: to make the Scriptures easy enough for the ordinary layman to read, right down to the “boy who plows the field.” So his style and idiom are simple and clear, yet powerful. He paid close attention to the context and avoided additions to or omissions from the original text, even though paraphrasing was resorted to by most translators of the time.
Tyndale’s word choice was also careful and accurate. For example, he used “love” instead of “charity" (as at 1 Cor 13:1-13, for the Greek word agape is used there that means "love, i.e. affection") “congregation” for “church" (as at Matt 16:18, in which the Greek word ecclesia is used, that literally means "called out" from the world into God's congregation of true worshippers) and “elder” (as at 1 Pet 5:1, in which the Greek word presbyteros is used; Note: the Catholic Douay Version, 1945 edition, reads as "ancients") rather than “priest” where appropriate. This infuriated critics like Sir Thomas More because it changed words that had come to be venerated through tradition.
Tyndale was also responsible for introducing God’s personal name, Jehovah, into the English Bible. As writer and author J. F. Mozley observed, Tyndale used it “more than twenty times in his Old Testament” translations, so that Tyndale wrote in his 1530 edition of the Pentateuch: "Iehovah is God’s name . . . Moreover as oft as thou seist LORD in great letters (except there be any error in the printing) it is in Hebrew Iehovah."(Note: the letter I in Iehovah changed by the end of the 16th century to the letter J which just developed in the English language, so that God's name is now written in English as Jehovah, see Isa 12:2, KJV)
William Tyndale was burned on a stake on October 6, 1536 at about the age of 42, after he was strangled, and who had once wrote to John Frith (who was himself burned in London by Bishop Stokesley [who once said that he "rejoiced that in his lifetime he had burned fifty heretics"] in 1533 C.E. at the age of 30), his collaborator, that "I never altered one syllable of God’s word against my conscience, nor would this day, if all that is in the earth, whether it be pleasure, honour, or riches, might be given me."
Hence, William Tyndale revered Jehovah's word the Bible, and was willing to sacrifice his life to accomplish this work. So, how many people treasure the Bible as William Tyndale did, wanting to do as Jesus said at John 17:3: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God (Jehovah), and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" ?
I live 3 miles from his monument in North Nibley!
Those people in that period, we're so vile and evil ( not all ) and it all pointed to the church as the instigators, how far removed from the true teachings of Christ Jesus !
One can say easily say that about people in this time. The only difference is is that the church doesn't have the ability to kill heretics anymore.but seriously, look around at what's being taught in this day and age It is very far from what the Bible teaches.
Lol. You’re silly.
@@celestebivin1659 what version of the Bible are you reading? Turn to the part about what “God” commanded of the Hebrews at Canaan, or maybe the part where “God” had a bunch of children be murdered by bears for calling a guy bald. Ooh oooh, turn to the part where “God” says he hates someone and curses all of their descendants to the end of time because he gave up his “birthright”
Do I need to mention the punishments for breaking some of the 613 “commandments”? GTFOH
@@hereticlife2546 not till the end. The 3rd and 4th generation. The birth right was Esaws He was cursed as a servant by his father not God.. Forgetting the fact you've miss read some passages in the old testament. Can I ask have you read the new testament the new covenant?
@@hereticlife2546 Last time I had my BBQ stolen. I would have been happy to see some old testament law applied. I very much doubt you're any different when your house is burgled or any other crime is committed. Let's not pretend,
Brave dude. I feel for him 😞. Glad he pissed off old king Hen.
Brilliantly done again untoldpast keep it up bud. 👊😁
I agree Simon! Thanks again for your kind words of support.
he is my 15th great uncle. His niece was my 14th ggrandmother who was married to Rowland Taylor who was burned at the stake.
Hello cousin, William Tyndale was my 15th Great Uncle, and Rowland Taylor and Margaret Tyndale were my 14th GGrandparents..
@@ccrum1127 this is so cool. Hi cousin.
He’s in heaven forever now, thank you William Tyndale for translating the greek manuscript. The world needs to find Jesus before it’s too late.
