Today I'm sharing 12 items to never declutter! These are items you should keep while you're decluttering. Sometimes when you start decluttering, it can be easier to start with what to keep so start here :) Click here for a clean & tidy home! Join my mailing list for emails that will make your life easier! Decluttering playlist:видео.html Time saving cleaning hacks playlist:видео.html Cleaning Routines playlist:видео.html
some times oh soaps and shampoos another thing you in emergancy pinch can aldo help wash cloths and or dishes if needed too... sometimes put a little in with some white vinager you camn use them to sanitize clean mirrors and wash your showers etc.. soaps is soaps...
on all the kitching utensils etc old vases you have flowers given you etc. here away to share photos if you have a kitchen yable okay put a glass and have it sized for your table and put all your cheished memories photos do not stick the photos on the tables instead just set tgem up with menory cards and photis you can also organize tgem and change them up from time to time tgey are great conversation pieces so shelves on wall place a metal and spray paint color of shelf and use thise refridurator magnet photo holders and your doirs in and out home if it metal frame up and make really cool memorie doirs also on wals same thing remember the old fashion movie shades same consept fix at top if you want to have different decores diferent seasons themes etc... yet want to have old family memories night just roll down the shade and share memories and if you do tgem as pockets you csn like store several together always put like a small spacer at each corner so to keep photos from sticking to them.... like old fashion postor boars well males and design memore collage boards and be creative make collages and frame tgem around the house and place albums scapbook them place them around or if have book shelf make like book shelf on the walls can lay flat or upright be creative tgank for you ideas all im left with is old memories... if you have old cloths from loved ones and you have that shirt inphotos ie concert t shirts etc... make a tshirt qut type tshirt and pkace a really cool homade frame of your loved one and make it like a button or pin or a shadow box to capture the memore and as children grow up of it daddy little boys can put on tshirt and pin get photo and then capture into another and then it a handmedown memory of loved ones gone but never forgotten same for momma too for little gorls and if tshirts can be worm by either boy or girls cool have each child wear and picture pin it too...
Not only stressful but GUILT INDUCING. I like your example of the shampoos. Now if it’s been hanging around unused for 4 or more years, then of course toss it. But to be made to feel that you should only have one of each bc it looks better in the shower or drawer or whatever is just silly as well as wasteful. I am very frugal with shampoo and soap so it takes me a long time to use them completely. Sometimes a year or more. I have no reason to throw it out just bc it’s older. Again, that doesn’t mean to keep an entire cabinet of old expired products that you never use. I’m talking about being mindful of how much you purchase, without being captured by the latest new thing, as you mentioned in this video.
@@tarynmaria_ So agree! Finally someone giving permission to keep the extra practical stuff! All these minimalists wanting only 1 towel per person is too much for me. And yet somehow this video focusing on what is good to keep actually made me refocus on the good and useful stuff and be able to let go of the non-useful. Thank you! I don’t know how I found you, but I’m a subscriber now!
@@ShellBellz I AGREE AND AM WITH YOU 100%. It’s nice hearing “PERMISSION” to keep ‘some things’ you don’t want to get rid of. Not talking to the level of hoarding.. of course. And.. I don’t wanna explain myself, numerous times, why I’m keeping something. ETC.. FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD, HUH😁😁😁😁😁
I hardly cook and I have this huge pot I inherited in my kitchen. It's like a witch's cauldron. I thought realistically I'm never going to cook for that many people but I also thought if I ever wanted to buy a pot like that, it would be expensive to buy it. I have enough room in the kitchen so I kept it. Fast forward to present day and our building is having issues with gas so I have no warm water in the bathroom. That huge pot is suddenly very useful to heat up water on the stove and use it for showering while things get fixed.
Extra crockpots...i have like 5 crockpots, i bought 2 the other 3 was gifts....when we are super busy working outside in the yard or going to be gone all day and no time to cook supper, or I sick but rest of famiky is not...I can cook a whole meal in the crockpots, even desesert! 1 for the meal, 1 for backed potatoes, 1 small one for corn on cob, 1 for green beans, 1 for a cake! Cant tell you how much this helped me when I decided to go back to college for another degree and had 3 children at home! Plus, I use them for family or holiday dinners to help cook some of the items and/or keep items warm.
Blankets are also part of a household's emergency kit. Probably a good idea to keep one in your car, if you have one, in case you get stranded & the temperature falls too low.
Woollen blankets could also be a lifesaver in a wildfire. Keep one in your car to wrap yourself in, in case you ever get caught. (Even better if soaked in water but that may not be possible).
I want to thank you particularly for saying don't declutter other people's things. In my work, I hear from people with mental health and addiction issues. It is amazing how many people have a painful traumatic injury that still hurts them from other people taking and throwing out their things. People can be denying the importance of your life and your feelings without even meaning to do that.
That is so true. I have resently experienced something like that. Someone took lightly a suggestion I had for not cutting down some narssis flowers that were about to bloom in the side of a church building. I have waited all year to see them bloom and I wanted to make sure the lawn maintenance people knew they were there. I am sure they will soon be chopped down like weeds next time I go to see them... I felt shame for caring about the flowers but worse when my feeling were discarded as a joke. 😔 I could imagine if it were my belongings being discarded like that...
This is spot on. My mother HATED that I was a tomboy and once asked me to bag up my favorite toys (action figures, toy cars and trucks, etc) so she could 'save them". I was 5 or 5 and did as I was told, only to discover later that she 'accidentally" threw them away. I believed her but looking back am inclined to think it was intentional. It was almost like she threw me away because those toys were a reflection of parts of my personality that I liked and enjoyed (that she didn't). Unfortunately she passed away when I was young and we never got to talk about it but that and other incidents.caused me to feel unwanted and rejected - by my own mother.
When someone gets rid of something you own, even if it is relatively insignificant, they are disrespecting you and demonstrating that they think so little of you that you are irrelevant. These are *your* items to do with as you choose. I once saved up and bought a 10-speed bike when I was a teen. I was working and going to school full time. My Dad gave my bike to one of my brothers because, he said, i didn't use it enough and my brother wanted it. Same with my guitar.
We rented a lake cabin for a week with another couple. I said, “ to cut down on dishwashing,why don’t we both bring our oddball paper products from past parties to use for breakfast,lunch,dessert and snacks.(we ate on real dishes for dinner,it was worth it.) It turned out to be so much fun and thrifty. For breakfast we ate on “It’s a Girl!” pink plates and lunch was on Super Bowl plates and napkins,etc.
This is my favorite decluttering video EVER because it reflects real life. To me, keeping USEFUL extras around isn't clutter, it's just being prepared!
My grand daughter laughs at me for having a new in box kureic coffee maker. I explained that when my current one goes out it may be first thing in the morning and I will be able to get the new one out of closet and use it. She also shakes her head at the extra toilet papI buy but I decided after covid I was never going to be hunting for toilet paper again. Nothing wrong with extas😂
I agree. It's hard for me to get rid of paper towels or extra perfume or shampoo or towels when I can use them but I did just throw away 100 nicely folded rags from my cleaning closet. You only need so many of an item!
@@lauramiller6294I so agree with the toilet paper, when covid hit in the UK myself and daughter were looking for that for us and two sets of parents, I always keep a stock now.
I agree: do not get rid of other people's stuff. My dad used to do that with our stuff. It completely poisoned our relationship. I agree with your list wholeheartedly!!
My Dad got rid of a box of mine full of correspondence. It did not poison our relationship as I knew he was driven to de-clutter, but it hurt. The contents included love notes from the dearest friend in my late teens.
I agree. The goals for many of the minimalist/declutterers seems to be bare horizontal surfaces and near empty storage cabinets and closets, with little consideration for function or the "what ifs" in life.
When our house burned down many years ago, we found out that we could buy solidly built antique furniture for less than the same thing in a department store that was stapled together fake wood.
Sadly laminate won't likely survive a single move before it's trash. I just got a wood MCM buffet I'm.using as a TV stand. It's already 65 years old or so, so it'll probably outlive me. DEFINITELY VERY SOLID. Wood can also be refinished and repaired.
So sorry to hear about your house, but you are correct. As I have to replace furniture items or when I find real cheap or free, old antique furmiture I will grab it if I can find a place and use for it or can revamp into another use from original use. Will even hrab and fix up if needed to gift to my children, which is needed and appreciated for them.
1. Certain toiletries 2. Paper products 3. Items used once a year -i.e. roasting pan for Thanksgiving, gravy boat, etc 4. Stuff that is not yours 5. Unknown spare parts 6. Reserve of items - towels, sheets, pillows 7. Duplicate items - wooden spoons, spatulas, scissors, tape measure 8. Storage photographs 9. Solid wood and vintage furniture 10. Important Papers - birth certificates etc 11. Sentimental items you love 12. Family heirlooms
I moved and wanted to keep my all wood beautiful armoir. I had no room for it because things had to go into a storage unit. I'm still sad about it. And my entire CD collection, books and handmade dolls. Ugh😢
Duplicates, anything I hate, like toasters that the button moves when you wipe under it is not going to be my problem for long. Stuff that sorta works but not valuable enough to get fixed. Mold and mildew, most of the time are deal breakers. I did have great luck w the extremely noxious 30% vinegar in cleaning aisle at Home D. Don't breathe it, though. It's nasty. That's for like metal items. Hopefully, it won't come back.
My sister closed out my mother's apt and literally dumped evrything into a dumpster because she's a " strict declutterer". Now 2 yrs later Mom passed, and I'm asking the probate lawyer where are the grandparents items they immigrated with? So far no answers. Some of my grandparents items are true I hate to think they were trashed. Sigh.
I have donated used, but only used a few times, items like shampoos, conditioners, lotions, makeup, etc. that I bought but discovered that I don't care for, to a local women's shelter. They really appreciate it and it helps me to declutter.
Yes! Especially the better quality stuff. It might not be your favorite, might not work for you, but when you're down on your luck it can be so nice to shampoo with your favorite brand/scent or have a tube of good mascara. I didn't care when I was homeless, except for having good quality Aunt Flo products, but many of the other ladies got so happy when GOOD razors or shampoo got dropped off.
Hotel samples were my weak spot & then I would never use them ! Finally, I did donate to a woman's shelter via the town social services dept & they were happy to have them.
Excellent video! Towels and sheets that you have are better quality than what you would buy in the future! There is a fine line between decluttering and wasting.
I've started resewing old sheets into new pillow cases, because the top sheet would always last longer than the fitted sheet. It's preventing us having to buy something new, and gets rid of the old clutter at the same time. Win win!
@rnlass8698 I recently have quit using the queen bed that was in the master bedroom, now that the "master" has been kicked out. My current bed is an ancient 3/4 bed that I love. I will take some of the queen sheets and blankets, and resize them for my new 3/4 mattress. The queen sized bed will soon be gone, too. ☺
Sheets today are pretty crappy. They are all polyester which are hot in the summer, and get little ball fuzzies on them. I love old sheets, cotton, or blend. The older they get the better. Like sooooo soft, and cool in the summer.
I think I regret parting with were certain clothes. I have always been slender, but after a surgery some years back that affected my hormones, I gained 15 lbs that I could not get rid of, so my clothes were tight. My doctor said it was hormonal, so I resolved to just thinking I will never be a size 4 again and accepted my new weight AND got rid of all of my pants and quite a few other things. I have always purchased "classic" items, never going for "trendy" so these classic items would not have gone out of style, plus they fit so well and loved the styles. Fast forward, after a few years my body was all healed and my weight normalized back down to my normal, lower weight. I went to buy a couple of pairs of pants and was so shocked at the quality of the fabrics today, plus all pants are high rise waisted - something that is not flattering since I am short waisted plus I find it uncomfortable with the very stiff fabrics. I can no longer find the mid rise that go just over the hips :( Plus I got rid of a beautiful taupe cardigan only to find again, the quality of the fabrics now a days is just not there. I found this especially true with cotton. Now, I am more mindful of parting with things I know I will miss in the future. This also includes beach hats, extra blender cups, and cute shoes
I did the same. Declutterred things that were too small after hanging onto them for years. I gained weight due to a health issue also. Not long after I donated, I started losing the weight. 20# in 4 months. Now I wear mostly legging, sweats or pull up type skirts and shorts with no zippers. I look frumpy but don’t want to buy until I stop losing weight. I have about 20# more to get to my normal pre health issue weight.
I have an autoimmune disease and whenever I have a flare up I lose anywhere from 15-35# so I have various clothes sizes because I’m never certain when I will be a different size, also as a woman with large feet ( size 11) I only buy very comfortable high quality shoes ( never inexpensive shoes as I cannot stand for my feet to be uncomfortable) so I never declutter shoes ( and I have quite a few 😁) most of them would be expensive and difficult to replace if I could even find them in my size
Agreed about the quality! However, I had kept one size up and one size down for more than a decade and have stayed at the same size. If for some reason I am lucky enough to lose enough weight to go down a size, I will treat myself with some new clothes (I hardly ever buy new clothing or shoes unless they are worn out). I always wear the same few items of clothing all the time anyway.