Right on 👍😊❤️🇦🇺
How do you find a fictional man
@@DonaldUndercoat Jesus told the thief next to him on the cross “today you will be with me in paradise”
@@DonaldUndercoat yes and yes :)
Barney 1014 if paradise is not referring to heaven then what is it?
Wow, so they executed this man, then adopted the very policy they executed him for!
Very laughable of the Church!!
I have lived in Vilvoorde for meny years and there is a little museum of William Tyndale. Great video 🙏
The disgusting treatment of ordinary and extra ordinary people by the state they live in is vile.
Our daily dose of horrific executions served
600 years is a long time and these guys are still being talked about 'when I die I will be forgotten in 3 days hoho
You know you love these videos when you stop listening to AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long to watch the latest from TheUntoldPast.
Anne Boleyn : Not tonight dear, I have a headache!
Henry VIII : Not a problem, I'll take care of that!
Very witty, actually after listening to these videos, Anne was eager, and Henry was having the headaches in the bedroom department
Is if shameful to say that that actually made me laugh out loud. Well done 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
If it's a video about an execution in Tudor times, you can already guarantee it with be HORRIFIC or BRUTAL.
And all these murderers shall NOT escape the Justice of GOD! And all the Murder Victims shall RISE in the resurrection through Our Lord JESUS CHRISTUS !
What a brave man! Much admiration
This brought tears to my eyes
His betrayer and murderers are in HELL.
He was my uncle.
His sister Mary....is one of my ancestors.
She fled to Pennsylvania Colony.
Is there any places where he was from thar I can visit? I'm near where he was born. Have you any stories of him you can share? I've just ordered his bible ❤️
Im not really sure, I dont know much about that part of the family.
Other than he was a professor at cambridge...
And that his sister fled to Pennsylvania...after he was murdered.
Supposedly his head is inside of a concrete wall fixture, overlooking a bridge at Cambridge
And his bible manuscripts, are at a book store in Ireland.
That's all I got so far.
You probably know more about, it than I do.
Your there... I'm not even allowed, in the country.
Because we're criminals...we chose to follow the Old Order Brethern.
We denounced Catholicism, and the Queen.
The Queen, and the Catholic Church are the largest entitled landholers in the world.
I'll be executed, for trespassing.
Because I'm a bretheren...not a royal subject.
I'm an Elder, of the Old Order Bretheren...
I also get persecuted and mistaken for my similar religious customs akin to Islam.
Technically the queen probably is my niece....not my overlord.
We haven't finalized any DNA research studies yet.
@@VRCM_Skywarn_XUSA wow they take things to nut levels. The queen is an old b anyway. Did you see how they all bowed to it recently? Creepy. Like a bunch of zombies. royalty are trash and are transgenders too its their religion. Hateful bunch
What amazes me about stories like these is the fact that Christians in the Bible are said to be the most persecuted. laughed at and and killed for their belief.
But it didn’t note that it would be by the people who believed in the same god
Their is a difference between the way of God and human Politics. Today, Politics tells you that our leaders care for us but they don't, the same applied to Christianity. Those who call themselves Christians are qualified not just by the reference but by the works attached to it. A man/woman in overflowing robes and shining jewlries cannot tell you he/she is a Christian when he/she does things that he/she wouldn't like God to do to him/her.
Killed by people who “claim” to believe in the same God
Pagan Catholics do not believe in the same God.
I was always weary of learning british kings and queens. It seems daunting and confusing. But you make it interesting and I actually retain the information. Thank you.
Thanks. Very interesting. William's life is most inspiring.
If I could go back in time and prevent this bullshit from spreading, I would.
Brilliant! 👏👏👏👏👏
Hmmmm, so Thomas More was not such a saint after all as portrayed in The Man For All Seasons’... he too met his death in a horrible way...just goes to shows.. believing in God is not gonna save you from a mad king or greedy prosecutors...
Exactly... Sir More had many innocent people killed before he met his fat
No, you misunderstand. Jesus said "take up your cross (death) and follow me" Christianity TO THIS DAY can get you killed in most parts of the world.
Apparently Thomas More used to really enjoy eating his dinner after he had persecuted some protestants that day
@@marilyntape508 to paraphrase Robert Duval said in ‘Apocalypse Now... ‘there’s nothing like the smell of burning Protestants in the morning..’
more was a religous fanatic and a bad politician.
I learn so much by watching this
God bless Mr. Tyndale he is a Giant among all that believe that Salvation comes from Believing in Jesus as the real Messiah. Just believe as the Bible says. He died for God's word. That's like the Medal of Honor for soldiers in heaven.
I have never understood from what, exactly, we are being saved if we take Jesus Christ into our lives.
@@somyod2u Saved from not giving money to the Church! Why is God always broke?
@@somyod2u Saved from death my friend, and before the coming of Jesus Christ where he will judge the living and the dead.
@@thelionofjudah5318 " Saved from death" you say. Please indicate where these people are . If you can do that, I shall be impressed.
Excellent video!
Imagine being such a tyrant that you have a man brutally killed for making the word of God available to the masses.
Bruh everyone talks about how brutally he was killed. The most brutal thing is actually that he was held in a dungeon for 16 fucking months. I would personally rather die than go trough that.
Basically the Roman Catholic church forbid anyone to translate the Bible because the people would see the Catholic church and it's pagan rituals were not in the Bible!
Always interesting and informative 👍
William Tyndale's letter from prison, before his untimely death:
"I believe, most excellent Sir, that you are not unacquainted with the decision reached concerning me. On which account, I beseech your lordship, even by the Lord Jesus, that if I am to pass the winter here, to urge upon the lord commissary, if he will deign, to send me from my goods in his keeping a warmer cap, for I suffer greatly from cold in the head, being troubled with a continual catarrh, which is aggravated in this prison vault. A warmer coat also, for that which I have is very thin. Also cloth for repairing my leggings. My overcoat is worn out; the shirts also are worn out. He has a woolen shirt of mine, if he will please send it. I have also with him leggings of heavier cloth for overwear. He likewise has warmer nightcaps: I also ask for leave to use a lamp in the evening, for it is tiresome to sit alone in the dark. But above all, I beg and entreat your clemency earnestly to intercede with the lord commissary, that he would deign to allow me the use of my Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Grammar, and Hebrew Lexicon, and that I might employ my time with that study. Thus likewise may you obtain what you most desire, saving that it further the salvation of your soul. But if, before the end of winter, a different decision be reached concerning me, I shall be patient, and submit to the will of God to the glory of the grace of Jesus Christ my Lord, whose spirit may ever direct your heart. Amen."
W. Tyndale
Point is, the religious higher archly did want the peasants to be able to read the Bible as the Bishops and Priests wanted to continue to frighten the life out of the peasants to death.
And the people of England still recognize the horrible, murdering monarchy and worldwide so many claim to worship the Christ in whose name millions have been tortured and murdered. I don't think the real Christ would go for any of the horror that has been committed in his name.
We owe the Master Christ for letting him complete so much of what he wrote before being murdered by the Roman empire.
Did william translate the bible in eny other different languages as well.
Strange that a King who makes himself the head of the Church in England, would burn a Bible in English !!! Would have made more sense to encourage it's distribution & in this way convert people to the Protestant faith because they had access to God's word direct & not via just the Church. Dreadful that he was killed so brutally before his translation became available & accepted, seems Henry wanted his foot in both the Catholic & Protestant faith camp's, nothing like having your bread buttered on both sides !!,
King Henry VIII was not a Protestant, it was his son king Edward VI who actually turned England and Wales into Protestant countries.