I couldn't agree with you more. We don't HAVE to go minimalist in order to declutter. Start with the trash, box up what you don't use but love, give away what you don't but is still good, repurpose what you can and enjoy what you have!
Don't throw away things that belong to your kids without involving them. Ever. My mom regularly threw away and/or gave away my toys behind my back, and I felt it took away my voice, and it made me feel as if my opinion and feelings didn't matter. You never know if the unimportant-looking thing you throw out isn't of major emotional importance to your child. I honestly think I'd be less of a hoarder today if I'd been taught how to do my own decluttering and if I'd had a chance to learn to make my own decisions on throwing/giving things away - instead of being left to mourn the loss of items that I cherished for whatever personal reason...
Thank you for sharing that! That is a great point about teaching kids to declutter their own things. I'm more so talking about clothing and maybe broken toys or toys that are stored that they don't even know we still have.
My mom threw away a favorite book. I went to look for it and it wasn't there. Asked my mom, she said she donated it to a church function. I was so mad. She never had anything as a child since she was poor so didn't understand the reason for wanting to keep it.
Your comment applies in so many areas beyond our “stuff”. It’s true, we are not always well taught and it’s tough “growing up in public”. Funny enough, i “learned” to keep stuff bc my mother and sister did. I thought I was weird because I didn’t. I started saving stuff ridiculously. And it’s overwhelming when it turns to any form of hoarding. Anyway, you comment is very appreciated in other areas of my life. Thanks for putting it here. Glad I stopped by this video and read some comments including yours. ❤
I'm guilty of this. After 5x decluttering I decided to throw away my husband's subscription with REPEAT on it. When he asked about it I was ashamed hehe, lucky his medicine is a cream and still half otherwise he needed to go doctor again for prescription
As far as duplicates go, (and storing like with like) I totally break those rules with scissors. We have a water softener in our basement utility room and my husband needs scissors to open the bag. I would go to grab my scissors in the kitchen while I was busy cooking only to find them missing and have to run downstairs to get my scissors. Now I keep a dedicated pair of scissors in the utility room and then I keep an additional pair on each floor. Every time I need a pair of scissors I feel grateful they are right where they are supposed to be and nearby.
I agree on the towels, kitchen utensils, and spare parts! I also keep a pair of scissors in every room. People laugh but then are grateful when they are at hand!
I was over 50 before I realized the value of family items. I recall toys when I was a little girl that I wish I still had. I didn't have children and my only relatives are distant. But it would be nice to know that I could leave a little museum of quality items of my life to others who are old enough to appreciate receiving quality vintage items.
I had vitamin E oil I didn’t like the scent, so now I just use it on my dry cracked feet. I can’t smell it there and it still works well for moisturizing..
Yes! Extra towels! For when I've spilled a full glass of water on the lounge carpet or dropped a 2litre bottle of water (I've done both) or when I'm defrosting the freezer and ice is going everywhere! Even when I was ridiculously unwell with a chest and sinus infection, to cover my bed pillows, so I didn't get yucky fluids everywhere when I was sleeping. Additional old towels are useful in so many areas, even if you've got 'nicer' ones for the bathroom.
Omgoodness I’m not sure where you came from, your video was on my feed🤪. 👏👏👏 Finally someone who has a sense of purpose for your things! Most people are get rid of it, you don’t need it, why are you saving that?!! Yes there is a fine line but your information is very valuable! Thank you ❤️😀
I agree with everything you are saying. Almost all of my furniture belonged to my grandparents born in the 1890s, and my parents. The living room is beautiful rock maple that is upholstered with wide wooden arms that you can set a glass or plate on. Two bedrooms are solid cherry and one is solid oak. The dining room has a table, 6 chairs, a serpentine buffet, hutch, and serving cabinet that are made of walnut from the 1920s. When my sister and I had our DNA done with Ancestry we connected to a 3rd. cousin who lives on the west coast. She was given boxes of pictures and letters from a great aunt. In the box she had pictures of my 3rd great grandmother and her family and I had pictures of her 3rd great grandmother and family. In the 1870s two sisters were separated when the one went as a pioneer to Washington Territory. The only contact they had was through letters and pictures. Their brother visited family in Wales and a newspaper article written about his trip was published and it was saved. Through that we learned of our 4th and 5th great grandparents and their lives over there. In addition I have my mothers and grandmothers hand written recipe books. One cookbook that I got from my mother is Women's Home Companion Cook Book (1945). It has a wealth of recipes and information with everything made from scratch and so many that I remember from my childhood.
Now that I’m older, I appreciate vintage things so much more. They r well made and I Love the nostalgia. And your passed down family recipes are definitely a treasure!💗
What a wonderful story! It reminds me of an old, western movie. I often wonder about things like this when I am watching those. Like, how did those people just leave their parents, knowing, and their parents knew too, that they were NEVER coming back? It’s all very sad, and interesting. Just how did mailed letters travel across the nation? How long did it take? Funny how now we can order something from many online stores and have it delivered sometimes the very same day!
@@vickims682 I was checking my genealogy and it was my 2nd great grandmother Mary and her sister Margaret. They came with their parents and brother from Wales in 1848 and settled in Eastern PA in a mining community. He was a blacksmith. Margaret married JR Jenkins and in 1868 he decided that he wanted to move to CA and try his luck with gold. He with his wife and 6 kids took a boat from NYC to the Isthmus of Panama and crossed by wagon to the Pacific where they got another boat that took them to San Francisco. They spent 3 years in CA and then moved to Bellingham WA. They were one of the first pioneers there. In 1869 the Intercontinental Railroad was complete so mail probably went by boat from WA to CA and then to PA by rail. Mary died in 1883, Margaret in 1888 and their father John died in 1897.
I've been doing a use it up challenge since January of last year and I just have a small way to go with a perfumed body wash that I'm using to clean the toilet bowl, a shampoo that I'm using as body wash, a travel sized conditioner that I'll dump in the toilet if anyone clogs it, and body lotion that I'll use to shave. We just painted our living/dining area and used old curtains and sheets as drop cloths. We also went through our supply of single socks to wipe any paining mistakes. I also used them to dust the ceiling fan and the tops of door and window frames in the spare room. I also feel like you can never have enough junk towels!
I have kept old shower curtains for drop cloths forever. Especially when the kids were little. Now the grands come over and want to do crafts? Cover that table with an old shower curtain
When I was little, under 12 years old, my grandma decluttered all my house plants. A whole window sill. I still remember the pain. She told me the plants weren't rare or worthy of the hassle. Then she decluttered (gifted) my full metal jungle gym when we let her live in our home (I had moved out, but planned to pass it on to my children). Told me my children won't need it. I will never be able to afford a comparable one. Incidents like this put a strain on our relationship forever. Thank you for reminding people not to touch other people's stuff! Oh year, and she threw away most family photos, too.
Too often the advice given is to just take a picture of a beloved item and then donate/sell the item. You'll then have the picture of your keepsake to admire and remind. Doesn't work for me as I am a tactile kind of person. 🖐️
@@juliepowell4407I don’t think taking a picture can ever fill a gap when somethings gone, plus- what are they doing with picture is it going in a easy to find folder or printed ?!
@@r.c.4016sad that you had to make a wisecrack at the expense of someone's feelings. There is so much invalidation in the world, wanting validation is not something to sneer at.
Thank you for the advice about sentimental items and heirlooms. I found I was agonizing over getting rid of these but planning to keep decor from Target which meant nothing to me. I did get rid of a few things when I lived in a much smaller house, but luckily my heart wouldn’t let me get rid of the most sentimental things. Not only do I get to enjoy them everyday in our present home, but my family loves to see them and tell their children about them. Hopefully 🤞 someone in the younger generation will want some of them one day. Have been writing little notes about things lately- stories of jewelry and furniture and decor. Hopefully when we’re gone, it’ll help keep the memories alive. Instead, I’m trying to declutter things from Walmart, Amazon, etc.
I love your strategy! Sentimental items and heirlooms make such amazing decor and can definitely replace anything from Target, Amazon, etc. :) Great idea about the notes you're writing!
Very pleased to have kept furniture and artworks and photography of my grandparents. I wish that i had kept my maternal grandmother's hand written recipes.
I keep old towels and rags for cleaning up big messes, drying off dogs after they been out in the rain, some are used as cleaning clothes, or handed to my husband for in his shop. But I always keep extra nice towels, rags, and sheets, pillows and blankets for company. You never know when something happens and you have a house full, even if you dont have enough beds for them all!
I have a dress from 1989 that I wore to a dance just before my husband proposed to me. It has puffy sleeves and a very tiny waist. I will never get rid of it! I see it every day and it makes me smile!
Finally the voice of reason. I agree with these. I threw away what I thought was an old can. Turned out to be a vital part of ice cream maker I had gotten. I never found something to substitute for that. And the ice cream maker became useless.
I really appreciate your realistic approach to decluttering. I will be moving my roasting pan and other big kitchen items to a safe place in my crawl space instead of cluttering my small pantry. I recommend plastic tubs that have a weather seal to keep all extra towels/blankets safe from mold and bugs, not all plastic tubs are the same!
I found a place for my canning pot in my bedroom closet and extra blankets are in the cabinet above the fridge. They wouldn't fit the other way. My sister used to keep her pressure cooker under her bed.
I am so glad you mentioned some old photos and heirlooms that you like, of course. Gives your home character and history and honors those who have passed. The tendency now is to throw everything away, it seems. Just need to decide what is important.
Thank You for this video. I live 16 miles from the closest town and it’s only 600 people. I can’t just run to town whenever I need something. I also cook for at least 10 plus people thru the year. Sometimes up to 20. Feed hired men, family etc. I have to have multiples of certain things. The minimalist life just doesn’t work on the farm/ranch. And I also work outside everyday so have to have certain appliances to make things easier. Love the video ❤️
I keep mugs with pens, pencils, markers, highlighters and scissors in multiple locations so they are always close at hand: in the foyer where I bring in the mail and pay bills, next to my computer in the dining room, next to my favorite chair in the living room, in my bedroom and in the kitchen. I also have a few in these items in a waterproof container in my laundry room. So convenient to always have them close at hand and not need to run to another room or up and down stairs!
This! Many little things don't get done or notes written down because we'd have to run up or down stairs to get a sharpie, a sticky note, etc. I keep these and SCISSORS handy, and it puts the old mugs to use. Several mugs I really liked that cracked or handle came off, are now useful for this.
Well... Tell you why I'm traumatized (example). One day I went to the backyard, my mom was there burning stuff in a drum. There was a box on the ground, and when I took a peek, I saw a piece of (fake) jewelry and some other stuff, that belonged to me. She was burning my things behind my back! I guess some of my most beloved bookmarks went that way too, never saw them since then. Please don't do that to your children. It's more than half a century and I haven't forgotten or forgiven for what she did.
Oh my gosh, that is terrible!! My suggestion about kid's stuff was the broken toys and clothing they've outgrown that they don't care about. Definitely not their stuff they love and use :( So sorry that happened!
@@tarynmaria_OK, I understand that. But sometimes kids also love the darnedest things and you as an adult can't know how important they can be for a kid. I loved my one-eyed teddy bear years after it had gotten holes &c. I'm glad it didn't get burned, or thrown away.
@@tarynmaria_ the words you actually said in the video is things they "can't part with". That might not have been what you meant, but it sounded like you were saying people should get rid of toys that their child loves and is upset at the thought of throwing away.
I remember years ago my mom went on a cleaning binge and got rid of a lot my old stuffed animals. It didn’t bother me EXCEPT for my old stuffed Grover, with long ratty blue arms and legs. I was so upset at the time. She felt so bad that years later she bought me a small stuffed “Super Grover.” We laughed about it, but the new Grover wasn’t the same wasn’t the same as my old ratty beast.
Thank you for sharing this been trying to declutter all the other channels say to get rid of stuff like ur china if you don’t use it well I have china from my great grandmother from the country I was born in I was almost convinced to get rid of it. I’m so glad I decided to keep it. Decluttering does not mean getting rid of everything in your house.
Your china set sounds amazing! And I agree - decluttering is so personal, you don't have to get rid of everything, rather, enough to keep your home clean and tidy and how you like it :)
@@tarynmaria_ thank you it’s from the Czech Republic 🇨🇿 and I’m so glad I found ur channel cuz the other lady talks about not having anything on the walls as well sounds kinda depressing
My mother had service for like TWELVE. Much of that mcm era stuff is also full of lead and can't be microwaved. It explodes. Trust me. I forgot once. So, a charity needs that stuff, I can give SOME. Just to have the space. Re purpose a few teacups to hold hand soap bottle or clothespins (to close snack/cereal bags--the OXO things are expensive and don't work for that. Clip actually works best.
After Hurricane Sandy, I had hot water but no electricity. All those towels and blankets came in handy. We've also gone through blankets when my children had a stomach virus. I had to change the blankets and sheets many times in one night. What if your washing machine or dryer breaks, then you'll need those towels.
If you still have occasion for messed up bedding, visit a durable medical equipment supply and get some of the washable “chux”. They have a variety of sizes including full mattress sizes. They are probably available in discount stores but watch for quality so they last. You don’t sweat with some brands and they lay on top of bottom sheet. ❤
I completely agree! Lord knows I have too much stuff, even though I’ve decluttered some. But I watch these folks pare down items they’ll eventually need-like towels, sheets, blankets, etc. I think it’s a waste of money when those items will come in handy. I have-& use-multiple,spatulas, wooden spoons, & more. You go, girl!
@@tinabennett8524 and forts for grandkids! And covers for bushes & plants during cold snaps. And so much more! I just don’t get it with getting rid of so many basic things, but I’m far, far from a minimalist.
Thank you for being a voice of reason. Just yesterday I watched a video that made no sense to me. I mean, my game plan is to live a long life and at some point I'll need to replace my current towels and linens. Why dispose of what I currently have, only to have to repurchase them in the not too distant future -- and at a higher price? Also, it's important to keep spare clothes hangars, dishes and glasses for when company stays. Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
I'm still regularily using some towels that were given to me in 1973!! They do last a long time. One of them is quite threadbare, but the others are still going strong. Maybe I'll upcycle them into some art form. hmmm
I like to have a use and purpose for the heirlooms, I use my mom’s old bean pot for my utensil storage on the counter, the lid is wrapped in bubble wrap in the kitchen draw. I also used it as a cookie jar for years. I’m decluttering to make my life easier not because I’m a minimalist. Many of the decluttering videos are about becoming a minimalist, I want organization. I’m storing the extras in a storage bin or other area in order to make day to day function, cleaning and appearance better. I appreciated your tips.😊
The basis of this video is not just tossing everything, start by getting rid of the excess but then don't fill it back in. Start from there and use items until you absolutely need to replace or replen. Simple math, and don't just because shop!
Good morning Taryn Maria, this is so opposite of what I always hear. Everyone says for us to get rid of things we no longer use. It is somewhat funny. However, you are so right. I'm decluttering my photo albums and I was going to get rid of pictures of me when I was a child. However, my children and grandchildren will one day want to know my history. Things I haven't told them because we live in the present and past is past unless it brings back beautiful memories to pass on to our future generations. I even went further, next to each picture, I wrote a description of who the people with me are, time and event. It's like a story telling. Without me being there to tell them. I'm a senior and don't know when my time will come. At least they will have the pictures and writing that will tell my story.
Good morning Gina! What a great idea to write on each photo. I am going to do the same. And I agree that your children and grandchildren will absolutely want to know your story. I don't think we need to keep everything but I don't think we should get rid of everything either. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I would not get rid of my baby pictures because they are also pictures of my parents who are gone now, when they were young, and my grandmother, who was the age then that I will soon be!!
I wish my family had written names and dates at least , on the photos I have. I will keep them but it’s like photos of bunch of people that I have no idea which ones I related to and which ones are their friends .
Best decluttering video I've seen in years. I agree with all of this. Amazingly, I was attacked on some FB groups for this, and I just left. It's crazy how judgmental people can be. Frankly, I use paper towels, especially with my dog, but I don't use a lot of them. But that is me, and I have no argument with people who don't. Another thing that you didn't mention is extra office supplies. It's not going to go bad, put it all in one box or drawer and it saves so much money. 100% agree on NOT decluttering someone else's stuff. Absolutely. It's about respect. Great job.
My sainted mother threw out a box of toys that I had stored in the back of my closet while I was away at college. They were toys that i had specifically chosen to keep, and one was a collectors item. She also gave my classic Barbies to my neices, which they destroyed. Given that she rarely threw anything out, both actions surprised me. My point is--please ask the "owner" first. Sigh 😕
I'm so sorry that happened. I've felt the anxiety of that when some of my old things were taken out and played with by young family who didn't take care of their toys. Fortunately my most favorite items turned out to be ok, but I think I would have almost cried if that hadn't been the case. ...It's the odd thing about "stuff" -- in the grand scheme, it doesn't matter, but the sentiment around some of it really calls for strong boundaries and delicate care ❤️
Refreshing to hear someone that understands the value of things, along with the value of decluttering, without wasting. Thanks you have some great ideas.
Yessss!!!! On every subject!! Thank you for the validation of having duplicates, extra towels or blankets… keeping items used only once a year etc!!! Thank you!!!! 🙏🏻
So glad it's helpful! I just don't find it realistic to have no extras or duplicates of certain things even though some people do that in the name of decluttering 😊
This perspective is such a breath of fresh air. In the past I’ve been brutal with my declutterring and ultimately had regrets. I’ve even wasted money because I had to go back out and purchase the very thing I got rid of. If you can create some designated storage (garage, attic, basement, guest room closet) to hold some of these items with a future review date, there’s actually some piece of mind and potential financial savings in hanging onto them.
That is so true about repurposing toiletries. I use both shampoo and conditioners that I don't like for shaving and they work better that shaving cream. Hand sanitizer is a great household cleaner especially for stains in bathrooms kitchens and car interiors. Dog shampoo that my dog ended up having skin sensitivity to ended up being a great toilet bowl cleaner.
Great advice. I have never been a hoarder, but, i couldn't help watching these programmes and reading books and articles in WOMENS MAGAZINES. Could you imagine MENS MAGAZINES suggesting they sort through every single thing, in their free time ? NO. Well, i got rid of loads of stuff. Then my family came to stay for a couple of weeks. I had to buy bedding, dishes, towels, pots and pans. I went to give a fresh coat of paint, and GUESS WHAT? I had NO OLD CLOTHES ! So i had to buy a couple of cheap t shirts and trousers (for messy jobs) I have learned a very valuable lesson, and after reading the comments, i think a lot of people have learned from you. 😊
Despite most advice I am so glad I kept a wardrobe of clothes that no longer fitted. Things that were too small for years were a lifesaver when I eventually lost 130 pounds. But no to keeping the too big items! Glad to have discovered your great channel.
I thought I had too many towels until Hurricane Milton came through, and I had to go through 32 towels to keep water out of my house that was pouring in through my back door. So glad we were home. It kept a flood from happening inside the house.
I had a body wash I didn't like, so I turned it into foaming hand soap. I looked up the recipe online and put it into a foaming soap bottle, and put it in the kids' bathroom. If you want the recipe: - Fill the soap dispenser 1/4 to 1/3 full with body wash - Add 1 TBSP witch hazel (this keeps it from going bad, since you've diluted the original antibacterial) - Add warm distilled water (my dispenser holds 1 cup. I melted one plastic dispenser when I made the water too hot, BTW. So if yours is plastic, then don't boil the water). Put the lid on and turn the bottle upside down and back again several times, to mix. HTH!
Thank you for being a moderate voice in this space! There is one thing I would suggest it would be to not store your important papers or photos in random shipping boxes as they contain lignin which breaks down into acidic substances that will destroy your photos and damage/yellow your important papers over time.
When I was becoming more environmentally conscience about 10 years ago I switched to cloth kitchen towels and installed a bidet. I was left with several cases of paper products that were taking up space I wanted to reclaim. My solution? In place of taking wine or another gift when invited to a party I would place a roll of paper towels and two rolls of tp in a gift bag for my host. Sure it got some laughs but more often than not I was told those 2 items were actually a forgotten necessity. I'd wrap the rolls in festive paper (like in "Who Gives a Crap" style) and enjoy the fun. Your list is spot on. I always keep a spare manual can opener in the back of my utensil drawer.
I use paper towels for anything gross that can't go down the drain (fats and grease), wipe them up, wet so they can't spontaneously combust. And freeze w kitchen trash.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 Yes! Paper towels for grease, for when the cat barfs, for anything disgusting. Old washcloths and Swedish dishcloths for everything else. I save the trees as much as I can, but having paper towels around is a must for me.
I totally agree! Everybody wants to declutter as much as possible. Having a clean home is great, but where do people put all the "clutter"? Into the trash. At least parts of it. And create huge piles of trash. People should stop buying so much stuff in the first place!
It's better to find donation points or give it away in a Buy Nothing group. There is almost always a thrift store around that will take many things and resell them. Hopefully the money then goes to a good cause!
Yup! They throw out good items only to rebuy them when they need them again. I got rid of a quesadilla maker someone gave us. I actually love quesadillas but we never used it and it was huge. Don’t need it or miss it. But crockpots and roasting pans? Keep. I donated specialty cake pans to the local library so that ppl could borrow them. Don’t miss those. I don’t need an Elmo Cake pan yearly. But I kept all my regular cake pans. Etc.
This was probably my favorite of your videos that I've seen. Sometimes I gasp at the minimalist expectations, such as 1-2 dishes per family member. It made me wonder if anyone entertains anymore, and that makes me sad to think of the bonding that can't happen because of these "rules." Plus, I'm a klutz that regularly breaks things and needs backup XD Thank you for this!
Yes! Finally a decluttering video that makes sense. Of course hang on to the historical photographs and family heirlooms! You may not be interested in them, and perhaps even your children might not be, so find a niece, nephew, cousin, etc. who is interested. In my family the interest level skip to generation. I am grateful for a grandmother who held on to things until I came along and then passed them down to me. Amen to the part about towels. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too many. I use my junk towels all the time for many different things. They are on a different shelf from the bath towels.
I agree about not getting rid of extra sheets and towels, for the reasons you said, but more. My daughter once got a sudden flu, and I had to change her sheets 5 times in 12 hours. I was so happy I had the extra sheets rather than dealing with a sick child AND having to do laundry
I don’t declutter much. But I do a critical look at repurposing or just adjusting how it’s stored. Makes a big difference, and I’ve saved so much money over time doing just these two things
I agree with everything including the family heirlooms, but one little ring is a lot different than an entire set of china, or a bunch of figurines. In that case I think if you don't want to keep storing and maintaining all that stuff--and no one else in your family wants to either--then choose your favorite piece that you can use and/or display and declutter the rest. Lots of people save entire sets of stuff "to pass down to my kids", and when they leave this earth the kids just get rid of it, because it's not treasure to them; it's just boxes of clutter, and they simply don't want it. One special piece would be a lot more likely to be treasured and kept by the generations to come.
I had littlest pet shop toys I didn’t play with and that was a lot of my childhood. I certainly regret giving them away because my future kids would’ve love playing with them! Oh well can’t change the past now.
This is a very sensible list, and it makes me feel a whole lot better about my (definitely *not* decluttered) home. One thing I might add about the unknown spare parts category: If it's an old part, I'd say it's even more imperative to keep it, since you might never be able to find a replacement for it should you need one.
I like how realistic you are about life happening, company coming over, etc. Suggesting to declutter, without saying anything to anyone about their need to do the same, is spot on! Many more golden nuggets in your post. Thanks!
Thank you! This has been "permission giving" to keep things that are important to me, that others think I should clear out. You have re-framed the whole process to make it more do-able.
Thank you thank you. This reinforces what I think too. I have so much that has been passed down to me that I haven’t wanted to part with. There is plenty of stuff I can donate or toss other than these things❤
I think this is a great reminder that for each of us there are some things worth keeping, and it may be different for each of us. I have two sets of measuring cups and spoons, and scissors in every room. I was a little overzealous in my initial decluttering session a few years ago and there has been more than one time I've turned the house upside down looking for something I probably got rid of. Just because something is needed rarely doesn't mean it isn't needed! Thanks for being practical.
I have decluttered many things over the years & have not regretted letting go of anything. I decluttered to make it easy to manage my home. I define clutter as anything that consistently gets out of control. Simplifying my possessions has made my life so much easier & happier. We have to manage all the things in our home so if we can pare them down to what we actually need & use it frees up so much time to spend on the things that really matter.