@@somyod2u That's where the confusion lies, Henry break's from Rome, declares himself head of the Church but proceeds to destroy the Abbey's & Monastic sites making thousands homeless, using their wealth for his own ends, uses divorce laws more akin to the Protestant faith as & when required entertains both heads of Church, cherry picking on both. Yet instead of allowing the English translation of the Bible to used whether of either faith doesn't seem logical but then nothing Henry did was in a lot of respects &: I never stated he was a Protestant if you compare some of his actions with those of later Protestant Monarchs one has to wonder which camp his foot was really in?
It could be dangerous to teach the common peasants to read, they may have got ideas above their station.
@@knightowl3577 that's true can't have the surf's considered people instead of chattels
A man ahead of his time
I would say a tame execution compared to some of the barbaric ways that some criminals were executed in those days
A truly great man.
It seems to me that any high status execution ordered by the english crown was horrific. Hung, drawn and quartered, dismembered, the royals to me, were not very forgiving
Every time I brink up William Tyndale or John Wycliffe to a RCC member they freak out for no reason. Especially when they are English speakers. Like bro, these guys like Wycliffe and Tyndale gave us the English Bible, devoted their lives and were martyred at the stake so the farm boy could know as much of the Scriptures as the clergy did. The fact they are not considered Martyrs or Saints by the RCC for their contributions to the English language is astonishingly plain that they still be salty about Reformation.
Our church has a 'lollards tower' where followers of Wycliffe were imprisoned. Lollards were considered subversive by the state and church, a garrison was established in the town to 'keep an eye' on the population.
William Tyndale was my 12th great uncle. His niece, Lady Margaret Ursula Tyndall (alternate spelling) was my 11th great- grandmother, married to my 11x g-grandfather, Dr. Rev. Rowland Taylor, who was martyred at the stake at Hadleigh, Suffolk, being one of the Marian Martyrs, under “Bloody” Queen Mary I.
The Tyndale Bible was one of the first works written in Modern English, bringing the language into the Modern Era. It also supported early efforts at democracy, giving the common people who were literate, the power to read and interpret the text for themselves.
Good as gold as ever pal : )
Tyndale's killing showed that God was not behind the Roman Catholic church.
not only most people were illiterate, even those that were literate could not read the Bible, because it was in a language they did not understand. what was the point of it all then?
Oh, how painful the translation of the Bible. What about forgiveness? Was the death regarded as a fair demise of someone who exposed his perspective of religion..
the courage of people like Tyndale back in those days beggars belief
I agree! Thanks for your comment.
@@TheUntoldPast - ty sir - you are my go to channel for horrible executions
Henry: nope nope burn the books this is blasphemy burn the books, burn him
After death
Henry: oops I agree with the books now
What a true legend...he humbles me so. Good job William 👏
So lucky to live in more enlightened time & that religion is seen for the primative superstition that it is.
Great work, thank you 👍🏻
What? Primitive like your grammar? Enlightened like SJW'S? Like Boris and Blair? Wake up.
Luck has nothing to do with it and we are living in times of great spiritual darkness. This man was a brilliant mind who God used to translate the Holy Bible in the common language. He gave his life struggling against primitive superstitition to ensure that all could hear the glad tidings of forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. It was religious men that killed him. Today the neo religionists are atheist evolutionists and fickle politicians who would dispense of the dearly won rights to proclaim the gospel of Christ and other hard won freedoms at the drop of a hat.
@@hanajinks1044 What's "SJW's"?
Enlightened as in we're free to believe what we want to & not be killed for it. Boris and Blair are both awful, but not a patch on Henry VIII.
@@joha790 I'd say we live in far more spiritually enlightened times where we can worship who or what we want to & aren't indoctrinated from birth to live in fear of a fictitious god who was used to create fear and obedience by the state. So many atrocities have been committed in the name of "God" & "Jesus" throughout history and false religion has held back our development for hundreds of years. Jesus would be appalled.
Thank you for your comment.
Hold on Steve, what's coming is gonna make the Tudor period seem like a picnic. Between the Globalists and Social Justice Warriors and other assorted Marxists,...do you have any idea what's going on? You're about to be enslaved and it will hasten the return of our Great King, Jesus Christ. Primitive superstition, you say? Come back in twelve months and let's see where we are. In two years our societies will be unrecognizable.