Thank you!! Thank you!! You are one of very few American you tubers talking about decluttering and minimalism in a SENSIBLE way and that THINKS outside the box/considers the environment. Dawn "the Minimal Mum" drives me crazy because she only talks about throwing everything in landfill .. she always say "i care about the environment and how it affects our kids futures" ...BUT then says.." but right now, it is more important to me to just get rid of/bin my clutter" (which she has said in every video for over 5yrs!!!!)... SO she obviously does NOT care about the environment or how she leaves the world for her kids because she continues to promote binning everything. Also she always say "get rid of everything, only have 1 set per person".. eg no extra sheets, towels, kitchen stuff, but then she has keeps loads of kitchen extras in her basement and has a "guest house" and "office" and "tool shed" in one of her many out-houses..where she has "extras, guest stuff" etc... it is so two-faced and unfairly misleading to people listening to her advice (if they haven't been following her for years and managed to pieced together how she is ABLE to have NONE of the extra stuff in the MAIN part of her house." Thank you for being truthful and thinking of the environment and considering that not everyone is... 1) a "stay home mum" that can do eg washing 24/7, and 2) doesn't not have the money to burn on using a tumble dryer, to put washing back on the bed the same day or 3) doesn't want to use it, because it is bad for the environment. 4) don't have basement to store extras 5) don't have out houses full of stuff/duplicates to accommodate guests, tools, etc 6) don't have big properties to have eg tool sheds etc 7) don't even possibly have a garage for "overflow" 8) live in countries where we legally have to recycle as much as possible 9) she only considers her lifestyle in her "numbers"..and doesn't consider that everyones "sweet number" is different depending on their lifestyle. Eg my 2 sons and I have 2 handtowels and 2 bath towels each at home, but also 2 swimming/sauna towels (we do this all year) and my oldest also has 6 sport/sweat towels for his training 5+times a week. We all work/school outside the house, so I do washing on weekends.. where I live (Europe) you can't leave a washing machine on unattended due to insurance and can't wash nights, sundays, official holidays because it breeches the peace . Etc... the list goes on! All things never considered my many, especially American you tubers like Dawn.
I still glean the odd thing here and there from Dawn and like her videos, but I also bear all these things in mind. I think to a degree that applies to most American decluttering&organising channels vs us in Europe. As you say, our homes weren't built with extra whole rooms for wardrobes, laundry, garages etc. so we will always have to find what works for us in our smaller properties. We live in a small apartment with no garden (/shed), guest room, pantry or any of that, so it is a much bigger challenge for us, resulting in us needing MANY fewer items in our home before it feels cluttered... I'd challenge any of them - Dawn, Dana, Cas... - to do a tiny British apartment and make it look as good as theirs! I'm already resorting to double-duty furniture like in a "Tiny House" (van/boat etc.) We shouldn't hold ourselves to these unrealistic American standards in Europe.
@@HannahRainbow88 Hi Hannah. I totally agree. Dawn has some good stuff.. but because living more minimally is a new (since the "life changing habits" by KonMari) concept for Americans, whos culture revolves around excess consumerism, they seem to obsess about having/needing rules to obtain a more simple, minimal home.. but they use "arbitrary" numbers that suited someone else, without thinking about the why and if it actually fits into ones own lifestyle? But as a scientist and researcher I am very systematic and logical, so maybe that is why these things drive me nuts. I am British, have always been relatively minimal due to living out of a backpack and few boxes for 8+yrs as a student (at 3 Unis, in 9 flats) and I didn't start to accumulate real furniture and possessions until I settled, married and had present living in Germany. I bought a house with no garage, no basement, small attic and tiny garden bike shed so as not to over accumulate (or allow my now ex partner to).. but l still feel I have to much. But I find with kids it is tough to stay minimal. I love that you are not American and take a more logical open sensible approach considering how peoples different lives and lifestyle will affect their needs to acquire a more minimal lifestyle. I watched a video by one you tubers 3+yrs ago that used a more scientific approach to explain eg how to calculate your personal number of clothes, towels, bedding requirements.. it was amazing!.. I have never seen anyone else address all the variables that need to be added into the equation to obtain your personal perfect number since her video. Keep going! I hope your channel takes off and gains many more followers...there aren't many European you tubers that have your style of channel. I love watching YT videos for motivation mainly, so I stay on track with my life values because I struggle with depression and burnout...and I LOVE your videos!
I really believe that decluttering is so personal and that it needs to work for your lifestyle. I am also very conscious about waste. I think a lot of advice out there is about how to declutter but not enough about mindful consumption and waste reduction and it all needs to work together. Thank you for your comment!
After throwing out a thin 3" plastic circle that turned out to be part of a flashlight, we now have a "What is it?" container. I go through it periodically and throw things out that goes to something that's long gone.
Great video! I agree with everything you said. I lost my husband over 3 years ago, and have been trying to declutter some of the things that we collected in 30 years together, but I too realize that there are some things that you shouldn't get rid of. These people that tell you that you don't need more than one of something drive me crazy. I like back-up. I just subscribed to your channel. Thank you. Also, I agree that you should never just get rid of someone elses stuff. Always ask first. How would it feel to have someone just get rid of things you valued.
Such a great video -I used up all my cosmetics or gave them away to family after disinfecting them -You can give hygiene stuff to homeless yourself ( shelters won’t accept them if it’s open ..but a shampoo bottle has not really been contaminated) - I have decluttered 7 years ago and over the years I am more honest with myself and have delcluttered even more as I know myself now . - Extras can be contained or limited. …we have a box with old towels …. Anything more gets donated
Oh geesh, old towels are really important to keep. We have a dog and we have a bunch of old towels designated as "dog towels" that we can use for"whatever." They come in super-handy. I also know that animal shelters love to get donations of old towels. It's so easy to put them in the washer/dryer or hang them outside to dry. 👍
I find it helpful to keep any household items that I'm not currently using, but don't want to re-buy later, in an out-of-the-way storage spot like the basement or a designated closet. Im talking about items like extra towels and sheets, unused candles, blank notebooks, or anything that came in a bulk pack such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, packing tape, etc.) Those things will either wear out from frequent use or literally get used up, so you will need your extras eventually. Having too many duplicate items in your immediate living space can feel cluttered, but getting rid of them entirely just means you have to buy more later.
I had some old quilts that local donations places won't accept due to age stains. I happened to be donating to a little church & showed the pastor. He was glad to take them for homeless people for either wrapping themselves or even ground cover for a small tent. Stains dont matter when you're cold & living rough.
Great video with realistic decluttering advise. Here's another random use for an extra wooden spoon. Our cat kept opening the cabinet under the bathroom sink, we put a spare wooden spoon through the handles to make our own "cat lock". No hardware installation required. Extras can be useful and are not always clutter.
Thank you so much… I will feel better about decluttering… every time I try to declutter I would get depressed about getting rid of some things that were past down … so I would stop decluttering all together… now I can keep some things and repurpose others
Love 'Space bags' for extra comforters, pillows, blankets, and clothing. If possible, store these under the bed(s) or on top shelves. I was pleased to find that these bags have improved over the years and really do stay sealed. (Clean items first so you know they are fresh and ready to use when you need them.)
During the recent period when most of us were at home, lots of people were decluttering. Like many people, I wasn't sure when I would be able to go out shopping again, so I "shopped" my closet. For example, I found a stack of blue jeans that were in great condition, but I didn't have room for elsewhere. I tried them on a pair at a time, and if they fit (most did), I would toss a pair that was in worse condition and put the "newer" jeans in my regular rotation. That worked to declutter my jeans without having to go shopping.
Great video!! Paper notes, letters, cards, photos and jewelry do not take up much room and therefore, why get rid of them if keeping them makes you happy! I love your idea of moving larger kitchen items which are only used a few times a year, to a different location instead of getting rid of them. I keep my turkey roaster, with the lid underneath it, on my washing machine with items like Bounty, cloth wipes and Lysol spray etc. in it. I just pull it out when I need it a few times a year!! 😄
Today I'm sharing 12 items to never declutter! These are items you should keep while you're decluttering. Sometimes when you start decluttering, it can be easier to start with what to keep so start here :)
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I recommend scanning old photos to share with family and to organize them. This also helps preserve the color in them too.
some times oh soaps and shampoos another thing you in emergancy pinch can aldo help wash cloths and or dishes if needed too... sometimes put a little in with some white vinager you camn use them to sanitize clean mirrors and wash your showers etc..
soaps is soaps...
on all the kitching utensils etc old vases you have flowers given you etc.
here away to share photos if you have a kitchen yable okay put a glass and have it sized for your table and put all your cheished memories photos do not stick the photos on the tables instead just set tgem up with menory cards and photis you can also organize tgem and change them up from time to time tgey are great conversation pieces so shelves on wall place a metal and spray paint color of shelf and use thise refridurator magnet photo holders and your doirs in and out home if it metal frame up and make really cool memorie doirs also on wals same thing remember the old fashion movie shades same consept fix at top if you want to have different decores diferent seasons themes etc... yet want to have old family memories night just roll down the shade and share memories and if you do tgem as pockets you csn like store several together always put like a small spacer at each corner so to keep photos from sticking to them.... like old fashion postor boars well males and design memore collage boards and be creative make collages and frame tgem around the house and place albums scapbook them place them around or if have book shelf make like book shelf on the walls can lay flat or upright be creative
tgank for you ideas all im left with is old memories...
if you have old cloths from loved ones and you have that shirt inphotos ie concert t shirts etc... make a tshirt qut type tshirt and pkace a really cool homade frame of your loved one and make it like a button or pin or a shadow box to capture the memore and as children grow up of it daddy little boys can put on tshirt and pin get photo and then capture into another and then it a handmedown memory of loved ones gone but never forgotten same for momma too for little gorls and if tshirts can be worm by either boy or girls cool have each child wear and picture pin it too...
If you knew my brother you would declutter for him. He saves recycling items! 😑
I mentioned to my son how I should get rid of a lot of things. He said if it makes you happy you should keep it. That comment sure made me happy.
That's awesome. I believe if things make you happy, you use them, you love them, then they are not clutter. It's all very personal to you :)
Give your son a hug for me. 😊
I wish my daughter was saying that to me ! Bless him 😊
Hoarders use that excuse though lmao 😂😂
Now you need to keep him! 😊
Ah, finally! A voice of sanity! Minimalism can feel stressful sometimes.
Yes! We need stress free decluttering for sure :)
Not only stressful but GUILT INDUCING. I like your example of the shampoos. Now if it’s been hanging around unused for 4 or more years, then of course toss it. But to be made to feel that you should only have one of each bc it looks better in the shower or drawer or whatever is just silly as well as wasteful. I am very frugal with shampoo and soap so it takes me a long time to use them completely. Sometimes a year or more. I have no reason to throw it out just bc it’s older. Again, that doesn’t mean to keep an entire cabinet of old expired products that you never use. I’m talking about being mindful of how much you purchase, without being captured by the latest new thing, as you mentioned in this video.
Not stressfull for me. I'm over 70. I can't get rid of stuff fast enough. No regrets! Lol. Photos are all on DVDS.
@@tarynmaria_ So agree! Finally someone giving permission to keep the extra practical stuff! All these minimalists wanting only 1 towel per person is too much for me. And yet somehow this video focusing on what is good to keep actually made me refocus on the good and useful stuff and be able to let go of the non-useful. Thank you! I don’t know how I found you, but I’m a subscriber now!
@@ShellBellz I AGREE AND AM WITH YOU 100%. It’s nice hearing “PERMISSION” to keep ‘some things’ you don’t want to get rid of. Not talking to the level of hoarding.. of course. And.. I don’t wanna explain myself, numerous times, why I’m keeping something. ETC.. FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD, HUH😁😁😁😁😁
I hardly cook and I have this huge pot I inherited in my kitchen. It's like a witch's cauldron. I thought realistically I'm never going to cook for that many people but I also thought if I ever wanted to buy a pot like that, it would be expensive to buy it. I have enough room in the kitchen so I kept it. Fast forward to present day and our building is having issues with gas so I have no warm water in the bathroom. That huge pot is suddenly very useful to heat up water on the stove and use it for showering while things get fixed.
Wow great that it’s come in handy like that! Thank you for sharing!!
Excellent 👍
And you love that pot! I have a few items like that.
Your slum Lord either didn't maintain water heater or pay the utilities! Sue them for rent
Extra crockpots...i have like 5 crockpots, i bought 2 the other 3 was gifts....when we are super busy working outside in the yard or going to be gone all day and no time to cook supper, or I sick but rest of famiky is not...I can cook a whole meal in the crockpots, even desesert! 1 for the meal, 1 for backed potatoes, 1 small one for corn on cob, 1 for green beans, 1 for a cake! Cant tell you how much this helped me when I decided to go back to college for another degree and had 3 children at home!
Plus, I use them for family or holiday dinners to help cook some of the items and/or keep items warm.
Blankets are also part of a household's emergency kit. Probably a good idea to keep one in your car, if you have one, in case you get stranded & the temperature falls too low.
Great idea!
Good for covering freezers during outages, too. Or, if an extended period of time, build blanket forts to stay warm.
Woollen blankets could also be a lifesaver in a wildfire. Keep one in your car to wrap yourself in, in case you ever get caught. (Even better if soaked in water but that may not be possible).
Or if you live anywhere where the power might go out.
If you live somewhere that gets cold, extra hats, scarves, and gloves should be kept in the car for emergencies too.
I want to thank you particularly for saying don't declutter other people's things. In my work, I hear from people with mental health and addiction issues. It is amazing how many people have a painful traumatic injury that still hurts them from other people taking and throwing out their things. People can be denying the importance of your life and your feelings without even meaning to do that.
Oh thank you for sharing that!
That is so true. I have resently experienced something like that. Someone took lightly a suggestion I had for not cutting down some narssis flowers that were about to bloom in the side of a church building. I have waited all year to see them bloom and I wanted to make sure the lawn maintenance people knew they were there. I am sure they will soon be chopped down like weeds next time I go to see them... I felt shame for caring about the flowers but worse when my feeling were discarded as a joke. 😔 I could imagine if it were my belongings being discarded like that...
This is spot on. My mother HATED that I was a tomboy and once asked me to bag up my favorite toys (action figures, toy cars and trucks, etc) so she could 'save them". I was 5 or 5 and did as I was told, only to discover later that she 'accidentally" threw them away. I believed her but looking back am inclined to think it was intentional. It was almost like she threw me away because those toys were a reflection of parts of my personality that I liked and enjoyed (that she didn't). Unfortunately she passed away when I was young and we never got to talk about it but that and other incidents.caused me to feel unwanted and rejected - by my own mother.
@@smustipher I'm sorry your mom didn't get it and did that. :(
When someone gets rid of something you own, even if it is relatively insignificant, they are disrespecting you and demonstrating that they think so little of you that you are irrelevant. These are *your* items to do with as you choose. I once saved up and bought a 10-speed bike when I was a teen. I was working and going to school full time. My Dad gave my bike to one of my brothers because, he said, i didn't use it enough and my brother wanted it. Same with my guitar.
We rented a lake cabin for a week with another couple. I said, “ to cut down on dishwashing,why don’t we both bring our oddball paper products from past parties to use for breakfast,lunch,dessert and snacks.(we ate on real dishes for dinner,it was worth it.) It turned out to be so much fun and thrifty. For breakfast we ate on “It’s a Girl!” pink plates and lunch was on Super Bowl plates and napkins,etc.
Awesome, thank you for sharing!!
Great idea!
Great idea! You get to use up those leftovers that no one ever needs!
I have also given them to single moms and elderly friends who have no dishwasher,they don’t care what the theme was!😂😅🤣
Yes! I do that as well. I used to store away for future events, but now I leave it out after the event and use it up!
This is my favorite decluttering video EVER because it reflects real life. To me, keeping USEFUL extras around isn't clutter, it's just being prepared!
Yay, thank you thank you! And always say that clutter is so personal - if you will use it, it's no longer clutter :)
My grand daughter laughs at me for having a new in box kureic coffee maker. I explained that when my current one goes out it may be first thing in the morning and I will be able to get the new one out of closet and use it.
She also shakes her head at the extra toilet papI buy but I decided after covid I was never going to be hunting for toilet paper again.
Nothing wrong with extas😂
I agree. It's hard for me to get rid of paper towels or extra perfume or shampoo or towels when I can use them but I did just throw away 100 nicely folded rags from my cleaning closet. You only need so many of an item!
@@lauramiller6294I so agree with the toilet paper, when covid hit in the UK myself and daughter were looking for that for us and two sets of parents, I always keep a stock now.
I agree: do not get rid of other people's stuff. My dad used to do that with our stuff. It completely poisoned our relationship. I agree with your list wholeheartedly!!
Thank you! :)
Yep. Still salty about a 1950s side table my mom "gave" to a boyfriend out of MY basement. I'd had it since childhood, moved it to 3 apartments. 😢
@@mettamorph4523call me churlish but if I loved it that much I would have gone and got it back and told him that my Mum had to right to give it away.
My Dad got rid of a box of mine full of correspondence. It did not poison our relationship as I knew he was driven to de-clutter, but it hurt. The contents included love notes from the dearest friend in my late teens.
You’re like the only person on RUclips who does decluttering who is …normal? Or like a real person, not just obsessed with how everything‘appears’
Ahhh thank you!!
I agree. The goals for many of the minimalist/declutterers seems to be bare horizontal surfaces and near empty storage cabinets and closets, with little consideration for function or the "what ifs" in life.
Not normal.
I'd also recommend The Messy Minimalist. She's not updating anymore I think, but she has a lot of videos on her channel.
OrganizesChaos4 is helpful as well
Shampoos are terrific for handwashing delicate items or spot treat before laundry
Great idea!!
I put unloved shampoo in a gallon jug...then i bathe dog...wash delicates...mannnny other things
oow, nevr knew that, kool idea
Conditioner can be used to shave or as fabric softener.
When our house burned down many years ago, we found out that we could buy solidly built antique furniture for less than the same thing in a department store that was stapled together fake wood.
So sorry about your house :( but so true about the real wood items! Thank you for sharing!
@@tarynmaria_Thanks. But it was a long time ago now.
Life LESSON! 😮
Sadly laminate won't likely survive a single move before it's trash.
I just got a wood MCM buffet I'm.using as a TV stand. It's already 65 years old or so, so it'll probably outlive me. DEFINITELY VERY SOLID. Wood can also be refinished and repaired.
So sorry to hear about your house, but you are correct. As I have to replace furniture items or when I find real cheap or free, old antique furmiture I will grab it if I can find a place and use for it or can revamp into another use from original use. Will even hrab and fix up if needed to gift to my children, which is needed and appreciated for them.
1. Certain toiletries
2. Paper products
3. Items used once a year -i.e. roasting pan for Thanksgiving, gravy boat, etc
4. Stuff that is not yours
5. Unknown spare parts
6. Reserve of items - towels, sheets, pillows
7. Duplicate items - wooden spoons, spatulas, scissors, tape measure
8. Storage photographs
9. Solid wood and vintage furniture
10. Important Papers - birth certificates etc
11. Sentimental items you love
12. Family heirlooms
Thank you!!
#8 is Historical Photographs.
Thanks for the list as a visual reminder!
I moved and wanted to keep my all wood beautiful armoir. I had no room for it because things had to go into a storage unit. I'm still sad about it. And my entire CD collection, books and handmade dolls. Ugh😢
Most CDs and books, the library has. No problem. They can also be ordered from other cities.
Duplicates, anything I hate, like toasters that the button moves when you wipe under it is not going to be my problem for long.
Stuff that sorta works but not valuable enough to get fixed.
Mold and mildew, most of the time are deal breakers. I did have great luck w the extremely noxious 30% vinegar in cleaning aisle at Home D. Don't breathe it, though. It's nasty. That's for like metal items. Hopefully, it won't come back.
Wise advice! Sometimes decluttering is taken too far.
Thank you!
see my comment
My sister closed out my mother's apt and literally dumped evrything into a dumpster because she's a " strict declutterer". Now 2 yrs later Mom passed, and I'm asking the probate lawyer where are the grandparents items they immigrated with? So far no answers. Some of my grandparents items are true I hate to think they were trashed. Sigh.
@@joywebster2678 I'm so sorry, I don't know how people can do that. I had to hide all the stuff I have that my grandparents emigrated with.
Finally -- a voice of reason! Subscribed.
Awesome, I'm so glad you're here!
I have donated used, but only used a few times, items like shampoos, conditioners, lotions, makeup, etc. that I bought but discovered that I don't care for, to a local women's shelter. They really appreciate it and it helps me to declutter.
That is great!
Good idea.
Yes! Especially the better quality stuff. It might not be your favorite, might not work for you, but when you're down on your luck it can be so nice to shampoo with your favorite brand/scent or have a tube of good mascara. I didn't care when I was homeless, except for having good quality Aunt Flo products, but many of the other ladies got so happy when GOOD razors or shampoo got dropped off.
Hotel samples were my weak spot & then I would never use them ! Finally, I did donate to a woman's shelter via the town social services dept & they were happy to have them.
Yes, those items are not like Rx meds and can safely be reused.
Excellent video! Towels and sheets that you have are better quality than what you would buy in the future! There is a fine line between decluttering and wasting.
So true! Thank you 😊
I've started resewing old sheets into new pillow cases, because the top sheet would always last longer than the fitted sheet. It's preventing us having to buy something new, and gets rid of the old clutter at the same time. Win win!
@@northernlass8698 You are so resourceful. 🌸
@rnlass8698 I recently have quit using the queen bed that was in the master bedroom, now that the "master" has been kicked out. My current bed is an ancient 3/4 bed that I love. I will take some of the queen sheets and blankets, and resize them for my new 3/4 mattress. The queen sized bed will soon be gone, too. ☺
Sheets today are pretty crappy. They are all polyester which are hot in the summer, and get little ball fuzzies on them. I love old sheets, cotton, or blend. The older they get the better. Like sooooo soft, and cool in the summer.
I think I regret parting with were certain clothes. I have always been slender, but after a surgery some years back that affected my hormones, I gained 15 lbs that I could not get rid of, so my clothes were tight. My doctor said it was hormonal, so I resolved to just thinking I will never be a size 4 again and accepted my new weight AND got rid of all of my pants and quite a few other things. I have always purchased "classic" items, never going for "trendy" so these classic items would not have gone out of style, plus they fit so well and loved the styles. Fast forward, after a few years my body was all healed and my weight normalized back down to my normal, lower weight. I went to buy a couple of pairs of pants and was so shocked at the quality of the fabrics today, plus all pants are high rise waisted - something that is not flattering since I am short waisted plus I find it uncomfortable with the very stiff fabrics. I can no longer find the mid rise that go just over the hips :( Plus I got rid of a beautiful taupe cardigan only to find again, the quality of the fabrics now a days is just not there. I found this especially true with cotton. Now, I am more mindful of parting with things I know I will miss in the future. This also includes beach hats, extra blender cups, and cute shoes
So true about the quality going downhill :( fast fashion has taken a toll on that. Thank you for sharing!
@@tarynmaria_ I really enjoyed your video. So on point :)
I did the same. Declutterred things that were too small after hanging onto them for years. I gained weight due to a health issue also. Not long after I donated, I started losing the weight. 20# in 4 months. Now I wear mostly legging, sweats or pull up type skirts and shorts with no zippers. I look frumpy but don’t want to buy until I stop losing weight. I have about 20# more to get to my normal pre health issue weight.
I have an autoimmune disease and whenever I have a flare up I lose anywhere from 15-35# so I have various clothes sizes because I’m never certain when I will be a different size, also as a woman with large feet ( size 11) I only buy very comfortable high quality shoes ( never inexpensive shoes as I cannot stand for my feet to be uncomfortable) so I never declutter shoes ( and I have quite a few 😁) most of them would be expensive and difficult to replace if I could even find them in my size
Agreed about the quality! However, I had kept one size up and one size down for more than a decade and have stayed at the same size. If for some reason I am lucky enough to lose enough weight to go down a size, I will treat myself with some new clothes (I hardly ever buy new clothing or shoes unless they are worn out). I always wear the same few items of clothing all the time anyway.
Thank you for this. Decluttering is important, but so is happiness and memory!
So true, thank you so much!
I couldn't agree with you more. We don't HAVE to go minimalist in order to declutter. Start with the trash, box up what you don't use but love, give away what you don't but is still good, repurpose what you can and enjoy what you have!
Thank you! 😊
Don't throw away things that belong to your kids without involving them. Ever. My mom regularly threw away and/or gave away my toys behind my back, and I felt it took away my voice, and it made me feel as if my opinion and feelings didn't matter. You never know if the unimportant-looking thing you throw out isn't of major emotional importance to your child.
I honestly think I'd be less of a hoarder today if I'd been taught how to do my own decluttering and if I'd had a chance to learn to make my own decisions on throwing/giving things away - instead of being left to mourn the loss of items that I cherished for whatever personal reason...
Thank you for sharing that! That is a great point about teaching kids to declutter their own things. I'm more so talking about clothing and maybe broken toys or toys that are stored that they don't even know we still have.
My mom threw away a favorite book. I went to look for it and it wasn't there. Asked my mom, she said she donated it to a church function. I was so mad. She never had anything as a child since she was poor so didn't understand the reason for wanting to keep it.
I still miss my Fireball XL5 rocket my mom gave to some little boy at church. She didn't ask me, she told me. But she was mean so no surprise there.
Your comment applies in so many areas beyond our “stuff”. It’s true, we are not always well taught and it’s tough “growing up in public”. Funny enough, i “learned” to keep stuff bc my mother and sister did. I thought I was weird because I didn’t. I started saving stuff ridiculously. And it’s overwhelming when it turns to any form of hoarding.
Anyway, you comment is very appreciated in other areas of my life. Thanks for putting it here. Glad I stopped by this video and read some comments including yours. ❤
I'm guilty of this. After 5x decluttering I decided to throw away my husband's subscription with REPEAT on it. When he asked about it I was ashamed hehe, lucky his medicine is a cream and still half otherwise he needed to go doctor again for prescription
As far as duplicates go, (and storing like with like) I totally break those rules with scissors. We have a water softener in our basement utility room and my husband needs scissors to open the bag. I would go to grab my scissors in the kitchen while I was busy cooking only to find them missing and have to run downstairs to get my scissors. Now I keep a dedicated pair of scissors in the utility room and then I keep an additional pair on each floor. Every time I need a pair of scissors I feel grateful they are right where they are supposed to be and nearby.