I have always loved the Geneva Bible, I never use the KJV..found that William Tyndale is my 15th Great Uncle..
You didn’t mention what happened in 1534 by Henry VIII. Tne Tradgey of Ireland, the FitzGeralds. The 9th Earl of Kildare, was the first to go. So Silken Thomas and his 5 uncles were betrayed and done the same. Trumped up charges of treason.
It's strange that people still believe in religion when kings/ queens executed people for being one version of the faith or the other... Henry VII executed Catholic s and Protestants while he claimed both.
Funfact: Protestants spread the accusation that Catholics burned Tyndale alive at the stake when it was the Protestant King Henry VIII the founder of the Anglican Church who ordered the execution of Tyndale.
This is completely wrong. The Anglican church was founded on the last day of Henry VIII because of its conflict on divorce and marriage and obviously not titled as a ruler of England by the papacy of Rome. Thomas Moore also opposed the separation of England from being a Catholic nation to become a Protestant nation, he also pushed was behind the killing of William Tyndale due to its translation of the Bible to the common man, such act is a heresy of the Roman Catholic Church, because only the Roman Catholic priests are authorized to interpret the Bible. Henry VIII and Thomas Moore conspired to kill William Tyndale. England was ruled by the papacy of Rome, that authority in matters of faith, religion and the interpretation of the Scriptures must come from them.
Why are all these “HORRIFIC executions of...” videos being recommended to me?!
William Tyndale Was a Martyr of Jesus Christ!!! ✝️🙌🕊️
The Roman Catholic Church
The Church is one
The Church is holy
The Church is apostolic
The Church is dynastic
The Church is Hierarchical
The Church is messy
The Church is Mystery
The Church is teacher
The Church is Mother
The Church is universal
The Church is sacramental
The Church is authoritative
The Church is visible
The Church is unchangeable
The Church is missionary
The Church is the Kingdom of God
The Church is TRUTH
The Church is the bride of Christ.
The Church is the mystical body of Christ
The Church is in the world not of the world.
The Roman Catholic Church is Satanic.
I am feeling more and more smug being an atheist
That’s what I heard that it was Henry the 8th another Protestant that burned him.. not the Catholic Church like so many say it was..
OmG ..another brutal innocent execution
Ahh, betrayal... my unfailing companion....
Les plus religieux souvent les plus cruels en jugeant leurs interlocuteurs dissidents et vouant ceux-ci à des morts atroces.
What a waste..... truly sad.
Did he really start a degree in 1506? that would have made him 12 years old at the time.
they left school before 16 they was younger back
A man of principle.
It's funny how many people point out they had ansesters exicuted by henry viii.... But coz America & Australia hadn't even been discovered & colonised yet & king henry VIII exicuted at least 72,000 people back at a time when the entire world's population was still quite small & made even smaller by all the wars, famine, childbed fever, black death & sweating sickness... I'd b amazed if there was anyone alive now that wasn't somehow related to any of henry's victims! Just think about it! 🤔
That’s what capital means.
Wow this is truly amazing so you mean to tell me that English translated Bible verses for a comparable life cocaine or heroin today or like fennel this is amazing this is the type of stuff we need to know as a society
Great hes a good protestant 'that's all that matters 'carry on now I'll listen now
The Catholic church did horrible things in the past. May God forgive them and open they eyes of the people
Why does the comment section of these videos become a place for people to dump on religion? This is the history of things that PEOPLE have done, for their own agendas, and I’d say they used religion as a tool to further their own ends. Atheists do just as many horrific things, or do people who want to bag religion have a blind spot in these matters? It’s not religion that’s the problem, it’s human nature at its worst. Better to focus on good people who try to make the world a better place.
What a blessing the homicidal maniacs known as the Tudor dynasty died out.
Its 2021.
Tyndale was black, and identified as a non binary with pronouns hts/ngs
Tudors were Monsters