With my ADD, I have a scissors, trashcan and clock in every room of our home. As silly as it sounds, it's been so helpful for me.
Yes! I have scissors in multiple places in my house and it's so much easier :)
I have scissors in every room and I will keep it that way! No running around with a pair of scissors 😂
I am a believer of having scissors where needed including bathroom, make up drawer, bathroom, car etc …. I bought them cheaply at the dollar store
Do not throw away towels. If you must get rid of them, donate to animal shelters.
Old blankets also…or homeless shelters… puzzles and games are welcome at senior centers too
I use hole-filled towels to wrap around my shoulders when colouring hair to prevent dye from dripping to the floor.
I agree! You never know if you might get a leaky toilet, or you can use them for other extremely dirty or gross cleaning jobs. Then throw them away!!
I agree on the towels, kitchen utensils, and spare parts! I also keep a pair of scissors in every room. People laugh but then are grateful when they are at hand!
So true!! :)
One scissors per floor. Maybe spares like package cutters or those for food.
Yep, scissors in every room. Tape also.
People laugh at me for having scissors in every room too! There are so many times this comes in handy and it's not like they're taking up much space.
Finally, a realistic video about decluttering.
Thank you thank you!
I was over 50 before I realized the value of family items. I recall toys when I was a little girl that I wish I still had. I didn't have children and my only relatives are distant. But it would be nice to know that I could leave a little museum of quality items of my life to others who are old enough to appreciate receiving quality vintage items.
Thank you for sharing!!
I had vitamin E oil I didn’t like the scent, so now I just use it on my dry cracked feet. I can’t smell it there and it still works well for moisturizing..
That’s what I do too.
Some family heirlooms like my mother's crystal trifle dish, for example, looks fabulous with my skincare items in it on my vanity.
Love that!
I use my mother's tea cups for clothespins. A small plate for the hand soap bottle. That era woukd be full of lead, so...
Good idea
Yes! Extra towels! For when I've spilled a full glass of water on the lounge carpet or dropped a 2litre bottle of water (I've done both) or when I'm defrosting the freezer and ice is going everywhere! Even when I was ridiculously unwell with a chest and sinus infection, to cover my bed pillows, so I didn't get yucky fluids everywhere when I was sleeping. Additional old towels are useful in so many areas, even if you've got 'nicer' ones for the bathroom.
Great uses for extra towels here!
Omgoodness I’m not sure where you came from, your video was on my feed🤪. 👏👏👏 Finally someone who has a sense of purpose for your things!
Most people are get rid of it, you don’t need it, why are you saving that?!!
Yes there is a fine line but your information is very valuable!
Thank you ❤️😀
Thank you so much!! A fine line for sure but everyone gets to decide their own line 😊❤
I agree. Your vid was in my feed. Glad I watched it. Thank you.
I agree with everything you are saying. Almost all of my furniture belonged to my grandparents born in the 1890s, and my parents. The living room is beautiful rock maple that is upholstered with wide wooden arms that you can set a glass or plate on. Two bedrooms are solid cherry and one is solid oak. The dining room has a table, 6 chairs, a serpentine buffet, hutch, and serving cabinet that are made of walnut from the 1920s. When my sister and I had our DNA done with Ancestry we connected to a 3rd. cousin who lives on the west coast. She was given boxes of pictures and letters from a great aunt. In the box she had pictures of my 3rd great grandmother and her family and I had pictures of her 3rd great grandmother and family. In the 1870s two sisters were separated when the one went as a pioneer to Washington Territory. The only contact they had was through letters and pictures. Their brother visited family in Wales and a newspaper article written about his trip was published and it was saved. Through that we learned of our 4th and 5th great grandparents and their lives over there. In addition I have my mothers and grandmothers hand written recipe books. One cookbook that I got from my mother is Women's Home Companion Cook Book (1945). It has a wealth of recipes and information with everything made from scratch and so many that I remember from my childhood.
That is so awesome that you have furniture from the 1890s!!! Thank you for sharing about all of your treasures!
Now that I’m older, I appreciate vintage things so much more. They r well made and I Love the nostalgia. And your passed down family recipes are definitely a treasure!💗
What a wonderful story! It reminds me of an old, western movie. I often wonder about things like this when I am watching those. Like, how did those people just leave their parents, knowing, and their parents knew too, that they were NEVER coming back? It’s all very sad, and interesting. Just how did mailed letters travel across the nation? How long did it take?
Funny how now we can order something from many online stores and have it delivered sometimes the very same day!
@@vickims682 I was checking my genealogy and it was my 2nd great grandmother Mary and her sister Margaret. They came with their parents and brother from Wales in 1848 and settled in Eastern PA in a mining community. He was a blacksmith. Margaret married JR Jenkins and in 1868 he decided that he wanted to move to CA and try his luck with gold. He with his wife and 6 kids took a boat from NYC to the Isthmus of Panama and crossed by wagon to the Pacific where they got another boat that took them to San Francisco. They spent 3 years in CA and then moved to Bellingham WA. They were one of the first pioneers there. In 1869 the Intercontinental Railroad was complete so mail probably went by boat from WA to CA and then to PA by rail. Mary died in 1883, Margaret in 1888 and their father John died in 1897.
Sweet ❤
I've been doing a use it up challenge since January of last year and I just have a small way to go with a perfumed body wash that I'm using to clean the toilet bowl, a shampoo that I'm using as body wash, a travel sized conditioner that I'll dump in the toilet if anyone clogs it, and body lotion that I'll use to shave. We just painted our living/dining area and used old curtains and sheets as drop cloths. We also went through our supply of single socks to wipe any paining mistakes. I also used them to dust the ceiling fan and the tops of door and window frames in the spare room. I also feel like you can never have enough junk towels!
Love all of these ideas - definitely going to use the sheet idea for painting!
Old cotton socks make excellent rags. No need to waste time and effort on paper towels when you can use and reuse a cloth rag!!
I cut up and use my husband's old t-shirts. Use them in the kitchen instead of paper towels.
I'm a gardener and I save my old sheets to cover tender plants if we have a frost warning.
I have kept old shower curtains for drop cloths forever. Especially when the kids were little. Now the grands come over and want to do crafts? Cover that table with an old shower curtain
When I was little, under 12 years old, my grandma decluttered all my house plants. A whole window sill. I still remember the pain. She told me the plants weren't rare or worthy of the hassle. Then she decluttered (gifted) my full metal jungle gym when we let her live in our home (I had moved out, but planned to pass it on to my children). Told me my children won't need it. I will never be able to afford a comparable one. Incidents like this put a strain on our relationship forever. Thank you for reminding people not to touch other people's stuff! Oh year, and she threw away most family photos, too.
Ohhh so sorry to hear that! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you! Finally, some decluttering common sense!!
Thank you!!
You are the most realistic home organizer I have ever seen. Thank you!!!
Thank you so much! 😊
You are the only one that is talking any sense. I'm definitely following you. I'm over 70 and you have "calmed" my mind.
I'm so glad to hear that, thank you!
I agree. I am over 70 also and my kids are always telling me to throw things away.
It is so refreshing to hear you say that I can keep sentimental items that I love!! Thank you!!
Absolutely! I always say if you love something then it's no longer clutter! 😊
Sad that someone else had to validate you😢
Too often the advice given is to just take a picture of a beloved item and then donate/sell the item. You'll then have the picture of your keepsake to admire and remind. Doesn't work for me as I am a tactile kind of person. 🖐️
@@juliepowell4407I don’t think taking a picture can ever fill a gap when somethings gone, plus- what are they doing with picture is it going in a easy to find folder or printed ?!
@@r.c.4016sad that you had to make a wisecrack at the expense of someone's feelings. There is so much invalidation in the world, wanting validation is not something to sneer at.
Thank you for the advice about sentimental items and heirlooms. I found I was agonizing over getting rid of these but planning to keep decor from Target which meant nothing to me. I did get rid of a few things when I lived in a much smaller house, but luckily my heart wouldn’t let me get rid of the most sentimental things. Not only do I get to enjoy them everyday in our present home, but my family loves to see them and tell their children about them. Hopefully 🤞 someone in the younger generation will want some of them one day. Have been writing little notes about things lately- stories of jewelry and furniture and decor. Hopefully when we’re gone, it’ll help keep the memories alive.
Instead, I’m trying to declutter things from Walmart, Amazon, etc.
I love your strategy! Sentimental items and heirlooms make such amazing decor and can definitely replace anything from Target, Amazon, etc. :) Great idea about the notes you're writing!
Very pleased to have kept furniture and artworks and photography of my grandparents.
I wish that i had kept my maternal grandmother's hand written recipes.
Thank you for sharing!
Имам старата готварска тетрадка на баба ми от 1921 година. Удоволствие е да я прелиствам.
I keep old towels and rags for cleaning up big messes, drying off dogs after they been out in the rain, some are used as cleaning clothes, or handed to my husband for in his shop. But I always keep extra nice towels, rags, and sheets, pillows and blankets for company. You never know when something happens and you have a house full, even if you dont have enough beds for them all!
Good thinking! Thank you for sharing!
I have a dress from 1989 that I wore to a dance just before my husband proposed to me. It has puffy sleeves and a very tiny waist. I will never get rid of it! I see it every day and it makes me smile!
Love that!
I have one of those, Laura Ashley from 1988 :-) Have decided that as long as it makes me smile, I’m keeping it!
Finally the voice of reason. I agree with these. I threw away what I thought was an old can. Turned out to be a vital part of ice cream maker I had gotten. I never found something to substitute for that. And the ice cream maker became useless.
Ohhhh the worst!!!
We always figure out what its for after we throw it away. Don't worry. After a certain age you'll forget that ever happened. Lol.
I really appreciate your realistic approach to decluttering. I will be moving my roasting pan and other big kitchen items to a safe place in my crawl space instead of cluttering my small pantry. I recommend plastic tubs that have a weather seal to keep all extra towels/blankets safe from mold and bugs, not all plastic tubs are the same!
Thank you so much, and so glad the tips are helpful!!
I found a place for my canning pot in my bedroom closet and extra blankets are in the cabinet above the fridge. They wouldn't fit the other way. My sister used to keep her pressure cooker under her bed.
I am so glad you mentioned some old photos and heirlooms that you like, of course. Gives your home character and history and honors those who have passed. The tendency now is to throw everything away, it seems. Just need to decide what is important.
For sure! Thank you 😊
Thank You for this video. I live 16 miles from the closest town and it’s only 600 people. I can’t just run to town whenever I need something. I also cook for at least 10 plus people thru the year. Sometimes up to 20. Feed hired men, family etc. I have to have multiples of certain things. The minimalist life just doesn’t work on the farm/ranch. And I also work outside everyday so have to have certain appliances to make things easier. Love the video ❤️
Thank you so much!
I keep mugs with pens, pencils, markers, highlighters and scissors in multiple locations so they are always close at hand: in the foyer where I bring in the mail and pay bills, next to my computer in the dining room, next to my favorite chair in the living room, in my bedroom and in the kitchen. I also have a few in these items in a waterproof container in my laundry room. So convenient to always have them close at hand and not need to run to another room or up and down stairs!
So funny - I also keep mugs of pens and pencils around the house!!
Sharpies! That's mine.
This! Many little things don't get done or notes written down because we'd have to run up or down stairs to get a sharpie, a sticky note, etc. I keep these and SCISSORS handy, and it puts the old mugs to use. Several mugs I really liked that cracked or handle came off, are now useful for this.
I had a lot of body wash I hated. I used it to clean the toilet.
Great idea!
What a great idea!! I never thought of that…. I’m going to do this now too!!!!👍👍👍
Me too. Soap is soap!
Ya know, that - for some reason - made me chuckle. Dirty toilets by toiletry items. 😂
Well... Tell you why I'm traumatized (example). One day I went to the backyard, my mom was there burning stuff in a drum. There was a box on the ground, and when I took a peek, I saw a piece of (fake) jewelry and some other stuff, that belonged to me. She was burning my things behind my back! I guess some of my most beloved bookmarks went that way too, never saw them since then. Please don't do that to your children. It's more than half a century and I haven't forgotten or forgiven for what she did.
Oh my gosh, that is terrible!! My suggestion about kid's stuff was the broken toys and clothing they've outgrown that they don't care about. Definitely not their stuff they love and use :( So sorry that happened!
@@tarynmaria_OK, I understand that. But sometimes kids also love the darnedest things and you as an adult can't know how important they can be for a kid. I loved my one-eyed teddy bear years after it had gotten holes &c. I'm glad it didn't get burned, or thrown away.
@@tarynmaria_ the words you actually said in the video is things they "can't part with". That might not have been what you meant, but it sounded like you were saying people should get rid of toys that their child loves and is upset at the thought of throwing away.
I remember years ago my mom went on a cleaning binge and got rid of a lot my old stuffed animals. It didn’t bother me EXCEPT for my old stuffed Grover, with long ratty blue arms and legs. I was so upset at the time. She felt so bad that years later she bought me a small stuffed “Super Grover.” We laughed about it, but the new Grover wasn’t the same wasn’t the same as my old ratty beast.
It is a matter of *RESPECT* ... so disrespectful to throw away other people's stuff [without asking], even if the stuff looks like garbage!
Thank you for sharing this been trying to declutter all the other channels say to get rid of stuff like ur china if you don’t use it well I have china from my great grandmother from the country I was born in I was almost convinced to get rid of it. I’m so glad I decided to keep it. Decluttering does not mean getting rid of everything in your house.
Your china set sounds amazing! And I agree - decluttering is so personal, you don't have to get rid of everything, rather, enough to keep your home clean and tidy and how you like it :)
@@tarynmaria_ thank you it’s from the Czech Republic 🇨🇿 and I’m so glad I found ur channel cuz the other lady talks about not having anything on the walls as well sounds kinda depressing
My mother had service for like TWELVE. Much of that mcm era stuff is also full of lead and can't be microwaved. It explodes. Trust me. I forgot once.
So, a charity needs that stuff, I can give SOME. Just to have the space. Re purpose a few teacups to hold hand soap bottle or clothespins (to close snack/cereal bags--the OXO things are expensive and don't work for that. Clip actually works best.
This is one of the smartest and wisest videos I have ever seen on the subject of decluttering! First time viewer turned subscriber🎉
Ahhh love that, welcome!! And thank you so much!
After Hurricane Sandy, I had hot water but no electricity. All those towels and blankets came in handy. We've also gone through blankets when my children had a stomach virus. I had to change the blankets and sheets many times in one night.
What if your washing machine or dryer breaks, then you'll need those towels.
So very true!
If you still have occasion for messed up bedding, visit a durable medical equipment supply and get some of the washable “chux”. They have a variety of sizes including full mattress sizes. They are probably available in discount stores but watch for quality so they last. You don’t sweat with some brands and they lay on top of bottom sheet. ❤
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!!!
I completely agree! Lord knows I have too much stuff, even though I’ve decluttered some. But I watch these folks pare down items they’ll eventually need-like towels, sheets, blankets, etc. I think it’s a waste of money when those items will come in handy. I have-& use-multiple,spatulas, wooden spoons, & more. You go, girl!
I agree - such a waste of money and resources! If you need multiples and you're using them - keep them! 😊
And if anyone in the family gets sick and need more than one or two bed sheets, pillowcases and so on...
Yes to the need for extra sheets during illness!
@@tinabennett8524 and forts for grandkids! And covers for bushes & plants during cold snaps. And so much more! I just don’t get it with getting rid of so many basic things, but I’m far, far from a minimalist.
@@petrakihlstrom8163 exactly!
Thank you for being a voice of reason. Just yesterday I watched a video that made no sense to me. I mean, my game plan is to live a long life and at some point I'll need to replace my current towels and linens. Why dispose of what I currently have, only to have to repurchase them in the not too distant future -- and at a higher price? Also, it's important to keep spare clothes hangars, dishes and glasses for when company stays. Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Thank you so much! And I hope you are also having a wonderful weekend!
I'm still regularily using some towels that were given to me in 1973!! They do last a long time. One of them is quite threadbare, but the others are still going strong. Maybe I'll upcycle them into some art form. hmmm
@@emmyjoyful1I repurpose them, covering them with cotton fabric I make large hot pads for the kitchen. I also make a double layer dish drying pad.
I like to have a use and purpose for the heirlooms, I use my mom’s old bean pot for my utensil storage on the counter, the lid is wrapped in bubble wrap in the kitchen draw. I also used it as a cookie jar for years. I’m decluttering to make my life easier not because I’m a minimalist. Many of the decluttering videos are about becoming a minimalist, I want organization. I’m storing the extras in a storage bin or other area in order to make day to day function, cleaning and appearance better. I appreciated your tips.😊
The basis of this video is not just tossing everything, start by getting rid of the excess but then don't fill it back in. Start from there and use items until you absolutely need to replace or replen. Simple math, and don't just because shop!
Good morning Taryn Maria, this is so opposite of what I always hear. Everyone says for us to get rid of things we no longer use. It is somewhat funny. However, you are so right. I'm decluttering my photo albums and I was going to get rid of pictures of me when I was a child. However, my children and grandchildren will one day want to know my history. Things I haven't told them because we live in the present and past is past unless it brings back beautiful memories to pass on to our future generations. I even went further, next to each picture, I wrote a description of who the people with me are, time and event. It's like a story telling. Without me being there to tell them. I'm a senior and don't know when my time will come. At least they will have the pictures and writing that will tell my story.
Good morning Gina! What a great idea to write on each photo. I am going to do the same. And I agree that your children and grandchildren will absolutely want to know your story. I don't think we need to keep everything but I don't think we should get rid of everything either. Thank you so much for sharing!!
What a gift for your family! Never "declutter" your history!
I would not get rid of my baby pictures because they are also pictures of my parents who are gone now, when they were young, and my grandmother, who was the age then that I will soon be!!
I wish my family had written names and dates at least , on the photos I have. I will keep them but it’s like photos of bunch of people that I have no idea which ones I related to and which ones are their friends .
Me too!
Best decluttering video I've seen in years. I agree with all of this. Amazingly, I was attacked on some FB groups for this, and I just left. It's crazy how judgmental people can be. Frankly, I use paper towels, especially with my dog, but I don't use a lot of them. But that is me, and I have no argument with people who don't. Another thing that you didn't mention is extra office supplies. It's not going to go bad, put it all in one box or drawer and it saves so much money. 100% agree on NOT decluttering someone else's stuff. Absolutely. It's about respect. Great job.
Thank you so much for watching and for your kind words!
My sainted mother threw out a box of toys that I had stored in the back of my closet while I was away at college. They were toys that i had specifically chosen to keep, and one was a collectors item. She also gave my classic Barbies to my neices, which they destroyed. Given that she rarely threw anything out, both actions surprised me. My point is--please ask the "owner" first. Sigh 😕
I always ask my adult son before I throw anything out. Even if it's not his.
Oh the Barbies. Me too. I’m still traumatised. 😅
Oh no. My mother did the same thing which was ironic since she was a notorious hoarder
"My point is--please ask the "owner" first."
Yes, that's important! Next to my parents are some young families so that comes up from time to time.
I'm so sorry that happened. I've felt the anxiety of that when some of my old things were taken out and played with by young family who didn't take care of their toys. Fortunately my most favorite items turned out to be ok, but I think I would have almost cried if that hadn't been the case. ...It's the odd thing about "stuff" -- in the grand scheme, it doesn't matter, but the sentiment around some of it really calls for strong boundaries and delicate care ❤️
Thank you for being sensible - a voice of reason! I appreciate your suggestion to frame a recipe handed down from a family member.
Thank you! 😊
Refreshing to hear someone that understands the value of things, along with the value of decluttering, without wasting. Thanks you have some great ideas.
You are so welcome!
Yessss!!!! On every subject!! Thank you for the validation of having duplicates, extra towels or blankets… keeping items used only once a year etc!!! Thank you!!!! 🙏🏻
So glad it's helpful! I just don't find it realistic to have no extras or duplicates of certain things even though some people do that in the name of decluttering 😊
Thank you for saying Don't Declutter Someone Else's Things! I would have things I cherished to this day if that advice had been heeded.
I know what you mean! :(
This perspective is such a breath of fresh air. In the past I’ve been brutal with my declutterring and ultimately had regrets. I’ve even wasted money because I had to go back out and purchase the very thing I got rid of. If you can create some designated storage (garage, attic, basement, guest room closet) to hold some of these items with a future review date, there’s actually some piece of mind and potential financial savings in hanging onto them.
Thank you! I so agree about the peace of mind!
That is so true about repurposing toiletries. I use both shampoo and conditioners that I don't like for shaving and they work better that shaving cream. Hand sanitizer is a great household cleaner especially for stains in bathrooms kitchens and car interiors. Dog shampoo that my dog ended up having skin sensitivity to ended up being a great toilet bowl cleaner.
Love that idea about hand sanitizer!!! Thank you for sharing 😊
Thanks. I didn’t know that about hand sanitizer.
Great advice.
I have never been a hoarder, but, i couldn't help watching these programmes and reading books and articles in WOMENS MAGAZINES. Could you imagine MENS MAGAZINES suggesting they sort through every single thing, in their free time ? NO.
Well, i got rid of loads of stuff. Then my family came to stay for a couple of weeks. I had to buy bedding, dishes, towels, pots and pans. I went to give a fresh coat of paint, and GUESS WHAT? I had NO OLD CLOTHES ! So i had to buy a couple of cheap t shirts and trousers (for messy jobs) I have learned a very valuable lesson, and after reading the comments, i think a lot of people have learned from you. 😊
Aw thank you so much, and thank you for sharing! ☺
Ive been trying to declutter but its difficult. Trying to find a place to take things is difficult unless i pay someone to haul things away.
Oh my gosh, this is the most common sense decluttering video I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much - I downloaded it immediately!
Plus, I subscribed!💖
Yay! Thank you I’m so glad you’re here!
@@tarynmaria_ Thank you so much! Glad to be here!🤗
Despite most advice I am so glad I kept a wardrobe of clothes that no longer fitted. Things that were too small for years were a lifesaver when I eventually lost 130 pounds. But no to keeping the too big items! Glad to have discovered your great channel.
Awesome, I'm so glad you're here - and congratulations on the weight loss, that is amazing!
I thought I had too many towels until Hurricane Milton came through, and I had to go through 32 towels to keep water out of my house that was pouring in through my back door. So glad we were home. It kept a flood from happening inside the house.
Wow, thank you for sharing!
I agree with this strongly. I like to have extra on hand, I just have a place for it.
Thank you, Ruth 😊
I had a body wash I didn't like, so I turned it into foaming hand soap. I looked up the recipe online and put it into a foaming soap bottle, and put it in the kids' bathroom.
If you want the recipe:
- Fill the soap dispenser 1/4 to 1/3 full with body wash
- Add 1 TBSP witch hazel (this keeps it from going bad, since you've diluted the original antibacterial)
- Add warm distilled water (my dispenser holds 1 cup. I melted one plastic dispenser when I made the water too hot, BTW. So if yours is plastic, then don't boil the water).
Put the lid on and turn the bottle upside down and back again several times, to mix.
Love this, thank you so much for the recipe!!
Thank God. Finally somebody said it.
Thank you for being a moderate voice in this space! There is one thing I would suggest it would be to not store your important papers or photos in random shipping boxes as they contain lignin which breaks down into acidic substances that will destroy your photos and damage/yellow your important papers over time.
Great tip, thank you!
shampoo can be used for hand washing delicates especially if you ever need to wash silk
Yes! Thanks for sharing :)
When I was becoming more environmentally conscience about 10 years ago I switched to cloth kitchen towels and installed a bidet. I was left with several cases of paper products that were taking up space I wanted to reclaim. My solution? In place of taking wine or another gift when invited to a party I would place a roll of paper towels and two rolls of tp in a gift bag for my host. Sure it got some laughs but more often than not I was told those 2 items were actually a forgotten necessity. I'd wrap the rolls in festive paper (like in "Who Gives a Crap" style) and enjoy the fun.
Your list is spot on. I always keep a spare manual can opener in the back of my utensil drawer.
Love that so much - what a great idea for the paper products! 😊
I use paper towels for anything gross that can't go down the drain (fats and grease), wipe them up, wet so they can't spontaneously combust. And freeze w kitchen trash.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 Yes! Paper towels for grease, for when the cat barfs, for anything disgusting. Old washcloths and Swedish dishcloths for everything else. I save the trees as much as I can, but having paper towels around is a must for me.
Those gifts of paper products will become more precious as the prices of those items keep escalating.
Paper towels are only a buck at Dollar General.
I totally agree! Everybody wants to declutter as much as possible. Having a clean home is great, but where do people put all the "clutter"? Into the trash. At least parts of it. And create huge piles of trash. People should stop buying so much stuff in the first place!
Yes - I so agree - way too much consumption - hopefully people can find a balance. Thank you!
It's better to find donation points or give it away in a Buy Nothing group. There is almost always a thrift store around that will take many things and resell them. Hopefully the money then goes to a good cause!
Yes! I love the Buy Nothing groups! @@melissasites1044
Yup! They throw out good items only to rebuy them when they need them again.
I got rid of a quesadilla maker someone gave us. I actually love quesadillas but we never used it and it was huge. Don’t need it or miss it. But crockpots and roasting pans? Keep. I donated specialty cake pans to the local library so that ppl could borrow them. Don’t miss those. I don’t need an Elmo Cake pan yearly. But I kept all my regular cake pans. Etc.
This was probably my favorite of your videos that I've seen. Sometimes I gasp at the minimalist expectations, such as 1-2 dishes per family member. It made me wonder if anyone entertains anymore, and that makes me sad to think of the bonding that can't happen because of these "rules." Plus, I'm a klutz that regularly breaks things and needs backup XD
Thank you for this!
You are so welcome!!
Yes! Finally a decluttering video that makes sense. Of course hang on to the historical photographs and family heirlooms! You may not be interested in them, and perhaps even your children might not be, so find a niece, nephew, cousin, etc. who is interested. In my family the interest level skip to generation. I am grateful for a grandmother who held on to things until I came along and then passed them down to me.
Amen to the part about towels. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too many. I use my junk towels all the time for many different things. They are on a different shelf from the bath towels.
Thank you!!
I agree about not getting rid of extra sheets and towels, for the reasons you said, but more. My daughter once got a sudden flu, and I had to change her sheets 5 times in 12 hours. I was so happy I had the extra sheets rather than dealing with a sick child AND having to do laundry
This! Don’t go crazy! Listen to this! 👍👍👍
Thank you!! :)
I don’t declutter much. But I do a critical look at repurposing or just adjusting how it’s stored. Makes a big difference, and I’ve saved so much money over time doing just these two things
I totally agree, especially the sentimental things because if we threw them out we would have no heirlooms !
So true!! 😊
I agree with everything including the family heirlooms, but one little ring is a lot different than an entire set of china, or a bunch of figurines.
In that case I think if you don't want to keep storing and maintaining all that stuff--and no one else in your family wants to either--then choose your favorite piece that you can use and/or display and declutter the rest.
Lots of people save entire sets of stuff "to pass down to my kids", and when they leave this earth the kids just get rid of it, because it's not treasure to them; it's just boxes of clutter, and they simply don't want it.
One special piece would be a lot more likely to be treasured and kept by the generations to come.
I had littlest pet shop toys I didn’t play with and that was a lot of my childhood. I certainly regret giving them away because my future kids would’ve love playing with them! Oh well can’t change the past now.
This is a very sensible list, and it makes me feel a whole lot better about my (definitely *not* decluttered) home. One thing I might add about the unknown spare parts category: If it's an old part, I'd say it's even more imperative to keep it, since you might never be able to find a replacement for it should you need one.
So true! Thank you!
I like how realistic you are about life happening, company coming over, etc. Suggesting to declutter, without saying anything to anyone about their need to do the same, is spot on! Many more golden nuggets in your post. Thanks!
Thank you! 😊
Long before the pandemic I bought cases of toilet paper and paper towels. I was able to survive the pandemic and help out some family members.
Awesome! That was definitely a crazy time for paper products for everyone!
Thank you! This has been "permission giving" to keep things that are important to me, that others think I should clear out. You have re-framed the whole process to make it more do-able.
I am so glad to hear that! Decluttering is so personal and you have to do what works for you!
If others think you need to clean up, they might have a point.
Thank you thank you. This reinforces what I think too. I have so much that has been passed down to me that I haven’t wanted to part with. There is plenty of stuff I can donate or toss other than these things❤
You are so welcome! ❤
I think this is a great reminder that for each of us there are some things worth keeping, and it may be different for each of us. I have two sets of measuring cups and spoons, and scissors in every room. I was a little overzealous in my initial decluttering session a few years ago and there has been more than one time I've turned the house upside down looking for something I probably got rid of. Just because something is needed rarely doesn't mean it isn't needed! Thanks for being practical.
You are so welcome, thank you for sharing!
I have decluttered many things over the years & have not regretted letting go of anything. I decluttered to make it easy to manage my home. I define clutter as anything that consistently gets out of control. Simplifying my possessions has made my life so much easier & happier. We have to manage all the things in our home so if we can pare them down to what we actually need & use it frees up so much time to spend on the things that really matter.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you!! Thank you!! You are one of very few American you tubers talking about decluttering and minimalism in a SENSIBLE way and that THINKS outside the box/considers the environment.
Dawn "the Minimal Mum" drives me crazy because she only talks about throwing everything in landfill .. she always say "i care about the environment and how it affects our kids futures" ...BUT then says.." but right now, it is more important to me to just get rid of/bin my clutter" (which she has said in every video for over 5yrs!!!!)... SO she obviously does NOT care about the environment or how she leaves the world for her kids because she continues to promote binning everything. Also she always say "get rid of everything, only have 1 set per person".. eg no extra sheets, towels, kitchen stuff, but then she has keeps loads of kitchen extras in her basement and has a "guest house" and "office" and "tool shed" in one of her many out-houses..where she has "extras, guest stuff" etc... it is so two-faced and unfairly misleading to people listening to her advice (if they haven't been following her for years and managed to pieced together how she is ABLE to have NONE of the extra stuff in the MAIN part of her house."
Thank you for being truthful and thinking of the environment and considering that not everyone is...
1) a "stay home mum" that can do eg washing 24/7, and
2) doesn't not have the money to burn on using a tumble dryer, to put washing back on the bed the same day or
3) doesn't want to use it, because it is bad for the environment.
4) don't have basement to store extras
5) don't have out houses full of stuff/duplicates to accommodate guests, tools, etc
6) don't have big properties to have eg tool sheds etc
7) don't even possibly have a garage for "overflow"
8) live in countries where we legally have to recycle as much as possible
9) she only considers her lifestyle in her "numbers"..and doesn't consider that everyones "sweet number" is different depending on their lifestyle.
Eg my 2 sons and I have 2 handtowels and 2 bath towels each at home, but also 2 swimming/sauna towels (we do this all year) and my oldest also has 6 sport/sweat towels for his training 5+times a week. We all work/school outside the house, so I do washing on weekends.. where I live (Europe) you can't leave a washing machine on unattended due to insurance and can't wash nights, sundays, official holidays because it breeches the peace .
Etc... the list goes on!
All things never considered my many, especially American you tubers like Dawn.
I still glean the odd thing here and there from Dawn and like her videos, but I also bear all these things in mind.
I think to a degree that applies to most American decluttering&organising channels vs us in Europe. As you say, our homes weren't built with extra whole rooms for wardrobes, laundry, garages etc. so we will always have to find what works for us in our smaller properties.
We live in a small apartment with no garden (/shed), guest room, pantry or any of that, so it is a much bigger challenge for us, resulting in us needing MANY fewer items in our home before it feels cluttered... I'd challenge any of them - Dawn, Dana, Cas... - to do a tiny British apartment and make it look as good as theirs! I'm already resorting to double-duty furniture like in a "Tiny House" (van/boat etc.) We shouldn't hold ourselves to these unrealistic American standards in Europe.
@@HannahRainbow88 Hi Hannah. I totally agree. Dawn has some good stuff.. but because living more minimally is a new (since the "life changing habits" by KonMari) concept for Americans, whos culture revolves around excess consumerism, they seem to obsess about having/needing rules to obtain a more simple, minimal home.. but they use "arbitrary" numbers that suited someone else, without thinking about the why and if it actually fits into ones own lifestyle? But as a scientist and researcher I am very systematic and logical, so maybe that is why these things drive me nuts.
I am British, have always been relatively minimal due to living out of a backpack and few boxes for 8+yrs as a student (at 3 Unis, in 9 flats) and I didn't start to accumulate real furniture and possessions until I settled, married and had present living in Germany. I bought a house with no garage, no basement, small attic and tiny garden bike shed so as not to over accumulate (or allow my now ex partner to).. but l still feel I have to much. But I find with kids it is tough to stay minimal.
I love that you are not American and take a more logical open sensible approach considering how peoples different lives and lifestyle will affect their needs to acquire a more minimal lifestyle. I watched a video by one you tubers 3+yrs ago that used a more scientific approach to explain eg how to calculate your personal number of clothes, towels, bedding requirements.. it was amazing!.. I have never seen anyone else address all the variables that need to be added into the equation to obtain your personal perfect number since her video.
Keep going! I hope your channel takes off and gains many more followers...there aren't many European you tubers that have your style of channel. I love watching YT videos for motivation mainly, so I stay on track with my life values because I struggle with depression and burnout...and I LOVE your videos!
I really believe that decluttering is so personal and that it needs to work for your lifestyle. I am also very conscious about waste. I think a lot of advice out there is about how to declutter but not enough about mindful consumption and waste reduction and it all needs to work together. Thank you for your comment!
It's true - in the U.S. homes are much larger and people have much more storage. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much!!
Thank you for being a voice of reason!
Thank you!!
After throwing out a thin 3" plastic circle that turned out to be part of a flashlight, we now have a "What is it?" container. I go through it periodically and throw things out that goes to something that's long gone.
Great idea!
Great video! I agree with everything you said. I lost my husband over 3 years ago, and have been trying to declutter some of the things that we collected in 30 years together, but I too realize that there are some things that you shouldn't get rid of. These people that tell you that you don't need more than one of something drive me crazy. I like back-up. I just subscribed to your channel. Thank you. Also, I agree that you should never just get rid of someone elses stuff. Always ask first. How would it feel to have someone just get rid of things you valued.
Thank you so much - and I am so happy you are here!!
Whew! Thank you for giving us permission to be a little kinder to ourselves and keep some of these things. What a relief!! ❤️🌹
You're so welcome!
Such a great video
-I used up all my cosmetics or gave them away to family after disinfecting them
-You can give hygiene stuff to homeless yourself ( shelters won’t accept them if it’s open ..but a shampoo bottle has not really been contaminated)
- I have decluttered 7 years ago and over the years I am more honest with myself and have delcluttered even more as I know myself now .
- Extras can be contained or limited. …we have a box with old towels …. Anything more gets donated
Awesome, thank you for sharing!
Oh geesh, old towels are really important to keep. We have a dog and we have a bunch of old towels designated as "dog towels" that we can use for"whatever." They come in super-handy. I also know that animal shelters love to get donations of old towels. It's so easy to put them in the washer/dryer or hang them outside to dry. 👍
Yup, I have a stash of old towels now - super handy for dogs, floods, large messes :)
I find it helpful to keep any household items that I'm not currently using, but don't want to re-buy later, in an out-of-the-way storage spot like the basement or a designated closet. Im talking about items like extra towels and sheets, unused candles, blank notebooks, or anything that came in a bulk pack such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, packing tape, etc.) Those things will either wear out from frequent use or literally get used up, so you will need your extras eventually. Having too many duplicate items in your immediate living space can feel cluttered, but getting rid of them entirely just means you have to buy more later.
I so agree - thank you for sharing!
I had some old quilts that local donations places won't accept due to age stains. I happened to be donating to a little church & showed the pastor. He was glad to take them for homeless people for either wrapping themselves or even ground cover for a small tent. Stains dont matter when you're cold & living rough.
Thank you for sharing!
Great video with realistic decluttering advise. Here's another random use for an extra wooden spoon. Our cat kept opening the cabinet under the bathroom sink, we put a spare wooden spoon through the handles to make our own "cat lock". No hardware installation required. Extras can be useful and are not always clutter.
Love that! I remember doing something similar when my kids were crawling! :)
Thank you so much… I will feel better about decluttering… every time I try to declutter I would get depressed about getting rid of some things that were past down … so I would stop decluttering all together… now I can keep some things and repurpose others
Thank you! I think decluttering is so helpful but it's also so personal. It's a balance for sure.
Love 'Space bags' for extra comforters, pillows, blankets, and clothing. If possible, store these under the bed(s) or on top shelves. I was pleased to find that these bags have improved over the years and really do stay sealed. (Clean items first so you know they are fresh and ready to use when you need them.)
During the recent period when most of us were at home, lots of people were decluttering. Like many people, I wasn't sure when I would be able to go out shopping again, so I "shopped" my closet. For example, I found a stack of blue jeans that were in great condition, but I didn't have room for elsewhere. I tried them on a pair at a time, and if they fit (most did), I would toss a pair that was in worse condition and put the "newer" jeans in my regular rotation. That worked to declutter my jeans without having to go shopping.
Love that, thank you for sharing!
Great video!! Paper notes, letters, cards, photos and jewelry do not take up much room and therefore, why get rid of them if keeping them makes you happy!
I love your idea of moving larger kitchen items which are only used a few times a year, to a different location instead of getting rid of them. I keep my turkey roaster,
with the lid underneath it, on my washing machine with items like Bounty, cloth wipes and Lysol spray etc. in it. I just pull it out when I need it a few times a year!! 😄
Thank you!!